HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-15, Page 23r2-RL*ASSORTED;EO�LwOURs, TISSUE White Swan ' Facial. box of 200 sheets ■ I OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.09 LIQUID Old Dutch Bleach ■ OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.83 3.6 LITRE PLST JUG SAVE 1.58/kg POWDERED LAUNDRY Tide Detergent 12 LITRE BOX 99 OUR REGULAR PRICE 10.39 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE `A'. BEEF T -Bone or Wing with supermarket prices CAPRI, ASSORTED COLOURS Bathroom Tissue PKG OF 4 ROLLS OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.69 SAVE .90/Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 10.341kgu4.69 Ib SAVE 1.77/kg- .801b GREAT ON THE B.B.Q. SirIoin Steak 7 59 Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 9.68Ikg-4.39 Ib FRESH, GREAT ON THE B.B.O. Lean Ground Beef INSIDE CUT Round Steak TENDERIZED Cube Steak PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED Cooked Ham PRIDE OF CANADA, READY -TO -SERVE Vintage Hams SAVE 2.64/kg - 1.201b OUTSIDE CUT EYE REMOVED Boneless Round Roast Ikg / /kg OUR REGULAR PRICE 8.131kg-3.69 Ib 39 FRESH QUARTERS, WITH BACKS ATTACHED 4V1 99 Chicken Legs 47 39 A&P, REG OR THICK SLICED 7Y,4/-4317 Side Bacon 799/321b9 /329Ib !k SWIFT PREMIUM Sliced Bologna 175 g SWIFT PREMIUM, SLICED, 6 VAR vacpac 1 Cooked Meats 9O SWIFT PREMIUM, REG' R ALL BEEF BROWN AND SERVE 9 Ikg /'T Ib Sausages PRIDE OF CANADA, 8 VAR. INCL. SALAMI & PEPPERONI Sausage'Sticks P 9 2`'s PRIDE OF CANADA, TRIPLE PACK, SLICED Cooked Meats 375 g vac pac 179 BURNS CAMPFIRE, COIL Garlic, Sausage 3954 /119 262/119 Ikg Ib 500 g 999 vac pac 375 g vac pac 175 g vac pac Ib SAVE 2.43/kg-1.101b RUMP SIRLOIN TIP OR INSIDE CUT ROUND Boneless Beef Roasts 93/ /kg ' Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 8.36Ikg-3.79 Ib GRADE 'A', EVISCERATED, 4 TO 5 LB AVER. Frozen Ducks 2 62 MI?,kg PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Whole Turkey Legs 21,4 /b .99 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN 169 Whole Turkey Breasts .99 PREVIOUSLY Legs BREAKFAST Burns Sausage 250 6 199 pkg SWIFT PREMIUM Bologna Chunks 39,g AT CANADIAN QUEEN, HOT OR SWEET Sausage. Italian Style q /kg / 189 CANADIAN QUEEN, SMOKED, BY THE PIECE Back Bacon 12119 /5? BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA, READY-TO-SERVFGREAT ON THE B.B.Q. Dinner Hams 6599 /2!9 Maple Leaf Wieners j39 /1r 199 Ikg tb 5419kg 2b 9 351Ikg Ib / 15 In Stores With Deli! MAPLE LEAF COARSE,;, CREAMY OR FINE Liver /100g 59 Sausage • Ib 1Ib 159 Col'�;DUTCH, CHI`EN,MAC BCHEESE vac pac d Cuts .44 /100 gIb / DEEP BROWNED, WITH PORK OR IN TOMATO SAUCE Libby's Beans 191 Oz.99 PURE, SWEETENED OR UNSWEETENED. ORANGE OR GRAPEFRUIT Libby's Juices c9ortins fl 1.99. PREPARED Heinz Mustard ' RIO, SLICED - Mushroor S PURINA Puppy Chow. 500.1. jar ®99 tGli oz 09 tin s 8 kg bag 10.99 CHRISTIE PLAIN ORSALTEDIWHEATSWORTHCAACKEAS700§-PKG) Premium Plus Crackers pkgg .99 BEEF, IRISH, TURKEY -CHICKEN MEATBALL Clark Stews 21n°Z 1.99 .141281, ASST VAR. Aylmer Vegetables OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 89 19 FL OZ TINS .5 PRIMO Pizza Sauce PRIMO Lasagna 2'tin z .99 PRIMO Tomato Paste PRIMO, PLAIN 5pkgg 1.19 Spaghetti Sauce 25.5,1°z 99 tins ■ 28 tin 1.19.. tin aru E THE WONIDERWORLD OF WILDLIFE. The New Funk & Wagnalls Illustrated Wildlife Encyclopedia. The most complete cbllection of wildlife information ever pub- lished in theEnglish language This 24. volume hardcover collect ion explores all the wonders the world of the wwldhas 1n offer And it s crammeo lull of life like photo- graphs and color illustrahons that almost breathe So slap your collection today It's a wild offer at a very tame pace NOW AVAILABLE AT WI • Volumes 2-24 only $349 .0 ,GODERICH SIGNAL, -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPT/ODER 15,1962 --PAGE 5A t' This week's reason you'll do better.. atA&P! 2 -PLY ASST COLOURS, DECORATOR White Swan Towels ■ PKG OF 2 ROLLS OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.49 r AUTOMATIC, FILTER OR REG. GRIND Maxwell Nouse Coffee 69 1 Ib vac pac bag OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.69 SAVE 1.00 BRIGHTS, FANCY Tomato Juice 48flozSAVE tin .50 ■ OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.49 GREEN GIANT, FANCY, WHOLE KERNEL 19fl oz tins OUR REGULAR PRICE .95 EACH ASSORTED VARIETIES Primo Pastas SAVE .50 900 _g pkg OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.49 PURE VEGETABLE (1 LITRE CTN.1.79) Primo 01! 99 3 litre ctn OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.49 SAVE 1.50 dtd 1V 1131138 00 llbnox 0 r 0 003 m V Browriies to register ma* NwiiiNimuwiasio -110 BITS Joanna Buchanan Fourth Goderich Brownie registration is Thursday, September 16 between 4 and 5. pm. in Victoria Public School gym. Brownies must be accompanied by spared. The fee is $10. For in- formation, call 524 8670. _ +++ Mrs. Elizabeth Irons and Miss Sandra Little of Stranraer, Scotland and Mrs. Anne Andrews of Miss Tammy Stark of Hanover recently visited Mr. and Mrs. George Morley of BluewaterBeach. Local men lost at Dieppe LOOKING BACK 75 YEARS AGO An institution known as the Goderich Business College is to be established here by Mr. George Spotton, who, within the past few years has organized colleges at Wingham, Orangeville, Walkerton and Clinton. The Goderich Lacrosse Club met the Torontoclub.:in Berlin on Wednesday. and lost 7=2. Contractor Rummell has finished the walk on the south side of St. Vincent Street. The walk is outside the trees. Apple barrels are being delivered in such large quantities in the adjoining townshipsas to indicate a large ,gathering of this fruit. The Goderich Planing Mill Company is commencing the fall with many orders fir preparing woodwork for LIZgs that will be this whiter. The Clinton Board of Health recommends that all water used for drinking purposes be boiled as the wells are at present very low and there is a risk of typhoid fever. 40 YEARS AGO County of Huron machines are .this week putting the finishing touches on "Goderich South" airport and the landing field has been finished. Last Saturday afternoon's sudden squall and rain storm caught a large number of Sky Harbor's training planes in the air and whilethe great majority were able to make their base, quite a number were forced down at scat- tered points. The official list of casualties among the Canadian forces at the Battle of Dieppe, August 19, has been released and the names of five Goderich men, all members of the Essex Scottish, appear in the list of "missing". 25 YEARS AGO The entire landscape north of the harbor entrance is being transformed as work on the rock salt mine proceeds. Back filling and grading of the area is now 75 per cent complete. Reeve E.C. Fisher, chairman of public works, said that the paving of Harbor Hill and certain connecting roads, should be completed by the weekend. The boiler in the old collegiate building needs repairs at once and should be replaced within the next two years, Goderich Public School Board has been ad- vised. Goderich Booster , Club etitietMCW today that it is taking immediate action to organize a junior "B" hockey team to represent this town in a, proposed six- „„ team O11A loop.. 5YEARSAGO Crowds of curious shop- pers lined up outside the new Stedmans store fot its grand opening Wednesday mor- ning. Andy Boutilier has been appointed the Ontario Home Renewal Program co- ordinator for the town of Goderich. Goderich town council agreed Monday evening to accept a proposed G&W Sanitation to provide gar- bage pick-up until the end of 1677 at the current rate plus '51,000 per month.