Exeter Times, 1912-1-11, Page 1(•A`1 ARBl i " Tit Orarfteed to benefit various forms, Oentone C� i�earrh Jelly Prices for complete treatment $1.25 k us agouti the ,guarantee. C+OLL'S 1PRLO STORE -EIGHTH YEAR `,ChB worst.oas B+kih'.i1.71,.T7S4 alp be relievedby the use of fahe011atatielleMedV which isa tafe proved speci$c For thl& distreesing a,11m not'only relief butt coltnplete curee tall0 M011ey back if it faille. GOc $I,O0 botrtt10, Cole's Drug$fur Huron i s Middlesex Gazette No 1989 EXETER, ;ONT; CANADA. TITURSD.A MORNING, MINI/ART. llth 1912 0 -NES & MAY ',Caledonia Hos Ari Exeter Boy's StIcce$S Hospital—Dr. W. E. Browning, ou of Dr. J. W p �', a Browning, of town, Resid nt Physician and Proprietor impionommimmmismisminimmumgaimmumamm 'PHONE January Bargains We are now bus with our Annual Stocktakila yand are anxious to .make clean of all our winter p Goods, We have Bargains all alongthe line. g '.00 .00 :00. .00 Coats tc re. Ladies And Childress Coats A few good ones for $ 7.00 8,00 x0.00 moo 66 t They must go 3.00 Coats •a 5,00 c.7.00 it for CC 44' 2,00 3.00 4.50, 5 C PER CENT O.FF ALL FURS 2 want nt We a tosele 1 er< v url # in due � 1-5 off the Price o every orte. Throws, Y brows Scarfs Collarg-.andMuffs. Do not miss this- big Fur Sale SUITS & OVERCOATS ig JanuarY Stock Taking n Sale of Suits and Over :Coats We want to make s ak m a big hole in our Clothing Stock g .and have several lines we areclearxn right out. and - Come. see them BURNERS. HERTERS RND NWNC� ern Complete Stock to select from Art Garland, land Art Souvenir, ArtLaurel rel Heaters from $40 to $45 Heaters from $15 to 17.50 Ranges of the Best Makes from $25 to $5 Stoveand v Furnace Pipes, Elbows Dampers, Stove Boards, i, c, Furnace 'Won kand Plumbing �a Specialty alt... Y, enul ne SCRANTON COAL C('� A HARDWARE DWA AND STOVE • From a. Subscriber Fiber 1n4 sending his subscriptiin..tto 'the Times Mr. S. H.. Luxton of Pratt Kan- sas writets:'the following interesting letter "We are in the • midst .of the grea'teat run of winter weather known here in 30 years Two weeks ago to -day we had fourteen inches of snow land some onow it 0 since so that, we have good sleighth,gi and no sign a toe :thawing as it, keeps cold all''the "time. 'This is the first, real witorter II have seen here in. over five years and to we if seems like old times when. I,ai v ed in`Ontario 'and later i ."n Michigan: There are yoixng risen and women who 'have never: seen each a winter as we have. This great enow Ealy will be a great help to our land giving a much needed moisture •rss for about two year> we have not had enough, rain so that there hats been partial failures in nearly all crops. and we are very hopeful' for bumper: crops the comingharvest sea'aon. We,are''extremely fortuna:t'e just now as to other local 'm r i pros-mr.n,tt~+. which Is helping dur business hotioer< considerable. The Santa Fe -is putlt,- ting ;tip a fifteen thousand depot to replace the one burnt. The 03- dfellows"-are commencinfg a $30.- 00C1 30 -0001 'hall. And the stake Nish Hatch- ery. haa (bought a large, itredt of Jana adjacent Ito their preeent t tract which lice about two ' miles ,'to tato 'I South 'east of 'town# and they are to e c mals some a.ighty new ponds other grading ,aztd several now boildin3e to cost at present about, $65.000 for Liao hatchery so the balance will be used in the.caurm4i of two years :hhrt4, making it when completed' the laroasl and. best in the United States all un- er the direction d hof Prof S. L. D•3 ch who has gained renown as a bceentis't and an erne explorer. 5o with ever;• thing taken into consideration, ova are 'looking forward to. 'a very pros- rdas year. ° I pt: x tak., ea�our the y 1 cin p weeiily readings of the 'Times and am arlad to note that you have a few it: - duo -Orin and prospects of 'more rail• xaatt eerviee. Wishing you and all mit frjerider e i in and around Exeter a vary prosperous arid anjoyabla year. To let.relt>'f from indigestion, bit. iousness ' catistipation or torpid •liver, without .'rlis;ttrrbing the' etorti•aeJai Cr iirirg nb the botveta tale: a few dean of C'anter's -,Little Later Pills they will ' roliev' you. This week we take the pleasure of presenting a short ak'atch of anoth- of the young men who have gone out from our town and haveve made a suc- cess in their chosen profeeelon. Vara say 'another became Exeter and sur- rounding community can boast of x number who have gone out and have risen or are rising to foremost places: in the callings they have ehoie^an., Such a one is Dr. W. E. Browning sen of the esteemed Dr. To: W. Brown- ing. wha has ,practised in Exeter sineo 1867. A. special edition of the Caledonia Jcurnal in December 1011 contaimrt several articl'eis in connection 'with• his work and we reproduce them in part. In 1899 •t, young man just fresh from the University came. to Caledonia and established a doctoral: office in the Abbatt Block. Being of a cheerful nature, full of ane. hition and a "good mixer" a, popul- ar expression, sed now -a -days, he. be- came acquainted very easily. As he Proved from the start to be a man of absIILy, his practise se nnc e a d v.ery rapidly.Surgery interested him very much and he finally decided to make an attempt of establishing a hospital the year Lei thin city. This, was in. l:303. He 'star'ted .in. one vary small scale by renting W, D. Belden's res idenca now occupied by D. C. Mario and with a few surgical instrumenles performed a few successful operations His inext:tatep wax 1'o look for better quarters as he was greatly handicap ped in. performing .his ,work and in :caring for his patient -s; The bunds ing now occupied by Dr. J. S. Collins .was therefore eecured and fitted out ;with nice looms .d -d a place convhreda isnt' to operate- raxagt •occu ied m'e w'treb he became place' nor soriietim imbued with the idea of pri'tt r up a modern hospital. one that war/Ice al:a swer ovary ?urpose possible: and tt{a: would contain all the leading 1ix'turesr to he found in the very best hospint als in the land. After the ealb of the property he ,then occupied he moved into the Pope place where he remain, ed until the splendid building ho Thus't _ d. i � occupies was cornnlete . now oc i may be seen that Dr. Browning has. made a remarkably saceeasfuloreccrd ( during the tcvelve years ho lta;s been in, Caledonia. Dr. G. la Witl arson is assisting Dr.: 13rowniny and they are 'both'•Itept very. busy. d nveniericr and abso- lutely fire or`oof. conare't'r. building which Dr. Browning now owns and conducts. is a Model of perfection The banding is 88 feat Ion; and 58 feet wide. two stories high and was ereebad a't the cost of n'earijr t an itt .d hr ha t $45.000. It is equipped c q pp g with the most modern appiianca.:e known. to the medical science. 'The capacity 'of the place is 'twenty beds cash located in a 'palatial room furnished with solid. brass -mast-ends and otherfurniture of the same Iux- iarious style. There aro five complete bath rooms with shower baths and all other ap- pliances ppliances incident 'to 'the. use:, of Hydro therapeutics The place sixpporfia: its own gas plant and is furnished with Lho moat up-to-date sterilizing' airpat n'• to b atuv e had. tliEcen Each floor • has its diet h and is connected by ' an elevator aad dumb waiters xvith other floors. The .inside finial), of the building', its hand- some The floors are made o.;V intmao ulately clean white tile: 'There are no square corners ha the building and bo places for dust and dir'h'to lodge; The ground floor consists of eight bedrooms, office reception room, n - ray room, public toilet and both room private library and diet kitchen and corridor. .. Second Floor -Eight bedrooms, lin- en and chart room, public toilet and bath room diet kitchen and the operi- a.ting department which cuts` 'off parts of the corridor and occupies one end of the building. . A clothes chute for soiled linen and spiral stairway lead. from the operating department through (the doctor's private room, ltd oo rridor in, basement. Each room is equipped with a closet and the old in'othod of calling Courses by mean's of a bell i.s' t a nal replaced by thetheS erre Rely Signal system which consists of electric' lights. The operating room is lighted with .the Moore Tube light. The heat for the building is furnished by a hot ;water furnace and an auxiliary i:igltit- horse power sham boiler: fire basement is divided off into following apartments. On the 'west side iof the corridor is The. fuel 'room'.dinint-room, buttler's pan".ry, main kitchen room for kitchen storeis•and a vegetable room On the teas(t side of the' corridor is the laundry room,eew- ing room. toilet and bath room, two bedrooms for maids, general store room and 'room' 11x14 feet for sto`ring naeutim blcaning outfit, oIl.orage bat- teries' and at her•Pover„m chinery " 'There is a, splendid; operating r 'pm in facfntwo of them on • this floor a large one for major sireany ,, i - a smaller ooze -where m1no•,stixg:ry in practised land infeat4ons ases are op- erated in order 'to protect thle larger rooni from the .ponsibilibies of an in- fection resulting from pl'iviou=, caSer These rornts are so iitgextiously providt- ed with) water' fi�turis that thesui geontis °hands''after, once being dterili zed ine'ed not be••used to tarn -water off Or an the foot or Ithe' reebow beim 'useiv. inefead'. ' The.' building is located 'upon the highest :ground in the city on' the edge of the residence district fro.,m where a fine panoramic view' of the country is. afforded. The ground upon which the proper- ty is•.si'truatod hi ,hiing beautifully parked with shrubbery and flower gar Onewould think upon first meeting ' W. E. Browning and rioting his youth fel appearance that perhape. he had been sending part of an inherited fortune in the preparation of his splendid institdh:on. However such seems not to be the else Dr Brown ing has built 'the' hoepi'ttal a!s the rl- ult of several yeare of -successful prac- tise in ttbait; communityt where he its held in the highest& esteem, For Sale Mr. M. M. Doyle has ten good colts six fillies rieliag throe and four yearls old 'and four geldings rioir;g four years, that will be offered by private sale nest Saturday. llick'a i!'iireeasts— ;A. itea.ctionary Storm Veriod ie. central on the.. 15th 1411i and 151.h •at'tvhieh time the gen- eral cold will relax the barometer will fall and oleutlincss rr'i'.l ricin and ,,now will pass easttvardl7 across the ,r, d , r Y.. i an roiintry. lrolan,oui cic r t, 1 5 „hreatening weather will follow tha period as a result of th'a Mercury' and Mals equinox. A regular storm period covers the.• 17th to the 2l•st, central on the 19th • V :, r erre r with new Moon. ! h I,reu y p lo central on the 18tth and the ivfare period will aleo "begin its n<.rturb sig influence at this. time. 'Ire Moon ..t eme and Lt extreme will � 'Yl apogee 1 1 t v1II bi. I a_ 6 =oath A10011naLion :' ar atoll your , bar. 'tncter as this period develops. It it falls to vert; low .readings, fierce winter gales will se. rely blow; rains 1vi11 turn to dei,t.luca.ive' sl oei;, bliz- zarde from the northwest. land a furious cold wave will wind ' un , t, 'a 20th '1 SL • nboriL th, t 7 turmoil' , .IXC S orrl L 5 to 23rd. Don't forgoer tine period, or neglect ,stick prece bone As neigh. ;aye you groat suff rite. ttrid loss. .e .cismio Wave will ease. 1hrnurrh ninny. '�•hr e �c; tthin L e `1 _th v e b r i tits ofh a four days of Friday' the 111th. The htet,o inf'aience et >his .r'Lorrn perior+r will 'get 'the pari' for storm rt WI av;,a- flier for six or eight weeks to" come In other word; ---the earn y S''n`''i•al uiaaracter'ol .storms 'n nit tvra(h•'r pee. 'tiling et 'thin al TO Will be eharactsr t i,.• c r rr through weerher `tura i .,�tlr, t<if staxrh. ,,n e 11 �' Mardi. ': into T .Feta andf i o ell s y CARD OF THANKS. The Exeter Band Boys desire in this way, to ex'pres's 'their hearty thanks for the very liberal denaitiozi. given to them by the Reeve, Coon - clitoris and School Trustees, pn elec- tion night. lection,'nIght. Mr. and Mrs. T.. J. Wilson left to- day for twoweeks visit in Peterboro and other points. Sohn McLean, age•'cl 24, whose hoose town n is not kmownm made a daring escape 'from tho council chamber at, Lucan . Thursday eveni'n'g of lost week As the cells worm very cold. McLean i was taken to >,thc council-'chambey . . when was ho i axra1sbe,d o eh arb a of as being disorderly on ...Main s trert , left alone McLean took ansitick et' stove wood and pried: ,apart ;+thee iron bars tof a window, clambered out on a roof anti dropped to the ground: When arrested McLean had a revolv- er and a batt Mal, with 'cartridges' r inhiso.. t3egSion aTsL� a book tT p of um ion coupons and' an overcoat. lie lef 1;v . e , xr !ling in behind Ward has: been received at Seaforth from Alameda. Sask, regarding Eh, bnrnin{r to deal h 'of Mrs. Samuel (lemma, ra aant la - year-old her 1 '�year Diel lough- ter. Some (lays age. while, r Mrs' aTamiral wn:e cieraning_ etrtain.s with r:asoline, and Had ;heed them in the kitchen to arty,when an explosion oc- edited.Mrs. iElarim.1Is arose wog, ; flames in orl inherit, and tshb reshe ed from t e house, 'The blaxa. sprette with ornnzing riapirl,i'ty, and before the neighbor% s'rrtved, th'r'y' found it Ani• posar;ible to ao ltny'lhing. lIri3,' Pam - mill said that hrr cliiughtet was in the bouse. and hex husband, who came tit', bed to he li'-ild look, as h' wonl t have loot hire life bad h'a gonrc; into 'he b'•'l,';ng. 1VCrs..tTainhoill w;r' so 'terrible hr'rned that, ;'lira died ,soon ttr t'f.. •ry The r ei �r h enmity formerly re, - Aided in It ilii ti' I'oxvnohip and Mr. TT'ammifl no a son of the tate. Mx,A: 1let�xirnill, o Seatforth. Exeter Council Council met in the Town, Hall t wind hip' the hiis'irless of 191.1. Main bers, Taylor, W, IT. ;Levett, Wm, Rivers! and L. Day. Rivers : and Levett that the ,follow- ing accaants be .passed and orders' iastxed in payment, Madman & Staub fry Debentures, 103.45; Bars, Dr. Ifynduaau. do. 103,45 7,, 'flyndman do 103,45; Sohn II. Scott do, 10146 Gladrnan & Stare - bury do 129,.25; Wm, Holmes C o,` Treas. Co. Rate 914:951 :Dir. Sweet Board of Health a.0Q; 'James Jewell ao. 2.75; W. J., I.tcanaan ao coal 18.09 D. Coughlin Inspector of scales 2.145 W. , Carling ac. 15c; Advocate Pts CO ao 74.73; Pl,lectrio Light Co ac. 415.90; 'Jas. Dignan and on ac. 17.80 Wm. Walper error in taxes 2.00; Geo. Snell do 2,00; A. Airth do 1.91; W. J. Carling do 6.99; Albert Ford do 1.00.' Total 1808.65 Levett and Day that the minutes• of the last nteeti>ig he adopted as read. Carried. Tad' inaugural meeting' of the Man- icia.lp Council elect for 1912 was hell in the Town Hall. on Monday Jana ary 8th at 11 a. m, The eiersonn'al of, the? Board was somewhat changed. W J. Hearoan. occupied the Reeve's chair; W. H. Levett and W. Rivers occupied their old seats. while thetwo new Couno eihors are J. H.1 Scott and A. J. Ford. All subscribed to the •neee!s;stary aatbi, of office. Rev. S. 'F. 'Sharp, Bt to. by request off the Reeve, opened the 'meeting with devotional exercise $I,Q0 pelt year in advance apPQinted to ti;e raetriet,,ry hoards Carried. Levetti and Itiv,.r that J, i Scott 4Ppointed to thea eem'etery board o Cer,rrieci. Itivere and Lovett that A. Ford be the 'ether ,rerpr'eameetivc Ito cemetery. Board.. Carried. layoff: and Scala 'that the Olt Board of Fence Vi'ewera be re - aa -pointed viz; S. 'Sanders, JO! Gill anal W, JO! r33issettf. Carried, Leve'bt" and Rivers that T.,'Crew! be reappointed truant officer at ;z salary of $10,081 Carried. Rivera. and lord that the Commis - stoner be •rr;appointed at' an ineraa,;;o of salar> of $50.001 Carred._ >. Scott' and Rivers filet toe., nolo for tender.% for the. rii gin.o of the! bell weight iecaiers and printin.y and applio cation for the office of tas,sasser. Carried: 1 Levett and' Ford Inuit we donatte the ,erre of $ 5.00' 'to Sick Children'i Hospital. Carrie ;a Levett and Rivers, that by-1eeva be prepared confirming Ithe appointm'en't, of Clerk, Treas,irer, Auditor's And Street/ Commissioner. Carried. lRivers, and Ford t lat following;' accounts be paidand orders i'.rswad in payment. II. Spackman aon.50:.AIf: y fabdr 226; De Russe/1 do 9,71 R. Davis, do 10,88 .Teo. Knorr d 1024; Time, Brock. ur. r 18.51; d Cooksonot !do 0.07; .Marlex Sanders Ado 9:27; Wm. Hatter do 2:27; 'leery! Itumahr snow plow' 3,27; Eli. Snell labor 6:01; Thos• Sander's do '10.25;' Sid Sanders do 10.20; Thos. 1Loulden` pamPin $.75; Isaiah Hall labor 13:13; Thos. Brock jr. do 14.,41; Jae Davin ir., do I4.1I1; Thos. Cookson do 101 3' If. C. Irorney do 0.71; <3obt. Sanders' 8.85; Ray Horn do 4?44; Jas. Sanders da 29:6; T. Creech' do 1,75; F. Walla do 1.,48,; 5. flandford do 1.75; 'Sick, Children's Hotsrpital 5.00; T. ll, Car-, ling , vantage 5.00; tonal 1812:05, Levett' and Ford that Scott and Rivers! be seater comm jsioners,• Car- rigide. T,vctt 'and- 'Scold; that the CI'erld wrirteb Mr. J. Werner, M. P., asking ing him to have a letter box placed; at tlhe G. !I . R. Station, Carried:'-` i ScaLt and lIt o. rs .t lar � CV' t and the Clerk be a comrnrth,,e to asset tains who/Odeon are in, .other, for uw, to. incorporate as a riiown'aridi ;the be:ri oCit, if any. Carried. Levet'b ,and Rivers ithat toe, ad's 1 am 'to moon Friday axon nig ,8 p m.: ria?zi 19th inat� i r ti T. B. CARLING, Clerk; MEETING OF TETE, HURON l7i9T +COUNpIL The connci13 of the co ll-`0Lio, tin the County o>;-E's�o� tv"i!I e781 the Cosec" in >�I••-'<%liamber in th-a. Town God of e rte;. On u e od a the Y 2' 3r d ' Xnst aton'cloclk All accounts againstethe . o my must he placed with the,clerlif previous .to tails, date. W.' LANE', Clerk, Dated 'Jan. 81h, 11,12:. MORN YOUNG—In; London tea 'January'1 t Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Young, oung•, a. son. HO0GA 'TH—` R A . to t Calgary, on Dec. 31 YIr`. id Mrsi Hoggart "(nee Mis'.s Vera Murdock. of HensaIl)' s. son MARRIED MITNCE:=MOCORD. Vermilion on 'the '27ith' of December 1911 b1' the Rev. W. J. Hodgins. Harold W. Mance, to Edith youngest daughter, of Robert McCord 1sr;. SRUIRES—NOYE64 In' Ailsa "rhursclay Jan. tl'i lYLit`ss ACraig.ppoleneoen Noyes, slaughter of ldrs, William 0 Noyes. to Mr. John Squirers. A vote of thanks was moved by Couneilloz Levett seconded by Coon:- oilier ountoilier Rivers and was tendered to, Mr. Sharps for his prelsenoe on such a stormy morningand for conducting the opening exercises: Mr, Sharp re- plied in befit't2ng remarks and con- gratulated the Reeve and councillors on their eiaotion. He spoke of the beauty and Wealth of the county ot'.- Hinton. the Garden $oand f Eden, be lieved there is no place that can equal The Reeve also addreened the count cil, and extended his congra.`talatiolnts He, stated that there was a great deal Of work before, •Lha council 'of 1:912 and hoped flee the. year might 'prove. a snccesuful one and that the work executed would prove bothsat- isfactoryto themselves and the ma- jority of the citizens. One of the things that needed particular atten- tion was the ex t:e atio , of the water works; protection to the outskirts of the town as well 'as revenue Co be derived needed careful consideration " tion He thought th h h g e rates should o huI an db over and possibly revised. Another think 'Which. neeii:cd:•-omnalaeratioiv _the ,(argc °-aia n on Main atreieitl A committee, should be appointed or the canned form "'themselves into a com- mittee to stet an reatimate of the cont to relay the drain - oyyith proper the It could 'then be deo1.$ed whether to issue" debentures and construct the whole ofit or whether to do it part at a time. The Reeve favored the tip - pointing ,of two asseseors:. to get an equitable assasement for thetown. with ,o2 nesse to ;in reasedt asspior fent and ibtwer to ition as high 'taxation was not conducive to increased pop- ulation. IIe hoped the council world ever keep economy before them. not economy that would be detrimental td the welfare of the town, but ae- they would in transacting their own business. The Council adjourned to meet in the evening. The adjourned meeting of the Coun- cil took Place in the Town Hall Mon- day evening the $th inst. Members present. Reeve. W. J• llea'man. Celan- ciilors. Lcvett..Rivers Scott, Ford. Moved by ,Levett and seconded by livers that i.', 13. Carling, be re-ap- pointecI Cleric and treasurer at a sal- ary of three hundred dollars per an- num. n. Ca ' trio d. Rivers and Levett that 1t. E.' Pick- ard and Soo. Davis; be re -appointed an di tors. Moved in amendment by ,T. H. Soot'. that R. IJ: Pickard and W. 13 Clarke be appointed auditors. The amresi.dl- mont was deciared carried. • Levett and Ford `ba.t. the old Board of health be reappointed viz; Dr. Sweet, .A Rolland and S. Campbell. Dr. Browning medical health offioer Carried. Rivers and,Scotit that Mosses,,. F. W. Gladrnah and W. D. Week% be re MANY NEW STUDENTS ' Young inen oroung women y en lobo purpose taking a course in the Strat- ford Business College this 'winter, should write the 'Principal. Mr. D. A. McLachlan at once, In the pasts slt,en s d t i have be, l been allowed to enter at any time but at present, only a limited number of seats remain nor - filled. One hundred new stridents have registered wince Jan. 1st and several' others shave written to be ad=' mitted. Thant who investigate quiek- ly realize that there, is no superior practical training echaol iia Cain'ade The Stratford School has at sitaff Of, nine experienced instractors and off- ers advantages eat offered, elsewhere in the West, Those who are inter. ested should write (to the Principal at once. 09 O SALE 00 ACRE 4x,000 OF CHOICE WHEAT :LAND In the Province of Saskatchewan at $i� 18.5o Per Acre Acoo . Felinper to t � gLea ,rl,ilgld , �:� .. ,,1 a,cz'ta 'C:'tl,sG I3>eI�z'1 P ce il� Annual Pa a : .; Payments at U;� interest, 1 :,ave personally impeettal, all this hand and lir cLn give t4i a report nita.ry quartet' of it Lir any without scFiIt. e Guarantee report correet or elselVi:rrny Ref eroded, after purchaser boss•Feen thelar and finds it rlifferrr fa Ora tiie rr� >e rt, The'` prate o t itdvabeed $2 et'ite ,, o: l , p n all this land ' is ging to ke. • the let tlrrp or' Mnreh and any pc,raotr rr>,htiwo 1 ' p r nwould life to invest sumoinom v a��, 6 ii, .r.,•,t'4 talar 'i cl , r t well to o Pee me before that date. This t`0,nd +c i l t;l be worth from $25 to $ 3 0 per acre In less 'than three years • SO S O• ( First MSS' tiS' tl1� A City Of Regina for rSalc white alio Money makers 1 WILFRI3I J. CAMVI BELL, Exeter, OHt.