HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1912-1-11, Page 51'912 RESULT OF A TIP Ian itatrw hae a TOPn'ta^ fine baker who watte moo ns WI. a ordanary is tto • )W BRIM FLOUR he eeeret about 'itt with tow Drift floor half the nedy done. With 3114 e end skill twiee 'no are assured. Sons and Co. Insall Ont. iibtrOENEse ; been tlee motto ef- P)1/5/AIESSCOZZEff ONT 4/41.17EP 'ear iLod1givtnki training. Shorthand Busineess Subjecits. antvidnuf thastructiong -ardente placed in ,pois- El. Ask fee* CatalOgn.d frorsjaz, gad F E. BLACK, Principal. A live representative r for Exeter and sur - int to sell high ola,ss ill Nurseries s will be planted in d Spring of 1012 than e history of Ontario, f the future will be art of the farm. Men Salesmanship, d how big profits in n be made, • permanent employ- erritory. Wars, ellington ONTO '4•41.4-444.44+44+ -1481 4. 4. I m E 8 s, Neatness and 4. k We Take the + VITATIONS 4: 4. 4. eoic :BOOKS I TO. bone o the .T. otiee. • en o Convinced '\Co. UST ELLER A anciful OU dust, s the cleans r Lealth, 01,15TBANE. QCE prim r • e , You were never too young— You Will never be too old—to enjoy the Edison Phonograp The Edison Phonograph i not render it—as true to life as the only the greatest musician of all original. the ages—it is all the 'great musicians The Edison tone is pure, smooth, of the present day---1/1eYing till of subdued and true, bemuse o the the greatestimusie ever written. rounded, button-sbaped sepphire re- ii 'You select your program to suit producing-pontovinch gives exactly . your audience when you own an the right volume of sound for the • Edison Phonograph. The songs you home. And the sapphire point is per- • lave best, sung by the singers who manent—lasts forever. No changing sing them hest—you' kind of music, needles, no scratching or wearing of rendered as only the Edison can records. • There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to Mellowest and hear the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and Edison Amhara) Records. Get complete catalogs from your raciaapORLTED dealer or from us. Edison Phonographs, $16.50 to $240.00. Edison Standard Records,40c. Edison AtqberaiRecords(way 100 Lakeside Avenue tiviceaslon0,05e. Edison orandOperaRecorde,a5nto $2•50. Orange, N. J., U. s. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found** JW ILL1$ POWELL, Main Street. Crediton The naersanaeeenen„, i4celeng of th New Year met on Mone,. &IL Bev. Percy Banes occupie&the pul it in the Me!tduidist Church lezt Sun day Smarming and evening. Revival Meetings are being held, in the Evingelica church. Mrs. Si Bertrand hasi returned at ter Ispendibg a couple of weeks viol 'mg with relatives in Deltroit. Mr. Fahner of Reed city is spendim lng a few weeks visiting with' rel tithes and friends in and around th village. ' • , Mr. R.( Vry spent a few days a the home of Samuel Brown. Mr. if H. Eciltzman returned hom after spending a few days in Chicag Visiting his children. Mr. Ira Brown returned* home af- ter ispendine,r a few days in Toronto Mrs. Fred Cary an& children re- turned Ito itheir home in Sebewa.ing after vizating for a few( weeks wat iher parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fink laeiner. Mrs. Aaron 33rowp returned to ilex home' in Blenheim after spending weeks with )her pareaaite Mr. and Min Got. Geiser: She was accompanied home by Mins Violal Geiser. The young people enjoyed a gond night's ekatina on the rink laist San urday 'evening,• • ' People can't say they haven't enough snow. 1 tlaink l'hey will be getting more /than tbeir ahem.' • Mr. and Mrs/. L. Towers left fin Calvin. N. P., on 'Tuesday where they will again reSide, Mr. Harry Wind of Detroit, is spending a few days in townwih his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wind • A very serious accident b,=fell Mr Garnet Sweitzer last week while wetrking at the flour rollers at tile grist mill. In reaching in the mitt of his ;right band got caught in the rollers pulling in the tips of his four fingers and badly erushin.g them. Mr. Fred Kerr met' with a pain- ful accident on Monday afternoon of last week. Ine was in :ba barn and a gasoline engine refused to work. and, without thinking Fred lit a match to locate the trouble when there was ate explosion of the gosoline that had been escaping. Mr. Kern's hands ware severely burned and he will be laid up for softie weekO. Fred. seetna to be unfortunate as last spring be was laid up with Inaba poisoning in one of his hands. What might have been a serious fire occurred at the home of John F. Smith Crediton when .a nurabeinnof thein friends had gathered to spend a social -time on NewYeaz'a evening A. beentifial tree with .preeenta and Lighted with candles caught fire' and completely burned the tree; and des trued the curtains and 'carpets be- sides daineging the wells and ant- ing • After the excitement of 'the fire was -ever the remainder onthe evert - ng was apeni in gatctee and inAio. On Saturday alnnuary U tke rate- payers of Crediton. Centralia. Dash wood will be asked to vote on Hydro'- eleetric bo -law. In a number ef towns and villages 'throughout 0rt0J sario• a 'similar vote was taken, op Monday January 1st and in every ease the by-law carried with a 'ergo mejority. On Monday Ma's Ruth the. three yer, ar old daughtiir of M. and Mrs: EL weiteer nadt. with a aerie= acid n; y falling against the stove eiving a out just below the eye. It took h, couple ottaatitchea to clone the wound. o a • .„A witioson LADY'S APPEAL To All Women: I will send free with full instructiona, ray borae treat! merit whieh positively cares Leueorr- heoct,, Ulceration, Displacements, Fall- ing of the 'Womb, Painful or Irregular - Periods. Uterine awl Ovarian Tumors or growths, also Rot Plashes, Nerv- ousness, Memlehoiy, Pains in the Head. Back, llovvols, Xidney and Bladder troubles Where aneed by weakness pecellar to our sex. 'You can eontinue treatment -lit, hoon at o, coet of only about 1 centS a week. • My book, " Wardell's Own Medina 'Advieer," also sent free Oh reqttest. 'Write to -clay, Address Mrs, M. SUM - Snots,' Bon 11,841 Yirindser, Ont, CENTRALIA Rev. R., IT. Bowen, of London, gave two veryable addressee in the Meth- odist church last Sunday* evening in the interne' Of thec ible Society. The braneh was re -organized with jne. 3. Coawill as Pre-aident and Chan .Duplari as Secretary. Pairhall has returned to come plete his pourse in Cbathana Business College. • • Miss F. bl, Blatebford, left for T'or- onto on Monday to retierne her (etude ies in ,the Tinitiverenty. S,ie. was ao- eompanied by Dou'glas. wiib'is, going to help his brother in -the RealeEnse, tate 'business. 'Miss Alice Wilson and her cousin Gordon, are visiting a siater of the former a few miles out from Strath.. roy. The W. 'M. S. Auxiliary met at Mrs J. 3, Colveill's on Tuesday afternoon The attendance was good consideriag the very stormy weather. •llnie Exeter ,Distrielt S. S. an.d E. le Convention of the Mnithoclist chorea is to be held in the chlurch on Thurs.' day iho 25th nada IVItsie Whine En - ser' is Sea of the billeting Comienta tee. Delegates. will. therefore, be ex- pected to sand thole- names to her as 'Soon lag poesible. „ WHALEN, Mr. Samuel Peart, of Rockwood, is visiting relatives and friends,around here. Rev. Mr. Bowen, of London, spoke on Sunday in th d interest of the Bible Society and delivered a mast interesting addeasts. Mr. Ed. Buttson. of Staffa, spent a few* daye of last week" the guenti of Mr. Wra. Ogden. • Mr. j. Millson visited over Sun- dayrevith !his brdtbere W. E., of Stratford. • • Thuraday Jan. 4th, evaii, an event- ful day in the history of the Meth:- odist church of Wits place, ehe occa- sion being the annivereary of the, erection of the present church and its celebration WAS 'marked by the wip- ing off of the small remaining. tin- debtedness and the bursnag of !the note 'was offacially done by Mr. Sail:L- ae Gunning. 'A splendid prograrame was given coraprieled of home talent' except Mr, Wm. Mask, of Kirkton, • who Ives present with his grama,- phone. Rev. Mr. Blatchford ,our pas- tor is ko- be congratulated for' his untiring efforts aaid asisisittaince lett gave 'the ta-uitees in bringing about ,the occasion. We must no forget 'to renal:ton that the trustees treated all. present /to an oysitiern GRAND BEND A. quiet wedding was solemnized on !Tuesday Dee- '26'th 1911, at thet Manse. Graeld Bend, The ceremony being ;performed by the, Rev. S. A. • Carriere.. Wheri Annie Adelaide, third I (laughter. of Mr, and fm. Prank X. Gerometto, was united in taarriago • ! to Mr. Melvin T. Dodds; of Seaforthe iThu bride' was very becomingly at- tired in a navy blue travellingzaiti with het to match. Miss Valetta. Rexene. couain of the bride, acted . as bricleeanaid While Me. Robert Dodds • brother of the igroona, anted as bast j man. The groeien gift to the bride I was a beautiful amethyst brooch and ; to the brideamaill • a heavy gold ; br&leh and to the 'groomsman a die - lammed pin. The young couple will sponci a 'short timein Seaforth, be- fore liking up their residenee in , Fort e bride mill be greatly !missed in the Sunday School and choir, where she was a willing worker, tor her ! chcerfel disposition had gained her otaey friends, The youn conple have the best wielien of, a hoe of friends at Grand i3end. • I 4. SEXSAVITIlee Mr, pmasWoodwmref,4he cloneesaiont ot tinbarret, entertained' a namberr of, his frietide to. an oy ster • euppen on Fridey eveeing, 'Mat, Mr' Fred Wells. of Exetexe; was- present with his phonegraph. A very please opt evening Ives event: Mies Bertha ilat)ten, ,returned home en Sunday efter visiting her sister. Mrs. fetther Olre. Miss May Scullin is Nanning her eis,ter Ras ohn Oke TER.TIMES wooDu*At wojey MUL Iwo sOla hie feral on the. flaboree 9.‘ownehip Line 'to 3i - iii e Thompson end hie brother of the etin coacession of Blanahard, The Enweetti Leagtee. hela tie An- nan). meeting' Air 'he election of of- ficers on Wednesday niglat ot last week and apeohated them as int:owe; Prese Roy Steven.e; 1, a tVj. e're 3 Dope t 2inl Vice. Fred Steves; 3rd Vica3hx Canata; 4t1 Vice Eva 'cep aril.b Viet Lr W. B. Vaieee; R. Sc. Oliver Ifaziewood; Coro -Seg., Ver- de Canna ; 'Tr ea eu rer jarnes up. son; Organiet Ilea Mille. oes J'ohnston* arid Charles Will eni Q f the Ilaee lame returned to Coll( ge 'Tovoeto on Monday. ,Arinour Baran: earned oti Wedneedey of this weJ.z, rho sparrow matoI p 10Jst week resulted in a catch of naa. the win- ing sick bhe eing 1800. Tlooser ;sap - plied the oysters and a1joa L0 were. preserth to enjoy_ the. supper and the program that followed, some of th". boys have not been out nights elect) "Had enoegh" Weeley Switzer, of the Mitchell Be sPent Surtday in the village. On account of the extreince cold on Sunday. the congregation in the even- ing was small. 'The choir, however, were in fheir place, Harry Switzer. of the leiltehell. Road, left hist week for Calgary, Al. beta where he exped,ts +to opeo office for the sale a gasoline. lanepe and lights such ea be bas sold in On- tario, during the last year. The, saw mill men are busy in thee bush on Hugh Berry's farm. Tom Cooper and family of the northwest are vieiting on the Base line about Cooper's Church. Quite a nunaber from here attended the Orange Supper at Mitchell Rd. last week. - HENSALL niggina has returned: from •the west,. Ed. Solden, of Manitoba, is the guest of his brother Harry and other • relatives here. Irwin Douglas, of Unity; Sask., lee here visiting his brotherGeorge and other Tele fives. Gane t Webber is hoany from Cal- garY. where he went last March. He has done wele out, there and intends to hurn. ' Mr. and ;Mrs, Kilpatrick have ar- rived home from their eveddbag trip The bride wa-e treated/. Ito a kitchen shower. by her young friends at her home near 'Mogen. Edgar MeQueen and bride- have ar- rived home from their •wedding trip A number of tbe young friends of the bride gave her a ki tchen shove- erl at her home. Mr. Hannah who torraerly resided here but went Wesb eight years ago Is here visiting friends. The vote on church union is being taken in the Presbyterian and Meth- odist churches of Hensell. The bale lots are being placed on thet colleation plates. Rev. E„ McL. Smith is preseh- ingnenarnons in connection' Nvittb, the matter.1„. Several eftiens have been asking when the moniinneions• foa the two councillors will tallIneeplace. • When the new '.Reeve has eelFtep his deOlar- ation he ean isoue hi Tc'ternant ep- pointing a date or the narainlatennae and election. We undersaand Qk possibly there may be a. member of candidates in the field.. • Deputy Grand Mentenalnurray. vis- ited Ile 1. 0. 0. F. in ifie official ca- pacity on Friday everting when the, second degree Was put en. Mrs. Ed- wards, of Bxedgepert, President of the Rebecca Assembly comes • this. week to establish a Rebecca Lodge here. ea ladies and about' 15 gentle= men are expected to join. Another of our Hensall young men has taken unto himself a wife. Oa January 1st VIIRA3 Eilta 'nfarrison was united in marriage with Melvin Stoneman 'at /Saskatoon Sask. The raarriege took place alb the bothe of the beide in Why presence of a num- ber of invited gusts. • "r If your ehildren are sea. at- tacks of group watch for tea sy.mptora. hoarseness., Give Chan *a .- lain'e Cough Remedy as s ion a,. a child becomes, hoarse and the atteck- amai'ehoarlv.arded off. • For Bela by all dale • itti-uvroN • Mr, W. A. Gannet, 'of "Woodside Farm" and Mr. Mowats Delver, man- • ager of the xlelelsons Bank. Kirktan, left Monday' for Guelph. Mr.. GUM- lan to 'take a course at the Agricul- ture, College, Mr. Driver to enjoy a few weeks holidays. Mr. A. A, Doupe, formerly mer- chant. of Kirkton, died in Landon on Monday. ! Robe Robinson, of Kiektort, is con- fined to bis bed through innate • Cot g s, Colds ronchili If there is an ailment in the throat or chest, it ie surely essential that the remedy be conveyed direct to the af- eeeted part. It's because the heating vapor cif Catarrhozone is breathed into • the sore, irritated, throat and bron- chial tubes, because its balecaniclumea kill the germs and desttoy the Cause of the trouble. Tbese are the reasons why. Catarrhozone never yet failed to cure a genuine case of Catarrh, Azth- Bronehitie, or Throat Trouble,• . The wonderfully soothing vapor of Catarrhozone instantly reecho the furtheat teeesses of the lungs, pro- duces a healing, curative effect that. is impossible with, a tablet, 'Or ; 1.10114, which goes merely to the stomach, and fells entitelY to hell, .the, throat or lungs. . To permanently cure your winter 111s, your voughs, sneezing. and ca- tarrh, by all Meana uee a tried and .proveri remedy like Catarrhozone. But beware of the subetitutor and trnitator. Look for Catarrhozone telly. 50c and $1, at all dealers. • • le Catarrhoz one Just Breathe 11, Cure is Sure Z011101.1 Ore; *T. Ka gine.g4 detaaniter "ts vieitieg with lair, aini nre. PWIIp fleueb Xre Dr: Wilson teas in toWn laet week renewing acquaintances. VIr, Marshall Zeiler left on Tneeedey for Berlin where he is attending high. eeheol. Mr. T. J• UnePer M. P; is le the Wes e lookieg aft er hee in'tereste- there. file annual cong,kegational inee:tiree (of St. Peter's leitheren church was led p» Tuesdey janfeary• ath. There win be no service in $t, Pet; ean Latheran ehurell on Sunday bet Sanday ;school, will be held at 10 are. Sunday echool will commence at ld a, m. Rev, C . Brown is cooducnag a aeries of spacial meetings at the 4t,h Con. Miss tyaia Brown has arrived lac ne again this week after ao eanea ed visit with friends it the vicinity fa' Walkertan' and Hanover. Mrs. l3. i3rown of Crediton formerly Kiss Sophia Kiebafelcit of the llth •Oaa wio died on Dec, 271h was burinl an the above pleat, on Sonday after- noon, ' • The Pupils of Mi e's Agnes Kaereh- ern 5, ;School clam were invited to tea at 'her home on New Years night, wleen they presented her with a gift es a eilacht reaognitiou •of her ser- vices to lite Oasis. • Mr, Fred Southeott, of Califorala, who blis knee visiting her sister Mrs Spaekraan. at Bleaheimalyas a geeetat a' the home of Mrs. Se Bennie, the peat week. They make one feel as though Tire •was ivorth living Take one of Oer- ter's Little Liver Pills after eating it will relievo dyspepsia aid digeation give tone and vizor to the system, YB Mr. CharlerrAParktEijD er neiet With arsrr ions lose on Friday last when his barn with all the season's grant' and, feed was burned to the .gtourid. There was but a small insurance on the building. As all his feeci was in the •barn. he is thus left without feed al - roost at the beginning of the winter. The cause of the Eire is aniencavn. Captain ?Thomas Pollock of Selkirk. an,, is ebe ,guest of hi a brOther Mr.1 John, Pollock. Mr. Daniel Wilson of Oak Lake Manitoba arrived on Saturday last andl will spend some time renewing old acquaintances in the villane and v ic i n is,t y llrGeorge Bullard and daughter Miss Irrieda and sister Wen Catherine* Wiids. of Hannah Ne La are visiting their, another Mrs. Joeeph Wilder ARE: MICROBES IN YOTJR SCALP? It has been proved that nnicrobein • Cause Baldness Professor thma of Hamburg Ger- many' and R. Saboarancl the leading French 'dermatologist diecovered tbat a naicrdbe causes baldness. Their theory biz time ana again been,amply verified through resea.rchexperimente carried on under the observation, of eminent seientiale, Thia minrobe lodges in the Sebum which is the natural hair oil and when permibtecl to flourish. it destroys the hair "Collie - les and in time the pores entirely close and the scalp gradually lakes on a shiny appearance. When this Lap- sn there is no hope of the growth of Os hair being revived. Wep a remedy which we hon- estly believ.gemoves dandruff enter- iieraltar.2.hebelePlr.Ponlaontilannerfigonodd cmirinetaiitactiathne the hair roots:—"-- tighten. and - revatilize t he •hair roots and overcome baldnelan ap long as there is any life left in thd hair roots. ' • We back this statement with our 0111:1 pe.rsonal gaarantee that this remedy called Rexall 93 Hair Tonic will be supplied free et all cost to thr user if it fails to do as we ntate. • It will frequently. help be -restore grey and faded hair to its originai color providing loss of hairbas been caused by diseatee; yet it isoin no sense a dye.. Rexall ".q3" Hair Tonic accomplishes theee inn:nits by aiding in making every hair root fol- liele. and pigment gland strong and 'active and by stimulating a natnral flow of coloring pigment Throughouet the hair cells. We exact no obligations or prpm ises—we ;limply' ask you to give Rex - all "93" Hair Tonic a thorough trial and if tot softie -fled tell trs and Mea will refund the money you paid us for it Two size,a prices 59 centte and $1.00 Remember yomi can obtain it in Ex.:, ter only at our sitore Tlii Reran Store W. S. Cole; ETICAN A small frame cottage beck of the Jiigh sebool owned by Henry Hume and occupied by Ames 'Whitelock an English emigrant who lived alone wee badly damaged by fire on Tuescley night. The blaze originated throtinh the explosion of a Iferoe-ene can. Ralph. Mowbray genera' agent for the .Deering Harvester Co. left on 'Wednesday for. Edmonton to, remain yeax in the interests of the firm He was presented with an addrens, and a handsome • secretary and Mrs Mowbray' with an easy chair by a number of citizens Mimis Alma Stanley has taken o position as teacher in the high school at Arnmrion Wffliani 3', Collison, anon- an ab- sence of aiglitonare in the Edmonton district is visiting 'hie. home in Bid• dalph. 3'. Scott returned from Be- Aina last week and will spend tee winter, here. The 1%lew Year's eiftertainment un- der the auspices of Holy 'Trinity Sun- day eebool was a deeided oticcona this year the opera Mouses being erowded to the aeons. • . a Braise' Ina Mara of thie place who has been feaehing at Finch since, lant soling. bras reaiened her position to amino a position on the Ltle•fltl high school steff as teacher of Moderns and Ltttin Miss lvieballum of Procne - den, has r.enienao. Marshall Morails clerk at It& Gen- tral Rotel has resigned hi olAitIon and will take ep farming. John Sackson Sr,' of ireLhconm ar rived here last week and will spend the winter with his daughter Mrs. MeNarnie Mr Jncksonis 82 years or ago (Lyra ie quite feebleChlldoij, EFOR ig 1* w"S"r0 PIA SISTRII3 (YVON OF iii GRAIN AND POTIA,TOUS otrar NI, ON ,141-71.? gel N1,1".441/ 1E,An...11.1Mz8 J3y instruetIon's of 'lee Una Mine isleer •of Agriculture a dielribinion Nriti be made daring the coming win- ter and sprinn of superioe sorts, of gram and potatoee to Canadian Var- mere, Tbe samples of geheiral distri. 5hotion will pats ssiel lebof ;sbParirtileb gy:svitia:; 11 and, field peas .3 lbs; These Will be sent oat from Ottawa. A dietribue teen of potatoes in 3 ib. samples, will be carried on frorn several of the en- Perimentai, farms. the, Ceti trA Farm at intiterwa aupplying only the worn:wee of Onterio and. Quabee. st/ penes will be oent. floe by mall. ',applicants shoald give partieulare in negard to the soil on, their farma and 'should also` state what 'eerie - ties they have already tested and in what way these• have been found unsatisfaetary, So that a promasieg sort .for their •conditionMay be sent Eaell applicatiou must be ieeparattei and 'must be elon.eci by 'tbe applicant Only one eannale can be aent to cxech farm Applications on any !lied o2 Printed or written form cannot he aPAce0Pttehde.' sapnlY of Seed is Limniied farmers are advised to apply early to aroid possible diteappointraente Na• applica none eau be ccep Lot aft as for grain and applia cations for the provinoea of Ontario and Qaebec for potatoes should be addressed to the Dominion, Cerealiet. Central Experimental Farm Ottawa Suck 'appliaations req,aire no. postage Applications for potatoes from, far- mers in any other province should be addreso poatage prepaid to the Superintendent of tile nearest Breach Experimental Farm in than province, J. H. G-RISDALE DirectorDominion Expeximental Farms CRAIG A quiet but pretty wedding took place. at the residence of Mrs. "Wil- liam G. Noyes. of Allen Craig, on Thursday Jan. ith. when her daugh- ter Appolene, was united in ina.r.riage to Mr. John Squires.' Bev. • IT. E, Meldrumt tied the nuptial knot, and after a dainty wedding break/ant. Mr. and Mrs( Squires left on 5e12 train for Sarniaand points, in Michie gen.' • Mr. Levi. Rosser, who hats ,spent the, last,' three years in the west, ie vis- iting his parentis, Mr. and Mrs. D. Itossier. Mr. So H. 33/1cKay, has taken 'the • Place of Mr. Cowie as principal'. of nee publio school here. Mr. and Mrs. Cowie left oriBa.turday for their new home. in' Preston. A' series of prayer serviees was held la ehe different churches iri town laslt week. Mize Sadie MacPherson, who left last week for '.*Tew York 'te study, nureing. was Most agreeably surpris- ed on Tnesday afternoon when her Sunday school claes gathered at her home and presented her with a beam - Mal gold -headed suitease umbrella, suitably engraved. Mr: H, W. Morgan; of Edmon is:M11.5'W•itjaCifiling Qaaee. who hats6anjnust- nanzhed a saceeaaful season as mil- liner in White & May's store, lefb on Taesclay for her home in Exeter. Miss Annie Canning ban returnee from., a lavo week's visit with, friends' irk London. • Kr. Wilfrid Bendel], of Denfield, helping his brother with the thresh- ing On account of his accident. Mrs. A. Munro was celled to Lon- don,this week owing to the illness of her ei.ster, Meta Johnston. YOlf iIk3KNo mulrEY Our Ropier Lee and weeny armbae41 ' 9f This Offer I W.e ay for all the iaedieigie. ',teed( I during lmu trial, if our remedy- fella to comentely relieve yeti of constine ation We take all. 'the I are not obligated to es in apy wan, whatever, if. Toll accent QIIr oftere anythipg be more felr to yoe% Is 'there any reason, whY Yolk 011oulat tiesUte to pet our claims to a prac04 Leal teab8 mot scieatifie, cemluelliaenoet treateaent Is Bezall Orderlies wbli are eaten like candy. 'They are veree pronounced, gentle and pleas,ant in( cotton, and particularly agreeable let: every Ivey, They do not cause diarr-i hoea nausea, flatulence, alining oil other inconvenienee. Renal Orderef nee are particularly good arer ohildren aged and delicate persons, ' A We urge yomi to try Rexall Order' • Lea at our risk. Three Wavle Mk 2,40 and 50c. • Reraexnbtxr yoa can get Real all Remedies in thin corerannity mai.% at our storen-The Rexall StoreeW,. Ai Cole. I ler 111 Charining Chrietmas Gifts. Perfumed aigaldress (nee of fine handkerchief neva Hoed wine pine or lavender clamsilk is a charming gift to make fer the women who loves fit -1 ae4* On:4'1'$ • SEWING BOX AND'XIGHTDRXSS OALSB, tractive toilet accessories. Such a tease • ts to be found in the cut. The sewing box is a practical pee.. nt thatwill be much appreciated by the busy mother. The box is cut from ., pasteboard, which is covered with ilbwered cretonne. The sides, whieh open and lie flat on the table, hare strap S for the sewhig utensils. Consideration For Othere. The sense of common property in the family—that Is, what is the peculiar property ,of one belpngs to an—while, ery pleasing in theory, nevertheless, Works a serious hardship in naost cases, and is a source of constant annoyanco in many households. To have on ' pet dress or ribb appropriate When yo Or little belongin y sIster or brother .jef want to use them yours ewe your privacy rudely brok0 in upon when you tient most to fe olona is a thing especially irritsitin Respect and'regard for individual pro erty and privacy are two things th should be taught and enforced in eve family. They are among the fird things learned by the college girl en the absence of which she severely sent s on her return home. Consider time for othera end respect for on self are all Lien aro necessary to sa much irritatiou mirci annoyance. • "We are only iittie ones, but we know Zarn- Buk eased our pain and cured our sores. Per. haps it would cure you, too, if you tried it?" , Isn't this sound advice from "babes and latteklinnel Take iti The speakers are the children of Mrs. E. Webster, of Seigneurs $t., Montreal, and the mother adds weight to their appeal. She says: "My little girl contracted scalp disease at school. Bad gatherings formed all over her head, and not only caused the child acute pa'm but raade her very 111. The sores discharged, and occurring on the scalp we feared she would lose an her hair, She was fns pitiable plight When we tried Zam-Buk, but a few days' treatment with this bahn gave her Case. Then the sores began to heal, and we con - tinned the Zam-Buk treatment. In a short time she was quite healed. • "My little boy sustained a seri- ous scald On the rieck. It set up a bad sore, and quite a few things we tried, failed to heal it or give him. ease. Onto more We turned to Zani.Bult, and we were not, disappointed. it acted like a, charm in drawing away the pain, and soon healed the wound." Zartt•I3uk is "something differerit" in the way of baling,• It contain7owerfolhealingherbalesseneee, which, aelgoonaaapplied rittE SOX to pkin heaths, kill off the ierrag and end the peanful sinattipn Other easences contained in am•Buk so atimulate the cella that new healthy tissue is speedily forratiti. Ilczemaeiteh,uleers, cold Sotea,ftbeeosties,fetteritig sores; blood poitocing, arctic wounds, c6Itlaraoks, oto.,tro healed arid etifed intbie *ay, Use it for akin injurioe and dieeases, X saseogr�icteeriiccforpllee. 4.11 druggists and stoine at 50 cents box, o Zan1.13Uk 06.0 Tormitei. Send nal cent atomp fat oast. see. and Ito will mail trial bon itee, Mention 1 eaPer•