HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-08-18, Page 150
Men's fastball news
Daryl Beattie scattered eight hits while
Steve Frayne continued to pound opposi-
tion pitching as Signal Star upset Kirkey's
64. Trailing 3-2 Signal's Bob Graham
singled to lead off the fifth. Frayne then
smacked a ground -rule double and both
scored on Fred Pellow's single. Brian
McLean's sacrifice attempt was thrown
away and Brian /twang followed with a
two -run single. That proved to be enough
as Beattie allowed just one more bit; that
being a towering home run in the sixth.
Graham led Signal with three hits while
Frayne had two.
Signal's win opened the door for Canada
Company as they won their fifth straight
defeating Hayter's 4-2. The win put CC into
the tournament as they finished one point
ahead of Kirkey's. Brian Shewfelt scored
first as he singled to open the game and
scored on an error. Hayters tied it,in the
second on Myles Murdoch's RBI double.
The teams exchanged fourth inning runs
but CC scored two in the sixth. With two
eut, Rob McDonald singled and scored
from first on Mike Frayne's single. Frayne
went to second on the play home and he
scored on Tom O'Brien's single. The game
featured fine pitching as Dean Doherty
gave up five hits while Dave Scholl gave up
six. Doherty also had two hits as did Mur-
The night before, Hayter's blew a five -
run lead but Dave Scholl's three -run
homer in the bottom of the seventh gave
Hayter's a 9-7 win and a tournament bid.
Trailing 6-1 Bedford scored six times in
the fifth to take the lead. With one in the
seventh Phil Petrie reached base on an er-
ror. Dennis Williamson followed with e‘•
single and Scholl drilled his fourth homer
of the year over the left field fence. It cap-
ped a perfect night for Scholl, who went
four for four with three runs and four runs
batted in. Glen Falkiner had two hits for
Hary Crawford threw a five hitter at
Signal -Star while Terry Austin clouted a
two -run homer as Bedford beat Signal -Star
6-2. Bedford broke open a 2-2 tie in the fifth
when Gary Peters tripled and scored on
• Jim.Crawford's single. Crawford stole se-
cond but was thrown at home by Brian
McLean on Glen Falkiner's single.
Faikiner later scored on an error. Austin
then put the game away with his homer. in
the seventh.
Rob Plunkett scattered seven hits as
Bedfiirdedged. 'Lnke-poit .Stiel-24 in a
game that featured two double plays, a tri-
ple play. Gary Peters led off the game with
a home run. One out later Falkiner singled
but Terry Austin grounded into a double •
play. In the second Brian Johnston follow-
ed Dave 'Macdonald's single with aline
drive out that left Macdonald picked off. In
the third, with the rases loaded on and
nobody out Dana Doherty ripped a line
drive to third. Lloyd Tigert made the cat-
ch, stepped on third and threw to first for
the third out.
Wayne Draper drove in four runs on
three hits while Dan Maillet had four hits
as Lakeport Steel beat a slumping
Denomme's 8-4. Trailing 3-2 Lakeport re-
bounded with five runs in the fifth with
Draper's single, knocking in two. Steve
Berry had an RBI double and scored on the
play as the left fielder misplayed it. Good
Speed Steve. Wayne Draper allowed eight
hits in collecting the win.
French Cleaners won the battle for
seventh place as they beat Lakeport Steel
3-2 in a tight pitcher's duel, Kevin Jewell
and Wayne Kennedy led off the fourth with
singles,. George Sutton grounded out but
Don Bogie's grounder scored Jewell as he
beat Ron Miller's throw home. Phil Turner
then grounded out scoring Kennedy and
Bogie scored on an error. Lakeport came
with one scoring two on Frank Hagan's
double. It wasn't enough as Bogie pitched
out of jamas in the last two innings to take. a
three bit win.
Lloyd Tigert knocked in two runs while
Wayne Draper scored three times as
Lakeport Steel upset Lakeport Advertising
5-4 in the first game of thew playoff series.
The Steelers scored three in the first on
Brian MacKenzie's triple, Draper doubled
and Draper's steal of home. Lloyd Tigert
RBI single gave them their fourth while
his double drove in their final run. Advere
Using scored two in the first and two in the
fifth but cattle up one short. Simon
Langlois had four hits for the losers while
striking out 12. Tigert and Drapet had two
/ for L.S.
Terry Austin's single capped a two out
three -run rally as Bedford spoiled a fine
performance by John Bogie as Bedford
beat French 3-2. French had taken a 2-0
lead in the top off the sixth bat with two out
in Bedford's sixth. Glen Falkiner singled,
Bill Black then reached base on an error
and all three scored when Austin's hard
,single got by the outfielder. French
threatened in the seventh with two on and
none out but Gary Peters made a fine
catch an instant before colliding with
shortstop Crawford. Peters injured his
ribs on the play. Rob Plunkett threw a five .
hitter with 9K's. Hard luck loser John
Bogie carried a no-hitter into the sixth but
allowed three singles.
Jim Dtirst drovr home two runs in the
fifth and John Ver way threw a four hitter
as Denomme took the playoff opener 7-1
over Hayter's. The win snapped a five -
game losing string for Denomme's. Walks
proved costly for Hayter's as Dave Scholl
gave up three and hit one; and all of them
catne around to score. Denomme's scored
three in the second and four in the fifth;
two on Durst's triple. Wally Pierson then
singled home Durst, Doug Fisher tripled
in the sixth and scored Hayter's lonerun.
Verway strife -kW& four andijialkedione.
• Brian Shewfelt's triple resulted in a 6 -
run rally and Mike Donnelly had three hits
as Canada Company beat Kirkey's 7-2.
Paul Kelly led off the game with a single,
stole second went to third on an overthrow
and came home on Terry Pwell's bunt. CC
came back with six in, their first. Shewfelt
lead off. triple was followed by singles by
Donnelly, Glen Tigert, Mark Frayne and
Rob McDonald. Mike Frayne drove home
Mark with the fourth run and one out later
Bill Tiger* singled on McDonald's: Dean
Doherty then singled and Tigert scored en
an error. Rick Sowerby tripled home Brian
Bowman for Kirkey's other run. Sowerby,
Bowman and John Lehay had two bits for
Kirkey's while Shewfelt, Glen Tigert, Bill
Tigert, McDonald and Doherty had two for
CC. Doherty took his fourth win in a row
scattering eight hits.
Midgets win consolation
The Goderich Midget Girls' softball
team travelled to a tournament in
Tavistock Saturday and came home with a
consolation championship win over Varna.
They advanced to the finals by defeating
a strong Teeswater team 16-11. In their
second game, due to the loss of an injured
player, Andrea DeWinter, the Midgets
rallied with only eight players. In a
pressure situation, they came back from a
score of 18-11 to a 19-18 victory.
Dog Night
at Fair
In 1968 Three Dog Night
was born. In 1981 the group
was reborn. Ore.Wednesday,
September 15 at 7 and 9 p.m.
the revitalization of the
group continues at the
• Western Fair graindstand.
The trio composed of Cory
Wells, Danny Hutton and
Chuck Negron burst onto the
music scene in the late six-
ties. with the release of "Joy
to the World". They quickly
rose to prominence in the
eee pop music field. The "Dog"
went on to record nine gold
singles and 14 gold alburns.
Among their gold records
were "Black and White",
"(In the Halls of) Sham -
bale", "Liar" and perhaps
• their biggest hit, "Old
Fashioned Love Song".
The group, tired of the
• rigors of tours and concerts,
disassembled in 1975. Each
member went his separate
way, out of the public eye. In
1981 a chance meeting drew
• them together again. An im-
promptu jam session con-
vinced the boys to start
anew., They atheelthrftitkh
touring North America arid
have plans for *a European
trip in the late fall.
• And — whencethe name,
Three Dog Night?
• It was suggoted by a
friend who had been reading
of Australian Aborigines.
Apparently, they had a
custom of bundling up with
one or more.sof their dogs in
winter weather. A ."three -
dog -night" therefore was
very cold!
On Wednesday, September
15, the trio will arrive centre -
stage to warm up fairgoers
at the grandstand.
Both games had strong pitching from
Theresa Osborn and Susan Bell. Mary
O'Neil, Reny Brown, Andy DeWinter,
Beans and Tig Donnelly, Sue Bell, Lester
and Patti Rean, Theresa Osborn and
Tracy Wilson all contributed excellent hits
towards the victories. Strong coaching
from Kevin `Grizz' Adams and Scottie Bell
was greatly appreciated in the Midgets'
The Midgets start playoffs this weekend
against Sarawak.
Participants In the junior boys' and girls' tournament at the
Msdtiand Tennis Club on Wednesday, August 11 were, back
row, left to right, Jan Davidson, Alistair Baker and Carol
MacEwan; and front row, left to right, Mark Gilbert,
Michael Dzus and Susan Murphy, In the round robin for -
• at Fair
Orbison at Western Fair!
IN DREAMS a young
fellow from Vernon, Texas,
arrived in Memphis in 1956,
THE LONELY must have
known how he felt. Many
would have ended up CRY-
Roy Orbison ended up
dominating rock and roll.
• On Tuesday, September
• 14; Orbisonewill• ;bring • his
dynamic music to the grand-
stand at Western Fair for
two evening performances.
Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. are
free to fairgoers.
Few performers have in-
fluenced contemporary
music as Roy Orbiason has
done. His compositions have
been recorded by Buddy Hol-
ly, Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee
_,Lewis and more recently,
Linda Ronstadt. He is the on-
ly writer to have had at least
one record on the national
pop charts in each of the last
four decades.
• 'Orbison has been , named
the number one male
vocalist- in the world and his
nearly three -octave range
has helped him capture 45
gold albums, a platinum
album and five silver discs.
He is listed as the number
nine all-time recording artist
in the British Guinness Book
of Hit Singles.
Recently, he has made the
charts again for "That Lov-
ing You Feeling" in a duet
with Emmylou Harris. .
Orbison has become a rock
'n'• roll legend. His career
seems eternal. It may be
forever before Orbison has
to say IT'S OVER.
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mat, Susan Murphy won the girls' championship overCarol
MacEwan, 6-2, 1-6, 6-3 and Mark Gilbert won the boys'
championship over Jan Davidson 8-0. (Photo by Brian
Warrilow )
Lochalsh news
Return from West
By Kw Webster
Mrs. Dorothy Finlayeon
has returned home after a
couple of weeks in Alberta
and British Coitinabia. Mrs.
Finlayson was in Calgery to
attend the wedding of her
son, Ian and did quite a lot of
travelling through Alberta
and British Columbia before
returning home.
Mrs. Janice McCutcheon
of Lo/1s Head was at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Robb, for a
couple of days last week.
Elizabeth Wilkins, daugh-
ter of Charles and Mayme
Wilkins, has been working at
Five Oaks this past week.
Jack and Marion Smith of
Dungannon spent an evening
recently at the home of Wel-
lington and Kae Webster.
On_Tuesday evening Allen
Irwin and his son, Kcvin of
Oshawa called to see his aunt
and uncle, Mayme and Char-
les Wilkins Mrs. Wilkins'
mother and brother, Mrs.
Stella Irwin and son, Lloyd of
Kinloso, also called on them
Mrs, Florenc-e McDonald
of Victoria, Britioh Columbia,
and her son and wife, Balmy
and Marilyn McDonald and
their two boys of Thunder
Bay, visited for a few days
with the Eiphick families,
Ross and Jean MacKenzie
had two of their sons, Bob
and Kevin MacKenzii of
Tpronto, and Roo' sister and
brother -rip -law, Bili and Mar-
ion Barrett of Scarborough
With them on the weekend,.
Visiting with Finlay and
Margie MacDonald for a
coupld of days were Mrs.
Anna Mae Chileress and
Margie's twin sister, Mrs.
Pat Murray, both of Detroit,
Tom MacDonald, son of
Finlay, MacDonald and Alec
MacDonald, son of David
MacDonald, have both re-
turned to their homes in Fort
Nelson, British Colbunda.
, Lorne and Maxine Luther
attended the Old Time Fid-
dlers contest in Shelburne,
last weekend.
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