HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-15, Page 13To apply for grant..._. The town of Goderich win apply to the federally -funded Canadda. Employment Program to carry out work at St, Christophers Beach under the Ontario Neighbourhood Improvement Program. (� 1 Under the terms of the program, the i �1 EVVS municipality may receive as much as $25,00010 hire four individuals to work at the beach site. -.ONAMUNITY Relocate The Shoppers Square Association has council that the midway associated with the Kinsmen beer tent in July each year, not beset up in The Square next year because it impedes traffic and affects business. The, association suggested the midway could be erected on a radial street or in Court House Park. Council tabled the matter and will seek input from the Goderich Kinsmen Club. Methane tests Commissioner of works Ken Hunter has been instructed by the Ministry of the Environment office in Owen Sound to conduct two methane probes at Optimist Park. The work is to be carried out by the spring of 1983. Buy station The town of Goderich purchased the former weather station building from the Goderich Industrial Develqpment Corporation for a sum of $7,500. Council authorized the sale through bylaw 55 of 1982. Deadline The Ministry of the Environment has informed council that the construction of a new water tower would qualify for government grants however, if the construction is to begin in the next year, the town must make application by October 1. If the project is to get un- derway in 1983, council and the PUC will have to settle on financing the con- struction in the next three weeks. If council and the PUC decide that finan- cing the tower is not feasible this year, the project will be delayed at least until 1984. Appointment P.J. Pratley, director of the operational planning branch of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and. Housing advised council m a letter that J. Howard Aitken was appointed as a member of the Huron County Housing Authority. Aitken was appointed by the federal government and his term of of- flee expires July 31, 1984. C^Nn. Bell Aerospace lands major shareof new $89 million U.S. army carrier contract GRAND BEND — Bell Aerospace. Canada Textron has -landed amajor share of a new $89 million (U.S.) multi-year contract to pro- duce 12 more high speed am- phibious cargo carriers, known as the "LACV" (lighter, air cushion vehicle - 30 ton payload) (26.8 metric tonnes) for the U.S. army. More than half of the crafts' sub -assemblies and components will be fabricated at the facility here, according to John B. Tinabrell; Managing Direc- tor of Bell Aerospace Canada Teiitron. Bell Aerospace., Canada, along with . Bell Aerospace Textron of the U.S.A., head- quartered at Niagara Falls, N.Y., has been involved in the design, development and production of air cushion vehicles since 1958. A pro- totype of the versatile craft, known as the "Voyageur", is currently being evaluated by the ,Cana er • Coast. Guard and has +, ren used suc- cessfully a an ice -breaker on the St. Lawrence River. Both Bell Aerospace facilities, the Canadian and -the American, -are -currently. working on the first 12 LACV-30s ordered by the U.S. military, and this work is due for completion by the end of 1982. Work on the new contract starts immediately at both facilities. Although the LACV-30 is being used by the U.S. abny primarily for transporting military cargo, the versatile craft can be used for search and rescue operations; coastal, harbour and inland waterway roles, medical evacuAtion, water and fuel resupply; vehicle,, personnel and troop transport, and pollution and fire control. It can haul a wide variety of containerized cargo, wheel- ed and tracked vehicles, engineer equipment, and other general cargo. On its cushion of air, the craft can cruise at 46 land miles per hour,on water and attain speeds up to 62 miles per hour. It travels over water, land, snow,.ice, muskeg, 'mud, sandy bach, even marshes, swamps and low brush, through an eight - foot plunging surf and over four-footobstacles.._ .. Since it rides on a cushion of air, not on the ground or on the water, the LACV-30 can glide over tides, reefs and mud flats, and it is not affected by water depth or any underwater obstacles. The craft can be used to br- ing cargo ashore on at least 70 percent of the world's beaches, compared to the 17 percent now accessible with conventional types of craft, and it can bring its payload from a ship, acrothe beach and • inland • so it unloads dry cargo, even without fixed port facilities. The craft, which is nearly 80 feet (2A metres) long and 40 feet (12 metres) wide, has been rigorously tested in harsh environments, from the sub -zero cold of the Arc- tic to tropical conditions, in- cluding sand beaches and the ocean's salt water. It is powered by two Pratt & Whitney of Canada twin-pac STET gas turbines (max- imum rating 1800 SHP - nor-, mal rating 1400 SHP per unit). GOIDERICH SIGNAL "AR, W.EDNESPAY ,. RAt # P E . , County Councii committee will take s coed look at guidelines By Stephanie Levesque Huron County Council's executive committee will take a second look at the federa,igovernment's six and five percent guidelines. Council disposed the pros and cans of using the guidelines in salary negotiations at a special meeting on Sept. 8. The original recommendation from the ex- ecutive conunibtee called for ag eg ement with a resolution from LaainJ.aton County: The resolution re- quested municipalities to exercise restraint in wage negotiations for 1983. Stanley Township Reeve Paul ,$teckle expressed his concern that if council adopted the six and five guidelines, in its own wage negotiations, nothing less would be accepted. He said it is unfair for employees receiving $10,000 a year and those. receiving $40,000 plus per year to each get a six •percent increase. In some situations no salary increase should be handed out, suggested Reeve Steckle. Not only does the county have to be concerned about wage restraint, it also has to practice restraint of its expenses, said Goderich Reeve Don Wheeler. He suggested council look at budget expenditures as far as it could. Realizing such costs as energy would -be difficult to control Reeve Wheeler reasoned costs in other areas Would have to be cut down: On the subject of county expenditures, Goderich Deputy Reeve Robert Allen cautioned his colleagues, that no matter what Huron ` levies, if the municipalities can't raise the money from taxpayers, Holmesville news BUILD STAMINA - DEVELOP GRACE Join• Us For A FREE DANCEFIT DEMONSTRATION Wednesday, September 22 - 7 pm ST. MARYS SCHOOL - Bennett St:, Goderich INSTRUCTORS Yes you can enjoy the fun and exer- cise of Danc.fit and increase stamina at the same time. You'll strengthen the heart, but develop grace of movement and an overall feeling of relaxation. Start today. Sandy Sowerby 524-8404 Anne Marie Blacker 524-8147 Suzanne<paquotto 524-$0$0 REGULAR DANCEFIT CLASSES BEGIN THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 4 '82 PRE -REGISTRATION AT THE RECREATION OFFICE 166 McDonald St., Godoricil DancorIT eut In*Ftut wed they won't have any money. Restraint would have to be performed whether or not county wants to do so, County administrator William Hanly warned coon- cil that if some of the employees' unions don't accept whatever is negotiated, the matter could be turned over to a provincial arbitrator. In that case, if past history is used as an example, Mr. Haply suggested the arbitrmitor.may,e and --wage - ettlwiuents luggher than six percent. For non-union employees, council could impose its wishes in wage negotiations. The end result would be a discontented staff, noted Mr. Hanly. - Deputy Reeve Allen reminded council that one of the leading industries in the county had its employees take a 10 percent salary decrease, union members in- cluded. Morris Township Reeve Bill Elston said there could also be hard feelings if the individual municipalities don't stick together and give their employees approx- imately the same increase. Asan example, if Morris gives its employees an eight, 10 or 12 percent in- crease, East Wawanosh and Grey Township's employees would want the same. • e executive committee has heard the feelings of member councillors and it would be a good idea to refer the issue back to the committee," said Zurich Reeve Fred Haberer. "Take another look at it," suggested Reeve Haberer. iI Sunday School holds rally day.. Standards of beautiful autumn flowers decorated the Sanctuary of Holniesville United Church last Sunday morning. They remained in the Church from the. Docking -Sturdy wedding the previous Saturday. Rally day and Promotion Sunday started - the - new season. The Sunday 'School has an average attendance of 40 children. Thirty-one pins for perfect attendance were given as Superintendent, Mrs. Alison Lobb, past Siiperinteiidaiit; Mrs. Barb Norman and Mr. Bill Norman took part in the promotion service. The following pupils went to the front to receive their pins: First year, Carrie Watson, Kelly Watson, Jackie Gilders, George Oakes. Second year, Stacey Haines, Greg Rutledge. Third year, Julie Rutledge; fourth year, curie Ittbb, Travis ,Bell, Kristen Crawford Nancy Lobb, Heather Lobb, Sandra Lobb. Fifth year, Wanda Abbott, Nancy Thompson; sixth year, Lori Forbes, Lisa Forbes, Greg Crawford. Seventh year, Shari Lobb, Steven Preszcator; eighth year, Shannon Preszcator, Sherri _Preszcator, Greg Lobb, GTeg Mayhew. Ninthyear, Jim Crawford, Tim Mayhew; tenth year, Shelley. Crawford, Lori Bechtek eleventh year, Jackie Norman, Tracy Nor- rnai1 ti elfth year, -Heather Harris. Promotion Certificates • were presented to the follow- ing children: From Kindergarten to Primary Stacey Haines, Sheldon Hog Heather bb,Jason Nancy Lobb, .Scott Lobb. s From riinary to Primary Junior, . Wanda Abbott, Jackie . Gilders, Kathy Johnston, Erin Lobb, Laurie Lobb. Prirnalc Junior to Junior, ij.A. ,'•io�r.... Baflkbook Cbeqingrecords straight.. Bonus Savings Our preferred rate savings account. Calculator Daily Interest Savings.. Signature Daily interest Chewing. Let .our staff help you chooseOUneed. inatanWhen you succeed —we succeed.ROYAL BANK MINNERNIMEININIIENNIRRIIIMMORINFIN David Gilders,oy Johnston, Sherri Preszcator. • • Junior to Intermediate, Michael Bush, Denise Johnston, Shannon Preszcator. The following are the teachers for the upcoming year: nursery, Ann Abbott; kindergarten, Karon Wet- son, Jackie Norman; 1 r1 Bechtel; primary, Marilyn Forbes, Faye Oakes; primaryunior, Joan Crawford, . Hilda , Gilders; junior, Martie Lobb, Iris Mayhew; Tintermediate, :-- Hugh Lobb, Roba Lobb. The Rev. Bechtel thanked Barb Norman for her many years of devoted service to the Sunday School: Marty and Hugh Lobb sang a duet. The minister's message was The Christian Way. John Wyatt and Ken Harris received the offering.. October 3 at 2:00 p.m: will be the anniversary service. • There will be choir prac- tice on September 16 at 8:30 p.m. On Saturday. September 18 The Youth Fellowship group will meet at the Church to paint the white fence around it. Phone 344.4132. DAY OR NIGHT Agent for 24 hr. FILM DEVELOPING PET STORE S` HAMILTON ST. GODERIcH '$2441$1 Gfoeit Weeny► ww SPECIAL Yawn COCKATI ELS 5900 1r Your One Stop Centre For Pet Needs - LADIES' THURSDAY NIGHT Start Ms Marshy, September 16. i .9 pi PLENTY. Or .ROOM FOR YOU SIVE; E _hIEW _BOWLE�tS �LC��M For Moro Information calf Dol Mitcheltno'e - Secretary 524-7571 or Little 110°11524 9%6 , F i Bowling At Its Best... LITTLE BOWL 1N Huron Road. Gaderldh AIJD1OSON1CS LTD.• 41, SI' 0 O c, Alr 4, sl ti4e'4 0)4 �t Dispensing Ail Types of Aids Available' For People With LIMITED HEARING w..�:, HEARING TESTS Friday -Saturday September. 17.18'82 10 a.m.. 7 p.m. BEDFORD HOTEL -92 The Square -Room No. 1 In response to many requests; a clinic will be available at the above location. To assist you, and the consultant. Please check off your answer to the following questions. YES NO 1. When you hear conversation are you finding It more and more difficult to distinguish what is being sold? 2. Are you asking friends to repeat what they said more frequon- ly than before? 3. When peoplegather in groups to talk, do you have difficulty understanding? 4. Does your spbiise often ask you to turn the T.V. sound down to a level comfortable for them but then YOU don't quite get the. sound? 5. When several people talk together socially, do you take part in the discussion or are you "Silent..Partnor"? If your answer is yes to any one of these questions, DON'T DELAY OR PUT IT OFF ANY LONGER. Bring this questionnaire along with your spouse, relative or friend and have your hearing tested immediately. Hearing losses are progressive and worsen with time, early detection 1. very Important to your health and well being. You will receive a heath* st and examination using certified electronic equipment. The results of your hearing status will be record on an audiogram. Using the diagram of the ear, we will explain to you the condition of your test results, 1 your hearing is abnormal, you will bo shown how you may improve it or how you can help preserve your h aring. Present clients in the arca are welcome to attend for any assistan- ce the field consultant can render. Also, the greatest gift you can receive is, to help a friend hear es you now can, so bring that friend too. Dispenser—Al Davidson, 350 Dundas St., London—FEE `5.°O IF YOU HAVE HAD YOUR HEARING TESTED BEFORE AND WERE TOLD NOTHING COULD BE DONE FOR YOU COME IN AND LEARN ABOUT THE LATEST DISCOVERIES. LITTLE DO YOU REALIZE THE DAMAGE THAT MAY RESULT FROM A PROLONGED PERIOD OF NEGLECT® DISPENSING All TYPES OF AIbSAVAILABLE FOR PEOPLE WITH LIMITED HEARING