HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-06-16, Page 10PAGE 10--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16,19!62 t e&Country CLASSIFIED. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 7. R, V.'s for sale 2. Yard sale 8. Marine 3. Garage style 9. Aufownotive 4. Antiques for sate 10. Pets for sale 5. Cars for sale 11. Livestock for sale 6. Trucks for see 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rem, 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room & board 21. Collages for rent 22- Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent ANT A 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Hplp wanted 27. Watitecf•igenerai) 28. Business opportunity 29. /endeers 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Employment wanted Service directory Custom work Form -services - Personal Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sole 39. Eduaifiion& 40. Lost & Found 41. To giveaway 42. Death notice - 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Macre es 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of thanks trEADLINLS; Classified want ads at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to classify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m. same day. WORD. CLASSIFIED RATES: '353 min./23 3. - min.'23 words, 16' a word thereafter. In Memoriam '3.50 min. p1us,30' per rhymed Line of verse. Cords of Thanks '3.50 min./25 words. 5' a word thereafter. Public Nofice'15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors '25 for 3 inserts. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months, no copy change. Ask about our special discounts far prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 5248531 1. Articles for sale SINGER For authorized sales and service, stewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524- 8431,-ltfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in tfie carnes of your toilet tank. Available at ffoffineyer Plumb- ing and Hing, K-rnrgeton Street: Gaderidt,---lffar WATERBED; D it yourself kir, $175, includes mattress, hearer, tlinsr, Single, queen or king, Save money fro making frame yourself, Coreapfete iatsrrostketes, free delivery, Caftl coiled (416)'687.691294,---2006.e. °STOMW SUPPLIES and CM - ;shames, Ri'eck f:®:A: Metre army, 14 Shoppers Square, Gaderich, 524-7247.2400ar VICK Warta SUPPLIES, patient ail*, support garrrtelmrs, conk vaiescent products, etc, Week Pharr taty, 14 Shaplsers Square, Gdsdicp, W4 -724V ,-2 4ffe r 114 HOME nttcsstecforreiy sererces note available: Contact Mrs: Maine ar NMS. S1rrngor 01 Rivet, f:19:A: Praraeaocy; Viers Squares, God'er'reh, 524- 12411._24ffar saw*,&Acmes Slew, Mite arae other a isc e's: Repsairs to all I remakes: Alli reaacrairmes and repairs glum meed. Marne Dlrape res, 36 West Serest, G tten'r 1h. 1 .-2eowtfar; • Off - YAMAHA two ke fsaosof efectri'c: Givad cones furl $1,506:010 cur best offsxr, 524-9482e---24* • • TEAM TIMME R,. alder' Canadian Tire tree na leaks in canerae,. teazle j 1 q s6di cora8ticin large rMtd'uded. Phone Aebernv5eo-7551 24 12 ACRES ANAP, Sennaller.. Calf 5213-684 2425 TWO SPEED rratotilller, canelitian askirly3 MAL cer bestoffer,Plkmt+ealter5p:raa, 4621116-24 PEAS - IMMO or pick your owls: Fresh dai-4. Call 544673.-24- 27 MO "GAN.. child oar seas - Phalle 52444611.-24 1, Articles for sale 16 CUBIC FOOT upright freezer, like new, 5250.00. Phone 524- 6339.-24x !Fors ROLLER skates, size 6, MAO. Phone 524-6753 after 5:.36 pen. weekdays, anytime on weeltend:-v241frix 'MAT KING" heavy roaster cockerels, day old to two weeks, available April, May and June, Ake available rrtid- April day old ffubbard Golden Cornet, o dual-purpose brown egg layer: Calf McKinley Hat- chery 1.80118-266.8536. Order to- day and put meat on your table this fall -13-24ar SWPMMING POOL SAS - Brand new 1982 models,, comp -lee with r/. h: p: sand filter, inwell skimmer, ladder, vacuum and mai'raren rice kit, etc: 01scoure price§ 040 at 51,395.06 on rs pfete package: Carp collect 416- 945-4773.--220b.c. FON SALE - Buggy end Cutter, bath iwe seaters, Asking 5560-09 for rhe pair. Plkowe 462- 9960:-22On* 1980 05185 DIRT BIKE, exaerl'enf const -Mem best effete Calf 524- 9314.-83,.24 ALFALFA PELLETS, aloe 1rre piroitegiv, 515:06 a tonne pecked x,15 or cart deliver: Pllttnree Afar- rfstora 338-3912,. after 6 p,ntee 2 25._ , 1978 KAWASAKf 650,: LMew, sod-- dleis fairing, air horse, fog lights, backrest, aced ruby bars. A-1 shake: Call 524-79611 after 5. pew -21,24 WED i>5ESKS,. theirs and filing ca in-efe, metal slkehring, reek - Mg and shewtases: Extell'ent for Stone, fight Iirtd striaf, wareftouse,- garage; Naot+rie, faxen; Different of sizes available:. brae (u51§). .-240.4. WOOD FOR SALE Mixed in.rdweaads - %S:'r on Imo cart lead a faro took, We art If, you Load f$ CASK Cif1LY 482-4250 sed 4824162 READY PICKED STRAWBERRIES AInIONT KNOOP 1 mils south of klitgsbrieg an Wry, No, 21 ac 1 roils north Of Part Albert - 529-7110 Tiff . BUTCHER; SHOP lit DELI 43 WEST Sr, CALIINIITCH Sf44672 6C,flflfE itis AIN GUESS THE WEIGHT Of Oft MART NO /MEtL 14CIAIES BOLOGNA " YALUAME PRIZES 'A Mt COHOST van AS MEN ASS TOG UKE COUTLIESP ZCH$1115ERS DELI SPECIALS THUR'S..„Flfl A0110VAT- JUE44Er!,T5•TEt /SNA $1 SS SPECIAL. Eine,, NOCK EOAF GSI' .1,,._. $'1S �. `5F.4E' • SPIGrMl. EC. ISA LOAF tow -slap $2 SS Siffel tGG.OR,. litcCARIPS DELUIE PEAS 4 per park S1 of, MOM t".FMANGE&IS' e+ilf'IES- WOWSEt1V1KO FREW MAPLE LA$E DAIRY PR UC f S IRE Pity IN TIRE Ml ONI !SWOP'POW HOPPER PED BEEF EIMITIMPO 3`Afi71TY MOW pllFlg111I SLE OM KILLING & BUTCHER/NG INIXINIZrINEN 1. Articles for sale STRAWBERRIES, asparagus, cucumbers. Weekend speciot: tomatoes 754 a Ib. TEEM Farm, R. R.1, Bayfi'eld, 482-9940. -24or 19/6 HARLEY DAVIDSON En- dura 125 motorcycle, low mileage, wired for turn signals, needs points and tune-up. Like new. Sacrifice 5295.00. 482- 3723--24 STRAWBERRIES, our own home grown. Aspruaghrs, Clntario cabbage, new carrots, radishes, potatoes, lettuce and toreatoes. Evans 'Forme Market, 2 miles north of Bayfield, 482- 756'2,-24i1 BLOCK Sin -MEP 3 point hitdr uprrghr rnedef, 4" cylinder with 7 shaft, 20' stroke. Plione'526- 7588,-24 CAR S6A1; woodbrrrning stove. Phare 124,4636.-24 11200 58LECTOMATrC David Brawe tractor; New Idea 7 ft, mower, its itxaelt'ere ceeditiora- Phane 5217143. -24 lNTEILE1V11rolq tapes, like new, Armor Bartle aria Hockey, 525.00 earls. Phone 524- 91177.--24 ELEVEN ACRES of red clover hay. Phone 524-8002,-24,r 119811 KAWASAKf 440 LID, 1144 ki!Ilamerres: new condition, with KG baakresr. Phone 5*24'- 7--24 . , RAINBOW CaocHie1ED espreesd: embroidered pillowcases with face: woven place mats. Phone 524- 9438-23,24 , GREEN PLAID dereste3rfield allril f chair, god condition. Plhane 5124.87::1 -21,24x N6 9 B1.41L0Fl bricks, o1515116x- iire11661ly 906, ' lanai:61e for Isarbbeeree air pane. Also large quaetitiee of new spruce, lives and 11" x 2" Phone 48a 3 9112--24tfrrbe GOLF SET, runt§ Sevres piece left hoed ser, iettod'es Drag with covers for woods, excellent condit'iera: • 40 foot tele3visiee tower, includes wiring, eses'dule aware re box and all! accessarees sae 11 coded. Plaonle 524- 87941-23,24ner 178 -.656 cc Koseasetki, l'll'ue, vaitfa wirid'skld. • 0,40.60 Pfhiane ' 524-7108 eveei .-•2P24her WOW F RAMS prow -10' wide x<22 long,. pl'ue fhramee s1rnd: 6 x 5. b t11s . eYisily moved, any reasorieble offer accepted Phone 524 2107,-24 NEW , Oil USED BICYCLES Parts& Accessories Wooden Sitar Sfende fid" Se EMCEE FAIRS 165ONTItifi-oSG, almofi. 452-4941 STRAWBERRIES Garern4if1 orders for freseirtttg or presenter, truce Strand Tamafoes Ire or tlffkite Pafafeses Cherries ilteicfarines Waterrne form Confarwrpe pros Mock. mock more, o'w own Lefture and/ Green Gerona. rfrtu8rsrlS, Eggs:. IfEARTIK'S MARil'E6 S24-4634 ',mit eaesfof i f6ritaliisr Woad AST ARRIVED Encrusrwte lints of wartycouteringic:. Extrti'trg stew patterns act as 65°T.r off; Seo, to •12.S* pot Sirglee ran- STILL atll STRIPS AVAILABLE Chuffed quantify of °3P per eagle rail,. IfAMILTOVI sr., aoORor is Phone, 51/0-140 r 1. Articles for wile awerweeriworiew HIS RALEIGH 10 speed bike, never been used. Mane 524- 2376 after 6 p.m. -24 POWER BUiLT golf clubs, bag and can, 5175.60. Phone 524- 7762.-24 HUS_4 VARNA sewing machines and service, 25 years ex- perience. Exeeltere selection of used machines of all types with one year free service. Phone 482-7809.-16-25x 1979 SUZUKf G4550t:, 4 cylinder, windshield,. tail trunk with backrest and crash bar. Ole1y 4506 krn end in excellent condi= tion- Best • offer, 524- (1175.-160ex MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE - 360 Honda, " excellent shape, $900.00. Call 524-8069.-21-24 ACORN FIREPLACE, sellable for family roses. fra good working &snditian. Most self, Copp even- ings 524-4418.=48114mr SOD FAM A` S60 Ott i<-141> `. 0 L1V50tY siuurCaaas ymo t.e skt: e tM kgYntt ' 046-9Le/2 > reFfi• Arthritis RELIEF.. 1160% moneys back grretro fee If ' slot sonsfled vett our Afars Vpe list lettere& Moe. MARTIN'S MARiIET S24-4634 '% AO, east of Sentailfer lead C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER . ISMER PRICES THAT SAVES BONEY rY,? MILE South ars Hwy, 21 God4rith 524'331 W,s 6rirwn Tobe Tretrdes 2. Yard Sale YAiFD SALE - S•afurdiay, June 141h: from TO atFMro III of 179 Lighthouse Street, Goderich. Three faltliRee, some new mer- diaridise, good and Targe vorietyr,-24 • JUNE 19. 1' from 9 a.m. - 4 p,. rtt. (Rain ds Jude 26, 1482, at 255 So fit Street. Goderrch.-. -24 ' MANY FAMILY Yard: Sale- Fur• nWare, household items, gardening items. Starts 10 a.m., Saturday. June 19 1701 Worren Srreef, between B'ritannio- and Blake. - 14n 3. Garage e safe GARAGE SALE - Many Incl -Udine an air conditioner. aluminum extension ladder, 10 12' Lug, white uniforms, and record plover. Come and see for yourself. At 153 Lighthouse Street, 9 a.m.. Saturday. June i'4th.-24is4 articles 3. Garage sale GARAGE SALE. Wellington Street, Port Albert, Saturday, June 19th, 9 a.m. to ???. If rain cancelled--24nx GARAGE SALE, Saturday, June 19th, ` 186 Rich Street, Goderieh.-2412 SATURDAY, JUNE 19th, 9 p.m., United Church Manse. Auburn. household items, wicker chair, old rocker, efecfric lawnmower, eating shelter, etc. -24 GARAGE SALE, June 19th,. 9 e:re% to 9yy; 115 St. David St., Gaderitft. Furniture, antique dishes, rniscelIoneous items. -24 SATURDAY, JUNE 19th, 1982, 9 - 11:30 a.m. at 126 North Street (North and Trafalgar). 1f rain June 26th- Toys, household ar- ticles, books. -24 SATURDAY, JUNE 19th. Two re''l'es south of Goderich on Black's Point Road. Antique' sfane crocks, bikes, clothes, books, ceder posts, electrical. appliances tied dishes. --24 Repeat Performance GARAGE SALE lir lt'ol'attr6sia11ret: Evesrytiikrit V mark prEc'*. Hiram Woad fait east of Hks itrasafffeo stereo, 4*33 5. Cars for sale 11977 TOYOTA SR5, five speed' lift back, IOW miles, stereo, all options and certified. Phone 524.6486,-23,24 11974 AMC HORNET Sportabout Slat i!orrwe9on, • 304 V8, 00om1114, power steering. Needs body work. Phone 524- .6701offer6.30p m,-2.,tfnx • WELL CARED for 1977 Toyota Corolla 1iftbock, outomafic, with six radial 'tires. Firm 52,15600 os is, 12,400.00 with safety. Evenings only'. • 524- 29011.24,25-x 1972 DATUM 8110 Coupe-, 4 cylind'er,'sitpadard, economicol' transportation, Approximately 40 m.p.g. 51,20000 cerfifrred. Phone 524-4450 after 6 p.m. --24x • 1969 OLDS CL TLASS442, 350.2, Barret, automatic, dual ex- hauSt, air shoxks, fatfory rims, cusfom inferior, $1,800.00 cer- tified or offers. Phone 524.2841' offer 6'p.m--24 • MOTORCYCLE • FOR SALE tett KAWASAKI 114 Kea, conrpiefe wink fairing, saddle Crags, engine guard, beck rest, Atkins'5,26&1d CAW - 524 -9417 "AS IS" SPECIALS 17 0022I[ER COMM** Two door hordfep, urnyl telt, 166 VS, elufdWtof1eC, power steering, power brakes, 66,666 mires, Gtr fie; LIR 1114, ASrPS'1'4OO '76 P6$rfACCATALINA Four dear, car corrdrtroning, pawe'r windows, pevw6r seat, vadro, tinted grass, 1Sd V5, .ufalntatrcr. power sfeserfng; fsinser brakes, /6;606 mires, LIG iia,RfAWTO, AS ES °1460 '76 FORD GRANADA Four door. US V5, suftnratirc, prayer ifea'rirtg, payer brakes., stereo mare, 64.660 mires, Ile. No, L6X4116, ASK *1366 '7S CADILLAC MIN AE VILC Full power equipped, ars cerfdt°ffen4rts, pnd1vridra'i seefsii4isyl felt, ilIf wfleef, t*ffrf sr l6irer ng•.. 72.6` Mdheec Ek. fie 421Ff 16* ASIS°IMO '74 PONTIAC VOIURA Two dolor, 6 cylinder, automatic. power ifef+errngs, radia, 64,006 nrlrees. Lien ISO, UNCUT. 4e - UNb61T. 5- Cars for sale MUST SELL - 1980 Ford Granada, two door, TT brown, four speed, 59,000 kilometres. All offers considered. Call Frank, 524- 2611, before 5:30 p. m.---23tfar itsls°SOO '7$ DODGE CORONET Custom four door, lit VS, aufomafic., pewter steerfroy, f6.640mites: Lk. leo, Wit 60*. ASisId. McGEE Panftere-Rafefi.eddirfere GMCTr s Ha'ratiitonrStreet, Goderle: t MOOT 1980 GRAND PRIX, excellent shape and loaded. 17,400,00 certified. Phone 524- 9073 evenings. -22-24 1974 PINTO Stationwagon, as is. 1250.00. Phone 524-8669,=24 6. Trucks for sale 1972 GMC HALF ton truck, 6 cylinder standard, con be cer- tified. Asking 51,000.00 or best offer. Phone 524-6870 after 5 p.m. -23,24 7. R.V.'s for sale CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, Hwy. 8 west Stratford, .393-5938. Your headquarters for hardtop tent trailers, travel trailers - from lightweights right up to pork models, truck campers and cops. Dealer - for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Lionel. Sales, Rentals, Parts, Service. 18-2/ 1974 R10EL" rE hardtop camper. Sleeps foer adults; table and smolt' cupboards. Good condi- tion.. Asking 5700.00 or best of- fer.: f-fer,: Phone 524-2006 after 4 jy.m.. anytime on weekends. _22t -Thine _ -'- 17 FT. GLENDALE trailer with washroom, stove and fridge, steeps. six. Phone 524- 7814- °-22-24x 1975 CITATION' 17 foot trailer set up, sleeps six. toilet, fridge, stove, plus extras. Excellent condition. Asking, 13,700,00 C 61 '524- 2939.- -2324,25 . a. Marine SAILBOAT • Fiberglas Kornis link, 155" long, excellent con- dition, ready to soil, 53,400.00 new. asking 11,500.00. Phone 52477 /4. - 23, 24nx - - - ALUMINUM. BOAT with frailer, 25 h. p. motor and 7' . h.p. Phone 524-6823. -.-24x PROCTOR DESIGN eleven foot soiling and rowing dinghy, natural finish, mahogany in-. ferior, sprit 'rig dacron sails, spruce spars. bronze fittings, motor mount, very Stable and easily soled. Trailer included. Phone 524-2916 . or 524- 8596.- 24 11, Livestock for sale SIMMENTAL BULLS performance tested, 42 purebred and percen- tage bulls, overage yearling weights 109-136. Prices 11,600- $2,500. Guaranteed. Free delivery 100 miles, J.L. Farms, R -R,4, Shelburne. 519.925- 2158. -24b -c. YORK, HAMP, and Duroc boars, also Hamp x York and Hemp x Duroc boors, ROP tested and health approved. Vista Villa Forms Ltd., Bob Robinson, R.R.4, Walton, 345-2317.-- 24-26 12. Real estate for sale FOR SALE - 100 acres, with good house, bordering Ripley. Con- tact Johnston McLeod, Ripley 395-2612.-23 24 t3. Mobile homes FOR SALE - 1976 Bendix mobile home, 12 x 68, three bedroom, appliances, all offers,con- sidered. Phone Frank o524- 2611.-45tfar FOR SALE - Three bedroom, 12 x 68, four appliances, four piece bath, new furnace and hot water heater, sun deck and toot shed. Phone524-6325.7-15ff MOBILE HOME for sale: five- year-old Marlette mobile home with expando, patio doors. carpeted sun deck, and hand built tool shed. Fridge, stove and drapes could be included. In excellent condition and low priced- Phone 524-7072.-16tf FOR SALE OR RENT - Three bedroom mobile home, 12 x 60, 'fridge and stove. in Huron Haven- Phone 5244796.--23tf FOR SALE - Mobile home, 14 x 10, targe deck, basement and many extras: AS offers will be considered. Phone 524- 17555--23,24 MOBILE (HOME 12 . x 64, three bedroom, 4piece and 2 piece bathrooms, fridge and stove, fully carpeted, .8 x 10 cedar deck, utility shed. Meneset• Mobile Pork. Owner moving west, must sell. Calf anytime 524-2239.-24x - Ts: Out of town - properties THREE BEDROOM bungalow, main floor family. room with fireplace, '•4 acre lot, low taxes. 712 miles south of Goderich on Hwy. 21. Asking 545,000.00. Phone 524-6440 evenings. --.19- 26 SPORT FISHERMEN iF IOU WISH TO AVOiD THE DART HASSLE AND EXPENSE OF TOWING, LAUNCHING & PARKING - 1 -ENQUIRE ABY OM SPECIAL. WEEKLY OR MONTHLY DOCKAGE RATES MR ' BOATS' UP TO 16 FEETU MAMTI.AHD VALLEY MARINA LTD. NORTH HARBOUR ROAD GODS ICH CALL 524-4409 9- Automotive Setting your earl Ned a Safety In'spection's Call 5244121 Naw only $1 8 45 10- Pets for sale eireiwiereeetsweeieweekiewireeseiwee BLUEPOIla7T SIAMESE kittens. eight weeks old. house trained. Phone 357 3710. 23,24 11. Livestock for sale HORSES BOUGHT, sold' or trod - ed. Phone 1-147-2623.- 23-25 16. for rent 17. Apartments for rent ,ONE LARGE duplex apartment, .close to Square. Phone 482- 3312.- 22tfnx AVAILABLE July 1st in Sattford. Two bedroom, corpet.s throughout, 5200.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 524-9166 after 5 p.m. - 22tf FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS 06 ft yourself with beep Steam' Exfrocflan eluewafer Cleaners 524- 6131. 26 Help wanted 18. Houses for rent RENT OR SELL -t-109 Napier Street, four bedrooms, full basement, gas heating, two car garage,' workshop, large private lot. Interior renova- tions, 1275.00 per month, minus repairs. Why rent, own yourself for under 5380.00 per month with small down poyment. Phone 529-7835 after 5 p.m. --22-24 FOUR BEDROOM house in ex- cellent condition ' in Vanostro. $210.00 per month. Available August 1st. Phone 482- 3791,--23,24x COMFORTABLE two bedroom house in Auburn, with large garage, loft, above. Lots of land for large garden. 1195.00 per month. Phone 524-8065.--23,24 TWO BEDROOM house, available immediately. References required. Apply Drawer 144, c o Box 220, Goderich Signal -Scor, N7A 486:-24,25 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse 51. Phone' 524- 2717.-350 242717,-351f Offices 0 pries Talent 524-8382 24. Wanted to rent TWO QR THREE bedroom house in, town; must be .available by July 30th. Phone 524-2015: risk for Ray. -24,25x WANTED TO RENT - two bedroom apartment, ground floor, in Goderich. Phone 524- 8872. -24,25x 24- 8872. -24,25x COUNTRY HOUSE within 30 mile radius of Goderich. Would like to rent (possible option to buy). Phone after 6:30' p.m 524- 9830.- 24 25. Wanted to buy SMALL LASER 'sailboat' in good econdition.. Phone 524.9293 after 6p.m_• 2ltfnx - ---- ONE L.P. (PROPANE) tank. 100 gal. size or 250 gol. size, in good condition. Phone 519-542- 5915.-2225 19.5425915.-22-25 • CANOE IN good 'conditions. Phone 524-7494. - 24 WILL BIIY FOR CASH 6ir SELL BY AUCTION colt: Marl. Salm of they Auction) ROOMS 51'4-406 1 17. Apartments fair_ Trent AVAILABLE NOW in Sottford, two bedroom, new carpets throughout. 5200.00 per month, 'Ors utilities. 524-9166- after 5 p. rn. --2Otf , FULL TIME restaurant operator required. Experience preferred but will -train -Apply 4-rperson-al MET Store-- 24or PART TIME • experienced, reliable Gleaners, five mornings a welk. Phone 434- 4686_ 24-25 26. Help wanted GUARANTEED WEEKLY IN- COME- I'll set -the next person up in a high income soles and service business for motorists. This business repeats year after year• No money required to start. Car required. Full or part- time. Apply in person to Mr.'J Bauer c/o Elm Haven Inn, Clin- ton on Wednesday, June 23rd at 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. sharp or write: Cautrac, Box 307, London, Ontario--- 24 WOULD YOU like to earn up to 1200 per week displaying and selling top quality fashion jewelry. For information write Vanessa Creations, P.O. Box 19000, ' Barrie, Ontario L4M 4V3.--24b.c. WEB PRESS Operator Central web plant requires web operator to run 4 unit press. 1st operator or experienced second will be considered. State name, address, phone, expected salary. Apply Community Im- pressions Ltd., Box 428, Durham, Ontario NOG 1 RO.-24b.c. BENNETT STREET APARTMENT Mo'der'n Aechelor & 2 Redrawn Apartments pwallable. Fridge & Stowe syppllod. All utllitfes. palld. Cable TV'. Carpet throughout. Controlled entrance. Laundry Facilities a valilable- PHONE 5-244124 AREA PROMOTION mangers wanted. 180 a day plus, earn exceptionally Targe commis- sions. Send 52.00 for booklet to- day o'n T.V,R.O. receivers. Country Cable, Box 248, Inger- soll, Ontario N5C 3K5.-i4b.c. QUALIFIED DIESEL MECHANIC Pr.f.rably Inter st d In partn.nblp. Pilon. EvernrIVs of 6:1100:vf. 364-1356 Lea rode COSMETICS has openings for full ar port -fame consultants. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TRAINING PROVIDED Coll Vicky 262-5343 Call between 10 om-12 noon weekdays. 28. Business opportunity BEAT INFLATION. Raise large bait worms at home for extra income. Neat; odorless opera- tion. Low investment. Terra Worm Farms (since 1975), R -R-1, Stratford, Ontario, NSA 6S2.. (519)625-8140- -2ff EARfi LIP TO 160,000 part time with this'unique product backed by a proven sales record. Distributors' needed in Ontario. Full or port time. Minimum in- vestment 55000. This is not o franchise- Call George Phillips 1-416.624-0964. --24b-c. 29, Tenders ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER crocwrm rtifi1R'ICCIOI Re -Roofing Power Plant rltuewafer Centre God'.rkb Ministry of Community Social Services Project No. W64346' 0.0.51 SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 p.m. LOCAL TIME ON JULY L, Tender Documents may be abfot'ned from the Ministry of Government Services, Regional Of - 4410 Elizabeth Street. Guelph, Ontario. NYE IYI. Telephone No. ME) 112-11911. NOTE: For further infor- mation r.ga'rdl'ng thte tender pl.rtse call Mks 3. Reb'tneon, at the atrbawe address. Telephone No. (Ili) 52S- 1154. The lowest or any Ten- der not nectrtly aie- ceepte*d. MINISTRY Of GOVERNMENT SERVICES AitiO t� ti