HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-10-06, Page 13SYSIFIED ANT ADS 38. Auction sale 38. Auction sale LARGE AUCTION SALE Antiques, furniture, appliances, etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn Clinton. Ont. for Norma Street of Clinton and Estate of Leslie Elliott of Bayfield SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 at 10 A.M. Antique flat to wall cupboard with eight pane glass doors. lam type cupboard, fancy antique hall seat with mirror. open face washstand,. trunk, blanket boxes, antique dressers. two pressback• rocking chairs. oak desk, buffet, six matching dining chairs. several fancy small tables and plant stands. some floor rugs, curved front cherry bedroom suite with mattress, and box spring. modern two piece bedroom suite with mattress, odd bed with mat- tress, old wooden beds, large antique bonnet chest of drawers, 30" electric stove, two good fridges, wringer washer, chrome table and four chairs, good chesterfield and chair. small modern buffet, chlllo cabinet, hall trees, odd chests of drawers, six mat- ching, dining chairs. cedar chest, ten Inch portable TV, chicken coop choir.' upholstered chair and foot stool, several crocks. oil lamps. hand tools, pictures, small lamp, small appliances, dishes and glassware, Including antique pieces, Lawn -Boy lawn mower plus a very large offering of misc. Items too numerous to mention. Don't miss this sale. TERMS CASH Richard Lobb - Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 Auctioneer not responsible -for accidents day of sole. eqadmieir e+y docdei PROPERTY AUCTION ue leN Under Instructions from The Township of Tucker - smith. Rathwell & Associates,, will offer for sole by Public Auction on October 12, 1982 et 1:00 p.m. at the property location, the following: Property known as. Runic! Enterprises, R.R. No. 5 Clinton, Lot 10, Plon 23, Vanastro Park, In the Town- ship of Tuckersmith, County of Huron, .964 acres, more or less Including 9,000 sq. ft. building. TERMS: **'1,000.00 (One Thousand Dollars) deposit required by Certified cheque. payable to Rathwell & Associates men day of solo. **Closing is 30 days, For further information, please contact: eladmile, r ,1.socia,/e3 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST • SEAFORTH. ONTARIO WOK 1WO (519) 527-1450 LARGE CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONSALE- Over 80 Tractors & 150 Pieces of Equipment at Brindley Sales Yard, Dungannon, Ont. Saturday, October 16th at 10:00 A.M. For more information call BRINDLEY AUCTION 519-529-7625 or 519-529-7970 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT SALE PUBLIC AUCTION OF USED CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTOR, MOWERS; POWER BROOMS, PLOW EQUIPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO BE HELD AT 10:00 A.M. THURSDAY,' OCTOBER 14th, 1982 AT THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION a. COMMUNICATIONS YARD 1450 -7TH AVENUE EAST, OWEN SOUND 3 • 1976 to 1971. Automobiles, 6 L E cyl., auto., most/w /B, P/S (Dodges, Plymouths, Ford) 1 - 1476 Station. Wagon, 6 cyl., auto., P/B, P/S'(AMC Concord) 7 • 1971 to 1971. '/, Ton Express. 6 & 1 cyl., auto., most/w P/B (Dodges L Chews) one accident damaged 1 • 1973, 3 pass. Van, s cyl. auto., (Chew) 1 - 1976, % Ton Express, c/w Cop, 6 cyl. P/1E (Dodge) 2 • 1971, '/. Ton Express, 3 pass. cab. 1 cyl. auto., ono/w P/® (Dodges) 2 - 1979, 1'h Ton Dump Stake, 5 pass. cab, 3 cyl. P/B (Dodges) ono non-operative 1 - 1973, 3 Ton Stake, Dump, 5 cyl. ' cloth. (International) 1. 1970 L 1. 1972, 3 Ton, w/dump bee, I, cyl., auto.. olr brakes, P/S (Ford 16 International) 1 - 1960 L 1 . 1961,E ton fixed body, w/fur hyd., air brakes, P/S, 6 cyf. diesel (Oshkosh 15 FWD); .. . -. •- 1 - 1967, Tractor, John Deere 74W11 2 - 1967, Mowers, 3 ft. Sickle Bar Type (Dearborn.) 2 . 1969, Power Brooms, Jenkins BHP 6 (one non -Operative) 2 - Grader Wings, 13 L 19 hole blades (Adorns! Dominion Road) 1 - Reversible Plow, 95 hole blade (Frink) 2 - Utility Bosos for 2 Ton Truck 2 - Stake Dump Bosos for 2'4on Truck (one c/w cyl. a pump) 1 . Dump Box for 5 Ton Truck (Frink) less controls 1 . tloctrIc Motor, 550 V. sealed 1 . Sickle Bar Grinder 1 . Drill Vise 1 - Work Bench c/w Vise (home- made) 1 - Storage .Tank, 200 Gal. 3 - Fuel Dispensing Pumps 2 • 1977 Chain Saws (Pioneer) non. operative 1 • Water Pump, Monarch c/w B L 5 Engine (requires repairs) ` 1 - 1930, Electric Mal Saw, 14evy Duty 1 - 1969 Scope, King 1 - 1962 Thor Breaker .3 Pcs. Timber Piling, 17, 21, 1 37 foot . 7 - Adding Machines (Victor, 011metfl, Texas Inetri., Citizen) all require repairs 1 - Kcrdex File Cabinet 1 - Steel Cabinet, 30" x 36" x 72" 3 - Offlre Desks, wooden 1 - Floor.Pollsher, (Husky) -Divider Panels with doors . Items may be Inspected of Ma above location from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on October 12, 13 and October 14, 19E2 until time of sole. Further Information may be obtained from: J.A. Smllay, Dist. Supply Supervisor Phone: Olt) 076.7330. TERMS AND. CONDITIONS: Each Item will be sold on an "As 1s — Where Is" basis. Vehicles will be sold without a SAFETY STANDARDS CERTIFICATE and without licence plates. A etepotit Oi `1d0.00 or full payment In the amount at the bed, whichever is less, must ba paid on each Item fat the firms of sale. Payment must be com- pleted and Hems removed within five (3) working days. Failure to comply will result In forfeiture of deposit. All payments must be cash. certified cheque. money order, or bank draft made payables 90 the "Treasurer of Ontario". Vehicles con only be removed with (a) a Dealer's' licence plate: (b) another Province's licence plate, or (c) proper towing or car transporter. All other terms and conditions as ...fades place of sale. Ministry of Transportation and Gomr unications 44 Engagements PAGE-ARSENEALI Mr. and Mrs. John Page ore pleased to announce the for- thcoming marriage of their son, John Page to Christine Arseneau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arseneau of Toron- to. The wedding will take place on Friday, June 10th, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. in St. Joseph Church, Toronto. Reception to follow at Essence Place. -40 46. In memoriam COLLINSON In loving memory of a dear father, George Alvin Collinson, who passed away two years ago, October 6, 1980. A wonderful father laid to`rest, For each of us he did his best, His place on earth no one can fill, We love you Dad, and always will. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed, Jayne and Terry.-40nx FISHER In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Luella Fisher, who passed away December 1980. God took you home, it was His will, But in our hearts we love you still, Your memory" is as door friday, As in the hpur you passed away. We often sit and think of you, , When we are alt alone, For memory is the only friend, That grief can call its own. —Deeply missed and forever loved by Auleen, Terry; Natalie and Danielle. -40x 47. Card of thanks DOHERTY I would like to thank everyone for the visits, cards and gifts while I was in hospital. Thanks also to Dr. Thomson, Dr. Walker and nursing staff on first floor.—Peter,-40 • FISHER We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all our' relatives, friends and neighbors for best wishes, cards and gifts we received and helping us celebrate our 25th wedding an, niversory. Special thanks to Ir- ma Mason, Phyllis Allin, Modeline Bean, Shorlene and Stacey Bean, Marlene Little and our family Sandy and -Ed for all their work making our anniiverm sary a cherished memory. Thank you to Bill and Evelyn Treble.—Bernard- and Bernice. -40x McILWAIN A sincere thank you' to everyone who hod a part in making our 40th wedding an- niversary such -a happy and memorable occasion.: Thanks for all the lovely cords, gifts and good wishes. It made us very happy and we will always have pleasant memories • of it'.—Everett and Hazel. Mcllwain.-40x NOLAN I would like to sincerely thank the ladies whogave me the shower on Tuesday night for their lovely gifts • and warm welcome. It was very much op.preciated.—Marion Nolan. -40x REDER We would like to give a special, `thanks to our friends -and neighbors and especially our family for cards, gifts and mak- ,ing our 40th Anniversary celebration a very special occa- sion. Thanks again.—Joke and Elsie Reder.-40 ROBB I would like to thank Dr.. J. Rourke, Dr. Lambert, Dr. Neal and nursing staff on 2nd floor east, A.M.&G.° Hospital for .their care. Also thanks to Dr'. Wyatt, Dr. Mclsaac, Dr. Chin and staff of 3rd floor east, the ambulance attendants of Victoria Hospital. Special thank you to relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, flowers, letters, visits, prayers and other kind acts during my recent hospitalization. These will " always be remembered.—Sincerely, Della Robb. ---40x , ROBINSON The family of the late Viola Robinson wish to extend our sincere thanks to the nurses and staff of Seaforth Hospiirel for the excellent care to our dear Mother during her illness. Special thanks to Dr. Rodney, Di. . Wong, Huron County Homemakers, our relatives, friends and neighbors for cords, f lgwer,s,,an..d ,dgnat ions,„.glso.for...._ the lovely 'food which was presented to us in our homes. A special thanks to the women of the Brucefield United Church for -. the lovely lunch and to Beatty Funeral Home for their kind assistance in funeral ar- rangements. • Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered.—The Robinson Family. -40 SPROUL I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank Doctors Conway, Cauchi, Crleeson, Flowers, Thomson, also Mrs. Phyllis Scott, nurses in emergency, am- bulance driver and nurses on second floor east Alexandra Hospital. Thanks also for cards treats and visits while in. hospital .—May Sproul. -40x 47. Card of thanks CRAWFORD The family of the tate James Bertram Crawford wish to ex- press their sincere thanks to their many friends, relatives and neighbors fof_. the gifts of food, floral tributes, cards, ex- pressions of sympathy and donations. to the Lung Associa- tion. We wish to thank Dr. Couchi, Dr. Rourke and the staff on 1st floor as well as the nurses of the Huron County Health Urait for their attention and core. We thunk Rev. Robert Ball for his message, the honorary pallbearers and pallbearers, the McCallum Funeral Home and the Ladies of North St.. U.C.W. - your kind- ness and caring will always be remembered.—Stella, Charlotte Sheardown, Margaret Oke, Leonard, Ernest and Clif- ford Crawford. -40x DYKSTRA We would like to thank all our relatives and friends for all their gifts, flowers and visits while I was in hospital and since returning home. A special thank -you to Grandma and Grandpa Dykstra for • taking such good care of Lisa and Lori. Thanks also to Dr. Hollingworth and Dr. Lambert and nurses on second floor.—Elsie and Karen. --40 ORGAN FOR SALE — KORG CX 3, c/w volume pedal and special effects switch. Professionally used.and- maintained for a pro- fessional. Phone 524-7725 after 5 p.m. -40,41,' CLINTON BOXED MEATS As of October 18. we'll be at our new location . North'of Clinton on Hwy. No. 4 SEE OUR AD IN THIS WEEK'S FOCUS NEWSMAGAZINE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS Weld rather sell it than move it! 10 %STOREWIDE DISCOUNT October 12 to 16 at 17 ALBERT ST. CLINTON Stirling to run for warden By Stephanie Levesque Goderich Township Reeve, Grant Stirling announced his candidacy for the position of Huron County warden at the September 30 session of County council. Realizing it is an election year, Reeve Stirling asked for the support of those who will be back- after the November 8 election. The 1983 warden will be elected and sworn in at a meeting on Deceinber 14 at 3 p.m. at the GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1962—PAGE 13 T®w & Country REAL ESTATE county court house in Goderich. Reeve Stirling sought the warden's position this past year, but was defeated by the current warden, Reeve Harold Robinson of Howick Township. Race Against MS was a success Dear Editor: On behalf of the Huron County Unit of the Multiple Sclerosis Society, I would like to thank Dan Donnelly, Fire week stresses safety at home and work Ken Crawford and his staff at the Goderich Racetrack and the Canadian Trotters' Association for all their sup- port and assistance during the Race Against M.S. which • Fire can strike quickly and destroy a lifetime of work, ambitions and goals. Don't let it happen to you. The week from October 3 to 9 is Fire Prevention Week and it should at least serve to make people more aware that proper safety procedures can reduce the possibility of fire in the home and work place. Take the proper steps to .limit the chance of an accidental fire at home by carefully reading the labels. of can to determine the safest ,way to store materials. On Saturday, October 9 the Goderich Fire Department will be at the Suncaost Mall to answer your questions about safety and members will also .offer -. demonstrations _.on,the..use and -storage -of fire extinguishers and extrication. There will also be displays of general interest. Be sure and be safe. . NELSON ST. BEAUTY Original charm, solid built, natural woodwork, gracious home; mature frees, convenient location. Priced In40's. • -ITA ALLEN - 52`:8480 ICJ. HUGHES REALTY LTD. 30 Kingston St. Goderich was held at the Goderich racetrack. The race was a great suc- cess and all the funds raised will be utilized locally. The Huron .county Unit would also likto thank the public for their continuing support. Yours sincerely, Christa Fraser, Secretary. Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone): 482-9371. Rosidonce: 523-9338 15 ACRES - wooded - near Auburn - large brick home - combination furnace - 2 small barns. 69 ACRES • - °No. 8 Highway - farrowing barn - raised ranch home - several ponds. 2 MILES FROM CLINTON - 100 acres - 97 workable -- no buildings. 1 FLOOR BRICK BUNGALOW - Blyth - finished basement - electric heat - carport. NEAR •BRUCEFIELD - 6 ,acres - good . frame home - drive shed and barn 10 ACRES'- near Kinburn good brick home - small steel barn. HWY. NO. 4'- 742 acres - neat., bungalow - attached garage - • finished basement - insulated barn suitable for hogs or poultry.' 46 ACRES highway farm - near Varna - 23 workable - hardwood bush large' double home - large 1 litable for hogs or poultry . • arge drive shed.with workshop.• • HOLMESVILLE - 13 acre hobby farm -1 floor bungalow - paved drive - small insulated barn. LARGE SELECTION OF FARMS AND LAND MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LTD. 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524-2966 524-2966 CALL US—TO WELCOME YOU HOME 162 WELLINGTON ST., S. Asking '34,500.00. Home plus bachelor apar- tment. 43 ST. PATRICK ST. 3 bedroom. Fine family brick, near Square. $3,000 GRANT. HOMES FOR IST TIME PURCHASERS 93 ST. DAVID ST. Askfi`g '29,800.00. 2 bedrooms, new gas heat, good lot. 154 PICTON ST.. E. 4 bedroom. New siding and insulation. va 93 PICTON ST., E. Asking '43,000.00. 3 bedroom brick. Natural woodwork. 60 MONTREAL ST. 3 bedrooms plus den. New roof/Insulated. 212 BAYFIELD RD. 2 bedrooms. Im- maculate 1% storey. Nicely lan- dscaped 14.6, . _, 4, Maurice Gardiner Pete Bottgor Bruce Ryan Steve Gardiner Ken Thompson Jim Thompson 524-6031° 524-2865 524-7762 524-9985 524.1514 527-0672 134 KEAYS ST. 3 bedrooms. Main floor family room, _ loommammommen 119 BRUCE ST., E. Asking '41,700.00. Beautifully renovated. 182 ELGIN AVE., W. Ideal starter. Gas heat. MEMBER OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM, WHEN BUYING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE M.L.S. IS YOUR BEST BET. W.J. HUGHES. REALTY LIMITED 30 Kingston St. GOdaeldh 524-7373 - 52441,00 MID 20'5 BUNGALOW Eat In kitchen, good condition, large let, choke locution. Try your offer for a great buy. Owner anxious, Call Rita Allen 324.6466. STATELY TWO STOREY On well maintained large lot, well proportioned brlds close to all amenities. Spacious bright rooms, impound pool, detached two car garage, tarmac drive, C-161. Coll Ebb Ross 524-0764, DUPLEX -11% 'TIL '84 Brick 2 i 3 bedrooms, electric hoot, convenient location, fully rented. insulated. Try your offer, Call Norma Taylor 462-9621. REDUCED Stately 2 storey red brick, central location, 2 wood bur- ning fireplaces, well landscaped lot. BRICK 2 STOREY - 4 ACRES Goderich Twp., Ideal family home, modern kitchen i both, spacious rooms, priced to sell. For the family wanting room to roam. Open for offers. Call Rita Allen 524-6460. BEAUTY SALON Long established, central location, modern equipment. Excellent terms. A real opportunity to acquire your own business. Call Ebb Ross 524.6764. J-106 COTTAGES Still time to onlay orlook for your cottage or lot NOW, all price ranges, Lakefront a, Lakeview. Call Norma Taylor 462-0921. Rita Allen Ebb Ross Barb Shewfelt 524-0480 324-0706 524-9581 Norma Taylor 462-9621 Don McCauley 524-4226 • Conluv `T-- i -f ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 524-6656 •' ?'•3:gtrt0] SELLING YOUR HOUSE IS NUMBER ONE WITH US When you're ready to put that "FOR SALE” sign In your yard, make sure its the CENTURY 21 sign. Take advan- tage of our professionalism - CALL ONE OF THE NEIGH- BOURHOOD PROFESSIONALS TODAY. THE OFFICE_524-6656 LES WILLEMS_524-8451 - GARY RUPERT,,524-8777 Sat. 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. 202 Bayfield Road, Asking only '32,500.00 HOUSES UNDER 3000000 144 GIBBONS STREET 2 bedroom bungalow, large. lot 62'- x 135'. Close to schools. '27,000.00. AUBURN Large Family Home - Great buy at '22,000.00. 289 CAMBRIDGE STREET 3 Bedroom Semi. Full basement Targe lot 40' x 132' - only '27,900.00. BLUEWATER BEACH 2 bedroom winterized cottage -'28,000.00. HURON HAVEN Good selection of Quality Mobile Homes. 31 CAMBRIA ROAD 4 bedroom - great starter -'27,500.00. QUALITY HOMES c 154 ELGIN AVE. 2 storey brick - swimming pool. Large lot 78' x 104. Extremely good financing available. COLBORNE TWP. Like new 3 bedroom home on 2 acres also with good financing available, '49,900,00. 317'KROHMER DRIVE 4 bedrooms, 2'4 baths, family room with fireplace - asking '69,000.00. 95 BRITANNIA ROAD E 4 bedroom brick bungalow. Family room fireplace, carport. Asking '59,000.00, NTED _- WE URGENTLY NEED QUALITY HOMES IN THE SOUTH OR WEST SIDES OF GODERICH - CALL TODAY. HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED AN EX- CITING REWARDING CAREER IN REAL ESTATE? Right now we need a few good salespeople who have the ambition and dedication to succeed. For your fresh start, call us today - 524-6656. CENTURY 21 - ALL POINTS REALTY INC, 53 Stanley St., Goderleh BY THE LEGION