HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-1-25, Page 1Attentlo.111 !_
re special selling agents in thid
pr the well naw and celebrated
'one of the
n supply your need in these Race
KILLER are big sellers. Have
tried them 1'
y -Ea YEAR ---No 1.991.
top That Cough
'WliyeXperirnehtwhen you can,,.. �.
stant relief with RSMALI.t. 0
boat; if: it :oho to cure,
Large bottles 25e each,
Recall Cold Tablets will cure a e
day. Ieep a 250 box in your home,
dole's Drug tore►
:-: • PHONE 32 :.:
tew Spring
ress Goods
We have just opened up our New Dress Goods for the
fly buyer. Everything that is new and up=to=date will be
nd on our counters. ` All the new shades
of Blues, Tans,
s, Greens, Peach and Mixed.The•
• early shopper will find
Acedy for thenk
ew Prints
re are ready with the new
s for the bu
sy sewers. All
ti.ew patterns and colors are
'for you,
They are here in the new colors
and designs, something new again
for Wash Dresses. See them all.
15tock=Taki ng
We have some Winter Goods to clear out. All our Ladies' Coats, Children's'`
Ladies` Furs, Fur -lined Coats, Blankets and Comforters are to be •offered at
u Prices. Now is your opportunity for a snap !
a few left after the biggest
n in our historyat- •;
last you wi11,gcit 1 off.
After Stock Taking we have a
.. •1ct of Dress Good Remnants suit-
able for Skirts 'or Dresses or Child-
ren's wear. Retnnant'Priees,
Overcoats an4 Glo
la of new up-to-date` Suits and Overcoats to clear ata price. This belongs
ig A:fter Stock -Taking Sale. Every:garment a Bargain.
Complete Stock to select
Art Garland,
Art Souvenir,
Art Laurel
from $40 to $45
Heaters from
$15 to 17.50
Ranges of the Best
Makes from
$25 to..$50
Stove and Furnace
Pipes, Elbows
Dampers, Stove
Boards, Etc.
Furnace ce Work and
Plumbing a
p y
� W E ,.
Died in Biddulpb—The funeral of
the late Mrs. Mitchell Haskett of
concession '3. Bidduiph. took place on
Monday of this week to St. James
cemetery, Clandeb,oye. The lata Mrs;
lIaskett was 89 years old.
Mrs. Ji Jefferson, of Wingham, who
fell some days ago and dislocated her
hip, died at the home of her daughter;
Mrs. Bennett, Mrs: Jefferson was 88
years old. and it was feared at the
l time 'that' the injuries she bu+s'tained
would result fatally, The remain
were 'taken to Clinton Friday Tor
McGee—Kerr - A wedding of, inter-
est to Ailsa Craig and vicini,ly wit sol-
emnized at Stras,sbur, Saxe,,. whr'r
Mise ]I, Kerr a former Alsia Craig
lady was married to Mr. S. McGee, of
the seine place. Lii,tie Annitta Con-
nebarc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Conneb are who are, also well known
there, acted; as ring bearer, Muss
Kerr was very popular among the
young people of Alsip. Craig.
really a unanimous vote was
given in Bayfield on Monday :n favor
of the townbeing linked in the hy-
dro electin. power chain. Ninety-four
votes were polled in favor and only
the mea° '
surd. The
ratepayers also • elected Mr. Samuel
Moore to :he Council, a vacancy hav-
ing been caused by. 13aliff "Cameron
through his resent appointment, be.
ing unable to sot on the Muo;eipal
Board. Mr. Moore secured sixty-four
votes. and Mr. F..'SmiLb his oppon
e n t. I wen tV-1 •est.
Mr, A. •It. Tabor of Crider Mo, had
been troubled with sick -headache for
about live years when she began tak-
ing Chamberlain's tablets, She • has
taken tevo battles of them and they
have cured her Sick headache is
can sed by a disordered stomach for
which tbeee tablets .are especially in-
tended Try them get >tve,rl and stay
well Sold by all dealers
;On Sunday ,Tan 14th Aleda,'beloved
daughter of. Albert end Mrs. Seeley Of
in ton
passed, a
Ya , rfter an illness!s!
that hasextended for two. yet.rs.
Though, able to attend school off and
on /she wait' nearly alts tyts about tlia
hlxuse but i:tr ways seen she was
tii1Iy growing v akrr sedon Friday
had L
t ,.
The eke to her bed, .file Gun••
eral Wtt held on "Wednesday from the
parental home : On Mary Stk'ektt, and
teas' 1 rieate The heartfelt tgYln +,
pithy is'leekten ti ;try the lli telltfla
Exeter Council
The Council not in the Town hall
Friday evening, the 10th inst. All
the members were present. rhe min-
utes of the last meeting were ra:ad
and adapted..
Owing to 'the resignation of Mr.
W. 1D: Clark as auditor' 'the Reeve up
Pointed Mr, E. Treble in 41r .Clark's
place and requested the council Ito co.i-
firm the arppoirattmenk. It was mov-
ed by J. H. Soots and :seconded by A.
J. Ford that Mr. ;Treble be appointed'
in Mr. Clark's place. •Carried.
Rivers and Ford that eche following receiving of nominations had ertpired
accounts be passed and ordaxs bo l - Mr. Strothers was declared elected,
sued in payment.
' there being no other nominatiog0
Lipson do '2 h0, Sandy F+urdon do 600
Jno. Gnu., 7 r TI>e warden elected was then escort -
Mr. Strothers ,Elected
Warden of Huron.
It is. Warden Strothers for 1912.
The J'annary session of Huron County
Council opened in the courthouse,
Goderich, Tuesday afternoon, and the
first business which was brought to
the attention of the council. by County
Clerk Lane was the appointment of a
warden for the ensuing year. It was
moved that Beeve Themes "Strothers,"
of Ashfield Township, be warden, and
when the half-hour allowed for the
Jas. 'Dennis ac. 1,,10; Wright & At- filed. -
ac, 3 sG; .1• Hawkins &
San do 840; 'Times Z''tg, Co. 86.75;
'Dicks= and Carling 125.00; Charles
Knight 103,45; 11. Rurnohr labor 7,50;
Geo. Cudmore do 1.50; Thos. Brock
sr. 15.38; Jas. Davies Jr. 75e; Thos'
, Sanders do 3.65; Sidney Sanders do
2.18; John Knorr do 200; E. Treble
D. R, 0. 2.00; H Ford l: bll clerk 2 00
S. Handford., Polling Booth 2.00 ;, Wm.
1) Week'es, D. R. 0, 8'.00; . Jaseinl.
Davis Poll Clerk 2.00; H. E. Huston
1) R 0: 2.00; A. G Dyer Fb11 Clerk
John Mitchell Fblling Booth . 2.00; R.
G. Seldon D R 0 2,90;; Alex Mather-,
sou 1=b[1 C1erl+~ 2,00; Wm; Walker P..
Booth 2,00,1 Total 828:67,/
Scott .
that the tender
of the Advocate for Municipal print-
ing being the lower.same be accepte-i
Tenders a rs fol: ,Ba,t
l Ringing were. re-
ceived Jno. Harness $50'00; HeMak- 0►
ins /$50.00, Rivers and Levett that 1
John Harness' tender for the ringing • THAWS BROAD ' -
and ailing of the same be accepted. Mr. Robert Monteith is on the sick
Carried. list,
ed to his chair by the retiring warden,
Owen Gerger, of. Meusall, who ex-
pressed -warm words of congratula-
tions on his attaining the office.
The new warden took the declara-
tion of office before His Honor, Judge
Warden Strothers replied in suit-
able terms. The new warden com-
mences his sixth year as a member of
Huron County Council. For the past
13 years he has played a prominent
part in municipal affairs in his own
Township of Ashfield and the people
have such confidence in his ability
that he has been elected their reeve
six years byacclamation. teen. Mr.
Strothers is 55 ears of age, being
born in Ashfield Township on Febru-.
ary 10th, 1857. Practically all his life
has been spent in that township,
Tenders for the. weigh scales, A.
S. iveivitt, "I' will ring.lthe bell and
pay you $5.00 for' the use of the
scales during the' year 1912."
William Harding for scales and use
yards .-
, e 32.00. J. H. Scott and A
+. Ord
that, the
tender of Wm. Hard-
ing be accepted. Carried.
Application for Assessor were re-
ceived from A. G. Dyer and Jas. Behar
Levert and Scott, that A. G. ;Dyer
application be accepted sit the same
salary. Carried.
By-law No. 1. appointing T. 131„
Carling clerk was read the necessary.
number of times and finally passed
an motion of Levett and Ford.
By-law No. 2, appointing r, Be
Carling Treasurer was read the nec-
essary number of times and finally
passed on motion of Rivers and Scott
By-law No. 3 appointing R. E.
Pickard and Edward' Treble Munici-
pal auditors for 1912 ,was read the ne-
cessary number of times and fineliy harvest of the young people just lately
passed on motion of Levett and Rivers While logging last week Mr. J. Alli -
By -law No. 5 appointing ;Wesley J. son had the misfortune to hurt nix
Bissett Street, Commissioner etc., and right leg, owing to one of the skids
that he furnish $1000,,, ind was read
the necessary nuniber of times:` an worering broken.
..FQrtunately • no 'banes
Next Sabbath is Sacramental Serv-
ice at Bethany.
The I. 0. F. intends having a social
on Friday night.
Mr. Wilfred Campbell of Regina left
here this week for Seaforth.
Mrs. R. Thomson and baby were
visitors at Mr. A. Gardiner's last week
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hamilton were vis-
itors at Mr. John. Allison's Wednes-
Mr. Andrew Campbell, who intends
raising his barn this year, had a brick
bee last Thursday.
Miss Mary Kydd was the guest of
Miss AnniceAllison on Tuesday and
Wednesday of last week,
The W. M. 5, of the Presbyterian
Church intend to meet at the home of
Mrs. James Gardiner on Friday after-
By the.. number of badges being
worn in this neighborhood.the Chosen
Friends seem to have reaped a rich
adopted wopted on motion of Rivers and
Levett that we adjourn to meet
Friday 2nd of February.
• T. B. CARL• ING Clerk.
T. & N. 0. Exhibition.
Car at Depot
Products of Northern' Ontario Prove
Astonishment to Visitors
The Exhibition car of the Toronto
and Northern Ontario railway, laden.
with agriculiural products of . New
Ontario which was at The Grand
Trunk Station on Wednesday of this
week was visited during its stay by
hundreds of citizens of the town and
agriculturists from the surrounding
districts. Settlers along the line of
the Provincial railway all the way
from Haileybury to Cochrane had
contributed to the splendid array of.
exhibits not one article being taken
from the experimental farm at Mon-
teith. The grain and vegtables were
a marvel to the experienced eye of
the Exeter farmers,many pronounc-
ing them equal to and in many re-
spects superior to the products of Old
Ont ario.
Mr. R. A. Jones. of the Bureau of
Colonization, Parliament Buildings,.
Toronto, is le charge of the car. He
has had a practical experience, having
resided in the north country of which
he speaks, for a number of. years.
Arable and clear in statement, the
possibilities of Northern Ontario for
the settler with little capital but large
ambition are explained by Mr. ,Jones
in a very interesting way, and his re-
marks were listened to by those who
visited the car with attention and evi-
dent interest.
The`car left Exeter on Thursday for
Godeeich, Clinton, Seaforth and Mit-
For information as to special coloni-
zation rates to settlers, apply to the
Director of Colonization, Parliament
Buildings, Toronto.
Every vote polled in the village on
Saturday last was in favor of the
Hydro -Electric by-law. The vote
stood 46 to 0,
A family gathering took place at Mr
Sidney Andrews on Wednesday of
'hie week to celebrate the 70th, birth-
day of Mr, Thomas IttiLchnll,
Married, at the Earsonage by Re,v,
I3latch.pord, on. Saturday ISth
'est. Mr. Robert Baker. of IIensali
to Miss Clara' Meade: of Lakefield, Co
of laeterboro.
Let all eanearned.rotti.+mber the S„
and, S. L,Convention.
to bo held
it the
Methodist c,hureh here on
Thursday the 2611i inset.
If your children are s,ubjaut to
taek,� of group watch for the fib
symptom, heareeness, gave flhamber-
While Mr. A. 8'. Clarke was attemp-
ting to break a board, an end flew up,
hitting him on the nose, inflicting
quite a wound, which is a bad place to
be hurt in this kind of weather. Go
easy next time, Frank, for remember
this ie Leap Year.
For the past three Sundays, Rev. C.
Fletcher has taken up the genera .of
"Union," • His sermons have been
given from a very intellectual stand-
point, and have been well attended
and listened to, and are both helpful
; and instructive to the community.
Hockey Match at Exeter, to -mor-
row evening. Thursday January 25th
Crediton vs. Exeter. Everybody come
and see this game:. Game called eet
8 p. nx-` sharp. .Admieesion 15 and 10
Mr. Thomas Russett has rented his
brick residence on Andrew street, to
Mr. Richard ferry. or Chiselhurst,
who has, moved off has farm. Mr;
Russell has stored his furniture and
has 'not: yet decided what ha will do.
13ENDER—At Zurich, on the tGth
inst.. to Mr. end Mrs. Win. Bender
. -,�.
Grove" farm, Lot 2. Con. 0, Lsborne
an Wednesday Jany. 24th, Mary E
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Smith. to' Mr. Albert G. /Fletcher
by the Rev. T A. Stteadmanr.
on Wednesday. Jain+nary 24th. Miele
Jennie Yearley, daughter of Dep-
uty Reeve Wm. and Mrs. Yearley
P.toobt. Mr. HiGeorcksg. e Lawson, by the Rev.
TRIEBNER LI1?'pERT — 'In Exeter.
an Wednesday January 17th,. )Yfies
Elizabeth. Lippert. of Dashwood. to
Mr. Jahn Tri Omer. of Stephen, by
the Rev. C, W. Collins.
rectory, Clinton, on .Ja,n. 1s1, by
Rev. C. 5. Jeakins, Mary E., third
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John.
Laxon, to John 13. Kennedy, De-
troit. son of Mr. and Mrs. D.
Kennedy. Clinton.
Thames Read Presbyterian Manse
on Wednesday, January`'24th alt L
o'clock, Miss Cecelia ,Mae White.
daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Thor ie
White, to Mr. Edward J. Campbell
,son al Mr. end Mrs. Simon Camp
bell Fletcherall o.f :Exeter. by the Rev, Coi+in
I3AKElt-1vI13ADE-At the Parsonage
Centralia. on Saturday 13th Inst,
by the Rev. KE,, W. tla'tch fort!, Mist
Clara Meade of Lalr fit
d Co_
Petrboro. to M'r, Robert Baker, of
- I. Ii` S
Sl`TIL1:t n :Fero:. Mr. 1liddtri firer
aged gB e'
faro's Goagh' lseniedy s soon as tr IIAS7 E'fT-4Xn I3iddnlph. Lot gk, to
child .i Neatness :hoarse 'tni the t,iiteeft� rreSsirin 4.: on January 20th Mar
ratty ha aWardtd off Yi'or`,Sala by Gane reilht Of the late' • Gitelle‘Iiill
ll dealer*, 'i kttsl ettt aged s9'yanrc
Exeter School Board
The Inaugural session; of the Board
for the current, year was held • on
Wednesday Jan. 7th in the Town Hall
at 8 p. m„ absent F, W, Gladman
The following is the order of the.
business duly passed, Signing declar-
ations of office by R. N. Creech, A
E. Puke and, I. Armstrong', Per F.
Wood and A, B, Flake that S. Martin
he ohairman, Per R. N. Creech and
P. Wood, resolved that before further
steps towards organization for the
current year.. it is our duty as pri-
vate citizens as, well as that ° of be-
ing the ehaaeai r. pre ren.Latives 01:
the Yiliage, to bepe;r the lestee[ply
trust00.. Mean's Ruston and :r4
Frayne, our sincere thanks for their
past hong. faithful and genero'is ef-
forts in forwarding the Educatiourl
interests of the Village and we gin,
rarely hope Chat they may hold them-
hemselves so within touch that 'their
counsel may be' ever available to us
as wetry to follow as faithfully in
their footsteps, hex A. 331. Fake and
I. Armstrong that the corporation of
the Village of Exeter be treasurer
The following standing cotnmit.teee,
were then duly appointed :Wood. I
Armstrong and A, E, Fuke; Supplies.
P. W Gladman and . N, Creech; Re,
pairs, A. E. Fuke and F. Wood; Teach-
Martin and 2
a 1.• N.
Creech; Insurance. I. Armstrong;
Grounds and Sanitary. A. E. Fake
and 13' ` W aid. ]:err A. E. 1: uke and
F. Wood. that the regular meeting of
the Board be held on the "sccontt
Monday of each month, 'E'er R. N.
Creech and A. E. Puke that the first
Inspectoral visit of the Board ba
made to the school on Friday next
at 111 ,a, m. E'er :5. Nt. Creech and
I. Armstrong than: T. 1;. Carling be
appointed t6 the Library Board es
the Board's representative for the full
term of ihhree years, 1912 /to '1914in-
Per I.',. Wood and R. N.
Creech that J. Grigg be Secretary..
;Per R. N. Creech and I. Armstrong
that a series of monthly addrealses
be instituted to be delivered +to the
H, S. section and 'the 'senior scholars,
on 'the last Friday of each month,,
teat ;the Iecturers be invited from.
the clergy 'and laity aliternately, and
that lthe Rev. S. F. Sharp be invited
to deliver 'the first on; the last Friday
of the current month, at :three p. m,
Per 'P. Wood, adjournment.
A especial meeting of thetBoard was,
held immediately afterwards when
the following order of business was.
duly !su'bmit'ted! and :approved Re=port
x-00 per year in advap
of 3Principal H. S. 'Department, a'i
tendance 89. work progressing,' favor
ably, net: 11,'S.. as,si;stant doing 'well
33'er F. Wood, and -A, .B.Voice that the
Principal's report and =,itho e.appllels
noted referred: 'tot the SUppkiOS COWL,
per 1', N. Creech and F. Wodilt
the following" paymen;`'.s he ala,prQ
11, Spaokman cleaning furnaces $2,i ;
S. S11'eett repairs $2.00; Per
Creech and F, 'Wood that the ccnven
ienee of the parents be held esufficienit
for 'the payment; Of fetes up to Falri,:
1st, ff:er: 1, Armstrong and A. E,.
Fake that':. tW, Gladman and R. N,,
Creech ba the Board's deputaltien to
the Caunity Oounell on behalf of the,
county grants for Con'tinuation`sohoo1
purposes. Adjournient , 'ter
3. GRTI40. Secy.
E. S: -The combined terms of r rr.
vice of the rottiring 'trustees, Mes'sr;y,
Hasten and Frayne, is thin"""y-two
WO0DII'AIl , • ,
The Ladies Aid aria the W.
held a social evening in the basement;
of the church on Friday breningt,g
About eighty were in attendance. The
Jr. League sang several uelectiantl:
Mrs. MoNaughton and Miss Alma:
Mills gave readings, and Hoy Sinclair
also. Miss Mary Ceram and Misr
Florence Mills 'sang; a duet, Mr. and
Mrs: Ford gave several
uoatheVietrole- Afterthe. was/ served.
Mrs. Sinclair. who has been atayin,gg
a few weeks with her son, William;
of the town line, has been poorly but;
is somewhat improved.
Miss Mitchell. of Toronto, return-
ed to her home of +2i spendin.g a few
weeks with her. sister Beres M s, ;Wi-
ner Mills.
Frank Parkinson of the 10,th cora.
of B.lanshord, has been suffering.
Pram rheumatism- and heart trouble.
n0 sot
t well e 1 la'3 t tv�
c 212
At Sunday School last Sunday; Jahn
Fletcher and John Canna were ap-
pointed delegates to the District con
vention to be held in Centralia on;
Thursday of this week. Roy Steven's
and Oliver Hazelwood were appointed
by the Epworth League a week ago
es their representatives,
The mill men are.busy drawing logs
from the Berry farm.
If you had taken two. of Carter's
Little Liver Pills before re'tdri,ug you
would not have that coated 'tongue or'
bad taste in. your mouth this morning'
Keep a box with you for oceasic,n�al{.
use • . , ,, + sae
/14-1-1;44-44§g"�,.,t§g•++4..l.4.`t� .1-e ty +++ ,:, a -la + yR +++++++1•+++o•E• ••F•1••1••:••1•..
Wk Pni nr1 :
1 box Carbolic Soap, gDSC FOR.„.
1 1 jar Medicinal Jelly, 25c - - c
• 4.
?1`, NO •MORE CHAPPED HANDS if you use this combination,
; Y a gays only atthis price -40c. So conte quick.
i• GGeat"Bargains all thru the etbre.
Powell's Bazaar Phone 55
++4+++++++++++++++++++++++ + F+;+ H+4 +++4.•i.+.11.+++++++••I.
Velox Demonstrafion!
commencing at 7 p.m., when an expert from the people who
make VELOX will be here to show you how to get the best
possible print from any negative.
Bring a Negative or Two with You!
Fresh stock of Films and Velox Papers just arrived,
W. S. Howey, Phin.B., Chemist & Optician
40,000 ACRES 40,000
In the Province of Saskatch -
e�an at
$i� to 18.5o Per Acre
t0. Location), $i3 per acre „ CashBalaiaee in
Annual Payments at (3% ),,terest,
1i ;:ave personally ,inspteetr d ail r his land aria
can #liv!s you, a report osany quarter of it ,rod any' erste/ ti uying now without seeing it, we Guarante
be report correct or else Money R. fur,tied, .sifter purchaser has seen the laigd.
and rinds it differs from the report:. !The price on all this land is oin re be
advanced $2 per acre on the lit day March an any person g l;
, qfn y N e n who Would like
to invest some me ma►ie
y in the west w ``
it l
u do well d to see
woe before that dicks,
This lad will all be' wt t't>11 fromy
V5t o $20 per a+rri�
less than three years..
Also some Eix:.t 1, Lots\ lrn th
�.+ a wince are ,one,,...-