HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-10-06, Page 3County awaits results... • horn page l payments won't be increasing for 1983. She wondered aloud if it is fair to ask Huron County residents to pay higher taxes when they are dealing with unemploy- ment, fixed incomes and layoffs: "Everyone thinks the town of Goderich is the only municipality affected. This is not so," commented Mrs. Palmer. She suggested residents of Goderich could assist the county in fund-raising endeavors to either build a new��1useum or improve the present facility. "i closing, I respectfully request you (county council) deliberate with caution. It's one of the finest pioneer museums in Canada. To move it would not be making history, but rather dampening it," concluded Mrs. Palmer. Council debated the issue following the presenta- tion of the joint property and development commit- tee. Committee chairman Warden Harold Robinson left the chair to participate in the discussion. Im- mediate past warden Zurich Reeve Fred Haberer chaired the discussion. Warden Robinson said he wanted the matter to be discussed "amicably". He didn't want any hard feel- ings to be created because of the magnitude of the question. . "There is no way the committee has committed itself to purchase the building," noted Warden Robin- son. Reeve Wheeler said he is opposed to county council "going out and securing the first building that is for sale", without adequate •information and study. He questioned the suggested cost for repairing the ap- proximate 1,000 windows in the building - estimated ae$50,000 - but he thought it would be more like $100,000. The Goderich reeve also wondered if the building could withstand the tearing down of walls to provide an open area concept for a museum. He was told that some of the windows would be blocked off and the building could withstand partitions being removed: "If this happened several years ago, wewouldn't be considering it in light of dollars and cents. But in this particular day, we are dealing with restraint," commented Reeve Wheeler. He also suggested the 'county obtain the yearly costs of operating the museum in Vanastra. "It's not just a million dollar renovation," added Mr. Wheeler. • A preliminary report by the .provincial government has indicated it would cost about $932,000 for renova- tions. The Township of Tuckersmith, which now owns. the building, will sell it to the county at $75,000. Council also received two letters, regarding the museum. One from the Town of .Goderich signed by Kenneth C. Hunter, Comrnissioner of Works, asks council to consider total construction costs to create the museum in Vanastra and the total construction costs to replace the museum on its existing site, a total operating cost comparison between the renovated Vanastra building and a new structure, costs of re -locating the exhibits to Vanastra com- pared to the costs of re-loeating and storing the ex- hibits during re -construction, projected revenues at the Vanastra site compared to the projected revenues of a new museum on the existing site, and considera- tion of the services available in each location, i.e. fire protection, policing, water supply, sewage, garbage collection and tourist information. The second letter, signed by Goderich Mayor Harry Worsell, Goderich Knox Presbyterian minister Rev. G. L. Rbyal and immediate past president of the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association M. E. ( Mac) Campbell requested a hearing with the joint committee. This letter was referred to the joint com- mittee. Reeve Robert Bell of Tuckersmith said his township will wait a few more months while the coun- NOW'S THE TIME TO WINTERIZE YOUR TREES PROTECT AGAINST WINTER KILL 8 RODENTS TREE WRAP & TREE GUARDS SPRAY REPELLENTS SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 82 SOUTH ST., GODERICH 524-8761 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS for 1982 NOTICE Is hereby given that 1 have complied with Sec- tions 24 and 25 of The Municipal Elections Act 1977, and I will post up in my office at R.R. 2, Lucknow, on the 12th day of October, 1902, the list of all Electors eligible to vote in the Township of West Wawanosh. • AND I hereby call upon allelectors to examine the list and to take Immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. The last day for filing applltatlons for Inclusions, additions or corrections to or deletions from the list is the 20th day of October, 1982. The place at which the revisions of the list will bo token Is the Municipal Office in the Municipal Building at R.R. 2, Lucknow. Revision of the list will bo undertaken during normal, office hours, Tuesday, October 12th to Wednesday, October 20th, 1982, at 3:00 p.m. Joan Armstrong, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of West Wawanosh, NOMINATIONS TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH POLICE VILLAGE OF AUBURN NOTICE Is hereby glean to the Municipal Electors of the Township of West Wawanosh' and the Police Village of Auburn, that the period during which nomination popars-may--bs-filed bilis* Offic�f-ihee-Clerk for nominating persons for the offices of 'Reeve, Deputy - Rome* and Three Councillors: and Three Trustees, will commence on THURSDAY. October 14, 1982, and ,will --close.-on-MONDAY, -OCTOBER 38 1982 --et 5:00 _p.cn:-. Nonslnitlon forms and full particulars for procedure _may be obtained from the undersigned during normal`_ office hours. Should a pail les6 rsegeeirod it will bo held an Mandel/, teloventher10112, between the hoilre Of 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., and an Advance Poll will be held on Saturday, October 30, 1982, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Where the number of candidates for an office Is not suf- ficient to fill the vacancies, on the Wednesday following Nomination, day, October 20, 1982 the Clerk may revolve and certify additional nominations. JOAN ARMSTRONG, Returning Officer, West Wawanosh Toavnshlp Police Village3 of Aubse,-n ty decides whether or not to purchase the building. Disappointed is how he summed up his feelings,, because the county had accepted the delegation from Goderich without informing Tuckersmith, so they could have a delegation representing the "other side of the coin". "There is also plenty of room for me to take excep- tion to Mrs. Palmer's statements," added Reeve Bell. Goderich Deputy Reeve Robert Allen was concern- edabout the county spending money on studies. • - "Nobody has said . where the money is coming from," said the deputy reeve. County clerk -treasurer William Hanly said $200,000 set aside in reserves for 1982 could be used for renovations. This money is made up partially by a $75,000 hospital building reserve and a $50,000 capital working reserve. Morris Township Reeve William Elston said if the building is purchased, the museum wouldn't be in it for two or three years..A member of the joint commit- tee, Reeve Elston noted that several years ago, a heavy publicity campaign for the museum was stag- ed and he thought that no more than 2,000 additional people went through the museum. "It doesn't matter how much it is promoted, if peo- ple want to see it they will, no matter where, whether it is in Seaforth, Clinton or wherever," commented Reeve Elston. Deputy Reeve Lionel Wilder, also a member of the joint committee, said the museum is a benefit to the county and added that perhaps the county should sell it to Goderich for$1. Warden Robinson suggested a public meeting be held for Goderich citizens to express their views. Reeve Haberer added maybe all the people in Huron County should be invited to a public meetingand ask- ed if they want a museum. Reeve Bell couldn't see any point to holding a public meeting. He said county councillors could be contacted by their ratepayers if they have any com- ments. The joint committee was asking for, direction from county council and having a tough time getting it, a point noted by Reeve Bell. As he said this, Deputy Reeve Allen took a motion forward to the clerk - treasurer. The motion, called for the county to not purchase the building for a museum. It was defeated. Stanley Township Reeve Paul Steckle reminded council that at its previous meeting on Sept. 8; a mo- tion had been passed to have a structural engineering and operational cost studies completed with a view towards purchasing the building to house the museum. "I believe we have a mandate that we haven't quite fulfilled," said Reeve Steckle. Whet the motion was defeated, Mr. Allen made a second motion to refer the matter to the incoming council. This was also defeated and Mr. Steckle repeated his previous statement then made a motion to have the matter referred back to the joint commit- tee to await the operational cost study. Also.relating to the museum, two items, a museum statement of purpose and a museum collections management policy were tabled until council members could read the reports thoroughly. Council hadn't received the reports until that morning. ******************* iE *y yT ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Highway No. 8 West, Clinton HU DAY, OBER 7, 1982 LADIES'. NIGHT f FRIDAY, SATURDAY. OCTOBER t 8. 9TH/'82 "BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT" THURSDAY, FRIDAY A SATURDAY OCTOBER 14TH, 15TH,16TH/'82' "COMMOTION" ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STAG & DOE For Ron Plunkett & Jane Carter SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9-9 pm -1 am Music by SHATTERED TOP OF GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA Lunch Provided TICKETS $3• TALK TO THE GAS COMPANY ABOUT GAS WATER HEATERS PHONE i 800-265-0562 (TOLL FREE) Find out how much you could save , because gas heats water cheaper and 4 times faster than electricity. You could rent a gas water heater from Union Gas for as Little as $3.25 a month 1'f you're already on gas. A pp ono.caEI wiftgctrra,nge, ap appoint-, _..Y.,. ment at your home,at the time most convenient for you. union Gins WOE bringing hum MP future. We supply these respected gas water heaters. GODERICHSIGNAL,STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6,1982—PAGE 3 Huron County Pioneer Museum The artifacts in the Huron County Pioneer Museum are the building has had five additions in order to accommodate presently housed in the old Central Public School. Since 1951 the 15,000 artifacts.(Photo by T.Marr) L OK •RINGS *NECKLACES *BRACELETS •BEADS es t•1 ra gems 51 ST. DAVID, GODERICH 524.9972 looking for big sled features at a aMatl sled price? OrAnoN°4500i Take a look at an economical two-seater .that gives you smooth, responsive handling. plus big sled feotures like o twin. fon-cooled Rolm' engine. " oil injection and electric starter on the 4500E Easy handling at an easy to handle pacer CNTATION 3500 Take a look at a lightweight, spunky snowmobile that gives you big sled features like fan- cooled Rotax' engine: adjustable Torque Reaction slide • suspension CDI ignition oil rnject,on—plus easy maintenance Its the ideal first snowmobile—or second family sled If you re looking for big sled features at o small sled price look at Citation 3500 Take a look at ELDER ENTERPRISES SALES & SERVICE One mile West and 1 Mile ,t South of Hensall e Skid/HA 262-6142 - HENSALL•o..a....o.., P PINCHERS AT PINCHER'S, Shopper Square, Goderich BOOKS GALORE and at LEISURE WORLD, Suncoast Mall, Hwy.,, 21S THE HOTEL HEW HAMPSHIRE by John Irving The book that has all of North Amerlaa laughing, crying and lumping for joy) Racy, wonderful, dazzling, funny, wise. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP by John Irving Journey through , four generations, with the astonishing family of T.S. Garp - the famous son of a belligerent mother. 'His world is comic, tragic, violent, tender - totally outrageous: SURRENDER TO LOVE by Rosemary Rogers Within the golden softness of Alexa's alluring gentility flowed the insatiable fires of an Innocent woman's awakening to love - and the fury of a betrayed woman's lust for revenge. BREAD UPON THE WATERS.byirwln Shaw e, A complex look at lifein modern times. Shaw's charac- ters share universal experienced hurts and triumphs, anguish, satisfaction, loneliness, accomplishment. THE THIRD DEADLY SIN by Lawrence Sanders The nonstop thriller about a "Hotel Ripper" stalking New York's nlghtside with a Swiss Army knife, and the retired cop named Edward X. Delaney determined to catch him. Or the killer. Always a large selection of current paperbacks, magazines, children's stories, colouring and activity books. SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH THE -BUTCHER SHOP & DELI 45 WEST ST., GODERICH 524-9672 WINTER HOURS: MON. 1 P.M. -5:30 P.M. ' TUES. - SAT. - 9 A.M.-S:30 P.M. LOCKER. HOURS MON. & WED. 12 NOON - 1 P.M. BLADE ROASTS BLADE STEAKS LEAN STORE SLICED COOKED HAM 89 • Ib. WING '2.791b. T-BONE SIRLOIN '3.591b. PORTERHOUSE'3.991b. 16.$2.49 F ESHRIO PORK SHOULDERS CUT, WRAPPED & FROZEN A"1 HINDS. $1.8 9 ROAST OR CHOPS s, • 79 Ib. CUT, WRAPPED & F.; �. N A No. 1 SIDEIb.$ 1 • 2 F,RESI4 REG. °9.89 LB. REGULAR GROUND BEEF 1 69 S LB. PKG. • 1b. DELI COUNTER SPECIALS I OLDE FASHIONED BAKED HAM LOAF Ott , FASHRSNED BAKED HAW b)Eli ►c N LOAF •4,25 OLDE FASHIONED BAKED CORNED BEEF LOAF lb. SCHNEIDERS MILD, MED. OR OLD CHEESE '2.49 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST J PACK -FREEZER PACK 10 Ib. BOX RIB STEAKS 10 Ib. BOX CHICKEN LEGS OR BREASTS 10 lbs. - '/41b. ALL BEEF PATTIES 5 Ib. BOX WEINERS 5 Ib. PKG. SLICED BACON 55 llbsbs. SLICED ERS CENTRE CUTSAUSAGE CHOPS THEFARMABOVE�75 EC.I ALS -FREE DELIVERY PORK RACK 10 Ib. BOX1N POR CHOPS S Ib. BOX SHOULDER CHOPS $ Ib. PKG. WIENERS 5 Ib. PKG. SIDE BACON 5 Ib. PKG. SPARE RIBS 3 Ib. PKG. FARMERS SAUSAGE 3 ib. PKG. STORE SLICED COOKED HAM FRkE DELIVERY IN TOWN THEA¢ VEB�J•95 ORDER EARLY,PRICE"S IN EFFECT TILL OCTOBER 16,1462 SOUEPE ei f The Great e IORONTO a ADVENTURE 0 Give -a -Way! T in FALL n FESTIVAL OF VALUES WINNERS OF 2 NIGHTS LODGING FOR'TWO AT -_.- -.._.....-- THE HILTON HARBOUR CASTLE ...: ---- TORONTO TORONT© _ - .._ _ .._.-,. MRS. BRENDA CANE OF TORONTO -ONTARIO and MRS. CLARA ALEXANDER 159 McDONALD ST., GODERICH. CONGRATULATIONS from all of us on SHOPPERS SQUARE P PINCHERS AT PINCHER'S, Shopper Square, Goderich BOOKS GALORE and at LEISURE WORLD, Suncoast Mall, Hwy.,, 21S THE HOTEL HEW HAMPSHIRE by John Irving The book that has all of North Amerlaa laughing, crying and lumping for joy) Racy, wonderful, dazzling, funny, wise. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP by John Irving Journey through , four generations, with the astonishing family of T.S. Garp - the famous son of a belligerent mother. 'His world is comic, tragic, violent, tender - totally outrageous: SURRENDER TO LOVE by Rosemary Rogers Within the golden softness of Alexa's alluring gentility flowed the insatiable fires of an Innocent woman's awakening to love - and the fury of a betrayed woman's lust for revenge. BREAD UPON THE WATERS.byirwln Shaw e, A complex look at lifein modern times. Shaw's charac- ters share universal experienced hurts and triumphs, anguish, satisfaction, loneliness, accomplishment. THE THIRD DEADLY SIN by Lawrence Sanders The nonstop thriller about a "Hotel Ripper" stalking New York's nlghtside with a Swiss Army knife, and the retired cop named Edward X. Delaney determined to catch him. Or the killer. Always a large selection of current paperbacks, magazines, children's stories, colouring and activity books. SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH THE -BUTCHER SHOP & DELI 45 WEST ST., GODERICH 524-9672 WINTER HOURS: MON. 1 P.M. -5:30 P.M. ' TUES. - SAT. - 9 A.M.-S:30 P.M. LOCKER. HOURS MON. & WED. 12 NOON - 1 P.M. BLADE ROASTS BLADE STEAKS LEAN STORE SLICED COOKED HAM 89 • Ib. WING '2.791b. T-BONE SIRLOIN '3.591b. PORTERHOUSE'3.991b. 16.$2.49 F ESHRIO PORK SHOULDERS CUT, WRAPPED & FROZEN A"1 HINDS. $1.8 9 ROAST OR CHOPS s, • 79 Ib. CUT, WRAPPED & F.; �. N A No. 1 SIDEIb.$ 1 • 2 F,RESI4 REG. °9.89 LB. REGULAR GROUND BEEF 1 69 S LB. PKG. • 1b. DELI COUNTER SPECIALS I OLDE FASHIONED BAKED HAM LOAF Ott , FASHRSNED BAKED HAW b)Eli ►c N LOAF •4,25 OLDE FASHIONED BAKED CORNED BEEF LOAF lb. SCHNEIDERS MILD, MED. OR OLD CHEESE '2.49 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST J PACK -FREEZER PACK 10 Ib. BOX RIB STEAKS 10 Ib. BOX CHICKEN LEGS OR BREASTS 10 lbs. - '/41b. ALL BEEF PATTIES 5 Ib. BOX WEINERS 5 Ib. PKG. SLICED BACON 55 llbsbs. SLICED ERS CENTRE CUTSAUSAGE CHOPS THEFARMABOVE�75 EC.I ALS -FREE DELIVERY PORK RACK 10 Ib. BOX1N POR CHOPS S Ib. BOX SHOULDER CHOPS $ Ib. PKG. WIENERS 5 Ib. PKG. SIDE BACON 5 Ib. PKG. SPARE RIBS 3 Ib. PKG. FARMERS SAUSAGE 3 ib. PKG. STORE SLICED COOKED HAM FRkE DELIVERY IN TOWN THEA¢ VEB�J•95 ORDER EARLY,PRICE"S IN EFFECT TILL OCTOBER 16,1462