HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-07-21, Page 17L. OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.49 i Iry A&P reseves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements. Prices effective thru Saturday, JuIy.24th,1982. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21,1982—PAGE 5A Another enew A&P store opened this week! -Cooks A&P Sarnia Eaton Centre! hold N. Christina St. downtown Barna old picn c 2 Trips For Two To The iti SUPER BOWL! • Plus 2 Pairs of GREY CUP Tickets to be Drawn at each ARGO Home Game. (Complete details at your A&P Store.) nil in this entry Corm and.It:atte with cashier at any t&P Food Store_ Name- Address ame Address Postal Code: Tel No: TOMATO Heinz ti un OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.99 otcherz ASST VARIETIES Primo pnetne 900gPKG EXTRA ABSORBENT PKG OF 60 Pampers ni-n!s _ . VOMt/VrV TODDLER PKG OF 48 OUR REGULAR PRICE 9.89 OUTSIDE CUT, EYE REMOVED onele Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef Round Roas OUR REGULAR PRICE 9.02/kg-4.09 Ib SAVE up to il.l0/kg—.g) Ib RIB OR 3-31/2. CUT TENDERLOIN PORTION Loin Pork Roasts 17 89 !kg / - lb OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 5.27'4,g-2.39 lb {Boneless Ri'y Portion 7.251kg-3.29 Ib) SAVE .88/kg—.40 Ib Contains: 2 Rib Ends, 2 Loin Ends, 4 Centre Cut Chops GIN ;OAS' Cc( : CCS SCNE.ESS a tabQ.: Ei ; 79 Centre Cut Pork 6'5kg/Ib 2 PORK LOIN RIB PORTION Country 4 83 � 19 Spare Ribs Style !kg/1b 2 TOWN CLUB. SLICED Side Bacon ALL BEEF Shopsy Wieners OLD VIENNA, ALL BEEF Shopsy Salami 500 g 239 vac pac 1 l 179 vac pac 500 g 989 pkg SHOPSY FLAT BRISKET Corned Beef 5491kgflb 249 STORE PACK Beef Steakettes 306 kg/ib 139 CONDENSED, ASST VAR, )VEGETABLE BEEF .59) Heinz Soups .39 ASST FRUIT FLAVOURS Quench Crystals 921genv`s 1.69 KITCHEN SLICED GREEN Oft WAX BEANS Green Giant Vegetables COMBINATION PACK Loin Pork Chops 11391199 Ikg 0 - Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.271kg-2.39 Ib. SHOPSY. Corned Beef ALL BEEF Shopsy Sausage ALL BEEF Shopsy Bologna SHOPSY-COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad SHOPSY, SLICED Cooked Ham pkg of 4 249 50 g pouches 500 g 259 pkg Ib SAVE 3.09/kg--1.40 Ib RUMP, SIRLOIN TIP OR INSIDE CUT ROUND Boneless Beef Roasts 37/1)89. !kg / ® Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 9.461kg-4.29 Ib SWIFT VAC PAC Bologna Chunks3511kg/!b 159 SWIFT. OLD MILL Breakfast Sausages 373ikg/b 169 37 g 59 BROWN & SERVE vac5pacl .Swift Sausages 500 g ctn 1" 175 g 1119 vac pac SWIFT PREMIUM OR500 g LAZY MAPLE. SLICED 89 Side Bacon vacpacl SOFT SLICED MAC a,;1EESE Moi" :iIC1E41 . ‘"S S, ik; Cooked Meats PRIMO. PLAIN Spaghetti Sauce SILVERWOODS, ASSORTED FLAVOURS Light. Touch Ice Milk A8P ASSORTED t ti Fruit Drinks Oz h^ ■ 64 oz bottle HUNTS PLAIN WITH MUSHROOMS OR ONIONS 175 g vac pacin oz tm 9 28tin a 1 19 2 litre 199 carton STOKELY NEW ORLEANS STYLE KIDNEY BEAN$. IN TOMATO SAUCE Tomato Sauces o7ztin .39 Van Camp Beans azt;,, .89 .89 FOUR STAR OR RIO WHITE Pieces & Stems 7nn Heinz . SAvE Mushrooms 1T2 . Vinegar ,,. 70 4litre OUR REGULAR PRI59 89 SWIFT DINNER STYLE Sugar Plum Hams7251kg/b 329 MARY MILES. SLICED. MAC & CHEESE OR CHICK E 3 A 75 g 69 LOAF Cooked Meats vacpacl 250 g 1 89 pkg MARY MILES, HOT OR SWEET Italian 14174/R) 189 MARY MILES, SMOKED. BY,THE PIECE Back Bacon 1109 Ikg /Ib 499 FRESH, "GREAT ON THE B.B.O." Lean Ground Beef 1139/kg/Ib 199 INSIDE CUT "GREAT ON THE B.B.O." ROund Steak 813,kg/b 369 TENDERIZED, "GREAT ON THE B.B.O " Cube;Steak 857,kg/b .389 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN. SLICED Beef Liver 196/kg/b .89 aai0EDF:a+.0.;e,311ADSA rACZEYSASE'S;; 8fL 29 Roasting Chickens$ 2 fkq/b 1 NEW ZEALAND. FROZEN, LOIN Lamb Ch:ops TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls 6594 gI/ b 299 439 kg i/lb 199 WHITE SWAN bathroom Tissue pkq of 4 rolls aa, The family of the late Lock and Mabel Cook held their third annual picnic July ll at Clinton Park With 50 in at- tendance. The raves were .won by: three and under, first, Brian Cook; second, Jeffery Hakkers; third, Sharon Baechler; six and under, first Robert Renon; . second, Steven Vanderbur h; 10 and under, first, T k; second, Keith King; third, Tracy Renon; 16 :and under, —first, Laurie Ann King; second, Tracy Renon and King tied; third, t 000; 16 and over first aairFry __ Erin 9vn lt;+ (i,9nma. cArM1 o'nr,q Morin Cook; 16 d over Men, first Doug Do`'' herty; ° second, Rick Bae • 1 er. Shoe scramble, eight and under, Raymond Cook, Jr.; shoe scramble, eight and over, Tammy Allen; wheelbarrow race; Robert and Tracy Renon; orange relay race, Joanne Cook's team; kick the slipper, Larry Littlechild, men's and Kathy Chapman, women Toothpick race, Barbara Chapman's team; frisby throw, three and under, Jeffery Hakkers; six and under, Steven Vanderburgh; 10 and under, Tammy Cook; 16 and under, Erin Cook; egg on spoon race, 'Sharon Baechir ._:'Jenuy--Kings-_.... Tammy Cook, Keith King, Erin Cook and Nancy Chapman. Jeiiy bean. guess, Tom Vanderburgh (right on); Grace's macaroni guess, Gord Chapman; lucky thermosjug was won by Sharon Baechler; oldest gentleman present was Del Cook; _ -oldest_ lady- present.._.".""`" was Bessie Baechler; t. youngest baby present was five -month-old Ricky Baechler. !thauol is topic The Huron County Federation of Agriculture's monthly meeting is to be held at 8:30 on July 22 at the Hensall Public SchooL Guest speaker for this meeting will be Mr. Philip. Durand, a ZuriLchare,a.farmerspeaking about the production and planning of his family's ethanol manufacturing plant. Tid. ]Bits... • from page 4A . PAULINE DEARKSEN Mrs. Rose Hill of Goderich is pleased to announce the graduation of her daughter, Pauline Dearksen from the University of Western Ontario, Spring Convocation, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. She .has accepted a position on the staff of CPRI in London, Ontario. +++ JONI THOMPSON Joni Thompson recently graduated at the Vniversity of Western Ontaho Spring Convocation with a Bachelor of P1 y-sical' Education. Joni is the , daughter of Tom Thompson an&Betty Saxton. On page 7 in our Grade 8 graduation edition. there was a mistake in the cutline under • a picture of the Holl'nesville Public School award winners. It should have read, back row. left to right, Shelley Crawford, top English student, Heather Harris, top history student and Shana Hutchings,' top home economics student. Our apologies to these graduates