HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-07-21, Page 21. . • • • ' : : • • ' • • . • e , „ • • • : • • e 0,4; • j ,; • e %, , ; • : : ; • • • :e4 /4"4*?'''' 4 , , e • Actr.rehi,44.3r /*A.' '&4 „. 'Mt p‘,/ • . • ;V.A. . . , GODERICHSIGNAL.STAll, WED," ATLY21,102--PACEM MOUNTAIN DEW DIET OR REGULAR PEPS1-COLA WHITE, BEIGE, YELLOW OR PRINTED ORANGE, GREEN OR GOLD lt: WHITE SWAN PAPER TOWELS 1.1 LAUNDRY DETERGENT. 6 LITRE 2.4 Kg. NIAGARA FROZEN PINK OR REGULAR LEMONADE 2 ROLL Pk.ct Mgr 1111, • 12.5 oz. TINS ° FOR . . • • ,) • "'" -P17, ; ' ZEHRS OWN CANADA 'A' GRADE LARGE EGGS -4q111110v • low 10111111110111111011111111,- I 1 0 BLUE, PINK, WHITE YELLOW, BEIGE WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE A • 1 10111..L. WHITE 4 -- -ROLL PKG. DOZ. GRANNY'S BUTTER TARTS PKG a Qc idr / /1 /, • 4 5 4, I / 4.(/' 2% PART SKIMMED HOMO OR SKIM FRESH MILK 11 • armir 3 OT. BAG, a aosamaate 119411A1Ar 1400 'I 0 CWWWWS -PEAS---kCARROTS 14 oz. TIN 59# • IN TOMATO SAIL ZEHRS SPAGHETTI 7.,fa tog - - RED. KIDNEY BEANS 11;. 590 • EATWELL BONITA FLAKED TUNA 6 oz. TIN S9# NEILSONS FUDGESICLES OR • FROSTSICLES pv- L 12 • I 39 44) LIEBTS MEDIUM _WHOLE- BEETS 14 oz. TIN 2FoRst FABRiC SOFTENER DOWNEY L 2 1TRE $1.99 - irditittAits IVORY SOAP 4009$4 PKG. 0F4 SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY YORK PEANUT BUTTER 5C" 1419 PALANDA PLUM STYLE TOMATOES 796 ml 894 TIN %.'•••• 9 9 6 :41 7 9 0 • 9 9 9 p 9 9 1 r OREM CIANT OVENCROCK-BEANS 19 oz.1 19 JAR q VARiETiES HMIS CORN CHIPS :1/Gg. ett iicr9 - NEILSON- 5 FLAVOURS DRINK -MIXES 600g1 99 DEL MONTE UNSWEETENED PINEAPPLE 3 VARIETIES 90,4 oz. TIN SALAD OIL CRISCO 31 5 . 9 4 ANADA•S 4 s e • •• • • FROM NOW UNTIL AUGUST 2. 1982. ONE ADMISSION TICKET ADMITS TWO PEOPLE TO WONDERLAND ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. THESE SPECIAL BONUS ITEMS AVAILABLE AT THESE LOW PRICES UNTIL TUES. JULY 20. BONUS 11EM Ban ITEM SURTEC BRAND NEILSONS 4 VARIETIES 9 oz GARBAGE BAGS 10.. OS Da 1,4W7 COUNTRY CRISP 129 BONUS ITEM INST. CNOC. SYRUP BROWN COW no mi BONUS ITEM $129 179 BONUS ITEM - SHAMPOO, DRY, 460 kis AA BONUS ITEM - PLAYTEX 2 VARIETIES mum NORMAL OR OILY mi vg,ly BONUS 35's $3.29 MA/ML.DS BONUS ITEM - CONDITIONER, DRY"ii Ara% BONOS ITEM - PLAYTEX; VARIETIES $ JIIIRMACK 460 ryd" NORMAL '0•IVY MINI -PADS BONUS 35s 2.29 BONUS ITEM - JACOBS t iho BONUS ITEM - JACOBS 1 CREAM CRACKER&_2001, OW WATEIL CRACKERS ;001, 69' ONUS ITEM - JACO-SALTED OR MILL WHEAT THINS CRACKERS''«'2009 69' We reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable weekly family requirements. THESE SPECIALS HIGHWAY #8 AVAILABLE ONLY IN: GODERICH 4, 2% PARTLY CARNATION 11111.1 385N ml 57# TI TETLETS TEA BAGS 144 COUNT ,N 1. 9454 g TODDLER" Ms- OR ;- EXTRA ABSORBENT Ors PAMPERS DIAPERS CTN$� 99 BRAVO TOMATO PASTE. 5.5 oz. 3 spi TINS FOR 0 0 "0 9 0 0 0 / PEAS OR CREAM CORN.14 oz. KERNEL CORN 12 oz. LIBBYS FANCY VEGETABLES 1 RUM BEEF o IRISH STEW 680 gq. 39 TIN IN TOMATO cilium OP WITH PORI( Iti TOMATO SAUCE CLARKS 'BEANS . , :lg. oaf 117 h_FROZEIL-PINK- GRAPEFRUIT OR ORANGE MINUTE MAID 12.5 °z.*! 19 TIN . 9 0. 0 0 09 11 0 LIBBYS UNSWEETENED PINK. OR REG. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 oz. TIN 129 NEILSONS ICE CREAM - 6 FLAVOURS VENETIAN VANILLA ,J1 • "saw, re/ KAM BRAND . 12 oz. JOHNSONS FAMOUS 8so mt LUNCHEON MEAT 1.59 Fin' BRAND 30 ml A a aAk STRETCH 'N' SEAL DARES 3 VARIETIES COOKIES 450 9. t59 GAY LEA SOUR CREAM 500 m1 125, GRANDMA MARTINS PIE SHELLS PK:44 3 159 GRANDMA MARTINS „ TART SHELLS peoti-2?-1.1). WESTONS RASP. OR LEMON BUTIERHORNS 6s t15 OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY . COCKTAIL FROZEN 12 at $10 99 BABY SHAMPOO 3.89 HEINZ 2 DILL VARIETIES 750 ml Aa KOSHER. PICKLES 1.5Y NORDICA CREAMED 500 g Aa COTTAGE CHEESE 1•SY DECAFFEINATED SANKA COFFEE 8 oz$5.69 WESTONS FRESH BABY BURGER - BUNS MONDAY & TUESDAY 9-6 P.M." WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9-9 P.M. SATURDAY 8:30-6 P.M. Gallery "4( dS 017th SaPARGer Festival bee_ rinnaaaard that more , people than ever beTore are Yistliag the recently eiPanded art galley m the basement of the di .eatre, Bev. Walker manages the visual arts geogram wtdch 'has 'held at WaigthOPS thmugh the winter and she toortrinates the sim_er. shows.Valker is herself an artist who spetialiresi4 screen work., Walker recalls the gallery in, its early days. "We bad the ett disPlaYa en huge boards in, the lobby and'soe evey w Then we set , in an old grocery stace,in 1971" The air conditioned permanent spa m is a vast improvmnt. Located hake basement at the back of the haft, the gallery is new two splendid rooms with the ~ate lighting and at- mosphere. The "Artist and their Work" program of the Art Gallery of Ontario brings Denise Ireland to Blythin August., This show opens August3 at 7:30 with a ramp- , tion in the gallery and firat performance of °Cuntry Hmarts at 8:30. Ireland paints decorative, expansive rural landscapes in acrylic' . She also worts with hand- gabered_from____ oromid iler Peterborough home. Ireland will also pre- sent three seminars at the g,alkny August 16, 17 and 18. A quilt show featuring the handiwork of five Bruce and Grey Courty women is presently displayed at, the gallery. Their work itutujoi; ,hand,woven,,....hantikly„ fabrics, traditional and' original patterns. Last law mer local women's quilts were diSp, layed in the lobby. The popularity of that show spawned this more extensive TakillUILL aims az min" wows raffle with a home-made t1ize The Blyth Gallery is open from to 8:30 nightly or by arrangement with the theatre office. Blind to • have booth • The._ Bluewater. Canadian 'Oilmen' for the Blind =Will have a booth at Goderich's Festival of Arts and Crafts again this year. It Will be located in Court House Park at the South Street entrance to The Square and will be eaPaly recognized by the ruuncrniaz colorful trallnnam around it. The booth will feature brochures and information on blindness and a chart for testing pre-scboolers' eyes. People will also be able to, experience different kinds of blindness themselves by trying, on various kinds of glasses. Last year some people visited the booth looking for information on large print books. It is hoped these same people will re -visit the booth this year as that information is now available to therm Full house A full house and an en- thusiastic crowd welcomed the Huron Country Playhouse Young Players '82 Company when they opened their first cabaret of the season on July 13. NOEL AT SEA, compiled by John Heath with musical direction by Michael Vieira and choreography by Joy Lowry, is a celebration of love on the high seas. Featuring such familiar Noel Coward songs as "Play, Orchestra, Play", "Mad Dogs and Englishmen", "Sail Away", and "Twen- tieth Century Blues", NOEL AT SEA is an offering of musical vignettes concern- ing three dashing seamen and the three charming ladies they encounter. ' The Young Players — Sally Cahill, Brad Dalcourt, Dori Elliott, Colleen Krueger, Larry Mannell and Rick Schiralli — have been in rehearsal for NOEL AT SEA (and for their children's play ANDROCLES, THE LION AND FRIENDS) for the.last three 'weeks. All six talented youngsters are just starting out on their careers in show business and everyone at the Playhouse is both pleased and proud of their ever - developing skills. The Huron Country Playhouse Cabaret is a brandneW"faility Ideated at the newly renovated and ex- panded bar -lobby area. Per- formances of NOEL AT SEA will occur every 'Tuesday, Friday and Saturday even- ing immediately after the final curtain., on the main stage. Admission is free to main stage audience.