HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-06-30, Page 8PAGE 8 —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30,1982 TownBsCauntry LASSIFIED .v. ave 26. Help wanted 26. Help wanted ALEXANDRA MARINE & GENERAL HOSPITAL requires a MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN Grade 10 Education ;Certified Ontario Electrician. Certificate. Must have a mechanical background and able to provide suitable references. Must be able to work with limited• supervision. Apply to: MR. DON GREENE Director of Maintenance Alexandra Marine & General Hospital 120 Napier St. Goderich, Ont. +Ir ,i$► ,�I► DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES? Not everyonehas what it takes to be a pro- fesional soldier in the modern Canadian ' Forces. You have to be mentally. alert and have the physical' stamina to, meet' the demands of - rugged training and discipline. But, if' you can " make it, it's a great Hie. • 14 -career in the ariny will keep you fit, always • ready for. action, travel and new challenges. You'll spend much''of your time outdoors. You'll work hard, but you'll have the pride and satis- faction of being .a key player in Canada's army. , For more information,. visit your nearest re- cruiting centre or mail. this coupon. You can also call collect - we're in the Yellow Pages under Recruiting. There's Nu Life Like It THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES 29. Tenders 29. Tenders Ontario Government Tender The Ministry. of Natural Resources in- vites contractors to bid on the con- struction of a 500 square foot viewing platform at the Hullett Wildlife' -' —"- Management - -Management Area, on . LOt 14, Con- cession 6, Hullett Township; Huron County. Plans and specifications will be on view and available for pickup at the Wingham District Office, RR 5, Hwy. No. 4, South, Wingham, Ontario, on July 8 and9;.1982, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. each day.' The construction specifications will be available on those days only. Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario Hon. Alan W. Pope Minister W. T. Foster Deputy Minister 28. Business opportunity BEAT INFLATION. Raise large bait worms at home for extra income. Neat, odorless opera- tion. Low investment. Terra Worm Forms (since 1975), R.R.1, Stratford, Ontario, NSA 6S2. (519)625-8140.-2tf 30. Employment wanted YOUNG FARMER experienced all types of farm work ll "joking for employment on farm in Goderich, Blyth and Clinton area. Phone 523.9253 after 9 p.m. -25,26x RESPONSIBLE STUDENT, 15 years of age, willing to babysit. house clean, and do odd jobs. Call 524-9098 after 5:30 p.m. -25,26 31 . Service directory CUSTOM SEWING and altera- tions, 24 to 48 hour service for minor and major sewing. Dianne Mallough, 145 Elizabeth St., Goderich. Phone 524- 2492,. —23.28 a phone 524-83131 31. Service directory mewed n. •WEED CONTROL •FERTILIZING •INSECT CONTROL TOM GRASBY (519) 524-2424 31. Service directory STEPHEN'S FURNITURE RESTORATION: Duality refinishing, repairing,' 'and reupholstering of antiqueS.,,ond household furniture. Free estimates, pick-up and delivery, Phone Stephen Norton, 524- 9394.-- 20tfar 24- 9394.---20tfar CUSTOM BALING of large round bales, $5.50 per bale. 529-7857 or 357-31'49:-23-28 MID -WESTERN PAVING driveways, farm lanes, parking lots, repairs. Free estimates. Phone Clinton 4824733. CONCRETE ',FORMING Walls & Floors For a complete job call SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Service .to all makes. Authorized service for Inglis, Enterprise, Magic Chef, Whirlpool. CALL 524-7861 HOFFMEYER APPLIANCE CENTRE Division of HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St., Goderich PIANO TUNING AND PIANO— LESSONS CALL DAVE McKEE 524-7774 \ MASONRY ✓ Chimneys ,✓ Brick ✓ Block ✓ Stone ✓ Fireplaces ✓'Paving Stone Cali Jim Riehl 524-2786 31. Service directory_ CHROMATROPE UPHOLSTERY AND VINYL SERVICE' 4S EAST ST. Goderich *FREE ESTIMATES* MURRAY F. TAILOR 482-7928 CLIFFORD HUGILL BACKHOE SERVICE Phone 524-7170 STEVE'S CARPENTRY (no job too big or too small) *RENOVATIONS *SIDING *REC. ROOMS *BATHROOMS *ROOFING . * ETC. FREE ESTIMATES Residential & Commercial Work Guaranteed Call: STEVE BRENNAN 524-2952 OR GEORGE GOULD 524-7.638 CHIMNEY�SWEEPING Burning wood have it done. HAROLD LEDDY 524-7237 CARPENTRY AND PAINTING Repairs, renovations, Roc rooms, etc. PHONE BUD HARVEY AT 524-7974 00`O CUSTOM BUILD/fiec Repairs ` `;:; Renovations Call George Gould NEUSTADT R.R.1 1-665-7818 BRENDA'S HAIRSTYLING 09. for the entire family e� RFNey 01% UNISEX HAIRSTYLING 4/0 lNC 524-7990 days or evenings Will go to Senior Citizens' homes or your home for 3 or more �1a�' -CUSTOM BUILDING' O�y �Ql�•RENOVATIONS ‘8.0 � 7 HWDA(, Nr W HOMF ,WARRANT y PROGRAM •ADDITION • ADDITIONS FRANK GRAHAM CONTRACTORS 524-6866 LTD. 31. Service directory ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 166 BENNETT ST. E. GODERICH NOW IN STOCK BEGONIA BULBS FLOWER VEGETABLE SEEDS Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 15 years PHONE,. Clin! i :,.v+,4 '482-3320 Seaforth 527-0284 or PELLOW CUSTOM CARPENTRY *Renovations *Home Repairs *Free estimates LICENSED CARPENTER Phone: ' Fred Pellow 524-2406 GODERICH. WELDING SERVICE *IRON RAILING`. *WELDING REPAIRS *ALL TYPES OF . STEEL FABRICATING, *PORTABLE EQUIP. PHONE 524-4647 GARDIINER'S DELIVERY USED FURNITURE & AP- PLIANCES - bought & sold. We deliver and move anything large or small *free estimates* 524-2421 *SEPTIC TANKS •SEWERS •BULLDOZING •BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL *TOPSOIL For a complete job call: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 34. Personal PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive confidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIR- THRIGHT - London (collect) 432- 7197, 527-0115 or 524-2023 (after 6 p.m.). -1-52x IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an Al -Anon number.-5tfnx LOSE 5-14 POUNDS in the next two weeks with nature's own - "No Nonsense Diet." Ask for it at local drug, health and department stores.-26b.c. BROWN LOSES BID FOR TITLE. On. Tuesday, June ,22, 1982, at 11 p.m-, The Maitland Tennis Club was the scene of what could only be described as 'The Grudge .Match of the Decade". In damp, chilly weather, the dynamic and "spirited" H.L.B., of Park Street made a valiant effort to try and outplay her younger and tenacious op- ponent, J-C.M., of Essex Street. She gave it her best. shot in the fog and "missed", losing far too many games to J.C.M. and her Wicked Wacquet! ! Excellent tennis prevailed, most of the time, and JCM didn't even resort to the use of her emergency Hallowe'en Me", s packed in her trick bag. T e' players had an after game champagne toast. and JCM was presented with the' prestigious "Special Snoopy Tennis Trophy". Later, during a private interview, JCM was overheard remarking that she felt nothing but respect and af- fection for her "strong" oppo- nent, whom she felt had a lot of potential, and she hoped that HLB would get her blood check- ed, PRACTISE, PRACTISE, PRACTISE, and TRY AGAIN next year!!! Good luck HLB, always! LOVE S.H.-26 35. Notice to creditors 38. Auction sale IN THE ' ESTATE of CAMERON LLOYD REDER, late of the Village of Bayfield, in the Coun- ty of Huron. All persons having claims against the estate of Cameron Lloyd Reder, late, of the Village of �yfijel�, in the County of uron, who died May 29, 1982, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before July 9, 1982, after, which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose "'s,' claim he shall not then have notice. DATED at Goderich this 15th dry of June, 1982. • NORMAN B. PICKELL Barrister & Solicitor 58 South Street P.O. Box 430 GODERICH, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor —25,26 PHIL MAIN HARDWARE 84 Kingston St. , Goderich •SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS •C.I.L. PAINTS •WINDOW GLASS & SCREENING REPAIRS •WHOLESALE CABLE •FIRE EXTINGUISHERS -SALES & SERVICE *GARDENING TOOLS & SUPPLIES 5244671 34. Personal MISERABLE? Find out why and get rid of it, easily, at home. Write or call. for a copy of "Dianetics. The Modern Science of Mental Health". Dionetics Foundation, 700 Yonge St., Toronto, (416)960-6248.-26b•c. In the matter of the estate of GERTRUDE DRENNAN, late of the Town of Goderich; in the County of Huron, who died on June 17, 1982. Creditors and all others having a claim against the estate are required to file proof- of same with the under- signed solicitors ori or before the 26th day of July, 1982. After that date ,the executors will distribute the - assets having regard only to the claims which have been received. DATED at Goderich this 23rd day of June, 1982. TROYAN & FINCHER Barristers and Solicitors 1 Nelson Street East GODERICH, Ontario —26,27,28 36. Announcements, notices , HAYRIDES for family outings oar groups etc. Our place or yours. Clete Dalton, Kintoil, 529- 7420.-48tf ARE YOU tired of being alone? Are you unattached, separated, single, or divorced? Meet that special person. Please state age. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen; Sound, N4K 5P1. -26,27x WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS The Humanitarian Service Com- mittee of the Goderich Odd - fellow and Rebekah Lodges' have equipment for loan. Con- tact Amos Osbaldeston, 524- 9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524- 7217.-2eowx •PLEASE NOTE* Commencing JULY 5th, 1982 Our office number will be changed to 524-7303 Thank you Dr. James Rourke Dr. Leslie Rourke Dr. Donald Neal 38. Auction sale IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO Pursuant to a Writ of Fled 'Facies, Issued out of The Supreme Court of Ontario and to me directed against the Goods and Chattels of ,Edward M. Szusz I ; have seized and taken In execution all right, title -'and In- terest of Edward M. Szusz in the following: ONE 1979 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL TOWN COUPE A11 of which 1 shall offer for Sale et Public Auction, sub- ject to such conditions as may be mode known, on Tuesday the 13th day of July, 1982 at 2:00 o'clock In the afternoon. If not redeemed before that time. Viewing and siale to be held at Jenkins Auto Wreckers, R.R. No. 4 Goderich, Ontario. Fred W. Jewell Sheriff, County of Huron. PROCEEDS TO VICTORIA STREET UNITED CHURCH AUCTION SALE Wednesday, July 7 6:30 pm , items Include: Kitchen table '& chain; power lawn mower; aluminum windows & doors; Hibachi; space saver sofa; drapes, electric coffee perk; etc. Auctioneer Harold Lamb Donations Accepted & Appreciated PLEASE CALL 524-9846 for info. PROCEEDS TO VICTORIA STREET UNITED CHURCH GENERAL FUND AUCTION: SALE OF INTEREST to be held at WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE SATURDAY, JULY 3,11 A.M. CONTENTS OF MRS. •MAY YOUNG'S APARTMENT,. WITH ADDITIONS , FROM TWO PROMINENT WINGHAM FAMILIES: PARTIAL LISTING INCLUDES: - 9 pcp. dark :oatc -period,' dining room suite; 2 pce. French Provincial chesterfield suite; 2 step-up end tables with leather insert tops; Outstanding antique bureau chest W. long & short drawers - refinished In 2 tones; pine kitchen table; pine blanket box; pine bench; matching pair twin beds; singio bed; night 'stands; round parlour table; •Duncan Phyfe glass top coffee table; several other coffee tables; child's antique wicker rocker; antique picture. frames; new G.E. vacuum cleaner; Westinghouse- frost fro° 2 door refrigerator - as new; small apt. size chest freezer; quantity hand painted pictures; 2 coat hangers; lawn chairs; dehumidifier; quantity upholstered chairs; excellent chesterbed; spotting scope 15-30X. Objective 50 m.m.;° brass jardiniere with ' stand; swag. table and floor lamps; metal filing cabinet; quantity of bedding; 31 pieces of a set Coulport dishes; quantity dishes - many. of Interest; several pieces green depression glass; antique goblets; cornflower stemware; quantity good cups, saucers; several small wicker baskets; tanner; kitchen utensils, incl. some stainless steel; chrome coffee .samovar with cream and sugar; garden tools and many more items. PREVIEW: FRI., JULY 2. 2-5 and 7-9 and SAT., JULY 3, PRIOR TO SALE TIME. MOBILE LUNCH JACK ALEXANDER, AUCTIONEER TEL 357-1011 and 357-1442 1 38. Auction sale ONTARIO'S Largest Farm Machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario. Friday, July 9, 1982, 10 a.m. (Sales con- ducted second Friday each mon- th). Approximately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (519)424-9998 or (519)424- 9093. Proprietors K. S. Hamulecki & Sons.-26b.c. AUCTION 7/ I010\- tto SALES ANY TYPE -ANYWHERE YOUR PLACE OR MINE GORDON H. BRINDLEY Auctioneer 529-7625 529-7970 Gr. IAMB'S AUCTIONEERING 524-9657 _ is Nothing too big or small Auctioneer: HAROLD. LAMB Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER. Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT., JULY 3, 12 NOON Antiques, furniture and modertls 'appliances for Mrs.. Agnes Nancy Deer, 141 Reyfleld' Rd:, Goderich. SAT., JULY 10,12MOON Antique furniture.: round tables, large of- fering of antique chairs, glassware, miscella- noous, riding lawn- mower, freezer, etc. for Mr. & Mrs. Frank Riley, at Kinburn. - SAT., JULY 31, 10 A.M. Large offering of good antique giauware, fur- niture, etc. .for Mr. & Mrs. Al Amy to be held at Richard Lobb's Born, Bayfield Rd., Clinton. 40 Lost -& Found LOST: Block German Shepherd with white chest, five months old. Phone 524-9517,-26 THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA -. a The Wingham Sales Arena "Everything Under One Roof DISCOUNT FOODS, GROCERIES, BULK GOODS, CANNED GOODS, DETERGENTS, TOILET TISSUE, CAT AND DOG FOOD, ETC. BULK COOKIES, PIE FILLINGS, BULK BAKING GOODS, CANDY. QUAKER Oatmeal -Ready to Serve 8 pkgs. - 13 oz. '11 89 This Week's Specials Sunnylea Ready to Serve Tomatoes 28 oz, tin \‘‘. 694 b- 694 Cat Food Puss & Boots 340 Gr. 994 Bulk Peanut Butter Smooth or Crunchy 97' ib. tsa Clothing and. Footwear LADIES SUMMER PANTS Reg. Price 518.95. SALE PRICE 512.95. Blue Jeans [Designer] for men, ladies and children. Work Pants, Shirts, Overalls, Jogging Sults, Work Shoes, Rubber Boots, Jogging Shoes, Men's Casual Shoes. New and Used Furniture, Used Appliances, Antiques Quality new bedroom, dining Doom, living room, kitchen furniture at Low Low Prices. Also a good selection of used furniture. Special feature selling A. collection of "Royal Doulton Figurines, Some Discontinued". "The Carpet Bin" A fine selection of carpet remnants, roll ends, and complete rolls, ideal for cottage or home renovations. Firearms -Rifles and Shotguns, Ammunition By Winchester, Remington, Ruger, Savage and others. Hunting Knives, fishing poles and scopes. Tools CLEARANCE ON OVER 50 BENCH ViSES 31/2" and 4" THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA 357-1730 680 Josephine Street, North End Of Wingham OPEN MON. - SAT. - 6 P.M. FRi. NIGHT TiLL 9 P.M. THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA