HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-1-25, Page 9-1-1711, I'll, . - I 11
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..7�,; 91V I : I Jae Lie %a7A't,Goy,orAor'a is . peeahzt � 1.1- 1.11, I .11 '--"""V up JA the traftr � a . _ .............. ,,,,, . . I i '_ . . �. :, I . I VI I, .1 I
1. �: "I Z . 0 hrlstmas eve, , . I ' ,. *
:1 0, 0,vol �it� I �L I ,
, I I . utng ol� tb�s, S4s14a'tob,QwaA. where lie. was unturally, enough think. I Auction Sale , :Administrators � Sale ,
L , L IL 1. . L' .
11 '' "_ '95 . . -f'
n oll I &_�islatUre -farm e.
zaa, _1 , on Jan. th., ia,pnqun Ing of his wife and c,411dren, woudgt,- . �
. . otecl, . or Sal
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... I 6xjt� k A, Ch ' tinas I NTS. . �. . , L
I L L beroby kh,a Governmi :a � , ris ilig v'here they were and, repinlug, be. of . I
" pl, 4 IV . ,�
'. .1 L � � .1 I I CA Se 110 6 d It be able to spend _ 1 � , L Vor� i9ole at once,200 acres
L left cotailmotiwi with, the, thr-a, greatt, __
,,, :�: . . L no
u M. L Mr. � � bosw, lcameion, b,VL, xle.q0IM, 41H ta ,
. I 1. I i, railway compatim propoGes to d,,-iiv� a . . . w 0 Il ACRE FARM In MU,CKE'REMITH Ord� loom -.3 miles frpin Clinton, ", ob
I I n - the niorrow with them. Since his strudl;jopia to sell public auction Pzbwtial
:1 I I I . or water from tbw Iso1h brano4 of . ,,, 'US 'The 'Administrator lot ft -bo �3.4 ,40k rods, ITn g
, u his On �LOZ 12 COX 91 . bod.-istate of eultilvati.
.i . ., -vtobewan river over a5 large Reunion mother's death and the change 1. 'L , , L ' . 4M $ . ON 0,, " Of4ble late David W-00 yar, baslia. 100 0'exes in grain, to aorv,s alfal
I . L - " oal BORNE, lim THURSDAY . TLfiCG0
.L ,L the S,asl; I I I .� � I . . OEBA. I � L L Pi I
1, a's arera, as pos4ble of aauth,orn aas�, L . affairs fie had ma4e rp�eated efforts, ar� 'Und iat .g 30, L - U, struotodi' Mr. Brown,'.AucUou- t2 0,9res busb. rebt liay and, pasta
, . I katchewan fox L.tie benefit of those It Happ . to find Mom, but 440 not succe ''eak . 41.ocliz Aharp. the oer � I I I ' .
. 4,ned on a Farm In - followin _ ,to offer for oale. by public notion Stone
: ave on hand I . ,ed , g_',' I . I I I i IM, - ,house. tiIi,Io. ,storoy, ,qla�e g,o
- ,
We h, , go d communities wherii'waLer in isufficent He was at tills time traveHug among , om (tho, :Premises out TUESDA, K. Qfth oem,cont floor Iri et,11ar, rilronce ,is , ,
I a Western State . HORSES-11'Idrah niare 0 �yearsolld FIJ�IRRUARY 19�,� 'at 'I ajolook P. M. telephone. one 1jarn,8 )0, wdn�d
1- supply of fresbly ,screened aaantity or oultable quality is Adt L — � farmers explaining to thetu some, dlis- Upboin a to I` The L i L a foal to Siber TrIle, oQuith I,� ot IS, in pumper., wa.tvr,�,loyl-s. , 5Xr I � , ,.
I )Is , lan
. . I L . readily obtainable. . I of seed�that 1 ogtioUltural imare 6 years old I §t quarltlar,'of 1, 0 StAu if
I coverlea in the treatment 11 U,P' thet Irirst Convels,g6n, of Vu*ersm11hi b64 vatIt IF t) J1QxJscs_ . I 'L e
. . I ,Ile Q!n I , I
L. . * 0 ft a * I By MARTHA HEMLINGWAY he had m" foal to Siber"' I L. It; S, containing 23, 1-12 aores,',inore barn f6r4o, 1.1ay barn 5OX 5, C
r � .. owed tp be in
L , I . . L ado himself and bad received '
. I
— -wfio signed himself general pu,rp -orou, I I a
� D, L. & WTV 0. President Taft ,has signed a pro- I I a call from one L . ,os.o Perch inure, 5 or ,less, on Hits Idt is a frame fioUS0 4914'wfth fnrw if Uc011rcd, Apply I
� . '01amation in behalf of ithe Nat q9pyright by American Press A,Sxoo v4rls old - 2. draft fillim Tising 13 frame, b J)
inal I John Carpenter to visit him and give � , , L - , arn o The'sol Uatloahui MoRwen. Box 50, C4,utdiiA
' I .
I I I Red Cross Calling upon the American , blation, 1911. years Suppwad to be in -goal to Baker . , .11, . "I �
I � I- I . him special instniction. The letter,brid pa,st, I U1 rat clais.s. The propexitT Is well L_ —
QeoPle for contributions of money to I I . ton; 2 draft fillies rising 2 years *,I I. I .1. I I I
I . I arrived the morning,bef6re Christpas, 61d;l 1 gelding - , fen ,f], and thlerei is about, five-aeros ""I . . 11 .. . I .
Scrant ob aid the Chinese famina auffereis. . I I rising 13 �year% old air. or'bush, . L I
- ,
� I , I and. tile farmer bad stated that. he c
. The( ;prololapiation depict% the. awful it was Christmas ere on a westeXxt . .4 isired by Adloa;. 1 1gelding xtia�nfg ,kb i(.ha .same Iti
I . 'I. - imle there will b,- Farm For -Sale
. would not object to taking his 1eqson 4 xcars, old.',isired ,by Adion; 2, draft ' I
coudition of the fami4e-striolizen. Ils- farm. A, wopan was puttizig,ber erdIr L fillicS xiSlng Qold a quantity of household fln.-rij- . . I . I
L tridta and 'concludez; 'Until peac,- I I L . . on Chrlstmaki day. This -had appeAled . L I year Old. tore, and some'good, cariiedboOlto4tit, ."Itor Salo-K�Farin cont,ai . ning I
t L
Coal . is !restored In China, and the,foanda- dron-Ethel, -aged eight, -and Sammy,,, I CATTLE -1 cqw due at time of I lj
L to Kenly, whoi beiiig'alone, dreaded TERMli OV SALE! acres of first elass land at t4q, v,l
I . I
I'll _1 I . . tions of efficient gorarpm,en,� are qs- aged slx�to bed while visions of. t9yR, Christmas, especially. since, It always sale) I cow due"Ord 'of &pril; 2. ro, -Ten per oent,M debel of zala. 090, Of, W000411n.; Good two
. I I . ,. L d � , � � Land Iiia,' L baril 8�4 ,,L,
� � I I - . I . L , � I I h,ewed, tows; 12 lst,okns riting -13 ,years and baloxce I*. tb YA without case; bank ,
I �L 1, � 'tablishe those 0013ditiOus Musl 00a" and sugar plums dAuped In' their heads. set him to thiuk�hg about his lost wife old, ,; Is-teerfs wisilig 2 y, I , ir,ty, fravae b ' ' '
L tinue. save as'rellavad by the chari. . L I , � ears, b4d; 2 waterevit.: I I with, upwtorftte a -table. 'f6un, a
.: tablo effo.rLs of othier couiitrie�,. In That same. Christmas eve willia'm and childrea. He had tolegg,phod that heifers rising 2 years aid; 3 oalvies I . I I
W � . Cha, s 'Caish on day of sale. built aboat a year ago. Bldi
. . � the name of hurnani the Red Cros.% Kenly was riding on a railroad train. he would arrive on a train'that' stop- FIGS -1 Isaw clue to, farro,w in A'rX tlt,eI ,
Ly . p Furth,6rT1,rfm* and par ticulars, made cement, threii-ghoiA. Also
� ._ " oven Fence calls' once ,more upon [be Aluexloan His domestic affairs w ped at the stati arpoll-, 7 shoat% B monChs old, I . .
I . . to ,come. to the, relief of a ere not in a ck In'the morning ' ' known on dale of; sale or'may hal'bad celler 26xl'3 ,with oement too. u
. I . . oeople condition to render the Christmas sea- ter. farm at 6 L O'Clo' POULTRY-Abont 75 "ns: lois1t]y on application Ito. Gladman! L & I" tan� gangway, New drivinv hod of.,
It will pay any farmer . I ara Black Minorcas. . . 0 , hen h '
. I ' "" O
L . L I slister fna�tlon with Lh,kt prompt gea- ne. He had been.brouj;ht and was telb " 'phed in reply ti) come A mmall quantity of L . - bury. Barristers. Honsall and 1mater r9gated steel sidilig Mks, .�
. Cooper, Administrator, My, ,17x18. Also a good supply so I ,
son a happy o directly to, the. farmhobse. bay I- 'About hen,
erosity which. has never failed in time I . b,a. Robt. Jf or f t"
contemplating fence build r up b7 doting parents, Niho bad given IL" bushels of lur_aips�; abouti 50 Pon, Thos. Brown. Aactibneer, Sea- . haird water. The farm -is thprqq
ing , 4' him everything he r6quired and de. It was 6:30 o'clock when he ap- seed oats. Giant King;', a-bolait' 60 bu. forth-, I . 11 .1 1. I , . drallnied an.41 well fanood, mostly
to see me before placing his ,Irdd. Consequently when he came to proached the, home 'in questloil, and Isood barley No. 21. ,'
order for Woven Fence. though It,,was still dark he s . IXPL I EKENTS�l Massisey Harri3 I . _11� all new w1ro faacea. Also ten, a
1. I Auditors Abstract manhood, having never done anything lights in the . aw by . I I of good bush mostly hard weed..
1. ,
� I 11 ,windows that there were binder, 0 foot out; I Maxwell mower L artifoulars apply to Wesley S"
I TV -4 for himself, he 'didn't know, how to cbfldreA In. the famil.r, who were up I *a say Harris �sulky rake; I Mas- 0 C L
ae ,!
Village of'F,'eter ,arr Clearing Auction Sale, odhan% Ont. I
LL lift R X make a llving� He was an attractive, and diving Into their stockings. His � 3� i's 'seed drill; 1 Kang,troot, . I I . I .., I
I I :'g plow - . I I-
I Cloplusbut iiirin plow; I walkin
I . 11, I GIdtWOMHo � RECEIPTS I lovable fellow, whom the girls all Ilkod., heart sank within him at s3emberink No. 13, 1 t -w6 -furrow gDn� plo%y; I
T Bal. Audifor's report 19110. $3,331 .59 He Ma.de L a match with one of,. them his own children, who, if they still spt 'diamond harrows ; LI land roller; Mr. Jo.�. White. auct, "&.received
GRXNTOI� . Arears. 11a 1:5.8 and married her. iliStrULIDD.5 from Mr. Albert Canlin House for Sale or
xei$ 21,3D - L lived, were probably doing thk same I lumbez wagon -and boxf 1 tritek to sell by public auction on LOT 7 I '.
at part' of wa,gon;,.J top 'buggy pearly Acw; I CChN. 1 . 2 ,��q miles .north wesb, of ,rj,_�t�.'
. . . � Taxes coWd. Man. purpose 15205 10 Kenly's parents opposed the mhtch thing. He -.wondered In wh I IWo havor for qui6k sale, or to 14
_. Is
L 'A- . Lidence Fund L I 281 68 because Jennie Whitcomb, whom their the world tb�ey Were and If their moth. open biiggy; 2 good cu,tterg.t. I sldg h Woodhani on WRDNESDA.Y FEB- very desirable 11tic �
.. , $D THERE SHALL BE No sOR- Pines 4: veeist 443 00 son married, was working for her own er 'were in coffdItIon Jo give them 1 bay . rack; I grinler. Njabj� I'elf;L RUARY 14. H. I Well locatod, comfortable and ro ,
. I ROW THERE . Rentsi Village propief,ty I'd 5 95, living, whereas they,had always moved . I fanning mill; � I wheeLbarrdiv; L 12 commencing at IL Gladman & ,9tarkbury. I "
I I ,
hi life's long d,ad wouderia3 journey Poll tax Christmas presents. One ^thing. Ile o'clock sharp the following: I ILI
. 6 00 in circles where girls played the lady zrind stone;, 1 disc harrow; il scuff- I I �:
. Sorrow plays ,an active part; Sbaxe Railway taxaltiou 121 78 1 knew -no new fa,tb6r was'celebtating ler;' I Empire cream separator; I . HORSM-1 draught mare, '61 years I . . 11 .. - I I
I .
. I 'A:g, it ttills 'the_ raffled passions I School purpose's . . . W -Ho 1�,5 In. the parlor. All this is now Chang- Christmas with �bem, for he bad never gravel box, I sugar kettle; 1 Daisvy old, eligikle, for registration, in foal fL . I � I I
And Overwhelms, the troubled heart Water woXks 135-0116 ed, so that up stIgma attaches to we- received notice of an application'tor churn. No. 3; 1'&&� of double ha�. to Sibierlau;.J Con,eral purpw. mare Farm or Sale
StreeltJ 'srateria- 20 Do men who work, even among v divorce on the part of their mother. nesa; A ,set isinglo harness; 2 ,dozen 6, years old; I gendral purpose horlse . , -
. ,. ery 0 . �
I I I As the shadows cro[ss ithe sunbtt��ami CemeblerY, -Ail 715 wealthy- people. But at that time ,the Snow had I fallen the day before afid grain bags;*- forks, shovels,. %vhiffle_ rising 5 years sired by Sharp; 1 That- choice property consbsiting ,
But to sharpen all ils ray1 Mlseellaneloulst 918,10 Kenlys consldeied that their son had a three-quariLer full � .. I t trees n1ackyolk.s. holes chains -a.0 ger�exal purpose mare fseven, years oil ,96' acres situalbed . : on Lot 11 cow
go true sorrow ,comeA athwart uls- M ,ey b moon, sinking to- in foal; .1 general filly ri 3, 2 ' .
orrowed on i�obes 79.00 I00 'L other small articles too numerous to ISM9 In one. gay about 1 1-2 milas -
1 013 demeaned himself by marrying a at(-- ward the w'ebt, was existing a million . .. filo
But to purify out 'ways. lilt on deposit end vrrear�s, mention, .. years; I genaral filly rising
taxes 1010 . nographer and typewriter. lights upon It. Professor kenl�, as - FURNITURE -4 parlar Stave; . 1 . . 's yes* Rensall and four miles from Exe..
Tin L L70 ,9D sired by Luffnes3; I spring gelding' Good frame house with f1r5t-cl
. Comes to clia us with the-eichn,,ss , I , � ____ A few yli�ars_after the marriage Mr. he was now called, trudged on, wish- colt sired by Luffness. "O�
. ,.Of, -IiIe's -true blessings, xar,�,,, . Total . P,132475 1.1 Rezily, Sr., died inspivent This left Bell organ. 6 octave; I sldoboardw[th collar. -two good wells; 49 aer �
Show the galodness and the kinduess . .Ing that lie had some other place than mirrOr; 1 child's crib; I bedstead; a CATTLE --3 cows supposed to be in arass, .10 ,,re, of fall wheat ini"
102 the ri�atbzr's loving care . DISBUIRISEME-NTS I his son with a mother, a wife an.d two the farmhouse to spend a � coup1b of .aaanti(y of quart .%L-alers� and otfl!r calf- due in A,pril and�May; I farrow acres Cf good bush land; faj.l:plo.a I
. .
L, . Roads, Bridgeis ae. ap,91 458 children, for ,whose support be, was, [l6usehold articles. I 00wo I dry cow; 8 stesrs' rilsing-2- ing mostly done; fairly well u, I
LLL IV" . , � . 0;9t 10 as the only man In the family, respon- hours that the children might 'have TERMS -$5.00 and under aosh; years old; I heifer rising 3 years old "'
Do e fail to. sale the hi-adneizu I'lloww Hall � drained; feno.2t in gco(ly ,
� I xegair -
1. � had t1me-before his entrance tb'exam- . . 1h L
,, -'Of the watchful loving hand? Salaries & allowances 673 50 Bible. Having been brought up to do hie their presents and theli. exuber-' over that amount 9 months', credit 43 heifers rising 2 year�s old; 5 calv7e0 barn, 136,50 in fair ;6,tair wit
— L I achieving. istill pursuing," . Fire probeclion , 72 nothing, though highly educated, and will be -given on ftirtimbing approved PIGS -1 Yorkshire brood, sow due frame atable 28xf V d good a
.1 ge. Adyer"S 19 . L me loint notes. 4 per cent off for cash to .farrow in March; I Berkshire shed. Fox further paxticulaift 111
etline ve -%vill understand . Print'g. .Pasta,. 12 iT, ance of 'delight, ml ht have had ti ill
- 18 aftbr his marriage having lived on ah I 'b. to Louis Walper Hensall. ' ii 'd".
Street LigbItig- 0.6 to ' expend Itself. What he desired in lion of notes. � brood sow due to farrow laat of Fie .Al_ LL ..
great and. growiAg fulure.. .Tnsurance. . 6,13, allowance granted him by.his father was to be furnished with some b No reserve as the roprietor has I Is. 4 mtoilths. . I.::
... . L IN I I reak- ' p ,,drj Year old-,- 5 shoa I , . �111.
he eTerlasting life. Street wa.1bering '870 216 he found himself unprepared for th; fast and then to sit down with the rented his fariii. �. ,.Pigs, 43 1-2 months old; 6 . . _- - 4�
Ill surely know the reasov . Ref. error in asods6-urent 169t 032 duties incumbent upon him. JDha H. PrOat. Thos. Cameron pigs 2 't-2�montha old. ,(I young dag, . L I :,-�,��: I
- this long and weary strife.. farmer and begin his instruction. But Prop. Auct. . I., 1� - I
I � Dade City, Florida Election expense;s ,,29 00 It cannot be denied that William there was no other bousenear b.y, and POULTRY'- Bo young plymoatb For Sale L'. ,,";, "
, . Debenture. debt 4519,46 Xenly was not a heroic character, - —_ ' rook tons; )2 pare bred Plymouth I ...
I I . those be saw in the distance were all - � . '. I I . .' , ` '
.� . cemetery[ 11276 7 & But -the majority of heroes are pre, lighted rook roosters; I ,turkey ben. HOUS14] L AND 6 LOTISY IN ff-h-'IN43, "
up, Indicatin aV 'Irl
. Water works I �B524 IS . g that fond p Auction Sale - IMPLEMENTS I McCormisk bin:1- the property of 'the lat-a' 'L Jobn M 'Irl
, W+++++A4 ................. Error in taxes . ,520 ents and their children 'were making - r- � T%f 11 I
. . . +L . I I 'or nearly n-aw; 1 ChaVam -wagqn, -louse in good repair 7 r ,,,L,
L I t BREVITIES "t Miscellaneousf 1 '697 32 I I . . I L merry over gifts Santa Claus had left Of CHOICE YOUNG HORSE18 . UeW; MaxwellL . lane. I ' '
14 I. School board purposes 9386 291 . moNv*r and rake; wag- furnace. woodshed, well, cioier'
'It ....... t-+ +. +++++- tills payable & redeeui�d: -8U518 9 �, , I ! . I during the night. L So, there being no Mr. Thos, Cameron has received in. on and box,and spring seat; I l3et of stable. Ter= T,easoiiabl4t .Ap.
I . I . . hotel in the place, he was obliged to 'tructiOns 'to Isell by Public, A�ction scales, 20.00 lb -s.; sleigh. ha -y rack, Gladman & Stanhury, Solicitor
. ,
,.� . �-__ . go on and stand.thbL merriment as best on LOYX 8, CON. Id, TP. of HIBRERT 'nearly now; McCormick hay loader sall and Exeter, 1, .-1
. ". \ 1Mr;,i0hamp Clark. Speaker of tha - , of B0025 26 . he could. I . an ITUE 8 DAY. FEB1Y. 20th. 1*9 L2 st nearly, 'new; fanning mill; T20 feati _ . . I
United, States House of Represental,- -total Receipta . WM75 .14 . I . 10 ome o'clock sharp the followingt,2 of new -rope, Care slings and pulleyo � I I . . '. ".
i .. . � 1.
tives. Announces himr-elf az Demoora.- Total Dkbarsomevlis S0025 26 . There was a babel Inside when, Melt- bicod mares, jagars old, draaghl;; ' �
tic, candidate for 'the Presidency. I � -.:--- 1 Y2 1 laddet;- I - root pulper; 'I gravel b6x I 'L ,
. . I . I Ing the snow off his boots, he knocked 2 bioodi! mares ars old draught; 1 land roller;. I seed drill; 0 ditqs . R.r, Sale �.tI
. I . . * 0 * . ''93..12449t 08 1� L . at the door. Ile heard a voice telling 1 pair of draught. 4 years, old mare I set 1.1larrows; ' I walking plow; 1 . . .,i,-
<10. . I . I
I . - I I � I . . the children to St6pL their noise for a and. gelding; 2'mare.3. 4 years old,' two-fdrrow.plow; ,scuffle ' grin -13 tone 12 ACRPS BUSH -tAND'�'-`
. Th�- Dutch Go*ornintmE has ,,,,m- agricultural.;- 4 fillies rising 3 years 1 Dea*ing cultivator; Ir I
L The Cth--r Way Around. I moment; then .the door was throm, cutter; 1
,missioned, Kr. R. J. Bloomers a pro- . - 91 oldL agricultural,- 3 geldings rising 3 open buggy;. .1 set sinefe harnessi; I Part ,Lot, 6. Concession 13
. . and, a woman7 stood In the open-
,. .� - I., !:.111.�t In, awflil anxious to get I open,, I
.#aib aqrtlat of Holland. .to paint a . - i years old, agricultural; I pair maloh- set doilable harwisfi; I riding saddle. sinith, H. R. .S. Apply to
- .,
I I . vortrait of Mr. Andrew Carnegie for � 17 " I � . I , Ing before a background of logs burn. dd greys, 8 y_-iars old Agricultural, and btidle; I cutter pole, whiffle� & Stan -bury. Solicitor�;, , ,
. . thw PaTace of Peace'. � .. %V I,T *� I '. . . I I Ing on a hearth, children, -toys Iand the mare, and gelding; I pair 6f general trees 4nd neck yoke;,l pair whiffle- Exeter. I . . � I
! I I .1. L. I I ,�.jt,,, --rw". ��v ft".11a, 0 1 confusion of Christmas'niorning. Purpoise. mare amd geldin- risin.;r 3 tr,e; 1 neck yoke; Gap pan and pails . � I "
;- � , ioil ; I fillies and g" -
I Veara d eldings :ti&- -
* 0 i"111t, , Th -.11 isn't ilk, way to get "Great beavensi. --Jearilel" . fol�ki, :and hoes and other nrticleA � . I
Khe Duke and Duchest Of Con- I .. � . .. I . There was'no suf6tqse on the wo- in-, 3 ,Years old. agricultural; 7, too numirous to mention. . I . "
I daughter. the %-'! f I -O!", - . � .. .. " 11 man' ' .. sucking, col-te. a-griculturil; 1 farm.' .-VURNITURB-1 glaw cupboard. 11 . ,.Cow ,For Sale ., ,
. naught�and their III is face, only. i djullebf welcome. er's.'arivIar 3 years D,Idi qule17RD(1',ra4 . . I I '
P . .: It . , cocking stove; 'I extension table; I
,,r1bLcea;Lr -Patricia, haii returned to -it :t lf,,l ,),- rq-,"Irr veGole to woric I I ; She threw her itrmil`dround the visi- ,fiable;1, nice drivin.ig mare.' ' ' d A two-vear-old cow, just
:,r ;: 6 I q7ax?Van
.1 Ottawa.' from New York. where theyl z i ! rt)r )6 , uzz, - - I tor's neck and drew .him into theho.u,se reliable. Thiii 3t.bove are ,j very fini, tefttdad, 1 -baby buggy; Isome: kft-
, - from ---, . . I � , part Jersey, For fuitber par
1, � inet., a mo-st kindly reception I . - �. I - "Is that -Ethel?" 11 , at without walt. selection. with siz'a, is 6�1 6 and qual� chen, chairs; I De Laval cream separ- -apply to J. S. C NNOR, ndi
both ,hosts, and Chef public. the latter M_,4r,r TI r ,qhtflul. .6 " Ing for a reply be took -the child in his ity and w, ill W., sold -ti,itboullt reserve, atok; a quanitilty of 21 , seod barley Exeter. 1P . � I T.
being .particularly pleased -wich thte --.Ill III.. , l-?�Iv,. . , - . "Dbr� - arrms TERMS -8 mdntbz' credit -will be (grain I cash.) I . I . .
I Dovenai -General's cordial and dem- , . - I and bugged her, while Sammy, � given -oz furaishbiT approved joint , . . .. .
. . . tt., ); I� .6 , 1, . ITERMS . I . I :
. ocratio demeanor. Thle Duke paid a , - -:,, a.1 !!? .,?- ,-..S (1�m.;--m"A recovering from -his surprise, with a notes at 5 per eant. per annnin. All sums of ten dollaris and und' , ,
. cash; over er;
. -brief vL<t to W�abdfngton, where he 7 child's jealousy fought -for his share Of Gardiner '& Scott. ."Thos. Cameron that amounItIO �monthlsl - Sal '
Tras formally receiv,,,d by President �,, �iio.�i-. T-, :r i7i 1I,).r,-;-,In__ t .. . the caresses. ' .� . Proprietors. I Auotioneere. bredit will be given on furnishipS ap- Horses for 0
. . . I I . . I . :1
I Tlaf E -S. . .%* I., vt - L n-)". 'It vw1,0 �, % "This is not an accident, Is It?" ex- . I — , proved joint ,note.% dr a difse'diiint of I -
11 I . I . . 1-1 4 f, � itk-�.,:-t'll Ir iN-`R,,;'4 Ii. '': t A .iiam!ber of good work ho
. , . 4 "'Ir cent. per anntim for cash in
. . .; . claimed the father, turning to his _ .— . I . pL * - betag oMrad by private sale
__ - - 61 1 . , wife. I Just Normal. . , lieu o ' P nates. 10 Concession, e. Hay 11
; - Millerand, the new Framch Min- . I , Noireserve as the pxoprle'or hafs proprietor. .. � . . . . . . . "
. "No. I read in 06 Farmers' Home "I have got a great scheme." rented his farin. .. I �
I e - .of -war. is creditia,d with tba . . ;7,- - I --T - C! A %, .0'-,n_,% I I Pi6f ' * William "Will it work?" I , . . '. .
ntmi-Iti(g.). 'Ito give )France thte first .. 9. It . . t � I I "�,"-w and Fireside that * .essor I. JOS. WHITE, cA.m, —,;., - , - . . �
I .. I
giment of aviators in the world. "I, ,. >1, ... 3' I'.,- i., -�7 " "., Kenly was instructlug,the farmers In, . "Of course not. Lt wouldn't be a . Auctioneer. Propriat . I
_____ I .or . .1 I It I .
� ,
![he co six compan- - I this state and wrote you under an as. great sebeme if it would work."
. I na will have' its . - I . br . r, Ili , - r,. ,.- "GREAT 1HEAVENst JWTATIR)" . . - '... I -1 � . Stock for Sale �1.
, ios of flying men a. - : surned name to c6me.' and give me 1. . . _
� ;1
.�� own regimental colors. The military I P . some thstruction. I �ianned for your � Some Dropping. � I I �.
,� � aviation progra � I . � % rloi.b , - � 5 "�-. t* U - . " . Stock For Gitle-We,ara at
m- of France fox 1912 . pared for heroisnY by adversity, and it coming at this time andhoped for It, . The b1117 collector droppkd a�ound Auction Sale, offering three choioe Shorthorjz
�� I provides for an expenditure of over I I � And dropped a hint. 'tis said. I, - I � .
1. �$4.000.000, and orders are about to : . I ',� . I � usually requires a long term of prepa- but hardly expected it." *� The man ' at whosp shobang he stopped ' 10. 12 and 15 �monf44 old; also a
:1 I �:11 be given for 328 machinelsof allsortis i . . � ration. The bero hi this case was the , There was little opportunity at the I A crisp Alni] handsome! I wenty dropped. Farm and Farm -stock cows and heifers. and a rogfi('
I . I
.1 All fortified �' I "' - - 11� . �, ' wife. Disappointed In her husband!s tJme for further explanation and giv- The bill man he dt-opppd dead, CIY.de ,nare bred ifrola, Irn .
. .places will. be nrovid4d ..". ;: 'r;,..- , �
4 . � - - ; - , :-. J - -
. i I � ed with aerGdroinets and repair tshops I � ", w 1 � *_ - - . . "., , , � U went of ability to bear the burden in- Ing each other events'that bad occur- . "The undersigi.ed laue.tionleler has -stock. seven yea' 9, Old alld imn
� Thils, energetic action o -a thei part ;7 - T. J. ]3erxy',s W!Ag Thoma,stg ,
t 1 of . �; A17 '.1 �V;�.:'. I -, �. 1� 1. I - cumbent upon him, sho offered to red since their parting. . Both . were Consistent. been irmtruated, 'to ,,.fell by public anew. Con.. 2. Tucker3mith. A,. G. ,
. .
� 11
I , France is to counter Germany's 3up,- . .� � . I � . I take tier children away and oupport happy -in the knowledge that the'hus- "I knovi a mmi who Just flote4 on tion on. LOT, 15. CON. 14. HIBBERT. H ... a . .
^`tozed --intention 'to create a formid- �� ,.,- 1, ., 1.i , *`1 -, . - , , I I . .1 I - " i , , . I .
able army aeroplane corps. - " - -, I , .. _ �� �s�, them, Idaving him to do the. best he band had done his. duty so far as he I Ii,,t me.' on THUR8DAY FEBRUARY I&; 1912 -_ I . I
* , I I .
I _ . I -
. I � 4 ,; < could for his mother. K.,enly nover bad been able, that his mother h "Who 14 be?" .
� . 1. I . . I . . . .� , . t I �. .�)t_ . - I . ad � . at one o'clock sharp the following . .1 . . . , 11.
I' .i �. �,. , ,
, . -1 - . ! -.C�.. . consented, but ,,Jennie, who was a received the care due hei and that he �'Tbe.junl; min." � Farm Stock and Property�
�.. I . , -6i"t.
.1.1 I . D n ii Offieciis C16se'
_ * %, character with dedsion necessary to bad at last assumed the position 'to - �
. : I- - .. 'A, :;*. - . HORSES -1 imported brood mare I
k- - I , . ,�, I 11 � . � . I I
.. I I
11 .;, 3 I . 1.� enter. upon and Carry out any plan she which his,talents ebtitled..him. , rs, with pedigree, 6 � tice (E a, ,mT a I
11 .� �,, W . He There Ars Oth years old, draft; I
I "Dr. Miles"Nervine � -4.- 1 brood mare, 3 years old agricultural, 2 is elosed every Wednesday afw"�
0 A I . , 1. I !I� ..,_ decided upon, left* her husband and must inspect every toy Santa Claus "What mis ill(, lfihig� .Tou kept . at mares rising 3, agricultural; I V .. I
I T% 1. , , .. 1. recommenced the labor which had fit. had -brought Ethel and Sammy, listeiii- most.durhi� your racntionlel . , I 1 filly I 1. ,, . DR�Ro 11
"'t., -I, , - , . , .'A - . I I r!s!ng3, general p I I .
. Amaised Me From . . I,` . . .�� told her for -the present emergency. Ing to each In turn, and,when th "SpeudIng my savingm." urpose; 2. geldlogs . ., . I -
'. . �- , ", - , ` . . . ey. . I . rising 4 years- old., draft, mat bed; 2: CLOSIN0 NOTICE �'I :�'_'
P : ..:. , " ... . - . . . I
, .. I �-, .� . C
- ' '
.. . .- ,. , ,., - t6#6ral years passed, during which 'bad 11#1shed lie took,from his packet � —_ . .
. I
-Mrs. Taylor ' . I . geldings rising 6, agricialtural,, match., Please remember that m.*
the'Grave" ,,I" , ,
�, �9 ,�, I— I., �'* 1� I William., Kefily did, the best fie could fivo,slivef dollars, giving one to EthLal Domestic Hu'ntin-j. ed; I farmer's driver 6 years old,,. ,Office is Closed ever W ed n eadt
) . 1. .. " fo',r 'ilp mother, . . His �Vijfe, ,who wai . and one;to Sam, eft'llstrig their eyes,to 14Do any shooting tills summer? , I
,� This is a strong statement to ". . '.1 I .1 .. � I. . . I � I I . Above borses are first class 4iqd sound.. -Dua K ,
I � . . . ono:tp, "barn her ships" behind her, I sparkle with. delight. I "Just shot the chu.tes." . CATTLH��-I, short -ho I r . ned, cow- with ,. 1 I � I I,
make, but ,it is exactly what Mrs. 's I......* , . . lest between, -her husband's mother ' -, . 1. I -1-1 ,�
I .. . . I,.- .-41 L' Then they all ,gat (]own to breakfast. . ''.." . -
, . I pedigree, due in April; 2 covrs due at .
Thomas Taylor, "of Blum, Tcxas,, *1 . - / � ,-,1'-I.- - I and his family he -would not do his rho husband and fnither, fAvInl- travel- m PERT PARAGRAPHS. I time of sale;.3 cows due in March; 3 1 . � �,
duty by either. refused to keep 'him ed all fol,zlit, required the good things .1 . I �� I
- � �aid ia expressing her opinion of -- ..- - - . , .' — cows due in April; I cow duel inSepi.; I _ I'll.." i:
� this rewedy. .. � . ". .* . . 1101sed of her whereabouts, The - his wife had provided for his ex- Some women are really unhappy un. I farrow cow; 4 heifers 3 years old, beef I I
I . . truth is thnt al the time of her mar-, , pvc,tod coming. For the tirst time In I I . ringers; 3 steers, 8 years old; 4 beifer+ 2 * I 0 1 9�
. .1 " � . I I . A
. " .;:I,It "n.11, - '. ,� krl "4, � . I I less they feet perfectly miserable. Aad
. "Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine rhige she.felt 1%eenly.hjar husbaild's par- I . I , , . I years old; 4 steers 2 years old, 5 year- . " I � a I
: ,,;,, _." " . - 114. % 1, , hvir% V ,� " '. -;i �..-.,o ,;" . .Yvars he occupied n �sent facing his - .. Ing steers; 8 yearling heifere. I . . T L,
_ . e L..
I r�lscd inefrom the grave and Ihave "" -1". L eilia"oppo.9ftionto bc-r for the reason �A Ife, wh4le a child 5111t On elther hand. . . . . .11 , 1.� I .
,� � L ch confidence In it, I can never _1 LI � . that 'she woriced for it living, and 5e rprerentiy .gave thanks for A man thinks there Is no a"' In It HOGS -1 sow due at Nine of sale . I I I I . . . -
. 11 9 'L � . � , , ,.
XQU ' L the unless it is found out, but"a woman a,* du'e'i, March, L . L no.: . ,�'.
say, enotigh f6ryour grand medid I nes, y()JJ. 1'(�1JJ_y.." L - now :that adversity I had come upon hap .1 . ,
If "Ralid. bI-.,a.;t i, i-, �., :; �,* 1. I py Christintis reunion .Providence thlqs It nothing unless People, talk Tb6 farm consists of wesb balf of �� L."
I .. .. . .,
anyoneLhad oaerdd me $xoo,ou for . .- I I tbem she was too proud to rely On bad given tbPm all and the ,ability abouil't. . . . .Lot 14 arid Lot 15 outhe 14th Cox). of . .
I L L the seeond bottle ofNervine that I I _1� . I . thotr son for the support that his moth- . vouchsafed him to, assume. his proper 11 L I - . - � flibbert,containing 160 acres. Onthe , I',
L . ' L
,� I used I wo�ldhave said 'no Indeed."' , 1. V* . . teneeded, . position is bpad of t I . . I I ')
1. I MRS. THOMAS TAYLOR, . L - 4��t .. _. ;_ , ^ $1 - - a I � ' bel I'amily. Someho,W we dislike the ,man who promises is an up-to-date brick dLWRII- � ..
. It f -� ` . , -, �,,rr ;Z.1. �, 21r.q. Kpnl,,�, Sr., died a few years Ail day the iinsbaud and wife felt us always tells the bare truth even more
I I 11 4 1% � V tv 'r.JjIl' . Ing with kitchen, and woodshed at-
- - - I I.. .. A, J, PL " I _1 � ;�'L'�' ;", rition between bar Slon ff tilti.V J�,e.j I
, 1L Blum, Tex.. I , . � . I . i Oar. the sepall. -e 6nj0,Vlng a happ tacbed, barcl and. soft water, 2 large L WINTER, fts'o
L . I 0 . , y dream. I than the man who always lie$ to us. ' . . .
1, Nervous exhaustion is a corn. Ii, I*( - ., _ , (1,17- . I . VI�l his wife, and William. who loved It sotnnecl to them that it could not be L bank barns, 45x90 and 36x7O with 22 ft : L . L
I I .. ,4 "I" � , 0 W 8 ol 11 I - posts, All finished,in latest approyed ; -
I V - a n Round Trip 76u�lsta Titkets ill("
V " nion occurence of xnodern I life. � '4., .. J�L'. �1:� ..'*� � 7. "'. �, fils Amily kind whose recent e�cperl_ trJ1 o And Otbel, wb 9 �d enough If people always gave the devil his style With vv ter I -triaugets- 2 wind I I I I
. 'L ,a �,,. _. ,�;.� ; . I .
I , .
0 - 11.,/z ., - ': � -, ,�; .. once had enab)ed him to think and act Jo remember her, father when tb'eY due it would keep them hustling for Wit'SL On never fil"'Ing Spriing �vells on Sale to all Principal Whiter Rai
�., 'the wear and tear on the nervous . I , I - I
I � I'.,- :4�,!yr of , ,�,,# ,,, , � frtr' tibliq'eff, freed from all InCUM- Wero ptirted, shared their delight.L As e I ' � I I
I "Sical is grcater now than at any . : _. A., s � " : L � L I , oin. I with tanks and pipes comoleto; good ; , . sorts including, �
1. ,j,. - I 1. brcnoe, took hold of the problem of to.sammy, 116 wris pl a . . orchard of choice fruit; 80 acres , I 1 . I
ihiie since the world began. Vor . I , .4 ,-,� . I L tiff -e with stirprising vigor. '96 had Iii w other boys, lie bad a "pop" and . ,- L . I 11 I * 0C)p . 1:1
, ,,� . ".. . I When woman begins sayIng nice bord wood bush; 18 neves in fall wheat � -, Calif arnim,-Nexi
- � . -10., tfld , a
r...'�' A ", _., mn�nffe-.ited 'more, .,te for tilling the L ",0111d )11C01,V he the recipient of pew' tbingi of her dearest enemy nor 50 acres double plovied ready for Crop; I I . .. I I . L I . .1
I 11 i6plessness, poorappethe and thAt L -��'* ( /- ) - I got] tbau'auythIng else, and when a nle,i, to say nothing of nickels and ;tnL I .balance in grass. Tbjsis�& first class I .. L
I. L 1
410 L. , # I Cilltit L ' . triends begin.to Bit up and take notJ e a .1. .� 'L .
,,b , rUn down" feeling, nothitigi� so ,. ,, I - . &;y fl. d vated a kitchen garden occasional dinid, � - L' c ' farm in first claas conditiop and liber- I . I, Mexico, Etc 7111"
� �,, �� , . . � -1 I., ,��, 11 I . I . L
. I I I I I %; I-' ,&? I'll L , I - ".. of I 111'.1 own In bis father's back yard. r onergy and -ability We all know people whom we thin* al terims.of payment will be offered. I I .L . W...._-.0 I I .
� 1900dag ., I ; .� . P, � . . .1 th-e Wife by be, I I . I I ,
I I .1 ,.� " , ,,L' . : . . .'. When 'hiq Mother died, though ap� bad acquired a good farm, and itwits,, small potatoes, but we should romewoo I TERMS I T h'! e, Attractive Route � tO
.L - . I .1, , wq .,..,:, - I L
. , " I proa .. I I
11 Dr. Miles' Nervine . � , ,.',, , , ; ,. . , IL' I cliNg middle life, he began to ex- decidod Chat the lip.9band 8 Real Estate wade known on drty of L I .
I 0 1 ,I . - , . . .. .�� houid dis. ber that the price of potatoes is up, . .
A-^,/ -- . .. . I 1 I sale. Stock-10inonthelcredib will be � . "
; Your� nerveg ate your Iffe and I "L " " , getiment upon procletse1q, by which ,,,ntintlo, lh,�trlletlng others 4nd-put big - �L, . � I, - . I
L L I I I I L _ L I 11, . I lailtg t1reL Made knowledge to their own ,nae oil bet If the Office boy had his Way given on I . W 6*9 16 r�q G I, L Lda'.11'.
I . , p to bear fruits of a famishing approved joint .
I . lack of,vital energy thakesdAst , . , , - and la:abu n dance. In this L' 11 L ho notes. --A di'scount of 4 per cent. per 11 I . L I .
. . . I I I
- I, I I I flirm. The result wns a product that would sente ce the man Who Itrente . I I I 1�_"
I � once s4 , , ,1;,�� e ,!1 ,�I; 41 -,b,-�,, 41 �'j, � 2 � .high ordet d Antilln! off tor cash, Thos, Canierom, � � go " L .
�, svnil�ety. Dr. Miles' N . ervine *111 � �: L L I k, III N', �, �, geld he de�,olopeo ri genius and, hav- bad never been known in that region - allaxln Clocks to ftin endless existence Aucti, Aelthibald McOurdy, Prop, , � , .:iSV1aCb1' a
. I ' . � ., Ing made several important dfiqcovef� lj_ekore and that lifrought, prosperity to In a boNr factory, , . I I I I'll. 1. . . � 'L,
I - �
,I .1 . I �
� . tone up your nervous system, �1 , 1. So was one Of' I 1, _.__.... � � , � I..
I I � L L - ,-J ''' " ' ":. . I "" i
I .�!�
I I 'I 0 A, r t � 1: 10; I , " � 11 , �, II.- the first of th( - __ � , , : 1. ,
. '' 9 . 0 "", "', , )so the 06 pinnt(�'Irs, Alany a Christmas they 11 � y
I Asksinyclrug6laf. If the firAbottio falls I 67011h0ignt sent out to Instruct fattil- gp' . Steamship Tickets on gate b , I., ,
I � L,�. ,, 1 't _ 11 I, , I ent together after this Orst one, but, It ilwityq makes a ,Woman feel s�d to I I I . L
I , , "
� ,to baln"fit, yout nloopy is returnieo. I ,� . , ,.�kN �, �. V �;, , �.: $ 1', .. .. . In how procegges of griowlng crops. tbqugb they ,#erb .1 tty glirl spoil a good compldkw", , Children Cr*L . �� , I linos 1.11 .
11, . , . � . . L * [A � L they ., Nee a pre I � : t 'Ilia;
I ' S
va ti
- el .1fal
It H ,p r 7)0
ne �4to
pp to
Is �
I ,
i 'a W ' na
By m rtj 3e
I AR ' C
"t by, A
.1,1 I
I MILes MEDICAL CO.' !tord"t6JII doli"' L ' ' 'A"' 1, '�' I Vith this brief synopsis of I L 17 , , r ,� I �, L 1
,4 �� �,.� `,"�'_' - William novel- be I I . ��,� � � � , ,, � L J. Tr `41T . '.'�
L L L� I . . . I I . A .11, _ r Is . ,� .,L "'�' I : on;Iv I . I . . . L. , " , -1 FOR FLETCHER'S I . I i, X'Ni'maT, "
L . � I ll .: .IK#Wyl$ 4At0cqd.,ont* #0 Will tAke'llful their re(lonulght the 4b:tqt!10If6 delight of� 164 with face powder. * .1 1,
. I I I t� � - 1, . . I L � . L . . Doport, Agejlt��
I I I L L 1. .. .� 1. . I I ILI ,. I I, -L ,. I .1 . I I _�'�'. �..."""'"""7 'ILI 1. L I ( .. .."."'L -11 L . . I I ..� I OAS T, 0 FR I A L . :� I . .L I.L .11
I 1. . . .1 .. I . . � I I . I ,�, L " , , . 1 ,, ,L' L ,�.. i
IL I I �.i , I . I L I . , I I "I I 1. I e � � L �. , L ", .:L .. � L .. . L I I I I � � I . I "I I I 11,
I . . I � . I L . . I . . : I . I L , � ,
L ... �L . I I I L . . �, I � I : ,. ,:. . I : 11 . . . I �, .. I . , . , L�:
I . 11 1 .7, . I - I . ; I . . I I I . :1 ' ,,
1, . L . . I ; , . . I I � ' , L 1 ' "L
I ; � . , L , �, 1, . I I L 'L . " ."! I . I . . '' , � �L,� " LL ,
N" I , 11 ": , : . ., " '' L � I ' , 11 � �, . ; L I I . I .L 1. I 1. �, ,�:. � . , , �,
. L I 11 'I', . L I :L , " L. : I I . ,� . I , . I ,�i L ' y , �. I I I f . L ago& L ( I L_ .� I L � I "L.- , . , I.''. L. � I"
. I I : . , I I L � I I __ ,, � AL L' ' I I., �� � 1. " _"_" "' .- I ANO ,� L , L ,; :1 � . � �. �: ,
� �
- 11, '_ L, 11 . . �L 1�9� - I .A .10IM1111IIIAL, il�_:�_� ; . , IA"..,1.1. 1. I J&. � -, - �-,,,,,--.-,,-��.""-��,i���,,,�,L,-,�;.--
6,61,11. , .- I I - L . . . L . I . lx, -1 ''.. I _ _