HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-15, Page 11Mr, .and Mrs, -Lloyd Jantzi Wed in Mitchell Burgundy cardone puffs, white string ferns, aspidistras and baby's breath decorated the United Church, Mitchell, otrAugust 7 at 7 p.m. for a double ring ceremony of Teresa Duff of Mitchell and Lloyd Jantzi of Holmesville. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Duff of Mitchell and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jantzi of Holmesville. The Reverend Gordon officiated at the double ring ceremony.. The organist was Carol Carter," who accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Lobb. The guitarist was Delmer Schloendorf, who ac- • companied Sherry Duff. .The bride was given in marriage. by her father. She wore a white four -layer crepe gown which ' was trimmed in chantilly lace. She alio wore a lace covered hat and carried a parasol which pitir daisies and burgundy roses. . Maid .of honor was Josie McPherson, friend of the bride, Bridesmaids were Sherry Duff, sister of the bride; Lorie Alexander, friend of the bride; and Beverly Jantzi, sister of the groom. They wore pink Lusterglo polyester and ribbin knit gowns and carried lace fans covered in pink daisies, burgundy roses and baby's breath. • Flowergirl; Sarah Cavell, cousin of the bride, wore a long white dotted Swiss gown and carried a basketful of pink daisies, burgundy roses and baby's breath. • Best man was Bill Rapson, friend of the groom. UgherS were Brad Duff, brother of the • bride; Larry Jantzi, brother of the groom and Kurt Duff, cousin of the bride. Ringbearer was . Christopher Watt, friend of the bride. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Colborne Towns hip Council Will develop ball diam Colborne TownShip Coun- assessment would no longer cil met in regular session on ' apply. However, because of Tuesday, September 7, at the • relative low cost of the which time bills and ac- maintenance program to be counts in the amount of carried out in this instance, $95,781 were approved for his council did not intend to payment. Of this amount, appeal but did wish $25,000 was for repayment of assurance from Colborne l)arils-note and '$29,656 for Council that no further work the gravel contract with after this be undertaken Wesley Riley Construction. under the old by-law. Council The treasurer advised coun- assured him that the work cil that he was now looking being undertaken now into the possibility of putting should make additional work the municipality tax billings on the draM in our area un - on computer and that the necessary for a lengthy t m might be im- period. Errington thanked sys e plemented for the 1983 tax was held concerning the MVCA gets money for 29 year. Considerable discussion possible development of a ball diamond on . the' The Maitland Valley township parkland which is Conservation Authority has located next to the Berimiller been offered $131,607 from the Ontario and federal governments to create •a total of 261 weeks of work to be shared by 29 laid -off workers, Natural Resources Minister Alan Pope and Lloyd -Axworthy, federal Minister of Employment and Immigration, announced today. • . The workers will conduct a creel census along the Lake council for their attention and left the Meeting. Third and final reading of by-law 22.1982, a by-law to provide for the repair of a part of the Young Creek Municipal DraM under the provisions of Section 75 of The Drainage Act, 1975, was -given and the by,law passed. A request from the Clinton Public Ho vital for a grant to be used towards the pur- chase of capital equipment in the Clinton Pyblic Hospital was turned down as nd it has been the policy of the township to support financial requests of the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital in Goderich, and it would not be economically prudent to extend such sup- port to two hospitals in the area. A grant of $50 was authorized to The Huron Plowmen's Association for 1982. The meeting was adjourn- ed to the next regular meeting to be held on Tues- day, September 21. Foresters' property. It was • decided to go ahead with the development and application is to be made for grants from the Ministry of Culture and Recreation and Wintario to assist in this development. It is hoped that a good amount of the work can be completed this fall. Court of Revision for the Borland Municipal DraM, 1982 was held and one appeal against assessment . was heard. Following lengthy consideration, , the appeal was rejected by the court on the grounds that similarly assessed owners on the drain had not appealed their assessments. The Court of Revision was pending the mandatory 21 day .appeal period during which time the appellant has • the right to appeal to the Drainage Tribunal: Tenders for construction of the closed portion of the Kirkton Community Centre. Borland Dram were opened 'TlfeetifiPieialionriedidilig—atid"--considered;----howeverc-- at 25 Rattenbury Street, because of a .discrepancy • Clinton. between' the tender adver- tisement and the.tender con- tract documents, the tenders were referred to K. Smart Associates, drainage . engineer, and award of con - George Huck thanked the tract was withheld' pending clarification of the matter. speaker. • Rotary president Marc Harold Errington, Chalut presided for the Drainage 'Engineer for the • business. Plans are complete Township of West for Saturday night's bar. Wawanosh, appeared and becue -at Mike end Betty • spoke to council regarding . the concerns of the West Rogers' place. • • Preparation is in full swing Wawanosh Council about the for the 21st annual Rotary assessment being used Charity Ball October • 16. under a 1916 West Wawanosh. Music will • be. by Bobby drainage by-law for a pro - .Brew's Orchestra and dinner posed minor clean-out Pf that will be catered by Friar's Portion of the Young's Creek Cellar, London. • •Municipal Drain situate m • the Township of Colborne. Errington explained •that New' born there. have been many . changes to the drainage area served by this drain Since it News • was originally built and in • • . . some cases that the original thenadjourned Huron shoreline, rehabilitate streams and conduct fish population • surveys in surrounding lakes and rivers. The federal -provincial job creation program - initiated by Mr. Pope and Mr. Axworthy - uses a special section of the Unem- ployment Insurance Act to create short-term job op- portunities for laid -off workers. The prograrn has created Jobs for laid -off forestry and mining workers , and was expanded in July to offer short-term job op- portunities in fisheries, conservation authorities and parks projects. The federal government offers an enhanced pay package so workers receive their regular allowable UI benefit plus a supplement of up to $50 per week. The Ministry of Natural Resources, using funds provided through the job creation program announced in the 1982 Ontario budget, contributes an additional 25 per cent of the federal contribution up to a West Wawanosh issues maximum of $60 per week. The provincial part of the program is administered two building permits through the Board of • West Wawanosh Township Council met for its regular. September session on Tues- day, September 7. Building permits were issued to R. Pentland (steel granary) and R. Tilbrook (barn and house addition). . The clerk was directed to write -to- 'the Ministry-- of- • Natural Resources . re questing their personnels' observations and recom- mendations In writing, since the work party cleaned up small obstructions and beaver dams on the .St. Augustine Creek. • ' The clerk was also directed to write Sales .Tax Consultant Hugh LaFay, re- questing his services for the township. Payment to the hospital representatives to defray some of their travelling ex- . penses was discussed and it was agreed to pay Ken Scott $50 for the six months he served in 1982 as Goderich hospital representative and to. pay Mrs. Gaunt $100 as Wingham hospital represen- tative from June 1981 to June 1982. Rotary Club mets Jack Young of Kitchener, president of the Ontario International Corporation, spoke to the Goderich Rotary • Club ' when they • met Tuesday, September 14 at • noon Atte 'Bedford Hotel. He told of Ontario's role in the expertise of trade not products. He said • that engineers, professionals and • contractors search out • capital projects • overseas and these create the need for • products so •trade relationships are extended. • The export of facilities is • very vital to trade con- sortiums. s • • Young • told the club that there are many projects in • foreign countries that create a $100 billion market for us In Ontario. He. said that many more opportunities exist for trade in overseas countries and that Ontario nees to • develop a mission for developing foreign contracts • to assurecontinued growth in the province. John and Jennifer wish to thank the Lord for the safe arrival of their son, Bryan John, born September 1st, 1982 at 3:46 a.m., Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. Special • thanks to Dr. Hollingworth and the nurses on 2nd floor east. WINGHAM SALES ARENA G A M A E A RA Wingham Sales Arena 680 Josephine Street, North End of Winghouit on Highway #4 SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK ON SHOT GUNS, HIGH POWERED RIFLES, AMMUNI- TION, DUCK DECOYS, HUNTING KNIVES, AND SOME FISHING TACKLE. • Special sale ,priced Browning BPS shotguns only $395.00; Imperial shells for S7.95. Also many other new and used guns to choose from, by Winchester, Ruger, Browning, Remington, Sav- age, etc. Note! We take trade ins ofl new guns! BULK COOKIES, BULK BAKING GOODS, DISCOUNT FOODS An assortment of bulk cookies, bulk baking goods, such as, flour, sugar, dates, currants, raisins, red and green cherries, mixed fruit, choco. and butter scotch chips, bulk candles, and peanuts, bulk pie finings, bulk peanut butter, etc. An assortment of canned goods. NEW AND USED FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Round oak tables, .oak china cabinets, rockers, living room suites, bedroom and dining room suites. Box and mattresses, gift items, a good selection of used furniture. Note! We, take trade ins on new futiniture! THE CARPET BIN 100's of carpet remnants, roll ends and complete rolls to vhaoae !Min. Ideal for home renovadons. Bring In your room Sizes. We do eke midis. BLUE JEANS, WORK CLOTHING, SAFETY WORK SHOES Designer blue jeans for men, ladies and children. Co -venal WOrKPIP.41.,1110rtel seeks, quality #1 •-safety work. shoes,. rubber WON _ "SHOP WHERE YOU KNOW THE PR10E§ • ARE THE BEST" THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA 3574730 Open Mon. • Sat. 9 • 6 p.m. Fri. altos MI 9 p.m. CASH, CHEQUES, VISA, MASTER CARD ACCEPTED • Free Parking 1 A M A E 5 WINGHAM SALES ARENA A E A f ) Industrial Leadership and Development (BILD). The province also pays for • family\ protection benefits, and the cost of equipment and- materials to carry out the project. In addition, staff from the Ministry of Natural Resources provide technical • guidance and support for each project. general accounts of $62,000 were passed for payment. A motion was passed: "That West Wawanosh Township Council hereby ap- points Klaus Seeger as West Wawanosh Township's representative to the Alex- andra Marine and Genera Ro]dtaIGoderthY -to: replace Ken . Scott who retired earlier in the year". , Councillor Durnin ad- journed thI session. to Oc- tober 5 at 7:30 p.m. Road • accounts in the amount of $29,182.74 and --PEACHES • (by the basket or bushel) *Pails of pitted Cherries herries ri *Applesars .pe *Honey *Apple Butter'' • *Fruit Juices *Apple Syrup Rock Glen FRUIT FARMS weed 828-3644 Arkona Nothing To Do This Fall & Winter? YOU Can Change Al! That... Get Involved in the GODERICH • Recreation & Community • Centre FALLTER PROGRAMS WIN Children's Proarams Include Archery; Guitar Lessons; Gymnastics; Kindergym Crafts; Youth Dancent; Art Experience Club; Basic Drawing. Parents' Programs Include Archery; Ballroom Dancing; Cake Decorating; Calligraphy; Christmas Crafts; DanceFit; Guitar Lessons; Belly Dancing; Skin Care Si Make-up; Bad. mintork FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE READOUR FALL -WINTER 82-83 BROCHURE AVAILABLE AFTER WEDNESDAY,• SEPTEMBER 22 AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS. Recreation Office Finchers -Tourist-informatian-Baath 0oderich Branch Library Triangle filscount Store GET INVOLVED 11 MAKES YOU FEEL CFREATe.. 7.. - — , A' GODES1CHSIGNALSTAR, VVEDIIESDAY,SEPTENWER15,0187,7,PAGE11. at 0)4 1-IAIR AFFAIR Hair Styling for Ladies and Gentlemen 33 South St., GoderIch, Ont. 524-4279 - COO Oft *010 J61 SIG *I °II& OF , EXCITING HARNESS RACING AT THE - • CLINTON RACEWAY Sunday, September 19th Post Time 1:30 Pm * KINSMEN DAY * The Kinsmen are offering their services FREE of charge For the Feature Race - The Kinsmen Club are sponsoring a purse for - '1,000 • And with it comes our exciting collection of sweaters We have the nannes,...ALLEN • SOLLY, INGO. BRAEMER, JAN- TZEN..:but better !Hit -offer • you the styles fer,today's contein- )00rOry male. • We are excited about our array of fail sweaters and believe It to be one of the finest collections around. Now don't lust take our word for it, come In and see for yourself. We think you will agree. From now until September 18th our entire collection of sweaters will be featured at 1 5 /0 OFF regular prices. 4.adeittie Etel,...uoar,at Clothiers for men 36 SHOPPERS SQUARE. GODERICH 524-4312 • • ,0