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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-06-30, Page 10
)( 4 PAGE 10 —GODERICH SIGNALSTAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1082 Gradu special day for the students at Colborne Central School. lethe morning, graduation ceremonies were held for the kind arten children. At 6 p.m. G de 8. students and theirchers enjoyed a graduation smorgasbord banquet at Colborne Township Hall catered to by the Tiger. Dunlop Women's Institute. At the graduation dinner, Jeff „Thom was a capable master of ceremonies and Ken Millian said the Grace with Matthew Wilkinson proposing the toast to the Queen. tion ceremonies celebrated at Central School R1 V `�SGd�,l+�'' riia COLBO GORNER After dinner, Tracey Baer " thanked the ladies of the WI for the very appetizing meal. Mr. Jewitt, principal of the school, made the toast to the graduates which was replied ,to by Carolyn Dowds. Ricky rtrude K&tIng,1524©I0O7 3 Edward introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Joan Ven Den Broeck, Huron County Board of Education trustee, who spoke on "Growing Up In Today's Society." Allan Cannon thanked the speaker for her timely and interesting talk and presented her with a gift. Mr. Herman, Grade 8 teacher, then introduced the valedictorian, Laura Wark, who gave the valedictory address and also repeated it later tat the awards presentation. Miss Richardson thanked Laura and the deputy -reeve of Colborne, Mr. Kernighan.. spoke briefly to the class. The students, teachers and guests then retired to the school for the awards presentation at 8 p.m. Mr. Jewitt was master of ceremonies and students from Grades 1-8 ' were presented with various awards by the teachers and received the congratulatory handshake from Mr. Jewitt. Parent volunteers Judy Vanstone, Sharon Wray, Mary Stoll and, Shirley Stoll.. were presented with a gift from the school for their help during the year. "'zk14 `' li ''`"r:bell" • Lynne Starkey gave a very interesting summary of a typical day in the life of a gTeThe graduating class of '82 then delighted all with a musical salute to graduation and with songs and slides reminisced over the years. They were then called to the platform by Mr. Herman who introduced each one of them with a humorous remark. Social News The community is pleased to report that Randall Marriott of Saltford has returned home and is con- valescing favorably after an eye operation in London hospital. Sandy Bisset has returned home after visiting his ;sister, Mrs. John (Mary) Miller and Mr. Miller and Knox Couples Club goes on car tour Ten cars of the Couples • Club of Knox United Church and their' families par- AUBURN ticipated in. a car tour on June 30th. They met at the,eded at different ^ church and given clues and i I 1 n/ C then prod intervals. u I31AI,NlI•1Ifl ,R,i" They went through Hullet, Eleanor Bradnook, 52!-7598 Colborne ( and East Wawanosh 'townships then across Highway 86 to Kinlpss Phillips. Township in Bruce County. Miss Luella Wagner was Then west and south into the winner last week of the Lucknow and west, south Auburn and District Lion's and east ending at Brookside Club ° Lottery, draw. She . school where everyone en- returned her prize motley to • - joyed a pot -luck lunch. the Club to assist with 'their The tour • was . " approxi community work and the imately '90 the and members are very grateful was underthe direction of to her. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Park:and Master Ryan Chaniney Mr. • and Mils. Murray Wilson. The president, Mrs. Gordon Gross welcomed all. Mrs. Park gave out • the prizes to the three. winners which were cars driven by • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cunn- was recently honored with a birthday party on .the occa- sion of his 5th birthday. Mr. arid Mrs. Donald Haines visited a week ago with their son Mr. Ed Haines, Mrs. Haines and ingbani, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- family at Niagara Falls. don Gross and Mr. and Mrs. 1. Vacation Bible School will begin on July 5 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Knox United Church Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. -• Stanley McNall of Welland spent the weekend with Mrs. Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDougall *and. family of • Sudbury are visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth McDougall. • Mrs. Warner Andrews was able to return home last weekend after, a few weeks a patient in Clinton Public Hospitalfollowing surgery: . Mrs. William Rodger is a patient in Stratford General Hospital, we wish her a - speedy recovery. Several neighbors .and friends attended the wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. David Glousher at the White Carnation following their marriage last Saturday at North Street United Church, Goderich. Misses Jean Houston and Jean Jamieson of Toronto visited for a few days last week with Mrs. France: Clark. Memorial service The 56th Annual Memorial Service of Ball's cemetery was held Sunday June 27th at the Chapel. The. guest book was in charge of the Mr. and Mrs. Gordon secretary -treasurer Mrs. Sisley of Stirling visited last Robert Slater and the pro - Thursday with Mrs. Thomas grams were given out by the Johnston and Miss Laura chairman of the Trustee Gerald McDowell. • Walkerburus meet, The Walkerburn Club held their . June, meeting at • the home of Mrs. Stewart Ball. Mrs... Lloyd Penfound chaired the meeting. The minutes were read by the secretary Mrs. Marian Hunking. The financial: '• statement was given by Mrs. Ted Husking. , ; Plans were made for the , annual picnic to be. held on July 20th at the home of Mr. - and Mrs. Ted • Hunking. The election of officers took place. They are: Co - Presidents -Mrs. Lloyd Pen - found and Mrs. Keith Lapp, secretaiy-Mrs. Elliott Bapp; assistant -Mrs. Leonard Ar- chambault; treasurer Mrs. TedHunking; assistant -Mrs. Garth McClinchey. • ° Social notes Mr. • and Mrs. George Reuger and Wendy of Lon- don visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cart- wright and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby spent last week at Camp Hermosa north of Goderich. • Misses Dianne, Debbie and Betty Popp held a bridal shower for Miss Betty Hulley at the home of Mrs. Lorne Popp. Board StanleyBall. Rev. William R. Craven rector of St. Mark's Anglican Church was in charge of the service and the organist was Mrs. Fred Lawrence. Rev. Craven dedicated new brass collection plates donated in memory of the late Margaret Vodden placed by her husband and family. Mr. Craven spoke on hav- ing belief in Christ and to thank Christ for the lives of the early pioneers and their families who had made great sacrifices. He spoke of the grounds lovely with flowers to mark the graves of loved ones. The offering was received by Joe Postill and Dennis Penfound. Those who were buried. during 1981 were Charles Howard Adams, ' Thomas Donald Anderson, Clifford William O. Brown, George Edward Harrington, Margaret Richardson Jackson, William Lutz, John Ira Rapson, Alice Fern Shackelton, Eldon Howard Stoltz, Margaret Russel Vod- den, Frederick Henry Wagner, Norman Foster Wright. ' The service had been plan- ned by Superintendent Ernest Durnin and the Trustees, Dennis Penfound and Joe Postill. UCW meet Chairman Mrs. Donald Haines opened the Knox UCW meeting on June 22 The president of the U.C.W. Mrs. John Arm- strong spoke on the 20 years since the first U.C.W. was formed. To honor those' presidents who had served, life membership pins and certificates were presented. A 20th anniversary cake done by Mrs. Barry Million was cut by. the first U.C.W. president Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. A business meetingwas chaired by the president Mrs. John Armstrong. Farewell service •" How do you say good-bye? was the theme of Rev. Richard Hawley's farewell sermon at Knox United Church Auburn when Don- ,nybrook United Church join- ed in the service last Sunday morning. He thanked everyone for their.friendship and understanding for the past three years to his wife Linda and daughters, Beth and Amy. , Following the service a luncheon was served by the ladies of Knox United Church and the Donnybrook United Church. Civic Corner The Katimavik Sponsor Committee will meet Tuesday, July 6 at 10 a.m. in the mayor's office, town hall. The Planning Board will meet Tuesday, July 6 at 7:15 p.m. in the council cham- bers, hainbers, town hall. family at Creernore. visiting friends and relatives Mrs. Myrtle ( Young) in Colborne and Goderich. Auburn ana fingh�u i9 vizi ° ti y m�rly of Au Goderich, has -6 taken up residence in Huron Haven. She is welcomed to Colborne Township. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Locking of Ottawa visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Kaitting last Thursday. Mrs. Ethel Green of Sarnia, who formerly lived in Colborne, has been son John and his wife Sharon and family and attended the graduation awards night of Colborne Central School last Wednesday when her grandson, Ricky Edward was one of the graduating class. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Buchanan attended the Grade 8 graduation of St. * "BORDERLINE" (2 man band) ALL POP MUSIC...over 200 songs on their list * Le.: Bootle Medley, Elvis Medley * July 1, 2 and 3rd. Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 'ONTARIO AT *14 WAREHOUSE Watch for our 12 Month Interest Free, Sale Starting July 550 Huron St. 'Stratford 27.3-451.0 CLOSED JULY 2 AND 3 • Cheques • Visa • Easy Budget.Terms • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • E LCOME VISItORS ••• CHECK OUT THE JUNE 30 ISSUE OF FOCUS (THE HURON SHOPPING NEWS) FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF OUR CANADA DAY SUPER. SPECIALS PAILS OF FRESH PITTED BLACK SWEET CHERRIES ARRIVING NEXT WEEK! Please order 5, 10 or 20 Ib. polls COKE 750 mi. 3 BOTTLES of(CANADA DAY) JULY 1st • 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. 00, • OPEN DAILY tl A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. • ••••r"®•••••••••••••••••••• • • ® JM.CUTT • OPE N,„ THURSDAY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mary's School at the White - Carnation when their rnndda.ughter, Karin graduation class. Mrs. Richard Buchanan accompanied her son, Marcel Buchanan and his wife Ruth to the graduation ceremonies of their daughter, Kimberly Buchanan from George Brown College at the Con- vocation Hall, Toronto University, Friday, June 25. • • • • • • •' • • • • • • • • The Goderich Legion recently presented Queen Elizabeth School with a new bicycle and wagon. Present at the presentation were, back row Legion member, John MacDonald and public relations officer, Neil Shaw. Representing the school were from left, Sandy Mathieson, William Mitchell, Georgia Schaefer and George Pithick. (Photo by Kris Svela ) • • •• Prices In effect till closing Saturday, July 3. 111$2 or • • avhlle quantifies last. We roserrhve the right to limit quantities. • •••••••••••••••••00••••••• LIMITED ° RED & WHITE FOODMASTER 91 VICTORIA ST oODERICH • 0 • • Facts about Air Beds 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 Can be harder or softer than any other•bed (you control the amount of air) Strong— The same 20 mill polyvinyl as used in inflatable boats and water beds. Inflates in 3 to 5 minutes with a canister -type vacuum cleaner—or hairdryer Weighs 12 to 18 lbs. (depending on size) 5. Always room temperature 6 You can use your electric ▪ blanket 7. 8. n. V • No frame needed Therapeutic back support (end backache forever?) The feeling of a waterbed without (this motion ST ,G & DOE f®r Sheila Vance SAT.; JULY 17TH 8:00 PM® DUNGANNON for Infer °silo 524-9172 .429-7091 :.b SUPPORTAIR Portable —d folds and stores the°air-bed from the name yon know for quality ▪ on the shell SPRING \ ATiR See and try Air Beds at Bail & Mutch LIMITED Home Furnishings Albert Street,°Clinton 482-9505 4.. '1 , mil TTTTT1(TTTlTTITITT11[It Exclusive maker of the Back Supporter® mattr{ss SR'ER MEALS •.. R i . ` • ..� THE DECLARES ON ::'::- ::: SOPER PRICES '�. , • t , � q L lel � ` COURT WAR INFLATION �` z � a � • WITH THESE I NFL , si.... III .. ER pit cEs HARD ECONOMIC TIMES CALL FOR HARD DECISIONS ... WE'VE MADE ,. OURS! WE'RE OFFERING SPECIALS EVERY NITE OF THE WEEK. TOP QUALITY FOOD AND SUPER SAVINGS: WATCH FOR THEM WEEKLY. IT'S THE NEXT BEST THING TO A BREAD LINE! WEDNESDAY Our famous ,10 ALL YOU CAN EAT FISH FRY THURSDAY LIVER LOVERS - GRILLED BABY 50 BEEF LIVER WITH ONIONS 3 FRIDAY LAKE HURON PERCH DINNER 5.90 to SATURDAY CRISP FRIED PORK CUTLET WITH A 20 SPANISH SAUCE , . ■ SUNDAY ROAST RIB OF BEEF WITH PAN GRAVY 5 ■ 50 THICK & ZESTY MEAT SAUCE WITH 3 25 MONDAY SPAGHETTI AND°GARLIC TOAST ■ • . TUESDAY BAR -B -Q RIBS 5 25 (made with our very special secret sauce) e POTATOES, VEGETABLES, ALL SPECIALS INCLUDE: ROLL &BUTTER, COFFEE OR TEA. E•:. WILLIE WHIMPERS FISH & CHIPS ALL ORDERS 10% OFF OUR EAT IN PRICES TOGO FROM THE TAKE OUT COUNTER 3 PCS. GOLDEN? ONLY BROWN CRUNCHY ° ALL BEEF BURGERS ° SPAGHETTI DINNERS FISH, FRIES, SLAW, gw35 ° CRUNCHY FRIED • BARON Of BEEF ' ROLL & BUTTER. CHICKEN DINNERS ° TASTY SANDWICHES ' FOR TAKE HOME GOODIES CALL 524.9111 ALL FOOD PREPARED FRESH ON THE PREMISES!!! WE TRADE GOOD FOOD FOR GOOD CUSTOMERS mom THE A FAMILY RESTAURANT ratimitimmor FULLY LICENSED UNDER THE L,L.B.O. UP 120THESQUARE, GODERICH 524-91'11 O