HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-06-30, Page 21I ca• ••••• ..... • A&P reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements! Prices effective thru Saturday , July 3rd, 1982 BETIX.CROCKEX, ASST VARIETIES 510 g PKG - OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.49 REGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE • Nabob Tradition Coffee 1 LB BAG 99 OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.69 You'll do better at GOPERICIISIMMASTAR, VilEDNESPAY, JUNE 30,190,-pAGE • 2 Trips For Two To The ill SUPER BOWL! Plus 2 Pairs of GREY CUP Tickets to be Drawn at each ARGO Home Game. (Complete details at vour.A4 '"gem-effitreifiindaMeh,' 7 A44, with cashier et env A&P Food Store, Name.... ..... oc00.0.01,1•8•Ip00000pacco.o0opoo 000000000 o 0000000000000 pooroo•ol000nouocoovecloopm AddrOSS0000000,100000.000,0000000040. aaaaa o aaaaaaaaaaaa dO aaaaaaaa a aaa 01•0•30000Q00,11200C10 Postal Code: 00061.0 aaaaaa so•••••••000si, 'Tel No: acraoso aaaaaa a'411,100200.10"000494 REGULAR & SUGAR FREE ASST VARIETIES Canada Dry Beverages CASE OF 24-10 FL OZ TINS (6 pack of 10 fl oz btls 2.09 -Plus btl. dep.) OUR REGULARPFIICE 9.99 CHARCOAL Kingsford Briquets 10 LB BAG 99 OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.89 with Supermarket Prices! CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF. • " AFF -F!g!! • /1.. • atm 4 • Bone or Sirloin or Roost a' OUR REGULAR PRICE 11.00/kg 4.99 lb SAVE .89/kg-.40 Ib CANADASCINEST GRADE A ;POZEN E -t: .85 A&P SELF -BASTING TURKEYS OR Swift Butterballs 84/129 f• Ib OUR REG. PRICE 3 73/kg-1 69 Ib A&P, REGULAR OR THICK SLICED Side Bacon 500 g vac pac OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.99 2 MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED—VAC PAC439 39 / 199 Cottage Rolls Li ,kg/ lb MAPLE LEAF READY-TO-SERVE,VAC PAC / I• A 59 Country Kitchen Hams ltrghb MAPLE,,LEAF, REGULAR, ALL BEEF OR B.B.O. Wieners MAPLE LEAF, GOLDEN FRY OR SKINLESS Sausages lib 179 vac pac 1 500 g 249 pkg MAPLE ISAF SLICED 7 VAR INCL MAC & CHEESE & BOLOGNA Cooked( Meatsv3.7c5pcgc 1" MAPLE LEAF SLICED Cooked Ham SAVE .88/kg-.40 Ib COMBINATIONPACK-2 RIB ENDS 2 LOIN ENOS CEN'PE Cui :HOPS Loin Pork Chops 1139/199 •:* !kg ' Ib OUR REG. PRICE 5.27/kg-2.39 Ib RIB OR 3.312 LB CUT TENDERLOIN PORTION Loin Pork 17 Roasts 4 Ikgilb (BONELESS RIB PORTION 7 25/4-3 29 lb) /kg SAVE 2.87/kg-1.30 Ib RUMP SIRLOIN TIP INSIDE CUT ROUND Boneless Beef Roasts 59/ 99 kg / lb OUR REG. PRICE UP TO 9.46/kg-4.29 Ib Ib SAVE 2.65/kg-1.20 Ib • OUTSIDE CUT. EYE REMOVED Boneless Round Roast 37/1)89 (kg • lb OUR REG. PRICE 9.02/kg-4.09 Ib INSIDE CUT 5 LB BOX 5 379 Wieners MAPLE LEAF •9 5 189 Round 36 / Steak U (kg/Ib CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF LOIN ROAST or, CHOPS (BONELESS 8 13(kg. Centre Cut Pork 3.6() th, PORK LOIN RIB PORTION. COUNTRY S Spare Ribs SHOPSY, ALL BEEF OLD VIENNA Salami 6151kgilb TYLE 483(kgFb ALL BEEF SLICED Shopsy Bologna SHOPSY, ALL BEEF Sausages SHOPSY. COLE SLAW OR 175g 159 Potato Salad vac pac MEADOW GOLD, ASSt FLAVOURS Ice Crean 5 9 1 2 litre carion 279 219 500 g 999 pkg 375 g 79 vac pac FRESH. LEAN Ground Beef 4391kg/b 199 MAPLE LEAF. READY -TO -SERVE. REG. OR MINI SIZE Dinner Hams .725,kg/b BURNS, BREAKFAST Sausages 329 3511kg/b 159 MOLE LEAF 9 VAR. INCL. & PEPPERONI BAVARIA Deli Chubs • .2509159 size 11 500 g 249 MAPLE LEAF SLICE REG. THICK OR HINT OF MAPLE 299 Pkg Side Bacon 500g vac pac 500 g 149 ctn SHOPSY. ALL BEEF Wieners PLAIN, WITH GARLIC OR.,POLISH Bick's Dill Pickles FRITO LAY, ASSORTED VARIETIES Potato Chips lib 179 vac pac I NEW YORK. Strip Loin Steaks 1541/kgib 699 IN STORES WITH DELI . YOUR CHOICE - Canada Packer's Cold Cuts MAC & CHEESE. DUTCH LOAF. COUNTRY KITCHEN VISKING BOLOGNA. REGULAR OR PEPPERCORN SALAMI .44 /1 99 /100 9/ lb OUR REGULAR PRICE"UP TO 661100 g-2.99 Ib 1.5 litre 241 jar , 200 g 119 pkg PURE SPRING, REGULAR OR SUGAR FREE VARIETIES Beverages '03`:;0`:1: i750 mL ' btl .49 KRAFT, ASSORTED VARIETIES B.B.Q. Sauces POWDERED Oxydol Detergent OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.29 6 litre box is oz 129 jr STRAINED, MEATLESS VAR. OF FOODS & JUICES Approve motel plan Goderich *wes application to construct a motel and gueet cabins Ott part of lot 2, Base Une when it met in regular session Azle 21. Counoilalso requested that Huron County, • change °the, designation of this parcel of land fromrural residential to recreational and passed" briaw ,number 10, 1982 to establish site plan control of the parcel. Further to the meeting with • Tuckersmith representatives„, council decided not to give a grant to Tuckersmith Township on behalf of the Vanastra Recreation Centre at this time. • The reeve and the clerk were authorized to sign the development agreement between the township and Rodi Developers and the clerk was instructed to have • this agreement registered. R. Bondi and C.R. Kiar were present at the council meeting to explain their development agreement and seek co-operation in having the plan approved without an OMB hearing. • Building perMits were issued to Joe Durnin for a storage shed on lot 31, concession 3; to Arthur Bell for a grain bin and storage shed on lot 25, concession 3; to Martin Van Ninhuys for a barn lean-to on lot 36, con- • cession 7; to John Van Wyk • for an addition to a drive shed on lot 27; concession 9; and to Robert Vodden for house alterations on lot 25, concession 17. A building permit ap- plication from Moritz Roth for a cattle shelter on lot 32, concession 14 and from R.E. Thompson for manure storage on 101 23, concession 15 were held pending cer- tificates of compliance. And • a building permit application from Ross Feagan for carport additions on lot 45, Maitland Concession was held pending properfee. • Accounts, totalling over $47,000 were ordered paid. This amount included $2;500 for the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital building grant; $6,286 for the Clinton Fire Area balance of budget; $3,257 to B.M. Ross forleeator.ilarbotwitights; • $17,854 for Huron County taxes; $4,566 for Town of Goderich land fill site; and • $12,111 for road superin- tendent pay roll. - Harrison picnic held The 47th Harrison picnic was held June 12 at the Clinton Conservation Area. Forty-two people attended. Officers for 1982-83 are: president-Wilf Harrison; se cr eta ry-treasurer-Marion Harrison; directors -Bud and Amy Hunt and , Alan and Blanche Johns; rind sports - Brenda Maclean and Mary and Ralph McAdam. The following won races or contests: kick the slipper - men -first -Bill Collins, second -Gerry Neilands and third -Chester • Hackett; women -first -Barb Oesch, second -Mary McAdam and third -Jo -Anne Smyth; three- legged race -first -Bill Collins and Stanley Airdrie, second - Barb Oesch and Jeff Oesch and third -Colleen McAdam and Sheri Oesch; candy toss - all the children; sack relay - Mary McAdam's team; tooth pick and life saver relay -Hazel Collin's team; string and spoon relay -Hazel Collin's team; balloon toss - tie for first -Barb Oesch and Mary McAdam and tie for second -Trevor MacLean, Lois Hodgert, Scott Hackett and Shawn Hackett; raffle - house plant-diane Neilands, case of Pepsi -Donna Collins and planter -Dora Heard; coming the furthest distance -Will and Marion Harrison; oldest present - Annie Harrison; youngest present -Eliza Jane Smyth; guess the number of jelly !mans -tie -Scott Hackett and bora Heard; running races - one to three years -first - Danny Collins, second -Lori Collins, third -Joey Airdrie and fourth -Kelly Collins; three to five years -first - Trevor MacLean and second -Shawn McAdam; six t nine years boys -first -Jeff Desch and second -Timmy Airdrie; six to nine years girls -first -Sheri Desch and second -Colleen McAdam; 10- 14 years -first -Shawn Hackett, second -Scott Hackett and third -Stanley Airdrie; men -first -Bill Collins, second -Gerry Neilands and third -Jim Collins:, and women-flrst- Barb Oesch, second -Brenda MacLean and third -Hazel Collins.