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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-06-23, Page 19
Plunkett showing no signs... from page 1 A DENOMME'S 2LAKEPORT AD- VERTISING 0 John Verway pitched a four hitter and ' his teammates bunched three of their four hits in one inning as Denomme's shut out Lakeport Advertising 2-0. With the score tied 0-0, Barry Block singled. Clare Harmon sacrificed him to second and was safe himself on an error. One out later, Jim Durst and Jack MacKinnon rapped RBI singles. Verway pitched a strong game, three times stranding runners at third. Loser Simon Langlois allowed just four hits in a seven strikeout performance. Langlois pitched a tremendous game against- Signal -Star Wednesday, striking out 10 of the 16 batters he faced, as he beat Signal 11-0 on a five -inning no hitter, Steve Frayne was the only batter to reach base off Langlois when he reached on an error. Meanwhile, Langlois' teammates banged out enough hits for both teams, as they rapped 14 hits led by Don Parker's three singles while Langlois, Bill Gallow and Rick Duckworth banged triples. Signal -Star only hit two balls out of the field off Langlois as he pitched his second straight shutout. FRENCH 3 HAYTER'S 1 Bob Johnston ripped a two run homer in the first inr ii g as French beat Haytei•`b 3- 1. Rae Mathers led -off the game with a walk and Johnston hit a home run to left. George Sutton then singled and scored on two Hayter errors. Dave Scholl let the first five French hitters reach base but allowed only three more base runners the rest of the game in a three hit, 10 strikeout per- formance. John Bogie also pitched a fine game allowing only four hits. KIRKEY'S 4 SIGNAL -STAR 0 in another pitcher's duel; Ken Daer threw a four hitter shutout, while Ron Sowerby scored a run and drove home another as Kirkey's beat Signal -Star 4-0 With Paul Kelly and base in first, Ron Klages singled Daer, .'then grounded -out - " scoring Klages. Sowerby then singled 'home'Klages. Kirkey's scored two more in the sixth. Fred. Pellow took the loss allowing just four hits in his finest ap- pearance of the year. Sowerby led all hitters with two singles. • • CANADA COMPANY 1 LAKEPORT STEEL O Dean Doherty threw a three hitter shutout but=;`it took some fine defansive plays 'to allow Canada Company to shutout. the disappointing Lakeport Steelers 1-0. The only scoring came in the fifth when Brian Bowman singled. Steve Arbour sacrificed pinch -runner, Jim Fritzley to second and Bill .Tigert followed with a Single to right: Lakeport came close in the sixth when Ron Miller walked but Mack Frayne made a leaping catch off a Bruce Bowman fly. Lakeport threatened again in the seventh when Carm Fielder led off with a double but was thrown out on a Dan Maillet's Sacrifice attempt. Maillet then -stole second but was gunned out at home by Frayne trying to score on Frank MacDonald's. single. HAYTER'S 8 SIGNAL -STAR 3 Jim Ginn, Myles Murdock and Dave Scholl drove home- runs in a three run second inning to lead Hayter's to an 8-3 victory over Signal -Star. Hayter's then scored four in the fourth with Ginn, Scholl and Dan Williamson providing run scoring hits Soliefl allowed five hits in getting the win. Signal -Star scored a run in the third on Phil Paquette's single and used three Hayter errors to score two more in the sixth. Scholl, Ginn, Murdock and Williamson all had two hits for Hayter's 0 GIFI STANDINGS June 21 Hayters Lakeport Advertising Hotel Bedford Denomme's Kirkey's Canada Company Lakeport Steel French Signal -Star 8 4 8 4 7 3 6 3 5 4, 4 7 4 7 4 7 2' 9 L ,PTS 0 • 16 0 16 0 14 1 13 0 10 1 9. 0 8 0 8 0 4 i3iuewater Sifto Champion Goderich Insulation Nile Auburn Meneset The Goderich Ladies Slowpitch League L) G W 6 , 5 4 4 5 3 4 2 5 1 4 1 5 1 L Pts 1 10 0 8 2 6 2 4 4 -.2 3 2 4 2 It takes a lot of concentration to keep a bean bag balanced on your head as Tabatha Farrell found out during Robertson School's annual play day held for the primary grades last Thursday. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) STRAWBERRIES PLEASE PICK YOUR OWN BENMILLER ACRES OPEN 9 a.m.-7 p.m. NO CHILDREN OR PETS X3.0 The sack race was one of the most popular events during Robertson School's annual. play day held for the primary grades last Thursday. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) WEATHER PERMITTING 11/2 miles north of Benmiller then 1/2 mile east GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1982—PAGE 3A .. ,........ . FOR YOUR o ,u ONTARIO'S NEW HUMAN RIGHTS CODE . BECAME LAW JUNE 15, • . Our new Code is'based on a very simple but . persons, persons between the ages of 18 and 65, and strong idea: Each person living in this province is against persons on the ground of famify status. equally important. And each person'sworth and \ HARASSMENT Every person has a right to freedom dignity should be recognized in order to create a from harassment because of any of the prohibited climate of mutual respect and understanding. grounds in accommodation and employment. And Here are some of the main points of the new unwelcome sexual advances by persons in a posi- . Code: tion of authority are prohibited. ,, • ' , : . ' RACIAL, ETHNIC AND RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINA- The Code elaborates these and many other ' TION. Everyone has a right to equal consideration provisions. and permits exceptions in certain cases. for employment, contracts, accommodation, goods, • ,Wed like to send you a copy, and your own guide ' services and facilities regardlessof race, colour, to the Code so that you can find out, all the details. »„,.... ancestry, ethnic origin,..place of origin or creed. ' -�„. -.Please write: Ontario Human Rights Commission, 1ANDICAP'Evety'person with a physical or mental Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2. Or phone: handicap has to (519) 439'-3231 or 1-800-265-4707. a right equal . treatment under the Code. And see how the new Code EMPLOYMENT. The Code. has V Marl O supports another very simple but . been expanded to prohibit dis-Human Rights Commfssiaa_ strong idea: Together We Are J _ crimination against handicapped Hgn Russell H Ramsay Canon Borden Purcell Ontario. . Minister of Labour Chairman BUSINESS DIRECTORY' �MacG i I l ivray & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. RESIDENT PARTNER' 40 THE SQUARE, GODERICH, ONT. 524-2677 MONTREAL TORONTO BRAMPTON HAMILTON ST. CATHERINES PORT COLBORNE LISTOWEL WINNIPEG CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER GODERICH MacGillivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursement ledger, cash receipts ledger, accounts receivable, financial statements, time & charges & specialized reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 for a 6 quart basket 1.00 per Kilo CALL 524©7474 FOR CROP UPDATE PICK 4 - 6 QT. BASKETS GET THE FIFTH 6 QUART BASKET FREE! PICKED BERRIES Now Available At MARTIN'S MARKET PH, 524-8024 irm West Wawanosh NM, Mutual Fire Insurance Company Dungannon, Ont. NOM IRO 529-7961 FARMS AGENTS: Frank Foran Donald MacKay Donald R. Simpson Mason Robinson Delmar Sproul Lyons & Mulhern RESIDENTIAL AUTO R.R. 2 Lucknow R.R. 3 Ripley R.R. 3 Goderich 341 Catherine St. Wingham R.R. 3 Auburn 46 West St. Goderich 529-3824 395-5362 529-7567 357-2478 529.7273 524-7878 FOR A QUOTATION ON YOUR FARM, HOME, COTTAGE OR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CONTACT THE AGENT IN YOUR AREA DIRECTORS: Eldon Bradley Gerald Kerr Austin Martin Kenneth I.'MacLean Donald McKenzie Ronald McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario %Quality Work by MCKENZIE UPHOLSTERY HWY. 4 S. CLINTON, PHONE: 482-9359y John Nixon Lucknow P.O. Boa 62 Blyth' P.O. Box 304 Lucknow R.R. 2 Paisley 163 Elgin Ave., West Goderich R.R. 5 Brussels CLAIMS SHOULD BE REPORTED. PROMPTLY TO THE DIRECTOR IN YOUR AREA, 520-2214 523-9275 528-3601 368-7537 524-7602 887.9417 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD, 592A MAIN ST. S. EXETER 235-0995 If no answer call 1-800-265-7988 Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich, Ont. 524-2011 NEW D A Y D.B. Palmer Doctor of Chiropractic 735:4°- 3 Montr�Gll St. Ou. n Si. Goderich filyth 544-4555 543-9321 R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books *Stationery Supplies * Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST STREET. GODERICH H.O. JERRY LTD. Complete lines of PAPER PRODUCTS PARTY SUPPLIES Products far every user. H.O. JERRY LTD. "The Popor People” 185 Park St. GODERICH 524-2855 NE 65 SALON SERVICES SPECIALIZED SCIENTIFIC HAIR CARE -INDIVIDUAL PERMANENT WAVING -NATURAL HAIR COLOR -DESIGNER STYLES ANALYSIS -SHAMPOO -CONDITIONER -MOISTURIZER AND FACIAL MASK AVAILABLE FOR HOME USE. EXCLUSIVELY AT THE BEAUTY LOUNGE 81 EAST,$T GODER!CH 524 8994