HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-22, Page 12PAGE 12 -GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 wit&Gauntry ASSIRED v'vrAi`IT A , CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 7. R.V. .'s for sole 2. Yard sole E. Marine 3. Garage sale 9 Automotive. 4. Antiques for sole T0. Pets for safe 5. Cors for sole 11. Livestock for sole 6. Trucks for sale 12. Real estate far sale 13. ,Mobile homes 14. Pecreotional properties 15. Out of town prgpsrties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room & board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent.. 23. Commercial property for rent 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wonted 31 . Service directory 32. Custom work 33. Farm services 34. Personal' 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of thanks DEADLINES: Classified want ads at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to classify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m. some day. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.50 min.'23 words, 16' a word thereafter. In Memoriam '3.50 min. plus 30' per rhymed line of verse. Cards of Thanks '3.50 min./25 words, 5' a word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors '25 for 3 inserts. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months. no copy change. Ask about our special discounts_ for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY • 32408331 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized soles and service,, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524- 8431.-1 tfor AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available of Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1tfar WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by making frame yourself. Complete instructions, free delivery. Call collect (416)637.6904;-O-20tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances: Rieck I.D.A. Phar- macy, . 14'. Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-24tfar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES,. patient aids, support,. garments, ` con- valescent products; etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 1,4 Shoppers Square,. Goderich, 524-7241.-24tfar IN HOME mastectomy services -now "dingktble: Contact -Mrs;'-. Adams. or Mrs: Stringer. at Rieck I.R.A. Pharmacy. Shoppers. Square, Goderich, 524, 7241.-24tfar FIREWOOD FOR SALE - mixed. hardwood. Buy by'/., ;, s/. or full cord.. Phone 524-6530or'524- 6697.-35-39x' CHILD'S FIGURE skates, size 8;. maternity pant suit; size 9/10; child's 'snow boots,' ' size 10; children's clothing - boy's sizes to ;6x, girl's. sizes .to 3x; men's sport coats, ` size 42; men's sports and:dress:pants, sizes 32 and 34. Phone 529-7773 between 9 ` a.m. and '5 1980 HONDA C8 650 Custom, good condition, will ` sell for $1,800.00 certified. Phone 524- 8965 anytime. -37-40 OVEN• READY roosters, 5-8 lbs. 529-7152.--37,08 • 1977 125 YAMAHA dirt bike, needs bearings, first $250.00 lakes. Phone 529-7314.--37,38 1. Articles for sale MacINTOSH, Cortland, prune plums, fresh apple butter, potatoes. •onions, Gerold Bell Fruit Farm, R.R.2, Goderich, 524-8008.-37tf THREE STEEL TRAVERSE DRAPERY TRACKS - adjustable up•from 5'6', 7' and 9', $45.00; three 40" 1 Beam rods with run- ners, $9.00. Phone 524-8331 between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., ask for Carol.--26tfnx BRUNSWICK 5 x 10 Gold Crown slate pool table, excellent con- dition, $1,400.00. 1978 cherry - red Honda 400T, $900.00. Phone Ferest 873-5330 after 6 p.m. -36.39 TOMATOES, U -Pick, $5.00 per bushel; also available cauliflower, broccoli, etc. Clos- ed Wednesdays. Evans' Farm Market, two miles north of. Boyfield, 482-7562.-37tf WATERBEDS complete, with pedestal pine frame, heater, safety liner, mattress *and fill kit. $319.00 at Vanastra Fur- niture. 482-7922.-27tfar THINKING of building? We've got the solution - the most tom-, -_plate Ana_ Qf.wsteel , ;buildings available for farm, industrial, commercic41 and residential use. Display ' building discount. Call collect anytime (705)474- 1180.-27otf CUSTOM WOOD.splitting, up to 40 inch blocks, alsowood for sale. Phone 524-9595.--37,38 • LATE POTATOES, limited quan- tity; $5.50 per 100 Ib. Phone 524- 9052-36-39x 1978 HONDA motorcycle, 400 twin. 1400 km. Best offer. Call 52'4=4156..--36ffnx. GOOD • MIXED hardwood, Goderich area. .Phone 1-392- 6674.=-36.39 BAR SIZE fridge. Phone after 5 p m. 524.9552' -=38, -4 MEN'S COOPER hockey equip- ment, used once, $50.00. Phone 524-6004.-38 SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models, repairs to all: _makes. All machines and repairs' guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich, 524- 2551.-2eowtfar ONE 200 GALLON oil tank. Coll .524-4376.-38 six STORM windows, assorted CRAFTSMAN leaf shredder with sizes, wood frames. All good 5 h.p. 'Briggs and Stratton gas: ' condition. Call 524-6522.-38x motor, $400.00 or best offer. Phone 524-2040.-37,38 15 CU. FT. BLUE Ribbon freezer, $250,00, in good condition; Westinghoe a humidifier, $25.00;' one - tot plate with two burners • and oven, $20.00; one ironing machine, $20.00; two school desks, $15.00; one pair of Fisher downhill skis, $35•.00; steel utility shed, 4' x 6', $80.00. h` Prte 524-9686-.-37;38- Cat E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONET 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich- • 524-7231 We even Take Trades ANTIQUE HESPELER WOOD' STOVE BEST OFFER Phone 524-8761 or 7243 IN STOCK-- BMX MOTO-CROSS 12 SPEED BIKES PARTS - end ACCESSORIES Don's Bicycle Repairs 305 Ontario St. Clinton, Ontario 482-9941 1. Articles for sale BOUGHT IN JUNE - Pioneer under -dash auto -reverse deck, 40 watt booster, and three way 40 watt speakers. Closest offer to $300.00. Call 482-7295.-38 SUEDE LEATHER coat, copper - ton, size 15-16, new condition; also muskrat cope; Persian Iamb stole. Phone 524- 7112.-38,39 ANTIQUE WOOD stove, good condition. Phone 524-9062.-38 19 FT. INBOARD/outboard, Lar- son fiberglas boat, with tandem trailer, electric winch, $3,300.00. Full assortment of bicycles, also parts; 1976 Skidoo Olympic; 1979 John Deere Spit- fire, plus double trailer; console stereo; 19" color, TV; oak sideboard with mirror; Ping- Pong table. Phone 482- 7610.-38. FIREWOOD for sale, good hard- wood. Will deliver. Phone 529- 7917.-33-40 ANTIQUE DINING room suite, china cabinet, buffet, extension table. Good condition. 'Best of- fer. Call , after 6 p.m. 524- 6640.-38,39 BOY'S BAUER skates, size 1. Rhone.524-891.0.--38nx_._.........,.... 1. Articles for sale esseamesese FALL CROP - Beans, green or yellow, 58.50 per bushel. Pick your own. Martin's Market,` 524- 8024.-38,39ar CAULIFLOWER, large white heads, 70C each for 10 or more. Broccoli, 60c a bunch. Martin's Martket, 524-8024.-38,39ar BOX TYPE wood stove; Quebec heater. Both in good condition. Phone 524-4145.-38 CHESTERFIELD and chair; footstool; basket chair; 14" block and white TV; floral fiberglas c$rtains, 10' x 7', 8' x 7' and 6' x 3'; washer and spin dryer. Phone 524-8793.-38-40 CAULIFLOWER, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Open Saturdays 9 a.m. 6 p.m. or by appointment. No Sunday calls please. Visscher Farm, 1-237- 3442.--38tfar EXCELLENT CONDITION: wing - backed chesterfield and chair, blue with reversible tan plaid cushion,' $150.00. Phone 524- 6321.-311x •4 MATCHED autographed col- lector plates Chapter 1 "Preser- ving a way of life " $395.00. Art Court Limited, 59 Erb Street East, Waterloo; Ontario N2J 117, (519)886-3230.--N0-38 45 POLICE CARS TRUCKS, VANS & STATION WAGONS -12-_148°1 '-80 i4 -Ply,.: thso Fords- and - Chows. $ 1977-1979 station wagons. vans, = -and Suburbans.. _____ ._ 18 1975-1980 half: 3/4 ton pickups and crow cabs. 2 1974 and 1978 Dodge 4 x 4's 1479-197$1 ions -take dumps, - 2 Lift and tows 1 1977 Plymoatth as low as '595,°0 Lie. No. OEW D10 MIGHTON CAR SALES 6 miles east of Nsetover en Highway 4 Call Durham 369.3136 REGISTERED four year old American Saddle bred mare, broken English and Western. Double horse trailer. Call 455- 7573 evenings and weekends. -38,39 APPLES - Macintosh, Spartan, Cortland, prune plums, cider apples now ready. Pick your own Snows, Sweets, Kings, Greeniogs., Delicious, starting Sat.; Oct: 2. S flys arid' Russets Sat., Oct. 9. Picking days Mon- days, Wednesdays and Satur- days. Bring containers: McCly- mont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna, phone 482=3214.--38 FIRST GRADE red and white potatoes, 80 115. bag $7.00; car- rots; $4.00 a bushel; i'olso Spanish onions and rutabagas. Phone 529-7615 after 5 p.m. -38 LARGE MAHOGANY buffet, $400.00. Phone 524-2022 after'5 p.m. --38,39 SWIMMING POOL sale. Manufacturer is clearing out in- ventories. Brand new 1982 above ground pools complete. with filter, motor, pump, deck, walkaround and fence. Regular- ly $2,495.00, now on sale for $1,345.00,, while supply lasts. Financing, available. Call collect 1-519-622-1060 for details. -38- 41x 1980 HONDA, 650 cc, crash guards, backrest and carrier in- cluded. In excellent condition. Best offer. 524_8794...-38-41rtr . UTILITY BOX trailer, manufac- tured by Wilcox, approximately 8' x 7' x 4'. Al condition, inside insulated with styrofoam, ex- terior covered with aluminum. Asking $575.00. 524- 9412.-38tfar 5. Cars for sale 1976 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit, 51,000 miles, automatic. Phone 524-9008 after 5:30 p.m. Ask for Brent. -37,38 1979 PLYMOUTH Horizon TC3 Hatchback, excellent condition, 45,000 miles, automatic, power steering, sun roof, air condi- tioning, CB radio. Phone 524- 2476.-38x 6. Trucks for sale 1968 FORD, one ton stoke truck, good condition, best offer as is. Phone 529-7761,r.37,38 1978 DODGE Cargo Van, slant six, automatic, power steering, stereo cassette, roof vent, clean. Asking $3,950.00. Ron's Gulf, Goderich.-38,39x TRUCK and TRAILER - 1977 Chev ', one ton crew cab pick-up, with tri -axle, fifth wheel trailer, us- ed only three times. Certified, $7,500.00 complete. 529- 7761.-38,39 ROOM FOR rent, furnished; an- tique Findloy Vega wood cookstove, with water reser- voir, $350.00 or best offer. Will babysit in my home. Phone 524- 6244.-38 GOOD DEAL - fridge, stove and small .washing machine. All ' working. Phone 524-6018.-38 GUNS - 12 GAUGE double bar-' rel shotgun with ammunition; 22 calibre repeater• rifle with Scope and sling. Boy's Bauer skates, size 1. Phone 524-2836 after 6 p.m. -38 ONE PAIR men's BAUER skates, Custom 100, size 7, good condi- tion. Reasonable price. 524- 9123 after 5 p.m. -38 12 FOOT CANOE; 2 h.p, Johnson outboard motor; one • table saw. Phone 524-8673 after 5p,m,-38 • FOR SALE - Stove wood, ash and dry maple. Phone 395- 3516.-38-40 - FOR SALE - Farrowing crates with water -bowls, New Holland SATURDAY, September 25th, 9 38 crop chopper, Martin zero P grazer on 7 ton wagon, good a.m: to ?, on Highway 25 in condition. Phone 395-2438.--38 Auburn. Three families, many items, weather permitting. -38 U -PICK tomatoes; broccoli, beans, also available peppers,. cauliflower, . potatoes, onions, squash, etc. TE -EM FARM, R.R.1, Bayfield, 482-9940.--38 WINDFALL MACS $4.00 bu.,' prune plums, fresh cider, red and white potatoes; cooking. Spanish onions, honey. Special No. 1 Macs $7.00 bu. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524- 8037.-38ar • WOOD. FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or spilt. Any quanitlty. Will deliver. 482-9250 and 482-3162 2. Yard Sale FOR SALE - 400 gallon milk bulk tank, step saver with 98 feet stainless steel pipe, 20 nylon water bowls. Phone 395- 2438.-38 MEN'S BAUER skates, size 9,,ex- cellent condition. 1973 Skidoo Twin Elan, good condition. Phone 529-7128.--38nx GIRL'S FIGURE skates, size 11, good condition. Boy's skates, Bauer, size 10; boy's Lange skates, size 12, both in ex- cellent con it:ori Phone 52:4- 7893 after 6 p_m.--38.. THREE FAMILY, furniture, clothing, variety, all in good condition, reasonable. 182 War- ren Street, Goderich, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Saturday, September 25th. Rain date October 2nd. -38 TV AERIAL, power . booster, -dire-ctionaf --control;..---$150,00t-- hurnidifier, three years old, good working order, $50.00. Phone 524-4309.--38 1E1 VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST Since 11844 OFFERING: &PERSONAL LOANS °SAME DAY SERVICE ,FPAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET CALL 524-7381 Ask for our loans Dept. SATURDAY, September 25th at 136 Eldon St., from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Avon bottles, skates, toys, books, etc. -38 3. Garage sale_ -- SATURDAY, September 25th at 206 Bennett St. West, starting at 10 o.m. CFiiTcTren s'do`fhirig; `" snowsuits and numerous other items. -38` 1973 DATSUN PICK-Uhruck, as is, or certified. Best offer. Phone 524-6640 after, 6 Ra►t,8,39 ._._ ... _,.._.__ . ... _. 9. Automotive 12. Real estate for sale FOR i SALE - a one floor, 3 bedroom cottage with sundeck on West William St. in Seaforth. Ideal, quiet location, close to Main Street, schools, churches, arena, full basement, new kit- chen, a worry -free home on 1'/a lots. Good 121/2 mortgage due June 1984. Phone 527-0673 after 5:30 p.m. for viewing.-33tfnx PROPERTY FOR SALE, SAVE THOUSANDS! Build North America's most energy-efficient home on your own lot. We have the Viceroy precut Superhome for you. For details call Tony Moffatt, 262-5047.--37-39 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on the Square, approximately 900 square feet, with remodelled upper two bedroom apartment. Building for sale or for rent. Contact Ron Kay at 524-7381 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. -37-39 FOR SALE: 22' x 56' modular home in Morgan's Mobile Home Park, Clinton. Complete with drapes and floor coverings. Liv- ing room 25' x 11' - seven rooms - two four -piece baths, electric heat, garage 14' x 34' and large deck Price POMP, 41.1e new. Phone 482-3046 after 6 p.m. ----38 13. Mobile homes Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 895 Now only • it. Livestock for sale WANTED TO BUY - Cash for crip- pled or sore footed livestock, cattle, stockers, cows and hogs. Phone 519-876-3250 or 519-834- 2020.-30tf MUST SELL' - Quarter Horse weanling colt,halter broken, gentle, good straight lines. Will register. $750.00 or best offer. Phone 524-4360. or 482- 9960.-38,39x REGISTERED Polled Hereford bulls. Ready to work. Halter - broken. Good hindquarters. Ed Powell, R.R.1, Vllingham. Phone 335-3893.-38,39 5-- Cars f Or s -a I e 1.2, Real estate- for sale HOUSE FOR SALE on Gibbons St. N., Goderich, across from Vic- toria School: For information phone 524-9290.-36-38 1979 CHRYSLER LeBaron with power steering and power brakes, cruise control, AM -FM radio, wire spoke wheel covers, low mileage, excellent condi- tion. Phone 524.2006.-25tfnx 1976 OLDSMOBILE Regency 98, fully loaded, as is, $2,000.00 or best offer. Phone 529- 7796.-37tf COUNTY OF HURON TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND IN ARREARS OF TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held In the Council Chambers of" the Court House, Goderich, On- tario, on Tuesday, December 7, 19$2' et 10:00 A.M. re: any un- paid taxes still outstan- ding. et that data, as shown on the list published in tho Ontario (Wulff. on September _ 4, 1942. kb -fief IS • HEREBY FUR- THER GIVEN that If any of the unpaid Bands remain unsold, an ad - L_ lammed sale wfll be herd on Tuesday,. December 14, 1962 at the same hour and place. List of properties in. volved may be secured at my office in the Court House, Goderich, On- tario. 8111G. Hanly Clerk -Treasurer & Administrator County of Huron THREE BEDROOM. mobile, fridge, stove, washer and dryer included. New 'furnace and electric hot water heater, cedar deck, patio, tool shed. 524- 6325.=-37tf 17. Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM apartment available October 1st. No pets please. Phone 524-9995.--38ar ONE BEDROOM bachelor apart- ment, $100.00 per month plus utilities, on Square. References. Write to Drawer 1164, c/o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6. •--3B 18. Houses for rent LARGE FIVE bedroom farm house, in Goderich Township. For information phone 1-235- 2525.-37,38 FOUR BEDROOM house, ex- cellent condition, in Vanostra. $250.00 monthly. Available November - 1st. Phone 482- 3791.-38x39 FOR RENT Furnished house in Goderich .-A xImatel. ..October .. PPS >R 31 t4 April 30 (owner moving south for the winter). Two bedroom bungalow. Terms negotiable. No pets, Call owner at 324.4712. 13. Mobile homes Morgon's'`Mobile Homes (Clinton) Limited 70 x 14 NorthLander, furnished. Will take trade -In. Also Doubiewide homes in stock. 482-7066 • Hwy. No. 4 South end Clinton. Ontario 482-7066 15. Out of town properties FOR SALE - In Auburn on Loftus Street, three bedroom house on large lot, good garage, shore of water rights. Priced to sell. Phone 1-526-7756.-37,38 . 16. for Tent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, _ 530.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524-6777 after 6 p.m. 33tfrix FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do It yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Blupwater Cleaners 524- 6231. 17. Apartments for rent SPACIOUS THREE bedroom dpartment close to the Square. Newly redecorated. Utilities in- cluded. No pets. Phone 482- 3312 after 6 p.m.-37tfnx SALTFORD - TWO bedroom apartment available November 1st, 1982. Carpeted throughout. $200.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 524-9166.--37tf 18. Houses for rent HOUSE FOR RENT - three bedrooms, available November 1st, near the Square. Phone 524-8422 between 6 and 7 p.m. -38x THRE '. BEDR'.OQM_ .HOME_ corn_ pietely carpeted throughout, double lot, garage, new gas fur- nace, on Cambria Rd., Goderich. Property for sale or rent. Phone 482-9435.--38 19. Rooms for rent 24. Wanted to rent GOOD CLEAN house with fireplace. Close to or in Goderich or Port Albert. Reasonable rent. References. Please call Ripley 395-5960 "after 6 p.m. --31 tfnx HOSPITAL PROFESSIONAL re- quires two to three bedroom house to rent in Goderich. References available. Phone 524-4419.-37-39 25. Wanted to buy WANTED TO BUY - PIANO, not necessarily in good condition. Phone 669-2280 or 669-2198 anytime. Call collect. -29-52x WANTED • - EXERCISE - bike. Phone 524-9467.-38 A WOOD BURNING cookstove. Phone 524.8591 after 4:30 p.m.-38tf WANTED TO BUY - 4 cylinder or 6 cylinder engine car in good condition. Phone anytime 524- 8794 . -38-41 24.8794.-38-41nx USED T BAR steel stakes, 7' or 8' in length. Call 529-7247.--38 -'-FREE-STANDING TV- antennae; 50 ft. or up. Call weekends 565- 2870.-38 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, equipped with fridge, all cook- ing .utensils, TV, etc. Bedding changed weekly. Close to Square. 524-7516.-38 20. Room & board SPACIOUS LIVING rooms, private bedrooms,two meals a day, for senior citizens. Available now. Van Damme's Holiday Home, 482-3685.-35tf 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square TWO BEDROOM apartment to feet prime office space at 60 sublet, carpet throughout. Lighthouse St. Phone 524- i'524'7435.=38'39---------------- -2T17-: 26tf ......._ __ ..... _ . ONE BEDROOM apartment, cen- trally located, $195.00 per Available immediately. Phone month --plus_-utIii.ties..-Call 524- --. .._- 2727.--38ar SWANS offer 515. ri. 6ifi x BENNETT STREET - APARTMENTS UNDER NEW SUPERVISION One and two bedroom apartments' for rent. Cable. Fridge and stove Included. All utilities paid. Security con. trolled. PHONE 524-6653 WILL BUY FOR CASH or SELL BY AUCTION call: Marie Salm at the Auction Rooms COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on the Squarer, approximately 900 T,1'tr-fit; with -remodelled upper two bedroom apartment. Building for sale, or for rent. Contact Ron Kay al 524-7381 between 9 o.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. -37-39 26. Help wanted 26. Help wanted CASUAL PART TIME Technologist, interest in hematology, chemistry and blood bank, knowledge of ECG's an asset. Interest in working with people. Apply to Personnel Officer, Clinton Public Hospital, 98 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ont. NOM ILO. -37 ,38 RECEPTIONIST and general of- fice worker required. Please apply stating experience, office skills and wages expected. Mall replies to Drawer 166, c/o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. --38 HELP WANTED - Capable middle -age live-in housekeeper and companion to an elderly lady in Wingham. Apply Box 3676, c/o The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario. -38,39 PERSONAL SECRETARY/BOOK- KEEPER - part time or full time. Apply to Box d2, c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton, Ont: NOM 1L0.2-38 CAREER IN trucking transport. Drivers needed. Train now for your class A licence. Write Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School, P.O. Box 3186, Cam- bridge, N3H 4S6.-0-38 id `�Itill ONE MILE SOUTH OF BLYTH ON TOP OF THE HILL. REQUIRES Full -Time and Part.Tlms student help. Apply - Mr. Orlon Kin©. 523-4595 Offices To Rent 524-8382 ORGANIST - CHOIR LEADER Required By Local Church DUTIES TO COMMENCE SOON AS POSSIBLE Apply In Writing No Later Than Friday, October 8, 1982 to MR. HUDSON WARR 60 St. David St., Goderlch N7A 11.3 • . Are you cut out to be officer? , G CONSIDER THE Canadian Forces The Officer Candidate Training Plan is a great way for you to become a professional ;officer- in the Canadian Forces. As a commissioned officer in the army, navy or airforce `yori'll' enjoy a life that combines travel, adventure and security with the confidence of knowing how to take charge. You must be medically fit and have grade 12 in a five-year advanced .program.-in...Math, ..English, . Science and History, Geography or Social Studies. For more information, visit your nearest Recruiting Centre or write to us. You can also call collect - we're in the Yellow Pages under Recruiting. There's No Life Like It T1SE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre