HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-29, Page 14BENNETT STREET APARTMENTS UNDER NEW SUPERVISION One and two bedroom apartments for rent. Cable. Fridge and stove included. All utilities paid. Security con- trolled. PPiriOi o 524-6653 1 CASH FOR GOLD All Gold and Silver Items, rings, watches, earrings, chains, medals and dental gold. Damaged or broken Items acceptable. Special prices for Canadian and American silver coins. any con- dition. Also buying any foreign silver coins. ELGIN STUDIO & FRAME SHOP 106 The. Square Goderlck - Exclusive Agent in Goderich for Northland I Gold & Silver Inc. PAGE 12-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1942 Tfl & Country 4 CLASSIFIED ANT AIDS CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 7. R.V. s for sale 2. Yard sole E' Marine 3. Garage sale r+ Automotive 4. Antiques for sale 10. Pets for sale 5.'Cors for sale 11. Livestock for sale 6. Trucks for sole 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Pecreationol properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms tor rent 24. Wanted to rent 20. Room 8 board 25. Wanted to buy 21. Cottages for rent 26. Help wanted 22. Lots for rent 27. Wanted (general) ' 23. Commercial property 28. Business opportunity for rent 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 32. Custom work 33. Farm services 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 08. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To giveaway 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of thanks DEADLINES: Classified want ads at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to classify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 p,m. same day. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: 93.50 min.'23 words, 16' a word thereafter. In Memoriam 53.50 min. plus 30' per rhymed line of verse. Cards of Thanks 53.50 min. /25 words, 5' o word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors '25 for 3 inserts. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months, no copy change. Ask about our special discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 5248331 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines. vacuum cleaners, parts and no tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524- 8431.-ltfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, time and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-ltfar WATERBED: Doit yourself kit, $175- Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or king. Save.money by making frame yourself. Complete instructions, free delivery' . Call collect (416)637-6904.-O-20tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck I.D.A. Phar- macy,' '14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241,-24tfar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support ' garments, con- valescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-24tfar IN HOME mastectomy services now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs.. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy,. Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-24tfar FIREWOOD R FOR SALE - mixed hardwood. Buy by 1/4, ;, '/s or full cord. Phone 524-6530 or 524- 6697.-35-39x ELECTROHOME, 2 speed humidifier. Good condition. $50.00. China lamp, hand pointed' with shade $20.00. phone 524-9128.-39,40x CLARE HECLA Convectionaire Propane wall furnace,cotmpletq, $75.00; one Hammered brass fireplace'" screen, 28" x 36" $2.5:00.. Phone 524- 7431.-39,40x PAIR OF GIRL'S figure skates Size 1; 'worn one season only. Phone 524-6717 after 5 p.m. -39 1980 HONDA CB 650 Custom, good condition, will sell for $1,800.00 certified. Phone 524- 8965 anytime. -37-40 OVEN READY roosters, 5-8 lbs. 529-7152.-37,38,39,40 • MacINTOSH, Cortland, prune plums, fresh apple butter, potatoes, onions. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, R.R.2, Goderich, 524-8008.--37tf CANOPIED DOUBLE BED, mat- ching desk, choir, full dresser with mirror, night table and bookcase, white with blue trim. Used. $500 or best offer. Phone 524-6637.-39tfnx ANTIQUE "NEW PRINCESS PAT" wood burning cook stove, good condition. Phon24-9062.-39 1. Articles for sale SECRETARIAL DESK For Home or Office large steel tan with wood grain top , chrome legs, never used; 5200.00. Call 565-2983.-39 NEW CURIO CABINET, excellent condition, two years old. Phone 529-7155.-39 FOR SALE - INTERTHERM, 60,000 B.T.U. electric furnace, out of Mobile Home. Phone 524- 6047.-39x APPLES - Pick your own Snows, Sweets, Kings, Greenings, Delicious. Picking days Mon- days, Wednesdays and Satur- days. McIntosh, Spartans, Cider apples and above varieties ready picked. Spys and Russets Oct. 9. Bring containers. McCly- mont Orchards 1 mile south of Varna. Phone 482-3214.-39 THREE STEEL TRAVERSE DRAPERY TRACKS - adjustable up from 5'6", 7' and 9'_, $45.00; three 40" I Beam rods with run- ners, 59.00. Phone 524-8331 between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., ask for Carol.-26tfnx BRUNSWICK 5 x 10 Gold Crown slate pool table, excellent con- dition. $1,400 00 1978 cherry - red Hpnda 400T, $900.00. Phone Forest 873-5330 ,after 6 p.m. -36-39 ELECTROHOME humidifier, in good condition $25.00. Phone 524-2039 after 5 p.m. -39 T.V. TOWERS - 2 - 40' house sup- ported; 4' - 48' freestanding towers. Phone 482-7204.-39 USED SEWING Machines, fully reconditioned and guaranteed, full range of features and prices. Good selection of used cabinets for various makes. We deliver. Call 482-7809.-39-43ar 'HUSQVARNA SEWING MACHINES, full selection, new models with or-,,rm, genuine Swedish quality _ from only $369.00, 25 years experience on service. Call Clinton 482- 7809.-.39-43ar ANTIQUE dresser $175.00. Phone 524-8432.--39,40 SOLID PINE ' cabinet needs refinishing. .,n Will sell for reasonable offer. Call 524- 6007.-39 WATERBEDS complete with pedestal pine frame, heater, safety liner, mattress and fill kit. 5319.00 at Vanastra Fur- niture. ur- niture. 482-7922. -27tf ar THINKING of building? We've got the solution - the most com- plete line of steel buildings available for farm, industrial, commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime (705)474- 1180.-27otf o 1. Articles for sale MEN'S BAUER skates, size 9, ex- cellent condition. 1973 Skidoo Twin Elan, good condition. Phone 529.7128.-38nx LATE POTATOES, limited quan- tity, $$.50 per 100 Ib. Phone 524 9052.-86-39x GOOD MIXED hardwood, Goderich area. Phone 1-392- 6674.-36-39 SUEDE LEATHER coat, copper - tan, size 15-16, new condition; also muskrat cape; Persian lamb stole. Phone 524- 7112.-38,39 LIQUIDATION PRICES on four. piece living room sets (sofa, swivel rocker, chair, ottoman). Assorted covers, from 5399.00. Sit and Sleep; Liquidators, 550 Huron St., Stratford, 273: 4570.-39,40 CUSTOM PRESSING CIDER wash- ed apples, stain:ess steel press 10 gal. or over $1.75 per gal. Windfall Macs $4. per bu. No.1 Macs $7. per bu. Red and white potatoes 50 lbs. $5. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. 524-8037.-39ar FIREWOOD for safe, good hard- wood...Will -.deliver. Phone' -529- 7917-33-40 ANTIQUE DINING room suite, china cabinet, buffet, extension table. Good condition. Best of- fer. Call after -6 p.m. 524- 6640:-38,39 4 MATCHED autographed col- lector plates Chapter 1 "Preser- ving a way of life" $395.00. Art Court Limited, 59 Erb Street East, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 117.,(519)886-3230.-0-39 REGISTERED four year old American Saddle bred mare, broken English and Western. 'Double horse .trailer. Call 455- 7573 evenings,„ and . weekends. -38,39 , LARGE MAHOGANY buffet, 5400.00. Phone 524-2022 after 5 p.m. -38,39 SWIMMING POOL sale. Manufacturer is clearing out in- ventories. Brand new 1982 above ground pools complete with filter, motor, pump, deck, walkaround and fence. Regular ly 52,495.00, now on sale for 51,345.00, while supply lasts. Financing available. Call collect 1-519-622,1060 for details. -38- 41x 1980 HONDA, 650 cce crash guards,, backrest and carrier in- cluded. In excellent condition. Best offer. 524-8794.--38-41 nx UTILITY BOX trailer, manufac- tured by Wilcox, approximately 8' x 7' x 4'. Al condition, inside insulated with styrofoam, ex- terior covered with aluminum. Asking $575.00. 5 2 4- 9412.-38tfar Articles for sale LIQUIDATION OF bunk beds, single beds and motes beds, solid birch construction from 579.00. Sit and Sleep Li- quidators, 550 Huron St., Strat- ford, 273-4570.-39,40 LIQUIDATION PRICES. Hotel motel orthopedic mattresses, 20 year construction=warranty, fac- tory to you prices. Sit and Sleep Liquidators, 550 Huron St., Stratford, 273-4570.-39,40 USED SLAB SILO, 12 ft. x 35 ft. to be removed. Will dismantle and deliver if needed. Used truck topper with sliding window between cab and topper, $285.00; 14 used trestles, suitable for building 26 ft. x 26 ft., 5375.00. Phone 524- 4379.:-39 24- 4379.;39 FOR SALE - 1 Maytag spin washer, in good working condi- tion. Asking 550.00. Phone 524- 8046 after 5:00 p.m.=39tfnx FOR SALE - one boy scout uniform. Phone 524-2017 after 5 6. Trucks for sale 1968 FORD VAN. As is. Best of- fer. Phone 524-4156 after 5:00 p. m.- 39tfnx CERTIFIED, 1975 t'< ton Dodge Club Cab, with new snow tires, 51,875.00. Phone 524-4379.-39 ' TON GMC 307 - 3 speed, good firewood truck, new steel in bodywork, metallic red with pin stripes, spoke wheels, very clean, safetied. 51495.00. Call Bill Wilson 524-2579.-39tf 7. R'.V.'s :for sale 1980 ROVER camper trailer, 18 ft. complete with roll-out awn- ing; furnace stove, fridge, 3 - piece bath, load leveler hitch. Electric brakes. Asking $5,500.00. Phone 524- 8812.-39,40 8. Marine p.m.-39tfnx LASER SAIL boat,' cradle, carry- ing bag, compass, $1300.00. Phone 524-4317.-39 bedspread, afghans, pillow cases etc. ' Phone 524- 9433.--39.,40 9.-AU-tomoti•Ve..... _.. HOMEMADE crocheted ADMIRAL Refrigerator 13.8 cu. ft., harvest gold, frost free,' 4 years old. 5350.00. Phone 524- 2049.-39x JOHN DEERE 212 garden tractor with 46" mower, 38" snowblower, front blade and chains. Phone 524-7143.-39 TOMATOES $5.00 a bushel. Phone 529-7771.--39x CHESTERFIELD WITH two mat- ching chairs, kitchen tables and six chairs, like new 15" school bell with holder. Phone 524- 6766.-39 ' NEW AND USED chain saws from 5125 0n with fell service and guarantee. Phone Steve Argyle 565-2800.-39-40 T.V. BLACK 8 WHITE, excellent condition; electric guitar; pellet pistol, Crosman model 38T; pellet rifle, .117; Bauer skates, boys size 1. Phone 524- 2836.-39x 5. Cars for sale 1979 CHRYSLER LeBaron with power steering and power brakes, cruise control, AM -FM radio, wire spoke wheel covers, low mileage, excellent condi- tion. Phone 524-2006.-25tfnx 1976 OLDSMOBILE Regency 98, fully loaded, as is $2,000.00 or best ' offer. Phone 529- 7796.-37tf 1973 CHEVELLE 6 automatic, 5550.00 or best offer, as is. Phone 524-9608 after 7 p.m. -39 Selling your car? Need a- Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 Now only 51 8 , 95 GODERICH • 11. Livestock for sale PROPANE HEATER, decorator styleg fully automatic 30.000 BTU. Excellent condition; 5250.00. Ca11565-2983.-39 COUNTING ' A LOT QF CHANGE? (Service Group Etc.) RENT A COIN SORTER Coin Tubes Supplied CALL BURGER BAR 524-6752 CRAFTS Quilts, Afghans, Pillows, Crib Quilts and Crochet Covers. Plus other items. PHONE -. IN STOCK BMX MOTO-CROSS 12 SPEED BIKES - PARTS and ACCESSORIES Don's Bicycle Repairs 305 Ontario St. Clinton, Ontario 482-9941 WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quanitlty. Will deliver. 482-9250 and 482-3162 VG VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST Since 1844 OFFERING: •PERSONAL LOANS •SAME DAY SERVICE I *PAYMENTS TO I SUIT YOUR BUDGET CALL 524-7381 Ask for our loans Dept. WHEAT OR OAT straw in good big bales delivered in 30 to 40 , bole load. $1.00 per bale. Phone John 524-6658.-39,40 7MM BROWNING Auto Loader; with variable scope, like new condition. 529-7796'.-39 CAULIFLOWER, broccoli, potatoes, onions, squash etc. Large and small quantities. Also u -pick tomatoes. TE -EM Form., R.R. 1, Bayfield. 482-9940,-39 FOR SALE - Stove wood, ash and dry maple. Phone 395- 3516.-38-40 MEN'S BAUER skates, size 9, ex- cellent condition. 1973 Skidoo Twin Elan, good condition. Phone 529-7128.-39nx FALL CROP - Beans, green or yellow. $8.50 per bushel. Pick your own. Martin's Market, 524- 8024.---38,39or -CAULIFLOWER, large white heads, 704 each for 10 or more. Broccoli.. 604. a bunch. Martin's Market, 524-8024.-38,39ar C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We evan Take Trades CBESIERFI'ELD and chair; frsotstool�__basket. cheir;__.14;'. black and white TV;• floral fiberglas curtains, 10' x 7', 8' x 7' and 6' x 3'; washer and spin dryer. Phone 524-8793,-38_40 CAULIFLi:S'WER, Brusse s sprouts, cabbage, 3 miles west of .Exeter on Hwy. 83 Open Saturdays 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. or by appointment. No Sunday calls please. Visscher Farm, 1-237- 3442.-38tfar ANTIQUE HESPELER WOOD STOVE BEST OFFER Phone 5244761 or 7248 1976 CHRYSLER Newport Custom, low mileage, no rust. Phone 524-7998.-39,. MUST SELL - 1977 Grand Prix S.J. 301 V8, finished in new red metallic paint with complimen tory red cloth interior. New white vinyl top. Cragar SS wheels and Dunlop Qualifiers. Absolutely no rust. Best cash of- fer around $4500.00 (includes sales toe and certification). Phone 524-2802.-39x ' 1970 DODGE SUPERBEE, 440 cubic inch, three speed, automatic, B & M shift kit, magnesium rims, 'good condi- tion. Phone 524-7449.--39 1975 PONTIAC Parisienne, cer- tified. Phone 524-9345.--39,40 1977 "GRANADA, two door sport, maybe seen at 154 Essex Street. Phone 524-8480.-39-40 1968 FORD GALAXIE 500 con - voluble 302 automatic, (24 MPG) P.S. and factory A.M. and 8 . track, Isecond_ owner (1972) stored last 6 years, has nevei- been abused but needs some work. $1000 as is. Call 529-7596 -after 5.30 Port -Albert --39 6. Trucks for sale 1978 DODGE Cargo Van. slant.. six, automatic, power steering, stereo cassette, roof vent, aeon. Asking X3;950.00. ' Ron's Gulf, Goderich.-38,39x TRUCK and TRAILER - 1977 Chev one ton crew cob pick-up, with tri -axle, fifth wheel trailer, us- ed only three times. Certified, $7,500.00 complete. 529- 7761.- 38,39 1973 DATSUN PICK-UP Truck, as is, or certified. Best offer. Phone 524-6640 after 6 p.m. -38,39 WANTED TO'BUY - Cash for crip- pled or sore footed livestock, cattle, stockers, cows and hogs. Phone 519-876-1250 or 519-834- 2020.-30tf MUST SELL - Quarter Horse weanling colt, halter broken, gentle, good straight lines. Will register. $750.00 or best offer. Phone 524-4360 or 482- 9960.-38,39x REGISTERED Polled Hereford bulls. Ready to work. Halter- b'roken. Good hindquarters. Ed Powell, R.R.1, Wingham. Phone 335-3893.-38,39 POLLED Hereford Female Sale, Saturday, October 9, 1:00 p.m. Glen Osprey Farm, 12 miles north -of -Shelburne. 75- head bred heifers,' cows with calves, from High Wycombe, Glen Osprey, Glen Islay ' Farms. Catalogues, Dave Pease, R6, Shelburne, (519) 5-6412.-0- 39 12, Real estate for sale FOR SALE - a one floor, 3 bedroom cottage with sundeck on West William St. in Seaforth. Ideal, quiet location, close to Main Street, schools, churches, arena, full basement, new kit- chen, a worry -free home on 1'/: lots. Good 12'/a mortgage due June 1984. Phone 527-0673 after 5:30 p.m. for viewing.-33tfnx 1 COUNTY. OF HURON o r TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND IN ARREARS OF TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held In the Council Chambers of the Court House, Goderich, On- tario, on Tuesday, December 7, 1952, et 10:00 A.M. re: any un- paid, faxes _stIJl-„outstan- ding at that date, as shown on the list published In the Ontario Gazette on September 4, 1952. NOTICE ---IS- HEREBY FUR- THER GIVEN that if any of the unpaid lands remain unsold, an ad- journed sale will be held on Tuesday, December 14, 1952 at the same hour and place. List of properties In- volved may be secured at my office In' the Court House, Goderich, On- tario. B ill G. Hanly Clerk -Treasurer & Administrator County of Huron 13. Mobile homes THREE BEDROOM mobile, fridge, stove, washer and dryer included. New furnace and electric hot water heater, cedar deck, patio, tool shed. 524- 6325.-37tf WANTED TO BUY two bedroom Mobile Home, good condition. Phone 524-7328 after 6:00 p.m. or 529-7288.--39 FOR 'SALE, - 40' x 8' mobile home. Ideal for cottage needs repairs 51500. Phone 482- 7204.-39 15. Out of town properties FOR SERVICEABLE age Yorkshire, Hampshire and 'Duroc boars. ROP tested health approved. Average index 106.2 on 1800 market hbgs shipped in 1981. Vista Villa Farms Ltd., Bob Robinson, R.R.4, Walton, 345- 2317.-39-41 12. Real estate for sale COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on the Square, approximately 900 square feet, with, remodelled upper two bedroom apartment. Building for sale or for rent. Contact Ron Key at 524-7381 between 9 a.m. and 5. p.m. weekdays. --37-39 SATE _ 'i.r Auburn on Lottus Street, three bedroom house on large lot, good garage, share of water rights. Priced to sell. Phone 1-526-7756. Will hold mortgage at low interest. -37,38,39,40 16. for rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, $30.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524-6777 after 6 p.m.-33tfnx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS D a it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. B luewoter Cleaners 524- 6231. 12. Real estate for sale MOBILE HOME 1976 Bendix 68' x 14' 3 Bedroom Home, Ex- eeBent-Cdndi.tion, ._WeAi__ nsta.l. > edo.---.1 .auble_.. Pane Windows. Available for Delivery after October 30th, 1982. ASKING ONLY $12,500" For Further Information Telephone (519) 357-2606 ROYAL HOMES LIMITED 17. Apartments for rent SPACIOUS THREE bedroom apartment close to the Square. Newly redecorated. Utilities in- cluded. No pets. Phone 482- 3312 after 6 p.m.-.-37tfnx SALTFORD - TWO bedroom apartment available November 1st, 1982. Carpeted throughout. $200.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 524-9166.-37tf TWO BEDROOM apartment to sublet, carpet throughout. Phone 524-7435.--38,39 ONE BEDROOM apartment, cen- trally located, $195.00 per month plus utilities. Call 524- 2727.-38,39ar ONE BEDROOM apartment, available October 1st. Phone 524-9691 after 6:00 P.M.-39ar TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent, newly decorated, business couple preferred. Phone 524- 9410.-39-40x ONE BEDROOM upstairs apart- ment on the Square, available immediately. Call 524-2160 or 524-8951.-39or BACHELOR APARTMENT available `October '15, $'165.00 monthly, including all utilities. Phone 524-9661 after -1 p.m. -39 ONE BEDROOM apartment, cen- tral, responsible party, 524- 8480.-39 - 18. Houses for rent FOUR BEDROOM house, ex- cellent condition, in Vanastra. $250.00 monthly. Available November 1st. Phone 482- 3791.-38x,39 HENSALL - Three bedroom, one and a half baths, on half acre lot, 5275.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 1-262-2246 anytime. -39-40 TWO BEDROOM house, three miles north of Goderich, close to lake, well insulated, available October 1st. Phone after 6:00 P.M. 524-4226.-39 25. Wanted to buy A WOOD BURNING cookstove. Phone 524-8591 after 4:30 p.m. -381f WANTED TO BUY • one pair of lady's Cross Country Skiis. 524- 9042.-39-40 BAR SIZE fridge. Phone after 5 p.m. 524-9572.-39nx WANTED TO BUY - thickness planer, minimum 12" any' condi- tion considered. Phone 524-9533 after 5:00 p.m. -39 USED HOCKEY equipment for six year old. Phone 524- 9276.-39 WANTED - Twopiece snow suits, one boy's size 6x, one girl's size 8. Phone 529-7492 after 5 p.m. -39 WILL BUY FOR CASH or SELL BY. AUCTION fall: Marie Salm atthe . _._..__.......,.. Auction Rooms 524-9064 26. Help wanted HELP WANTED - Capable middle -age live-in housekeeper andcompanion to an elderly lady in Wingham. Apply Box 3676, c/o The Huron Expositor, Box ' ' 69, Seaforth, Ontario. -38,39 PART-TIME professional librarian to work twenty hours per week. Position requires person to have training and ac- credited library degree. This is a temporary position while pre- sent staff member is on mater- nity leave. Apply in writing to Mr. Wm. Partridge, Chief Librarian, Huron County Public Library, 66 Waterloo Street South, Goderich. N7A 4A4.--39-40 CAREER IN trucking transport., Drivers deeded. Train now for your class A licence. Write Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School, P.O. Box 3186, Cam- bridge, N3H 4S6. -O-39 EARN EXTRA money. Show our quality line of cards and gifts to friends, neighbors, relatives. No experience necessary. Write or phone toda f f y or m Ormet' ion and free color Christmas THREE BEDROOM house for rent catalogue. It's easy and pro - in Bayfield. Call 565;2563 even- fitable. Monarch Greetings, Box ings, and 482-3013 days. -39 516, Hamilton, L8N 3K3. (416)527-.3891,-_ 039 -- 20. Room & board SPACIOUS LIVING rooms, private befrooms, two meals a day, for senior citizens. Available now. Von Damme's Holiday Home, 482-3685.- 35tf 23. Commercial property for rent. GROUND FLOOR, feet prime office Lighthouse St. 2717.--26tf 2,000 square space at 60 Phone 524 - OFFICE SPACE for rent. Available immediately. Phone 524-8845 after 5 p.m.-36tfnx COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on the Square; approximately 900 square feet, vyith remodelled upper two bedroom apartment. Building for sale or for rent. Contact Ron Kay at 524-7381 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. -37-39 24. Wanted to rent GOOD CLEpANhouse- with fireplace. Close to or in Goderich or Port Albert. Reasonable rent. References. Please call Ripley 395-5960 after 6p.m.-3ltfnx 25. Wanted to buy ezersmeserrem WANTED TO BUY - PIANO, not necessarily in good condition. Phone 669-2280 or 669-2198 anytime. Call collect. -29.52x 27. Wanted (general) WANTED • old brick buildings for wrecking and salvage pur- poses. Contact ' R. Lumley Demolition Inc., 1185 Murphy Rood, Sarnia. 1-542-4088. On- tario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick.-35-52eowtf 28. Business opportunity EARN EXTRA INCOME - EARN EXTRA INCOME! Learn . to Prepare INCOME TAX RETURNS By Correspondence .50% of Fee Refunded ifyou pass and are hired and work until April 30. For details call collect (416) 827- 1455,or write Tax Time Services Limited 1304 Speers Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6L 2X4,-39-42 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - Design yourself a new way of life. Full-time/part-time. Realize your ambitions through the Shaklee opportunity. Ex- cellent income potential, bonus program. For informotion call 262.5047.-40,41,42ar FOR LEASE 2 -BAY SERVICE STATION CLINTON, ONT. For further information please contact: BP CANADA D. STEWART (Days) 1-300-265-4157 (Evenings) (519) 271-1971 WAREHOUSE MANAGER Canadian Manufacturer seeks Warehouse Manager for their distribution facility located in Goderich. This position Is responsible for all warehousing operations, including labor relations, materials handling, plant maintenance and office supervision. This Is an ideal opportunity for career development, of- fering a competitive salary and benefit package. Send resume and latter of application to: Goderich Signal Star P.O. Box 220 Industrial Park Goderich, Ont. Drawer No. 167 THE SOCIAL EVENT OF THE SEASON 21st Annual ROTARY BALL Saturday -r October..16 -_ - Goderich Township Community Hall (HE LMESVILLE). Sic down dinner at 8 P.M. SHARP (Catered -by -Friars -Cellar of London) Followed bydan'adng to BOBBY BREWS ORCHESTRA FOE/TICKETS PHONE: JOHN BANTER - Bus, 524-8376 lass: 524-8149 KEN MeGEE - sills. 552244-.88438971 REs. 524524484878391 OR CONTACT ANY ROTARIAN Tickets m 450O Couple t*aTAAV (� 4 0.1 11 6