HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-06-23, Page 12PAGE 12-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23,1982 Town&ountry- CLASSIFIED. ANT A CLASSIFICATIONS ,__-1-: Articles for sale 2. Yard sale 3, Garage sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cors for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R. V .'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sole 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 11 . Livestock for sale 17. Apartments for rent 12. Real estate for sale 18. Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20. Room & board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent 24_ Wanted to rent 30. Employment wanted 25. Wanted: to buy 31. Service directory 26.. Hplp wanted 32. Custom work 27. Wanted (general) 33. Farm services 28. Business opportunity 34. Personal 29. Tenders 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices ° 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost &Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of thanks DEADLINES: Classified want ads al 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to classify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m. same cloy. - WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: °350 min./23 words, 16' o word thereafter. In Memoriam '3.50 min. plus 30' per rhymed line of verse. Cards of Thanks '3.50 min./25 words, 5' a word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors '25 for 3 inserts. Special rates . available by 6 or 12 months, ne copy change. Ask about our special discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m.-5 ,p.m. 5244551 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service -to all makes, and Machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich; 524- 8431. --el tier AUTOMATIC Toilet, Bowl Cleaner remover rust, ,lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1tfar WATERBED: Do it yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by making frame yourself. Complete instructions free delivery. Call collect (416)637-6904.-20tf b. c. OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Meek I.D.A. Phar- macy, 14 Shoppers Square, Ggderich, 524-7241 24tfar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES patient - aids, support garments, con- valescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-24tfar IN HOME mastectomy services, now available. Contac$.""Mrs: Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck 1.D:A- Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, , Goderich, 524- ,7241,=24tfar 12 ACRES HAY: Benmiller. Call 524-6684.-24,25 PEAS - PICKED or pick your own. Fresh daily. Call 524-6473--24- 27 BOY'S ROLLER skates, size.,6, $20.00. Phone 524-6753 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays, anytime on weekend:-24tfnx - SWIMMING POOL SALE - Brand new 1982 modes, complete with '/4 h.p. sand filter, inwoll skimmer, ladder, vacuum and maintenance kit, etc. Discount prices start at $1,395.00 on com- plete package. Call collect 416- 945-4773.--e25b.c. INSOMNIA? Restful sleep, 100% money back guarantee if not satisfied with our Alov Vera juice. MARTIN'S MARKET 524-8024 1/4 map Grist of Benmiller Road WALLPAPER JUST ARRIVED Exclusive line of wallcoverings. Exciting new patterns up fo 65% off. Reg. to '22.50 per Single roll. STILL AVAILABLE Limited quantity at '3.00 per single roll. e gt(oussea 13 HAMILTON ST.. GODERICH ee Phone 524-2448 1. Articles for sale FOR SALE - Buggy and Cutter, both two seaters. Asking $500.00 for the pair. Phone 482- 9960.-22tfnx ALFALFA PELLETS, about 12% -protein, $75.00 o tonne picked up or con deliver. Phone Har- riston 338-3912, after 6 p.m. -23-25 1981 KAWASAKI 440 LTD, 1400 kilometres, new condition, with KG backrest. Phone 524- 6567.-24x,25 NEW BUILDING bricks, approx- imately 900, suitable for barbecue or patio. Also Targe quantities of new spruce, sizes 2" x 4" and 1" x 2". Phone 482- 3312.-24tfnx LOG HOUSE 22' x 30', 11/2 storey, for dismantling and relocation. Phone 345-2696 evenings. -25 ONE NEW single, brown tweed, flip-flop bed. Phone 524- 6929-.-25- 1. "Articles for sale SPRING LAMB, excellentquali- ty, milk and grain fed, ready for your freezer to your specifica- tions. Call Cathie Potter, 482- 3585 evenings. -25 - 26 INCH Admiral color TV, good condition; large playpen; swing-o-matic; walker; bumper pads, six pieces; box of baby girl clothes, newborn to 12 month size. Phone 524- 2910.-25 HUSQVARNA sewing macffines and service, 25 years' ex- perience. Excellent selection of used machines of all types with one year free service. Phone 482-7809.-16-25x 1979 SUZUKI GS550L, 4 cylinder, windshield, tail trunk with backrest and crash bar. Only 4500 km and in excellent condi- tion. Best Offer. 524- 9175.-16tfnx STRAWBERRIES, local, picked fresh daily. Quantity orders for freezing or preserves. Martin's Market 5241024.-25,26ar CAT D7 (17A), hydraulic blade, scraper winch, new hyd. pump, excellent undercarriage (80% track), needs motor work, best offer. CaII MCS 705-645-4453. Massey Ferguson Mod. 356, Diesel, 1'/4 yd. 'loader, rebuilt steering axle, best offer. Call MCS 705-645-4453. 9 cu. yd. pull scraper, good ndition, $1,250:00. CaII MCS 705-645- 4453.-25b.c. CLEARANCE SALE. ,Must sell Miracle Span Steel Buildings. Complete or partial 25', 32'; 40' wide. Will sell cheap. Call Bob' Hard 1-800-268-4840.-25b.c. 8 MM HOME movie outfit - camera, projector, screen, light bar. Good working condition, $65.00. Phone 524-7271.-25x 1981 YAMAHA 650 Midnight Maxim, Tess than 4,000 km, like new. Phone 524-9854.-25 FIREWOOD, freshly cut hard- wood. All you can throw in a pick-up truck for $35.00. Delivery available. Call 524- 4153.-25 LARGE 5 -piece Spanish style bedroom . suite. Phone 524- 8540.-25,26 ESLOK POLY -TWINE PLASTIC BALER TWINE $17." per 10,000 feet GEORGE WRAITH FARM EQUIPMENT s Hwy. No. 8 East of Goderich PH. 524-7351 C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We oven Take Trades PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! FOR PIONEER GRASS SEED 4 VARIETIES AVAILABLE •BANNER '524 }. 6532 •520 (early maturity) (medium maturity) Al) varieties available in 40% alfalfa & 10% Timothy mixture or 80% alfalfa & 20% Timothy mixture: BRUCE RAYNARD RUGKNow 528-6144 Prices guaranteed et time order is placed. Should prices drop, lowest price will be honoured. READY PICKED STRAWBERRIES ANTHONY KNOOP 1 mile south of Kingsbridge ora Hwy. No. 21 or 1 mile north of Port Albert. 529.7110 HAY FOR SALE. 36 acres red clover hay. Phone 529-7553 or 529-7174.-25 STRAWBERRIES, Ontario fresh dug potatoes (weather permit- ting), plus our regular line of fruit and vegetables. Evans' Farm Market, 2 miles north of Bayfield, 482-7562.-25tf STRAWBERRIES, U -pick peas plus many more fresh vegetables: TE -EM FARM, 'R.R.1, Boyfield, 482-9940.-25ar BLACK PACIFICO shadow classic fairing with mounting kit for 550 or 650 Honda. Phone 524-9061:-25 SOD FARM SOD PICK-UP \ t, DE LIVERY 11 BLUEGRASS WHOLESALE RETAIL 1 ELORA 846-9272„ MOVING IN ONE WEEK!! MUST- SELL Area rug nearly new - 1E by 14 ft. - gold tones. '150.00 Custom made change table for baby with lots of storage room. '25.00 Garden shed, cedar siding, 6 by 8 ft: '350.00 Also fifty ft. roll chain link fence and gate; single bed. '35.00 PHONE 565-2885 FOR SALE Coin -op equipment, complete or individual, 18 washers, 7 gas driers. Extractor, coin changer. Schmidt water heater and large water tank. One 60 H.P. boiler (011 fired), 2 water tanks 500- 1,000. Also commercial building on Main St. Clinton for Sale. PHONE 482-9216 MARTIN'S MARKET Strawberries, Asphra- gus, Bruce Brand Tomatoes, Mushrooms, plus much, much more. From our awry gardens - Leaf Lettuce; Head Let- tuce, Green Onions, Rhubarb. Our own Fresh Eggs - 85' lox. 524.8©24 '/4 mile est of Bonmilfer ood 1. Articles for sale CRAFTSMAN router and edge guide; Remington model 788 and calibre .222; Cooey 22 semi- outomotic; amber glass swag light; cone lamp; aluminum door, 34 x 82 inches. Phone 524- 8770 after 4 p.m. -25 ADMIRAL air conditioner, $300.00; 26" Admiral color TV, S85.00. Phone 524-6024.-25,26 1978 SUZUKI, mint. condition, TS 250, on/off rood, 1300 km, first reasonable offer. 4' by 8' pool table, $250.00. Phone 524- 7285.-25 1976 YAMAHA 650, good condi- tion, certified, $850.00 or best offer. Phone 524-9352.-25,26 CHINON SOUND .:movie package for sale. Includes movie camera, projector, direc- tional boom mike, movie light, film editor. $530:00. Call 524- 9338 after 5 p.m.-25tfnx IDEAL COTTAGE or rec room TV -stereo -radio in a cabinet. New changer, recent picture tube. Terrific value at $125.00. See it at 308 or 312 Huron Rd. -25 PORTABLE , Kitchen. Aid dishwasher; old fashioned bench. couch. Phone 524- 6983.-25 ACORN FIREPLACE, suitable for family room. In good working condition. Must sell. Call even- ings 524-4478. 48tfnx WOOD FOR SALE Mixed hardwoods -'45.00 all you can load on a 1/2. ton truck. We cut it, you load it. CASH ONLY. 482-9250 and 482-3162 BUSINESSMEN! 20% OFF OFFICE SUPPLIES 'TIL JUNE 30 GRAYHURST BUSINESS SUPPLIES 524-2795 2, Yard Sale YARD SALE - Saturday, June 19th, from 10 o -m. to ??? at 179 Lighthouse a Street, Goderich. Three families, some new mer- chandise, ladies' and men's large - clothing, good variety. -24,25x FIVE FAMILY yard sale on June 26th and 27th, at 47 Bennett St. E. Men's (38-46), women's, boys' and girls' clothing. Carpenter's tools, furniture, dishes, toys and miscellaneous articles. -25x YARD SALE - Saturday, June 26th, from 10 a.m. to ??? at.150 Cambridge Street, Goderich. Rain date July 4th. -25 YARD SALE - Due to rain, held over until Saturday, June 26th at 10 a.m. 170 Warren Street, between Blake and Britannia.-25nx YARD SALE - Saturday, June 26th, beginning at 10 a.m., weather permitting. 160 Ben- nett Street East, Goderich,-25 3. Garage sale GARAGE & BAKE SALE At The RED BARN Soltford Saturday, June 26 10 am Sharp Wood & Electric Stove, Bikes, Trikes and many other articles. Proceeds For Church Building Funds 3. Garage sale GARAGE AND BAKE SALE - at Benmiller United Church on Saturday, June 26th, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Home baking, farm produce, wood, , etc. Rain or shine. -25x GARAGE SALE - June 26th and ,27th. Antique chairs, racks, trunks, car parts. Utility shed, car, eight track tapes, jewellery, cookstove. 115 St. David, Goderich.-25 RAIN OR SHINE, household items, tires, toys and treasures. 98 Newgote Street, Goderich, Saturday, Jane 26th, 9 a.m. to ?�-25 GARAGE SALE - Fisher Price toys, clothing, furniture, baby's items, fridge, books. Saturday, June 26th, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 139 MacDonald Street, across from the arena. -25x 5. Cars for sale MUST SELL - 1980 Ford Granada, two door, TT brown, four speed, 59,000 kilometres. All offers considered. Call Frank, 524- 2611, before 5:30 p.m.-23tfar 1974 AMC HORNET Sportabout Stationwagon, 304 V8,0 -automatic, power, steering:' Needs body work. Phone 524- 6703 after 6:30 p.m.-23tfnx 1979 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT, four door, diesel, radio; four speed, excellent condition. Phone Lucknow 528-6144.-25ar 1976 VOLARE stationwagon, six cylinder, P.S., P.B., Michelin tires,new exhaust and battery. Best offer. Phone 524-2241 titter 4:30 p.m. -25,26 FORTY-FIVE POLICE ,CARS, trucks: vans and station - wagons. 20 - 1979 and °80 Mar- curys, Fords and Plymouths; 4 - 1977 to 79 vans and station - wagons, Fords and Dodges; 16 - 1976 and 77 half and three quarter ton pick=ups and ,crew cabs; 4 - 1977 and 78 Dodge and Chev 4 X 4's; one 1977 Plymouth. As low as 5595.00, license #OEN010. Mighton's Car Sales, six miles east of Hanover on #4 highway, phone Durham 369-3136.-25 1979 CHRYSLER LeBaron with power steering and power brakes, cruise control,' -AM -FM radio, wire spoke wheel covers, low mileage, excellent condi- tion. Phone 524-2006.-25tfnx 1971 CHRYSLER Newport, 383, air conditioned, automatic,' power steering, power brakes. As is $450.00. Call after 5 p.m. 524-9022.-25x 1977 DIESEL VW Rabbit, ex- cellent mileage, 55 to 60 miles per gallon, deluxe model, $2,950.00. Phone 524-2723 or 524-6490.-25,26 1981 TOYOTA Tercel, low mileage. Phone 524- 4436.-25,26 7. R.V.'s for sale' CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, Hwy. 8 west Stratford, 393-5938. Your headquarters for hardtop tent trailers, travel trailers' - from lightweights right up to park models, truck campers and caps. Dealer for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Lionel. Sales, Rentals, Parts, Service. -18-27 1974 RIDELITE hardtop camper. Sleeps four adults; table and small cupboards. Good condi- tion. Asking $700.00 or best of- fer. Phone 524-2006 after 4 p , m . , anytime on weekends.-22tfnx 1975 CITATION 17 foot trailer set up, sleeps six, toilet, fijidge, stove, plus extras. Excellent condition. Asking $3,700.00 or best offer. Call 524- 2939.-23,24,25 FOR SALE - 15' Scotty Hi -Lander travel trailer, like new condi- tion, 2 -way fridge, gas cookstove, gas furnace, toilet, spare wheel and tire. Will sleep 3 -adults and 2 children. Easy to haul with compact car. Call Jim Reid, 29 Iroquois Lone, Meneset Park, 524.7119.-25tfnx 8. Marine THREE H.P. Evinrude, carrying stand, low total hours, good condition. Phone 524-9105 after 5 p.m. -25x 10. Pets for sale YOUNG CANARIES, females 515.00, males $25.00. Phone 524-8608.--25x - 9. Automotive Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 R 95 Now only U • 11. Livestock for sale SIMMENTAL BULLS performance tested, 42 purebred and percen- tage bulls, average yearling weights 109-136. Prices $1,600- $2,500. . Guaranteed. Free delivery 100 miles. J.L. Farms, R.R.4, Shelburne. 519-925- 2158.-25b.c. YORK, HAMP, and Duroc boars; also Homp x York and Hemp x Duroc boars, ROP tested and health, approved. Vista Villa Farms Ltd., Bob Robinson, R.R.4, Walton, 345-2317.--24-26 HORSES BOUGHT, sold or trad- ed. Phone 1-347-2623--23-25 BODMIN CATTLE Auction, Tues- day, July 13. Two miles east of Belgrave, Ontario, off Highway 4. 85 free listed, R.O.P. Shor- thorn. Bred and open females and breeding bulls on offer. Quarter horses working at 3:00, steak barbecue- 4:30, Sole time 7:00 p.m. Lot 1 - Special Feature - Buyer picks his choice of cow herd. For catalogue - 519-357- 3425.-25b.c. 12. Real estate for sale HOUSE FOR EXCHANGE Two storey, three bedrooms, 1'/2 baths, large fenced lot. Close to Square, well main- tained. Older couple would like to exchange for smeller one level home. CALL 524-7509 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - 1976 Bendix mobile home, 12 x 68, three bedroom, appliances, all offers con- sidered. Phone Fronk at 524- 2611.-45tfar FOR SALE - Three bedroom, 12 x 68, four appliances, four piece bath, new furnace and hot water heater, sun deck and tool shed. Phone 524-6325.-15tf MOBILE HOME for • sale: five- year-old Marlette mobile home with expando, patio doors, carpeted sun deck, and hand built tool shed. Fridge, stove and drapes c4ild be included. In excellent ndition and low priced. Phone 524-7072.-16tf. FOR SALE - Three bedroom mobile borne, 12 x 60, fridge and stove, in Huron Hoven. Phone 524-4796.-23tf MOBILE HOMES: for cottages, Offices, permanent homes, af- fordable living. Barry's Bay, On- tario (613)756-2872.-25b,c. 15. Out of town properties THREE BEDROOM bungalow, main floor family room with fireplace, '/n acre lot, low taxes. 7 miles south of Goderich on Hwy. 21. Asking $45,000.00. Phone 524-6440 evenings. -19- 26 16. for rent FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do If yourself with Deep Steam Extraction, -Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. 17. Apartments for rent 11 17. Apartments for rent BENNETT STREET APARTMENT Modern Bachelor & 2 Bedroom Apartments available. Fridge & Stove sypplied. All utilities paid. Cable TV. Carpet throughout. Controlled entrance. Laundry Facilities available. PHONE: 524-4124 AVAILABLE July 1st in Saltford. Two bedroom, carpets throughout. $200.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 524-9166 after 5 p.m.-22tf LOVELY . TWO bedroom apart- ment, in the country, with a view, located ten minutesnorth of Goderich, at Port Albert. Phone 529-7775.-25tf 25. Wanted to buy SMALL LASER sailboat in good condition. Phone 524-9293 after 6 p. m. -2l tfnx WANTED TO BUY - high choir, crib and car bed, in good condi- tion. Phone 524-8144,-25 NEW APARTMENT for rent - Holmesville. One bedroom with private entrance, brand new; heat and cable TV included, also fridge and stove. No children or pets. $250.00 per month, from July 1st. Call John Duddy 482-3766, or 482-3652 after 6 p.m. -25 PARTIALLY furnished bachelor apartment, Heated. One adult only. Phone 524-7547.=25tfnx 18. Houses for rent TWO BEDROOM house, available immediately. References required. Apply Drawer 144, c/o Box 220, Goderich Signal -Star, N7A 486.-24,25 191 Rooms for rent ROOM FOR RENT in private home. Phone 524-6564 between 12 and 1 p.m. -25 21. Cottages for rent PORT ALBERT spacious cot- tage, all conveniences, fireplace, $200.00 weekly, fami- ly only. Phone 529-7231.-25,26 THREE BEDROOM cottage in Poi t Elgin area, lakefront, san- dy beach, electric heating. References please. Phone 524- 9105 after 5 p.m. -25x 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse St. Phone 524- 2717,-35tf Offices To Rent 524-8382 24. Wanted to rent. TWO OR THREE bedroom house in town, must be available by July 30th. Phone 524-2015, ask for Ray. -24,25x WANTED TO RENT - - two bedroom 'apartment, ground floor, in Goderich. Phone 524- 8872.-24,25x SINGLE TEACHER , requires apartment for September 1st. Preferably close to Square in an older home. Phone (519)472- 5015,-25x TWO BEDROOM apartment, preferably in house, good references. Phone 524-2941 after 3 p.m. -25 1111111111211111.1111111 .9.941.5 25. Wanted to buy ONE L.P. (PROPANE) tank, 10C gal. size or 250 gal. size, 'in good condition. Phone 519.542- 5915.-22-25 WILL BUY FOR CASH Or SELL BY AUCTION call: Marie Sohn at the Auction Rooms 524-9064 WANTED TO BUY - modern, one storey house, on dry lot! on highway, in Goderich area. Please write Drawer 145, c/o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6. -25x ti 26. Help wanted PERSON (S) with housepainting ex- perience required to paint exterior of cot- tage situated north of Port Albert. Paint and ladders sup- plied. Phone 529-7676 Friday, June 25 for details 26. Help wanted PART TIME, experienced, reliable cleaners, five mornings a week. Phone 434- 4686.-24,25 CANADIAN TIRE.,, Parry Sound, requires Class. "A" Mechanic. Flat rate shop. Full benefits. Contact Paul East, Service Manager 705-746-2133, 60 Joseph t-,-, ./Parry Sound, Ontario. -25b -c - COUPLE WITH trailer to live in to assist with occasional work, at Trailer Park, free serviced lot. Wages discussed at interview. Phone 529-7536.-25 YOU CAN EARN extra money in your spore time. If you love fashion, sewing and working with people, call Stretch & Sew Fabrics, London 681-0525 (439- 0777 after, July 3rd),, to register for an information meeting on July 29th, Thursday, 10 a.m.-25-28x MALE OR FEMALE vocalist, must ploy instrument other than drums or lead, for a well established modern country, band. Call Seaforth 527-1334 or 527.1600.-25 Lady Finelle COSMETICS has openings for full or part-time consultants. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TRAINING PROVIDED Call Vicky 262-5343 Call between 10 ®m-12 noon weekdays. PART-TIME SECRETARY For School O1 flce Typing Essential. Familiarity with.community preferred. Apply in writing before June 29," 1982 to, Principal David Sharpe. ST. JOSEPH'S COMMUNITY SCHOOL RR No. 3 Goderich qr If you love the sea we'll make you a Sailor TRAVEL • ADVENTURE • SECURITY The Canadian Forces will teach you seamanship as well as a challenging trade at our Fleet School and will pay you while you learn one of our many interesting and technical sea trades leading to a challenging life in the navy. For more information, visit your nearest Recruiting Centre or write to us. You can also call collect - we're in the Yellow PagEs under Recruiting. There's Na Life Like It ^ TIM CANADIAN ARMED FORCES Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre 1•A Cana( a