HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-29, Page 25GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Z9, 1982—PAGE 7A Prices effective thru Sat, October 2nd, 1982. Truckload of Turkeys Sale! 2 Trips For Two To The in SUPER BOWL! Plus, 2 Pairs of GREY CUP Tickets to be Drawn at each ARGO Home Game. (Complete details at your A&P Store.) Fill in this entry Corm and leave with cashier al any A&P hcid Slim! Name Address Postal Code: Tel No: CANADA GRADE -A-. FROZEN, EVISCERATED, A&P SELF -BASTING, MAPLE LEAF MIRACLE BASTE TURKEYS OR DEEP -BASTED - ALLEN'S, PURE *ALL /lb SIZES Our Regular Price 3.73/Kg./1.691b. *ONE PRICE -ALL SIZES -NO CONFUSION AT A&P! SAVE 11.98/kg TOMATO OR CHICKEN NOODLE Campbell's Soups 10 FL -OZ TIN tins OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO. .53 EACH CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF SAVE 3.09/kg-1.40113 SAVE 1.76/kg-.801b SAVE 1.11/kg-.50ib ONTARIO PORK. PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Pork Tenderloin Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 10.34/kg-4.69 Ib 93/ 69 OUR REGULAR PRICE1.691kg-3,49 Ib TOWN CLUB, SLICED Ib /kg OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.17/kg-1.89 Ib • BREAKFAST r.-- ------ “ --ASSORTED VARIETIES — "--- Lancia - Lancia Pastas 1 kg pkg REGULAR PRICE 1.65 COUNTRY KITCHEN Whipped Butter 39 250g tub ° OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.83 SAVE .44 LIBBY'S, OR BRIGHT'S. Tomato Juice lb vac pac SAVE . 30 PREVIOUSLY cROZEN. SLICED SKINLESS & DEVEINED • Beef Liver 1r./.891 TOWN CLUB. SWEET PICKLED -VA PAC CottageRolls 4%:`,9° / MAPLE LEAF Ham Steaks INSIDE CUT bRound Steak ' CANADA GRADE -A ' FROZEN. EVISCERATED Turkeys . 262/1? !kg /109 21t Ib 89 CUT FRbM THE HIF! TENDERIZED MAPLE LEAF SLICED REG THICK SLICED,OR HINT OF MAPLE •Side Bacon ., vf pac 339 MAPLE LEAF. SMOKED 8 VAR INCL. PEPPERONI & SALAMI Sausage Sticks 250 g size CANADIAN QUEEN HOT OR SWEET Cube Steak 39 /199 Ib — -- MAPLE LEAF IDEAL FOR STUFFING OR SLICE & FRY 7zik*g /3t5 Sausage Meat 500g1149 MAPLE LBO. SLICED. ASST VAR. INCL. BOLOGNA & MAC & CHEESE In Stores With Deli! 189 ROUND CORNED BEEF PASTRAMI OR SQUARE ROAST BEEF Shopsy ..ost /4299 Cold Cuts.ilw, .00/g, lb MAPLE LEAF, SLICED • Cooked Ham MAPLE LEAF, SKINLESS, GOLDEN FRY OR Sausage Italian Style 4illcT/11? Bavarian Sausage MAPLE LEAF -VAC PAC READY -TO -SERVE, HALVES OR QUARTERS Dinner Ham 75 /3r Maple leaf Hams g ASST FLAVOURS Je11-0 Powders OUR REGULAR PRICE .59 3 OZ PKG III 39 AYLMER. CHOICE , 28 fl-oi 19 _ Tomatoes tin . INSTANT CHOCOLATE -Nestte!s--Quik ALL VEGETABLE OIL -1 5 L BTL OR Crisco Shortening LONG GRAIN & WILD OR BROWN & WILD Uncle Ben's Rice WELCH S FROM CONCENTRATE CbNCORD OR WHITE Grape Juice kg 31b1,,13. 5071 39 pkg • 01,01:1', 2.29 BEATRICE, ASST FLAVOURS Fruit Bottom NI 99 Yogourt 1 75 g tubs UNCLE BEN'S, ASST VAR Stuff 'N. SAVE Such 20 Purrr for OURBEGULAR PRICE Lig .99 Cat Food OUR REGULAR PRICE .49 EACH , PROCESS CHEESE „maZ Kraft Velveeta 5C" With couponVelow • - Pk9 - — save additional .30 — PEEP BROWNED OR RED (FANCY PEAS -.59) Libby's Kidney Beans i 4 432•ib 48 floz tin OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.4 6 OZ PKG CONNOISSEUR, ASST VAR 6 OZ TIN IN TOMATO SAUCE Libby's Spaghetti LIBBY S Sauerkraut HIJNT S 28 fl -oz 1 19 tin • 28 fil37 1 09 tin Tomato Sauce oz tin in 14 II 59 HUNT'S (SAUCE 14 FL -07 TIN -.59) OR 5.5 FL -OZ TIN OF Tomato Paste 011H REGULAR PRICE .59 EACH 2.5 kg bag OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.15 ASST PLAIN VAR INCL SHORTBREADCH TEA Peek Frean Biscuits 29 400 g lin tie bag OUR REGULAR PRICE 205 CONNOISSEUR. ASSORTED VARIETIES Purrr Cat Food E. 3 59, 'tins N c Ml 3 tins der nurchase Valid until October 2nd 1982 • .Feature price 3 fOr 89 without coupon') I� ^ ^ ••• ••\ ^, 1 rs , 4-1,J l)uoi.luul)01 WITH THIS COUPON Vachon Pastries 29 •pkg of 6 (FEATURE PRICE 1.59 WITHOUT COUPON) Limn one per family purchase /Ad until Oct 2nd. 1982, V .0 OULIUUM.100, MI(IUUUU'i 1 • Huron Board meets Merv. Burgard of the Burgard and Robinson law firm in London spoke on the grants and loans presently being offered by the federal government to first-time home buyers when the Huron Real Estate Board met for a breakfast meeting last Wednesday morning at the Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend. Thirty members from across the county were in attendance for the meeting which was opened by president Bill Clifford and chaired by Bert Alexander. Mr. Burgard, who has just written a new text on real property law, concentrated his talk on the federal housing grants and loans, saying they offered a great opportunity to young couples. First time home buyers can receive a $3,000 grant. To be eligible for a $5,000 loan, the home must be new and construction must be started by December 1982. More in- formation can be obtained from local real estate agents. Building permits issued c2, Colborne Township council met for its regular meeting on Tuesday, September 7 with Deputy -Reeve Russel Kernighan in the chair for Reeve William K. Bogie who was absent on holidays. The road superintendent advised that construction of the --Sunset- -Beach,.• -Road- -- Municipal Drain was pro- ceeding satisfactorily and in order that he know just what kind and what extent of ditch work would have to be done, he requested that council look at the area with him. A site meeting was set for 7:30 a.m. on Monday, September 27. The clerk reported that painting of the trim on the township hall building was nearly complete and that similar work, all under the 1982 Ontario Employment Incentive Program, at the road department shed would start right away. Building permits have been issued during the month of September to Roy Walters, lot 4; concession 3 E.D. for construction of a 40 foot by 104 foot machine sh- ed; Gerald Dustow, lot 7, concession 12 W.D. for a 5,000 bushel steel grain bin; Allen Erb, 2 Huron Street, Meneset Trailer Park Exten sion, Blk. A, for a new gable roof on trailer home; Robert Jewell, lot 7, concession 2 W.D. for steel siding on barn; Ray Dilitchell, lot 5, concession 6 E.D. for a 30 fOot by 40 foot drive/storage shed. An application by Peter Dykstra, lot 17-18, L.R.W. for a 46 foot by 100 foot farrow- ing barn, was approved con- ditionally on the issuance of a certificate of compliance by the M.O.E. Tenders for the 1982.83 winter snowplowing contract were opened and the quota- tion of $36 per hour tendered by Nicholson Haulage, R.R. 2, Bluevale, was accepted. The only other tender sub- mitted was from John McKercher of Bluevale who tendered $38 per hour. Tenders for the sale of surplus chairs and benches were opened and the tender of Marie's Antiques, RR 2 Goderich for all of the surplus items was accepted. One other tender for one group of chairs and the ben- ches was received. Council approved the publication of a proclama- tion declaring the month of October, 1982 •" Visiting Homemaker Month" in recognition of the valuable service .provided citizens of the township, by that group. By-law No. 304982, to pro- vide for triennial elections and to set a date and time for nominations for the offices of reeve, _deputpreeve and three councillors, was given all required readings and *said: 'Thiter'fbr ribtnitti tiong_for_these offices..wiltbe October 14 to 5 p.m. of Oc- tober 18. Nomination papers must be filed at the clerk's office in the township hall at Carlow during the spetified time and dates. A resolution of the Village of Zurich to the effect that the Huron County Board 4 Education and Huron-PeM Counties Roman Catholic Separate School Board be titioned to request those 'es keep tax increases at or below the 6-5 percent guidelines for 1983-84 was en- dorsed by council, '