HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-15, Page 14THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND requires a CLERK -TREASURER The Village of Grand Bend (population 800), invites written applications for the position of Clerk -Treasurer. Applicants with a minimum of five years experience in the role of a Clerk -Treasurer or a Deputy Clerk-Treasurer'and who have completed or are presently enrolled in the A.M.C.T.O. Course will be given preference. - Starting salary - Commensurate with experience. Qualified applicants are requested to submit a confidential resume, detailing background, education, employment .history and other •relevant particulars by September 30th, 1982. Search Committee Village of Grand Bend Box 340 Grand Bend, Ont. NOM 1TO i , '4°10 44 :,f,"a0•DERIC1I SIGN t. AR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMEER,15,1982 ountr • CLASSIFITIONS 1. Articles for sole 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4, Antiques for sale 5. Cors:for sole ' 6. Trucks for sole 7. R..V.'s for sale E. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sole 11. Livestock for sale 12. Real estate for sale • 'G 4E1ni &firm d i . m e�kaustusumsmen u O s , ,s^ui fmL"r.�k'i°" '�.. ^ 0 13. Mobile homes 14. Pecreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For•rent 17. Apartments far rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 24. Wanted to rent 20. Room 8 board 25. Wanted to buy 21. Cottages for rent • 26. Help wanted 22. Lots for rent 27. Wanted (general) 23. Commercial property 28. Business opportunity for rent 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 32. Custom work 33. Farm services 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 41. To gide away 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46.•10 Memoriam 47. Card of thanks QEAOLIWIE$: Clessifi6'd. warm ads at 12 noon Tuesday. Tao late to classify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 pin. some day. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.50 X23 words, 410' a word thereafter. In Memoriam 13.50 min. plus 30' per rhymed line of verse. Cords of Thanks '3.50 min./25 viords, 5.` a word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors "25 for 3. inserts. Special rates ovoilable by 6 or 12 months, no copy change. Ask about our special discounts for prompt payment. • MONDAY TO FRIDAY '524-8331 'I ..Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale SINGER -`- For authori;ecl sales :HOOKED RUGS -.all supplies for b)nd service, sewing machines. this fascinating ,craft. Lucrative vacuum, cleaners, parts and no . opportunities for teachers. Full tions, service'to all nukes, and information and catalogue. machine rentals. Gen's Sewing 'Send $3:00. Rittermere, Box Centre. now_ to oted at 56 The :340 •Vinland, Ontario. LOR Square, Goderich 524 2C0 0-37.. 8431.-1 tfar ' a� CHIL,D'1: FI RE skates, size 8: AUTOMATIC �lle�t n Bovril' • boy i3t)tter Junior Supreme m Cleaner reoves nisi. lime and' shakes, 5ixe lA excellent con- mineral deposits.-Simply.place dinars. Maternity pont suit, size In the corner of your toilet-tonk 9/10; child s` snow boots, size Available at'ffoffineyer-PI:umb- .''10; children's. clothing - boys ing and,Heating. >cingstan`sizes to rix, girl's sizes to 3x: St t,Oodeeich'-ltfor ' • men's .sport: coots, -size 42; ;, r mens sports and dress 'pants W ERBED; Do' if, , yourseeIf kit sizes 32 and 34. Phone 529-7773 $ Includesssiv a'Kress "heater t --bets een `9"'''"`a"lrri: ' '.- nd'S' finer Single, queen or king. p m -37nx Sova mon`by�ey iaiaking• frantic yourself. Complete instructions;,, ONE GRAVITY box and wagon, Re7,0 de�fiviery. "Zollcolleect 1135 bushel'capticity; Picone 524- % (41-0)637-690&•-•-0-204. 4308.-30tfnx -OSTOMY . SUPPLiES' arid-: ap-t ELECTRONICPINBALLS. recondi- pliences.; • Rieck.•I,D A; . Phar- tion-, in good, working order, •maty . 14 hap p; rs il• Square, $400.00 • eqch i, ` Phone 1-527- erithq:5 4-7241 tfdr iT• . �r � SICK R-00 SUPE l.lES..pats nt . FOUR'G70 S trite letter tires, lilt, support garments, , Wort ;$SO,OQ-each "also two captain's vacent;;praduct ; et4 , Rieck : chairs for{:van and One 'large Pharmacy. T4 Sho{i ers'Squark;. 'sunroof .going for best !Goderich, 52:4p 7241; ,, 24tfar reasonable offer. All are brand .ew anal never .,sad: Phone ' ,n IN H. Roti rstevi„. _w v� 4.524 6873 between 5 and 7 'f --wail)- Gans «...1.` iAc am3{oi? Mi Sir nge al , eck ,pie * O,A .Pharmacy. Shoppers' 1980 HONDA CB 650 Custom, ,°Square Goduricit.` 524'-'js`g�d-' condition will�'=s`ell, for 7�T �-24tfar'� ' ' 4 , ' • 4,•-•$180000 certified: Phone 524- y l l • . 8965 anytime. i-3.7-40. , SALE mi FIREWOOD FOR sed '• : _f i�, rdvyood? 8uy"by-'1. .,%7: or.,:.- OVEN READY. roosters; 5.8 .lbs':_ 11 cord Phone 534 6530 or 524 529-7152.-37,38 . ' • , fp ,r + ; 1977 125 YAMAHA dirt bike, fC,DWOOD SAW three- iri, ,ads •bearings, first $250.00 h , tractor driven Brathufos ' cokes. Phonee 5294314u-437,38 i, on ' request. MJes a Martin..+''''"a'''.'''..;', • , Weldingr.R-R,ill1, Linwood. 0n,A::TWO SNOW TIRES,,*WIPP- cane. (19 -,137 god tread: $4500 complete. r t. _ ;s xtr t Ph ne529-7003.37 . _ 1. Articles for sale MacINTOSH, Cortland, prune plums; fresh apple butter, potatoes, onions. Gerald Bell Fruit Faun, R.R.2, Goderich, 524-8008.-.37tf GENDRON STROLLER, like new condition. Phone 524-609'4.=37 EXCELLENT CONDITION, chesterfield and chair for sale. - Blue with reversible tan plaid cushions. $150.00 or best offer. 524-6321.-37 THREE STEEL TRAVERSE DRAPERY TRACKS'- adjustable up from 56', 7' and 9', $45.00; three 4(°"I-Beam'•rods with run- ners, 39.00. Phone 524-8331 between" a.m. - 4 p.m., ask for Carol. 26tfnx' ONE. IBM ELECTRIC typewriter, Model 11C, 16" carriage, good condition, $220.00; • one Rapid - man desk top cdlcglator, Model 1220, $45.00; two 5`ft. x 5 ft. of- fice dividers, $40.00 each. 524- 9412.=•35tfar BRUNSWICK.S x.10 Gold Crown slate pool table, excellent con- dition, •51,400.00.: 1978 cherry - red' Hondo 400T, $900.00. Phone forest 873-5330 after 6 • p.m. -36-39 ,' CUSTOM WOOD. splitting, up to f; . 40 inch bioks, also wood for y soli of Bios," sac's Phone 524-9595:--37,38 stein 106 150 E. ,..� i . 37 MUST SELL One CV 2000 air tight .wood stove, never used, i GREY musr OFFERING:', , •PERSONALLOANS •SAME DAY SERVICE •PAYMENTS TO' "` SUIT YOUR BUDGET CALL 524-7381 Ask forour loans Dept. Fresh Cauliflower miles Went of Exeter on NMI,. $3 :CAULIELOWER $6.004E4011 OPENDAILY, 01101-6PM Closid•Sundays Phone inrlargeorders Vtsseher Farms 237-3442 1111111111M11111111111r111rr r-- IN STOCK BMX MOTO-CROSS 12 SPEED BIKES PARTS' sed ACCESSORIES Don's Bicycle Repairs 305 Ontario St. Clinton, Ontario 482-9941 WALLPAPER IN STOCK CLEARANCE Solid Vinyl Reg. 22.95 bolt 0 e f,olt Vinyl Coated Rog. to 22.50 single roll e single roll LIMITED QUANTITY Reg. 15.95 single roll SUPER SPE,ICIAL $ SO 1 m single roll e J nouscea 13 HAMILTON ST., GODERICH GO Phone 524-2445 = includes fire brick, two pipes and.wood,grate, $325.00. if in terested cath _ Rick at 5244337 after 6, p.m. -37,38 ``bRAFFSM N 1eaf•shredder with. 5 h p..'Bnggs and Stratton gas motor, $40000' °or.. best offer: 'Phone 524 2040.--37,38 15 CU'F1 BLUE.Ribbon freezer., $250.00, in good' • condition; Westinghouse humidifier, $25:00; one hot plate with two burners and oven, $20.00; one 4 ironing: machine, 320.00; two school desks, '315.00; one pair =''of fisher downhill Skis, $35.00;.. steel utility shed, 4' x 6', $80.00. • Phone•524-9686.-37,38 "utility Box 'Trailer Fully enclosed, II' long. OW `wide,'4' high. Priced for quick sale '550. Phone;524-9412. FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD 4' x8' x1'-'3000 Delivered -'35 00 "CASH" Phone: 524-6311 or 524-8198 C&'E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quanitity. Will deliver. 482-9250 and 482-3162 i2asiL' rerf igerator, 134-3 cu: ft., harvest gold, frost free, four years old. Phone 524-2049.-37 PRUNE PLUMS, "Bartlett pears, Macintosh and Cortland apples. . red and white potatoes; onions and honey. AM Bell Fruit Farm, phone 524-8037.-37ar NEW MAN'S Croydon 'wind- breaker, size 40; •tweed over- coat,. size 42; lady's Persian lamb coat, size 12. Phone 524- 2461.-37 ADMIRAL DISHWASHER two years old $30000. Phone 524- 2,284--37,36 •+ r TOMATOES, U=Pick, $5.00 per bushel; •also . available cauliflower, broccoli, etc. Clos- ed Wednesdays. Evans' Farm Market, two miles north of Bayfield, 482-7562.-37tf 1980 SUZUKI, 550' GS, 2500 kin, windshield, air shocks and rear carrier. Best • reasonable offer. Call Joe's Auto Body, 524- 8941.-37pr SEASON'S FIREWOOD for sale. Phone 524-8046.. Free delivery.-37nx INFANT'S GM 'car seat, good condition. Phone 524-6061.-37 •,WRINGER WASHER with timer, • as new; one La -Z -boy chair, as new; one walnut antique bon- net chest; one antique cherry bed. 524-6085.-37 WATERBEDS, complete with. pedestal pine frame, heater, safety liner, mattress and fill kit. $319.00 at Vanastra Fur- niture. 482-7922.--2')tfar THINKING of building? We've got the solution - lite most com- plete line of steel buildings available for farm, industrial, commercial and residential use. Display building discount. Call collect anytime ' (705)474- 1180.-27otf' 1. Articles for sale FIREWOOD for sale. good hard- wood. Will deliver. Phone 529- 7917.-33-40 FOR SALE - 3;100 square feet, 4 x 8 sheets of one inch blue in- sulation, selling reasonable. New, large Dashwood aluminum window. Phone 524- 2735 or 524-6052.-36,37 36 POINT DIAMOND Solitaire engagement ring with matching wedding band, appraised at over $1,250.00. Selling for $600.00. Call after.5 p.m,. 482- 9198,-37 2. Yard Sale YARD SALE, Saturday, September 18? 9 a.m. - 12 noon, 157 Trafalgar Street, Goderich.-37nx YARD SALE - 150 West Street, Goderich. Old bottles and bikes, and other.items. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. -37 • .. 3. Garage sale SATURDAY, . September 18th, 1982-(roin^date-following Satur- day). Starts 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. King St.. Auburn. -37 5. Cars for sale 1979 CHRYSLER LeBaron with. power steering and power brakes, cruise control, AM -FM radio, wire spoke wheel covers, low mileage, excellent condi- tion. Phone 524-2006.-25tfnx 1978,BBUICK LeSabre,'8 cylinder. Phone 481-328.0fter-6-p.m. - 37 1976 OLDSMOBILE' Regency 98, full* loadbd as 16.$2,000.00 or best ' ' offer. ' Phone 529 7796.-37tf '1976 CAPRICE Classic, four door hardtop, 58,000 miles, 32,500.00 or)best offer. Will certify. 524- 4250.--37 1973 DODGE Coronet, good condition, 3725.00. certified. Phone 524-7418 after 4 p.m. -37 1976 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit, 51,000 miles, automatic. Phone 524-9008 after 5:30 p.m. Ask for Brent. -37,38 12. Real estate for sale FOR SALE - a one floor, 3 bedroom cottage with sundeck on West William St. in Seaforth. Ideal, quiet location, close to Main Street, schools, churches, arena, full basement, ,new kit- chen, a worry -free home on 11/2 lots. Good 121/2 mortgage due June 1984. Phone 527-0673 after 5:30 p.m. for viewing.-33tfnx HOUSE FOR SALE on Gibbons St. N., Goderich, across from Vic- toria School. For information phone 524-9290.-36-38 PROPERTY FOR SALE. SAVE THOUSANDS! Build North America's most energy-efficient home on your own lot. We have the Viceroy precut Superhome for you. For details call Tony Moffatt, 262-5047.--37-39 COUNTY OF HURON Ah`9� TREASURER'S -SALE-OF-LAND- 111 ARREARS OF TAXES NOTICE IS satiny GiVEN that a tax sale will be held .In the Council Chambers of the Court House, Goderich, On - tart*, on Tuesday, December 7, 1902; alt 10:00 A.M. re: any un- paid taxes still outstan- ding at that date, as shown` on the list published In the Ontario 4,1912. N OTICE IS • HERESY PUR- TIER GIVEN „thatif ausy of Fifa-ii .npari ids' remain utpgld, j.an .4 Iourned fo,,l. willl11.ION oat Ts -day, Mier 14,11$2 at` *11. tame hour and -'ilea. List Of properties in - sallied may be secured at my office In the Court H ouse, Goderich; ' On- tario. RIII di Hardy Clerk Treeiurer i Administrator County of Huron, 1970 DODGE Superbee, 440 cubicinch, three 'speed automatic, B 8 M shift kit, magnesium rims, good 'condi- 13. Mobile homes tion. Phone524-744;2.-37_._-__. _.._-_._-.._-... • • 1974 NOVA SS, . 350 4 barggel, 4 speed, loaded, excellent c'jandi- tion. Also -1975 Ford Gran orin- tot willmake great winter car. Phone 524-6644 or 524-2264 evenings. -37x 6. Trucks for sole 1968 FORD, one ton stake truck, good condition, $800.00 as is. Phone 529.7761.--37,38 1979 LI'L RED EXPRESS. Best of- fer. 524-7418 after 4 p.m. -37 HUSQVARNA SEWING 9. Automotive MACHINES, full selection, new models with open arm, genuine Swedish quality from `,only 9.00 25 i$36years experenc e on service. Call Clinton 482- 7809.-34,35,36, 37or POTATOES, limited quantity $5.50 per 100 Ib. Phone 524- 9052.-36,37 1978 HONDA motorcycle, 400 twin, 1400 km. Best offer. Call 524-4156.-36tfnx SEVERAL VIOLETS, begonias, house plants, craft books and several pieces of material. Phone Dianne 524-2492.-36,37 200 GALLON oil tank with 190 gallons of oil. Call 524- 8778.-36,37nx Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 $195 Now only 8• GODERICH GOOD MIXED hardwood, 11..Livestock fear " Goderich area Phone- 1-392- 6674,-36-39 sa le_ PICK YOUR own tomatoes, also available canning pears, freezer cauliflower and broc- coli. Complete line of farm fresh vegetables, in large and small quantity. TEEM FARM, R:R.T, Bayfidld, 482.9940.--37 ANTIQUE HESPELER WOOD STOVE BEST OFFER Phone 524-8761 or 7243 WANTED TO BUY - Cash for crip- pled or sore footed livestock, cattle, stockers, cows and hogs. Phone 519-876-3250 or 519.834- 2020.-30tf 12. Real estate for sale COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on the Square, approximately 900 square feet, with remodelled upper two bedroom apartment. Building for sale or for rent. Contact Ron Kay at 524-7381 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. -37-39 • LAKEFRONT double wide, suitable for home or cottage. Three bedrooms, sun deck, tool shed, dishwasher. Asking $30,900.00: Call after 6 p.m., 524-4130.-36,37 THREE BEDROOM ' mobile, fridge, stove, washer and dryer included. New furnace and electric hot water heater, cedar deck, patio, tool shed. 524- 6325.-37tf 14A VACATION 17. Apartments for rent FLY -IN MOOSE HUNTING FOR ONLY $500.00. Hurry and make your reservations now. We only have one week left open from October 3 - October 10. Imagine only $500.00 for seven days of the best moose hunting in Nor- thern Ontario. For an extra $200.00 we will include a guide and food supply. We have 44 remote lakes with an equipped cottage and a boat and motor with each one. We fly you in and out and we clean, quarter and hang your moose, then transport it to your car. Call now to reserve. (705)272-5570 or (705)272-3268,-0-37 15. Out of town properties , FOR SALE - In Auburn on Loftus Street, three bedroom house on Targe.fot, good -garage, shore of water rights,. 'Priced .to sell. Phone 1.526-7756.-=.37,38 16. for rent - - �w:ieirose. MOTORIZED WOODSPLITtER for rent, $30.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524.6777 •after 6 p.m.-334nx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do 1t yourself with beep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 4231. ONE AND TWO bedroom apart- ments for rent. Contact Ron Kay, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., 524-7381.-35=37 TWO BEDROOM, heated apart- ment, complete upper floor with private entrance; fully carpeted; fridge , and stove in- cluded, one and a half blocks from Square, $260.00 per mon- th. Phone 524-6625 after 4 o'clock. -36,37 ONE BEDROOM upstairs apart- ment, on the Square; available immediately. References. Apply Drawer 164 c/o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486.-36,37 TWO BEDROOM upstairs apart- ment, newly decorated, heated, centrally located, available mid October. References. Apply Drawer 163,+c/o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486.-36,37 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent, business couple preferred. Phone 514-9410.--35,36,37x ONE BEDROOM apartment, suitable for single, person, heat and cable supplied Carpet, panelled livingroom, shower. Available November lstr' 524- 7898 mornings. Reasonable rent. --37 SPACIOUS THREE bedroom apartment close to the Square. Newly .redecorated. Utilities in- cluded.' No pets. Phone 482- 3312 after 6 p.m.-37tfnx SALTFORD - TWO bedroom apartment available October 1st, 1982. Carpeted throughout. 3200.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 524=9166.--37 ONE BEDROOM apartment on quiet street, three blocks from Square. Available November 1st 1902.Stoyerand fridge sup- plied. 4165110 per month plus heat and utilities. No pets. Phone 524-6843.-37 CENTRAL LOCATION, one bedroom apartment plus West end two bedroom apartment. Responsible tenant: Phone 524- , 8480.-37 BENNETT STREET APARTMENTS UNDER NEW SUPERVISION One and two bedroom apartments for rent. Cable. Fridge and stove included. All utilities paid.' Security con- ' trolled. PHONE 524-6653 18. Houses for rent LARGE FIVE bedroom farm house, in Goderich Township. For information phone 1-235- 2525.-37 TWO STOREY renovated Vic- torian house, three bedroom, 5 piece and 2 piece bath, main floor laundry room, pine floors, natural woodwork, on double lot in Dungannon. References. Phone 524-6523 or 524- 2874.-37 20. Room & board SPACIOUS LIVING rooms, private bedrooms, two meals a day, for senior citizens. Available now. Von Damme's Holiday Home, 482-3685.--35tf 23. Commercial property for rent 24: Wanted to rent GOOD CLEAN house with fireplace. Close to or in Goderich or Port Albert. Reasonable rent. References. Please call Ripley 395-5960 after 6 p.m. -3l tfnx HOSPITAL PROFESSIONAL re- quires two to three bedroom house to rent in Goderich. References available. Phone 524-4419.---37-39 COTTAGE FOR week, of Octdber 3, 1982. Fireplace desirable. Write P.O. Box 688, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1W0.-37 25. Wanted to buy WANTED TO BUY - PIANO, not necessarily in good condition. Phone 669-2280 or 669-2198 anytime. Call collect. -29.52x FARM - CASH DEAL, good soil, between 300 and 600 workable acres, highway location prefer- red. Five years' lease -back should be guaranteed. Detailed offers with photos, exact map of location and statement of lost 3 to 5 years' crop yield should be sent to Drawer 162, c/o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A HOUSE WANTED . - Recently transferred to Goderich, family of four wish to purchase three bedroom home. Please phone 524-7912 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. -37x BELT SANDER in good condition. Phone 524-2039 after 5 p.m. -37 'GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse St. Phone 524- ' 2717.-26tf OFFICE SPACE for rent. Available immediately. Phone 524-8845 after 5"s:ns.=36tfnx COMMERCIAL PROPERTY on the' Square, approximately 900 square. feet, with remodelled upper two bedroom apartment. Building for sale or for rent. Contact Ron Kay at 524-7381 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. -37-39 Offices To Rent 5244382 ADDRESS LABELS - gummed, 300 for $2.75; press -on, 200 for $3:75. Phone The Goderich Signal -Star et 524-8331. WILL BUY FOR CASH or SELL BY AUCTION call: Marie Salm at the Auction Rooms 524-9064 26. Help wanted RELIABLE PERSON for housework one day a week. Call after 6 p.m. Phone 524- 4173:-37 GUARANTEED WEEKLY IN- COME. 111 set the next person up in a high income sales and service business for motorists. This business repeats year after year. No money' required to start. Car required. Full or part- time. Come in and see me, Ed Bauer, on Wednesday, September 22nd at 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. at Elm Haven Inn, Clinton.-37ar PART .TIME filing clerk required for doctor's office. Less than 10 hours per week, primarily even- ings and/or weekends. Please reply in writing to Drawer 165, c/o Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486.-37 PART-TIME bartender required. Send resume to Branch 109, Royal Canadian Legion, 56 Kingston Street, Goderich, Ont. N7A 3K4. Preference will be given to Legion members.-37ar CAREER IN trucking transport. Drivers needed: Train now for your class A licence. Write,Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School, P.O. Box 3186, Cam- bridge, N3H 4S6.-0-37 EARN EXTRA money. Show our quality line of cords and gifts to friends, neighbors, relatives. No experience necessary. Write or phone today for information and free color Christmas catalogue. It's easy and pro- fitable, Monarch Greetings, Box 516, Hamilton, L8N 3K3. (416)527-3891.-0-37 ONE MILE SOUTH �F RLYTIkf ON TOP OF THE HILL. REIrIRES Pali -Time and Port -Time student help. Apply - Mr. Brian King. 523'4595 26. Help wanted VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED ' to assist at the Lady Diana Nursery with handicapped pre-schoolers for a morning program beginn- ing Sept. 7, 1982. For more in- formation call ,Mrs. Gerry Vanden Berg 482-3053 or 482- 7634.-34-37 26. Help wanted PERSON WANTED to sit two pre- schoolers in my home, hours 7:30 to 4:30, three to five days a week. Reply to Drawer 161, c/o Goderich. Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6, stating age and experience. -36,37x E' !OVILE 91IT TOR P8 WE'LL CUT OUT TBE COST OF GOING TO UNIVERSITY The Canadian Forces Regular Officer Training Plan is for senior high school and university students who have come to grips with what they want out of life. If you feel you're cut out for a life of excite- ment, security and satisfaction with the Canadian Forces, we'll pay your tuition end pay you while you take a degree in any one of more than 40 disciplines at a Canadian Forces college or a Canadian accredited university of your choice. When you graduate, you'll step right into an interesting and well-paid position as an officer in the Canadian Forces. Formore information, visit your nearest re- cruiting centre You can also call collect - we're in the Yellow Pages under Recruiting. There's No Life Like It THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES TOWN OF SEAFORTH Requires ARENA MANAGER and ARENA ATTENDANT Applications for the above positions will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m:, Thursday, September 30, 1982,.in a sealed enveloped clearly marked "Arena Applica- tion" Preference will be given to graduates of an Arena Management Course or its 'equivalent. The positions -will commence on or about November 1, 1982, at the new Seaforth and District Arena and Cornmunity Hall. Resume required on experience, personal data, with three character references. Salaries com- mensurate with experience. JAMES CROCKER, CLERK P.O.,DOX 610, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1VII0 PHONE 527-0160 4