Exeter Times, 1912-2-15, Page 1• KNOW ? That we sell RJ XA
REMEDIES MEDII S That wo guarantee there
That there is a remedy for each htlmau
ailment. That the majority of your
vhboae have used one or More of them.
`hat we want to tell XQTI` all .bent
Huron & Bilidatilsex Gazette
New Spring Goods
Ready for The Early Buyer
Every day ,we are unpacking New Spring Gcods and are ready to show a Big
Range of the new Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Prints, Ginghams, Chambrays,
Laces, Embroideries and Flouncings.
Dress - Goods
All the new shades of Blues, Tans,
Grays, Greens, Reds and Cream are
now here in the best Fabrics.
Flouncing Embroideries.
All the new Patterns now to show
you in 27 and 45 inch widths, Fancy or
Hemstitched Borders.
Fancy Plaids and Checks are very
`much in demand for. spring. We have
the Anderson Ginghams the best for
Color and Pattern.
Dress • Trimmings ,
Something new in Allover Laces
Camel Effects, Fringes and Braids.
Never Better Shown.
Laces and Embroideries
The biggest showing we have ever
had. Everything that is new and tasty
will be found here.
Prints and Chambrays
In Plain, 1 ight and Dark. They
were never better and are sure to please
For Early House Cleaning
New Wall Paper Carpets and Rugs
8,000 Rolls of New Wall Paper
just in. The best yet .5c per RQII
pp. Don't Fail to see them.
Men's Fur Coats
All our Mens Fur and Fur Lined
Coats are to be cleared out at once.
Come and get a Bargain.
You will want one or two pretty
soon. • Call and see what we have, you
arc sure to like them.
Suits and Overcoats
A. lot of New Spring Snits just in
at Lowest Prices. A few up-to-date
Overcoats to be cleared out at once.
Jones 86 May, Exeter
ook at These.
dnced Pries
I00 X, cell Batteries, reg. 30c, this week
Spring Skates " 50c
At At $I.00
Swellest Sleigh Bells " I.5o
Ai .c 1.90
cc cc 2 00
Shaft Gongs " 2.00
Dan Patch Washers " race
Dustless Ash Sifters " "2.5o
All Gloves and Mitts just half price.
Art Garland Heater with Oven, reg. $45.00--$4o.00
" Souvenir " no " " 42.00- 37.$0
Grand Jewell Oak " li5.00-•-1:3.0o
Also a number of second-hand Ranges on hand.
• 16o
Handford's Balsam of Myrrh at 1.2 Price !
pedal Prices on Ideal Fencin
6 wire, 39 inches high, all No. 9-23c rod
7 4n , --25c "
cc " _.-28C "
8 41
Hogs -25c''
At these prices this Fencing won't last very long.
order at once !
9 4, 30
Place your
The council. met pursuant to ad-
journment. the Reeve and all the
members present. Minutes of last
meeting were read approved and
signed, by the Reeve. Councillor
W. Davis took and subscribed the
statutory declaration of office and
qualification and 'took his seat.
,The reeve and clerk were'authoriz-
ed 'to sign and seal an agre'e'ment
with the Sit.Marys,•Kirkton andExe-
ter Telephone Co.
The Township auditors presen.bed
their report, which showed the total
receipts for the year including a bal-
ance on hand on January lst 1911 of
$1453.76 and '000 borrowed money
to be 21.617,84 and the total expendi tr
ure for the year amounting'to 20117.-
88 leaving a balance on band of $149i .
9,6, with the "liabilities of $,;i.73,67. On
motion. the Report was received and
adopted. and 100 copies ordered to be
printed, •-
The following accounts were order-
ed paid. Chas Chapman. binding
Rolls and Carriage 1.80; Thom, Cour
sey and Mitchel Blake auditors' 30.00;
Fres; Blake work on south Boundry
Div. 4 1.00; Joseph Gowan ditching
south boundry di.v 5. 300; R. T, Ray -
craft postsge and excha.nge 25; I3ell
Telephone message 15; Jas. Duncan
Bal, on gravel, 2.80; Thos. Hall.
open road div 1. 6.50; Geo. Howard
work on road div. 1 75;
The council adjourned to meet
a,gatn, nn Monday March 4th 1912 at
10. a,;
W. D. STANLEY clerk
It is now freely: adln,itted that the
Clinton Busincrsa College is. one of the
IlighrClass aed most popular Bus'i-
ne,ss School's of Ontario. Owing io
itl being a link in a chain of seven•
(Sigh -Grade Schools and being .affil'-
iated with the Commercial Ed'ucat-
ors' Association of Canada.. its grad-
rad-ua fes enjoy tit prestige which gives
them like Welt positions available,.
'Thousands of young people who ca'n-
not alt tend in person. Hearn whil'a.
they' earn through our Hom'e.-S(tudy
Department: Others etudy at home
for a time and then finish inn month
or two at the college. Any young
remain, who is desirous; of euceesu, in
life, shauld • write to Hee • :C'llinton\
I3ustnogJ' College. t.",lintom Ont., for
ttitirHon iiPa.
Subscribe for Tines'
Golden Wedding
On. 1Vlonday of this week Mr. and
Mrs. John ]?ynt, of Uisborne. celebrate,
ed the fiftieth, anniversary' of their
wedding., when their sans and ;daugl e
tees and a few in.tima,',e• Wanda and
neighbans a senlbl al at Lost 2, •Con,
cestsion. 6., Usborne. in honor of the,
event. A very 'sumptuous dinner was
'served by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pym
who with tahe formes'-:; parcn.'ts oc-
cupy 'the Jlatnestead, After all had
partaken of 'the •good 'things provided
they repaired to the parlor, when'
r e
Rev. Mr. ',Steadman, o]..lim
. vill , v n••:r
o111ed en 'the chair and a program
of epeeehes teed';sin•.gin;,, was carried
out. Speeches were delivered by
three !eons and 'three sons-in-law, al-
. 1 neigh -
', a life-long i
i Mr. Caul ifs.
.>Io thy
John Di ci.
and friend andMr.Joh t
bar fa is 3 .
All 'apokc in very hefittingterms con-
gratulating Ibe bridal ceu[ttc of
fifty years a,ge and wiuhina: forahem
many more 'anniversaries of the day.
Mr. and 'Mrs, Pym were prClsented
with an address by Mr. S. J. 'l'S'm
and a pair of easy chairs also nthee
presents imitable Ito the. occasion.
After the 'programme light, refresh-
ments were served and all repaired
to their hooray, Mr. ani Mrs:, Pyin,
the lalter's maiden name being Jan.:
Balkwill was born in Devonshire Eng-
land and •came to "this' country when
comparatively young. They were mar-
ried at Bowrnanville and 'thee groom
brought 'the bride to Usborne and
started bourse keeping on rhe farm
where they still reside. Their fam-
ily consistasi of four sons and three.
daughters. William of Blanchard; Co -
pleas of Usborne; Samuel of the home
stead and Albert in Saskatchewan.
who was absent for the event; also
Mrs- Frank Davis of Usborne; Mrs, J,
Dickinson of Blantshrard and Mrs. Jas;
Horne of Usborpe 'the, 'Times joins
with their many friends in wishing
Mr. and Mrs Pym continued health
and happinests: Following is the address
Dear Father and Mother -It is
with feelings of greatest pleasure,
Mali we gather here to: -day to cele-
brate• with you the fiftieth anniver-
sary of your wedding. In celebrating
this. your golden wedding you are
honored above very many. seeing your
family grown to manhood and wo-
manhood and your grandchildren
gathered around your feet. The
languaso of your heart looking back
over the years , that' are gone, must
be "Surely goodness and mercy have
followed us all the days of our lives"
'The 'temporal and spir'tual ble;ssiings
have not been a few and so we offer
to you again our love and heartiest
congratulations and hope and pray
that you may be. spared for many
year to come and 'so eve ask you to
accept as a slight token of our hove
and appreciation; these chairs. i:_
Signed en- beiralr of the family, Wm.
J. Ppm, and Mrs: F. Davis':
On Thurday evening last, the Hen -
all Junior hockey team came down
and played a friendly game with the
Exeter junior and the home team
watt 5 to 4. The visitors had the
Annual Meeting
Ort Winchelsea Creamery
Theo.nnual meeting of the patrons
of Winchelsea Orearaery was bold ill
Aberdeen Hall Hirl?:ton Thursday Feb
8th; with a fairly good attendance,
The annual report shoved the bursa
r-ess of the factory to be the best in
Its history, During the year there
were 1489.048,5 lbs of cream receivCI'
from which 411.770 lbs of butter were
manufactured and for which. $100,76.
78 were received. The average sell
Jing price of the butter was 21,47 stat
and Laverage hc averagepricercc paid patrons
was. 21.08, me largest •output for
one month was in Jane when .64,59'2
patinas of butter were manufactured
About seven years ago when the
sent e -
sent 1 Iiifor Mr, W. 0, Medd took
over the btasln4 , of the ossa .Lll,,lv the
output amounted 'to something over
ea;16.000 land since that 'time it has fn -
creased '.very year. 1910 was a rec-
ord year for increase of business
one year when it \vas thought that
the factory bad about reached its lien
it but 1911 showed an increase again
of over $x14,009 This is a record
that the maker and the Matrons,
might well he proud of•_ A.ddresses.
were delivered by Frank llerns,: chief
Dairy Inspector, of London who gavP
a very profitable address on 'the 'teat•-
ing of cream and variations in cream
test \with blackboard illustrations
and also Mr. McMillian of Taal, who
gave a short address oni dairying in
general ft was 3ecided oto; bold the
next annual meeting at Woodham.
Anothe Addition
As agent for the Edison Phone -
graphs, etc„ I ivish to etate that I
have this week added to my Phono-
graph Business, the products, of the
Victor Gramaphone Co.. and will keep
a good selection of records. needles,
etc. as well as• machines; on hand.
Step in and see the new hornless;
Victors-Vic'trola. I am always pleas-
ed to show. Our prices are the same
to all. Each customer gels a square
deal.. If you are thinking of buying
an instrument let us show' you. Rem-
ember Edison and Victor are 'known
everywhere. when buying be sure it
is either of 'thetse, E3ison's $19;50 up
Edison records 40c. up Victor horn-
less 20c. up Victor disc records '75c.
Remember the place PowelI's Bazaar
The Trothen sale on Monday Iast
was well attended. The house and
land sold for $1160; Mr. James God -
save being the purchaser.
The Official Board of the Methodist
.Church at its meeting on Friday last
gavo Rev. T. W. Diatchford a unam-
inoue invitation to, remain •a second
year. The invita tion twos- acca.pied.
subject to the stationing authority.
The vote of the Board cn 'Church
Union stood 11 for and'2•agdiret. 1
The W. M. S. Auxiliary met on
Tuesday. afte.rr,00n at the home of
Mrs Thos. Oliver. •
Miss Leila Welsh. of Hensen, is
(spending a few 'days at the parsonage
best of'the game most of the time ana Lecture a Success -The' Illustrated
it looked as 'though they' were to take lebture given by .R;ev. •• J. E. J. Mill -
the laurels back with them. At Half yard of Il:ensail under` the auspices of
the James 'street 'Epworth League.
an T tesday evening"last was a arand
5uccelss. 'there was 'a good attend•
ance and the address and views were!
very .interesting. Several iliustrate3
songs were sung. The proceeds'
amounted to $13.9'0.
Mr. and' Mrs. F. Delbridge leave
Friday for their' horse in the evert.
January -Bills we owe;
February-Showel snow.
March -You face the tempests blow;
time 4he score was three -one in Hen -
sail's favor.In the second 'half the
'playing was clotse and exciting. Hen.
'sell 'scored another goal making the
score 4-1. The Exeter boys • ,hot
time after time only to be •turnei
away by the good• work of the Hen -
gall 'goal -keeper. The tide changed
Elliott on a rush scored Exeter's
second• goal. the crowd warmed up;
E. Southcott scored the third and in
•quick succession. two more. Thus on
the last feces minutiae the game was,
wrenched• from the visitors, and the
April -showers will soak you so;
crowd leas loud in, their en.thusia;s,aa
May -Get out the garden hoe.
Shepheed, of (Screen, refeered the June -the grass you 11 have to meow;
genie.JulyeeDodge the sun a hot glow;
The second game of hockey durin; August -in hay, fever throe; •
thn week was played Monday night September-lelaves to rake you Ino\v•
between lhie I. O. O. F. and the October -grip will catch you she
and the former won by one goal,
score. 4 to 3. This was the second Decernbar-Christmas go.
game between !heed two teams, ars-' "- --
the town boys defeated, the Oddfel- isuitN
low e a week +ag>. There was a good McEWEN-In Stanley on Monday.
Feb'ru.ary 5th to Mr. and Mrs. John
H. McEwen a daughter.
ott'endanee and lots of Interest, At
half time the ,score was 2-1. Gar-
vey ,Acheson who was home from
London played with the town. R.
N. Creech referee 1 the game.
- Usborne a..ouncil
Council; met at ithf 'lownshi•p Hall
Feb, '3rd. Allthe members were
i The( minutes.. of !the January mee't,-
ing were read and approved.
'The A.0 titore' Report as presented
by 11. Strang. was adopted and'or-
dered to ba printed for distribution
•Statute Labor Div. No. 2, in the
first concession was divided, Lots,
Noses 1. 2 and 3, con. 1, to, form a
,Separate "clivision, to be known as
Ilivisien No. 1.
William Brock, collector, reported
a few, small items of taxes for 19 I.1
as uncollected and was authorized to
continue the collection of unpaid tax-
es witty" the powers provided by law
for the general levy and collection
ol+ taxes.
A few accounts ware pasval arse
orders issued in payment, Salaries
$0,4.00; Drainage fees $35.00, gener-
al $19.02
The matter of purchasing' a sten('
crusher was laid over until next•
meeting for the purposeof acttinr
more information.
41' hen. orltonrtie l to 'me -tat
Caunc t ,
March, 2nd at one o'clock.
F. M,0TlT.,I!lY. 'Cleric,
This" is the sea„ h,' year when
mothers fest v•x %.azide concerned
over the fr:'rluxni s eon root,,d by
their cbildreo, and ',are '•au.id:artt r va
so%i for it ct. cIv ry a•r 1 iv: ,,kns• thn
lungs. lowers ih' • ' y ; ;nd r' vex
the Way to 'lug rr '• r nn' rais,ases
that so: often 1"oll • Cr•.Yrbar'aiit'
Cough Rem dv •c f in o :t•s air's
and is pleasant- an,l 4afe to tale.
For ;sale by all drii:l•.,rs,
Methodist rersonagc Fullarton, by
Rev. Dr. Fothergill, Mr. Wn;. ]3.
Strah,an, of Usborne lo Mints Mary
A.. Wagborn of- Futlarton,
NEIL-MAGUIRE-Con. 11 eGill-
ivray Wednesday January'31st, Mr.
Irvin E. Neil late of Chauvin Alta,
to Miss Viney May daughter o2 Mr.
Andrew Maguire. 1
GREEN WOO D- BELL -At the res
dence of the bride's parents, Far
(Inbar, on Wednesday, Feb. 14th,
1912, Mr George 13 Greenwood, of
Mitchell, to Mies Vina Mae Bell.
SHAW -CAMPBELL -In Blanchard
on Tues'lay. Jan El0tht Miss Nancy
Campbell, daughter of ,Mrs. Octet.
Campbell to Capt Jas. Shaw, of
Lakeport Ontario The Rev. Mr,
Abery of Granton. assis'ed by Rev.
Coln irl:teber of Thames Road.
NAIt)IGL;R -- At L moon, Iiaspital ,on
Saturday Feby. 101'.h. Leonard O
den Nadi,ger, infant eon of aril,;
and Mrs, Wm. N*(til ;ger, of Dash.
worst oged 2 month' and 21 (lasts.
CAR'TEll--On t:a;iir,'.•r, Feb. 10th.
Arte Cartel. -a' o' Kra. Tots. Car-
ter, of Clinallheee. cig"d 12 years.
CAMM-in Exec, r, on Sunday, Feb.
11' h. Mary 13'+'1•'x• x' 1'e' of the late
John Comm. 'n .h•'', 86rh year.
C01' °L \NU -tri H. Marys Feb 5tb
1 '12 T?1'znbe:b \""ildn. relict of the
Late Sarno 1 Co .0 n :'g r2 94 Sears
4 lnr%t1I h. tin.' 1r)
Qhllc...r eil. let
('Witch E.41X01 and Alteond Or
lacly'e toilet• ?uecessit ' for rough skgn,
ped hands face or lips, pimples, IsrllPt:
and all irritations of the shin.
25e. a bottle
Cole's Drug Store
District News
Mr; and Mrs. John Dorman, of
Alain Craig celebrated the 50th a3anly-
ersary of 'their wedding' on Monday
evening Fab. 15th, -
Tho" Executors of 'tate esltate of 'the
late 0, IT; Wilson have' sold the farm
in Stephen Ito Mr ,Jerry Brophy of
fitdp a for the handsome price of
$ .
Lent is coming -:The Lenten naqson
commences one week -from yester-
day en Ash Wednesday Fah 21st,, and
concludes on easter Sunday. April T,th
accordingly during 'that 'time the
pleasures of life will he abstained
from by a large number of people.
Mrs. William Baynes of Granton„
who is visiting her brother, Mr. John
xon•e, of St.
1VIar met
unfortunate t
t t , accident i this morning.
While going out the back Boort of 'her
brothers house size slipped and fell,
breaking her .left arra between the
shonldsar, and elbow.
The two quarterly offipial Boards
of the Ontario Street and Weisley
Methodist churches Clinton. have vot-
ed on church' union, In the 'first
case the vote was 31 for and 3 against
and in the. other 16 for and 1 againea
Rev: J. I.', Ford pastor of Wesley
church has received an unaminous,
invitation to remain the third year
and has accepted subject to the action
of the stationing committee.
A record for making berry boxna
was established at 'the Forest factory.
last Saturday 'by Mies Ethel Wills
who completed 0000 boxes in nint+
hours. In the 1a: -it 35 reinutets Mies
Willis stitched 600 boxes. The arta
tempt was made to settle a money
wager that itt caul() not be ?lona. in
ten, hours, and we understand 'that
the "proceeds were rightly turned
over to the young lady -sorest Stan-
$r,o4, per year In arlvancts
As d result of injuries teeeill's'd:
whale' at work in the Grand Trttrt
yards an Satarctay afternoon.: Mr„ %
Flynn, a .cotton ,bend, diedat tato
Kincardine General Hospital, reg;.,
hours after his removal, tat that ineaa
itution. He was foh:d lying bealf(~d
the }track about 2Ot yearda "trona ttt14
depot by Mr. S. Sleamau, t'bo W $ aa!~,
treated by his greaus,. ae wars cork=
scions during 'the titre cif Lil4 relgotia !•
to the hospital, and explained brie&
that, while at removing ic'e nAtt(ei
track,• he had been-StrUak Jay (R
of the oars which was beingabaum(.etl(
after. the :arrival of the aftern stha,
train An 'examination ac tilt #i?*
pital shaeed that his
right rhauldelci ;.
and, arm were badly( e angled ; 01:ant
that he had sustained n Severe SP0111
wound and was (suffering interurai
injuries. Amputation of the arra evaa
neeessary, and d nth
hours later.
Mr. Flynn was a son of Mr.„and
and Mrs, Wm. Flynn. Clandboye, Ont.
and was in his 53rd, year He wad
well known in this dietrict. and ieav;
es a wife and tea small children, t
Fardners' Institute
Addressed by Gavin Barbour, Crows
Hill; Henry Grose, Lefroy; and local
speakers. Elimville Town Ball, Tues,
day. February 20th; local speaker, A.
G. Smiiie; 'Grand Bend Wedues+layt
February 21st. Local speaker, John;
Morgan. Zurich. Thursday, February
22nd. Local speaker, 12. 13.. MaLeane
Varna. Friday, February 23rd, Local
speaker. Henry Smith. Hensel!, Sats
urday. February 24th. Local 'speaker:
W. D, Sanders, A. program, will be
given at the evening ineeting,4.,
Meetings at 2 p. m. and 7 p. m. Ali''•
farmers and others in'.tere9tted a're.
cordially invited to attend. .13. S;
eniflfps. • Secretary.. '3, T . Allisosa's
Give Your Kidneys a Square Deal
Your kidneys are the hardest working organs in your body. Every mom*
ent, day or night, year in and year out, they go on filtering the poisonous
waste products from your blood -is it any wonder that they slow up- get
tired occasionaIIy? That lame back simply means that your kidneys are
fagged out -they are not necessarly diseased, but they do want a
little attentiom.
will benefit them -tone them up and make them lit and fine. It stimulates
the Kidneys and bladder to healthy action -quickly removing all impurities
from the blond, A little attention now may prevent serious disorder. 'Why
take chances? We heartily recommend N_ yals Stone Root Compound because
we know what's in it and what it will do for your.
Anything yon
with the name
COir. .`
RE1v EatE,s
Sold and guaranteed by
will give you
W. S. HOWEY Phm, B. Chemist & Optician
Exeter Ontario
4. -F4 -2-11- +44++++++++++++++++++++++4
ome Days are our Busy Days !
These are those we commenced our.
SATURDAY LAST, which has proved a HUMMER! Scan over our jj
B taRGALINI BULL ET II N --People who patronize this store are
waking up to the fact that they can get better values than elsewhere, ..
40 cold handle Fry Pans, 5c 4
This Week 75 Comb and 'Watch Cases, combined, 15c 4
L30 other different lines of Hardware just opened. •
100 China Cream Jugs, 10c -to clear 5c each. 4;
We ®fifer . 50 Shaving Mees, 10c -to clear 5c each. ,'I',}
y 100 Cups and Saucers, 20c to 25c -to clear 15c.
Valentines alentines Comic Valentines, Valentine Cards and Folders
in great numbers. .
ORANGES -25c, 35c and 50c doe, LEMONS -25c. DATES -10e
Fresh roasted and Salted PEANUTS -20c lb.
Come eaaly tor best choice. Drop in ofeed.
Powell's Bazaar Phone 55 t
.H.4.44.444.1.444. +.1.4. ' +++++++++++24-i•+4.+ -+ s
40,040.0 0
In the Province of Saskatchewan • at
$i6 to1 18.50 Per Acre
according to Location), $ 3 per aere Cash, BaJanoe in 6
Annual Payments at (i% interest.
/ wave personalty inm-.eted all ,,his la,.11 i iii can give you it report to
any quarter of it and trio 'ersan hiving now rsri hoe seeing it, we Guarante
the report correct or else Money Refunded, afl or purchaser has seen the land,
and finds it differs from the raport. The pi aa?, 41st ad this land is going to bei
advanced $2 per acre on the 1st day of VM•archand any person who would lifett
to invest some na'anev in the west would do well to site me before that date.
This larlrl will q,11 be worth from $25 to' $30 per acre in
less than three vears
. '
4 i
Also some Just Glass Lots in bet City of Regina fob'
Bale wh ce are NI olio y nukers,