HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-08, Page 17ILJA112.73A BULLETIN BOARD .AD QEADLiNf ...3 P.M.MONDAY "THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to at- tend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, being held in the Assessment Of- fice Board Room, 46 Gloucester commencing Tuesday, September 14, 1982 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Series will begin with 2 Early Bird classes followed by 6 Regular classes. The cost is $3.00. The next series of classes will begin the week of January 3, 1983. For pre- registration or further infor- mation, please call the Health Unit office in your• area at 524-8301.-r-34,35,36AR CANADIAN BOOKS ON THE WORLD STAGE Speaker - George Robinson, Goderich Branch Library, Thursday, September 9th, 1982, 8 p.m. Free admission. Sponsored by Huron County Library, funded by Outreach Ontario.-34,35,36AR BINGO every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, R.R. 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the -wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over. -25 -52X,1 -26X REGISTRATION night for 3rd Goderich Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Monday, September 13, 1982, 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Knox "'Presbyterian Church Hall. All boys"—caust` be accom-' panied by a parent. -36X GODERICH GARDEN dub Meeting - September 15th, 8:00 p.m., in Robertson Public School. Interesting program -is planned and plant exchange. Everyone welcome. -36 SOCIAL BRIDGE Group now forming. Couples and ladies. For information call Daphne, Davidson 524- 8583.-36 "THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to at- tend the Child Health Clinic, held at the Health Unit of; fice, Court House, Goderich (please note change in loca- tion) on Thursday, September 16, 1982 from 9:30 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2. Anaemia Screening; 3. Immunization; 4. Fluoride.-36AR EPILEPSY ONTARIO, • Huron -County Chapter will hold a general meeting at Vanastra Recreation. Centre on Thursday, September 16th at 7:30 p.m. Featuring: Dr. W.T. Blume, Neurologist. Everyone welcome. -36 1 OPEN WEDDING RECEPTION 611 S'1 "0'00 NM it!"4ilttom NJi ,.}+;ir4�.•_ „.. CLINTON AND DISTRICT Badminton Club 1982-83 season offers three free in- troductory practice nights beginning Wed.,. Sept. 15 from 8 - 11 at the C.1I.S.S. gym, Clinton. Registration nights will be on Oct. 6 and 13. If you have never played before, this is your big chance. Racquets available for beginners. Bring your own running shoes. Fees are $12 single, $20 couples. For more information call. Bob Riehl 482-7865 or Ken Dunn 524.8903.-35,36 "QUIET IN THE LAND" - HELD OVER. Blyth Sum- mer Festival's hit will play until Wednesday, Sept. 15 at 8:30 p.m. .(Sundays ex- cepted). For ticket info call 519-523-9300 or 523- 9225.-35,36 LADIES WEDNESDAY Afternoon Bowling starts September 15, 1982 at 1:30 p.m. Beginners are welcome. Please call 524- 8596 or 524-9966.-36X THE FAMILY of Ira and Elizabeth Dickie, R.R. No. 5, Lucknow, wish to announce their parents' 40th wedding anniversary and will celebrate by way of a come and go tea, at their parents' home on Sunday, September 19, 2 -5 p.m. Best wishes only please. -36X LADIES CURLING presents Eleanor'Davis of"ToughkiVe-- (London), Wednesday, September 22nd, 8:00 p.m., Maitland Country Club. Tickets $2.00.. For tickets phone 524-9688.-36 MURRAY ELSTON, MPP, invites you to attend the first annual Huron Bruce Provin- cial Riding Corn Roast, at Ripley Complex, on Sunday, September 12, 1982 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.nl. Everyone welcome. -34,36 GODERICH TOWNSHIP Recreation "Harvest Dance", Saturday, September 18th, 9:00 to 1:00 a.m. Band - "Mystery Train". $10.00 per couple. Lunch and door prize. Phone 524-7004 and .482-9524.-34- 36&37 LUCKNOW FALL FAIR, September 17 and 18, Friday, September 17, 8 p.m; log sawing, arm wrestling, local entertainment: Saturday, September 18, 10:30 a.m. Horse 'and • poultry show; s .12:30 ;parade; 1:30. pin. horseshoe pitching tourna- ment; 2:30 baby show; 8 p.m. concert Dickie . Dean Magician; . • 10 pan. Mid- Western Ontario . Beauty Contest; 10:30 p.m. family dance. -36 ANYONE wishing to have an exhibit table for the Snowflake Bazaar, November 4, 1982 please phone 524-8449.-36-37Ar "PREPARING FOR PEACE" will be the topic of Ms. Vivien Dawson, Baha'i speaker from Stratford leav ing soon to live in France. Sunday evening, Sept.. 12 at 8:15 pm., in the Recreation Hall.of Sugar Bush Inn, Hwy. 21, 2 miles south of Bayfield. Refreshments served. Everyone welcome. -36 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 =years or over: Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week. -1-52x Happy Birthday "PAPPY•, (Ray Fisher) September 8 Love: Ray, Shawn, Trish. Bryan, Shelley and Talks E� oy the "INN" Weekend in TORONTO $39.00* Per erson twoinroom Package price includes: • 3 days/2 nights • Deluxe accommodation over- looking Lake Ontario • Free perlcing • Free ice • Two full English breakfasts • Heated Pool On season) • No charge for children under 14 (sharing room! • Extended check out time • Free In -House Movies Coffee Shop - Lounge • Dining Room - Entertainment - Games Room - Pool :..,Patio- Waterbeds -„Bicycle and Jogging trails - Parkland - Airport limousines and rental cars available Major Credit Cards accepted. Full Travel Agency Commission. • °Tax and -gratuities not included, av advance reservation-sub'lecct t0114,11- ability. oHine''-ability. Good until March 39,168B. WOMEN OF KNOX are holding a Pork Barbecue at the Presbyterian Church auditorium, Wednesday, September 15th, 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. $6.00 for adults, children under twelve $3.00. For tickets call Joan Per- rott, 524-9009 or church office 524-7512• —35-36 Dine With Us Delicious! Our menu offers a wide variety of , / dishes...TRY OUR EVERY DAY SPECIALS. GODERICH RESTAURANT A STEAK HOUSE TAVERN 42 WEST ST / Kathy Chapman & Douglas 1 Dougherty Friday Soot. ■ 7 9p.al. 41 >a.Do. Musk by SOUND TREK ord{I�Wl+a�.+�'�0.•Ligl�:�^rvYd:A!0.cW:aA:yDL��J✓9� In Honour of their Diamond Wedding Anniversary, the family of THOMAS & PEARL DICKSON Invite Relatives, Friends and Neighbours to an Open House SATURDAY, SEPT. 18, 1982 AT THEIR RESIDENCE FROM 2-5 P.M. Best Wishes Only Please CA sNATIN Haimas��naHolmesville Now Open Daily until Thanksgiving Luncheon-$uffet Mon. -Sat. $, 95)c 12 noon -2 p.m. • Smorgasb 95 Mon. -Sun. 5 pm -7:30 pm • •• I -Prices-include- •- — • ----- SALAD BAR & HOT BUFFET ' RESERVATIONS REQUESTED. Catering to Weddings Banquets Private Parties 482-9228 • after hours: 524.4133 LIC. UNDER L.L.Q.O. • es-4,Ns4f- I _414 4 1s GODERICH L ITTLE THEATRE' AUDITIONS For the Comedy - CACTUS FLOWER • . Directed by ANNA MELSKI AUDITIONS: 8 P.M. at 118 ANGLESEA ST., GODERICH WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8 THURSDAY, SEPT. 9 MONDAY, SEPT. 13 Both Men & Women Will be needed. Everyone Welcome To Try Out! FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE...524-4768 •e••• •••••• • •• ••••••••••••••• • • THE GOOD TIMES ARE HERE! WESTERN FAIR • SEPT.10-19 ••••••e • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • MORE FUN FOR YOU FREE FOR YOU ALL THESE ATTR.AACTIONS - AT NO EXTRA CHARGE FREE! GRANDSTAND SHOWS)' FREE! MARCO POLO THEATRE! FREE! HORSE SHOWS! FREE! GATE P IZES1 FREE! STAGE TEN! FREE! AGRICULTURAL DISPLAYS & LIVESTOCK FREE! KIDDYLAND JUDGING! STAGE! FREE! AROUND THE GROUNDS!, FREE! COLOURFUL PARADES! 0 • 0 GODERI<CHI SIGNAL/STAR. WEVINPDAY, S.E :.,ER8,1942 -1 110E 8 IDSktirtltift cla o3s let 12130•C D°l31t3i3$T 482-7030 NOW OPEN NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY NIGHT 80X CETNCI OPENS ®:i' P.M. -171113T SNOW AT DUSK FIIDAY.SATUPDAY-SUNDAY ----uuvro,4 ,RIMiii..; 9-11.-1:2 ----- With Burt & Dolly lids much tan just couldn't. be !mall w e * ULT — .��i�.777 t� ac Palmi MT elittailV1911AL allf armpit tic. amp PLUS SECOND FEATURE ® HE'S TRYING TO BE FAITHFUL, t AND FAIL, NG HILARIOUSLY. A UNIVANAAl.—II1Ce'rICn1U —A LOT OF LAUGHS! IfeouLT , seeonsepi•,MT TCY Rock _ // ,„ ;, 4 i QUEEN'S HOTEL Senior$hreu ws fifJPl9ip ii6��` uirgrr Sept. 9. 11 KNE 'n Roll , ,, 5) .. . « ? irday '. . Thur5day Sept. lb BANDA CRUZ ,T Friday & Saturday Sept. 17 -13 WHITE FROST • • Sept. 23, 24, 25. ALL1STON FLY'TE Oct. 14, 15, 16. LENNEX- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WHITE • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • ND F ATURE AT 9:00 P.M. • HARRISON FORD IN • BLADE RUNNER ••••••••••••••••••• `• • • • • •• •'• • • • •, 1•••••••••••••• WED.•T"URS. SHOWING AT 8:00 P.M. 2'GREAT SNOWS FOR THE PRICE OF 1 HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524-9981 21 c*fnow eo01u10' • seaums . I a1MTON BOXOFFICE OPENS 7:30.P.M.` SHOW STARTS AT DUSK FRI.-SAT.-SUN. ONLY, 0,1 STARTS FRIDAY, SEPT. 10 SNOWING NIGHTLY AT 7:00 P.M. GLINT EASTWOOD narM The epic adventure of a new hind of hero. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 •.." nYY "`"i