HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-1-25, Page 13EBBItOAkt' " 80h '12 (?4 • 114 • • • • • • • • • • . 4140 ipt 104, EW S PHONE 1p A FEW SPECIALS it FOR THIS WE K Palette Silks In Blue. Brown, Cream' and Black. It is 30 inches wide and is fully guaranteed. Per yard $1.00 Fur Collar Coats 1Vith cirri lining interlined with rubber. Good cloth and beautiful. Fiir collar. Special Price $14,75 Prints In Reds Blues, Cadets, Li- lacs, Greys and Light Ground Good quality and solendid wearers. Special per yard 10c Men's Caps These are made of Corduroy and are small sizes. Regular Price is '750 to be cleared this week at 25 cents. Muffs These muffs are every one a bargain. They are just the thing for girls going to school They will he cleared this Hockey Shoes Ladies Hockey Shoes with . Wool Lining and low heels made of good Box Calf. Special Price per pair $2,00 Robes Just three Astrachan Robes left. These are large sizes and interlined with rubber. You can stiVe money if you buy now. Flannellettes 35 inches wide splendid wash- ers, good weight and good wearers. Regular 11c a yard Special Price 10 yds for $1,00 GROCERIES Prunes Large size and quality good. Regular 150 a lb., this week 2 pounds for 25 cents. Biscuits Are you getting the best Sodas and Fancy Biscuits ? 1Ve sell Christies. They have no equal. Tea The best Green, Black and Mixed Tea in bulk, These Teas are superior to what you buy tn lead packages. Very Special at per pound 30c. Soap Baby's Own Soap, highly perfumed and suitable for tender skin. This week 3 cakes for 25 cents. Honey Choice Clover Honey in sections, quart gems and pails Quart Sealer sells for 40 cents Figs Good, Clean cooking Figs very tasty and wholesome. This week 4 podnds for 25c. Market RoportA-The followcing its tepea of Exeter markets %)01:7 reoted op 'to February 804 Beekwheat 50c to 600 Oats 40e to 42 cents. Barley 50 to 85 Fees 75o, $1,0Q Shorts $25.00 Model Fleur 2.70 Feed 'Flour 1.50 Eggs etio, Potatoes $1.25 Chicked 8-10 Puck 12-13 Markey 14-17 Geese 11-12 Fowl 5-7 Choice hogs. 1:ve. 6.50 Choice Export Steers 6.25 to 6.55 Medium, export Steers 5.75 to' 6.00 Choice butchers heifers 6.00- 5.501 lVfedituu butchers heifers 5 50-5.75 Choice butchers cows 5,00 to 0.25 Modiula butehers COWS .4.50 lb 4 65' Choice. sheep 14.25 to li.50 Tom Carling spent Mohday in Lon - ',Mr. Thee'. rsell shipped his driv- er In Toronto Man'clay. A.. E. Tennaut shipped a oar load Miss Winnie Hutston was on. the sick list for !several' days last week, Mr Geo. A. Young. uf London, called on friends en town. Monday. home. :in llensall, ilk 11,0•111,1 Friday, businses. Mr.. ell'. ?Lan caeler. of London, WOIS ited Mists Olive 'Hera thli's week, A load, of Skaters from Kfirkton were, out to theit rink here fast week A number of our townseeople, took in the 'ball at Howell Tuesday night, Mr. A. G. Saltine iS offering lsome choice stock for sale, See; 'Adv. page Two rinks of Exeter curlers tended 11 he hoespiel Ileasall'this ing with Miss L. Wolper. Exeter' north. Mr,. and Mrs. Isaac. of Green- way visited with Mr. „Wna. Sweet; Mr. J. Campbell is offering SOM'el• good work horses for Sale See adv. on page four. Mr; jos. Senior is in Toronto this of Professional Photography. Mr :Russell and 4V1i.sfs• :Clara Shoe - bottom. nf. London! Township, are visiting at Mr, Jas. Aetkeneone 'Mrsr John Jarrolt who ' has been. visiting friends in 'Toronto. for a month. returned home Saturday. Dungannon Monday evening install - tag the officers of Wee ce .0. le, The vote on church. union will be taken at the Bethany Methodist °Much next Sunday. Feby, Mi,SS Alice Cochrane. of Ilippeo re) - turned Untie last week after spend- ing a week with her, aunt. Mrs., E.. • • Word has been received here that Sandy Bawdee( who was, quite ill in home. with a slight attack of once: - Mr, Wm. Berry. of Guelph, is 51r, Thos. Eesery is quite roorly at the home of his, daughter Mre. Al. .Haneock win has been visiting Mr. ,ancl Mee Wm.. Creech returned to !the west this' -week. 40 4 • • Mrs. W. Wilson and Hate daugh- ter qf Copleston are visiting friends and relatives in town. Mrs. H. Huston and Mites Evelyn J. T. O'Brien of Hamilton. • • and Exeter will be played this Thurs- • day evening eat "The Dome." • • • • 40. • • J. A. STEWAR ••• 0. 4i 4 1 GOULD S ROM PHONE 47. -Opposite Electric Light Plant Keep Happy in the Home by getting YOUR FIOUSE BOLD NECESSITIES Here. We handle only he BEST and we have everything you need at all Seasons, r WANTED -Choice Butter Fresh• Eggs. TIE TEA AND CofEEE STORE 1 The Place Where Good Clothes Come From Big 8nao 01[11P)/II8 from $10 to 15 W. Td111d11 he Nifty Man's Tailor it- SPOTTO, IIIMENETIMMERIENCIIMIO 4. Stands for all that is moder n in ;Business Training. A Chain of + Seven Colleges in leading towns t and cities. Two thousand situ - dents in our Colleges and Home + Stu ly last year. We train from _t ten to twenty students for every 4.". There's a reason. It is freely admitted that our graduates get best positions and the demand t for them is “seven" times the * supply. Exclusive right for On- 4. tario of the famous Bliss Book- + keeping System.* You may study :e at home or partly at home and 4.* finish at the College. A Busi- + every day of your life. Write, calLor • phone for + pa rtieulars WINTER -TERM from * JAN. 2, 1912. Spa tton Business * College Hides Forecasts -I Regular Storm Period ,prevails of the CO.,h to the lieth About fhe 91th the 'barometer will be falling in we.stern parqs. eh: nee lbe warmer and cloudiness eesa.e. fol lowed by rain, turning _on weStern flanks to snow. During the .111th f2th. 13th, into the 14th. there etornab will move steadily eastward acro,s3 the country, preceded on the' east flank by warnati and- rains, and fol- lowed oh ithe west by' enow, cold and clearing. This is the law of storm and weather movement and 'change - a lew that all should understand and remember, The periods of cold and fair weather lie between the per- iods Of low barometer and storm's end are progrestive from west to'eaat the same as storm areas. A Ream- tienary Storm period with New Moon at its center, fang tlw leth 17thi and 18th. The Earth's vernal equinox also be present during thi., period. jotensifying storms and other Pbenonaeria, Low barometer. Much warmer,. with very active storms in many settions, will be meleraf ht trai Me the lithe eXtending from the Mr. Well Bern left :Wednesday for Norwich where he will visit his brother. Nornaan. for a week. Quite a number from the surround- ing villages were in town last Friday night, 'taking in the carnival. Mr. Robt. Higgins and son elr John Higgins. of rfa:nena. Dakota, are visiting Mr. and Mrs: Bliggins. Wahted-eAnyan2 desiring lo pur- chase a gander or exchange.. a goose for a gander apply to A. Hooper Lek?: .Grant Hooper. son of Ur. A. Hooper -or the Lake. Road. has secur- ed a position with the Jackson Auto - Mobile Co.. of Clinton.. Mr. Warren B. Bose of Aberdeen, -S. Dakota. is visiting hes parentsk who has been ceriotueiy:. ill, is. doily Mr ..Ed, Claristie is in Torocito 'flees week as a. delegate from 'the Exeter Exhibitions Association From February 1st tto the 24th my office will be oapn from, 11 to 12 a. ne. appointments for work on my return, from Cuba. Dr. Kinsman.. Mr. Laurie Greig of Clintpn ecl les brother Will •n 'town for. sev- eral days 'during the east wdak. took part in the ,hockey game be For a .sprain you will find Chamber the pain remceves the soreness, and (soon restores the parts. to a healthy condition. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all dealetra. Perfect Attendance -At the Sunday school service in James street on Sanday last. forty-one .diplomas were given out for beine present at Sun- day school every Sianday during the oast year. except when compelled to ate* h.ome through Ladies Won -The contest in attend- ance between the Young Men's and recline. Ladies' Organized Bible Class - the past year waa won by the young ladies. An entertainment is to be ;even on Fay. 26 and• the young men ore to provide the. oyStereee Birthday Party -Mrs. Geo. Rook en- tertained a ;ember of friendsMon- day evening in honor of the birthday of her mother. errs. Harrison. Mrs. Barrisen was 73 years al and is yery bright and octive. We extend Cur congratelations and wish her many more years of hoc. rth and happiness. Here is a mes;sage of hope and good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin. Boone Mill Va.. who is Ghe Mother of eighteen children. Mrs.. Martin was cured of stomach 'trouble and eon- stipetion by Chamberlain's Tablets af- recommends these tablets to the oub- lie. Sc>ld by all dealers.. Bear Saw His Shadow -The bear saw' his shadow on Friday last end if there is anything in the old legend. lie has gone back to his dela to Nvaii. six iveeks before hre' will again risk the atmosphere. The day was sim- ilar to that in 1911. It was quite stormy bat the storia stopped long ,ertough in the morning to left the sun Phirie for a little While. 'Hockey -0o Monday night a game heckey was played betWeen, the fellows receiVed a bad trimming. The firab goal WiliS scored/ by the oaatei- iti.ws. but +thi;s was the Only hcore they made, The game was some- what rough apd several received eight bruieies, Ariother game bee next 3.7rondity.: tight ' ET 44 CARLINC/S the Genuine ".1. i S t 11 ANT ON C0111, 1 .. :!..i...: inii:lehde, BB eusrtn sHt oa rad wehoi tael : tc....1: 4. 4. 4. The, County Orange artier met in own. on Tuesday. Full partictilars of 'She biisiness transacted will be riven next week. Rev. W.' E. Minion, of Trinity Meth odist church S'tra'tford, has. decided not uo accept th.e. call •to Ontario St C.tuarcif at Clinton. Rev. E. G. and Mrs.. Powell entere tained the Qiaarterly Board of the Bethany .Metthodist church at The: IVIain street parsonage on Tue'sday There is rao 'better medicine for the colds than Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy. It acts ottenature's plan, • re- lieves the hangs opens the ries:rations. eids expectoration; -and restore the syStem a.; healthy condition. For sale by ..all dealers. - 'The 56tb annual report of the Canada Life Assurance Co.. shows another record year in the company's history. Thee !surplus 'earned in. 1.811 was. '.31.2, the greatosit on rec- ord. A.. Hastings; district agent:. nounces • a conceit to he given in The, famous London Male Quartette, and Miss Smith. Elootitionist, make, their first app•earance Ex - as we go to"preeu we learn of the eter North!, ih her Seth year. The' funeral will' bd.beld Friday afternoon at two o'cloolt •frOna the 'Main street; church. to. Meragi4.art's cemetery. "600" club eat ,Friday evening: Mr. Thos. jkornick returned last Iveek • from ,117,,tiqp to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Hternick sgates that in the. Della cliStrict in. British Colum- bia. they haee been having beautie ful weather• with no snow and Ithe grass green. In! Saskatchewan there are.. bundred,s of acres,- •of wheat and flax that 'were ,not harvested on account/ of th,e, early •setting of Women Should Not Vote - The James street League visited the Main, street League on Tuesday ev.- evening. The program conSisted of a debate "Resolved .11: het the franchise should be extended to Women", T,tie debate was not between the ttwo leagues. for members of both leagues took part on each, side. The affirm- WaS championed by Mists WI. Howard, Russell May and J. Elston white the negative was supported by nese Quacreenbush, and Laurie Watson. The points brought out ta eitner „sine were wen mar- shalled and well delivered, and each orescuted a strong argument.. The ard and H. W. Rydall had a rather dectsioo in favor of the negaibive. Re. freshments were Served by. Main St. League and a very enjoyable time was spent. Builds Yon Up aud Makes You Strong How do you feel to.da.y ? Not quite right? Energy a little below stand- ard -not strong enough to make much exertion? Cod Liver Compound is what you need. Don't get fright- ened about these words "Cod Liver.' Yo,i'd never know it from the taste, It's a real tonic, containing cod liver extract, extract of malt, wild cherry and hypopbosphites -'a splendid com- bination. The cod liver extracts build you up-eo does the extract of malt. The Wild cherry soothes the bronchial tract and the hypophosphites supply rhosphorus to the nervous system - just tlhe thing it needs, And the taste is pleasant. As an all 'round tonic, strength restorer and body-builder you'll find nothing better than Nyal's Cod Liver Compound -so why look further? Itsu vvill be pleased. The price is One Dollar. Auythingyou buy witb the mune w give„ yoU 11 t .13 ion Scold and guaranteed by' Ohemilit, and Optician, EXETER Mrs. R. N. Creech entertained on Monday. A letter Lox was placed at the depot on Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Hawkins entertainectlast Thursday eyening. Mrs. 'W. Mallett of Detroit is visit- ing Mrs. Frank Mellott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Treble returned to 'the West on Thursday last. Miss Theo Hartleib, of Dashwood, visited friends in town Satnrclay. Mr. Jack Craig, of Moosejaw, Man., visited Mr, Connor, sr,, on Saturday. Squire Leathorn of London was a visitor in town during the past week. .Mr. WEI]. Ford's bay mare died on Sunday last. The mare was valued at The .Bank of Commerce removed their business to the new building on ie Stapleton of Wingham has returned home after visiting Mrs, Mr. and Mrs A. Evans of London, are visiting Mrs: Evan's parents Mr. and Mrs Wm. Treble. Mrs. H. V. Hutton and daughter Miss Evelyn of Brantford were yisicor at the James Street parsonage this John Sweet and daughter Louise have returned from visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Ching, at Mar- lette, Mich. Miss Ada and Lavine Kerslake gave a party to a number of their friends on Friday evening. All renort having a good time. Miss Ida Marchand, of the Normal school Stratford, accompanied by Miss J. McKerracher. visited at her home here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Martin Madge, of Milk River, Alta, who has been visiting here for the past month, returned home Tues- day. He took a Car of horses with him. ' Pastore111-. The pulpit of Jarn-es street Methodist church was occupied on Stnida,y,by Rev .1. G. Yelland ow- ing.,:to 'the illngss of the Pastor ReV. Hobbs. Mr. Hobbs was taken Sick on Friday last ;with nervons tronbleeand at present he is improv: Carnival a Success, --11. fancy dress Leap Year Carnival was held at The Dome last Friday evening, and ivas a decided success. There was a large number present, and those dressed in costume outnumnered those of tbe previous carnival. The one mile' ram was won by Laurie Greig Of Clinton. For best dressed lady. Miss Eva Hus- ton took first prize; Gents, Maurice Senior; Typical Old Maid, Miss Annie Handford; most graceful skater, Miss Hazel Browning, The band was in attendance, A Unanimous Vote. --The Quarterly Board of the Main Street Methodist, Church met on Tuesday afternoon with a. full Board present, A vote was taken on "Church Union," and of the thirty-four ballots cast ee4ry one was in favor of it. The yote amongst the congregation will be tak- en ori the llth and 18th. A unanimous invitation was given to the pastor, Rev. E. G. Powell, to stay the third and fourth years. The finances were 31111d in good condition, with salary paid up-to-date and a balance in the treasury, The following resolution was passed in suppoat of Sabbath ob- servanee: " We are heartily in sym- pathy with the object and aim of the Lord's Day Alliance, and that we urge upon all our people to stand by this organization in its untiring effort to preserve for us inviolate the Lord's Day in this Canada of ours." Collect- ions and sUbscriptions will be taken up in both churches of the circuit in the near future, to assist the, Lord's Day Alliance in carrying on its good woWricill be found an exoellent remedy for sick headache. Carter's tittle Liirer Pills. Thousand r•of letters. from people who prove this fact. !Pry ICIERICTON The annual meeting of the 'Agri- cultural Society waa held on Satur- day afternoon Jan. 20tb. The Tres- ident, Rat. Berry occupied the. chair The See.-Trea.s., report and. financial .statement showed a nice bala.nce on hand of $130,00. notwilbsta.nding the inciet disagreeable weather on Pall Pair day in the history of the So- ciety. Tbe wet weather insurance, amounted to '$80.00. The Society will enter.- Ire standing fall wheat or,op competition again this year. S75.00 will be offered in, prizes in thisi con- test. *15,0' was offered 1,est year. The following are the offioers for .thie year. 1?res., Rich. Payn ter ; 1st Vice Prea. Wm. Atkinson; 2nd Vice-pres. John Cole, Samuel Doupe, ;Cohn Ket- land. Paynter. Geo. Ready, .Frugh Derry. Wm Delbridge. Jas. Robinson Hon, Direetora, 3Jr. Steele. M. P.4 Sohn Bennew M. P. P..; rfealrY P.; John Hazelwood. WM. FlazeJ wood Daupe and Mob, Poynter Were ap- pointed delegates to when& the 'Pro- Vincial Association held lin Toronto Feb. 7th and 0,1.14t 1 RS F EAT IN FURS EVerthillg Must be Sold. All Fort 0, be Cleared at COST • • ari 4. 4. 4. DON'T B ALARM Sleep late in the mo Enjoy the luxury of w up whenever you feel 11 if you can, but if yor, better get one otour Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks Soup Spoons, Pie Knives, Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Knives and Forks, Fish Servers,. Carving Sets, Wedding Rings 'Big Stock to choose from , Clocks Watches monds, Glass, Si ware, Pins, mar6lia The council of the Townsnip of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton on Monday the 5th day of Febivary, 1912 at 1 p. All mem- bers were present. The rninutes of the previous meeting were read and The clerk reported that the Hydro - Electric By-laws has been passed in the Police Village of Centralia by 16i per cent, in Crediton by 37i per cent and in Dashwood by.34 per cent. Elliottz-Finkbeiner-That the clerk draw plans and prepare the specifica- tions for the construction of four small bridges and that tenders be called for the same. Tenders will be openedon the 4th day 'Of March next at 1 R. m. Hod gin s be appointed menciberOif the: Board of Health. his term, of office to Lewis, Edward Brokenshire Dashwood branch of The MO Bank, was in town last. MU Mr. Thos, Flynn wag in ' ,this week attending the full nephew, Mr. Wm. FlYnnt years. The deceased is sus wife and two children, Severe attacks of' rheumatiii often responsible for oryanid trouble, At -any -rate it is fool's "grin and bear it," inspeetO"rs for, the divisions formerly, ,,, heuma.tic Remedy No. 187, 188 arid 189 Villages Of :Central US. .; Credit:one spective villages tem the Hydro-Elec•,‘ tile POwer Commission having bee; read the third time be passed am signed by the Reeve and the Clerk am' arid the seal Of the Corporation be at - The Council adjourned to tneet again in the Town Ilan', Orediton on Mon- day, the 4th day of March next ahl, !li,ileterciatism-m'uscalail, inflammatory *414/0101'11e costs only $1.00,' knytbiter you buy with the utime vont etre eau entire satlgfattld Sold and guaranteed by Ohernist and Optician. EX