HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-1-25, Page 101, RSTAY,, I''k11317VARY 81:11 '12 THE EDIS: ?HONOGRAP the popular poi pular instrument for the same 'tao that popular, music pis, popular—it ,akes the biggest hit with the biggest crowd not only because of its great popular repertoire; not only my cause of its equallyly noteworthy lassTeal repertoire, not because of the true-to-life rendering which the hire reproducing -point insures; not only because of mberol 1 , ipcords, or becatuse it is the instrument on you can make your own records at home—but, use all these things form a combination which every eco nines as the greatest t14,g in the musical world the Edison Phonograph. ISR RECORDS CR RECORDS Eon to our regular monthly dison Standard and Edison rol Records, we issue regu- dumber of British and French s. HBe sure to getthe catalogs u -r dealerwhen you go to buy on Phonograph—and ask c newRecordSupploanents ou free every month. There are Fdis oa deal ers everywhere, Get complete catalogs from your dealer or from us. Edison Phono- graph's, $16.50 to$240.00. Edison Standard' Records, 40c. Edison Amberol Recceds (play twice as long), 65c. Edison Grand Opera Records, 85c. to $2.50. IsOOBROBATED 100 Lakeside Avenue, orange. N. J. U.S.A. • A complete line ofEdison Phonographs and Records will be found of LLIS POWE 1 WE WANT YOU Yes we want you as a customer. Ask us to send you our 1912 Catalogue. It's brim full of all that is good in Flowers, Vegetables, Field. Roots, Grains, Plants, Small Fruits, Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies, etc. Valuable information is what we have aimed to give the Farmer, Gardener and Private Planter. .All it will cost you is one moment of time and a two -cent stamp. Write us to -day, the day you are reading this. • DARCH & HUNTER` SEED- CO., Limited. Dept. 31 ' London, Canada. iss 's Canadian Gem Swede Turnip—Acknowledged as the best feeder, the beat cooker, the best shipper. TRY IT. rediton y to report that. Mrs, a severe atlreck of rhea- pe -for a speedy re- Irs Fred Clarke, spent a r last week. meetsslgservices were Methodist church last ory, of Exeter, spent e ,guest(s of Mr. and services well held in 1 church 1aStt Sunday. r. o4' Cleveland, preach - resting sermons on id4ay he gave a lecture eraoptican views. Ev- joyed it. Ire. Newton Raker, of Tuesday in town. the and Mrs, J. Clarke•., eetings are being held d'cal church. ilber of Zurich, spent n with friends. es Zwieker is opendingt Hamburg visiting her nd Mrs, Raltz. Venzel, of Dasbwgod, with his family here. uh and Carey scent aster, tl that Misia Merle( Clark after a serious iilnees. may continue 5o. ',Gaiser who. is . attend legiatte a't London. spent or ' Jeome helve ting was held in 'tbti., +ala . Monday. sick, of Zurich, spent, town. own returned.homs after ev "days'vitsitimlg friends CCAN a few days int,Lon'- nil and Wellington ,and Thursday with I askett lspen't Sunday' l is ;spending a few vic'niay. cl1ann visited frieetds' ne of McGillivray last Drell of Lieury, has:re- C aft11r spending ,'the pant fricnrl,5 on' Sauble litnn. rCENTBALIA 7ei y ' .. n'.it:�a'i'ng last week ti� r 1 s the Aid cl c' •e d hu` following: offs- eatdeant Mrs,' James, Oke; Vice Ire (Rev. IIItal:oletird. Sec. tta J..eeery Tres Sirs. Albert .'. G. ,Abbott b,ae been on the bu t 1,s cobvalecee ng. lnarloriy cervico wtlrl held in thridiat Church and' the oak art] list i:o 14,feet on 'Tuesday , 2. 131i m. • ' STOhilt Y; atfanto and Children. 001 Cave Always Boagla DASHWOOD On Wednesday of last week. Mrs. T. Krueger died at her home on the 14th concession of Stephen aftera lingering illness. having been ill since, March of last year. The deceased was till/year., of age. She was born in Germany and came to tris country 'when a child, settling in Berlin. Forty-nine years -sago she was mar- riled to Mr. Theodore Krueger, who survives her. In 1869 they came to Huron county and settled on . the the tare on which she died. Besides' her husband she is 6uryived by fives chitdren; Mrs. Jas. Bi eei.t and Mrs. D. McGill, of L onklon, Mrs. A. 13... Fake. of-'ow.n,'Mrs. A.'Bagsha:w, of Morrin. Sask., and John at home. The deceased was a member of the Lutheran church at Dashwood. The remains were interred in the Exeter cemetery ori,•Saturday last. The be- reaved have 'the sympathy of u host of friends. HENSALL Quite a large number from Rensall. attended ttha funeral of David C. McLean held from his late residence. Dlr. 'McLean was never.' married but Ieaves . to mount hie loss. one/ brothel, and one sister, Misss. Maggie. both of the village, This is 'the second' death' in the family within a year. a brolthe er having died a short ,t.ime ago. • The local Oddfellows intend making some improvements in the interior of the alreadyfinely equipped lodge - room. waggle will afford still further convenienees. both for themselves and: the Sisters of Rebecca. who now held weekly meetings there. Mesars. EEgngough and Smallacombe took wee' fine' 'birder to the Huron. County poit.ltry 'show. held'' recently and. Fred J3engoup, b won out, witbi his fine W:yando{ti'e's.•. taking' first for ;hest collection ,of White Wyandottas cock bird. first second, ands it.hird for oulleta. and (laird for cockerel, be- sides landing •the special prize for Fred,; mallaoomite won firse for Par- tridge' Wyandottbe •cockerel. first and second for puilets;' also apecial fox collection' and 'mound and !third for Vi.raraudette hens. . fo the Ancona clans Mr, Sneallacombe took first for pull- ets and second for cockerel. Mr. Ben'- gouj'1i third for pullets and' third for cockerel. Mese Latta Bawden. of Clinton, is the &leslt of :her aunt, Mrs .,1+', C. McDann'el. Aft J. C. 'Case, of Toronto. is vis- itizig her pWren{. s. Mr tn1!rs Moir r Mine Swan. orofeasional nurse, is now in Goderich whets shoevas call- ed last week. Mics t l3 ttt has returned from &Dee n. M. S. LV'. Ortwein was very nee, dad iai 'IJie poultry show held keit, a1'n:en, reeurin.,' eleven fiesta, four second and. Lour specie/ prizeti, Me. aiad Dire. al elth , Case. of "l'or- otlt'o are visiting the(r matey frglnds fibre. The Mimes Coward: of Ifsbornba Ivey.. visiting in 'lawn Ibis tw,ebk, Tudaty the ttith war a busy day (n. teen. The curlers' botivpiel was in 1:t.1, ;_.wing and at night the Bach- ! l}nil 'Look pi:lco in the opera heti ,..'The harpers iron London fere •• he,1 the metric. The subscribers of the say Mun•- 1 '1'c1'elem. CoLenny leave now r:1 era:claret ret rcrv.c,.'. which will prove rt greet tenverd.eno. !,o malty." THE EXETER TIRES ElfilKitTON A sleigh lead from here attended. the Exeter rink lash Wednesday night, and report a goad time, Mr. and Mre. Wein of Nissouri, vis, iced relatives and friends in this loc- ality Last week. The members and adherents of the Methodist church are having a social gathering and oysters. at the church on Friday night. The milli hasbeen closed ,quite fre- quently of late. Some of the young, people are so fond of skating that they would wil- lingly freeze sooner than quit the sport, Miss Minerva Lief of H.amiota is the gueet of Linda Gunning. Dr. Campbell treated the choir to oysters last Friday night. The Epworth League has engaged the London Male Quartette for a con- cert on Friday evening Feb, 16th, Miss Ella Miller is spending the winter with her grand parents. Mrs S. Brown is visiting in Palmer- ston. ,., Mrs. Garnet has returned from Vic; toria Hospital London. FLIMVILLE t. Mr. Hodgins of Askeing, Manitoba, while visiting Mr, Penrice was taken. sick and was coiHued .., le .1 for sev- eral days with Yeiloe, ,,.,eudice, but 'is able to be out again. The hosre of Mr. and Mrs. Penrice was the scene of of a happy gathering when a number of invited friends and neighbors were present, The evening was spent in games and dancing and broke up at a late hour with all well pleased. While Mr. Sohn Jacques was hold- ing the tongue of a loaded sleigh he was helping to take out of the barn, the horses made a quick start causing the sleigh to rush down the bridge dragging bine partly under the front part of the sleigh. He was severely bruised about the legs and had a nar- row escape from being trampled upon by the horses. Do you know that more real danger Iarks. in a common cold than any other' of the minor ailments? The' safe way is 'to take Chamberlain's Cangle Remedy. a thoroughly reliable preparation. and rid yourself of the cold as quickly as ''possible. This remedy is for ,7ale by all dealers. THAlMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Argue and children of Manitoba are visiting friends in this neighborhood. Miss Margaret Passmore was the guest of Mrs. A. Gardiner last week. At Bethany last Sabbath Rev. E G. Powell delivered a very interesting address on Union. Mr. Duncan. Middlemas -has hired with Mr. Wes. Armstrong for the summer. Mr. H, Fordeis moving his furniture this week to bis new home. having rented the house, of Mr J. Morgan on the 4th con. WINCHELSEA. rhe following is the report of the January examination held in S. S. No. 6 Usborne. The Senior second class wrote for promotion to the senior. second. and their standing is written below. Fourth Class—Total 1000 Gordon Duucan 911; Hardwick Cornish 854; Inia Heywood 697: Dia Cornish 638; David Oreery 614; David was absent missed one subject. Third Class Tot, - al 780. Willie Routly 698; Myrtle Washburn 619; Gordon Delbridge 599; Vera Heywood 536; Lewis Cornish 475 Alden Oreery 399. Senior Second Class Total 685 George Johns 598; Mervyn Cams 592; Lorena Johns 580; Willie Skelton 566: Elva Horne 491; Frances Heywood 474Ehea Smale 378 Mac Cornish 316: May Heywood 288: Junior Second Class Total 470; . Wes- ley Heywood 388; Part I1 class tot- al 470. Bruce Medd 435, Franklin Skinner 432; Gibson Creery 431; Fr'enk Routly 410. Cora Bell 389; Ray Johns 356:: Edythe Johns 283 Tommy Hey- wood 265; Reggie Delbrige 255; Viola Bell was unable to attend on account of sickness. Jessie A. Hamilton teacher WOODHAM Richard` Allen. who has spent that past; year 5n the west returned hero on Saturday Melt, Mrs. ,Matt Roultley of •Sunshine, je visiting; her slater Mrs;. 0. Francifa. of Castle, near Tavistock. Olive Fuller. of 'St. Marys, who spent the !summer in. Vancouver ie at present visiting friends about W ood'bam,. Mrs. Jahn 'Comm. Sr,,: its ecrioufely ill with pneumonia at the home of Mrls. Michael Fletcher, in. Exe,l,er, The Copeland Bros. are busy put- ting up ice for ' the 'creamery ry •a ti Winchelsea. bliss Leaf of Manitoba is vi si t i n;g. her aunt. Mrs. Gunning. of Woodham, Fred; Austin. 'formerly of K'irkton has purchased- Wesley Millis sil1a •i property and will conduct ,a butcher business here. Roy Kirk put up a, supply of ice for .him. Aka, Mills will probably move to Londcm, Hie sale ea on Wednesday of this week. John and Mary Oamm and Alma MiiIs were ;present at /the Literary meeting of 'the E. L, at Mitchell Road on Friday eventing last. „ 1 rte. Snicrn Epworth League will be ptoe present take charge of the League rneotin,g hem next Sunday ni,3'ht. At good time is •e.oiie>.ctl s d., S: Spearin was a visitor in Wood:- hain Sunday afternoon, 1 Mrs. A. 'Carruthers. of •S'tra'throy' i.s visiting at the parsonage, Oni Monday J. L. Bontly aiiftended atbusiness meeting of the Usbornie and Hibbert 'Mutual Vire ln.stiranee_ Campaity 'hold el Farquhar, A re ort of the, recant Diistrict, J7y 11 S. S. Convention held in :Centralia, was given iri the Schaot Sunday afternoon; by one of the dalega;taa. John Qarnna All were wellp deasod with the re- view of the wont done. The grist mill is busy. Theand us 'wall filled wit b wood lie a isu �P� i p 5' Per lthe ,eotniei,g year, 'The aub,tect dor consideration in. the Sunday evening, ssrvieo was, Church Union. 'T'here was tt good at- tendence. Mrs. Mimeo. "dr,. tvtlt1 poorly, but is battier atgai,n. 00 YOU LIKE IT? The One Sided Gown la Quite the Fad, DRAPED ONE BIDED TQNIO EPPECT, This pretty frock shows what may be done with odd bits of good ma teriaL It also shows the new one- sided effect._ With the aid of a feW yards of faupe chiffon and a little silk cord and tassels of the same color purchased new the frock was made from an old pink satin dancing gown and some taupe colored and rose em- broidery ripped from a once handsome Japanese negligee. The Handy Pad. The simplest and 'most useful of pads for hasty memoranda is made from the ordinary penny tablet of small size. '' At the middle of one end, on the back, fasten' a • common brass ring by doubling a bic of tape through it and gluing the latter- lirmly to the pasteboard backing. By,, this it can. be hung on a handy nail, from which should depend also a cord•with a pen - ell, always ready for use. Choose a pen%il with rather -soft lead. but with- out n rubber, tie the cord•secnrely to a notched place in the middle of the pencil, and have both ends shartinnn(i. Then if one line need to use It Whichever .end one grasps will tfa tall right one to use. Anticipation. Reno: Here conies the po?trsnn With something good, 1 gu•'- Re hands me out a letter That's marked with my arida. •.... My name as sure as shooting In letters large and R-i+'e; A hand I don't remenb••r I wonder what's inslita,. • Perhaps an invitation To be the honored guest At, some small swell reception At some old friend's request: Perhaps a check in payment Of some forgotten debt, Or maybe it's to settle lint ,old election het. It might be—there's no telling— A pert, insistent dun Sent by a grouchy tradesman I sometimes do get nne. It may be from a sc•hrn Itnate Inviting me to see His Wonderful new baby That's being named for the. It may be from the preacher. A note serene and wise: It may be from a lady Who's smitten with my eyes: It may be from McCarthy: It may be from the cook. But this suspense is killing. I'll break the seat and took. A World Beaton. "Mrs. Brown is a great talker." -"" I'll bet Mrs. Jones earn beat her You lose." "Why?" "Mrs. Brown talks all the time." uI 'win." "How?" "Mrs. Jolles talks overtime." Amusing. "Sam 1" , i Wh at2n "Try to be funny." "Do you 'think I can be?' "No, you can't be funny, but it Is so amusing to watch you try to ,be." • Y, M. C. A. BLIV., LO11DON,0111'.0 OtJSIN`ESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last Season upwards of 360 students and placed every gradttatp. Seven spe6ially qualified regular teachers. Ono hundred and fifty London firms employ stir trained help. College in session from Sept. a to June 30. Enter tiny tune. Cataloaue'Fres. ' hands "nr st City S Sticrtltand0�1e V W. WESTIitVEI.T,JR. J. W. Wteezevet, ClzerteredAccountant, Prinefeee Vkei nsittelp*l: d to County Council The foliowilg •.i a the z'cpQrt lu par of several of thea cotnm',ttees et tlae Theron Cmeaty Oounpil. . Rad anti 13ridge' gommittee—Lice unamended that ,engineer comrnu cate wi'tb engineer of Middlesex re- garding beidt 'e on boundry between„ Usllorne and Biddulpt1 and report to rood and bridge committee. ileetem taeoe04 that cou.aty engineer, exam- tete Race bridge' at Wingham end if alecessary have 'the same built att once Recommended that tender of .Hill ,Sc Oafor the superstrue'tio:n of J3iac1 Bridger be ,accepted and that tender For the concrete work of L. Lawson alt .$4.40 per cubic yard for ,same bridge be accepted, Special Committee Recommended that peltitian of n the West Huron Far- mers Institute asking true Council to request the Minister oi! Agrieua ere to appointed District represen-.t- ive fir the county, be laid, over un- til the June meeting. Count. Property Committee— The county •properly corn `ttee reported that they .had visit+'lathe vet ttr d found' everything cream and. an firee- clasa order There. are 18 (prisoners. in the goal nearly all young men end we esntggee t they b2. put to some. u:soa i andprofitable etnploymenft. W examined •tbie court house and found it also clean and tt-e11 kepti except the. law library, which .needs a thorough cleaning aad overhauling, and cpm., mend highly the work of the care- taker. Recommending that a new stair be immediately built leading to the furnace room. Recommended, khan the request of D. McDonal3for typewriter be laid over ulnluii" Jnne meeting, We have examined • the registry office and found it well; kept; Recommended that six 'snits of duck goods for sunnier use be purcbaeeed. for goat prisoners. Executive Commit tee— Recommend- ed, ecommended, that a grant of $20 be made to Salvation Army. Recommended that a grant of 25c. per man per day be made to 03rd regiment. Recommend- ed that e grant of $2:a week be made Made to Children's Aide Society aaor- dered, by Judge Holt. Recommended that a grant of $1.25 a week be made to Children's Aid Society, as ordered by Judge Doyle. Recommended that no action. be 'taken regarding Pris- oners' Aid Association. Recommended that` a grant of $,15 for a first prize and $10 fora second prize be offered ata the Provincial • Winter Fair at Guelph Recommended that another County Councillor be appointed to ac company Mr. Livingstone to O'ttaw't to attend good roads' Aseociatio n, meeting. Mr. McKay was elected to Fill the position. Recommended that a grant of $25 be .made to all ]t'al1 Fair Ashooiations and Public Librar- ies in the County. Recommended'tha; a grant of $10 be ,given to the Chill- ren's Aid Society, Recommended that not. action ibe taken' regarding grana to Goderich Poultry Association. Rec- omme'nded that a grant of $2:0 be given for ,the purchase of flowers for Court House grounds. Recommended that hhe usual grant of $25 be given tot the Farmers' Institut, and $19 to the Wohtana' Institute. Re•commead-. ed that the tender of the Goderich Star for County printing be accepted'. Recommended that a grant of •$25 be made to each Horticultural Society holding shoat. Re motion of Ameret and 141cK[ay 'that a grant' of ,$50 be - made to `Seaforth spring, ° show and seed fair recommended tba to gram; or $.10 be given. Recommended that a granti of $25 be given to Clinton spring s h.pw. Recommended. that the matter of giving a grant to the Hur- on Poultry and Pet Stook Association be left to the: June meeting. Recom- mended that a grana of $400 be giv- en to Godcrich. Clinton and W pa hospitals to be divided on the basis of .'the Government grant to each; Education Committee -Recommend- ed that 'the reports of the public school inapeetors >or Ease. and West Huron be printed is the minubesanci that Lhey receive commendation of the council for such full and explicit reports. Recommein.ded that the Goderielt, Clinton and oeafoz tb< Col- legiate Indtitutes and Ilea Wi,ngham. high school be paid , the following amounts with the fees collected from county pupils deducted; Goderich. $3 6267:1'; Seaforth, ;$3,027.07,; Clin- ton $3.369;J3: Wingham $2,445,04. Re- commended that the Listowel and St. Marys high school account's' for county pupils be paid as follows; Listowel $37,72; St. Marys ;$55.0L. Recommended that the appointment' of William McKay. Wl B. W.ciden., hammer for West Huron and John C. Smith' and B S.: IScottt for .East Hur- on. as •examiners. be coafirmad. Re- commended that the usual grants 'to continuation classes be colnttinue 1, Recommended that a grant of ,$:20011 be made to the Collegiate Institute; of .Seaforth. Goderich. and Clinton and the Wingcam High School, to 'b,, divided pro -rata, West Huron Instector'a Report: — X. Elgin Tom. inspector" of schools foR. West Huron reported • t'h,e&t accommoa dation, and equipment of moot of the schools of the inspectorate to be first class the school houses being comfort,- able and 'conveniwat. heated and fairly well lighted. Every school in the tnspectore tee has a library. The J04 iibraxiea 'contain 12,1111 volumes,. valued at $.4,680 a.nd, the number of yep is enrolled is 4,874: There ware 13.1 regular teachers employed at the Mese of 1011. there being 21.. male teauners and 110 females; The aver - ag+ salaryof themels(teacher iIi/119 RAP 7 0'2and , of h �the P.emal,. 4 n. The h� gigbest salary paid a than was $1.450 and a female $16:75, 'There leave been 0:+3 changes of teachers, ;since March 1910; only 61 out of the 134 'depart meats have the same, te'arher se vi Tear ego, while 7.3 departments have a different teacher, some having changed i.t. a or threw times. There Welt 345 candidates who wrote on the last et, trance .exameniation, of which 2232 vote siteco',as.ful, aThis near junior ;ted: ^n o: axaminnatiea diplomas! Wail be -: oval 1 by the DepartmeAt of Baena Lion 'The see - for 'diplorn.a will be bleed, antl `,, stu b- a"ros of the isentor grade which gives the candidate, a' eight to enter a model school oncomplying With (he other and will oleo be '' nee cepted in lieu of passing Part I of, ,entrance 'to Normal schools or the faculty of cducetion, The junior di- tyloma examination 'will be based o.t the, sub,ect,s of the junior grat10 o Form G', eche bontinuation schools of Elteter and Crediton are, doing ptpl,;:'n'- l did, work for the dixbriet,s in iyt;;o, they bre located, r,aalal Notice, , N ETTZ R THAN $PAN(ING, Spanking does not cure children of bed, Wetting, here is a constitutional taupe for 1l.ELPFUx HINTN' 'i S ON ,Tit war oub ,filers, M. Summers, Box Sal l3EAT,TI1 Windsor Ont 'will send free to any =caber Scalp and. flair Tfoubles Generally Qaused by Carelessness Dandruff is a contagious. disease .caused by a Microbe whieli else pro. dunes baldness. Never use a comb or brush. beiongina to someone else, i o matter how cleanly Che owner may 'be, these, articles may be infected' with ;microbes, which w111 infect vour scalp. It is fair easier to, catch hair microbes than to get rid of dam and a single etrolee of an effected. comb or brush may well lead to bald- ness. Never try on any body els ' hat. Many', a hat hand is a resting place for microbes, i'f you happen to be troubled with dandruff. itching scalp, falling hair or baldness, we have a remedy which we believe will completely relieve these 'troublets. We ere so enure of this that we offer it to you with the understanding that it will east vow nothing for tale trial if it does not produce the results we ofaim. This remedy is called Rexall "93" Hair 'Tonic, We honestly believe it to be the most scientific remedy for effectivaniees, because of the remelts ft has produced in thousands of cases. Rexall "i 3" Hair Ionia is devised to banish dandruff. restore natural color when its lout, bats been' brought .about by disease, and make the ;hair naturally silky. soft and glassy, It does this because it stimulates the hair folliciles, destroys the germ mat- ter and brings aboat, a. frees healthy circulation of blood, which nourishes the hair roots., causing !them to ti,ghtten and grow new hair. We want everybody who has any trouble with Bair or scalp to know that we think that Recall "u3" Hair 'Tomo is the best Hair 'Tonic and restorative in existence, and no one should scoff at or 'doubt, VAS statement antra they have put our claims to"a fair test with the understanding that; they Day us nothing for the remefly if it does; not give full and complete eat- isfaction in every particular. Two sizes. 50c and $1.00, Rem=ember. yo you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Exeter only et our store --The Rexall Stare. , —W. S. Cole. BRINISLEY • On Wednesday. January the .3Iet, the home of Mr, and Mrs. Andr,,s t•, Maguire Brinsley, was the scene of a happy event when :he eldest daugh- ter. Viney May. was married to Mr. 'Irving E. Neil of Alberta. Th+s mar- riage 'took place at four o'clock and was conducted by the Rev. Robert, Hicks. of Crediton. As Mendelsshon's wedding march was being played by Mr. Richard Neil. the bride entered ,the parlor leaning on the arm.of her father and took her place beneath a draped curtain. banked with, ferns and carnations.. where the groom. awaited her. The bride looked charm- ing dressed in a gowa of ivory ts:lk , trimmed, with a yoke of overlace and , insertion aad carried a boqut of ' Bridal roses. She was assisted by Mise Ada Neil. sister of tits groom who was dressed in cream. trimmed with overlace and pearl trimming and carried white carnations. The groom was supproted by Mr. Charles Miller. After congratulations.. all sat down to a tempting repast served on tast- ily decorated tables. Two of the, bride's young lady friends. acted as waiters. Delany beautiful and useful. ;gifts testified to the •esteem in which the young, people are held by their 'friends. Mr. and Mrs.. Neil. expect to leave shortly for their home in Ckauvin. Alberta. her suecessfuflsome treatment, with full instructions. Sand no ni.oney;but write bee to day if your ohildren trouble you in thief way.: Pon't blame the child, the ohanoeet are it can't help it, This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled witb.. ttrine difficulties 7ay day or night, . • Zt''ItICIB Mr, Milton Weber is lair up with; a bad attack of bronchitis. The infant eon o: lir. and alraa William 'Thiel had its hands badly( burned recently by falling agat:usff a hot stove. $issee Fanny and Mary Gaecha•rof the 141h Cone. reeurnea .home last week from 4 visit with relate veist and friends in Micbr',gan. Mrs, Fred Witwer of Exeter. visw tted her daughter Mrs, Dan Kehier; and other friends in town last weskit Mr. Herbert Stumpp of Miidwe$1 son of Mr, and Mrs. Michael Stomper formerly residents of thee town are! here for a visit with r.•latawee Mrs. Elizabeth Weber et RoohetsC,4 ter 'N. Y, and alre, 1•,m cry al Sarnia. arevisiting thole mother .Mrs. Dais Bennett this week .The Misses Melssa and Pearl t'fite of the 14th Con.. who have bent visiting with their brother in Blyth; during the past week, have returned home. Her many friends will regret to hear of the death of Mrs. John. Nau' schwanger of the Go le n In. which sal event occured on Moadav even ing. after an extended, illness. The; deceased was of a quietand kindlyi disposition and was a daughter of thea • late. Mr. and Mrs, Ret.h.•rmal. She leaves to mourn her demure, a sor- rowing husba ..'vs ht,s;, 1 son', and one grandson. beiidiis a large{ number of other r+latives, The fan eral took place on Wednesday after• noon, the interment taking place in. the I.te•heran came,'ry reed was con- ducted by Rev. C. 0'. J'. Maass, pars!: tor of the church. la you had taken two of Cax+ter'a Little Liver Pills before rehiring you would not have that coated •tongut ax bad taste in 'the mouth this mornri ing. ,Ke -p- a vial with you for ocean• .sio,nai use. NO. REASON FOR DOUBT A Sta't'ement of Fact=1 Backed by a Strong Guarantee We. guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation, or, in every case where, we fail, we wilt supply the medicine free . Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, ef-1 fective dependable, and safe bowel regulator. strengthener, and tonide They aim to reeeatablich nature's fuze ct' ions in a quiet easy Way. Moll do not cause ineonvemience. ;gripingi,, oat nausea. They are sa pleasant ttti, tate ,and work soeasily that they' they may be taken by any one : tae any time. They thoroughly tone up the whole system to healthy act'vity. Rexall Orderlies are unsarpassableV and ideal for the use of children, oa folks, and delicate persons. We canF. not to highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form of constipae teem. and its attendant evils. Threat size.s.'10c, 125c, and 550c. Remember„ you can obtain Rexall Remedies log this community only at our store The Rexall Store W. 3. Cole.. Children Cry �sr� /FOR FLETCHER'S O A S O R! A Here is one of the many cases in which',: Several members of one family have benefited from the holneho1d'box of Zam- Buk. Col. -Sgt. Louis Ifiliott, 3rd Co., 46th Battalion, Peterboro, Ont., says t "The lower part of any face, cheek and chin broke out in small red pimples, which later festered and broke, forming nasty sores and dry scabs. The itching set up by these eruptions and sores was terrible, and seemed far worse during the night. Ali kinds of soaps, washesand ointments were tried in the vain attempt to get relief, even to bathing with carbolic acid and water Finally X thought of Zam-Buk and straightway procured a box at the drug store. One night's, application brought great relief from the intense itching, and u T kept on applying this balm daily, the inflammation waa soon drawn out, and in less than a week's time the sores! Were thoroughly healed and every scab banished." Mrs. Elliott, E39 Sherbrooke St., Peterb oro ' telling of Zam B , effect on her youngerson Walter,say " He Slipped ad canned a wound on his right hip, which developed into a :miming sore. Prom this... smaller sores spread until his lower limbs were covered with ulcers. These proved very alaraigg and X feared blood-poisoni ' 1 Z began t Zam•Buk treatment, and it reallyaid like1a remarkablyshort _ • ..the seemed. to aid magic in a space of time traw running sores were all healed. I am very grateful indeed for his cure, and I strongly'recommend mothers to keepZam "d an Bu7C a'Itlrays handy, WHAT ZAH-Blete WILL OIIREr Ztitii•Buk will•be found a cure forcold'sores, chappod hands, best bite, aicdre, blood -poison varioose sore,,, piles, Scalp rib worm, inflamed pa ched, bdbles eruptions wad chit ti aotle outs, I� 7p tai, bums, brtutoa and. skin inlurles goner, 111a. Aii drill/gide and stores oat i ..Qt1. GQ0,.1.) t or $190 from Ural -Bak t O., Toronto, ppote roes!' t o r free p Ell ice. You are wlrnoda lust hermtuli i a ` m t teontia nd au titute . re to ' against rr bs ti sell the retina 6� me 1'aa►ta-Brits oS OS* pabk±tg6 beiiorb I/ugiag FREE BOX Send tbie flodpate and is stamp to Ziint-Bnic Co., 'Tor - ante; Rod yyou, hili *deist � a ]bolt,