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Exeter Times, 1911-12-28, Page 10
., . , _ _ �:, , . � �� ,, � . , ��� , � � .. , ;. . „ , „ . 4 , - , .: " �"�"'� "�"�(��1yy�' , ,. , . � . �� . ..#M'�..��,.... �*�!���« �w�,� ����«�.�,�M� • �' �. ��,.� . �; ' P ��.� � . . �� . ;'�. . . . �.� `,��+��T���1F�."�k^� �'..�7.,�"w� ���'..�,�+.� ., . r` ':. � ,.. .... :. ... ... .....,. ..... � � ........, ..... , ., ....... ., � .. „ _ . . . • . - . . ., .. ,... . , . .., . �.ro".. . . ..... .. .�,....�.-..-.:...,.._„_:.-�m�.. � . �. _ . .. .. ,�.�.'w�rrcew . . ,. .�.� ���. . �. �.:�!ttr1. . . , . ... , . �� . , . . -. � . . - . . -. ' .. . . ,.._.. .�... : .�. , . , y �'�"���`�''�i' , . � .. , : ' ��� �.. .,. ... . _.. , „ �., ` � �t1 ����t� ���I�QIOM� �� � . . . ��a �r�e�s► t�a� n�' �a�.�c�m�n , . y �: �� ;Xa!«z�i�� a ��Qe�.� a���Y�t�. ��'c����c� ,� .,� , y,,. r .: • R x , . � �51, i�,�axr,+ �---�-•�*�^ �� ����" ���+�`.!��► � : .., ,�I ��v �r�a�.d �.z•t�u�, ��,��.�Q � .�,. . ' � 1� ��ip �li�� a�d �4�c��h�ra� ���. � . , : �i, +,�4 , . /�.��., ,. � � � �� �. , ..... . , � i.. -. � ��..��.�., 1 ��, ., .,.� . . .,' 4 ,�.:��... . . .`...� . �_... . � '. '. . . . � � ... .. . � ,. ., ' , ,�. , , . , , , a� w�����4l�ts, hto�r� � �e1hi �tf. � ��!r�1�t� .. �,. �, , �, x2vAl� , z�1,�1�e�8, s9��8�it7 �4 �. �,��� �� A!►p S,� 4� . ,. y ; r t,11T�lS' �1x'&*1�,@l9 �14CCC�+�'�'�'�ta ,����,� , � . . ,. , .,, , r . � , , ;, ;� ` 1 � � � � !� . �ax..�a�le a;t on�aa-�2U0 ac��� � � ,, „ •. , � � �i te � �a�a��catux��;c� l��.au da w � � � nrt.Ml.CQe#, � ��"�� � _ � �� � . � , �ii� % u ,: • • � s «� ; ,. , , xu�k� ��Za ,��k x a. l , 1��t .�' G# �'k � � �� ��� .. _ . �% ; ��ta e��tp, i�e�eath Ia��, X 1�X � at.�' 3xd �can.. �i �n�lo�t, .. . „�.�. ; , ,, ��� �'� �� , , �41 � a . •��l�i•¢ l�xa;: � , •� � ' �ev�.�R1� c;�un�n � � a�x .. . , ! , 1'��ao �v�.� uut bl�sse� "Wi�h �9a . r� t� ��� ;�. et siei� �.�& di�� , ;rv'it�. 4� xadis. ��u . .,� �ct�kc o� �u�ti � • ,�.�' ?t b r�� v �_ ���,����..� �. '�� ; . . x� t�'t ��.t�E� t�i� �;x��xg1�'� �k�at��zu �rf tk��c�, : , ,, "� .,., P � :.• . QfiXda OgC3�5, 'b13� SYho 1P�,�e�i �+� �Ri'� a� ° r. �ry t Q sensA�io�►. " i 1QQ �uvx�s i r�xai�,. t;U ma3`� '� , �, , . �, ,i , 'xa � �'���a�fia titi:�s �a�]y ioo,�,� ( 4� � Y #�R�' ��� 1�. , . .; Ga�aa�1 � � .. .. , . . , • � �i�4����. . , ;. � � ; �� ac e }a, r�:��.aiaY �:�� , � , ,a;. . , , . „ �c�p�, �l�at su��e�t�d �Ai�t�n+es� �t�d LTe �e�,tr� tl�e cins�.o� roc�s,3u tb� . �' � , �? � , ., : a�a�c�, a�a c��v �,�a �r�r��Cuxt� , ��, ;. �t . : . . � . , � > or `r �tr�aa� S cit ' � St�tC1T�C . t CQ1riin �tr��li , ; ,-r,�:, ` . * r � n � 1, � ��one nu�e: 'l�r a sr ux pY. �la�ka ;, ' , ,'u *� l�r *�;�; �J,t�e s�aex��taza �,i �k��i�ta�t�', #hn� uad. s� �v e�t , u , �4 . �, . . . � , cun�am be1o�� lae I�eca d � rt� � � „�. � .. ��ilf������� �� m4�� � e�4, � ,, „, . � � � , �„ , ., 'Ei , �,�m4�• � , . , � . , l�i h h 4epq,�.�t1� �lAo�' in c��llr�r. fitrnuge; � - , �t�a> z��d �k a.x�d�. o� i�'���4z�.c�lG.s, b�. Gri31�d n�os�e c�u axxy' aS}D;C� $� b�il� show5 vV�a�. ,,. t�+ �1, plings qe�e�kt� l�i�, ax�c� tla�� �v, .G � ;,�. , : , „ 4 �Q . . .� , , . . .. ... �i�e � Q z :� 0 +i!'��'1 , •te�epho►p�. .Rne b��x� �GsaG: Fxi . . ,a +�. 1n 1 ol�c lc,d 14�+ti.�c� t�o. te ��, car eatter �nd ��'�st; 1 ..�.�►✓��� �$#�� � u t solid et��rti� aucld4�1 � ;. . Snsk.. �vxoxc +� uas � �@�e, qe�lt �0 _ � , _ t_ , . . �iu� tito �4 ��ua. . �� C}��u �Q�i iA'��rSB �.it� SQ�.lS � , ,� �, . ,, COX1i1c�Ct1CG �G5 Qri$�b�44 �rt} +F,,�1Vii . ,` � ,, �nmpeI': KvYtCCrn�n l.w:, . S��A�1R�i "�'` � . t e ��n�x�l 1 r�xab;� u�,a�, � n€ t.�u . . �iel .� . ,� _ P, P , >. taeu �e�i u �Ard und �7arew' . �� e �d � �k�t��e...alG,� - ;� ' o. rv .. , R * , � , . _ ,> • �� � �* , . . • • � iv�tC ��'. � P �► h � � � ��0�, � . �1 ��l � QUz �`1S � ►�#L�� t?� ��va �i� a��ta�a.� �e �a��pl�mGn;t��L : � a x�a t�e � tuS, Mr. ,A,. ,�, 'C%��1SOrx , . �G . , . � �G�� c`� . x�� Y� .. ,. . , CC�aa '�v7�lls i�A,Cl U��n �iu�� �i . i► �!�� . S � � �ettaer �v�ti� t�e �tttle �llt gxpPR�r �li iyur,u 56x�0, , �'Tuy `barn 5�x�5. , ., i�i� o,z� �kh4 Xao�i4�on o�: kk�ce iz^a�� l�t , . � ., ,.._...�, .. . F � ywOGh ax�a 3 kie�is+e�d A� fl� '�S�I] �:� t�1,� �'f�SQT��. . ,. . ,. ,. �11oro�r uT�er, "hub as it �vt�s ]�e�ect�� f t in them wrote: � pin� Aucl. knmblita4 ��ad kizzull�',efi sM ��u,t�d , k fi �..t� �`��� e�. , �. � � � oo�ci�t�.a�, v.� !t,Uc Irne, x.�� l.k���s ��,t,m '� � _ a�e�' xy � a�° l e s�aek e , , � � � , i � ieun �lae le�t i� ,therc� ns �t 'cvus �tl , : B,q .lEIF��RSaN PO�T: � � ;�i ; do�cn ti�e sid�� �t �. s� t�. a� �B. 9LY� � t � � , �, � , , ��X lza�va u�ek3 7�r; Mile� Ne�wa . . '�'#,f�,�, �er k�c, �iv�.sr xx�o��ma.._ioY� lb ; i4 �Q o1A Crtt e m��e�i�l 3u ,' , .,� u�. ;' f Makcmlw �YI we1n. ,Ba� . � � uonn.eut�on ��Atla i�k�e �nstall�.tio�a ai '�A�1� � �e . �k � anc� ��ver �ills Rnd ��a our , , � .�� �;?a�;i�], �U 1;1Q��� I"O�J1'1, �(D , , . 14 ,y *. . . ,: � � . � , I��d tti�d , � r� , . <, � �f�14G�xi� lt �h4 s.3��t��m c�k 1�i��t�r �J'7e��C�i: �C�t3'� 0� �its �a ez � S+� , ,�rit .;$�tttn, �'11ts, n�YSY�eit, wi Cop �r! ht,bY Ameriattn xess e�,seo, , "1�14 Co�ls� Of tJ�s Cri33y'o�t ht�� hGtt"V�d , b� �,h .,. , # . Y s �' , , . �a . � ; ' '' 1 � Y` t� X'll] ��7QU�, �•he ��ivQ�l ti cti�doad Qk ��i��- • r$ thi5 X:Uud the roott� A� T�ig1a �,resul�s. .�h� Sver �'�a �s : c9atio�, 191�.. t� d ro nd theXnsel�e� t��fieT ir�tqr + �"► z.��i�t �c� '�� a � �'e o�zs � y x� . , r, , athe � � �oa � , , . � u , �b „ .F , , � • o.n �t�e 9Gh Af ;U;ao. �t�a� s�as � d Ain ttheb�tsl� a;at, ea n�tuxaAy �nd so oasiTy._ `,. , : ...,...,.:........, ., wwx. , � L��� A'0��,+r7a�e+' ch��e3 ,.. � .�1g t1�e doar to�s a� z�� a «�.t��.���,�,,�,,� F�.,� �«�w�*S �•._ .�e�� s6t�[�es, �nd t�vhen .%�lurence teil . .,,,_ ;�; _ hi Gd Lrun� b;l.az�trcal 0�1, No�:. �,YLl1 : o n� thaL x saarcely IcAow tha4 � . , e .�, , �,, , �-+�} s�'P , 1Goard � so�t to�cts. '�I�e: yel� Fv �� ' uuiou� ttaenn t�is Ua�1y_ �vtis c��t�l d p� Shle-- ,�'arm co�ntain�n , ,.., , e� • � r �u 1� �'otxc� t�vcl says;.--� ,. . . �ave taTren'n P�II. L'requentlY, , �; vxa t�xand 1x .,u, . , m xed �nth sunshitay �� w�� ,� desolr�te country �`h�ch ih ti�9cle t: c2les o#ii�'?`trees ,�.ore� o�. � . ��� .. .�� �+� l,#►1 , ., , . �, „ .. , �per �1uS� siaian e , �► r t da ha . awon� e �U k�n , , _ , « . , „, L ti� o tx�:ul � .. �pei� tsoub ed w� Y� ��ea a � :,�. :� ,, . , �i�st: olas� land�,at �t1 � Lez� da era�G�, k�p � C'n 1� r� .„,,.. ,.,• . , . , , , � .. . Y, !�. :..., _,�, tt._ n� sv&s i�}B. . 1 e e TvBs ^�vAs tr versinm`�th l�n�• . ,.: .: . �. � ,• , ,� - ���C� `E11xOlaulE t$@ gT 3' tt�. t e an Anti-Pttir� i"ill tznd ge4, 1C A1� 11..d , A o a tudt h71(�' �tlli@Ii,'1,Pit�� ,Iz11Ta� k1ri(I AItiD-, it�Q 'Q� �AQ1��ir��; .GOOC� �VY.4 ,: °" ancl 4V�,�teious i;���,a4ars to us� �i�. �x . �_ y��~�t . , .,> �� i�> lin looT�ed Svli�te Aud fresh s�n8 i odia e rellet in ovar ca�@;' rfl e�t. Sis �eveelcs be�ore he Uud eC4er wei�e Tir.ed ed a�aon' aX �ae�F tor- �xame•• iiouse; ba�ik k�urn 33� f�' i�,r �� ac;Pt�oa�a.11y ��;Qod sc.rui��. und�� .�t�� CC�t� R� � rnm t Y ll B^& � g � � �'� � •, •i d`�C uertttct.nis an.ted alo 't�ceAtmen�.. But tt tl'iezo �'a� A., I,. 'i'��tison� SPaxtt�, x. ,.. P" otk:rx best ot coz�ciz6zans uu x �t' ui�#on o� r'ucks neRr tl�e l3tt�la �st�r�um. ��"i�b u ta-dq;tc �,�able. � ,� -. �i� i4hai: �our, r�aii � Mr, y�•itson wa� far � r�umber _ sturted Y�om� �lnsen�.d� witu two pt►<:'1{ Gonsc ousnesa left him 4t th�s t�Zne. . buil� abaut a, ,9ec�a� a�+� ' 33� dpe�s AQC s0 IlP Sb.10, � � z1eCeSsi�g. . � yearq ca�hier`.og the Fixst _ mnlie� tu]d � Prospectin� outtit, 19ow � . ven4e�t rt��oub"hotl't. A�,sa ia �tied up u� anY �a�nex, bu't w,�af�Gr�ely f�he ,�it'� sought uut31 she fonnd u A . . ►� ,. he awb�e it �vms h.i�h uoon � , . �, ��. • �oa �are able .�Co , Natioxial Bank oa�, Sparta. , the mUl1eS 'iv'el� i�eaps o� blear.hiu�, ,� aeller 2Ga13 �rith a.m�e�1t �tap tbe aa�>Posxte, lhat y �44'el� clear e�iintz witt� a zvb3@e �rounQ; , ui� tpe sun �uxed 8ereeI on his m ,., �� �� nd� ,�.�1 trei �ht Ito h1��4 hes� inC��rr � bone5 among ihe ra�ged %�o�er 4ali- P 3' �ttn��vay. NCw dra,vaw� ��eci hi 0. � _ A�te�ned o4er'witli Scild rose�� t�t� �Ix. �i1�3 < - : : unsf�e�tered fucQ. $e mavQd ; and rugtzted ste�:l sidin� 24��D;:. ` "�"'"""`"'`— b d a�tri e oY green leaves st . �ornza liills, And the �ultur�s und ,"- �vife should :tiltiv�y.s be thr hu� a P. • • � tound iliat beyond sever� bktnisas tne 11'Is�8. Al+ao a�ood .enp�ly, o :...` A xnan� . . sho �ad lACQd OVez ' �eY"Ife arit� �.1V�x P111S GAiled u'4v�ay tc? oti�er banquets: l�es �vas unharmec�.'"He elimfied out of �� hard :wate�. �`I'J�e SArm �� � �, ' same esp�cial��-• ta h��r laubla�.nd bu;t AC� ed�Q. 4.`Piis p �.,, �� ��� � . � : ;, � . . , � wondtred if they tivould c�ome bart; ta • lak��fiinth of ttiYiste�t bruuGhe� alod, dxa�iued aatd �vell f��,aod. . �f rn� L� �reab and u�rvflaa au� us,�.� .,� e gray ^4valls. are di$erent from mthcrs. 1VIa,�y • �` 'r I' ii �he cannat #�e T4x • o dsvork in t+�e �room �vu� $8• . ic. c]uurrel ove� 1�is remAins befPre lou�: ]ooket� about kiim At u sC�carig�ly tca�ns- all �ne�v wire �w�oe�, A'is Gar�er,�_ITOXI . . • i� Uf �op.d �u5k T11op$�y hA��' ',�.`�3� Q�Pri' iS �'Ol' 3TT3371Gt�1f1�8 he al�c her1 fcMl, like r� dif:Ferent ��`�a .W 9 . •, t y zr� . �sbed.to ma#cl� #he �valls �nd the �oox kinds of liver p�lls are rmposstbTe` gheac� o! :h�m tivus .0 Golcaprla o1' Sormoecl eanqou, �,he ea�rt}s�uake hac3 gnxtiEc�ila.rs `�uppIy fip T� �;���: '��;�1�� �.TTi� t�� CQ�l i.i1LlSt 1�ez�_�on soM#hey n1T �as, und t�h�a�r hus- sh es ar so daY�er. �#er a e trial on account �f th�eir . _ , � , � �sintet� '�Sv'o �d � 1�. xicl�e�-ot cou[�se: Httd not Cli�� liii,Y �i�*en the earkh in a dozen pinces; ll2ac� Wo�dbum� Qnt: ; .. b�nds, s�S �o �tao. I 1�u�s o� the most un btrnsi�e �reen ' � �. � "�� �'B�QV�� �� 02'�.C��B. •----s.--- , � . harshness. . Dlr. NS,�ies �lerve and breed 11Segicun, Felipe Urdero, fii eu tbssed l�uge rQci:s aside us it �heY were �Ii�QTI1VG� �Al'Cfi ` R��e P1Aced uere and t�ere upon the his. e�,rs witL ;tales, ot tbe �cld to pe the �nerest pebbles; i�ad diverted� t�e . ,h�e1d zti ve�•' in.- iflaar. Liver &�ills do not aciE by 5heer force little scream iL fl'uew beQ.' �' ��'+C+i�tQX'S +� 71Tx. r�lbert' �Vsin Y p��1��d pP i�1 th&t can�ou do`vn im � , t' *�hu �t "u�esda of last �v��ei� ; li�n the carpenter tooy �n old kiicIi+ but i� an easy, natuXal way, wiC�= . Ularenee Ives sfiared ` un�3 stared " �a. ��o ��d:l�������' ieres in�, � a .L Y ,� . �'' .. . • • .. ��;. ��� .. apzb to; s� „ . nt hi� �io.iunc c,on 7, lo:� 'l`3 St�ph•en� ,�� �ble nnd scrubbed it As_t4hita a� out ri �n or undtie ir7ritation. �orrer CulifoL+s�iu2 Trne it �as thaC• � n�a3n at i>he piace �ehere .the. huge ,� ���A.:�T��1�T� �-- . O1�TT.A.kulO �'Le �atcl co��isted of �c���o wv�nt, d 1� Stte'd both side� g P g . Felipe hud not been to t48 coun�ry 17:- beetliqg xoek� hnd staad �asd �oveT ��'ore' neg� it6. Qz�txa ... ' Idraven sno�v. nn e _ � of �.b t�zrgets e�1ch th�e •first �vi�-= th sballow boaes und uintecT tbe They are not habit formtn�, yond Ensanudt�, uut lus story aqunded {ho heud of the strenux, The rocls �O one ye�►r l�zase, �lao lir��e�y ` a ' four rize�.. �verc �iven a turker, '� � e efit a r onuble An he bnd snbstuntiated i h.t)ae ser etr� carved u on i� baa bebind sa�d eiqra s�bjact �o t�; .. ; k;,, • K3THERS ,� t � �' � _ ,, •, r "I,9'hole grAy. Tlae bozes sPere nover� l4 the first bottle fatis to b n , Y u reas , d w k P P lease ;, a,tso sall ox l�asg tbe ;. ' go.o,s.� auol� aud chlcbeu: rx�d ts,�.r .- ,' hA litkle loo S 01° TIb• ; d�'ugd�str wlll return the prlce. Ask hirri. �� a�gp,��Ons 'tYith u rude map oi the �. , > tiron �ctre iurlse �S. 1�i�cton. L��t�.r, ehc �dth chinti and d D tUtn,l��ed over, disclosing benen#li it ri �rrain waQe3iowse• at'G. 7'. R� E ,- w ��oxcX „heI� me ;�iv�, trom day tn day •,. r. �'„ y •„ d J. ched att " n11s" Over �11Q �ICAL Co. Toronto Can.' counti p incientation of t#�e earth. I�e�e' al,so' rell o,r id'�sa aTkoe}t .�d � `v ��i �iac.h a:Sekf-f�x�etful ovz�, ooa,�: k I. as>cmoi,i .ih� duck un, 1Min .a'ita P . MtLEs ME , � 9' .tivhich li�zd descenoia,d to him dee ` ,� - a ; . 1 a�an.nore. thc chick��n .lhe scoond �sbYe the g'irl plaCetl a pfeoe of rose frotri his gr�tndfaiher, svh� , bmd been �oznethln; glitte�ed i� tk►e russ p! #be , land on t�,a ea,�bar� outslZ6lCt� -�--_....; �.�� . even sviz�� t l�n.,�el to pra� ' T�Ila e. �. L" 3� Tc� 0P �lA �J� f0T O�1l�02'S1 LV�SI IYICTC}1aAd1S@ ��V�OIlC 1T1 �V.f11Ci1 J: +�qq8x2E1 Ct1�IIfZ &IId Q21 tOp ADO�ICI' 4 121&Il Vi IriSTI� AdVCIttllCCS. SUD; 3II$ OIAi'OIICE' 5CPflIIlk/IiCL OVCP TOCTiB . g' � s � P Y Y. , a . . Offers tvi11 be �ce�ived' u;� t � ].'u,s�uiaor�� �sas high II�tlll. �011o���n� iece, this time ot transparen� musliu rm ouf�;t Faction - Ives wisl�ed success in this adven- � �un� bret�thlessJy Q8� „ '.��R'S' �eb� be cracified a�d �Iain, ,. is tb4 seores. ' showed the 8o`vQrs through with ,� . • rl: i.n� ou3 tace. He had been tbe o�vner oi a v�•er thi� storehouse of gofdentreaaure; '� W,�i#s� n��r ,fp� F�ti�es� ;pl p und trees until he � ' d b��x'ted dea and �11 in vain , l. �� �&� 1'Phat is tvo y' a y " �' ,,. �', `" P '�yQq �re ali upset ut tlie office." prosperaus vineyard an3 liad lost �1y ���• � �,�Itempt!s;.-�e. mad,: ta r�sa a ain;. � Fred lierr . 14 tB ��Y e�ect. When sbe..�Ad dis ased Nu�gets oF pt�re gold. rub4Ed smootp , jy��;, y�t; (,�, �2icsa�t �`ae . , . � ,, � _ , , � • p . �1es� looki�g glass and to�let set upoa �� ��� ' year's c�og Uy a mysteriot7a are �r�ich by the grindIng process of water nnd � �, �. . . �tk B. �,!a�yto� ; '�il;; G. ; ,, �Cep� #o li�e �or o.th�r�, � llnu liartlieb 10 ,�. Boss Away. r �� '`1'horn .l.3alier ` E �l;l �he table she �vas deiighteci Svith thQ' «�gunder, no! 7:k�e o�ce boy i� on bad swe�t down uud obliteruied e�•ery rocl�, were pocketed he�e. Nature had . ' `� � i�&e c�Il �y �,clfisi�n�.ss Erom sne,� . ' • :, : vine�on his ncres. There �us a mort- opened her shorehouse' tor diim afte= ' ,, � ` ,�pe' fl`hou mine e��, thaL• I ma ��� Sa�on 1+'itton 13 i3 `�1%C�. iiis 9acatio�a. ,Y 3' � z 3ohn t�aUsn�ore 'z3 S4 ',a, coueh �vas the.neat'though� A�1D gAge on his ranch, nnd it '��s heltl b9 all, and st�a wus a liberiil dt2me zvhen i��lat �e�e,u rvhac T dcz #or 'tb�e� �m . � 1:. ` . � , j To.in Cuxlino �� ' qld one was �ound �hich when co�+ They' BcFievn E�. the m�n wkto�e @aughter he �canted to �be ebose to:gire bounty. Feverlshl9 y� �+ r � �lstzs,� tueeds b� don� Lqr oth�er... tton �•er aheuz�doFvzi 10 1-� .- a w ^« �Os1�.�'!. �+ �Or Jal �+` Or b r. __ �red tivith A smaoti� biay serge sna It was blowin� grelt gunsl' �� int�rry. i t��s he Slled one of i�is empty canvas food • � [�t:d �Y6�eu ou eait� m�-ori� is dowe: `�7ber� W eiu :�'� � r ered �vith white alon presente� � iO�Iotiv could• it UloFv ��reat guns? "!f �ot� eun pull sourseli out o saci�s with fhe :preciou� lnmp�; and tWe havotior q�icksala or t , �. Y Nercy l'aas�orc X3� � i�D d g ,9,n,d my ne�v tivork 'in. IIeaF.:.n begu.u. __ y res ectable appearanee. '�he enslt� �tph, tflat's just a nau�ical term:' hale, . C`larenee," Narman Kuyce said �gyli�en noC'one remained i� tt�e eavity Pery �leeirabl�e rasid,ence ,�� ���ag ;I fo�rget the �roivn I'*L zvon �eorge A�I z+i�t�inne,� �. '� p' z ones covered ' witb "Ou sometliin Chey tei3 to the m�• ly, "1'll cut a carload oY , orange � �'V'eli locate8� coaniartable a�a� .. .i ;,'�Y�a�Ie� thin�ino s,tull of athei,s,� m he turned :a�vag. satis6eti' ri. iortune . llan 13r�ncnell '� ��� �'cvhite musiinr � rines:" ' hlo�soma und Soti can enbage tuti �as I�is. . .. Crladmam �& Stanbury� ' ., � 1N, L aa�Sael ; a S $OIlA WeT@ ChiIIt €' �M� � . "� ^Td �es, oth��rs; , )oh�; litinl�in 11� ..li ,.A.s �or `the 'beii, �Ehe woodworl� wa padre. _If �ot� ean t ma6e goou weat s �here in the cmngon, t�ru an�I rngged ._, �• an"crctlt� be `-- ���'�'1'reibner 1� " ainted gray, tho bedspread 'tivsss o� Doesn't Nurt Ner, �� t�e use o� ymnr marryin� i;orn no�v with the effects of ttie eurthqna�e, the' �; liaz foa �ati��er� „� `.`� ��-��auuer; .• 1b :1Q ��� seen throuah muslin, like thB "�is wife made l�im wl�at he is. , And entAngtina her ln the nyesl�es oi man 8ung himsel�, upon �is Idfeea and, , �+ y tive for �'he�e. — ...: 1�I �lorney , � �� J _ l'Qi.' �alei . ,, _._.r.._.. �:zra w ein r .—' j� oilet tablo cover, and the P311ow�lips "But_ he claiins to be sa s�l� ,mac�e your diH'icult3es—ehY" gare thunt�s to "the one who hn�l di,- � � ' G 1iey�ti�ood �� •- L �, ere us dainty us could be. man:' ' t7�arence lves had thrust out tris de� rected'the eart�� to open fox him. �.b ' "She lets him thinl: so." � L'larence lves it �vas a greate� miracle '7'hatl ahoiee. proper'ty cons'.: i3UTE �N„f? CU1v�ME�t�. °• �— Booksheit t�nd. chairs the liandy mari termined chin and inYormed ! apa 96 acres �xtualt�ed o,n Lolt 14� r ` ainted the same soft green As th� Ro9ce that one year faom ttint date than those svhich t�,t bad read �b,oat fn , '�ou,iE ,r,e;turn kivan��s—J�;s!t; Pa�s it r--.-- _... - - —'--a � But He !s Not. ilie Bible. sion one. �3ay about 1 1�'2 n�i� . _ � _ . _ __. iher pieces of fuxniiure, und even th� he wonld call upon �im tv deli�ec � HensuFl, an,d �our mile�s Ssom � ��`II�'� � I DOOkS thB giTl pUt into .d4inty Alld aj,N The eost of living tivinss tts iiight ': •�ru 3nto his arms. In the meuntlme �e 'was to �witness a sfill greater lnir- Good frame house wtth� fii : '' ! propr3ate cocers: Anan couid3i selhis areetlte . he 8hut up hi8 Taneh house, bade inTe� . _. . �' . � � ^" � .: ,�.,, I • acle before l�e left tlle can on. Sa ceI�lar. �E�vo : ood �v�lls 40 �� i � pp had secured hLs baa of� preciona metal �ras�s, 10 �acxe� oP Full whe, •, �,�t;st S�e�tfi it, tiv,a.s J: ti'V,r ttai;:�� ycar �: ��� ��� ��� � `��e �ndotiv etirtains �v'ere ot th� �io�v IiaPAY ho mIght be: WCll t0 his pretty� 109$l R�V@0tI1�1T1 ACTC,s vof good buish lAnd• fa t � . ,�� q� ��, �� ,, • wild rose chintz and n�usl�n, and gree and set fort6 on tl�fs e$pedicioB into and l�ad setuched #or sznd discovered • . ' ?� ,i.u� �mo�tly do�ne; . ' "�� " flower boaes Svere set on the sill ttnc� pER-� PQ�AGRApNs. - his provi�ions, �svhich had sllpp.eddo�pn -. , Lo�ves Cslifornia niter gulci---n Svild _ drained; fenG?� in go.od ro�pa � �'. � .. . , : . �> �- + 4••: l�iavsr Margaret. Carnegia �iled in tiie summer with red an� ad4enture into � tivild. uninhttbit�d t1�e cBnyoA walls wit�. him itt the �Ars�s 13.6ab0 in i�air repair , ildron. �qhite stocks, so that the whole rooiri e ersons �vlio are no �vorse tl�an country, nnflertaken by a man whose shocic o� tho quake, and i�e wus �ust fxam,e stable '28sG0 and go. ���, �, �uccess� is mer��]y ci ca�e• oT �doing ye�pad Eho Poor Ch So� p . lesving.tli$ canyon Yortiie,�econdtime � �, Itlz�n,�s Yir,st. $hould be sweet Svith tBeir fragran��. the rest oE us are .no better than they greates% aesets were youtP� antl cou� s�ed. T'or inrthcr parlicul$ ,• .. :• � when tlnce.paore the earth treasibled. ta 7.ouis Walper I-Iensall. � ,. �:. ;�ter, . wHei� the heat demanded mor� a e und ttia love oi a woman. � �. ; � n• . :� !i : �!:_� �>_ . _ . shouid bp. : , g �• - � �.,,.,,� j, eshness of scent, the giri who maa � , �.;. � Th8 mnles, one after the other, had., �lie roc�s ground together,. t'hi� trees ieffic i3eas 811ed the bozes 3vitt5 amon the crevicee.. ehivered, und tliep, as. ,earlier thut —' . F� w,;;, , �he; best �vay �t�o; ciimb .u�,tir;arci;s i�s �' �g Getting_ into the linielight is aome- �ta�ch bro�ken 8 leg �' day, th�ere �vAs a viAlent tesrin� aouud, , - •,:• ��, . . ,:' ' , , . .. times a sco2•ching oper�kion. oi tho £oothills. That� ,wa� why Olur� {. � �; ,..� .���t riiint and ros�mary, for;she had lear�i• '� ' �'` ' " " ` " * ' �:. �?`� � � ' �d that these plants althongh not to0 . :,f, . . ,� .. � .. ; ence �e9as trnd�ng ulong. weary. sPirit• �nd he saw t4e ea�fl� beneatti the re. � ' f cumbent' ser ent �roCv burst upwart3'` �ele� . r�:C� , s �` V' lbright,to loo�. upon, have xnosi 1�euItfi� . n , � _ "�his, ear es iea �.ar ane� �b •tkex�� . ; . �';, � � `.`. •: . , , . , He vas a shettk ,ti�' yeiSoap in his less, with no� and tben a reference , �. Y P,Y .. .. ; <. � ..v.. . . : , und precigltate the'ro�k b�ek into-its SO�i�er�� r ,,ase, over on�� hunur�eU lhousand.more 7, ' `' ft21 properties. . ,. � �xe __ • ��° conipoaition wuo ,le�;�}Yhe blues domi- ��o 'the old map he had reeeived Yrom �ormer bed trozn whicli he l�acarescueil . ��aales than xemaa�s ui Uanaua There ,<;?:F.:::::;;<a'w�,;.:. " . �. � r more tlia�; fiEtee�- u�„n-� ti�e hald breed. .� �,,,.., , . s � . .. nate him fo � ,, , his golden store. B;tter m few taint IThe �.nnua3 Me�e�Ein�, of 'tlin �5��oulcl be,Y va �xc:ua� or a'�irl in .: �;,��:<,<„�.` � ,,• . What to Eat and How to ,Pr6par� I}. � `�tear nightiull fle eame :to the en� at�iverin s'the eArtt� ceased tuxuin in A iicultural' Saciell: tivill ba fai.lino co trnd a.u�,iapl� husband `.; <�� �`> �'"y Fresh frui� should ba the flrst cou utes. F , g � � 3' , �•-� I' .— .. ;' trance oi a socky ean9on. I3crabby her bed un� was sti1L �ihe !To�vm HaII, Eae'ber,. q' .. _.... . :; ,,�;;; .; �; sideration At breukfast when the sea Z�he probabitity of being fou,�d out chestnuts snd pecans e�othed the rim . Awed by �hat he hacl seen, :IBea January �.6:th, 192z.;� at o ; �";,°_;` ,. , struck t6� bacbward trn11, Svitnessing ,. :m., for Lhe pur,pose o£ � « ' _ ,� �. �' son offers A varied selection. fs a wonderful quic�ener �f' the con- oP the cuplil�e fnclosnre. Ac;rosa one � '.:' ,�o.ol� .a� It,h.at no�v, sulcl u proac� . :; �,�,,� i BaLed 17ggs on Ham.-Butter sma13 , science. � end n small �tream oY sweet, Pure many evidences o� the distnrbance as fic`ers, and �irec�tons f.br �t;� `. , 1�i,sh mo�Lher hotuix�g uia t�er ao,�;�t� �, l Year: " ,. . „� �� •��> -.; .. earthen dishes und place x generang � �ater �neanderect a�nd was tost among �e made hi:� way to�srird 17nsenada. �. � �lbora�. �soa ior auiuu�ac�un. �.sZn't he a ;:�a., ,::;<.,.,, . �.. � ;� A ineetino oE !t'ha Dix�.. C Y ,�s. ;.;.;;<:sz�;> s, #easpoonful oi chopged hum in eaclL � ry P g be held at �Uh��, ITo�vn l3a11 ' ,.i�ea,u ,� .�.n su�•e iv�e+ryon.uY srw��c�. �>„ ,� f.,;;:� �;�„�L n, If the world reali o�-ed e�e man the ro�c�s, l�lear the s�ream was n .His ra rese svms slow on acconnt oi v : �e'�. �ust tue iucur�e oi hi� moth.�r." , �-� <� � '''�'°" Uarefull Ureali un egg ove� each por- e• � patch of caarse green grass„ �d her� tl�e '�v�ighi of gold, uud he wus wary to: finish up �t;he year',s bu� s r,r;:,,.�:� � a livinb zt wovld ht�re sone Uroke �S. « , � ,' °` ���«��i 'F.. ' tion oP bam, add salt e ,':! fs,oulan'r worry 1bou�c 2ch�at •�eo. zra , � , p pper and A long �ago. t}larence made his littl'e cump. of wandering prospectors' or stcay the, memb�rs axe xe�peeifu, b . _ : � ., � . ..Z.vj>ie � . . . .. aia her �ues�," sw long .au E '�" � ; ,�, ', , , r;Nx�,: ; bit"'oP butter and'batie unt3l,theSvhites ' • ' Aftec aupper ho compared his mnp bands ai half breerls, but be bad iit- quested,t4 atte.nd: .A.,G.;� ;Yre ne� 'hy,�:� : .. . '� � ; ,�r�^',�,� ;' are sek �: . ,. ; ', �-. t.le to fear, for the euri.�'shocL-s bad �d, Christie Presidwnt. ' . ..,�v..,. • 77ve�Y mAn .t�zrs' Gis price. but every with Che canyon und`,�retiv dizzy when + ' "'' "` ""`"`'' ' L onnaise Potatoes.-He�t one tub2e� ,-•' > •• . driven them unlc etricken lnto the "�'—' ' �"' ` ''"°�'�` ''" "`` , w. map, doesn t flnd some oue willing to , . . �,. . • �: f •� w o � w a = : ...�. ., k✓;<;, '<. �t. � . . . . �. � . . . ;..,.,:, ,: ,��;:; •�>, .,,.>,,: ,;;s, . . ,.. .. Y.. _. he realized that this mast indeed . b0 P , , ;, � .�, ' `�g Pa� , : _. ., . �_: . . . , ti y fc�.z ' � sPoonful of :butter' �in.. �..ir` �` � town. a �' gnY i� the treasure house oi which t+elipe �j.�,],�, tA. ��� � ;�in,� �evr"`�� is sCill Lun;ti.q� 'bio ` ��`�' �.dd one .Yablespoonful of choppecl o� ' Tben one uiternnou. as be neared the �k � . > . ';;i>.,:';:;>:' . ,>` �' ' . .._ > �ad 'told him. To �eriiy_ ihi� belief • ;�a.me, in lYe�.�.s and 4,�uwicn lYl,ary �a . �� •' ' thinl shced aaion, und �vhen the �re '�`. �`_' �^,.:`?��� ` ' � � The man who is fon3 oP his �vife's `. last few miles beEoro he �iould reuc� FOR FLETCH�.i'� ,..<, ::: ,� _ , . , . he searched the beetHng rock that � ....� . : �i;sitin� �ario���. ai,c,ie,s in li�dia. �i;,;:':> , tried to A ale Urown color turn in ono m_ .�nsenada and a semblance oi cf�lJ3 �, �...,::..,. . „ P relatives certainly {ias r>omethino co qung over the source o! tbe spring stnA � A�%� . M�' a.. .+�. x " ..:: �,;:; ' Pint of diced cold Uoiled potatoes sea . � • in� to him.. was rewarded Por his eflort by ti�d• z�tion h�'suw coming tAwarfl him a `' �"`�° -� � eoned to taste. Shal:e uutil the butter �• lit'tle party monnted oa wiry horses. �-' `« . , — , ing ruclely carced thereon the, ima�e j���lnd he ,s�id that�he, tiv,as will�ng to •:�>:'� �s absorbed, but do not allo�v the pa narmin� 'womin is' one �vho ea He gCAnned them closely�, woudering Amea•ica� subscribers �. � . ;: �ia l:or me8" ' . , . � . A e a oY �i `sernent pla ced there a hundr . . . ociatio�r �`, tatoes to color. �dd one tublespoon4ul at tlteir ldentity. hoping be m+igbt pe Po�itio.n of a i►eavy�pos�a „ ft j� 191i, by American Press Aea l�no�vs esactiy liosv Yo h:��e �er own R �,, 1Vot exaotiy in �thos� }vorods bui it Tears abo to guard the sprin�, � �vap. � ��� � ', s .ta ,t�is c�e- . +�itates ithe �ayuizn� �.n ad -. ,, ,. ��!ns thE iimpression, ha tvas �tr�ing {to g eflarming lit£le girl who ha� m0� liuoruy. yelled C.larence eaeitedly, oi chopped narsle sznd serve, , able to pnrchase ad�tion k �� �onvey:" BreaLPast Siscui�--To a ha1P cUp'f+al • � nleted store oi food ,American subscriptions a ;a�. • �ieen sAoiled by ,riches ig 'little M�� oP melted bUtter a littl� sait and two . � nnd the echo �as borne back und They came avitl�irc range oi reCog.oc2- a� the year,, �d� dir.ect 'th` , I�.e ;said t$at he �ras �.raa,dy (t,q �qE � There ale pers�ns who seem to have ,--�"' �ar aret iArnegie, duughteY -oi �ilQ onf lsot bakin wder addone Portt� ucross fihe rucky canyon a�t[1 it �o�( our Acnerican read��r� ux' cooking .any ti�e cha;c n remni•l�al�le propeus�ty far tosing n a irf ht• tion., Ffrst he recognizec]'Fetipe Or- , , ,W. ��_ 9ou .�aid . . . . g , ,. seemed to fali at his teet i g dera''s �l0 3ng shoulders, over which . ' ; • -,; � yvOr�.. Hn .to �9aCE�• , teAspo u g Po � ds�s� aAbels oln tha "�'k �- �-_ � S ,..; ., 6tee1 magnute. ' `� quart o� milk und flour, enough to p them, kindly co se�4 'tih'�', tuoney anci frierids at the same time_ Nned whis�er. „ x* R,,„ �S2r. dndresv (7arnegie Iive� iII tditl make a stif� battea. Do not knead to curled a aCreamer of cigarette smoke; scrip$#o�;ng are paid�y7n, �► • .� . CG h�n a ne� aa� aa�ea �.e wAa tuost fashionable street in New 'SorI�, make into dough. Drop from a spoon tben the �srge� bniky �orm oi Nor- su�scriptio4r price ���s �1. , '..,' ;�',he O�ium co,n�ress no�v ,sxt`l�inb a�t n his house and tltn� oP h18 into buttered pans and bake in a la�t refreshed ` und set +0.bont �de]ving man itoyce, red eomplesioned, gruy ` �nd betwee .,, ha�red, ansious eyed a�ntil lie saw tt�e �'Y,£be� l�a�ue l�as aa�o,�s�d a r�esoitt�tioR oven, as only u quick oven w,iij, inake - � '�'"�" -" �� �• �mun� the roclis a� tlie head of tJle �` aeighbor, Mr. Y. T. Bv.rclen, there 3s a _ ..;(reaw wliere Yhe map fndicateci that '�.Qrn- tuCe 'oi tbe peiiestriAt�, Behi•ud • .'' ,, ,.� , oElereu by ou�� oY tt�e, u:hi�e�� dale- � • them li�ht and te�ider. �"�� , F �,oid nu�yryet5 m9^ht be founcL ' Norman kt,9pce rode u rl her p�aie. DeC1ta� :���1GeS :. ��;aces caiiin�� r,,n, t�,e .L�o�v��rs ��0 9&can� lot 3'hrou h the kindness on , ���TRit11� ���L�� . . . . . .. . � , .+� bb . . b . � . . J � / .. 1'.r . �,..5,. � . . �. �u,pg�res;s zh�e tivro,n,gYut and contra �3is9 aarnegie t�s lot has l�een �ive� �.. . i�ay ufter daq gas�e� iu n monota �aCe sbaded bp a laxg� fe�t ax�t., Kin�dl +xake. noti�ce if,ha . :, , �k)dn;w sal� of the uru .L�, � , - S,#riped E{fects Are "Popular. � , � , . ..... ... ..,. . ,.: . €�. h� rti�aIu rpyer to th� �a.rks un�. Playgronnds Ase , he nuus euccession oY di.�a���ointments. •�Ah, the Senor lvesi",. ��txctllated us closed every �VVe�d.nesda �:zan -also cales an il�e varioivs� G.over . ;,.,. •.: 0trf�es, stripe5 every�vhere fs , t ,' �Sc�� . Es �� 1 t after thcee wNeks of delving Feli e, and $e feil : Uaek� � to nerII�it .� :r� � s�ents io �u rL�� o iuin. d�� . � laociation. und all guanmer long poop Pari� cry. Huts have striped trim- • �t as , P • ��D'R," nl� 1� `"D'S� ln� rom the east �ide looked up • - ����F�� �� �Q� _ in tl�e roel�y soi1, 6,e liPted his pick anr� Not'mt�n &nd hfs $au�hter' to see tpe . IELieir co,ncession,s azia ��a�;Clem�h+ntl� in ��'�n f m3ng�s,'und even the setienle swing3ng �orer�n councrzes. �i the vine covered wlndow� of tlxei �eW�s�pel'. ' i�r�rec,� it far from titm �evith a bitte� goung prospector. :CL05llxl� NUT�C$ -` th avennia liouses us they rompet'i ��~ � ' es��iamation. Then, becanse he recoi- ��C}ood beavens, boy, yon ure saleI Ptea�e re�eihiber t,h� ••+�•.• � iE�c�t�>a that other YreAsurP aeel�ers hac� Pm tlivaf�l'ul to see you alivel, burst Ot�i ce 3s closed ever W:i� ; �d p���ed �a en�a�ed �he ���� .� Stro� and Covra eo�� ' �eui�x 1' rtne -- 5 ' i�nd seesaws tkta� hnd been providet� � ' � 9 Pound bofc] m�ny, times when on t1}e forth Nor'tnan A9 hC $�STLOUI1tQCX A11d '—�� . .. e� r�'.hti �f�ca boy i�a�s �,r; qarine� 'e �tipulated� , � ��F�r�e of nbandonitas ti�efr project�s, he �ra�pea tiie hand of the umazed pras- ; �itr1� �•ino.� arc�and his cycs. �oic them. � � _ . ��nror 1 a � � -- +� � • � tlae lot ahould be �o welt , °�iis �at�y Witnts� b�¢ trial, �Q <nugbG his picic once more and a��.�. ��ector. .. °`We r�ad abont the eurtt�- �, .�. �; , ' ' i �n�r Y�,4 but T dou f, on1� that � 1� o;v � ,. , ;,. , .. , ii no ` �#ar rat ttaree �oi�.ra. s���niiecl himself to ti�e tast�, but.it wa� qua�e aind that it �vus reported a : . *,¢"'"�'�"�"�., n �� �ett�.,r �h�, n�c,cl,s inedieinc or �u,a�eded th�t the ehlldre� coul ii s� e. +����P. , t` 'onabl ��� �'� o:iis n dying snurt oE n.mb(tion, and at �reut manp miners h�� been entomb- �"�` �,f�,w��4��y��„� ;�.lz� e ;�, •• C. 43anoy the residenta tl� I�fl fasl�l � '� `'�cc}cl�+Witaar anc� : �, ma'xi�,, tiaia �. ..�xvaua, , .. .. . , y � sun:e.t' lae once iuQre tossed the imple- ed. `Yeil, of course we ,didn t hnotv �'+�.�. ..�r' ��,��'� �E�,�re'r� a paox: i�1n �t �tk�a door �r•itY� ueighborhood. � . , ; —_— r; y � ,,, �;ana►diap F�omeatead ontrit�•�� c±�rnC �zside and flun� hiruself On tl�� 'a�here 5oti tvere then, you were �o ae- , eretive, bnt �'eti e here .e�,me ta me � :. y • ����c'.. ,B#�ooden 1e�i,�. , .,.. . _' x�sslur xaie, one 8o�tax ,;ruund in U3tter desprifn , a�a toia �ae ot �onr �e�rel� a�'ter bYs• � ' '�IVhy �riu�et ansswer�zd `Eh� mi5 H�1lnween 0.ore� , :., (Ze hud staued h.i5 tuture and Cora9 , 3' , L��; eTGas in ,a :reprovixtb tone,` `•rch.a.t i�hrow n krull o� yarn out oP� y'fi''� , < ;; 7t�ese triai ra.tes ara oe[erec� t , , � , r. _ �. . r� . .; s�bar.sa�bers--ar �hose in� w�rinse ��u tlie rare smile oP t�e god�ess ot fo�'- cra�clf�tber s��lct mine, �nc� �ora��ar� i�pl,�„,��IlC�4L�I '��n t� c, uo r� i�h rvoutte�: lab�!�u � el1 �cin�.o`w' and rewxnnd it from �9ithin, . ,� ;' ;>. oi�er ed�,t4on has be�en t�es� ia� �� , ni.i�e, and �h� 6a�.,'chosen to lrowil me rio neace cin�til T conse�ted fo e�c�le °,�m,'fivc do z:ot wan,t any. . e�,fing tli� naiernbstet, b�tekward mp . , ,, . ��or at leas# tsva �oars: that la, sls�es o YI ihe while watel�in� the ; : i><<, has been A� ` aT�on him. � �r d'ot�n here to L'ower vaxi�urnia an� �. ' o� da s, A di� you out. �e l�.u��ed �vitt� tenr � � � �' � " a]L Present , Yf �ou have gqod luc � : �i ` `�T"�e pAid siiq t�ribri@e to l�bo�, �0 , , >. � T T9 �� ' in his�eqes. , . ; , , , > ; < , ,,.' �: ' nn (�ppfrt ' ,:ite1 �'a7inily a�Cer ��vUile. He snrveye . N . Cc�.���zcle�,ce tiv�us� t��� bzt I lc beforc , au rtvi1T tiave a Visfo�n oP 'yPur $ttture t,,, ,:_ ; ,, (�� , "T+'ather" C13eci Cnra taria e�tt� hb}��-, ��.l l l � i , , , ; 9 � . _, > . >: �UIIU[rl lll��y ��� � uig b� u4sed �nA b11aCc�rec� ha.nd�s an� , , � a ..� a� i�-� T�i,brun. Unc �vho sL�.rts w� u i. hu�band s Sace. ,, . ,; "",� ,. �. xoe ai�d artJ� he �a.d � , r1i.. turmoil of ics e ;r� tl�� dther batad, of �er. lov�r, 1C-.: �� , . -; ... , `�i�e' asau�i'a�ce af eizaca�s has thW= .'...,.._.. �:, �, ; �<: ` ::, / , , �,.,� onr �vu'su estibn: Yon'b}ameti R91#Ad Tri Topr3st�3 T:. . . , • •• . � ,> �.: >,.,<. ;:-. �{ �n (� p tuyG�tl Up !zi tiye Cmn.�4n. He;took stoc�i 9 p , �� 1�. ,ot � . tz� rm-asi!t:, ��t r.t �s � o r• , e� <: ,.:..: <:.: ,� � : � , ;� , , , < _ . . �, I p° Ttl'�e tv�o lon� Btethmec� �ed TOB ,., � U�� ,�lll U�C�� f � e ot rovisions nnc� 3��c, rIf fai dri�n� C,lnrenet� u'cv�y on on 5a1e t11 all �rinci. ai ` ect it �an'vius� Co c tz r th,�� , c �:. ::::� ,.: ` l" , o. h�s sCanty stol' P . . , , ,.... P . J �n T � 4 ., erttvu�e tk►e stiem�, repeutTz�� >>,.; »-» �.,., .;.«. , ,�<. . , An�1 inC ,.;., :<.;:• ,.::, <;; ;:: ,..;�. , . , , ,a�•t;ed tkaP,m tOgether: *�b�n Ueii�rn�c1 n �x�u �ao5e chaqe �ur a foi�tune p�t�P�t . eo�'ts ➢fhcludiin sviiFiin Souar�s��7C befoxw .' Saiz , ..,: ,..� Ttn ci�auta�tl,an� iq be �on'b4�: .:�, r i th��e lineg: �r tlxc abs�laut�is rvi�hntil; Cu1tii- � i3�io d� 2�ula��er l�C:� l�n��k on th� cazis�n a�Q roundet� Son wahted�,�i�n ta stuy 13�1�t t6cr�." � . ip .,, , _ : „, ��w►ne, Lwtne �nd lnteztwine: , , �s� z��uA s�orrxxa Bac+, c�r.t,-�soi?�s p�uv� � � nst r.liinbedl t'�A .,,�Pe1�,P� . admltteti the older mau; . . r�Lc� ;,6e. cox�fid�nc�, rv.hzch z� a larg4 Il�r ro�l.y entrance a , ,� , � r ri �� ,. .• , . : ,_ I,et my 3owe be whotly min@. .::� 1n�Ebscribet�s lo�w i�. ,- fa„cl.ar in tvzn�.��, c� kind an3 true , 2rOm its lovg cord ia' striPe& 'Z'he , ttei�litq to tk�e trix►�a oE Chestriut,� ant� we re got him. No�v', Gl�tren �, co ;- ,, :..� ._�_.._ zt his he�rt k� , , _ cdYnc baCl� tb C�e `ranefl und tnl;e' laolc� �, ,, veep�r giow h5s rosn tt hue�. ` shaPPitsg l�a� �Ift�stratec� , is ' oi i�lack, NiA#CB 17` YOUR he�ftns. ' i �. �` . ` ; _ � _.�.... , , , , " w�i� �e: I ll �et 'thut curluud o�'' or; •� ���r, '�chaaT �v�a,s's�u,ppaued �to dpe� Wa.d , ,,. A�ci whittr xaffetu ltned t�lth brillifint � Y�.e n��de bis W8�' th�Nough th� gCu`Co ' , .� �°. ;, . ,. . � , , , , n e logstims ttY�t� Coi�iY �c�em� �ri11�n • .. .r.x ; , �.esrtd.g; bu� crr�zn� to no Eixe zn �fr��a , . � ,;ts��� hife cnm�ittg . f ���"r� F�R . ����M � � U � ,,a . 7Loo1. 9k� 5 ur �, , w 1�ec� moire. �i. �o�derrient tittto eh�n�a. �� , �f nut treeg z�nc� ��� on�e xnore dni,d + , �.,. . , ,. ,, . _ . .. , . :. .. . . , o ur ut�r� strc� - ,,�,. [�rn.ice�� �hc �ekto��r.� had az� �selxa _ ; . 3tne �ztlu nn - , _ . , h n ceurt'e�. �ti tp' take n ehunee n �t1 � `T�]k'. ,��`{l"��t�VE; �la �, , ,, , youx. [�nir. ati ti�� :�rrx�re � c � �iirse fltting #tltu lthe bfl� i,� tashtau� rert��n t�octzy trall �� it o . �d�icla . . , � , ..> . , . , hiPX1w'lil[�G�tm ' ces�." . ;. ,., . , , : _, � m 1e a�yd ii�ld�n�, � c��nr�l� (�3 one b the reti moice si}lr. A1t�1�8�10►�J`� ��� ttim tha� �ti�h� wu� dr�.w'Ii�� in un�. h� , . PP , � ; . . ly fri ., . , . ; ., ; .., . Ir��t�Y ui;ia� 6rty rtlnrn�. C:� .:.: ;. . ` aur fenda r�botr .: i� c• m_ uzltii rri�rnin . �o �� .; %�� ' at�ire�3Ce turust one 1t�d d�e�r •; ' „• , � ,,. f�uxid. k�r.i .� ,. , An� �el� y . � mu.6 m�ke cr�. p �' . • . . � . _. , '� , . : .� . , , � � � , . . s rens re b `�nd tosserl u oiciet� , - y ,M � ..., ,���,ii tari.;:y r{�i� ��rti �,���r iu��ri ;, _ xe;�� �hay,.waa a aiso euJ�� �� , he u� o�e at� a�can ht_ t t� r�� � ��i e��� �i �w � 4J � �tair t��i � c � . , , Gr�,nibs �`or� F"rYfn�� r� Cnrned to t , n �' � �' _ . , � ���� � � � . . . .; , , � u �t intb 1�e1 . Qys II�toril5het� hr�nt��. � � 5 t`;:.cr.� t+�i� �i5r � hye. S-ttttt'.' _ ,. • , ��vb�tart,� t��t5 3ent ,,i'�t ttk '�hke�9: t , . . im5 li� An 't1tL� 'iVA�'� � �� �� . ,. , , , ; iufn�� rz�:r[c,. � t t fi� , flato s�o�1d be tak�n in dry�ag ' x�ri.tl and thr��* ri e ; ai�cl �b3: d�a31� .,, r�cbuid ei��er. 'be n.ceoa�panta� '�ar Tl�en he 6�nded; 4%d 11a� io hi�• futt�ro , , ,s vi�,�hict�,�a d �"�D� %t�'a21:ta � �C�Clt�rd�=r• tn f?rc� :sr�a�r��r .,., ;.: . . ; , �, > . . , bxe9��1 to be vsed ��r crt�t�abs , Ao �oob �:�art�e�mmE.nt o�r. �.hd �n,�ies� 3� :: �r�tinil s�n� '�v�n� to .�1ee�, ��r�a ati �tetrrt � .,.. . +� • �,t I� y , ,. .., : _vn' t.15id tthrl6i�Y►�asYl�h, . :'� , ; � , , _ '�t�tiit;�h^�7iw1tLW� a , ( ^�'-� r m 9n �mr thb- r��+�n lon . e�aii Tt ; Yoa aa artitl l�7tt�t �vit'h tko vqhdle 'Wo�l�: !�� ���� I.d� ���� ti�w� � ��� �� ; . Xe� �G e a , �' . � _ � �s �en��an thb � _ ,,� � t vn �t �r+il�, ao9c c:ha�e� t�lZ , �' ` J . , � Ce�ivdc:d; �i*�� �' ' ', , _ . , 'Cv' �1 �' ,. i � . ..._.. ; , . ,, . 1 ;. , .� y ,�y , , Yt tvns �ttsi be�o�e �nw� ihat b� ; _. __ , . �, , , �t�' s�i , �, , :<,,, : � , . . + ?. �. � �. �' � � �s �, to brotvt�-i Poz' eUtlekq or , croqr�etted _ _., t�bi� s �ri ktk rio rtnrec� '�anU I „�b�tk� 4.t�� , 1��1 _ p a�J�et� ak� � , . . �"� , � . : � _ . � . .7�1�A' ,7)Oipti#��.X'»aG 8� . r 3.�t'bl , , f� r . , b' r �3eax� L��- . , M r, c v r .. 1rdlI� rr bv��larocvz��c] cr.umhs, t�i1T �d��,, �cvdi�e tn a st�'an�e rbCl�i7a� m:�ltitlik, , _ , , . _.. _ , : � . �� . , - .. I � 5; 4� a�" � , �!��� � �' � , , _ : - g �V'itr�a��' �Joc�,, �Lr� . . �+i.lc1 �bbse �rXd the � wtae�� el�e U#t� . , n� ",. � ` � t�•+� �+� � .. , �;+ i ,� ,:, .. . ba:ow4n1 �v�0�r� Pryfng, '�� k�f�cis rr0�e t�wttteriz�g e�cite�l� a�aoid�' :.: i� � �f��� �w � ��;,_,�, : , � _ . :_.� _ � _:.. ia�c� t�e, ��w �r,� �`,:,� � � � i� � ,., •� , ; ^y".r :� `n n�....". ' , , , . ' . , . ; ..,.. . , . , �..� , . ,.. . �r . � � <. . 4 l: �,• . r 1 � . . . . .. � � ' . `,e� . .�. . ' . , .. �'��.:���ie... . .:� .. . . . .,� � � �'. '1'_ 1I " � . � , �. � . . .. � ' ' �'� ' . . tr.. . . . . . .,� �� � r.� � . . r . , ` r . .i; ++' . " ' . �: ��} ' . .: . . . , . . . . .�.L' . . L ��- . — _ � '�. . , '�' t�� " . ' , : . .. . .. �� � �... . . 1 ; .� S .�. .,� '. . . ..��,. . . . . "