HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-07-21, Page 10PAGE 10-GQDERICB SIGNAL, -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1982 Town&Country IF IEL. ANT A0E3.:..... 28..Butiness opportunity BEAT INFLATION.. Raise .large bait worms at homefor extras income. Neat. odpries3. opera- tion. low investment: Terre, Worni s:ems (since 1975):•'R.R.1 • Stratford, Ontario, N5A AS2, (519)625-B140- .--214f exxiiiieskasseeee Tsenriesirc • TENDERS: Sealed tenders will be received by the und"eersigned for the construction of washroom facilities and weep- - ing bed. --System at the Ashfield - Township Park. part of lot 3& front concession. Plans available from; the Township . Clerk. A certified cheque for 10% of contract must accom- panyeach tender. Tenders dose 5 p.m. August 3, 1982. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Donald M. Simpson, R -R,3, Goderich. Phone 395-27S3,-29.30 30. Employment wanted • RESPONSIBLE student fifteen -years-of age: willing to-babysit;- houseclean and do odd jobs. Call 524-9098 ,after 5:30 p.m. -28,29 31 _ 'Service diirectory PIANO,TUNiNG. *Repairs ' •pildl ,. *key RRconersd *Keys Recovered • •Da001p.013s•f$, BRUCE•IIILSIFER 3 -4023 1M11_tch ll •SEPTIC TANKS •SEWERS *BULLDOZING, •BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL •TOPSOIL fora compute lob alta: SID BRUINSMA VA'iiG i- 31. Service directory STEPHEN'S FURNITURE RESTORATION: Qualify. refinishing, repairing. and reupholsteringofantiques and household furniture. Free estimates, pick-up and delivery. Phone Stephen` Norton. 524- 91394. - 20tfar MAN WITH vJ• will do small moving ;obs. D"allele anyrme. $1 2.00 to S15.00 an hour. Phone Frank 524-7114. -29.30 DON'S SERVICES Lawn cutting and Trimming (contracts con- sidered). Garden and Flower - Bed .tilling (Book now for '83 season). Carpets steam clean- ed, Widows cleaned. Yard and House cleanups and removal. Other . jobs done. Inquire from • 12-2 and 6-8 p.m. Phone 524- 2777 . ask for Don. -29.30x CARPENTRY AND PAINTING Repairs. renovations. Res rooms, etc. PHONE BUD NARVEYAT, 524-7974 CARPET. CARE Rugs & Upholstery. 'Professionally Stearn Cleaned. Free Estimates 524:2440 f NEED A JOB DONE CHEAP! !BASEMENT CLEANED •YARDWORK *PAINTING AND MOREL CALL US. NO JOB TOO SMALL OR RIG. B.J•'s THE ONE TO LOOK TO 154-4591 5Zy-9` 82 When you want the job done right... ... you'll want to have it done by exper- ts! People who believe in using the finest quality building materials and first-rate construction techniques. See them today. 1:: ASPHALT* CEDAR • STEEL ' -FARM & RESIDENTIAL Free Estimates DAUPHIN ROOFING Mark Dauphin S24-7053 A.P.E. CONSTRUCTION FOR •HOME RENOVATIONS • ALUMINUM SIDING • PAINTING CALL: EARL LAWRENCE 524-8730 NEUSTADT R.R.1 1-665-7818 _ Ne. 'CUSTOM °,4,10€%0RENBOUVIALTDIIONNG1 S - *ADDITIONS HuoaC NEW „OePF eiARRANkr GROGRAM FRANK GRAHAM CONTRACTORS 524-6866 LTD. 31. Service directory e For all your Carpet & Upholstery cleaning P Y cea g needs, call SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE viiii SGtiva.nvai:u Peaii vt- brush method gots the miss, Phone 524-8892 Free Estimates CHIMNEY SWEEPING Buicting wood Irove it done. HAROLD LED.DY 524-7237 ART'S Laldscoping-Nursery and Garden Centre 1160 SENNETT ST. E. NOW IN STOCK BEGONIA BULBS,. FLOWER VEGETABLE SEEDS Complete line of Evert/thiteg needed for INDOOR &.OUTDOOR GARDENING S24-2645 APPLIANCE REPAIRS .an N•rj.::.: Service Centre "for all --*WHIRLPOOL *INGLIS , *SPEED QUEEN .. *ADMIRAL *SIMPLICITY *HOTPOINT. Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING HEATING LTD. ss !SI r!en 5t.. Gederldt GARDINER'S DELIVERY USED FURNITURE & AP- PLIANCES - bought & sold. We deriver and move anything large or small *free estimates* 524-2421 PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS CALL DAVE McKEE 524-7774 MID -WEE FERN PAVING driveways. farm lanes. parking lots. repairs. Free estimates. Phone Clinton 462-3733. 31. Service directory CHROMATROPE UPHOL . RV AND VIN SERVICE EAST ST. God•rIch *FREE ESTIMATES* RUMAT f. TAYLOR 402-1120 ELECTRICAL, INSTALLATION REPAIR CALL 524-9.332 Ben Graham H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service ServingOW*11ch • end area far 15 years PtfoNE Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth 527-0284 CONCRETE FORMING Walls &floors For o complete lob all SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 When You Wont the Job Done Right! ...you'll want to have It done by the experts Interior=Exterior PAINTING & DECORATING *FREE ESTIMATES• Guaranteed Work Mark Dauphin 529-7083 PHIL MAIN - HARDWARE 14 eiieegston St., Gelsridi •SWIMMING IOL CHEMICALS •C.I.L: PAINTS •WINDOW GLASS & SCREENING REPAIRS *WHOLESALE CABLE *FIRE EXTINGUISHERS -SALES & SERVICE *GARDENING TOOLS it SUPPLIES STEVE'S CARPENTRY (so lob taw his.r ass sa ) *RENOVATIONS *SIDING .- *PK R_ MS *BATHROOMS *ROOFING *ETC. FREE ES RR EST&Icon edsi Work Guaranteed Coll: STEVE BRENNAN 524-2952 GEORGE GOULD ow 524-7638 Chimneys Repaired OR Rebuilt FREE ESTIMATES Coll Jim Riehl 524-2786 =WEED CONTROL •FERTILIZING *INSECT CONTROL TOM GRASBY (519) 524-2424 PELLOW CUSTOM CARPENTRY *Renovations *Home Repairs *Free estimates LICENSED CARPENTER Phone: Fred Pellow 524-2406 32. Custom work CUSTOM COMBINING John Deere equip- wlth grain lose oniter available with two trucks. Book now and avoid sting. Doug Vandalic*, 482-9923 32. Custom work CUSTOM COMBINING - all small groins. Combine equipped with new micro -groin -loss monitor to harvest more of what you grow. For reliable, efficient service. call Douglas Cameron at 529- 7253: Grain buggy also available. -29-31 34. Personal PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive confidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIR- THRIGHT - London (collect) 432- 7197, 527-0115 or 524-2023 (after 6 p.m.). -1-52x IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an Al -Anon number.- Stfnx 38. Auction sale AUCTIONEERING 524e -a9-657 �,✓,�moi Niv r1= big or soon Auctioneer: HAROLD LAMB 36. Announcements, 36. Announcements, notices notices BARLEY MEETING Tuesday, July 27 - 7:30 pm -SEED PLOT TESTS - Six Different Varieties of Barley Come out and talk to the plant breeders and stewards -Ciba Geigy GEORGE WRAITH (Shap Area, 524-7351 38. Auction sole 1 38. Auction sale ********J'r ********* ** . COMING. * AUCTION SALE * Saturday, July 3.1st -PM -,5...._ * BAYFIELD HOUSE-BAYFIELD' * Tlrii awls :conslsts of Man LK s of antique _.- - * niturti. • Y Pfirr * Full listing to follew In future paper. * * AUCTIONEER- HAROLD LAMB * • 524-9657 * ******************** ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Large offering top quality antique glassware. china, hanging lamps. table lamps. glass showcase. bowed glass china cabinet, washstands. antique chest. Vic- torian iatorian his & hors chairs. [cranberry. Royal .Doulton, signed Cameo vase. 110 pieces of Elite Limoges some flow blue. etc.. etc. for/Mr. and Mrs. Al Ansy to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn. Clinton. Ont. SATURDAY, JULY 31 at 10 AM NOTE: this is the best offering of antiques we had for auction this year. Plan to attend this sale. Owner selling for health reasons. See next week's paper for more detailed listing. TERMS CASH Richard Lobb - Auctioneer CLINTON 412-71616 Owner or' Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sole. A AUCTION SALE Large Portable sign. antiques. furniture, appliances etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn. Clinton. On- tario. for local estates and consignors. SATURDAY, JULY 24 at 10 A.M. Large portable sign with letters and lights, small trailer for moving sign. Admiral fridge (like new). Frigidaire dishwasher, nine piece dining room suite, fancy dining table with leaves, dehumidlfler, elec- tric sewing machine. six matching wooden dining choirs, four matching modern maple dining chairs: upholstered swivel rocker like new with ottoman. two chesterfields and chairs. drop leaf dining table. bid cupboard bottom, four washstands. foot stools. fa sur entlque desire -en wm:t' s. Wef&ri Fryir 6V and arm chair. wooden bed. bunk beds, read tables, treadle sewing machines, davenport *suchk, tyro fan- cy old iron beds. biass type bed. matching coffee . andrind tables. several odd wooden choirs. oil lamp, air conditioner. blanket box. table lamps, antique Coleman lamp. chrome table and eftalr sets, wheel borrow, coofestays, Quebec heaters. large black beard. olumhtum extension ladder. aluminum step iedsie.. astectcic heaters. three bicycles: restaurant • swivel stools, fans, pitter**. dol boots. plies our usual large offering of glassware. small appliances and- misc. Items etc. too rntrnerous to mention. TERMS: CASH Richard Lobb - Auctioneer CLINTON 102-7610 Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sole. 36. Auction sale GIGANTIC FARM equipment in- ventory and consignment mon- thly auction, . Friday, July 23. .New 1982, 10 a.m sharp.and used ,equipment incleding ap- proximately 60 tractors, skid steer loaders. some industrial equipment. automobiles, several pull type and self pro- pelled combines; plows. discs, cultivators, land packers, seed. ,a a ...._1 .., .< • foroi!O,or spreaders, squire and round balers, stookers, haybines, swathers; mowers, rakes, elevators, wagons, harvesters. forage boxes, blower grinder mixer, rotary mowers, stone pickers. snow blowers, grain augers, blades, gravity boxes plus lawn and garden equip- ment. Terms: Cash or cheque day of sole. Not responsible for accidents on property. Trucking and lunch available. Tractors sell at approximately 2 p.m. Auctioneer: Cliff Gilbert. No consignments accepted July 23, day 'of sale. Don't miss it! See you there. Wayne Word Farm Equipment, Highway 6. Wiar- ton. 534-1638 or534-2980.-029 *V,- - �IIUL�� ANY TYPE -ANYWHERE YOUR PLACE OR MINE GORDON H. BRINDLEY - Auctioneer 529-7629 524-7970 41. To give away TO GIVE AWAY to good home - small part • poodle. trained, preferably adults only. 5243 7729.--28,29 PART POODLE and part Terrier. loves children.' black, one and a hall years old- Phone '524- 7291.-29 44 -,Engagements ELSTON-FAMISH Grant and Lois Farrish, R.R.3, Lucknow, -are -happy -to -Ca- pounce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Grace to Keith James son of Bill and Isobel Elston, R.R.4, Wingham. The marriage to take place at 3:00 p.m. on' Saturday, August 7. 1982 in Ashfield Presbyterian Church_ Receptio to follow in Teeswoter.-29x 46. In memoriam BEREFT With thanks to God for many precious memories of a son and brother. who left us so suddenly July 20, 1980. Another year posses since God in His love Has token our Terry to heaven above To a life that is peaceful, no trials or fears And yet.. -how we miss him and shed many tears The tears aren't all sadness or wondering why Sometimes it's remembering the good days gone by Of the boy that he woo and the man he'd become And we thank God we had him as brother and son. -Remembered always by Mom, Dad,°Sheree, Shelli and Sheila. -29 phne. a33T 47. Card of thanks BRICKER 1 would like to express my sincere thanks to all the friends, neighbors and relatives, who sent flowers, gifts, cards, and their best wishes during my re- cent stay in hospital. Also many thanks to Dr. Watts, Dr. Chan, and all the nurses. Special thanks to. Jackie and to Mom and Dad. -Brenda Bricker. -29 GRAHAM In loving memory of our father, Percy Graham, who passed away. July 26, 1974. Always remembered by Blanche., Jack, , Jim and families. -29 47. Card of thanks BRINDLEY I would like to express many thanks to those who sent cords, flowers and gifts, which i received while in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Watts and Dr. Couchi, also nurses and staff of first floor Goderich Hospital. -Olive Brindley. -29 • GRIGG Sincere appreciation to my family, relatives and friends for their remembrances and many acts of kindness to me during my surgery in Alexandre Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. Special thanks to Dr. Steed, Dr. Lambert and his surgical- staff and to the second floor nursing stuff. Also thanks to Rev. Bechtel and Elaine for their visits. -Sincerely, Norma Grigg. --29x MITPadLL 'Our sincere thanks and ap- preciation to all our relatives, friends, neighbors and members of the Eastern Star for flowers cards treats and visits during our recent stay in hospital. Special thanks to doc- tors and nurses in University Hospital on 2nd and 5th floors and to Dr. David Walker and Rev. Robert Ball. -Alma and Franklin Mitchell. -29x STEEP The family of the late Joseph Steep wish to thank all our friends: neighbors and relatives for the beautiful floral ar- rangements, cards, expressions of sympathy, • donations to charities and to those who sent food to the house. Special thanks io.Rev T A. Duke for his words of comfort and his ser- vice, also to the Royal Canadian Legion Br. 140 for the memorial service and the Ladies Auxiliary for the lovely lunch, also to the pallbearers and flowerbearers. Special thanks to all the VONs for the wonderful care Joe had this last year, also to Dr. Newland and Dr. Watts. All these many kindnesses were deeply appreciated and will not be. • forgotten. -Marjorie Steep.-29nx THOMPSON I want to thank my friends and relatives for visits, cards, flowers and gifts, which 1 received while in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to. nurses and staff second east and to Drs. Walker, Holl- ingworth and Gleeson. -Elva Thompson. -29 McALLISTER The family of the late Mervin McAllister express their thanks - for kindnesses shown during their y bereavement. Thank time relatives, avefriends and neighbors for floral tributes, donations and messages of sympathy, also food • brought tb our biome. Special thonks to Rev. Bal, the Legion Auxiliary for a lovely lunch, pallbearers and flowerbearers, Stiles Funeral Home, Pot and Bill Rivett, Jay Drehmann and ambulance drivers. -Ido, Glenda and families_-29ar WILLIAMS To Dr. Nunes and Dr. Walker who attended me at Alexandra Hospital a most sincere thank you. When 1 was transferred to Victoria Hospital, London, 1 am most grateful to Dr. Rathbone. Dr. Hahn. Dr. Oliver and the nursing siaff for their expert Care. A special thank you to George and Joyce Bolton for all -their help and kindness: and to all who sent flowers, cards, gifts. phone calls and the many who visited me, I am most appreciative. -Harry Williams. -29x WE BRING BUYERS & SELLERS TOGETHER NP• anak. i9 .1 t.. fairwoitsuimmt 1 c&ASSSIDSll1 IMMIP DU! 1 4 mnonw..aiww-34...,,. 12. Real estate for_sale• HUTTON GODERICH-Price has been reduced to '30,000. on this Nelson St. home. It needs your imaginative moder- nisation and renovation and must be sold to sat - 11e , an Estate. Four bedrooms. living room. dining room. kitchen. 3 pc bath up and 2 pc down. Situated in choice residential area on a good lot. It*** LONDESBORO-Highway 6 acres with 3 bedroom aluminum sided house. steel barn. workshop. Excellent' location for repair shop etc. *oris 40 ACRE farrow to finish hog farm. Modern steel barn with cleaner. Good house. 23. acres .of apple . trees,. apple storage building and equipment. must be sold - OFFER?? Mel Mothers, Wingham 3574200 representing LLOYD W. HUTTON. • REAL ESTATE LTD. Broker, Kincardine WE WISH to thank all the teams, the fans and everyone else who helped make our tournament a huge success. Special thanks to Carlow Country who donated the Sportsmanship Trophy on behalf of Peter Doherty, and to Tom Dickson of Happy Hollow Campground for donating the A division trophy: -The Port Albert Pirates Slo-Pitch Team. -29x TOO LATE TO 'CLASSIFY ROOM TO RENT in private home. Phone 524-6564 noon, or evenings. -29.30 FOR SALE: 1976 Citation. 24 ft. Travel Trailer, excellent condi- tion. fridge, stove, hot water and furnace, .electric or gas. Site paid till end of October. Phone 524-4401.-29 YARD SALE on Saturday, July 24th, at 348 Comox Crescent, Goderich, from 10 a.m. to ???. Two fomilies. Numerous miscellaneous items. -29 12. Real estate for sale BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 492.4371 Residence: 523-9331 2 MILES FROM CLINTON - 50 acres = 40 workable - no buildings - 10 acres woodlot with trout stream - PRICE REDUCED. HWY. NO. 4 - 71/2 acres - neat bungalovie - attached garage - finished basement - insulated barn • suitable for hogs or poultry. 20 ACRES -Large ranch home, very modern, in -ground pool, paved drive, new insulated barn, low interest mortgage Gan be assumed. NEAR BRUC1ErF1ELD - 6 acres - good frame home - drive shed and barn. 112 ACRES - near Kippen. 11/2 storey brick home, heated workshop. Financing available. HWY. NO. 8 - 69 acres - new home - farrowing barn - several ponds stocked with fish -PRICE REDUCED. 10 ACRES - near Ifinburn = good brick home - small steel barn. NEW LiSTiNG: 1 floor brick bungalow - Blyth - finished basement - electric heat - carport. NEW LISTING: Commercial property - Main Street - Blyth - wide 520,00000 I(14 ld dOSOLDp nae bui LARGE . SELECTION OF FARMS AND\LAND .... -. . sti tlVy Tr r I __ 1j 211® ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 524-6656 PUT THE NUMBER 1 FOR SALE SIGN IN YOUR,YARD OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY A SUNDAY 2:00 TO 5:00 P.M. PENTLAND DRIVE VLA CENTURY 21 ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 53 Stanley Street. Ooderlch