HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-15, Page 10d PACE 10--OVE' • CH SIGNALTAR9 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMR • ':t ain' 1 ' nen p Isaac Mr, y V n Aonaen. R• • 3 Clinton. Is pleased to en. nouns. filo .em.nt of his daughter Teresa Lynn to Dwlg$tJoseph.0 ea sea afMn, Im4/ile Ileac, Oed®rich. The, Muddies to tart. p1a4 zSot.,, fact. 2/12 at 3 p.m. In St. Jahn The Weiner Catholic Church. London. Reception to f olkom In. Hui ville,, Township girl spends six weeks visiting Holland Margaret Vanderlinde, ter of Mr.. and Mrs. uu Vanderlinde of R.R. $ G.o4erich, has returned borne irons a six week visit to Holland where she stayed With her grandparents and from there, visited her aunts, Metes and cousins. Margayet reports that she shad a grand tirsrie and that ter n L rents, -w'bo -are getting older and who are sometimes not in the best of health, were very glad to . have her. The weather was nice with a dry, hot summer. Harvest was good despite the dryness because of the irrigation practised there. Margaret is now back to • • ONLY. BARGAIAf... "SAVEATTHETRIANGLE IN YOUR TOWN" ULTRA BRI `E. TOOTHPASTE 50m1 • 69 ONLY FABS D . LIQ IQ . 9SHOWER SOAP $1 89 250 ml ONLY ■ iuhEN ••._.. DfRISTAN_ SURE CLEANSING TABLETS24'S LETS ' OR $ 99 . NASAL SPRAY 15 ml $ 89 1.. ONLY 1 ■ PAC.OL UTHWASH •69 ONLY ° ■ PLAYTEX TAMPONS REGULAR OR ‘P3•29 �, Z 8 DEODORANT 30'S ONLY ■ 'ERGENT 9.L. $179 ONLY ■ % TRI.ANGL_E Cc'UNTTh 172 THE SQUARE, GODERICH IN CORNER, CLINTON MAIN CORNER, SEAFORTH 6-1 school and I amuite sure classmates will enjoy hearing more of her visit .this signaler. Her summer was, worthwhile as she gladdened the Warta of her grand- parents. Country Fair Here are a few more of the new specials that will be at the rietensrs-Co1rntry Fair .. this year in Saltford Valley Hall, October 20 and 23: Apple dolls by Willa and Barry Bogie of Saltford; quilts by Mrs. Dorothy Fowler of Colborne Town- ship; coffee tables and clocks from tree discs by Vernon Nicholson of London; crafts from the Craft Co -Op on County Road 2.5 between Carlow and Auburn; and woodturning by Ray Hanna Sr. of R.R. 2 Auburn. These crafts have never been displayed at the fair before and should prove of special interest to many. Start now to make a list of what you especially want to see at this fair. UCW Meets Benmiller United Church UCW meeting was held. at the church on Wednesday, September 8 with an at- tendance of 13 members and the Maitland Unit in charge. Mrs. Gwen Durst opened the meeting with a reading, "Give thanks for what we have while others go hungry", after ' which all joined in singing the hymn, "For the Beauty of the Earth" followed by a poem by Mrs. Phyllis Pit lb ado entitled "Don't forget to look up, we have a lot going for us." The scripture reading was given by Mrs. Pitblado also. Secretary, Mrs. Phyllis Feagan read the minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report was given -brMrs: Clare AnnJewell._... Mrs. Pitblado read two humorous poems, "Three Rooms and a Bath" and COLBORNE CORNER. swtrlulei. KmIting, 5014410714 er"',Slpoolts in the -Sprier', w„ which caused many a smile and a laugh among those present. A letter was received from Town and Country Homemakers and it was decided to send a donation. The three units gave their reports and card secretary, Florence Maskell reported on cards sent out for the year. Mrs. Maudie McBride read a thankyou letter from Fred Victor Mission in Toronto. Collection was received and an Irish Blessing prayer for same was given by Gwen Durst. Members were informed that there will be a rally at the Dungannon United Church October 6 with Mrs. Beacroft as guest speaker. It is hoped several will be able to attend from Benmiller UCW. The Benmiller Church has been asked to provide a musical number and Mrs. Helen Wetlems has con- sented to sing a solo with Mrs. Adelaide Feagan as accompanist. Plans are being made to hold another fowl supper ans this will be advertised in the Signal -Star and also in this column at a later date. The Irish Unit will be in charge of the November meeting. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and' a delicious lunch served by the Benmiller Unit. Social News Trudy Kernighan was —home -for for a visit- with -her- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kernighan and also attended the GDCI 1972 class WINTERIZE YOUR LAWN NOW! For strength and Beauty \ next spring use C.I.L. Wiaterizer Wlntecexer!Weeeler this Fail, "Wo can do it for you." SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE •2 SOUTH ST., GOD!RICH 52447tt1 THE BOARD OF DOVE RNORS of the ALEXANDRA MARINE AND GENERAL HOSPITAL takes pride with the Community in the successful completion of the new Intensive Care Unit and requests the pleasure of the company of the citizens of Goderich and surrounding areas at the Official Opening Ceremonies to be held on September 28th, 1982 at 6:30 p•m. -- . • Open House from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m: --- EVERYONE WELCOME ._..EVERYONEWELCOME 'lnaal'4ll ut ' Ehe •Ilks urn Community Hall Saturday, August 28. At present,Trudy is la Ottawa and will be returning to her home in Buenos Aires, Argentina where her husband Dan Burns, a Goderich man, is a ' technician with the Canadian Embassy. Trudy and Dan have been living in South America for a few years and 'are becoming- quite - ac- customed to the new life there and are enjoying it but of 'course it is always a pleasure to come home to Canada to visit parents and friends. Scott Kernighan has returned to ' Conestoga College in Guelph where he is on his second year in the course in hydraulics and pneumatic power. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wilson of Huron Haven have returned home from a trip to Halifax and the Maritimes where they visitedrelatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson lived there for several years and as it was also Mrs. Wilson's homeland, they had many relatives and friends to visit. Mrs. Pearl Watson has moved to Goderich•, and is enjoying living in an apar- tment on North Street. At time of writing, Mrs. Watson is r a patient in Alexandra Marineand General Hospital and her friends wish her a speedy recovery; Sincere sympathy to the family and relatives of the late Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth --('Walter) Davison, -formerly- of Colborne Township. Mrs. Beatrice Geiger of Zurich spent the weekend with her sister; Mrs. Gordon Kaitting and Mr. Kaitting. Guests with Mrs. Theresa Fulford recently were her sister Jean, of Toronto who visited for two weeks, ' a cousin Jessie Chisholm from Brantford and a cousin Mrs. Martin and Mr. Martin of Kitchener. Mr. -and -Mrs, William Strickler have moved to Woodstock. They shall be missed `In' the' community. Mrs. Strickler was assisting with the 4-H group. Due to ' unforseen cir- cumstances, the fall course for. the 4-H Tiger Dunlop group has been cancelled. Mrs. Linda Bisset looks forward to having the spring course and will announce it through the paper at a later date. Guy Bedard of Florida visited with his son Rick, Bisset and family last week for a few days and on Sun- day. Rick's mother Kathleen Bisset was their guest. Tunis Kolkman and sun Bert of London have left for ten-day trip to Carmen Gay, Alberta to visit Mr. Kolk man's son Bill and wife and family. Tiger Dunlop WI meeting will be next Thursday, September 23 at 12:30 p.m. with a potluck luncheon at -the eberne of ' Mrs.- -Cora Sherwood. The roll call is "A current event relating to world affairs and Mrs. Sherwood and Mrs. Ruth Brock will give a report on the 85th anniversary celebration of the founding of WI held in Rexdale in August. Members please plan to attend and bring an interested friend if possible. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark of Meneset who will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary' this Saturday, September 18 with an open house for relatives and friends at Meneset Recreation Park from 8-12 p.m. Bridal Shower A communitybridal shower was hed at the Benmiller United Church Monday,, September 13 for Peggy Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fisher whose marriage is e. po°rmed -for •&nturda,y, September 25 in Benmiller United Church. The room looked at- tractive with pink and white streamers and pink bells. Mrs. Phyllis Pltblado and Mrs. Lorna Milburn pinned rose corsages on Peggy, her sister and her . mother. All roses were from Mrs. Pit- . blade's garden. Mrs. Bernice Fisher conducted a humorous game for the 40 guests present. Peggy received many useful and beautiful gifts and thanked the ladies and in- vited them to see the gifts at the home of her parents in the near future. Ml enjoyed a delicious lunch served by the ladies In, charge and viewed the gifts while , visiting with one another. School News The new term has started at Colborne Central. Twenty- two new students form the -Itealeee`t etin ° and" t39eero Is 'a • eee yreeeee r,-. total pf 202 students this term with no new teachers. The new custodian Is Bob Stephenson from Colborne. Friday, September 17 is Professional Development Day and students do not attend school. Thursday, September 23 from 7;30.9 p.m. is and Grades 6, Teacherse n 8 will hold a bake sale at the same time. The swimming classes held in Goderich in August were well attended by ap- proximately 68 students of Colborne. Special thanks to parents who supervised. Benmiller team wins Congratulations to the Benmiller slowpitch team on winning the Labatt's trophy as the 1' ; 2 champs of the Lucknow-Dungannon Slowpitch League. Instead of playoffs and an A and B type of play, a tournament was held to determine the win- ners. Kingsbridge defeated Kinloss, Lucknow Outlaws and Benmiller before having to play Benmiller a second time all in one day. The final game saw Benmiller defeat Kingsbridge with a close 9-8 score. In the Agricultural Hall following the games, Ben - miller captain Mark Ker- nighan accepted the trophy on .behalf of his jubilant team. President of the League, Paul Eedy then called on Kevin Austin, coach of the Kingsbridge team, to accept the runner- up trophy. DUNGANNON DOINGS Marks Pork, blii111-7718 Social News Mr. and Mrs. Gary . Richardson, Scott and Ryan of Mississauga visited over the weekend with Ben and Margaret Mole. Belle. Mole and Flossie Ivers visited on Sunday. Mr. 'and -Mrs:- Paul --Byers of Stratford spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and Lloyd. Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Marion Morrell of Clinton, visited on 'Sunday. Virginia Caesar returned Goderich Township Council home from Wingham hospital Monday. Congratulations to Steve and Joanne Whitney on '\ e birth of their third son, Nathan Francis on Saturday, September 11, a brother for Ryan and Christopher. Leola Chisholm of Cam- . bridge Donald- Hartung. _ of Gowanstown visited on Sunday with Leola's parents, Leonard and Olive Chisholm. A few from the area at- tended the Thresherman's Reunion in Blyth on the weekend. in tendertris _ . ecce teC �r Accounts totalling $83,000 were ordered paid when Goderich Township Council met in regular session September 6. Included in this amount was $25,600. for Board of Education taxes; $23,600 for crane repairs; and $20,200 for the deben- tures. The tender of Levis Contracting • was accepted over seven others for the loading and hauling of 10,000 yards of pit run gravel at 68 cents, 3,000 yards of topsoil at 69 cents and 2,000 yards of crushed gravel at 64 cents IT'S WORTH THE DRIVE!' •SUITS •SPORTSCOATS *BLAZERS SIZES 38 TO 48 • REG • TALL • SHORT 34 ALBERT ST. CLINTON MEN'S WEAR 482-9351) for a total of $10,150. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crowe were present at the council meeting to request that speed restriction signs be placed at several corners in the Bluewater Beach sub- division. Council agreed to refer this matter to the road superintendent with the recommendation that the speed limit be reduced throughout the entire area. Gary McKay was also present to enquire into the possibility of buyingcertain township lots. No motions. were recorded. Clinton Public Hospital requested a grant for capital equipment from council. The clerk was instructed to. obtain more details and file this request until'the next meeting. By-law 13; 1982, a by-law to establish a tile drain debenture on three owners, for a total of $16,500, was given three readings and passed. By-law 14, 1982, a by-law for leasing land for a public park, was given three readings and passed. You are invited to come and see the MIGI 11 - the classic MG -TD sports car fibreglass replica. utilizing the VW chassis and engine for dependability, gas mileage and ease -of service. This beauty drives like a 'dream and looks .like .a million. _ A SPECIAL DISCOUNT and a .commissian.discount arrangement will be offered to one lastly) selected'.' customer. Con you quaiifyto'Iwo tho o?- studio & ort gallery R.R. 2 Goderich, Ont. 524-4770 located 7 miles south of Goderich on Concession 6 between highways 8 and 21 follow the signs from Holmesville- . A motion was passed to replace a $400 cheque issued to L.H. Turnbull with a $100 cheque. C.R. Kiar submitted a plan. for the three acres of land to be purchased for a township garage. The clerk was in- structed to have this survey registered and have Prest and Egener draw the necessary deed for the property. Land severances were requested by Ross Dobson and Robert Storey. It was moved that these be dealt with as per questionaire. The budget for' 1982 was adopted as presented by the treasurer. Tile drain loans were approved, subject to the availability of funds, for Evert Ridder for $5,025 on lot 30, concession 10; Frank Yeo. for $10,225 on lot 26, con- cession 10; and to J. Peters for $2,800 on lot 88, Maitland Concession: Building permits were issued to John Brand for a grain bin and feed room on lot 40, concession 10; to Claire Cox for an implement shed on lot 29, concession 7; to Peter Ott Jr. for a garage on lot 59, Plan 13; to Arjayem Ltd to demolish a barn and silo on lot 23, concession 1; to Ken Weber for a sun deck and car port on lot 7, concession 3; to Clarence de Mars for a cottage addition and garage on lot 70, Plan 13; and to John Hindmarsh for verandah repairs on lot 15, concession 1. A request for a building permit from Ralph Ridder was held until the permit application is adjusted -and the fees altered to' the revision. IN 1NE SUNCIf MALI HWY 21 SOWN- OODERICII (519) 521.8515