HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-1-25, Page 3THE '"ET
�riiUltsil4 JAN.'U
Her Much Misary,
'., Hodge, Fielding, Bask.," few lines hiighly recommend -
414'5 Kidney Pills. For this, last.
'been troubled very rnuch
w= eest y ick headaches, and a weak
prating ba 'arne m
erfor co which f caused
and lied 1
uiabeoetfar anything• lely kidneys were
non oddly out of order, and kept pie
fro sleeping at nights. I trieci,emany
• a of pills and medicines, beetle seemed
y)host in vain. I bees to give up in
espair cif ever being' 'well and strong
gaits, when )hili neighbor advised me
o tryo ka ,idney Pius, which I did.
and art'ankful for the relief I obtained
ro them, for now I am never troubled
th a sore back or sick headaches.
"I will always say Doan's Kidney Pills
mine and can highly recommend them
any sufferer." a
'ce, 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for
at all dealers or mailed direct on
eipt of rice by The T. MilbuxneCo,,
Limited, 'Toronto, Ont.,
When ordering direct specify"Doan's,"
1Opposition Sure There is a. Dark
Piot in Enquiry ACL
Sesu.re of a Steamer by Italy
Arouses. Her Wrath,
French Parliamentary Group For Pro-
motion of International Arbitration
Vote a Resolution to the Effect
That the Government intervene and
Stop the War With Turkey --Aero
plane For Exhibition..
Paris, Jan, 19.—France is beginning
to show considerable annoyance con-
cerning the seizure of the steamship
Carthage by Italian war vessels. It
is asserted with emphasis that the
arrest of the vessel was entirely un-
justified in the first place, because
aeroplanes were not mentioned in the
list of contraband articles furnished
to France by the Italian Government
at the outbreak of the war between
Italy and Turkey. In the second
place the conference of London, in
1909, declared that aeroplanes were
only conditional contraband and were
not liable to seizure when found on
board a neutral vessel, unless it prov-
ed they were intended for the enemy.
The aeroplane which was found on
board the Carthage was purely for
exhibition flights in Tunis, Egypt,
and Greece, while the portions of an
aeroplane also seized were for pur-
poses of repair.
The third point raised is that the
Carthage was a mail steamer, the
seizure of which was a violation of
The Hague agreement of 4907.
The French Parliamentary group for
`Power of a Commission to Appoint the promotion of international arbi-
Deputy Commissioners Is Only an tration, at a meeting yesterday, pre -
Extension of an Act That Has. Beeth sided over by Baron I'cident nelles de
Consent, voted that incidents like the
on the . Books For Twenty.Five Oarthage affair` establish the necessity
-Years — Final Power Vested In for bringing the Turco -Italian warto
Governor -General -in -Council.
an end, The meetings passed a reso-
lution to ask the French Government
Ottawa, Jan. 19.—The Opposition to intervene in order, to put a stop to
again got mightily worked up, over the ; the conflict. -»
bill of Hon. C. J. Doherty to amend ` Rubbed It In ,ilx.Atrslip.
the Inquiries Act by authorizing theI Tripoli, Jen. •i`i —Ari aeroplane sent
delegation .of the powers of commie,-.,. erect from the Italian quarter dropped
sinners to various experts "and 'ether 1 a manifesto into the Arab camp yes-
qualif ed persons. l terday announcing the Italian victory
To the phfll j bion H, R. Em- i in the Red Sea, near the Bay of Kun-
meison oneewhat he described as the ' fida, when Italian warships sank sev-
dy of the_Government, Hon. T. eral Turkish gunboats. ap-
replied that he forgot Tobruk, Jan. 19. The Turks
a provision had been on the sta- peered in force several times Wed-
ute books for 25 years. providing for nesday, but remained at a distance
such delegation of authorityin a de- from the Italian line. They were dis-
partmentaI enquiry. The present bill persed with shells from the batteries.
extended this to all investigations. Spies Get Long Terms.
"The Government has been wasting 1 p.
many millions," said Hon. Mr. Ore- i Leipsiz,. Jana 19.—Long sentences
there, "I speak, of course, of the late I were imposed on two spies by the
government. The new Government i Imperial Supreme Court yesterday.
aid not had time (Opposition laugh, i Baron Vinogradoff, a lieutenant in
r). When this Government Is mak- the Russian navy, and Lieut. Von
tman honest effort to constitute a I Cerno, belonging to the reserve: of
mission with absolutely necessary • the Hungarian army, were both con-
` wera honorable entlemen opposite demned to three years'imprisonment.
8 pP,
confined in
m the.leader of he
Baron Vinogradoff radoff is tobe
t O sitio
mvn are absolutely + opposed to the ' a fortress, while Von Cerno is to serve
er in his term in an ordinary penitentiary.
y principle of it.
Hugh Guthrie. (S. Wellington) de-, ' The espionage of which they were
ribed the marine commission ai3 "a convicted was connected with naval
ighly partisan tribunal.. it was a matters and Baron Vinogradoff was
rmdifferent matter, he said, for a detailed to supervise the operations of
ister in a merely Departmental ens Von Cerno and stimulate him to fnr-
to depute his powers, and to at ther activity. While he was enga.'ed
t to a "roving or general domini • in this work the German secret rer-
idn.}_ kis wanted the wordse•y d "or attjvice policeP captured thein both.
struck out.
Rt.tion. R. L. Borden called the Barrie Agricultural Society.
Barrie, Jan. 19.—The Barrie Agri-
cultural Society held its annual meet-
ing yesterday. President D. Quinlan
was re-elected for the twelfth time.
S. Dyment was elected first vice-presi-
dent; second viae -president, A. E. Lit -
tie secretary, R. J
le* charges against anyone, or roves- Fletcher; trees -
attention of the Hausa to the faot that
�te commissionunder discussion wag)
ed largely on the terms of on
g Y
ggthe lat
Sued some years agey
I P 13
t wasnot for the -purpose ose of
er, 5.
ur Dyment; , t• dirge s•^
as . en tri -
'f r la:L
n one
except in so far y , ave'
"Mini a y p
s or heir conduct g impugn- ,
mi ht be im n Dr- Palling, L. Kennedy,Ed. Cuff,
in :she course of the rove tigatf ani.
X. H. Bennett, John.Wiggins, James
d Coutts, George
*Sir Wilfrid Laurier remarked that H.Boag,
Raikes, Wm. Oros,
..., ,.fissions of that kind, though notG. Bog, C. M. Hickling,.Dr: Mor-
a nded to harass, could harass, All ren, R. A. Sutherland, Dr: Wallwin
Oesible safeguards shoo d e g ven g e s. -
m k
-sons whose conduct was liable tit Oro and James Coutts will
e called in to question. The work of be delegates to the Toronto society's
meeting. Saturday,
be dome byMarch-
'tfmmission itself. named as the date for the sprinseed
Zion. Mr. Borden: "The ultimate re- ' fair.
is wi a overnor-iii
t�pyonsibilitywith th g
The bill was reported with minor
F. F. Pardee (W. Lambton) )
Monday next, move for a copy of � on
iorrespondence, etc., relating to the
"reposed -winter harbor at Sarnia and
leo with regard to the erection of an
ivory in the same town.
E. M. MacDonald (Pictou) stirred
Ffon. Frank Cochrene to wrath by the
statement that his political
fegart'.ed the Maritime Provinces as
an incubus on the Dominion.
`• 'ou've no right to say that," in-
terjected the Minister. Cries of "or-
der" from the Opposition.
"I'm only telling the hon. gentle -
iaan>, What his friends in Nova Sootia
ave.beeii saying, retorted MT. MC -
maid. The Premier, he thundered,
d absolutely falsified his promises
the people of Nova Scotia with re -
Veld to transportation..
Suffers Untold Agony
*After Every Meal.
Nearly everything that enters a weak,
dyspeptic stomach. acts as an irritant;
henee'the difficulty of effecting a cure.
Burdock Blood Bitters will relieve all
the distressing Symptoms of dyspepsia
and in a short time effect a cure.
1VIrs, F. C. Gross, Berlin, Ont., writes;
—" I have been troubled with nay Stoll%
for the last seven years and tried silken t
ef medicine for it, but none of theut ever
cured me, for as soon as I Would quit
using any of them, the same old trouble
would come back, bast fall I was ad-
vised to t,•y- Burdock Blood Hitters, which
It did, and used four bottles, add now feel
so strori b r I can do all my :louse work
nicely and can at almost anything with-
out it affecting .vie in any way.
40-..r boy it also using it; he always
coinpkarnecw. •nin in has stomach and
al ,over, matism, and at the age
Fi i • e fr.,llti School. IIc
ties Yet and isI
col regularly
To Occupy Morocco.
Paris, Jan. 19 Premier Poincare,
before the committee of the Senate
onh Franco-German e F duce -Germs
n treaty yester-
day, urged its quickest possible rati-
fication and outlined how the Govern-
ment proposed too put it into effect. A
special committee has been formed
and co-ordinate work had already been
done by separate committees of the
Foreign Office and the Ministers of
War and Finance towards evolving a
scheme for the occupation of Mo-
Brantford's Police Record.
Brantford, Jan. 19.—Tie annual re-
port of Chief of Police Shemin, sub-
mitted to the police commissioners
y s ay, showed an absence of
serious crimes in Brantford during
the past year. There were 1,815 cases
before the police court chiefly of a
minor nature. The foreign born popu-
lation was given at 2,446, of which
fifty were charged during the year.
During the year, over $8,000 worth of
property was recovered by the depart-
Senator Raps Gompers.
Washington, Jan. 19.—A sharp at-
tack on President Gompers of the
American Federation of Labor was
retade in the Senate yesterday by Mr.
lIeyburn of Idaho, who protested that
a communication from Mr. Gompers
should not be received by the Senate.
He said that no communication
Amid be accepted from that source
after the revelations made in the Me
Namara ease.
Would Pardon M. Lopukine,
St. Petersburg, Jan. 19, --The press
is urging a revision of the trial of
M. Lopukine, a fornier director of
police, who was sentenced in May,
1909, to five years' imprisonment at
hard labor en a technical charge that
hew as a member of' the revolution -
toy organisation.
Orjld :Trims Many of the i'iandsemese
flralds tae have come tQ expect.
rare of the detail of winter gowne, to
braid.uw is a rich and dignified decd•'
nation which goes, well with 'Xur.. to
opularits" is most assured .;Sia black
Int colors winbe introduced tills. $ear I
Quebec Legislature Line -Up.
Jan. 10,—After a debate
Quebec, bate
lasting eig•t days the speech from
the fhrori- was adopted by the Mouse
yesterda, afternoon, the non-confl-,
defice .endnnent of the Opposition
being : ejected by a strict party vote
of 50 0 la.
How to Make a Stun,.
Hing Afternoon Gown.
can's POLO 004.T.
son, though there will be rather less
gold and silver than before. Cord ip
also beworn, but we have tired of til
Cord girdle, and it is other decorativ$
possibilities that await this trimming,
The long coat that completely covez4
the frock is a thoroughly 4. comfortable
one for cold weather. This model t
deepcuffs that are so limb-
eludes the
this season and an esceptfonalI y hap .
some collar. JUDIC CHOLLIBT.
This May Manton pattern is cut in size'
e and fourtee
of eight, ten,twelve
Cor girls g ,
years of age. Send 10 cents to this ofilceN
giving number, 7210, and it will be promp ,
ty forwarded to you by mail. If to has
send an additional two cent stamp for le
more ro ti
ter postage, which insures p Q
delivery. When ordering use coupon.
No size
For the girl who goes to bridge par
ties or to club afternoons a gown like
the one illustrated is. very useful, and
the best point about it Is that it'mey
be evolved from two or more discarded
party frocks. fn the present instance
an old white satin ball dress forms the
foundation, over which Is draped black
dotted net. Trimmings are of black
velvet, ribbon and coral beads.
To Prevent Winter Colds.
When you go , out into the cold
breathe deeply. ,
Be sure that your clothing is loose
enough to allow of this.
If you don't`breathe properly you are
immediately subject to colds.
You are liable to colds 1E yon let the
system run down.
r long
1 o fo
tat regularly and dont g.
•r nour-
ishment. hours at a time without p ro e
i ment., .
See that the air is pure in the home
we or your place of business.
By all means take fresh air and a
„7r„•.. short walk if possible at. noontime._
• Most of our homes and business
' places are •overheated,: and for this
Miners Reject Soda -ern.
n 'anappolis Tana 19.—By .a Vo
55; the convention of
o be
yesterday to adopt a reaolut
z S
-ani ation to the
milting the:org
gist party, andapproved the sltb '
titute measure of the to I. i
ommittee, declaring it would
workers would unite on 1
to ' sal as well .`a°s the nd'uat-r
�h •ions committee ha g,
The e
lanai for the
oaoathat itwould e uncona
endorse anyPolititia1'Iarty
Prussia Secures Huge loan
jBerlin, Jam. I9,—Loans smailn i
a total of.500,pp� ,000 marks ($1 ,bo0) were placed yesterday by
al Government and the
o1ernment of Puss a, cob' e I
th a group of Berlin ban s, :lea
the Prussian State bank, the
est to be at 4 per Cent!.
e,German empires portion of t,jt ,I
t to oil$20,(100,00,0
or the construction of rail oa
d •the acquisition of rolling s
'theu acripti i101.40. opens on 'Jilt.
lee at therate
Praises Foster's Course.
I,ondon, -Jan. 19.-(C.A.P. Cable )•- -
' e Morning Post eulogizes Hon. Sit'.
ester's negotiations with Australia.
d New Zealand, and says a treatk.
iit broad give -and -lake, lines shoul •
ot. be difficult. If links between
yanada and the Antipodes and be -
ween Australia
and New Zealand
to forged then only the United mKing-
o would remain outside the sys-
f mutual preference. There are.
m ood hopes now that this stepd
will be taken in the not.very dist'
Miss Mary L ebeau,Edison, Sask.,
writes:--" I was troubled with heart
disease and nervousness for over two
years, and was so bad at times I had to
sit tip at night being unable to bre ntee,
and every little noise would mails me
shake and shiver. I tried several dace
tors, but they were unable to do me any
good.. A neighbor then advised me to try
a box of Milburn's heart and Nerve
Pills. As soon as 1 began to take them.
I began to feel much better, and by the
time I. had used the third hoz I was com-
pletely cured. I would advise anybody
su€fering from heart disease acid nervous -
flees to
ervous-nees'to try these pills. They will save
quitea bill in doctor's fees."'
y - ilburu'a Heart and Nerve Pills cure
all/heart arid nerve troubles by their
restorative irif .:encu on every organ and
tissue of the body,
Price v'ifi tents per box, or S poxes tor`
$1.25 at all dealers or nailed direct ort
reteipt of , rice by The T. Kilburn Co,.
Limited, T• onto, Ont,
•reason the outdoor garment should be
warm and dresse4 only of moderate
Girls who wear thin' lingerie blouses
all :winter should see that the chest is
well protected against the cold.
Quick friction after a bathin win•
ter is good, and for older persons as
alcohol rub after the bath •twill keep
them from catching cold.
that doctors think t at thisis the
only beneficial way to take ;alcohol--
throughthe pores.
Always bathe the neck and chest is
cold water, followed by an alcohol
rub, before changing :from` h
necked dress to a low cut one.
If you catch cold don't ruffle up and
sit by the fire. Put on your sweater,_.
open your windows and go through all,
the bodily exercises you can remem bet
from your school gymnastic lessons.
See how the circulation will start.
Typesof the Omnipresent Reticule.-
The large flat bag is made of tapes.
try in peacock shades . 'overlaid with
gold braiding. The top is ofgold col.
`` Banker Morse Liberated.
Washington, Jan. 19.—President
Taft yesterday commuted, to expire at
once, the sentence of Charles W.
Morse, the New York banker serving
a fifteen -year` sentence in the federal
penitentiary at Atlanta. The commu-
tation was granted because of Morse's
physical condition, and on the recom-
eneddation of Attorney -General Wick-
ersham and Surgeon -General Torney
of •.the army.
Mrs, Harris,. 'wife of Rev, James
Barris, died at Guelph.
Mr. John Smith, a .leading fanner
and ex -.councillor, died at 'Whitby.
kiDavidlled. Henson, a colored man, was
struck " by It, train at Chatham and
W. 3. Waters was acquitted of the
charge; of manslaughter at Hamilton.
His automobile killed W. Boyce.
Over fifty thousand women in Ulster
lashed a manifesto appealing for Brit-
ish support .against ,home rule,
Dean. Connell of Queen's has pre-
sented an eye-tng instrument to
each of Kingston's public schools.
Some unknown persons bombarded
The Acton Free Press office with bot-
ties, and a lot of damage was done.
The rumor that China has offered
to cede Mongolia to Russia in return
for a loan of 100,000,000 taels, is offi-
cially denied.
William Michaud was erreSte4
Quebec for the 'murder of one. Otilette'
in, a drunken brawl in a lumber camp
north of La .,'.Coque.
case of smallpox was discovere4
in a bakery 'shop at Matane, Que1
from where bread had• been distribu.,V
ed for four clays after the diseas4
broke out. , "
Zion. Mr. Allard, Minister (4 Crown
Lands in Quebec was taken siuldenl{y
ill last night while attending a dinnee
given by Speaker Turgeon. He suf-
feeed a severe fainting spell.
Sir Rodolphe Forget has offered
from fifty to one hundred thousand
dollars to extend Notre Dame Zito*
pital at Montreal, according to the
amount raised from other sources.
At a meeting of the shareholders of
the Co-operative Society field in Lon,
don, acommittee was named to pro-
ceed with the application to the Legis-
lature for a charter to secure a store
and to conduct business.
Frank Nolan of Ottawa, an old-time
lacrosse player, has been killed in the
subway, Brooklyn, N.Y., where he
was employed as an electrician. As
"Cloy" Nolan he was a feature in
sport circles in the capital.
s,4 o
S1!\:13L — Slisoc c{
pee sij.IvOw q-r`V
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'eacivicIQ'liafeulolS antOS'um)
-edfsuOoJ Apawah;Ps,pd,Q 4,
1ygnog sABitly
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Mitchell Wins the Day.
Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 19.—Though
attacked in .a resolution before the
Convention of the United Mine Work-
ere of America as a "labor leader in
the grasp of the ' capitalists," Joh
Mitchell, former president of the or-
ganization, received more votes than
ay other candidate fors delegates to
the American Federation of Labor,
aecpp rding to the report of the ,te)ieirs to the .miners, con en i a
v t on�"esterd Y,•
John P. White was4'e=elected presi-
dent" by a majority of 45,4241-2 over
Thomas L. i1 ewis
Anta oniists of Mitchell, Samuel
Crisp re a, the Federation of Labor an
e National Civic "Federation failed
n effort to bring
about se essio
of the miters' union from the Federa-
tion of Labor, but theypromised "
renew the attack wheitchell ad-
dssee the convention.
Former President Lewis, a leader in
the campaigns against Mitchell,;deelar-:
eco i e speech after the announce -
1n$resintdento defeat of his candidacy for
`Whatever service I enter. into I
shall not receive wages from employ.-
ers of labor and stay in this organ'.
Wien. ' I shall not. pretend to be a
United Mine Worker in one sense
and be something else in another."
Can't Scare Winston.
T..ondon, Jan. 19.—It has been ascer-
tained in official quarters that WWin.
Ston Spencer Churchill, First Lord of
the Admiralty, declines to modify his
;alas, and will fulfill his engagement
speak d
eak at Belfast on the ucsti9zl,
Of home rule, notwithstanding the
threats made against him. Prepare -
ions for the meeting, which is to be
end 91 Feb. 8, continue. John Red-
nd is to speak at'' the
same meet-
ing, and the ,Unionists promise that
Steps will be taken to prevent the
meeting from being held.
The Rt. Hon. Walter . Runciman,
resident of the Board of Agriculture,
-last night, .
eakfn,g at Newcastle, said g
pat. Lord
Ireland, was at the hed of. a conspir-
acy to prevent free speech at Belfast.
If bloodshed resulted, he declared,
the responsibility. would be London-
Seven Fishing Vessels in ice.
Ourl.isng, Nfld., Jan, 19. -While all
the eighteen vessels of the Gloucester
fishing fleet, which were imprisoned
by ice at the Bay of Islands are be-
lieved now to be clear of the ice fields
and well started on their run home,
"seven vessels of the fleet are still at
Bonne Bay. The Tatter have little
chance of getting clear until the Unit-
ed States revenue cutters Greshan
and Androscoggin, which are on the
wayhere, are able to smash a chan-
nel through the ice pack.
Kingston Police Poorly Paid,..
Kingston, Jan. 19.—The Kingston
police have petitioned commissioners
for an increase of pay. They claim
they are the poorest paid officers in
BAGS Or TAPESTRY AND VELVET, Canada. They receive $50 per month
end ask for $60 • On night duty they
ored velvet and the handles of green,
card. The smaller reticule is an erten
affair trimmed with metal erns•
Deck Sets Poo Women.
What woman does not enjoy having
her desk well fitted out with necessary
articles? Among the equipments are
n blotter pad with neat corners, an ink
well, etirved blotter, letter opener,
stneep box, box for rubber bands, 'scis-
eers, eraser,, it clock and paste pot.
The outfit of burnished brass has
the merit of Wearing well. Pierced arks
hammered braise sett,. too, are to be
had.. Silver is more elaborate, but
cares labor to keep it looking bright.
Copper its the bright or :lull, finish is
always { ptraetivaP
do eleven hours and on day duty thir-
teen. There are men on the force
who have seen twenty years' service
and over. ` . '
Rojas, Will Fight.
Buenos Ayres, Argentina, Jan. 19.—
A despatch froth Asuncion, capital. of
Paraguay, says that President Royas
has informed the diplomatic corps
that he has withelrawn his resigna-
tion. He intends to place himself at
the head of the loyalists and regain
his lost power.
Bilingual gIns ector
Ottawa,an. 19.—A. Belanger, auntg6e
s ector of bilingual schoolsfor eastern
Ont rio, hes sent his resignation to
the �rovzncial Department duea
tion, and will take up elan y of
law at Osgoode 1•1a11.
Foss,.Feers -A sa sin..
Boston -Saki.. 19.E -A guard that ac-
comp3"nied Governor Foss -home on
;Wednesday, -night and was oil tiu�v 1
at his house throughout the nigh:,
because of the rumor at the State
House of a threatened attack on his
life, went to the State house with
him yesterday.
The executive department was also
picketed by two officers of the state
and an Italian officer from the local
force, all in plain clothes.
Because of the -calling out `tit the.
militia to quell the strike distmeranc
tormnation of the soldiers to Presvent
rioting, certain activities were an a st 'rted
e ists
in New 'York: by Italian n ,
who, • according 'to the inforneation
furnished. put the responsibility for
the situation upon Governor Fons and
began to plot against his life.
Was Reid'Murdered?
Hamilton, Jan. 19.—At the inquest
conducted. by Coroner McNiehol last
night in the death. of John: T. Reid,
at city hospital last week, rather
sensational evidence was brought to
light tending to confirm the su.spicion
of the pollee that he had -net with
.foul` play.
The inquest was adjourned for two
weeks, and i the meantime,the cir-
cumstances will be enquired into.
Reid, in an ante-mortem statement,
said that he had been struck, but this
was not at first believed: •
Cubans Stand byRepublic.
Havana, Jan. 19.—An official state-
ment was, given out yesterday mor$-
ing regarding the long conference on
Wednesday night between President
Gomez androminent political lead-
ead-ers representing all thfactions and
the veterans. The statement says:
"The meeting terminated with
everyone breathing words of patriot-
ism, because he found in his old com-
panions in arms determination to save
the republic, as might be expected
''from those professing their love for
the Cuban fatherland."
is;: Assimilation.
,.fang! Boom! Bang!
''';What's all this racket
What's. to pay?
Has the Wild West show
Broken out
In a virulent form
On the shores of the Medite
Or have the tottering nations
Of the old world.
Adopted. our Fourth of July.
As their little pet?
`What's the explanation
Of this sleep disturbing stunt
:What's doing, Uncle Bill?
Oh, nothing much!
It's. not worth mentioning:•:
The navies have loosed their
rot one thing
And are shooting civilization;
I ' Into Africa...
', F; Poor midnight land,
l ., Sitting around
Enjoying the climate
nd wearing a castoff co
it wanted to be dr
`Fvlll,„have to mend its
It must-iearn;teaove
Breakfast food,
Must get its fashions. r
>” ' And, worse than that, m
It must learn
To wring music
From the unwilling phonogr
Must have political opinions
Learn to shout in aforeign la
For a king they never saw :s
- And clothe the extremities
,.v., , 'With the high hat
• And the hobble s_kirt.:
Poor Africa!
It doesn't.•know what
-.., ,
But it will learn,
And it will be charged
1 For the instruction.
A Check on the .Weat
"I don't like this cold weat
"Then come and live ait:ou
"You are hard up, ain't
"1 am."
"Well, our landlady will m
for 'you."
YOUi 9 i
'Ne desire to call the attention 0
afflicted with any Blood or Skin
our New Method Treatment as a
cure for these complaints. Ther
cuse for any person having a cls
from eruptions and blotches.
whether hereditary or acquired, o
romedies`and treatment neutrall
sons in the blood and unci then
system. Our vast expedience i
Went of thousands of the most s,
complicated cases enables us to
eurowilthoutexporimonting Wed
on the plan—I'ay Only for the'i'r
Dcri,ie. If you have any blood di
Milt us l±ree of Charge and let
you how quictay our ,remedies wat1 evidences d disease:' Un ilii th
of the New Method 'Gres roc ie-tii
comes clear, ulcers, pimples and
heal up, enlarged glands are rode
out hair grows in again the ore
bright, ambition and energy return,
victim realizes a ne.••Y life iraa opine
Send for Booldec on Diseases of Men
1z. unable fo coll,'wrhe fora Question
for Homo Treatment
Cor. Michigan Ave. and C ;'.;wold St., l + ,tech, Nick
anaian CConrrespoundetcs. Dep
front aadanzstbeaddre'
sasollaisassuratiame inr-„: tin Windsor, Out. If you desit'
see us personally call at our Medical institute in Detroit'as,we see and
no patients in our Windsor offices wbieh are for Corresponden
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters aS
, DRB., KENNEDY' x.:lC'aINEDY, Windsor, Ont.
'Write ifoid our private 'addrosS.