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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-08-18, Page 7
Allison. Hunter (left) and Stephanie Fox enjoyed making faces on paper plates as one of their craft activities at the Knox Presbyterian Church Vacation Bible School held here last week. Approximately 40 children ranging in age from three to 13 enjoyed daily crafts, singing, games, snacks and stories. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) variety concertenj oyed • A very successful pork barbeque was held Sunday afternoon at the Agriculture Hall from 4.30 to 7.30. An estimated 400 people enjoy- ed the meal planned by the Kinburn people. At 8.30 a variety. concert was enjoyed by a goodly number seated in the chairs provided from the hall. as well as people with their own chairs. while others enjoyed the show from their vehicles. S'onieof the' entertainers were. the Stapleton Sisters, Betty Lou " Dalton. Angela Foran accompanied by Ken Dale., LRD comprising. of Marty Rivett on .drums, Le- roy Dougherty" on. electric guitar and Ken Logtenberg vocals. Donna Raynard fav- oured with some excellent tap dancing. George Cowan and Sandy D'Aoust favoured with several duets. Debbie's Rag Time Band consisting of Bill Black on guitar. Bert Lawrie on drums and Bill Burkholder on steel •,guitar• with Debbie Culbert playing piano and singing was, a favourite. Bill Black also sang, Blue Suede Shoes. ' Linda Frayne..danced the Sailors Horn Pipe while two Of her pupils, Laurie Hayden and Sharon Van Osch, danc- ed the Highland Fling and the Sword Dance. • Bert Lawrie of Blyth was a very capable M.C. and prov- ided some fine entertain- ment. Alan Rivett and Greg Wilson favoured with an im- promptu duet. on the piano and ¢rums, respectively. The crowning touch of the evening was' the choosing of Miss Dungannon Fall Fair. Virginia Caesar capably handled this part of the program. The second runner up was Debbie Drennan. the first runner up was Carol Ritchie and the first Miss Dungannon Fall Fair is Carol Ann Smyth. Carol Foran, Judy Carmichael. Annette Curran and Belinda Cudmore were other entrants. • Mrs. Robert ,Irvin spent the weekend in Sudbury, DUNGANNON DOINGS .. Merle Park, 1329-7799 where she attended the wed- ding of her nephew Bob Smith to Angele Prevost. Recent visitors with Bessie and ' Graham McNee have been Alan and Sandra Mc- Nee and family of London. Ian and Debbie Hulley and Crystal of Clinton. George and Doris Cowan of Chatham and -Rev., and Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan of Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Etue of Stratford and Mr. Law- rence Baxter of , Goderich called on Mel Jones on Sat= urday evening. . Company on Sunday with Bill and Marie Park.. Todd and Brad were Mrs. Florence O'Neill of London. Roy Ash- ton. Mike and Val Bendig and Joel, all of Goderich. Brad Park\enjoyed a day last week at the •African Lion Safari at Rockton. He went 'with Stephen. Debbie and Holly Park of Goderich. Congratulations to Mr. • and Mrs.. Roger Matthews (Kendra Elphick) •who were married on Saturday. A large reception was held at the Lucknow Community Centre. Ann and Roy Dupuis, Darlene and Paul Nadon and family and Butch Dupuis and daughter Lorie of the Mis- sissauga area. visited on Sat- .urday and Sunday with Mrs. Florence Berry. On Saturday they all attended a Berry Family Reunion at the home of Tom Berry at Taylor's Corner. On Sunday. August. 8. Mrs. Winnifred Girvin, Mrs. Alma Black and Mrs. Bessie McNee attended a ,reception at St. Marys in honour of Mrs. Westebring-Muller of the Netherlands, who is the president of the A.C.W.W. On Thursday, August 12 Mrs. Westebring-Muller was` guest speaker in Toronto where some 1.800' women ' frotn Ontario gathered to celebrate the 85th birthday of the F.W.1.O. . (Federated Women's Institutes of Ont- ario). Mrs. Willetta Mc- Whinney and Mrs. Bessie McNee attended from the Dungannon Branch. NEWBORN NEWS FINCHER Patricia and Eric are -hap- py to announce the birth of their first child, a daughter Mary Margaret Violet, at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, Ontario, August 10, 1982, weighing 5 lbs. 13h, oz. Seventh grandchild for Leonard and Margaret Willis, Goderich, first grand- child for Dennis and Mary Fincher, Goderich. Great- grandparents • are Abe and Minnie Doak, Goderich, RED CROSS LEADER'S COURSE will be held at JUDITH GOODERHAM POOL AUGUST 30 TO SEPTEMBER 3 FEE: $35. PREREQUISITES._ .. .must be 15 yearn of age et least. *Doctor's medical required *Preferably holder of Bronze Medallion REGISTRATION FORMS will beavailableet the pool 'starting FRIDAY. AUGUST 20th Mrs. Dorothy MacPhail, Goderich, Mrs. Rose Willis, H onview,. Clinton and s and Violet Fincher, Worcestershire, England. STEENSTRA Stewart and Pat would like to thank the Lord for the safe arrival of Natalie Rose, born July 28, 1982, weighing 8 Ib. 10 oz. A little sister for Neil. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs; Mel Ball of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Steenstra of Clinton. Ro d Vacation excitement is high. You have to make the most of these wonderful days - but the tore is about up to everyone is frantically cramming in the sun and the fun. Thesprees are the best part of going back to schools from hinter to High. Now that mast of the kids are allowed to choose their own clothes, the parents just sit back and moan. Some kids are saying they don't want to go back to schooL Imagine! rm sure school is becom- ing more interesting with the coming of the cornputers and the electronics., They must really be interesting - and the whole future of teaching will also change drastically. "Buck Rogers we are trying - we're trying!" and something new is added.. When I was a kid, just waiting for school to start was an exciting occasion - I loved it! I believed my teachers knew more than I and I was bound I would learn everything they had to offer. Every day was a new adventure into the world and I realized how dumb I was. Needless to say composition and grammar were some of my poortsubjects! - and they still are. But I had the right attitude - and now that I think about it - THAT was very important. In those days the teacher.. worked overtime to make sure no one failed their ex- ams. By the end of the term the teacher was just bone weary. Nowadays you can fail as many terms as you. darn -please. Be as dumb as dA a GODEILITSIGN STAR WEDAY, MGT= 10, lt'.lKG—rte Martha Rathburn you like but the machines will get you through. I have a lot of nice memories of my school days. I enjoyed every day - had a lot of fun sand didn't worry about anything until exam time - and then I could draw a blank on things I knew very well. But I managed to get by with pretty good grades - and was ready for the next Challenge - and I never gave the teachers a rougiitime! See how dumb I am? How times have changed how drastically the world has changed - the attitudes, the teaching methods - the KIDS! I was always one of the "little" ones - but the other kids didn't scare me any - but NOW! I look up at some of these long lanky kids and wonder when they will stop growing - we're going to have a .country of giants. What are giants? Well, in an English Cathedral I saw a Dr. Hook to The group that's been call- ed "...the only swamp- ' boogie -freak -rock -comedy= pop -country -rhythm and blues band in the wort " - Dr. Hook - will be at e - Western Fair grandstand on Monday, September 13. •Dr. Hook defies classifica- tion. In ten.years their recor- dings have ranked on music charts and radio,. station. playlists spanning every musical taste: ' . Their first hit, ' "Sylvia's. Mother" followed by "(I Want to Be On) The Cover of the Rolling Stone" gave the • band an image that paved the way to bankruptcy in 1974. In typical fashion they rebounded in 1975 with an album appropriately titled "Bankrupt". The album con- tained "Only Sixteen", and it turned into Dr. Hook's third chart -topping single. Their roller -coaster career has generated an interna- tional assortment of gold and • platinum releases including Little Bit More", "Shar- ing the Night Together"; and "When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman." "Sexy Eyes" became the seventh gold single for the group and the first record to make the R&B charts; • Their latest, "Baby, Let Your Blue Jeans Talk" is currently climbing the pop charts. Flexibility and a zany sense of ' humor, have been the key to much of their suc- cess. Their happy-go-lucky stage attitude reflects a philosophy of dealing with the ups and downs of the music business that has enabled them to enjoy the highs and not be too clob- bered by the lows. The members of Dr. Hook (Ray Sawyer is the one with body of a Man of the 17th century and he was less than five feet tall. The giant was six feet high. Now the norm is six feet - what will the population look like in 50 years when all us shorties 7r. have "gone away"? Honestly - I'd lake to sit in the comer sometime and see how the teachers cope with these big kids. What a challenge - mentally and physically. No wonder they Celebrate birthday HOLMESVILLE NEWS Blanche Deavais, 9®33 On Sunday afternoon relatives and friends of Clarence Perdue gathered for a picnic supper, the occa Sion was Clarence's birth- day. A bountiful smorgasbord supper was en- joyed by everyone including a Key Stone Cop birthday cake and ice .cream. Clarence thanked everyone for corning and for the lovely gifts which he received. Arabelle Bushel of London is visiting in the area and at- tended ttended the open house at Barb Bettle's on Sunday. Open House was held both afternoon and evening on Sunday August 15,1982 at the home of Barb and Alvin Bet- ties in honor of the ap- proaching marriage of the youngest daughter Mary Jean. Over 100 friends and neighbors signed the register. Barbara, mother of the bride, and Kay Baer, mother of the groom greeted the guests. The bride's gifts were shown by Eunice Barkin, . Tracy Baer, entertain --- Beverley Betties andShelley the eye -patch) throw . themselves into their perfor- mances with a wacky en- thusiasm that catches. au- diences off -guard. However, they are one group that comes oil -stage having fulfilled that intent. Western .Fair audiences will be treated to a double- dose of Dr. Hook lunacy,:,at performances starting at 7 and 9 p.m. on Monday, September 13. All grandstand shows are free to fairgoers at the 1982 Western Baer. The bride's trousseau was shown by Marie Fitz- simons and Janyne Snell. charge of Terry Ducharme, Susan Jefferson, Chris Burgess and Amanda Snell. • The tea room was' in charge of Isabel Harris, Arabelle Bushell, Marie Gibbings. Beryle Betties. Serving the guests were Janet Ducharme, Gwen McClin- dhey, , Martha Smith, Becky Betties and Carol Baer. On August 9th The Fresh - Air -Freaks had their first 4 - meeting. The meeting was Genealogy studied The Huron County Branch, Ontario Genealogical Socie- ty meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Assessment Board Room. Guests are always welcome. The Branch has had in-, teresting speakers such as Judge F. Carter; the Reverend J. Wood; John Burtniah and Ross Cumm- ing. Guest speaker for September will be Elaine 'McKirmon - `Tracing . the development of 'Canada through a series of maps from 1600 to 1900'. In October Dr. R. Lomas will be speak- ing on "Genetics and Genealogy". September 25 from .9-a.m. to 4:30 p.m. is the third an- nual Genealogical workshop held at Robertson School. Four interesting speakes will be talking on "Locating Your County of Origin in the Old Country"; "The Canada Company - Huron Tract"; "The United Empire Loyalists" and "Using Salt Lake Genealogical Library for Around the World Research," • Branch Cemetery co- ordinator has now completed recordings of all:— blown 12 MONTHS NTEREST FREE ON ANY PURCHASE IN OUR STORL For a limited time only, so hurry in today to ONTARIO AT DgC) WAREHOUSE 550. Huron St. Stratford (Across from the A&W) * Cheques * Visa ° Easy Budget Terms Hours Mon. Tues. Wed. Sat. 10 - 6, Thurs. Fri 10 - 9 273-4510 cemeteries in east and West Wawanosh Township. It is hoped to have Hullett Township completed this summer. Help is always needed for recording and the Branch is pleased to say a Grade 7 and 8 school class helped in this area. This is a great project for schools to take on. If you would like to know more about your family history and don't know how to go about your research, come out to the next' meeting in September, and you will be surprised how much assistance you will get to start you on the right track. Hope to see you then: • • • • • • • • • •41 • • 1 t. • • • held at Phyllis Coulter's home. Elections were 'held and the officers are: presi- dent., Jodi Mustard; Vice President, Shelley Crawford; secretary, Lisa Forbes; press ` reporter, Shannon Preszcator and treasurer, Lana Jones. We also decided that our club name would be Fresh Air Freaks. We talked about animals and made their negative and positive tracks out of plaster of paris. While these were drying we went outside and made ham and cheese roll ups. The next meeting will be August 23 at Lana Jones' home. with want better pay!! So, dee teacher today is of a differed breed- they need to be - and -we can tbank our stars that they are and they are doing their best. Saturday morning we headed for WorSon Doug, Madeline and their two boys Jim and Bill were visiting in Windsor and heading for Florida on Mon- day. They had spent a day in Goderich - the boys eSpecial- ly were dashing around it bad been 12 years since Bill had been back; the other kids had been back a few ice. My very first grand- daughter had phoned - "We're throwing a pool par- ty for the visitors, come ou, tha down." were 40 or more relatiM lathered and most of them IW seen in about a year, Fun? The little ones Mal have any more than the older ones — it was a happy party. The food.topped it all off and - we "Oughta do this often." L ily I didn't get thrown in the pool -but there wos on- ly myself and another great- gram 1$gram who didn't! Respect your elders - I kept telling them when I saw that gleam in the eye. It turns out that I was just as exhausted as the rest of them when it was over- I wonder why. Have a good week. 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