HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-29, Page 23SHAW FESTIVAL 82 On Tour - "The Desert Song". Sunday, October 17, 1982, at GDCI at 8:00 p.m. Tickets $6.00 per person. Available at Recreation Office, 524- 2125 of Bedford Hotel, Goderich.—37.40ar A MEETING of the Huron Bruce Federal Liberal Association will be held in Brussels -Morris Grey Community Centre in Brussels on Thursday, October 7th at 8:00 p.m. The meeting will elect delegates to represent the riding at the Biannual Policy Conference to be held in Ottawa November 5, 6, and 7th.-39ar GODERICH COMMUNITY Credit Union Limited 29th Annual Meeting. Thursday, November 25, 1982, Saltford Valley Hall at 8 p.m. Please pick up tickets for com- plimentary lunch and refreshments.-39-46ar ANNOUNCING DANCE FIT Classes Tuesday and Thursday evening, at Goderich Township Com- munity Centre, Holrnesville. Registration: 7 p.m. Tuesday,. Oct. 5, 1982. Fee: $25 for a 10 week course. For further information call 482- 9524.-39 ANNOUNCING . BALLROOM Dance Classes at Goderich Township Community Centre, Holmesville. Registration: Thursday, October 7, 1982 at 8:30 p.m. Fee: $40 Kr couple. For further in'- formation call 482-9524. Registration limited. -39 1 D.EADLINE...5 P.M. MONDAY TURKEY BINGO, Auburn and District Lions Club, twelve turkeys, four "share the wealth" at Auburn Com- munity Hall, Friday, Oc- tober 8th at 8 p.m. -39,40 WOULD YOU LIKE to learn modern American Square Dancing? The Goderich Square Dancing Club invites you to attend their opening night, Tuesday, October 5th, 8:00 p.m. at Victoria Public School. For further in- formation call Don Stewart 524-8741 or Murray McGill 524-9062.-39 WHAT do . Pauline McGib- bon, Conrad Black, Kenneth Hare, Laura Sabia, Morton Shulman, Gordon Sinclair and Honest Ed have in common? They are all ap- pearing this Fall on "David Peterson's Ontario" which will be shown on most of your community cable cast channels.—o-39 COME to the Meaford Apple Festival - a Harvest Celebration,October 1- 3. On Georgian Bay, 20 miles east of Owen Sound. Craft show, good food, en- tertainment.—o-39 THE MAPLE LEAF Chapter MODE will meet Tuesday, October 5th at 8:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. R. McDonald, p8 Bennett Street, West. Guest ST. JOSEPH'S COM- MUNITY School Association is having a general meeting to elect a new executive, September 30th, 8:00 p.m. at St. Joseph's Community School. All interested members of the community welcome. -39 • THE SOCIAL EVENT OF, THE SEASON 21st Annual ROTARY BALL Saturday, October 16 Goderich Township Community Hall (HOLMESVILLE) Sit down dinner at 8 P.M. SHARP (Catered by Friars Cellar of London) Followed by dancing to BOBBY BREWS ORCHESTRA FOR TICKETS PHONE: JOHN BANTER - sus. 524-8376 RES. 524-8149 KEN McGEE - sus. 524-8391 RES. 524-8487 OR CONTACT ANY ROTARIAN Tickets - 545.00 Couple The ENTERTAINMENT NIGHT SPOT In Goderich �o l , K1 ....•.1+ Here Come The CC GOOD TIMES - �" 0 .y Yours to Enjoy THIS WEEK'S. ENTERTAINMENT Friday -Saturday . Enjoy The Great Sounds Of ILLUSION _THE Don't Miss Our Always Delicious SMORGASBORD Served Thursday -Friday 12 noon 'til 2 pm THE (: CANDLELIGHT y RESTAURANT & TAVERN BAYFIELD ROAD '-524-7711m BLYTH FIGURE Skating Club . presents "Harvest Fashion . Fest" in Blyth Public School, Wednesday, Oct. 6 at 8:00 p.m. Admission $5.00 (including dessert and coffee): Tickets available at Blyth Saga and 523- 9436.-38,39 EXCITING Christian Children's Club, pre-school to Grade 6 every Wednes- day, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Craft badges, games, Bible stories and parties. Phone 524-9371 or 524-9049.-38.39 RUMMAGE SALE - Friday, October 1, 1982,11 a.m. to ??, Royal Canadian Legion Hall, 56 Kingston Street, Goderich, Ont.-38-39ar GODERICH & DISTRICT Pro Life annual meeting and pot luck supper at Kingsbridge Parish Hall, Wednesday, October' 6th at 7:00 p.m. Guest speaker Tom Lynch, president of Canadian Youth Pro, Life Organization. Everyone welcome. A special invita- tion to the young people. -38- 39 BINGO every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, R.R. 5, . Clinton, 8 p.m. First •regular card, $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the -wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must .go! •Admission restricted to 16 years and over. -25 -52X,1 -26X CLINTON LEGION BINGO. every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. first regular. card $1.00, restricted to, 16 years or over. Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go erh week. -1-52x Open WEDDING RECEPTION For .'Joseph Van Boven ' and Janet Lockhart at LUCKNOW COMM. 'CENTRE Saturday,. October 9 Congratulations AUDREY PHILLIPSON on the BIG 40. Happy Birthday John and the Boys and Friends OPEN HOUSE In Honour of HAROLD LARDER'S 80th BIRTHDAY SUNDAY, OCT. 10th 2-4 PM 91 Quebec St. Goderich Relatives, friends & neighbours. Best Wishes Only GPDE1UCH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,19662 --PAGE 5A Trousseau Tea Mrs. Ross Mortyn of Poplar Hill wishes to invite relatives, friends and neighbours of both families to a Trousseau Tea on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 '32 2-4 pm and 7-t pm on the occasion of the forthcoming marriage of her daughter Carole to Lenus Yeo. TROTT/NCASSOCIATION DANCE AND AWARDS Miff SATURDAY DOWER 2ND at the Goderich Arena DANCING 9-1 to CHICKORY Tickets '10. Lunch Provided Tickets available per couple from members or at the door • ******************•* FALL COLOUR TOURS * AGAWA CANYON OCT. 2-6 * DELUXE (5 Davy) if SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO * DISCOVERY OCT. 22 & 23 11iASHVICCE-FL11'ER'OCT. 8=1T... _._.... 'NASHVILLE WITH OCT. 8-11 *C. K. N. X. *WHEELING OCT. 8-11 *WEST VIRGINIA *STOWE & LAKE PLACID OCT. 8-12 *(5 Days) *GATINEAU & OCT. 8-12 *LAURENTIANS * INTERNATIONAL PLO '285. ea. * (Quad.) * '81. ea. (Twin) * . _ 1179-. ....ea...._.* (Quad.) Jr '259. ea. (Twin) '209. ea. * (Twin) * '299. ea. (Quad.) '319. ea. (Quad.) WING * * MATCH - LUCAN * * * * * * SHERINOOD * 524-7622 Leaves Thurs., Sept. 30, ,8:00 a.m. FOR INFORMATION & DETAILS PHONE TRANSPORTATION INC 524.4540 y j Fi3 r w ;� we 31 RISA �tasws�w��wr.•:.�s(►• ••wa.�:, Our Restaurant WILL BE CLOSED Except Sundays Effective.lmmediately'til Further Notice Retail Fish Store Operations Open As Usual For Business Weather Permitting Captain Fat's South Doak Goderich 524-9211 OPEN AGAIN WITH REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS IN THE SPRING Dinner at Danc GODERICH TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY CENTRE-HOLMESVILLE Friday/ October 22 Dancing 8 pm -1 am to "THE ROMEROS" •KITCHENER OKTOMERFEST BAN®_ •HOMELAND DANCERS OKTOBERFEST MEAL SERVED 1-8:30 pm •10. per perm Meal included TICKETS AVAILABLE: Clarence Doherty 329-739$ Gene Frayne 529-7403 Brewer's Retail - Goderich Don's Shoe Place - Suncoost Mali HAPPY 30T0 / WEDDING / ANNIVERSARY i ..:� t C fy. y n HARVEY & MARION HODGES 1 October 1ST, 1982 ' t Saltford, Ontario . i Friends, Neighbours & Relatives I WELCOME 1 Dancing from 9 p.m. -1 a.m. 1 1 Best Wishes from Ron, Cheryl & Anita GODERICH RECREATION BOARD. Presents ��'h_..._c .F _'_.ry ai_. Performing evert with Beth Anne Cole and Terry Harford Book and Lyrics by Otto Harbach,. Oscar Hammerstein II and Frank Mandel musk by Sigmund Romberg DATE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1982 TIME: 8:00 p.m. PLACE: GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. (West Entrance) Available ...passion, romance, mystery of the east featuring such haunting melodies as "One Alone', "I Want a Kiss", "Blue Heaven", and of course, "The Desert Song,. TICKETS: x6.00 PER PJRSON at Recreation Office, 166 McDonald St. and Bedford Hotel a•••••••••••••••o•o•••••••••••_ • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • PREMIER THEATRES DRIVE-IN GODERICH IT'S AIR CONDITIONED WED.-THURS. LAST 2 DAYS SHOWING AT 8:00 PM ONLY SCOTT'andWIL�iLi IE BRIO AAMES HWY. 8 GOOERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 ' • PHONE 524-9981 W pV�VEIS1 ANa -r,N :).74:m.mCveknuOi CIFNTON FRI.-SAT.-SUN. BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 SHOW AT DUSK 3 BIG EROTIC FEATURES 7 Tbe comedy that 141110 let t'ou down. STARTS FRIDAY, OCT. 1 FRI.-SAT. 7 & 9:15 SUN.-THURS. 8:00 P.M. ONLY ACC 0 • s jt77siE9� - rot a fu'T'tyl f le Ii of 0o�inl� tterleu's lover !11 yj11M!Il 1P " I,EORGF 1101' 11111 .a. ROR1'. W11.UAMS 'THE WORM) ACCORIDI'G TO GARP- MAH1 RFTH 111 RT GTE\\ F.LOSF IIAI\ I.ITHGOU PATRICK KELLEI , .n TATE\} TF�ICII µl11\ IR\1\l. M.n.wM GF(1RGF R(11 HILL ..n ROBERT 1 t kNWT0RD .a l FORYF ROY HILI *WWI IMOt AN OUTRAGEOUS PARODY Or YESTERYEARS SUPER REROfS' des,i 17e"POP.SI;..nam) 0 • • • • • • • • • • • PLUS THESE TWO FEATURES • • • • • 1NG.ti,#@: coni sto sYbAQH oft.nslve• yCen% TRE ORIGINNAL Sones 7hs'N0f - "FLASNCORDON-ronch • • • • 1 • 1 • • • • •