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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-08-18, Page 5
Dana Armstrong watches her sister Theresa making a paper car during a craft session at the Christian Reformed Church Vacation Bible School held here bast week. About 40 children enjoyed daily craft activities, games, stories,, shining and snacks. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Wants free launching Dear Editor: In Elsa Haydon's com- ments on the new launching facilities " at Fisherman's Wharf, she fails to consider the number of unemployed individuals who cannot af- ford the "small" fee charged by the town and the Federal government. Why does the Goderich council seem to be driving the tourists and local `fishermen away from the area rather than inviting them to make use of the har- bour facilities? Many of the campers and day visitors L:EE1TT.ERS are most reluctant to pay a fee to launch their boats on the chance that they may catch a few fish, or simply for pleasure. Considering the prite of gas, launch fee and boat payments, the price of perch (if they haven't all been taken by the commer- cial fishermen) is mighty high! The town council should allow free launching at least at the Snug Harbour ramp and promote tourism which benefits all the citizens of Goderich. Sincerely, (Mrs.) . awn Marlin RR3 Goderich Co-ordinator says thanks Dear Editor: As we near the end of the Agricrew '82 summer pro- gram, there are many peo- ple to whom I must say thank you. You are one of these people. Your support and help has been greatly appreciated. It has made my summer as . Agricrew co- ordinator an enjoyable and unforgettable experience. I have enjoyed working with the farmers and crews within Huron, along with the press, Junior Farmers, 411 and the O.M.A.F. staff. I am leaving with a greater understanding in the field of agriculture and O.M.A.F. work. As well, I leave with the knowledge that new friends and acquaintances have been made. As I enter my second year at the University of Guelph, my thoughts travel down the road to the day when I will be . Investment... • from page 4 must start to apply pressure on the provincial and federal governments to get ° for the Festival Theatre the extra funds which it deserves. Is Massey Ferguson really that much different? I hope all business and government people and even taxpayers of the region will get on Mr. iiirsh's band- wagon. andwagon. It's not just to make one theatre business wealthier but to make us all a little richer, especially in our own quality of life. Yours truly, Walter H. Sugden, Stratford. • +++ - Sign by flower bed: "Love 'em and leave 'em". + + + The best way to win an argument is to start by being in the right. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING A PROMOTER OF GOOD HEALTH AND WELL BEING? If so, than FUNFIT is for TOW FUNFIT is a Now Canadian Cordlovasculor Dance -Fitness Program exclusively designed and choreographed by Laurel Noxell. FUNFIT incorporates the pleasures of aerobic lag dancing with the flexibility, strength and endurance of a good fitness workout to enable the par- ticipant to became physically fit while having fun working at their Own fitness level. Qualification necessary to instruct the' ?UNFIT Program are: Non -Smoker Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation accreditation (CPR) Fitness Test FUNFIT WORKSHOP - Aug. 27,202%,1152. and Enthusiasm Please note that all, persons Interested may acquire CPR. accreditation through FUNFIT arrangements.. For further information call (S11) 271 -Sill or contact: Laurel Noxell SCHOOL OF DANCE AND FITNESS 390 DOURO STREET. STRATFORD NIA 337 TELEPHONE (319) 271.5869 graduating and entering the working world on a perma- nent basis. The experiences gained this summer will help me in the years to come. Again, thank you. , Sincerely, Rob Black, Agricrew Co-ordinator Huron County G4NERICBMGNAIJ'ST.AR, WEDNESDAY,, AUGUST Id, BM—PAGE Residents return from East and West Mr. and Mrs. Butler of Huron Haven have returned from . a vacation in Dalhousie, New Brunswick visiting a friend who lives near the water. The weather was favorable and they found digging for clams along the shore very fasciae even though lobster 1. and clam fishing have changed somewhat in the last few years. Mrs. Florence Robinson, formerly of Colborne, has returned home from visiting relatives - and friends in Davidson, Moose Jaw, Saskatoon and Prince Albert, Saskatchewan and ftdends in Manitoba. s She found the climate favorable for her health and enjoyed her extended visit. While there however, her seven- year-old grand -nephew hada tragic accident and since returning home, her sister- in-law, Mrs. Elmer McCreary, passed away suddenly. Mr. and Mrs. Terry McKellar and daughter Kyla have returned to Victoria, B.C. after spending a month with Mrs. McKellar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacCrostie and her brother, Dale and family of Kin- cardine. Sincere sympathy to the family and relatives of the late William Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer farmed in Colborne Township on High- way 21 North for many years and moved to Sarnia in 1966. Sincere sympathy to the family and relatives of the late Mrs. Pearl Mugford, formerly of Colborne. Mr. -and Mrs. William Brock of Toronto visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock, Colborne, over the weekend:` COLBOFtNE CORNER. talinrtpriadie II &tin s 524-112078 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Chalmers of Poole visited with Mrs. Hume Clutton Sunday. - s' W.L Mrs. Ruth Brock and Mrs. Cora Sherwood, delegates from Tiger Dunlop Women's„ Institute, attended the an- niversary celebration of the founding of the Women's Institute of Ontario at Stoney Creek 85 years ago at the Constellation' Hotel in Rexdale on Thursday, August 12. Ergbteen-hundred Women's Institute members from various branches in Ontario attended this special anniversary event. The guest speaker was the President of the Associated Country rid, Women y Westebing- Muller ofthe w�rid, of the Netherlands. The theme was "From a Flicker to a Flame". The keen interest of the Women's Institute members and the friendship shown together with the inspiring message renewed the motto, "For Home and Country" in the minds of many Institute members. Retired farmer dies at 91 WILLIAM J. MEYER • William J. Meyer . of Sarnia, formerly of Colborne and Ashfield Townships, died in St. Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia on Tuesday, August 10 at the age off 91. He was born in Teeswater on December 14, 1890 to John and Catherine (Murchison) Meyer. He worked as a farmer and was a member of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church. He is survived by his wife, the former Josephine Chisholm; two daughters, • Mrs. James ( Noreen ) Mullins of Sarnia and Mrs. Walter (Ann) Zotter of Mt. Clemens, Michigan; one son, John of Sarnia; one sister,. Mrs. Ted (Loretta) Baechler of Goderich; one brother, Edwin of London; and five grandchildren. �He - was predeceased byr two shsters and one brother. - - Chief speaks at Ro Goderich Police Chief Pat King spoke to the Rotary Oub Tuesday about the serious problems of break and enter. With the use of charts and a slide presen- tation, he outline the targets and methods of entry used. He said most break and enters. are done by amateurs. Chief King was introduced by Howard Aitken and thanked by - Grant Langridge. Nine guests, including one from Oregon, USA, were introduced -to the Rotary president Marc Chalut and the other members of the club. Sergeant -at -Arms Bob Nephew extracted a number of fines from members. Members were reminded that the District Governor will address the club on August 24.'The Rotary Anns will host a luncheon for the Governor's wife at the Maitland Golf and Country Club. The president 'made several. announcements regarding executive meetings and dub activities. Civic Corner The Huron County Plan- ning Board will meet Thursday, August 19 at 10 a.m. in the council. cham- bers, Court House, Goderich. The Committee of Adjustment will meet on Tuesday, August 24 at 7 p.m. in the mayor's office, town hall. Did You Know? That you can buya 1982 PONTIAC PHOENIX PJ Two Door at McGee's this week for only Receive the General Motors 3 Year Extended Warranty (value =262) At No Extra Charge STANDARD EQUIPMENT INCLUDES; •Front wheel drive •2.3 litre 4 cylinder engine •4 speed treiin- --snol:alen pith -Izirgewd-®a-©verdrivre) oRndlul tiros`®,)uarany.-.--,--_. ps •Lightbr •Floor carpeting *Etc. *Colour -silver with blue vinyl in- terior *Serial No. 133675. McGEE P GMC TRU SK 37 HAMILTON STREET. GOUERICH, 5244341 SUPPLYING FINE MOTOR CARS TO THE PUBLIC FOR OVER s3 YEARS Sales -Service -Daily Car Rentals -Leasing OBITUARIES A funeral service was held at St. Peter's Church on Friday, August 13 at 2 pm. The 'Reverend Father A.F. officiated.Loebache Prayers were said at the McCallum Funeral Home in Goderich on Thursday evening, August 12. Interment was in St. Peter's Cemetery, Colborne Township. Pallbearers were Jack Evans, Raymond Austin, Ronald Meyer, Ken Meyer. Paul Baechler and Don Frayne. MISS ISABELLE SARAH MURRAY Miss Isabelle Sarah Murray of- Maitland Manor Nursing Home, Goderich died at her residence on Sunday, August 15. She was born in Toronto to George and Annie Sarah (Taylor) Murray. She resided in Toronto until moving to Goderich in 1948. During World War I she serried as a nurse overseas and for many years she was active in Red Cross work in Toronto. She was an adherent of St. George's Anglican Qiiireh, Goderich. She is survived by one sister, Miss Edna Murray of Vancouver, B.C. and many nie - es and nephews. She was predeceased by four sisters and, four brothers. A funeral service was held at Stiles Funeral Home in Goderich on Wednesday, August 18 at 2 p.m. The Reverend Douglas S. Pitts officiated. Interment was in the, Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Pallbearers were Jim Mulhern, Harold Bettger, Robert Baigent and, Murray Baigent. WE'RE CELEBRATING OUR THIRD ANNIVERSARY 524-7561 ANA?,ST.NA RAL FOODS IUDI MW. JAN MI TO THANK ALL THEIR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR PATRONAGE OVER THE LAST THREE YEARS ; In Store Specials - THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY PLEASE BRING OWN CONTAINERS PEANUT 1.30 LS. BUTTER PEANUTS. 1.35_ LB. MIXED NUTS 869 LB. PECANS - ,10 Ls. aagruFf 1.50 LB. SULTANA 139 RAISINS . LB. THOMPSON 1.69 „ LB. RAISINS WICKER 10% OFF VITAMINS 20% OFF TRAIL MIXES 10% OFF 'fickei on chair with every purchase over '10.00 OPEN 9:30 A.M.- 5:30 P.M. HARBOUR EVENT UNITED STATES COASTGUARD CUTTER BISCAYNE BAY returns to GODERICH HARBOUR SORRY DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL THE VISIT HAS BEEN CANCELLED VALUE TODAY FORA HEALTHY TOMORROW GRANADA- Coloured Pencils 12'5 rrt atslrmasker Detergent 400 gar 1S9 CLOUROL Comakiesl N Coeld*fs.Nr 400 wN s®adst 1" VI" • Rate Treatment ttItatl 2" TAVIST Deceneettant Capsules 14,4 19 esseitiiiks 4.1at 144 I - h . DOVIDIA 110.406 Dsdleram 4.- 111. Vitas /emu2K 339 1139 Prices in effect Aug. 19-28. 1982 or white stock lasts. NAKAMURA - 'PHARMACY tireTiA Daeestnet wit 69 ` +'69 UL Spray D►4rGce- -lR mrar Meeks MAMMAL 01159799 ` 139 dale Repente tel AP. Wn -mamma sear right to limit quasllftlms. ' Conlfleattetvand 11oo^.menc ss o, Mu®e1Oftt .,d. Verona' eatueds. IN THE SL$NCOAST MALL-GODERICH 5243195 r SUB POST OFFICE OPEN: MON.-FRI. 16-12, 12:36-4 . WEEKDAY EVENINGS 4:39 P.M. -9 P.M. SATURDAYS 10-4