HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-08-18, Page 4P•Arogd sorollPro.illaiaciaiffloSTAR, SCED=DAY, AUGUST tti., Bea • DAVE SYKES • A 5\ A 4 A For three with a galfetglatilg nature co a morbid foes of Friday the 13th, last Ftiday wes an excelled clay to eta in bed. I was rather k to spend the day in ishmatter but my contract odth this weekly inures that I at least make the effort to report to the office. If I choose to sleep on the ob, well, Oars a differed my. But while some may cliog to fulde notion that supernatural govern the weird happenings of T. 13th, it was also a day of recognitioo f a minotity segment ofthe populatina Last Friday Wag also Intesnational Left- handers Day, a day of pageantry set aside for those who torture themselves trying to live in a "tied world, My sincere sympathies are extmded. Not being of left-handed persuasion myself, I have often marveled at the realms' icy of left-handers. To be honest, ft pears to be more of an affliction than a preference My sympathies are mealy amused at the sight of a left -banded person contorting his' or he. body into unnatural shapes while bytogti perfrcoa simple tasks like =itm or cutting of objects with kinves or sisors. It looks damn pthnful, if the berth were known. So in recognition of the Hurcigeateloato 1A -handers perform to nwely cope with routine feats in a righthanded world, I Wetted heartycongratulatinns to ief ties jag Friday. It was the charitable thing for a normal comae to do. Lefties have loog been considered an oddity in our right-handed world but, hi fairness, the conveniences of life are geared for ,the rightie. For a good time, watch a leftie using a pencil sharpener or a corkscrew. The left/bander has been much, and whops wady, mthigned in our society. But then our language and permeation el the left-hander have been mast unkind as well. The word itself is otos used in derogatory fashion and in No case of a pews who is somewhat less than Agile co the dance fkor, he is said to have two left feet And eve.n the French word for lefts gauche, implies something awkward and less than am cptable. There certainly existed a stigma about • being leftabarded and even researchers claim' that left-handers, because they utilize the right side of the brain, are more prone to alcoholism, and suicides and are more susceptftile to stammeting and stutterbos. But, in defence of the people who insist en performing from the wrong side, ether • studies have offered evidence that lefties are more creative thinkers with respect to the arts and certain .sciences. Many lefties emelt at various web at the, rate level and quite atlequatdy too. Many of those same athletes, perhaps by sheer coincidence., are branded as flakes. The fact that Many lefties are inure prone to isimrovoke,d and unsolicited crazed actions is immaterial. So the southpaws of the world celekrated their left-handedness Friday, a cellective celebration for the ane in'six persons who vainly attempts to get a grip on the world from the wrong side. itis interesting to theorbe on why people show a marked preference for one side or the ether and I have watched with fascination as my see ably uses both hands to perform his daily chores of ripping aped the Sykes' household_ He's atflakt kid so it wouldn't be the least bit surprising if he comes out swinging with a good left book. BLUE BBC.) AVAARD 1979 andoicioea, _ ma� registration.. eunstier-0710 • to • SINCE 1848 THE NEWS PORT FOR GODERICH & DISTRICT 4101A 0.11111A11;01 , *bias rags. on roivoot. isiboolotloto poyoblo be arf000toI..w nCorrio. •SALIS Vaall bi all odor owoo- , Abion, oh** copies SW. glsoloy oAhroretbloo swim osollagillo op rout. Obiono oak for NM, Cent Maw.14offiefloi06- : foborL 10113. Second dm gosisfrotloo aluobor NIL A4I1aiij h ocompfot abo icardiffoo IOW fo of imposootiAboi ono,. the loboodfoili wow ormipliol by am afiroseaseil hely togaIlber oiffb oilooxibio ; ogol000to for slissoforo. *Moot be chord,/ for bin time hobos, of Am adoortbot000t 1,441 bo poi/ for of 41 tarts.Aiwont ot • A typographical error 1•41yer4bk1. voids or sawarlar ouroos prim goodoor oarokols A may rot b...44. Agtrartising 4s ,..,.4 .0 eft, to wog uni may bo valtbinown arty Hum. 11. lifipoadifor oaf for tbiklloa. Akissage onsog0*1 asormaocritoo. 1.olcur.tbor allartariads airaill for roprolock. par- Pft!... PUBLISHED BY: SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING LIMITED ROBERTG. SHRIERtPresident and Publisher DONALD M. HUBICK-Advertisiog Manager DAVID •SYKES-Ediror $0.0.110X 220, MCKIM St 1NPUSTINALPARK.– 09101litial N1A 4116 • . . . 1 ' . -.74. i•A• 4 ,•• t* BOSE/1E5301 WITOINAL OFFICES pkoie phone (519) 5244331 The government giveth and the government taketh away. Since 'Finance iilitfisterlillari Ma -esaclien -released a new budget in May the liberal govenunent has been poeichiog a gospel o restraint. Subsequently the six per dent formula wag applied to helfiliftthe ailing diconomy from the doldrums. I : • In a rare show of bravado the government limited wage increases to simpereentthis year and live per cent the fdlowing year for all its employees. The private sector ' was urgedtofollowtheezaanples • l'he six per cent solution is causing some problems and has met with much disdain in organized labour ranks. Mitch of the prwate setter Is net willing to live within P4apti.etifril# reeovetylonnat, But whihnone arm of the getrenuneet is extended in a pleading gesture to follow restraint, the other is dipping into the - 'taltihnrer's pocket, this\ week the federal • government announced that ermine taxes on beer, wine anftiBaretles ivill ti.se by 15 per cent September 1• , The increase in that tax is more than double the govgrrurient's suggested guidelines. Now; the cost of 24 mple beers will rise by 30 cents to $12.35 and a package of cigarettes Will cost 5 cents more. Perhaps the increase is not signifimnt le amount butthe significance lies in the fact the government has violated its own policy and guidelines. People across Canada have been strongly urged to settle for 11 per cent wage and salary increases over a two-year period and companies have been asked to limit price increases accordingly. The same rule, it seems, does not apply to the government's federal excise tax. The increase in the excise tax will mean an *Ara $45 million to the government while a six per cent increase would have netted only $18 million. \ But the point remains that the government could have shown some definite leadership by limiting the excise tax to six per cent. It would have been the decent thing to do in this case but the government ignored a moral respon- sibility for dollar signs. Considering the govenunent chose to ignore such an opportunity to set a fine example, it eliminates any in- centive for business and industry to limit price increases. It is inconsistent action such as this, that severely detracts from the people's faith in government. D.S. Children are victims Israel may • have buddy cleared the way for an agreement on a plant° eVacuate Palestine. Liberation Organization guerrillas trapped in West Beirut. For almost 10 weeks the members of the PLO have been . camped in West Beirut, exchangingfire, bombs and lives with the Israeli forces. It is time a settlement was reached to allow French troops and United Nations personnel to execute an evacuation and peace plan. The Israeli's have been unrelenting in their pursuit to drive the PLO from Wet Beirut. and as a result many civilians have lost lives and loved ones in the war -tern section of the city. Unfortunately, in a conflict such as this, there are many innocent casualties, people caught in a struggle they know little about or even care about: " Fortunately the world is not without its humanitarians, people like Mother Teresa. The Catholic nun, a former Nobel Peace Prize winner, was in West Beirut last weekend to offer tender loving care to the innocent vic- tims of the war. While she had been advised not to make the trip, she did so at the insistence of Pope John Paul II. Thirty-seven children, most of them retarded and paraplegic, were taken by Mother Teresa to East Beirut after enduring weeks of bombing and deplorable con- ditions in a home for the aged. • These helpless children, who were innocent and trapped victims, were finally rescued during a ceasefire between Israeli forces and guerrillas. They now have the care and love they deserve. When one considers the suffering and plight of those children, there certainly must be the disgustlng realization that thousands of other innocent victims are trapped in such a war. Their fate left to the cold hands of soldiers acting under military orders. Mother Teresa will no doubt attempt to extend her hand to others caught in the seige of Beirut, help that is desperately needed. In wartime, casualties simply become numbers and there are many more people, such as the sick, blind, mentally ill and homeless children that require urgent aid. The world would be a finer place to live if there were more people of the Mother Teresa mold.D.S. • Inaction is not excusable Beating someone up is always a crime, right? Not neeessarily, a committee of the Ontario Legislature learned lately, much to its Inrror. For, when a husband beats his own wife,it's only a crime in most -police jurisdictioris in the province if the wife agrees to lay charges.: And 'many wives will not, because they are often so •- --financially•and.emotionaily dependent. on -the -man that they must continue to live with him. Realistically, because shelters for abused wives are rare 10 Ontario and crowded where they do exist, mostly in large cities, she . has no other placeto go.. • McMurtry, iv -No -hie. the "Otiittei' to insist that police lay charges against husbands who beat their wives, as police in London have been doing for some time, seemed reluctant to take. that' step when he ap- peared before the legislative committee. "He exhibited all the stereotypes we've heard about there," one committee . member said, stereotypes that insist what happens at home, even if it is brutality, is a private affair. Then t e's the reverse typecasting that blames the victim, th Wife, for somehow "asking for it" or at least not helping herself or the sick notion that's common in our society that a wife is quite dose to being a chattel of her 1.•••••,, husband- a sort of possession that he can treat as poorly as he chooses. Battered women, for various reasons, including the fact that very light sentences often result, are not apt to start charging their husbands in great numbers. In many , jurisdictions, police encourage them not to. But what's happened in London, where police have been , inotnietod to loy _choral! thernselyes wheo wives Who are ts-eaten'annot;ot winnot, 1s constrwctive. The iiirelifferd- repeat offenders has dropped drastically. When people learn society will punish their behaviour, they change that -I-behaviour; iddedin London's case by -a aellthelpgroupfor nmen-whohavenbesed-theirwives.- _ _ But women in any Ontario town and city deserve the same protection that women in London have. Along with government action to provide tore shelters for abused Women, we peed, a strong statement from the attorney - general that yes, indeed, wife beating is a real crime in Ontario. And that the men who commit it can expect charges to be laid right down the line. When statistics show that one in ten married wader) is a victim of abuse by her husband, at the lowest estimates, Mr. McMurtry's inaction is not excusable. (Huron Expositor) Jagging along . By Dave Sykes DEAR READERS SHIRLEY KELLER Boys will be boys. That's an adage that has been with us since time began I suspect. In today's female liberated society though, it has developed some new connotations. Now we know thatgirls are often just one of the boys, and unfortunately for mischievous purposes as well as for good ones. There doesn't seem to be any age limitations either. While "kids" usually get tarred with the brush of vandalism, it doesn't have to be young people. Lots of cases on record indicate older folks aren't immune to the stupidity of deliberate destruction. All this is leading up to a telephone callI had a few days ago from a resident of Goderich who was experiencing some unusual happenings around the house. The latest episode that prompted the telephone call involved the theft of a child's bicycle. My caner asked "Could you write something for parents asking them to remind their children to respect other people's property?" Funny thing though. Somehow I think the majority of parents do teach their children to respect the rights and the property of other people. But then it isn't the majority of people who become vandals is it? Or thieves either. Thankfully a very small minority of youngsters fall into the habit of such disturbing behaviour. And through the years I've begun to wonder just how much influence parents do have on such behaviour. Vandals and petty thieves can emerge from homes where discipline and love is lacking ... but they also come out of exceptionally good homes where mom and dad have carefully schooled their offspring to honesty and integrity at all costs. Psychologists will tell you that people resort to vandalism and petty thievery for a host of reasons, only one of which is rebellion against parents' wishes. L There are often deep-seated obscure reasons for such acts - reasons which may not be ap- parent to anyone, even the person committing the acts. That's the scary part of it all - and the part that is nearly impossible to control. It isn't simply a matter of boys being boys ... although that can be part of it too. More likely though, it is some kind of a Sickness that strikes the minds of victims and drives them to willfully damage and destroy or to take those things which belong to others whether they have a use for them or not. And that brings up another topic that deserves the attention of parents and others in authority. It is this whole business of mind control - and the hideous happenings because of it. Each of us tends to believe that our mind is our private place - our own inner -sanctum where we can be at pace or at war with ourselves as we choose. Not so, we're beginning to learn. Scientists tell us now that even our subconscious can be con- trolled by outside forces, and that we can be moved to do the strangest things as someone else wills it. You don't believe me? There is documented proof I'm told, that shoplifting has been, reduced in some major department stores by putting an anti -stealing message through the store's stereo system in, with and underthe music being played. While the conscious mind cannot actually pick out the message, the subeonscious mind un- derstands it and obeys . • That's mind control for good - but there is plenty of mind control for evil. The latest hirer- in the country is over back- ward masking on rock and roll records. I had the opportunity during the weekend to listen to a tape containing the sound of the . records in question played backwards. Very . definitely, there was clear messages there with evil intent. • My question though, was, "How many • youngsteenlistento their music backwards?" I was advised that it wasn't necessary for the music to be played backwards - that the message recorded there got through to the subconscious minds of many hearers anyway. My own children must now remember what I told them about the music which pounded through the house hour after hour for so many years. I felt the music was harmful to them - that it drove them to have new thoughts, dangerous thoughts that would threaten their future en- deavours. But they figured it was just more of mom's ridiculous ravings to prevent them from enjoying life as it was meant to be lived. I didn't know about backwards masking - but the message I got from the music was that it was not good taken in large quantities. Maybe my subconscious heard the word. Who knows? The point of all this is that vandalism and petty thievery here in Goderich has no simple solution. Still there is nothing wrong with reminding parents to exercise greater control over their children. Maybe when they understand that even youngsters .from very proper homes can be led astray for a &ariety of outside reasons, it will help them to act responsibly in helping their children cope in a difficult world. Accommodation was available owner says Dear Editor: Mr. Bush of Shelter Valley win'e°171mmigms& • Park has expressed our view on the front page article in the Goderich paper August 4. We too operate a trailer park for tourists and we ave-fetdotrulloil the:weekend of July 24 as the article sug- gests in the paper. Mrs. Adams' remark to Epe.Was that there was no ac- TTE commodation between Owen Sound and Goderich. We work hard to provide this service to the tourists _ . should make a call to the various parks to check to see if they are full. • We find business has been good this year and contrary to the news reports, we have and driveways to set up tents and trailers until all area camps and parks are full if the Tourist Information Booth makes an effort to check with the existing ace erican etersmodation. . —had , a Jot snore Ain and were very upset to see visitors this year. this report in the paper. Our expenses are high and we Goderich citizens won't feel the Tourist Informatinn need to open up their yards 'Mrs. Grace MacKenzie, ItlacKenzie's Trailer Park 11113 Goderieb nvestment in tneatre couici. aictate p ays Dear Editor, , Mr. John Hirsh's request (as reported in the August 3, 1982 edition of the Stratford Beacon Herald) is touching on possibly dangerous ground, when he asks for one or two million dollars of financing from the city of Stratford. Would Mr. Hirsh prefer to have the Festival Theatre operate like the theatres of New York City's Broadway? By this I mean Wing private financial backers with their 'fingers in the pie', so to speak. What 1 see as dangerous is the influence the city of Stratford's financial com- munity could or would de- mand in return for their millions invested, Surely s request for more popular plays and less of the boring stuff is within their right? If the theatre alone is what at- tracts the tourists, then they would only be serving their own best interests to have about some things though! some say in the choice of plays. More comedies, more farce for less tragedy and less of the experimental or new Canadian works, maybe even phase out the Shakespeare plays, is it possible? Mr. Hirsh is dead right This area of Ontario, not just the city of Stratford, but from London to Goderich to Kitchener to Woodstock, all benefit. So they start pit- ching in to help promote the region to visitors, but they Turn to page • ••••••-•--^"^".. 11.1.1101.1.. •21..N.••••111/10