HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-08-11, Page 2PAGE 2—GODERICH SIGNAlaSTA, WEDNESDAY. AUG Sig1, St1111111Cr COSMETIC SPECIAL 20E150% OFF SELECTED MAKE-UP OVb `op blushers, eyesborkras, nslil polishes, • lipsticks, Op gloss, posinkrr. - anke-op Come in and (tet as help pow choose the stalls -up coloars that suit yew best° rides n ties SKIN CARE STUDIO 32 fyewgale SL, Goderitb 524-4403 MIDNIGHT SALEA MADNESS `�ghfing i*turot Friday, August 13 '82 9 Am- 1 2 midnight Exceptional Savings All Through the Store 20-50°'° OFF All in-store merchantse HOTSON LIGHTING. 1 mile north of Grand Bond on highway 21 Please Dial 1-238-8240 .4 Allison Smith winds up to throw a wet sponge at Jason Million in the sponge toss game played at the annual Penny Carnival held in Judith Gooderham Park Last Thursday by the recreation department. (Photos by Joanne Buchanan) Wawanoih Township 1 ss proposal West`Wawanosh Township Council met for its regular August session on Tuesday, August 3. Afterdiscussion in conu tian withthe several items of correspondence, the clerk was directed to write to the executive director of the communications division of the Ministry of Transportation and Com- : munications, rens ng ob- jection to the proposed, in- creases in telephone rates by Bell Canada; and to the Town and Country Homemakers voicing the township's approval of a fund-raising campaign to be )(conducted in October by the Homemakers. A motion was passed: "That the Township of West Wawanosh hereby states its intention to proceed, in the. spring of 1983, with a hydrogeological study and plan of operation for the Colborne Township Council Request for foot bridgerefused Colborne Township Coun- Course had requested that a cil met in regular session on foot bridge be built over the Tuesday,. August 3 at which south end of the new steel time bills and accounts in the arch bridge on the township amount of $73,083.57 were road bordering the north approved for payment. Of side of his golf course. Coun- this amount, $41,400 was in- ell felt that because of its eluded for the payment of proposed location, below the previously approved tile level of the road surface, drainage loans to sis area patrons of the golf course us - farmers. Mg it would be in danger of Following consideration of being struck by stones tossed correspondence received off the road by passing. during the past several vehicles, thereby putting the weeks from the organiza- township in a position of tion, '`Operation Disman- liability. It was also felt that tle", wherein municipal because of its nearness to the governments at all levels are road, it would be subject to encouraged to conduct a heavy snow loads during local referendum on disar- winter snow removal opera- -- entan njunction-.With tions .and would likely be • the November - election, broken down. The request • council, by a show of hands, for the -bridge _ was, _ decided against including therefore, refused. the question on the ballot. The road superintendent The owner of Sunset Golf reported that the build-up of ‘41/ COLLECTOR PLATES Hard To Find Issues afe SAVE 1 01(1 - 35i/°(o OPEN MON.-SAT. 10 AM-5PM MARLENE SHORE 58 THE SQUARE (Former Craigie's Corner) GODERICH For a few hours... a day... a few nights..., '"/MIyLLE Benmiller Inn For further information or reservations, write °Peal) BF.NMILI.ER INN. R.R. 4 GODF.RICH, ONT, N7A 3Y1 1519)524.2191 ...our unique country resort is for you! DAILY LUNCHEON BRUNCH Served Daily From 11:30 am to 2 pm Includes Homemade soup, variety of salads & cold meals, choice of hot main course, tem- pting array of desserts, coffee, tea or milk. For Those Who Prefer'Sometlting Lighter The COLD SELECTION 00 • per person , plus 7% tax Served with d'esaert.& coffee O Available at • 7 • per person Or, Coyne Out Anytime... ENJOY THE COMFORT OF Ot LICENCE© PATIO and one of our special summer refreshments. , There's Tots to see and do in Benmiller. Come as you are. We are located 2 miles (3.2 km) north of Highway,No. 8, 5 miles (8 km) east of Goderich and 8 miles (12.8 km) west of Clinton, Ontario. Watch for our sign. Lake Avenue at the west end of the airport is proceeding well . and gravelling should be completed within, the week. The build-up of an ap- proximate 1.6 km stretch of road between Block F and Block E and the 4th conces- sion, W.D., is also pro,- ceeding favourably. Debora (Mrs. James) • Lawlor of R.R. 5 Goderich has taken over the 'duties of by-law enforcement and. animal control in the township, effective August 3, on a parttime basis. By-law no. 25 was given all readings and passed, authorizing Mrs. Lawlor's appointment. • G. Davidson, Director of -Flaming -for -H on county; appeared nye coungl Mist, for: the _ Clark Drain. reviewed raw 18-11822,'the maintenance and $3,485 for Comprehensive Zoning By- the Young Creek Drain. law for the township. He Other firms tendering were reported that during the Dennis Wilhelm Excavating three "Open Houses" held, and Robert Nicholson Con- ,more than 100 persons had structiori, both of Sebr- appeared and requested ingville and Sid Bruinsma changes. Most requests had Excavating, Goderich. The been of a minor nature work on both drains will be resulting 'from of a minimum to remove silt misunderstandings in inter- accumulation and debris preting the draft by-law that is restricting water flow while others were of a more and will be under the super - major nature and would re- vision of Chris Sims,IC.E.T., quire amendments to the of the firm of Gamsby and Secondary Plan if im- Ma,•nnerow Limited. plemented. The majority of Township Drainage requests, however, can be Superintendent. .implemented without dif- ficulty and will be reflected in the by-law which was given all required readings and passed. It will now go to final printing and then be circulated to all property owners and ratepayers and ,tenants of the township at Which time any person may . object to any, part of the by- law they feel. adversely af- fects them and if the objec- tion cannot be satisfied by council, the objection will be heard by the Ontario Municipal Board. Building permits have been issued to James Laffer- ty for repairs to the founda- tion of his summer cottage On lot 15 in plan 17; to George Pease for an extension to his trailer home on Cherokee Drive, Meneset Trailer Park; to R. Kernighan, lot 13, concession 2 E.D. for home improvements and to Philip Telfer for roof repairs to his house on lot -15, plan 19. Tenders were opened for maintenance work on the Clark and Young's Creek Municipal Drains. Both con- tracts were awarded to Lloyd Collins, R.R. 3 _f$2; vCiYlericiY,-ai-a giiue_�-�i �, Waste Management Site, and requests from the dirmistry of the Environment consideration under the Waste Management Im- provement Contract for finds to assist in financing such project." The petitioners on the Robinson Drainage Works attended the meeting at the request of council and a pro- posal ryposal by the Ministry of Natural Resources. was discussed. Since' the engineer will not agree to designing the drain so that it meets approval of the Ministry of Natural Res° , the Ministry pro- poses, to place a work crew on the creek for a couple of days to clear any small obstacles and beaver dams which are causing some of the problems with the streamflow. The petitioners agreed to have the Ministry perform this work, which will be done during August, and to then evaluate the amount of improvement observed. Building permits were issued to D. Taylor (sunpor- ch) and L Morrison (barn extension). The road accounts in the amount of $26,634.29 and the general accounts in the amount of $26,851.57 were ordered paid. An application for loan for tile drainage, submitted by Robert Armstrong for Part of Lot 27; Concession 5, West Wawanosh was approved by council. By-law No. 14-82.., to be cited as "The Building Code By-law", was given a third reading and finally Osssed. By-law No. 152, a rating by-law in the amount of $6,000, to assess special rates on two properties to cover tile drainage loans, was given a third reading and finally passed. Dwayne Brown ,of R.R. 5 Goderich is to be employed under the 1982 Employment Incentive Program to repair and repaint the °steps down the lake bank at Sunset Beach and also windows. and wood trim on the . township road department. 'shed and township hall. • The meeting was adjourn- M& to the next regular eeting to be held on August 17. L__ Rosie O'Keefe, Jim Keller and Debbie Searis are the tourist counsellors greeting visitors at the town's Welcome Centre this summer. They say the season started off slowly but picked up during the month of July. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) fix permitiissue'd Accounts totalling over $123,000 were presented and ordered paid when Goderich Township Council met in regular session August 2. Of this amount, $85,000 was for Huron County Board of Education taxes and $19,994 was for the Treasurer of Ontario for tile drain debentures. By-law no. 11, 1982, a by- law to regulate liquid manure storage, was given three readings and passed. L. Van den Heuvel requested a land severance on part lot 11, concession 5. A motion was passed that this request be dealt with as per questionaire. Building permits were issued to John Boon for a granary on lot 33, concession 7; to Wallace Avery for a garage • addition on lot 83, Maitland' Concession; to Wayne iughar' for a shed on lot 27, concession 5; •to Paul Koenzigfor a sun deck GUARDIAN DRUGS BROMO SELTZER POLAROID 600 POLAROID SX®70 TFILMIME ZERO $1 a9 COLOUR IL INSTANT$9.9Y CLAIROL HAIR COLOUR NICE `N EASY $389 SUNGLASSES Vi OFF NAKAMURA PHi..RMACY IN THE SUNCOAST MALL-GODERICH SUB POST OFFICE OPEN: MON.-FRI. 10-12, 12:30.{6� 524=2195 WEEKDAY' EVENINGS 6:30 P.M. -9 P.M. SATURDAYS 10-6 At Can,i10C0,1OM .00 TRRDIMG01, 01 DROLL'R,0iw0 [Obe,NY 100010 /OROWTO C.IM10* WO of SIRVI TIM RICHT 70100,10010""!t VALUE TODAY FOR AHEALTHY-T(IMORRQW. r on lot 39, concession 9; and to Maud Scudamore to demolish a cabin and build a cabin on lot 5, Plan 18. A tile drain Loan requested by Wayne Colclough for $8,000 on lots 34 and 35, Base Line was approved subject to the availability of funds. The clerk was instructed to write W. Lobb regarding the reapirs done in 1981 to the Tebbutt-Merrill drain • r t Up to 40% off for . 40 days on quality Dashwood windows Dashwood declares war on inflation and high energ,y•prices Cut down on costly heat loss through windows and • doors All Dashwood windo s and doors are • completely factory weatherstriOoped For maximum effectiveness ask for triple glazing and dramatically reduce heat loss Save on fuel bills and add value to your home beautifully ' Nowi. you can save up to 40%.for the next 40 days on quality Dashwood windows and patio doors' Oder Dashwood windows today fOr your new home or .your existing home. There will never be a better fiend fo'save. det dash.wood. quality at • ,,bargain-watdow" prices Dashwood is carrying on tt5`eir 40740 Window Ws9r against inflation and high energy cost at. DASHW00D INCAUSTIRIES LIMITED JOHN JEFFERY & SON LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES 163 Elgin Awe. E. 524-8171 Godurlch