HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-06-16, Page 11Town&Country....t CLASSIFIED 26. Help wanted 26. Help wanted ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF NURSING required at ALEXANDRA MARINE i GENERAL HOSPITAL Goderlch, Ontario Applicants must possess a currant Certificate of Conn - potence, a B.Sc.N. or equivalent, five years nursing •r - perforce phis additional experience in Administration and/or teaching. lnt•rest•d applicants are requested to apply In writing to the Director of Nursing. Alexandra Marine & General Hospital. 1$0 Napier Street, God•rich, On- tario. NTA 1WS. EARN EXTRA INCOME In Your Own Home Use Your Good Telephone Voice and Outgoing Mature Personality To Promote A Nationwide Retail Department Store Ser- vice On a Permanent Part -Time Basis. CALL D.M.S. 1-679-1828 WHAT A FIRST RATE EDUCATION IN ELECTRONICS CAN MEAN TO YOU.NOW AND IN THE FUTURE. BELL d HOWEL DEVRY INSTITUTE OF TECH. makes it possible. Technicians, Technologist, Computor and data processing. Financial aid, Housing and part time job assistance while in school. For further information. call 1-800-268-0600 Pager R7975 ,Ir 1001 qr 40• ,�• OPEN THE DOOR TO A CHALLENGING CAREER The _Canadian Armed Forcesis looking for • university and community college graduates to serve as commissioned officers .in a variety of challenging technical and professional career positions with the army, navy or air force. The Canadian Forces offers you 'a ynique opportunity Ito apply your•' specialized technical and professional training and to develop your, leadership skills. If you're medically fit and meet our selection requirements:- you qualify. For more information, visit your nearest recruiting centre or•'mail 'this coupon. You can also call collect - we're in the Yellow Pages under Recruiting. Tian s No Life Like 1t THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES 28. Business opportunity 28. Business opportunity PUT YOURSELF INTO A BUSINESS THAT NEVER STOPS GROWING Skin Core & Water Base Cosmetics LADY FINNELLE One of the fastest Growing, Companies Consultants & Manager Opportunities Available. For personal interview with Anne Hider - Car Winning Manager call Jean McGuire at 524 - TOWN OF GODERICH RECREATION DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR /Hi CONSTRUCTION OF A SOUND ROOM AT THE GODERICH & DISTRICT MEMORIAL COMMUNITYCENTRE. SEALED TENDERS will be received by Mr. Robert Cornish, Chairman, tit McDonald Street, God rlech, Coterie, N7A TNS unttls 12 NOON ON THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1982 for the consi'ructton of a sound room In the Goderkh & Mirka Memorial Cam nun!y Centre. 174 McDonald Street. liodsrtch, Ontavro N7A 2KS. Envelopes shall be seared and ptalnly marked "Tender For Sound Room" and shall carry the name of the ten- derer. Pians and sgeclfrcafloin will be available .t the Recreation Department, Mt McDonald- Street, Godartch, Ontario NIA 3115. The lowest ar' any fender will not necessarily be clomp - fed. Pas. Robert Comfits Chairman Godertch Recreation Daparfrsaant Tib McDonald Street Goderich, Ontario NIA 3115 tstephene 45t4) 524.2125 29. Tenders Township of Goderich offers for sale NORTH WEST No. 41 DRAG LINE Caterpillar Power with 14 boom and 1 yard bucket. To see In operation or for further information contact Jot Potter 482-7412 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER PAVING CONTRACTORS Repairs to catch basins, manholes, asphalt sur- faces and filling Hifi metres of cracks on asphalt roads. Bluewafer Centre Goderich, Ontario. Ministry of Community and Social Services Project No. W66341 G.O.5s SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:74 p.m. LOCAL TIME ON JULY 15, 1412. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services. Regional Of- fice, 444 Elizabeth Street, Guelph, Ontario. 741E 271. Telephone No. (514) 822-1154. NOTE: For further infor- mation regarding this tender please call Miss J. Robinson, at the above address. Telephone No. 4514) 422- 1150. The -lowest or any Ten- der., not necessarily ac- cepted. MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES ONTARIO' 30.. Employment wanted HOUSECLEANING, good depen- dable work. Phone 524- 7490_-24,25x WILL MIND children in my home Monday - Friday_ Re4etence available_ Call after 5:30 p.m. 524-7637.-24.25 r HAPPY HIRE A STUDENT WEEK! The students of Goderich and area! 524-2744 Canada Employment 1/4,Centre for Students, 31. Service directory 411011111111 STAN'S INTERIORS PN John Stanley PAPER HANGING and PAINTING 524-6941 SSW 31. Service directory CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS. well tile, pumping, weeping beds in- stalled. Over 30 years' ex- perience. Ronald E. Forster. R.R.1, Lucknow, 528-2346_-20- 25 STEPHEN'S FURNITURE Restora- tion: Quality refinishing, repgir- ing, and reupholstering of anti- ques and household furniture. Free estimates. pick-up and delivery. Phone Stephen Nor- ton, 524-9394.-20tfar ACT NOW! Bring your Logs in for Custom Sawing and Save Dollars. One road north and op- ° prox. 21/2 miles east of Dungan- non. Levi Stutzman, R.R.2. Auburn. Ont. -22-25 CUSTOM BALING of Targe round bales, 55.50 per bale. 529- 7857,-23.26 CUSTOM SEWING and altera- tions, 24 to 48 hour service for minor and major sewing. Dianne Mallough, 145 Elizabeth St., Goderich. Phone 524- 2492. -23-28 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Service to all makes. Authorized service for Inglis. Enterprise, Magic Chef, Whirlpool. CALL 5244861 HOFFMEYER APPLIANCE CENTRE Division of HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD.. is Kingston St.. Goderich GARDINER'S DELIVERY USED FURNITURE & AP- PLIANCES - bought & sold. We deliver and nave eNTIMMI largo or small *free estimates* 524-2421 CLIFFORD HUGILL BACKHOE SERVICE Phone 524-7170 CONCRETE FORMING Wallis a Floors Fore complete lob call SID BRUiNSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 STEVE'S CARPENTRY (re (oboe big olio said *RENOVATIONS *SIDING *REC. ROOMS *BATHROOMS *ROOFING *ETC. Fan •sid rated &M C•A TES Rsns rmiel Wolf Guaranteed Cali: STEVE BRENNAN 524-2952 ow GEORGE GOULD 524-7638 ('P 'CUSTOM fl111LD1NG. C!"•RENOVATIONS *ADDITIONS Nsq,,, ,.,, r1s•Ns. .. FRANK GRAHAM CONTRACTORS 524-866 LTD. 31 Service directory CHIMNEY SWEEPING Ruining wood hove it d0:ne. HAROLD LEDDY 524-7.23.7 CHROMATROPE UPHOLSTERY AND VINYL SERVICE 48 VAST ST. Goderich *FREE ESTIMATES* tfHVVAT F. TARO, 412-7421 CARPENTRY AND PAINTING Repairs, renovations. Ree rooms, etc. PHONE BUD HARVEY AT 524-7974 JOHN'S PORTABLE WELDING ,fi tet or tae sae, FREE ESTIMATES 524-2885 REASONABLE RATES •SEPTIC TANKS •SEWERS *BULLDOZING • BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL •TOPSOIL For o complete job cell: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 Scott • Ripley Complete IL Expert Farm Dryings Service Experienced Operators Summer Discount 395-2992 ni ed Mort *WEED CONTROL •FERTILIZING •INSECT CONTROL TOM GRASSY (519) 524-2424 H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 15 years PHONE Clinton 482-3320 ar Seoforth 527-0284 GODERICH WELDING SERVICE *IRON RAILING *WELDING REPAIRS *ALL TYPES OF STEEL FABRiCCATING *PORTABLE EQUIP. PHONE 524-4647 31. Service directory MID -WESTERN PAVING driveways. farm lanes, parking lots, repairs. Free estimates. Phone Clinton 412-3733. PIANO TUNINe AND PIANO LESSONS CALL DAVE MCKEE 524-7774 ART'S and Garden Centre 146 BENNETT ST. E. GODERICH NOW IN STOCK BEGONIA BULBS FLOWER a - VEGETABLE SEEDS Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR i OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 32. Custom work CUSTOM WORK. Large round bales_ Phone Bruce Roynord 52%61'44.-23.25. CUSTOM BALING of large round bales. Phone 529-7152.-24,25 34. Personal PREGNANT R,iND DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive confidential support. Help is os close as your telephone. BIR- THRIGHT London (collect) 432- 7197. '527-0115 or 524-2013 (otter 6 p.m.). -1-52x IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your . family? Al -Anon can help families, and friends of alcoholics. Phone Goderich 524- 6001. Ask for an Al -Anon number.-5tfnx 35. Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THE LATE GERALD MAXWELL WEDLOCK. LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH ' IN THE COUNTY OF ' HURON. RETIRED BOOKKEEPER. DECEAS- ED. ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are re- quired to send full partieutars of such claims to the undersigned Administrators on or before the 30th day of June 1982 after which date the estate s assets will be distributed having regard only to eloems 'that' have then been received. • Geraldine Chrestene Johns and Lon (Fronkl. Johns Admenestrotors by Winder Winder and 11/1cNeel Solee.tors 135 Albert Street Landon. Ontario N6A 119 22.24 TAKE NOTICE that all persons hong claims against the Estate of GORDON F. WATSON tote of the City of Windsor en ,the County of Essex and Provence of Ontario are hereby required to send to the undersigned Ex ecutor on or before the 30th cloy of June 1982. full portecutors of their claims after which date the assets well be distributed having regard only to the chains of which notice shell have then been reeeeeved. DATED of Windsor this 1st day of June 1982 JAMES F. PUGSLEY Barrister and Solicitor 2501 Tecumseh Road 4TYest Windsor Ore'or.o r498 1W4 Executor of the Esto*e of Gordon F Watson 23 24 FOR YOU -R •Aluminum 8i Vinyl Siding *Replacement Windows *Insulation Needs Contact - GODERICH INSULATION 524-6844 HOUSES BUILT SEFORE 1171 ARE NOW IN- CLUDED iN THE CHiP PROGRAM. 36. Announcements, notices GININNW 36. Announcements, notices OPEN HOUSE Will Be Held At The Residence of Reverend & Mrs. J. Stewart At 80 JAMES STREET, SEAFORTH Saturday, Jltne 19 2.5 8 7-9 In Comm.a.oration of MR. STEWART'S 1 00n BIRTHDAY ®NO GIFTS PLEASE- WHEELCHAIRS LEASE WHEELCHAIRS . WALKERS The Humanitarian Service Com- mittee of the • Goderich Odd - fellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loon_ Con- tact Amos Osbaldeston. 524- 9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524- 7217.-2eowx HAYRIDES for family outings or groups etc. Our place or yours. Clete Dalton, Kiniail, 529- 7420_--18t1 38. Auction sale' STOREY AUCTIONS COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL -RESIDENTIAL SELLING ON LOCATION (Corner of St. David 4 Cambria) LUMBER & STEEL LIQUIDATION 11:00 a.m. SATURDAY. JUNE 11TH Without Reserve WINDOWS -PAINT -LUMBER -STEEL -OFFICE FURNISHINGS - VEHICLES. YOUR CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME Terms: Cash - Certified Cheque - Viso - 'M/C COL. DENNIS-N. STOREY, C.A.I. Auctioneer i Appraiser (519) 455-5415 38_ Auction sale ANY TYPE -ANYWHERE 701JR PLACE OR MINE GORDON N. BR1ND1JE7 • Aadlancer 529-7*25 S21-7170 LAMB'S AUCTI0NEERING 524-9657 Nothiag too big or small Auctioneer: HAROLD LAMB 40. Lost 8 Found LOST: Short haired grey female cat, orange lightning mark on face_ Childs pet. Reword_ 524- 8968_-24 FOUND: Umpire's face mask and counter. Phone 524-6753 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays, anytime on weekend_-24nx Mardteee ' J .saccades (HISTORICAL BAYFIELD AUCTION, We are extremely pleased to offer by Public Aux Hon. all antique furniture and furnishings from the Estate of Rev. Canon Paull. historically one of the oldest family names of Bayflald on SATURDAY, JUNE 19 AT 10:30 A.M. in the Bayfield Community Centre. Consisting of all original furnishings of early Canadian including Cherry. Walnut. Pine and Mahogany furniture; China and alias - 'Royal Doulton; Coulport Dinner Set. Flo -Blue. Quantities of 16 steel engravings; oil paintings; starling silver pewter; cast; brass; Nostalgia and collectable items in quantltlas. 1466 Cadillac Limousine in very good condition, fully •quiPP•d- ON VIEW Friday, June 14 from 2:M pan. to 8:00 pan. or by ap- pointment only. Your opportunity to purchase and enjoy Century old Collet -tables. Refer to last week's newspaper. For further information please contact: Bruce Rothwell - Manager g?(#.',,Je// C'- A e.`�.1.Jf eiSe Jl AUCTsONEERS, LBQWDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 a#A,N1 ST • SEAFORTH. CNTAletO NOK TWO 15191 527-14!a THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA The Wingham Sales Arena 680 Josephine Street, North End Of Ringbam Special Sole This Week On Tools Drill presses, metal cutting band saw. 10 meter handl cords, screw driver sets, torque wrenches., socket sets. carious types of pliers. wrench sets. ,`ises. punch and chisel sets. tapes. etc. Qty New Furniture at Discount Pries Dining room, Uvfng room, bedroom Manhunt, table and chair sets. bunk beds. rocking chairs. curio cabinets. wash stands. brass and copper gift items. box end mattress. From our BULK DiSPLAY HUNDREDS OF ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM - weekly spedels on BULK COOKIES. Wafers. swirls. out chip. chocolate c'bip, peanut batter creates. oatmeal, tames -en. BULK BAKING GOODS - rafsins, dates. currants, greet and red cherries. coconut. Icing sug>,r, etc. BULK PiE FILLINGS. BULK SPICES. BULK CANDY AND NUTS. The Carpet Bin Femmes a fine selection of resumers, read ends, and complete mils, no wax flaebtg al low law prices. The Gun & Sport Shop New and used firearms - rifles, shots -ns. ainmanition. Special clement on hide fishing poles by Raba. USED FURNITURE. USED APPLIANCES. ANTIQUES Deep besmears. fridges, stoves. chrome mites, dressers, chests of drawers and other Isteresting Items. NOTE! We pay TOP PRICES for GOOD USED FL'RN1TVRE AND APPUANCES. ANTIQUES. win buy partial or complete estates. Call THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA .157-177/h Open Mon. - Sett. 9 - 6 p.m. Fd. Nights tN 9 p.m. THE WINGHAM SALES ARENA LOST: Seven -month-old female, Dachshund. answers to name of Mitsy. has dark brown streak on .bock_ Reward- 524-4588_-24 41. To give away FEMALE NEUTERED dog. part Lab and part Setter. good wat- chdog. Free to mood home. Phone 524-4309.-24 44. Engagements JOHNSTON-FISHER Mr. arid Mrs. Jim Fisher and Mr_ and - Mrs. Ted Johnston are pleased to announce the for- thcoming marriage of their children.., Sharon Heather and Robert Charles'_ The wedding will take place at the Horne of the Bride's Parents an Saturday July 3rd. 1982 at 4 p.m_ Recep- tion to follow at Saltford.-24 46. In memoriam BELL. In loving memory of our son mid brother- William Robert . Bell who left us suddenly June 14 1979. Nothing can ever take ay.r,7oy- The love a heart holds dear Fond rnerreories linger every day Remenebereng keeps him near:. We thank of you in silence And often speak your name For all we have are memories Of a boy we loved so dear. -Dearly loved Gold missed and, always with us Mm. Dad and Family -24x ' DOUGHERTY In memory of Glen Dougherty who left us suddenly one year ago June12 1981 It is oar jay in Bife to fond At every turning of the road The strong arm of a comrade kind To help us onward wuth Baal - Ever remembered friends - 24ni DRAPER In lovang mernonf of my deer wife Clara who passed away, .Dune 6 1978 There is o sad but sweet remembrance There is o rnerro ry Fond and trace There is a token of affecngr dearest Ando heart Calm by hes aches sr, LB for �pp.yy 1.0\w,gry remembered by nu.s bond Ettore ?4x DRAPER- ln foveng memory of CBara Drdper vrha Grassed away lune 16th 1975 Time shjs by but merrt4:ry sr0V3 Ouee'ly remembered eveew dei Alveroys .sassed by Y erre Eunree and Family, 24x Cord of thanks HALLAM .. 5h ro +hark aft my Free•rds and relareves ,,,gets and cards 1 received wheie a ocs6'e^' .n 5r .Joseph s. tiosperoi Spec •a' thanks 'too Dr Thor -son and Emergency " Atexar.d-a atosp,t01 Gaderech and •x a7r Searb,ert nurses and s•aff G.a° east of 5t Joseph s Cec riaffe n 2s