HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-15, Page 814 • J'MF..00pstinii$101.414TA11, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1002 COple uses alternate energy sourOes. How would you like to be free froM Hydro bills? 0010 and Ruth Walker who live at Herleen View Bode Rat 3 Goderich, are Wing other Moo to supply them with necessary Power. They use propane gas and wind Power, TV.,and lights Tom Livimplabontei • PORT ALBERT NEWS • are on a 12 volt wet= and athelieTeresederived 1111/3 *WW1 whicifeharges bat- teries legated in the base Meat. One hundred and ten voile for the :micro wave Oven, toaster and other lenteehold equipment 0112•11 from a preppy generator. The house built by the Walkershas considerable gtuss in ats COMITWOOD. Windows haeatour panes of glass and ter the coldest day In. the wletert Previding the sun is shining, they have no trouble keeping thew living room ate, - The -.Walkers also have a 21,21 ORS in their living NOM which was built .in.1912 and the coot at that time Was • Gospel, Ch. 17, V.11, Visitors were in attendance from Brantford and Kitchener. Starting September 26 ser- vices will commence at 2 p.m, Masonic News Hisao no doubt will be made when five Simpsons rsto mcnrlirmwnrun.VIt wramtr.ln..,ctettirs,vaIrtr,IIIVA3M-ure.kettalrtear2.51LI:S611ANS9.00.0".4., ammo faemem f Old 426, • They . have. an underground tank - hich hills 2000 •ganons of water, a great deal of that water comes from the roof of the home. The wean* in the , basement is fed. by gravity. Located in. the windMill is a• . leek whichserves the upstaire.' washroom during the winter,. On Thursday Paul Kober- ty from Western University; •London was at the Walkers twrne where he • had a kite 1000 feet la the air, toting the air speect'TIWUniversity of Western Ontario has a wind tower erected at the Walker Home where they .reord the :wind velocity over cline, The Walkers don't like to see waste and they hope seine day to be able to harness the wind, to provide the necessary power to operate their home. It is true that their system is uni- que but a call to 529-7777, could answer your questions. • Church News Sunday School resumes at Christ Anglican Church, Port Albert at the 9:30 aan. service. The Reverend Robert Crocker conducted Commu- nion Service last Sunday, :speaking from St. Lukes et.eght eletamic ledge; Luclmow on October 13, Jim, Donald and Bill, ants of Don Simpson, clerk of Ashfield Townehip, R.R. 3, Goderich and Bob and Arthur Situp - son, sons of Bob Simpson, farmer, R,B. 3 Uoclerich and, at the present time, Master of Old Light Lodge will join. Also on this historic occasion, the Master of the Lodge will have his son-in- law, Kevin Cook joining with the five Simpsons. Ball News Port Albert Pirates were in league playoffs Thursday against the North Ashfield team. The Pirates came out the winners in a close contest onald clan gathers The Dan Macflanald Atha •IA:10ff family gathering at Ihe okl: family- home in On the ,weekend. lr main guest of honor• wus':Clifford Cannel of CaUfuria who celebrated amt, 4:twist** he . Another 5peciul present): • • . local cia» w • atthebhthda. • :MargIe: MacD�nald had number 4t$40#0(voiliniton,.' the, holiday weekend. They were Mr. and Mrs. James Rebson of Grouse POW, btri and jet* McK!nnon and onatoeoePerle,'0111-arrtorifir Jim Mr. and ',Mee,, •jer entivrpoory of -Sterling, ihu•with ”Wellington '0 Kae Webster were Ant •, Webster af Waterloo, LOOPY -1WilsOiii'Johilittithey, Agee' • • • .Witi4COOltWebater and Ron • lty00 all 91,,the Richfield, • eareSehnstnii$ early Sunday etaidag On motor- ieyeles. wedge, the few, cycliataand a car containing Cecil and Kae Webster: *oat to Tebermory, Jim and Mae. #04t.: on 4,,the Chi • cheenumAwthe blend end • eh; Two cyclists, Lamy • SO John, went to Waage' Beach for the - night, The Others returned to the Webster home for the night. On Tuesday. morning Jim • left early to return to work in 'Kitchener, Atlee, Cecil and Ron went on motorcycles to Kee Webster. 31.15452157 Flesherton to. meet Larr and John. Atlee and CeciL return to 1400baleb while tht Othets left for Sudbury, Barrie tlInd Niagara Falk) to see tan rot in the summer, 'Agee returned „home Wed. • nesday morning, Peel! • remained home a day with his — The people . of Amberley, , held a farewell party at the Orange Hall for Hubertand WYnnie Desjardine prior to their moving to Goderich. A very enjoyable evening was spent playing cards and the ladies served a houtiful lunch, The Desjardines were presented with a Brentwood rocker as a going away gift, aaarsn and -Betty Men. oriel attended the Highland Games in Keswick on :be weekend. They visited with Jack • and 'Marjorie Clift at '•,Wlibileitipo and, ,.,lietty's nephew and his wife, Mr, and Mrs. David Bell at Pracebridgo. ' • 1Ihetta MacLennan had her granddaughter and her husband, Dr. Virginia MacLennan and Allen Stewart visit with her while they were On their way to with a score of 15 - 14. Friday, the Lucknow Outlines ran wild over the. Pirates defeating them 17 - 7, . Saturday, in outlier close contest, the Pirates edged the Lucimow Xiamen 7 The Outlaws just couldn't be tamed by the Pirates and went on to win the contest 7 - —6onSaturdayoloo. The --vimalpionslaip was won Py genneiller, a team that, tor most ef the season was just mediocre. However, they did improve on the field and were worthy League Champions. Social News A village resideot last week observed three flocke of geese flying over Port Albert, Visiting at the home of their parents in the village, Roy and Bessie. Bellinger and Frank and Isabelle Doherty, Ken and Nancy Doherty and son Evan from Timmins, Ken and Nancy were guests at the wedding of Garry Fisher and Wendy Larte which took place Saturday afternoon at St, Pauls Cathedral, London, Don and Barb Harrower from Holly, Michigan have been vacationing at their simmer home at Victoria Beach, Port Albert, Lillian Clapham from Auburn Heights, Michigan has been spending several days at her cottage at Vic- toria Beach, Port Albert, Kaye and George Fennell from Hamilton spent the weekend at their. sum- mer home at Port Albert. Bill and Marg Backwill from Downsview are vaca- tioning at their summer home in Port Albert. Many cottagers returned to Port Albert to bask in the warm sunshine and enjoy the beautiful weather. Fri- Doug Mathewman of Whistler Mountain, I3,C, came home on the weekend and will be spending a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Art Mathewman, Visiting recently with Charles and Mayme Wilkens were Larry, Janet and Laura Mom Jaw, Saskatchewan where Allen is stationed as a pilot. Dr MacLennan - returned shortly to. Down - sleety for six weeks, then she will return to Moose Jaw to join her husband. Frank Maclennan, son of Wilkens of Ashfield Town- ship and Janet's parents, Evan and Jean Hoffman of Burlington on Thursday evening and on Friday evening, Charlie's two sisters, Jessie Alton of Lucknow and Gladys Carlow and her husband from and Carey— MacLennan, is staying with hie grandmother Rhotta MacLennan so that he can continue his schooling at Ripley Secondary School again this year, The little ones of the area who are off to kindergarten this term are Gregory MacKenzie, 'son of Jim and Ruth maegeuzie gad Michael MacDonald, son of George and Andrea MacDonald. They will attend Brookside Public Scheel, Little Jay Reigling, son of Max and Helen Reigling, is off to ,kindergarten at St, Joseph's Community School, Kingsbridge, Kevin and Bob MacKenzie of Toronto spent the weekend with their parents, Ross and Jean MacKenzie, A clerical education your first step toward tomorrow's lobs Jobs eyelet for you in the clerical field. The lebs are there now and, once employed, you hisve the opportunity to prepare yourself to be a valuable part ofthe office of the future. You'll find a variety of skills options available to you through our CLERICAL/SECRETARIAL system of programt. You can progress from the CLERK TYPIST program to BOOKKEEPING TYPIST or SECRETARY • MACHINE TRAN. SCRIPTION. Fees are reasonable, and you may qualify for financial assistance. Classes begin throughout the year. Just call us for details. Begin today to prepare yourself for the office of tomorrow -- through the CLERICAL/SECRETARIAL system of programs. • Clinton Campus call 4824458 paisley, _ day marninl,many fishermen were s 'Ring along Barbara Sheppard and her the shore of Lake Huron at sister, Janet Wilkens, the Port, casting their lines daughters of Charles and into the lake but the fish Mayme Wilkens, have been were just not biting. We were visiting and sightseeing in informed that a fisherman Vancouver. Barbara will from Stratford had caught spend a week longer away two Rainbows on Thursday, than Janet. • weighing a total of 10 pounds, Fishermen Friday Visiting. on the weekend were from London, Blyth, with Mrs, Dorothy (D,A.)11,11, 6 Goderich Stratford, MacLennan were ter son. sraiwarid_rotindersay, Finlay of Kitchener and her,. Saturday afternoon the daughter and son-in-law, Mr.' sail boats were occupying an Mile Ted Hefferrnan of the waters close to the beach and they made an in- teresting picture as they danced over the gentle waves, Bernietand Maureen Peck from Innisfil, who have been friends of Geoff and Ruth Walker for many years, rnt the weekend at the London. Finlay MacDonald ac- companied his grandson Thomas, son of Tom and Gloria MacDonald, home to Fort Nelson, H.C. one week ago. Finlay spent a week there and arrived horns early Friday morning where his other son George and daughter-hrlaw Andrea met View Beach, H.R. 3 him at the airport, Goderich. Bikers' cottage at Horizon TULIPS, DAFFODILS, CROCUS, IRIS & MORE FALL BULBS See us now while selection Is Good! :FARM & GARDENCENTRE 12 SOUTH $T., GODIRICH 111.1114 SMITH'S' AVE! DIRECT FACTORY TO YOU SALES on Walnut Or Oak Furniture * BEDROOM SUltES Beds, Chests and Dressers * DINING ROOM SUITES China Cabinets & Chairs, chairs, choirs *CEDAR CHESTS HOPE CHESTS * DOUBLE PEDESTAL DESKS * CHAIRS,CHAIRS , CHAIRS CHAIRS Come to our Factory co BOB SEZ... AND GET 'EM •WEST END STEREO PER YOU 40 Wen ST , GODWIN 524-9344 FURNITURE MFG. CO. LTD. Vittorio St., Clinton at the R.R. tracks 4827961 REGULAR *5,49...NOW ONLY 4, STYLES TO HOOSE FAOIVi • °TAIIELSPECIAL: .TVPURCHASED CHOOSE A FREE DECAL • ASSORTED PUNK PINS... . . *ROCK MIRROR PLAQUES. .G:Etirs:LE.m.m: •TAPE CADDIES FROM '7.94 TO '29.99• • • • • • • DURACELL BATTERIES, • ENERGIZER BATTERIES, FLASHLIGHTS, SPOTLIGHTS. GUITAR STRINGS 1 5 % e*Iik OFF PICKS. . . • • 1,94 • UAW qth eel go ItIr in NCERT • JERSEY 81098 :1198 AN NOW $2.00OFF FROM OUR DISPLAY. • • • • • • PRICE • REG. $7.95 NOW $5•95 • • • • • • • \• • 25% OFF • ALL it no 1 IC OFF • • • • • • UNBELIEVABLE LOW PRICES ON THESE BITS & PIECES *RUBBERMAID HOUSE PRODUCTS UTENSIL TRAYS, DISHPANS, ETC. •BEER GLASSES *CAR & HOME SPEAKERS •CAR & HOME ACCESSORIES COMPARE c 0/ OFF USUAL RETAIL AT UP TO V /0 PRICES, AND MORE! ALL PORTABLES... ALL CLARION CAR STEREO 0 40 2 0% O OFF 2 OFF 0%- • on * I LEAR JET sAii/FM RECHVER....M59.95 qpr .50 WATT BOOSTER iCOMPLEtc- -EQUALIZER.. $69.95 CAR STEREO *6' ROUND SPEAKERS. $59.95 , PACKAGE "SUPER SPECIAL" NOW ONLY 95 REG. $289.95