HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-10-13, Page 11V Deanne Dickson, volunteer co-ordinator for the Town and Country Homemakers, is seen giving Jo •Berry and the Reverend Alun Thomas the fund-raising brochures for Goderich and Bayfield. This first major fund-raising campaign, which continues this week with door-to-door canvassing, is off to a good start with $9,749 donated to date. Director makes decisionon business that goes to board The director of education fur the Huron •County. Board of Education has been given the authority to decide whether items of board business go to i•onunit- tec or the whole board first. At its Oct. 4 meeting, the board rescinded a previous motion which had all board business brought directly to. the .board first. Recently the board made the change tram having all board business referred to• conunittee first to having it referred to the board. "This provides the opportunity for most trustees to have as much input as possible," said director .of education John. Cochrane of the most recent.decision. Trustee Joan Van Den Broeck disagreed, I am disappointed with the recommendation. I'll . be the first to concede it is the most efficient way, but at a purchase price of being fully informed," corn- rnented Mrs. Van Den Broeck, She suggested the committee system be abolished • and that more board meetings be held. • "We're not such a large board and we'll have a bet- ter public image," said Mrs, Van Den Broeck. When asked'to clarify her statements by board chairman Dorothy Wallace, Mrs, Van Den Broeck stated a perfect example had been brought forward earlier in the meeting. She was referring to a report on term appointments reviewed by the personnel committee. The committee concluded (he concept of ertn appointments not be investigated further. Mrs. Van Den Broeck requested the whole matter be tabl- ed and copies of the report be presented to the entire • board for perusal and discussion at the November meeting. "Board members as a whole are not aware of what's in the report," said Mrs. Van Den Broeck. Trustee Bert Morin countered that if the committee system was abolished, the board would be meeting "at le list five tunes a month". • "That in itself would entail'costs, such as mileage," noted Mr. Morin. "The board has to trust the cornmit- tee system. 1 think it is working." He added that trustees not on a particular conunit- tee are not denied information. "When .the county board was established it runt twice a•month ,,, why can't we return. Surely the workload would not be moire horrendous," com- • mented Mrs. Van 1)en Broeck. • She added that generally committee meetings don't last long and any business requiring additional input could be referred to an ad hoc committee. • '1 don't think the public like it !committee system l and 1 don't like it either," said Mrs. Van Den Broeck. Trustee Jean Adams said she likes the committee system, but was concerned about board business be- ing routed through the director. She said it is nothing personal against the director. `' Mr. Cochrane said board business would be brought to the board directly or through a corrunittee, Trustee John Jewitt also spoke in favor of the com- mittee system. He noted' that some board members -don't, make a lot of noise at a whole board meeting" but contribute at the conunittee level. "Anyway, the committee doesn'.t make the deci- sion, the whole board does and we have to sell the whole board," said Mr. Jewitt. Mrs. Wallace noted some of Mrs. Van Den Broeck's concern may have arisen because presentations made by the staff to the education committee are not heard by the.whole board.' Trustees Clarence- McDonald and Murray Mulvey said they had.both been on the board when there were two meetings a month and the concept didn't work. Mr. McDonald said two meetings a month is fine, but trustees found themselves sitting on three of four ad -hon committees at the same time. Mr: Mulvey said two meetings a month is more work for the superintendents. Dr. John Goddard asked if he could speak at a con-. mittee ,tneeting of which he was not a member. He was told he could not vote, but yes, he could speak. "I can't see- a problem, if ,an individual board member has a concern, they can go to a meeting and express that concern,' said Dr. Goddard. "Madame chairman, I am not concerned about that, but, that we as trustees are better, informed. It's the best way," said Mrs. Van Den Broeck. Trustee John Elliott said trustees do- have the op- portunity to attend any cor�unittee meeting except for the negotiating committee meetings, "You'receive a notiee of every meeting," stated Mr. Elliott. "'Trustees don't all take advantage of. that," noted - Mrs. Van Den Broeck. • "You can only speak for yourself," countered Mr. Elliott. • Mrs. Van Derl Broeck acknowledged that •the pre- sent system is' 'extremely efficient" but the best in- terests of the public should be considered. . "I'm not saying I'm right, but I feel strongly about it„” concluded Mrs. Van Den Broeck. TGAGES * Completely Open * Competitive Rates * Weekly Payment Plan for our Renewal Mortgages (Reduces Life- time of Mortgage in half) 1 LOANS Complimentary Gift For All New Business! tM *:Completely Open for prepayment * Life Insured • Simple Interest New or Used Auto, Home Repairs, Holidays, etc.... People Helping People GODEIUCH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION N 39 ST DAVID ST. GODERICH PHONE 524.8366 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1982—PAGE 11 Couple will reside in Mississauga Large arrangements of pink gladioli decorated Knox Presbyterian Church in Goderich on August 28 at 4 p.m. for the wedding ceremony of Janette Ruth Jerry of Mississauga and Douglas Bruce Soper of Oak- ville. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Jerry of Goderich and the groom is the son off Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Soper of Oakville. The Reverend G.L. Royal officiated at the double -ring ceremony. Avi»e Foster was soloist. The bide was given in marriage by lier father. She wore a full-length taffeta gown with a bodice of • em- broidered seed pearls and lace. She carried a long cascade bouquet of white gardenias, roses, ivy and baby's breath. Maid of honor was Linda Bramhill of Toronto, friend of the bride and groom. She wore a' full-length rose colored satin gown and a halo of baby's breath and stephanotis in her hair. She carried a nosegay of pink orchids, white carnations, pink forget-me-nots, stephanotis and baby's breath with long ribbon streamers. Bridesmaids were Dot Anderson of Montreal, friend of the bride and groom and Ella Soper of Oakville, daughter of the groom. They were gowned the same as the maid of honor and carried the same nosegays. Groomsman was Brian Anderson of Montreal, friend of the bride and groom. Guests were ushered into the church by Grant Soper of Georgetown, brother of the groom and James Jerry of Goderich, brother of the bride. Hingbearer was Fraser Soper of Oakville, son of the groom. Following the wedding ceremony, a reception was held at the Candlelight Restaurant, Goderich. The bride's mother greeted guests wearing a melon colored cocktail - length gown with a matching corsage of baby roses and gardenias. The ' groom's mother assisted wearing a turquoise shade gown with a matching corsage of baby roses and gardenias. Fqr her honeymoon, the bride changed to an off-white and navy silk tunic and skirt. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bruce Soper are residing at 1764 Rathburn Road, Mississauga. Prior to her wedding, the bride was feted at showers given by Susan Jerry, Agnes Cutt and the Radiology Department of the Hospital For Sick Children, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bruce Soper s/ SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH Open 7 days a week and evenings These Boots,Are Made for Walking with Style & Comfort at 'Low Prices .Now Available from - "Don's ShOe Place" movie Inouk E" Sportboot.In genuine full grain leather. Rad lining with foam Interlining for warmth and comfort. Easy•tle lipped lacing. Long•weoring, man•modo out. sole. Width: Medium. Color:SS(Tan). Mens' 43•99. Boys'/Girls' 3.8.99 60 Main St. Seaforth Well IwIp1you. with,your claim. Peter S. MacEwan Insurance 38 St. David St. 524-9531 GENERAL INSURANCE BROKERS One Of Society's Most Important Tasks Is The EDUCAT1ON OF OUR CHILDREN Are you interested in becoming o school board trustee? A CANDIDATE MUST •beat least 18 years of age •be a Canadian citizen •be a resident of the area '•have the signatures of 10 electors from the area on a nomination form to be delivered to the Municipal clerk. ARE YOU AWARE OF TODAY'S EDUCATIONAL ISSUES? DO YOU CARIE ABOUT CHILDREN? If fou Are Interested In Improving Education Act Novi+- NOMINATIONS CLOSE MONDAY, OC- TOBER 18 '82. This Advertisement Sponsored By HURON WOMEN TEACHERS ASSOCIATION ONTARIO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS FEDERATION Don's. Shoe Place "Because You're Worth it" Suncoost Mall Goderich Only more shopping weeks till Christmas! (c: Yes Christmas is only o short time away If voo r' .'.onderinq what •t-o-btryfarvf+those- sisters brothers cousin -s ,aurttc_ tint Ie'saftthe • people you -re giving_ gifts. to keep your.eye-tri upcoming issues .of the Goderich Signal -Star. We II hove lots of (lift suq'gestions and ideos to rnake this.C-hristmos.bli.ying season o little cower 'for you, th>t' Goderich SIGNAL -STAR Your guide to Chi -ism -is - t crivin`r.