HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-06-30, Page 7own= Country a GODERICI-1 SIGN/LLAMA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 19 --PAGE 7 DEADLINES: Classified want ads at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to classify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m. same day. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.50 min./23 words, 16' a word thereafter. In Memoriam '3.50 min. plus 30' per rhymed line of verse. Cords of Thonks '3:50 min./25 words, '5' a word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors'25 st available by 6 or 12 months, no copy change. Ask about our special discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. ti CLASSIFICATIONS,-,,. 1 . Articles for sale 2. Yard sale 3. „Garage sale. 4. Antiques for sale 5..Cars for sale 6. Trucks fpr sole 7t. R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 11. Livestock for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreations! properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18 Housesfor rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room $. board 21, Clottages for rent 22: Lots for rent. ,23. Commercial property for. rent 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wonted to buy 26. Help wanted 27. Wanted.(general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 32. Custom work 33. Farm services 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sole 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of thanks 524-8551 1 Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now locoted at 56 The Square., Goderich, 5241- 8431.-1 tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. AvaiIable. ..a2...fioffineyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-ltfor WATERBED: Dot yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by making frame yourself. Complete instructions, free delivery. Call collect (416)637.6904.-20I1b:r: OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck I.D.A. Phar- macy, 1'4 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524.7241'.-24tfar • SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient olds, support garments, con- valescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524.7241.-24tfor IN •HOME, mastectomy services now.' available. Contact Mrs., Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich; 524- 7241,- 24tfar 12 ACRES HAY, Benmiller.. Call 524-6684.=24.27 PEAS - PICKED or pick your own. Fresh daily. Call 524=6473. -24 - FIREWOOD for Sale 0.00 per box Selinger Wood Ltd. 199 Anglesea St., Goderich FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED 1. Articles for sale BOY'S ROLLER skates, size 6, $15.00. Phone 524-6753 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays, anytime on weekend.-24tfnx 1979 HONDA CR 125 R dirt bike, good condition, best offer. Must sell, need money for college. Phone 524-8014.--26x USED SWIMMING pool propane heater, 240 BTU, in good candi- tien, $525.00: Phone 524- 7772.-26tf SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and ' repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street,Goderich, 524- 2551,-2eowtfar SWIMMING POOLS • Clearance prices from $1,395.00 on com- plete packages including 1/4 h.p. sand filter, in wall skimmer, bidder, deluxe ' vacuum and maintenance kit, etc: • Walkways, patiodecks, fencing and expert • installation also (available. Coil collect 416-945- 4773.-26tfb.c. , COCKSHUTT 430 combine, $4,500.00; Secard four wheel drive. water tanker, ;reversible plow,,$7,700.00; F.W.D. tandem diesel with 2500 gallon tank and pump, $7,700.00; 1976 LH. diesel tandem tractor,. $12,700.00; 1977 I.H. tandem dump trucks, ideal for grain. Beaver airplane floats, wheels and skis. Hart Motors, Barrie, 705-728-3026.-26b.c. WOOD FOR SALE MIxad hardwoods - 145.°° all you can load on a 1/2 ---94/81-0114:-Wei-mf • load,lt.. CASH ONLY 482-9250 and 482-3162 READY PICKED STRAWBERRIES ANTHONY KNOOP di 1 mile south of Kingsbridge on Hwy. No. 21 or 1 mile north of Port Albert. 529-7110. 1. Articles for sale FOR SALE - Buggy and Cutter, both two seaters. Asking $500.00 for the pair. Phone 482-• 9960.-22tfnx EARN UP to $140,000 per annum with this unique product backed by o proven sales record. Distributors needed in Ontario. No selling, established loca- tions. Full or part time. Min. in- vestment 524,900. This is not a franchise. Call ext. 400 (416)624-0000.-26b.c. ONE MAPLE diningroom table; two extra leaves, with three mate chairs and one captain, $135.00. One double bed frame with head and foot board, $25.00. One reel push lawnmower, $45.00, like -new. Phone 524.2027 evenings only. -26 ADMIRAL 24 inch color TV, good condition," asking $150.00 or best offer; electric'brpom, only two years old,. good' working. condition, asking 525.00 or best offer; .adding machine, $75.00 or best offer; 1978 slant six motor,' about 43,000 miles, $200.00; cast iron • Franklin__ Stove, ranklin- stove, asking $100.00'or best of-, •ter. Call 529.7946 anytime.-26:27nx WALL HUNG lavatory with tops - and pop-up drain. GE automatic heater with fan. Both in ex- cellent condition. Phone 524- 9465.-26 . 1. Articles'for sale NEW POTATOES, Ontario .fug, peas, broccoli, celery, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, watermelon, etc. Evans' Farm Market, two miles north of Boyfield, 482-7562.-26' USED LUMBER, 1 x 4 strapping, 1 x 4 x 8 styrofoam insulation. Phone 524-9966.-26ar NEW BUILDING bricks, approx- imately 900, suitable for barbecue or patio. Also large quantities of new spruce, sizes 2" x 4" and 1" x 2". Phone 482. 3312.-24tfnx LARGE 5 -piece Spanish stylet bedroom suite. Phone 524- 8540.-25,26 THREE-YEAR-OLD Inglis beige washer and dryer. In excellent condition, $600.00. Phone 524- 2022.-26 • 200 LINEAL FEET used boar boards, good condition; also .us- ; ed Coldspot fridge, in good run- ning order; idgol for cottage. Phone 529-7661.-26 , SMALL WINGHAM cookstove, approx. 24" x 30", suitable for cottage, $100.00. Phone 524- 6650 after 7 p.m. -26,27x OUTBOARD MOTOR; Viking 9.6 h.p. Phone 524-4503.-26x 524-6462.-26 WEDDING DRESS - size 14, 575.00. Phone 524-6508.-26 35 M.F. DIESEL TRACTORs 3 cylinder;�Za ey' manure spreader; I.H. mower; Fanning mill; 2 wheel trailer; one ton scales on wheels; one beam -scale; forks, shovels, farrowing crate, etc. Call 395-2632.-26 1. Articles for sale UTILITY TRAILER, 4 x 7 x 2 feet, with tarp, $425.00; Hotpoint wr- inger washer with pump, 575.00; bar fridge, 5125.00; snowmobile cutter, 5150.00. Phone 524-9332.-26x FOUR NEW lyre backed side chairs, finished in walnut, gold upholstered seats. Cost 590.00 each, sell for $55.00 or. four for 5200.00. 524.9412.-26tf THREE STEEL TRAVERSE DRAPERY TRACKS - adjustable up from 56", 7' and 9' $45.00; three 40" I Beam rods with run- ners, 59.00. Phone 524-8331 between 9 dm. • 4 p.m., asklor Carol.-26tfnx FOR SALE - Corning Ware elec- tric 'range, in good condition. .,,Phone 529.7469.-25,26 FOR SALE'- 1976 Harley David- son Enduro 125 motorcycle, •low '"'mileage; 11Ve • 'new, needs points. Will sacrifice, , $295.00. 482-3723.-26nx• :r1..79'SUZLIKI GS550L, 4 cylinder, • windshield, tail trunk with backrest a`nd crash bar. Only 4500 km and in excellent condi- tion: Best offer. 524- 9175.,-16tfnx STRAWBERRIES, local, picked' fresh daily. Quantity orders for freezing or' erves. Martin`s OUR NEW CROP, head lettuce, Market 524-8024pres,-25,26ar broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, , also 'strawberries, plus much ADMIRAL air conditioner, more. TE -EM Farm, R.R. Sl, 5300.00:.26" Admiral color Ty, Bayfield; Ont. 'Phone 482- $85.00. Phone 524.6024.-25,26 9940.-26ar STRAWBERRIES for sale. Will take orders. Peter. Dykstra, call ESLOK best T -TWINE offer. Phone 524.2359.-26,27 CHERRIES, pick yo* own cher- ries at Morray Brothers Or chard, four miles southwest of Thedford, on Ridge Road. Sweets ready July 5, Mont- rnor`e'ncy starting July 8th. -26,27x '. , 'THE BUTCHER SHOP & DELI J 45 WEST ST., 0ODERICH'324.'472 COME IN AND �,,, GUESS THE ` '�'C ua WEIGH ;,, OF THE GIANT • >,.:. BOLOGNA :Yn*'•�?iti *VALUABLE PRIZES *A FUN CONTEST * ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE COURTESY OF SCHNEIDERS a:i WEEKLY `'. NO BULL 0 SPECIALS SAT. JULY 2 i 3 DELI .' SPECIALS , : WED. JUNE 30, FRI., & SCHNEIDERS ,,, \ PIZZA 1.0AF Rog. '3.39 SPECIAL $,2 99 • SCHNEIDERS OLDE FASHIONED BAKED HAM LOAF $3 59 HOMEMADE WHILE iT LASTS CORNED BEEF FOR CORNED $ 89 CABBAGE 3 • MRS. SMITH'S FROZEN APPLE 404 DUMPLINGS EACH FROM THE BUTCHER SHOP BEEF LB. 01 *55 CUT TO YOUR SPECS. WRAPPED & FROZEN ROUND GROUND CHUCK LB. $ 1 99 SIDES OFBEEF ::.1 „ Lg. SEE US FOR CUSTOM BUTCHERING A KILLING ALSO HOPPER FED BEEF FRONTS, SIDES A HINDS CUT, WRAPPED A FROZEN FREE GARDEN FRESH PEAS in bushels or baskets; green onions and radishes, no chemicals applied; also eggs for sale. Phone in your order. 529.7615.---26 TRAILER HITCH, custom mode, heavy duty, fits 77-80 Buick or Oldsmobile, $50.00. Phone 529- 7725.--26x STRAWBERRIES • pick your own, fourth concession, Goderich Township: Phone 524-6473.-26 MARTIN'S MARKET Make' your selection from our fresh Strawberries, Bruce Brand Tomatoes, Mushrooms, plus much, much more. From our own gardens - Leaf 'Lettuce, Head Let- tuce, Green. Onions. Broccoli, Cauliflower, Head Cabbage. We Also Have Farm Fresh Eggs. 524-8024 '/4 mile east of Benmiller Road JUST ARRIVED Exclusive line of wailcoverings. Exciting new patterns up to 65% off. Reg. to '22.50 per Single roll. STILL AVAILABLE Limited quantity at '3°° per single roll. Je Jnoussea 13 HAMILTON ST-, ,,��s,,�ss�� GODERICH ,r Phone 524-2448 PLASTIC BAL$R TWINE $17 .00 per,10.000 feet GEORGE WRAITH FARM EQUIPMENT Hwy. No. 8 East of Goderich PH. 524-7351 C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES "IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades NICE YOUNG TENDER BEEF Hinds 1.95 LB. Fronts 1.25 LB.. Sides 1.59 to. (10 LB. LOTS 011 OVER) MED. GROUND BEEF or BEEF PATTIES 1.69 LB. Prices include cutting, wrapping 8. quick freoxing. RIPLEY ABATTOIR 395-2905 395-2979 EVENINGS PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! GRASS SEED 4 VARIETIES AVAILABLE *BANNER •524 •532 •520 (early maturity) (medium maturity) All varieties available in 90% alfalfa A 10% Timothy nilxture or 80% alfalfa 8. 20% Tlrnothy mixture. BRUCE RAYNARD 528-6144 Prices guaranteed at firma order Is placed. Should prices drop, lowest price will be honoured, 1976 YAMAHA 650, good condi- tion, certified, 5850.90 or best offer. Phone 524-9352.-25,26x CHINON :SOUND movie package for sale. Includes movie camera, projector, direc- tional, boom mike, movie light, film editor. $530.00. CaII 524- a ter p m.- • ACORN FIREPLACE, suitable for family room. In good working condition. Must sell. Call even - i n gs 524 -4478. -48tf n x 2. Yard Sale YARD SALE - July 3rd and 4th, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sunset Beach, 21/2 miles north of Goderich. Bikes, glassware, collectibles, tools, dehumidifier, fishing tackle, toys, crafts, paintings, and much more! -26 • YARD SALE - Saturday. July 3rd, 161 West Street, Goderich.-26 YARD SALE - 222 Oxford St., Ju- ly 3rd, 9 o.m. to 4 p.m. Assort- ment of articles. Three families. -26x YARD SALE - Bayfield - across from the arena on Saturday, Ju- ly 3 from 10 a.rn, till ?. Sunday if it rains. -26 3. Garage sale GARAGE SALE Saturday, July 3rd; 9 a.m., 190 Hincks Street, Goderich..-26x CHRIST ANGLICAN' Church, Port Albert, July 3„10 a.m. to 2 p.m. -26 WANT TO HAVE a garage sale but haven't enough stuff or the location? Give 52.4.9052 a call and put it in on consignment. Rain or shine, outside or under cover. -26 . • SATURDAY, JULY 3rd, at 154 Picton Street East,. 8:30 a.m. to ?. Antiques, dishes, used fur- niture, box of children's shoes, etc. etc. --26 JULY 3 AND 4, 115 5t. David'St., 7'a.m,. to ?. Utility .shed,old cookstove, garden tools, pic- ture frames, dishes, car parts, books, t, unks, , carpet, timbers. -26 GARAGE SALE - Saturday, July 3rd, 205 Warren Street, Goderich, starting at 9 a.m.' Household items, antiques, fur- niture, ,baby nee s, 'dishes,' miscellaneous'items.-26 FOR SALE - 1979 Honda 750, 10th Anniversary Model, 7,000 ' kilometres, best offer. ,Phone 524.2827.-26,27 FOR' SALE - Dual eight projector, car stereo (FM cassette); crib, assorted children's clothes. Phone 524-9076.-26,27x Tel) SOD FARM -,C� SOD PICK•uP ,1 E,t?ELIVERY BLUEGRASS] 5)J - WHtLCSAIE L RETAIL ELORA 846.-9272 INSOMNIA? Restful sleep. ' 100'. money back guarantee 0 not satisfied with our Alov Vera juice. MARTIN'S, MARKET 524-8024 mile east of Benmiller Road FOR SALE Coln -op equipment, complete or Individual, 18 washers, 7 gas driers. Extractor, coin changer. Schmidt wafer heater and large water tank. One 60 H.P. boiler (Oil fired), 2 water tanks 500- 1,000. Also commercial building .on Main St. -Clinton for Sale. • PHONE 482-9216 , 2. Yard Sale GARAGE SALE' - Saturday, July 3rd, at 9 a.m., 181 West Street, Goderich, between West and Lighthouse Streets. Antiques, lanterns, crocks, exercisers, bottles, toys, etc. -26x • 5. Cars for sale SATURDAY, JULY 3rd at 188 Elizabeth St„ 9:30 a.m. Good variety of items. Rain dote July 10.--26 •a. 1974 AMC HORNET Sportabout Stationwagon, 304 V8, automatic, power 'steering. Needs body work. Phone 524- 6703.after 6:30 p.m.-23tfnx 1976 VOLARE stotionwagon, six cylinder,„ P.S., P: B., Michelin tires, new exhaust and battery. Best offer. Phone 524-2241. after 4:30 p.m. -25,26 1979 CHRYSLER ' LeBaron with power steering and power brakes, cruise control, AM -FM radio, wire spoke wheel covers, low mileage, excellent condi- tion. Phone 524.2006.-25tfnx 1977 DIESEL . VW Rabbit, ex- cellent mileage, 55 to 60 miles per gallon, deluxe model, $2,950.00. Phone 524-2723 or 524-6490.-25,26 1981 ,TOYOTA Tercel, 'low mileage. Phone 524- 4436.-25,26 A GOOD BUY for $2,495.00. Very clean, top running order. 1976 Gran Torino, uses regular gas, 351 moto'r, air conditioned, 62,400 miles. Phone 524- 2409,-26x 1972 DODGE COLT, 4 cylinder engine, has 30,000 miles. As is, best offer. Phone 529-7818.-26 1980, OMNI, 2 door hatchback sports coupe, automatic, new Michelin tires. Excellent condi- tion. Phope 524-2022.-26 7. R.V.'s for sole CAMP -OUT TRAILERS', Hwy. 8 west Stratford, 393-5938. Your headquarters. for hardtop. tent trailers, travel trailers - from lightweights right up to park models, truck campers and caps. Dealer for Prowler,, Golden Falcon, Lionel. Sales, Rentals, Parts, Service. -18-27 1974 RIDELITE hardtop camper. Sleeps four adults; table and small cupboards. Good condi- tion. Asking $700.00 o,r best of- fer. Phone 524-2006 after 4 p.m., anytime on weekends.-22tfnx FOR SALE - 15' Scotty Hi -Lander travel trailer, like new condi- tion, 2-woy fridge,• gas cookstove, gas furnace, toilet, spare wheel and tire. Will sleep 3 Adults and 2 children. Easy to haul with compact car. Call Jim Reid, 29 Iroquois Lane, Meneset Park, 524-7119.-25tfnx 9. Automotive' 1972 CHRYSLER Newport, very little rust, 383 motor, 55,000 . original miles. Priced for quick sale. Phone 524.7728.-26 6. Trucks for sale 1971 6500 SERIES GMC single axle truck; 1969 FORD 750 Series, single axle. Both trucks in good condition. Phone lucknow 528-2646.-26 1973 DODGE PICK-UP, as is. Fix ii to drive or use for parts, ask- ing 5975,00. Phone 524- 7889.-26 1974 3/4 TON Chev Von, sun' roof, radial tires, safety check- ed. . 51,450.00. Phone 524- 8043.-26x 7. R.V.'s for sale 16 FT. CYC;1Nt1 ?ratter tor com- pact cars, with fridge, stove, furnace and toilet. Phone 524- 9986.-26 24•9986.-26 Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Can 524-2121 Now onl$18,95 Y to. Pets for sale DACHSHUND • MINIATURE, two mole puppies,. smooth haired, seven weeks old. Tattooed for identification. Excellent house pets. Ready for ou'tdoor train ing. Blyth 1-523.9652.-26x IRISH 'WOLFHOUND pups reg. CKC vaccinated, wormed, all puppies guaranteed ' healthy. C o I 1705- 3822724 . -26b . c. .11. Livestock for sale 'YORK, HAMP, and Duroc boars, also' Hamp x York and Hamp x Duroc boars, ROP tested and health approved. Vista Villa Farms Ltd., Bob Robinson, R.R.4, Walton, 345-2317.-24-26 12. Real ®''tate for sale TOWN. OF Huntsville land sale by public auction: Parcels of waterfront, vacant land acreage 'and serviced lots. Terms: personal cheque with bank letter of authorization. All parcels subject to reserve bid. Huntsville arena, Saturday, July 31, at 10:00 a.m. Displays at arena July 17 and•24. Informa- tion and full description of lands' contact Huntsville Parks and Recreation, Box 342, Huntsville' Ontario, POA 1 K0. Include stamped, self•addressed envelope. -=-26 SAVE HIGH real estate fees. Sell your property through the 1-2-3 home sales system. In- struction kit includes.farge-''sign. Information write Box 11895, Barrie.-26b.c. 13. Mobile homes 15. Out of town properties t • THREE BEDROOM bungalow, main floor family room with fireplace, 1/2 acre.lot, low taxes. 7 miles south of Goderich on Hwy. 21. Asking $45.,000.00. Phone 524-6440 evenings. -19- 26 FOR SALE in Auburn, two storey hquse, four bedrooms, separate garage and workshop. Best reasonable offer. Phone 1-526- 7561.-26-30 FOR SALE - 1976 Bendix mobile home, 12 x 68, three bedroom, appliances, all offers con- sidered. Phone Frank at 524• 2611. .-45tfar FOR SALE - Three bedroom. 12 x. 68, four appliances. four piece bath, 'new furnace and hot water heater, sun deck and tool shed. Phone 524-6325. -15tf MOBILE HOME for sale: five- year-old Marlette mobile home with expando, patio doors. carpeted sun deck, and hand built tool shed. Fridge. stove and drapes could be included. In excellent condition and low priced. Phone 524-7072. - 16t1 FOR SALE • Three bedroom mobile home, 12 x 60, Fridge and stove, in Huron Haven. Phone 524-4796,-23tf FOR SALE - Marlette mobile home, 12 x 60, three bedrooms, or will rent to elderly couple. Huron Haven Pork, 524- 4168.2-26,27x 16. for rent FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 5.24- 6231. _ 17. Apartments for rent ' BENNETT STREET APARTMENT Modern Bachelor & 2 Bedroom Apartments. available.. Fridge & Stove sVppIied. All .r utilities paid.,.Cab,leeTV.,,Carpet throughout.' Controlled .entrance. Laundry Facilities available. PHONE: 524:4124 AVAILABLE July 1st in Saltford. Two bedroom', caipets throughout. $200.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 524- 9166.-22tf LOVELY TWO bedroom apa't-- ment, in the country, with a view, located ten minutes north of Goderich, ' at Pori ' Albert. Phone 529-7775.-25tf PARTIALLY. furnished bachelor apartment. Heated. One adult only. Phone 524-7547.-25tfnx 18. Houses for rent RENT OR SELL '- 1.09 Napier, Street, four bedrooms, full basement, gas heating, two car garage, workshop, Targe private lot. Interior renova- tions, $275:00per month, -mine repairs. Why rent, own yourself for under $350.00 per month with small down payment. Phone 529-7835 after 5 p.m. -26,27 21. Cottages for, rent •PORT ALBERT - spacious, cot - all ' conveniences, fireplace, $200.00 -weekly, fami- ly only: Phone 529.7231.-25;26 FOUR ROOM cottage and bath, Bluewater Beach. Apply to 63 Salkeld Avenue, Bluewater Beach, weekends, or ' 1-262- 2539.-26tf 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse St. Phone 524- 2717.-35tf 1. Offices To Rent 524-8382 24. Wanted to rent YOUNG COUPLE looking for two bedroom apartment, preferably in house, good references. Phone 524.29411 after 3 p.m. -25x,26 LARGE TWO bedroom apart- ment or three bedroom , home within 15 mile radius of Goderich. Phone 524.6321.-26 25. Wanted to buy SMALL LASER sailboat in good condition. Phone 524.9293 after 6 p.m. -21 tfnx USED portable HOG SCALE in good condition. Coll 529- 26,27x • 29- 26,27x• 26. Help wonted YOU CAN EARN extra money in • your spare time. If you love fashion, sewing and working , with people, call Stretch & Sew Fabrics, London 681-0525 (439- „ 0777 after July 3rd), to register for an information meeting on July 29th, Thursday, 10 a.m.-25.28x EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY - full . time or part time, in the Goderich area.. For an appoint- ment call Don Wilson 1-235- 0922.-26x --DRIVERS REQUIRED for established • courier company, Goderich to Toronto nightly. Prefer .mature and reliable per- son .with previous experience. $250. r r per wee - ter • two weeks. Call 1-416-745- 4157.-26,27x WILL BUY FOR CAtH, or SELL BY AUCTION cal L• Marie Sturm at the Auction Rooms 524-9064 27 Wanted (general WANTED Cocker Spaniel female puppy. preferably black. Phone 523.9414. ---26 Lady Finelle COSMETICS has openings for hill or part-time consultants. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TRAINING PROVIDED Call Vicky 262-5343 Call between 10 am -12 noon weekdays. 29. Tenders TOWNSHIPOF COLBORNE TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Sealed tenders In en- velopes plainly marked as to contents will be received at the office of the Clerk, Township of Colborne Community Hall, Carlow, Ontario, until 4:00 P.M. local. time, Tuesday, July 6th, 1982 for the haulage and spreading of the COM- BINED amounts of: 9 600 cubic yards Pit Run gravel - haul distance 5 Kin: cubic yards Pit Run gravel - haul distance 4.7 Km. cubic yards Gra tular "A" gravel - haul distance 10.0 Km. cubic yards Gran- ular "A" gravel - haul distance 16.0 KM. A certified cheque In the amount of 5% of the bld price payable to the Township of Colborne must accompany each tender. Tenders must be submitted on tender forms which are available at the Clerk's office, Township of Colborne Community Hall, Carlow, Ontario. Lowest r any tender not necessarily accep- ted. R.E. Durnin, Rood Superintendent, Township of Colborne, R.R. 5,, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 3Y2 Telephone: 524.2561 Or 524-4859