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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-08, Page 15
GODERICH SIGNAL•STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,19 -PAGE 3A Maitland Country Club Hinton and Hall turn in best scores BY IRLA STEWART The approach of Sep- tember has brought bitter- sweet changes at the .Maitland .the .beauty of the colourful 'crab apples, and the realization that the golf season doesn't last much longer. However, there is no sign of declining activity! Match play games are into their semi-finals. The Molson Couples' Two -Ball is scheduled for September 12. Championship Day will be September 18. On Men's Night, Monday, August 30, 45 players par--" tieipatedunder sunny skies. Jack rtl ;T re e ntWiththe. best score, followed by Ken Hall in second place. Tying for third were Bob Sproule, Ross Patterson and Don Edward. Other winners were Steve Durst, Issy Bedard, Bob McDougall, Harold Brown, Bill Brown, Mike Paquette, John Stringer, Bots Slider, Fred Looker, Doug Hoffmeyer, Don MacEwan and Stan Paquette. Jack Hoffmeyer was closest to the ;pin on number one with Ebb .;rl ;oss 'coming ',ziossest an number five. Pool winners were Bob Sproule and Ross Patterson. On Ladies' Night, Tuesday, August 31,25 ladies enjoyed a game of "Bingo, Bongo, Bongo." Edna Looker had the best score, followed by Pat Tyndal, Doris Paquette, Marie Huff, Verna Frith, Auleen Currie, Grace Neville, Christine Hoffmeyer, Joyce Shack, Maxine Martin, :Lynn Edward -rnd • larnh More. .. Other winners who were playing matches, were Verna Kane and Ardith Brissette. That's it for this week...and for the month of August. The course is in beautiful shape. First base reach .4 Canada Company first baseman Rob McDonald reaches for the hall during consolation finals against Wilkesport in Goderich Industrial Fastball League tournament action here Monday. Wilkesport won the consolation 7-0. ( Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Canada Company advances to consolation finals... • from page l A two games each before bowing in the semis. Advertising used two home runs by Ron Klages as they beat Don Douglas 5-3. Klages led off the first finding with a solo homer and tied the score in the fifth with a - • similar blast. Advertising still trailed 3-2 in the sixth but rallied for three runs to. take. the win. Bill Gallovtl,followed Simon Langlois' walk with a single. Arnie Parker then 'singled scoring Langlois., One out later Ron Corriveau grounded out scoring Gallow and Rick Duckworth singled. scoring Parker. Advertising advanced to the semi-final by defeating Desboro 7-3 as Ken Daer scattered six hits. Leading 3-2 after three innings, . Advertising added one in the fourth on Parker's right base single, then scored two, in the fifth as Gallow tripled home Paul Kelly who then scored on Greg , Hansen's double. Advertising then lost an 11 inning contest as Alvinston rallied for five runs in the llth to win 7-4. Simon Langlois hit two home runs besides pitching a fine game: PECK APPLIANCE.:_> "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARA" °FILTER QUEEN SALES & SEiR'"ICE, ° VACUUM CLEANLRS - isalea,,dtServiic9i Most Makes; °FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS For Farm & nosiness _„•a ' E- p; ,c,:V EE tIR AAre4NC'E',,' MiCARF A=1=_.APPLI ANC E S *INSECT LIGHTS& FLY KILLING UNITS. *GIFTS °MANY OTHER ITEMS VARNA, ONT, 482-7103 TYNDALL'S KARATE SCHOOL Introductory Course: TWICE WEEKLY MONDAY: 7:30 P.M. -9:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY: 7:30 P.M. -9:30 P.M. Ages: 10 And Up Registration Fee: '30 for 10 weeks Girls' Registration: '15 for first 10 Week Course REGISTRATION Monday, Sept.13th, 7:30 p.m. AT GODERICH TOWNSHIP HALL (Holmesville) For Information Call: 4824634 THE NEW EIGHT -WATCHERS COOKBOOK IS. rpm FREE WITH THE NEW-YOU.-- Rain EW- YOU: Hayter's defeated hunch in the tour- nament opener as Dave Scholl threw a a five -hit shut -out while striking out 10. Scholl scored the whining -run-in the -bot- tom of the seventh when he singled, moved to second on Den Williamson's bunt and scored when Zurich third - baseman couldn't come up with Rick Sowerby'k grounder. Hayter's got another fine performance from their pitcher as they beat Lieury 4-1. Don Bogie lost his no-hitter in the sixth and finished with a one -hitter. Hayter's scored one in the first, then added two in the third as Bob Riehl scored on an error and Dave Scholl drove home for Ginn and Scholl tripled in the fifth and scored on Jim Martin's double. Hayter's were then eliminated from the tournament as they lost a rematch of last year's semi-final to Terry's Cowboys 8-4. Hotel Bedford defeated Seaforth in their opener behind Jim Crawford's three hits and five -hit pitching of Hary Crawford and Brian MacKenzie. They were then eliminated by Terry's Cowboys 5-3 as Bedford made five errors. Ladies' lawn bowling tournament\heId here Despite threatening skies and a promise of rain, the Goderich ladies held their final lawn bowling , tour- nament of , the year on September 1. Entries came from Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth, Lucknow and Wingham along with Goderich. The winners were: first prize -the Wingham team skipped by Nora Finnigan;. 'second. prize -the Clinton team skipped by Jean Gray; third prize -the Exeter team skipped by A. Ballantyne; and a close fourth prize -the Seaforth team skipped by Jean Lunn. A spider started off the day which was new to some but really fun and at noon, a delicious pot luck lunch was served. The highlight of the day was when ' the draw was made for the set of lawn bowls donated by Olive Knisley and. Ted White in memory of. Harold Knisley. Olive picked the winning ticket which was held by Audrey Ney, daughter of Earl Allison, a long standing member of the Goderich Club. On August 24, two teams of ladies from Goderich en- tered a tournament in Atwood and both came home winners. First prize was won by Patti Chappell, skip and Peg Lumsden, lead; and second prize went to Willa Williams, skip and May Richardson, lead. • Several of the men from the Goderich Club took .part in the Labor Day tournament held in Lucknow and returned with several prizes. The men are holding a pairs tournament on Sep- tember 15 at 1;30 p.m. at the Goderich greens. The fah meeting and pot luck supper is scheduled for October 4 in Meneset Hall. The supper will beat 6 p.m. with cards following the meeting. Rain near the end of the Sunset Golf Club ladies' invitational tournament last Wednesday necessitated the use of inventive water -proof clothing by some participants so they could finish their game and stay dry. (Photo by Dave Sykes) Elevators win championship The Goderich Elevators\ ran away with the B championship with an 11-0 win over the host Auburn club in ° the annual Auburn Men's slowpitch Tour nament held on the weekend. After losing their opening game of the tournament the Elevators rebounded with two close wins to earn a berth in the consolation final. ., they nipped Tickers 12-10 in the second game and ad- vanced to the final with 7-5 victory over 1$63 of Goderich. The team of Judy Red- mond and Brian Stanley placed first in the Goderich Elevators' first golf tour- nament at Sunset August 28. Don Elliott, organizer of the event, and Evelyn Maclnnes finished second in the tournament and the team of John McGuire and Barb MacAuley was third. ATTENTION SENIORS NOW AVAILABLE DOWNSTAIRS DELUXE & PRIVATE ROOMS, SEMI'S ALSO AVAILABLE BOOK NOW FOR WINTER HOLIDAY HOME 4823685 Peter S. MacEwan. Insurance 38 St. David St. 524-9531 GENERAL ,INSURANCE BROKERS : can .\idete i . Join now through October 2, attend class for 12 weeks, and get the neW Weight Watchers° cookbook. FREE.* The secrets of chocolate nut : Now what could be more cake, Swiss fondue, orange- , tempting than that? ginger chicken -and hundreds • more tantalizing recipes—are waiting for you. Along with all the secrets of the most success- ful weight loss program in the world. All you have to do is join a Weight Watchers class and attend 12 consecutive meetings. You'll learn how to lose weight without giving up the foods you love. And before you know it, you'll get a most deli- cious gift. Our newest cook- book. With recipes based on our newest Food Plans. A 516.95 value, yours free: • WEIGHT WATCHERS $400 DISCOUNT OFF REGULARLY• PRICED REGIS- TRATION AND FIRST MEETING FEE OF $15.00 AND STUDENTS &SENIOR CITIZENS $7.00. OFFER ENDS OCT. 2, 1982. . Offer valid only as a discount and maynot be combined with any other discount or special rate Offer valid'in participating areas only. • Offer valid in participating areas only • You pay postage and handling. WEIGHT WATCHERS' The most successful weight loss program in the world. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: 1-800-265-9291 moo dibilak • _ C Weight Watchers international Inc 1982 owner of the Weight Watchers Trademark Take us back to college with you this tall .. Goderich— SIGNAL-;STAR PICK YOUR OWN Any student away at college wants to know the news from home. And there's no better way to get it, than with a regular subscription to the paper. That's why we offer special rates to college students for 8 months (the school year). THAT'S $2.5S OFF OUR REGULAR RATES. M,S1A ONtv4 iN LASSALIME FARM MARX ET ORCt4AROS HI WAILD Ale® Jwallabl• APPLE BUTTER APPLE CIDER GRAPE JUICE FUDGE AND MOREL LA�SALIN F ARM MARKET AND ORCHARDS Special Student. Subscription Rate ............. �..• 1 75 0 O EO CO CO ®.E 00 0 0 do CM 01 ea tt Ca CO EO.x m. as®eme em es we as i.da ....,.._ _...-_.,._..- .41-G0'®ERtCR SION*L=STAR N7A 434 P.O. BOX 220 PHONE 524-8331 GODERlCM, ONT. 1N; Student Name Address Starting Date eget;tat©©od CO 0 OCme0 0000 ® ®0 O ©00®0169®6.9®000 AIDa 2'/2 MILES SOUTH OF GODERICH/524-7222