HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-08-11, Page 224 .. PAGE124-0Q. Ci.SIGNAL-STAR„WEDNESDAY,,4LJQUST 11, 109.0 Teenage giri rescued by men after near drowning in the Nine Mi" With hdh. waves • and a • strong trUrifat •whale the Nine Mille River empties Into Lake Anon 'Thursday,.. a teenage girl got. into Wield' ty while swung** and bed to be rescued by three .men who .were en the beach at 'that tune. This is the second incident of.swunmers having . "difficulty with the current at Port Albert while swimming this siwuner. Thera is one sign warning swiunlfners of the problem with the tllr- rent, Perhaps this problem should be looked into by the ratepayers of the village. Social. News ,Visiting last week at the k concert planned Trooper, an established town -Colney Hatleh.and more Caoadean , rock band and specifically the town's Coney Hatch,. a new,bband on ltifiatic asylum 1.41.0lzers of the Canadian rook scene will the band_ inelude, Aaldy perform at the Ooderich Curran, bassist and oe arena this Friday evening casional lead vocalist; Steve beginning at 9 p.m: Shelski, lead guitarist; Dave Coney Hatch will appear Ketchum, drummer; and as the opening ' act for. Carl Dixon, lead vocals and Trooper. Their self -titled rhythm guitar. The Coney debut album was released Hatch sound has coalesced July 5 by Anthem Records from .the widely varying and on a national level, it has influences / of the band been accepted with open . members. Andy Curran's arras by radio programmers hard rock roots ,are par - at influential radio stations titularly reflected in his bothAMandFM. three lead vocals "Stand ' Coney Hatch's individual • Up", "Love Poison" and brand of melodic hard rock "I'll :Do, The Taikin". Steve came to the,attention of Max, Shelski is no ordinary guitar Webster -kingpin-Kim-Mites-player. As-welias..b,eing.one eheil who .enh used to such fo the finest new "in the effect that Anthem put him pocket" rock guitarists, he is into the, studios to produce • capable of interesting add the band in the spring of 1982. different interpretations, of The. band's unusual name the electri�e guitar as is derived from the English exhibited in "Monkey Bars". Carl Dixon's astute writing and soaring vocals are en Butterfliesintegral part of the band's . sound. "Devil's Deck" and "NO now playing Sleep Tonight" are relen- tless rockers .while "You • BUTTERFLIES ARE Ain't Hot Me".and \"Hey BUTTERFLIES FREE, the smash Broadway Operator" (their first side) have, an appeal es broad as comedy- that ran for 82, MOP. radio's total bandwidth. PORT ALBERT NEWS Tom Livingstone, R91RIO-7e46 summer home of Don and Barb Harrower, Victoria Beach, • Port Albert, were LaVert and Nina Jones from flint. Michigan, Rolland and Lill *Goodwin .from' Cin tinaatl, daughter. •Lori from •Holly; Michigan and grand- daughter Maya from Mont- pelier, Vermont: It was the McGoodwin's first visit to Port Albert and they, were depressed by the beauty of the village. Barb Harrower reports seeing several Canada geese on the lake and a blue heron has been in the area: Visiting with Tom and Anne' Livingtone of Port Albert were Charles and Irene Thompson from Galt who have been camping at - Point Farms Park. Last week at the tail was Music Week with .65 young campers par- ticipating. It is now an an- nual event under the direc- •RINGS °NECKLACES. • BRRA.CELETS •BEADS � ra genii 51ST, DAVID, GODIRICM 524472 the --in- ekw-.York,-:then--waste Trooper's bit'songs'ini iudel ' ' transferred to the'screen two '�R,aise A Little Hell", become a smash Movie hut,' - "Money Talks",; "Two For is the nett' featured .produce : The Show", "General Hand tion at Huron .Country Gernade", "Janine". and Playhouse,.CrandBend ,� The piny focuses on a blind Here For A Good Time .. boy's fight'to. win • his in -Tickets for the Trooper dependence by living' alone ConeyvHatch • doorfot are in New York. Solutes spm- available dale dolgWest69nd .or in advance from West,End. bre? Not by`•a long shot, forStereo or Rivett's TV for this is a comedy with seat :8.50: tillating humour and razor- edged .wit.:, _.BUTTERFLIES '__A -B_. FREE marks the Huron, Country Playhouse debut of David Nairn as Don Baker, the blind ,- youth from Scandalewho leaves tie comfort .and' security of horne'°to live in Greenwich The other three cast members .arecertainly not strangers to Playhouse au- diences. Marcia Kash, retur- ning • after her sensational success in `I Ought To, Be In Pictures', will be seen as Jill Tanner, the kooky next door neighbour who quickly suc- cumbs to Don's charm. Tom Arnott, most recently seen here as Paravicini in The Mouse Trap, • plays Ralph - Austin, the rebelplaywright who has his own designs on Jill, And, rounding out the ' cast, Huron Country Playhouse Artistic Director Aileen Taylor -Smith will be playing. Mrs. Baker, the mother who tries to keep the world from hurting her son but who learns in a glowing scene that it is time for her to stop.. ' BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE will be playing at Huron Country Playhouse August 10 through August. 21, Tickets are available at all regular Playhouse outlets and at the Box Office. •Front Wheel Drive 62.4 Litre Engin.,, runs on Regular Gasoline •Automatic Transmission' *Power Steering *Power Brakes *Power Top *Digital Clock For Exclusive and -- - wiinusual lifts.... - The Arbor 43 Albert St. Clinton 482-3876 ▪ P1e5/70R14" White Side Woll Steel Belted Radial Tires *Tinted Glass •Bucket Seats and Console •Light Package *Radio FREE CHRYSLER'S 3 -WAY 5 YR./80,000 KM WARRANTY PLAN apuge r'" 5 WARNER Open 7 Days AUTO MARINE moan, r. Ir.dnr'r r� GRAND BEND 238-2391 seise.,, 10 s s..e.,u1,s 9u �rNG ., ,IP SrNG OUR ..ICrS Gel YOU OU. StRVICI NAPS YOU NEW AXLES All Siz.s 8 Weights 0000 Ib. As low as '175.00 Tandem & 7.1 sets available wheels, jacks, couplers etc. SPECIAL Assort. Kitchen Cabinets "Extromely Reasonable" 300 pcs. reds -made N we don't have what you want...Wo will build to your specifications. , QUallty at\the right price WOODSTOVES "Downdraft" Only $239.°° Only'12.eo per sheet SUN UMBRELLAS Reg '2211." Now Orlly.'140.aa Reg. '100!' Now Only 660." COMPLETE SETS UMRI'ILLA TABU FROM TAM COVIR A�e SHILL IASI 129.„ til t200.I'a REAL BARGAINS CURRENT PAINT 10,000 gal. Barn Paint Redwood, Walnut Beige 8Green '4.00 gal. In 45 gal. drums Also: Industrial Colors '5.50 gal. In S gal. cans IW WAREKOUSE ,� 1 DISPOSAL Q820 CARELL ST., LONDON, H57. 1P7 O. '1 519-432-4112 1 a, DEA ERS WELCOME O Var'ioufSelection Of Items HOUSE SIDING "Good crouch" High density fibreboard. Painted or primed. Horlaontal 12" x 10' Only *60.00 sq. (box) Reg. '145.00 sq. (box) 16' primed Only 640.00 box Vertical Coloured Sheets as low as .10.00 4x7,4x0,4leg WINDOWS A GOOD DEAL Vanities: Oak featured 32" real nice *59.50 each other sizes and finishes available Quality Pictures, Sliders, Rowe A Bays • Single double hung as low as 660.00 Single 8 Thermo ,Hazed available. VORYIOASONABL0 ourl�sa LLV Mon. -Fri. $:00-5,30 ' m Saturdays II:00-3:00 N .." , x- --4- -. "Cobalt St. � IHamilton Rd 117blocs tion of John Anus Sinclair, -director of praise at Knpx Church, Stratford and Lorne Dotterer, director of praise at Knox Presbyterian Chur- ch, hunch, G.oderich. Sunday morn- ing the students. performed at the .11 a.m. service at Knox of Goderich to a capacity congregation, and were warmly received in the many numbers that they rehderecL Bonnie Jones and children Mary Elizabeth, Michaela and Meredith from London are spending a few days at their summa - er cottage at Port Albert. Visiting with George and Kay Fennell from Hamilton who are vacationing et their summer home at. Port Albert are Mike and Jackie Carpino and children Amanda and Sarah fru Hamilton. Michael and Cheryl Ann Wales who were recently married at Si. George's Anglican Church, (oderich and spent a two week honey- moon on the East Coast, were in the village for a few days. They will make their home in London. Nancy Warner and son Brad from Vancouver are visiting with her parents, Gord and Ruth Ramming from Port Albert. The Rum- - wings spend their winters in Florida and their summers in Port Albert. Harold and Karen Klein and daughter Lindsey from Syracus are visiting with their parents Neil and Nell Klein froari Detroit who are summer residents of the village. Norval and Ruth Anderson will be returning to theirhome in Toronto Monday ' and on Tuesday' they will travel to Minden to visit,with their daughter, Shirley and husband, Peter Halozan and children, Charlene and Renate who are vacationing in the Minden area. Miss Margaret Foster from Kitchener is visiting with Ruth and Norval Ander- son nderson at their summer home at Rivers Bend, Port Albert. Howard and Linda Ander- son and children, Mr' hew and Brian from Lansing, Michigan, and Becky White from Indianapolis, spent one week in the village. This was their first visit . to Port Albert. It was quiet in the village last week. Usually one. can find selieral fishermen .casting their lines into the Nine Mile River but not s4 far after the holiday weekend. The warm, sandy beaches at the Port lacked the many sun bathers that it is capable of holding. One of the local ball teams had difficulty in finding suf- ficient ufficient players to field a team recently. The harvesting of the grain is in progress. One can see the familiar wagons win- ding ' their way to the e elevators, just another in- dication that we are -well into summer. ACW On Wednesday, August 4 the ACW of Christ Anglican Church, Port Albert' met at the home of Anne Liv- ingstone for their meeting. Reports were submitted on the recent garage sale and bake sale which were both very successful, Margaret Young, president, expressed her thanks to the committee and to' the friendsof the church for their contribu- tions to the events. For a Fall project, the ACW will assist in retaking renovations to the church washroom. Church News The Reverend William Anderson from St. Andrew's Church, Lasalle, conducted communion service at Christ Anglican Church, Port Albert Sunday morning. In his sermon, he spoke from John's Gospel chapter 20, verse 27. Visitors were in at- tendance from Kitchener, Dublin, Sarnia and London: CHIP WA_ _GON Now In Our New Location And OPEN FOR BUSINESS Enjoy Gur Delicious HOMEMADE and Freshly Made Perfectly Prepared Always Good Across From Beckers re power (rum your dollar - TIRE 2 -speed Work Wheel B & D model 7471 lets.you sand, strip or polish with. professional 6 -amp power at 2700 or. 3400 rpm. Flapwheel sander, wire wheel brush, 'polishing bonnet„ clean 'n strip disc, bench bracket, etc. • .54-7259 • ® Sharpens knives, lawnmower blades, etc. 5" bench grinder B&D model 6195 7900 Fine and coarse vitrified aluminum oxide wheels with covers, tool rests and eye shields 3600 rpm. 2.2A motor: 55.3529 'CEJe.•'...... Sharp 'n Sand drill accessory 3x24" sanding belt 95 2 Sharpens axes, etc. Tilt table for accu- •-rate sanding 54.7249 Ligh er bromic rads. Ihstruchods Spitfire brazing torch 3400°F flame 2899 kit 11 dial positions from 40 to 225 amps Lincoln arc welder 2399s Operates on 220/230V circuits, 3/16" electrode capacity. Head shield, ground • clamp, electrode holder, cables. 58.8016 3/8" variable -speed reversing drill B & D 3A Value Plus model 7190. Versa- tile. Use as a power screwdriver for no - skip hole starting in ceramic tyle or steel; for prolonged use in metals or mason ; for polishing/sanding (accessories extra . 0 to 1200 rbm with infinite speed lock. ' 54.2849 Variable speed and reversing controls Rotary power cutter Heavy-duty 8995 model 7975 New from BBD. Quickly cuts aluminum and sheet metal, linoleum vinyl' flooring, asphalt roofing, etc. 2A motor. 54-8201 16 -oz all -steel claw hammer Beveled face 1759 Braze -welds light $feel shanti Metals. Prbpane•cy- ' slip .rubberaltwith grip. finder. 58,7553 Shop now: r 57.4133 • Mastercraft 14" backsaw Beech-wbod handle 11° 12 -point mitering, cutting. • teeth for precision - 57-7409 5 Torx screwdrivers Mastercraft quality 11799 set Sizes: T10, T15, T20, T25 and- t30. • Big value. 57.3376 10" steel locking pliers Jaws open to 1 //°' 11149 Multi-use. Wrench/ pliers/viseIwlre cut- ter. 58-8885 400a lot more than tires Cgr'.12 Pr TIPS ...or Save r O.R. TAYLOR with 13 45'0 789 0 `'' C LIMITED R J2naeEnT coaushpon®0 ifs ODERICH 524-2121 Most areord Built-in fan and dust collector . Dustless sander B & D model 995 7491 Dual -action with ',-sheet surface, dou- ble insulated 3A motor. 4000 opt Carry case, assorted sandpaper 547241 6" long -nose locking pliers For awkward spaces 11099 Use as wrench/vise/ wire cutter Jaws- open awsopen to 2'r, " 58.8890 15 -drawer cabinet 7"/2x93/4x" deep 79g Organizes small items for workshop; sew= ing, hobbies 58.1006 Our FREE replacement tool guarantee Potable electric power tools are guaranteed against defects in material and workmanship for 1 year from date of orpinal purchase Defective tools will be replaced at no cost. Guarantee does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear, improper use, abuse or tools used for rental or commercial purposes OPEN All DAY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAYS TILL 9 0