HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-06-09, Page 25GODERICH SIGNALfSTAR, WEDNESDAY, J.UNE 9, 1982—PAGE 9A pe, . /} rir • • .�!i. /.f/L r/ ' • , // / h%/rr./',r/�/ r//f/a%/I.//I!//e/i /!+//%n/ r«r�rii..!/a%atere, ... . ✓ / !�•( /50,, /55 ifi,,i. ,tris. / ,.du,i,., //-) /,/%„, / / /. •,-/" r/i/i/i /r; // PAPE WHITE, YELLOW OR ALMOND OUR REG. 1-79 ROLL OYALE TOWELS WESTON'S WAGON WHEELS DOUBLE CHOCOLATE BUTTERSCOTCH CHOCOLATE 350g °PKG. OUR REG '1.67 HOMO, 2% or SKIM FRESH MILK 757 3 qt. bag CONDENSED TOMATO OR VEGETABLE AYLMER SOUPS 3/Sf:tO TINS AYLMER CHOICE GREEN OR WAX BEANS PEAS OR CREAM STYLE CORN 19 oz. 59 TIN AYLMER WHOLE ROSEBUD BEETS 19 oz. 55i9 TIN AYLMER CHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIL, YELLOW CLING PEACH HALVES OR SLICES 14 oz., 790 TIN x. „wyr/ �r/r /// /1HH/ / /r//// / / STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY WITH PECTIN 6 FLAVOURS HAWAIIAN PUNCH CRYSTALS SIZE SIZE St 9 625 g TIDE DETERGENT 3$2 LITR 1.2 kEg • 39 NEILSON ROSEBUDS MACAROONS WAFERS. OR CARAMELS 12 oz. SIZE s� 99 AYLMER TOMATO JUICE FANCY OUALITY 48 oz. 9:9!, u Bath size - 3 bar bundle CAMAY BAR SOAP Gay Lea Instant POWDERED MILK Reynolds 420 1 kg Zehrs Own WHITE VINEGAR Johnsons g #f.79 BABY 350 ml. SHAMPoo ONE LITRE MAZOLA PURE CORN OIL I. 99 4 VARIETIES HEINZ BBQ SAUCE . 455 1119 ml. CHARCOAL BRIQUETS ,0��2.49 CRUSH CREAM SODA. LIME. ORANGE OR HIRES ROOT BEER 750 m1. 39f BOTTLE PLUS DEP. 4 VARIETIES ROSE RELISHES' 375 ml 0 JAR YORK SMOOTHY OR CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER ,k9;3.79 WESTON WHOLE WHEAT 1882 STONE MILLED BREAD 6758 690 LOAF NEW! JELL -0 5 VARIETIES PUDDING POPS 0m,?Z9 $ S 2.5 LITRE High Liner Boston Blue s� ,49 FISH FILLETS Frozen FROZEN sin 1 LB #?.49NIGH LINER FISH CAK S.9�f.89 Regular or Deodorant Sealtest SiAREFREE 30 s ' SOUR 4.39 s199PANTYSHIELDS CREAM ALUMINUM FOIL 12 in x2591 �9 Pure Choice SUN PAC .48 oz 129 APPLE JUICE Nice, Digestive. Shortcake or Fruit Shortcake PEEK FREAN COOKIES 400 g $149 Johnsons BABY SOAP Silkience MOISTURE LOTION g0 PKG 0 Sun Pac frozen F3 ml ORANGE JUICE125oz 500 irni Neilson Small Curd COTTAGE ISI'CHEESE 500 g Canada Packers TENDERFLAKE 3.79 PURE LARD n LE S9' 3.,Var.et.es SEALTEST TIN Orr CHIP DIP 250 g .890 SPECIALS ON Rubbermaid HOUSEWARES COIL OUR Cw-0:0110ES DUST PAN 4 COLOURS EACH #f�6 DISH DRAINER 4 COLOURSse EACH Z• CUTLERY TRAY 4 C 0U S 169 E DRAINER TRAY 4 COLOURS EACH w PLASTIC DISHPAN 4 COLOURS $$ 69 EACH • ST1111 M MOM MAT 2 COLOURS $2 EA. s TOILET BRUSH SET 4 COLOURS Em r-- '1.69 BATHTUB MAT �a r COL U Pssites PLASTIC BUCKET 3 COILO'CnPS Em 169 CANADA 'A' GRADE LARGE EGGS " ALL WHITE i t /r•.0. ,/y +ii / iy /74 WESTON PLAIN ENGLISH MUFFINS OUR REG. 99C PKG. OF 8 ip/i/�i� iii �fiiii%iiiiiii%iii%/%/i%%/I'ili69- //lfG, GRANNY FRESH BUTTER TARTS OUR REG. 1.89 PKG. OF 10 NEILSON CTN OF 24 FUDGESICLES OR OREAMSICLES 99' • 9 ZEHRS CHEESE MILD MED R OLD CHEDDAR OR OLDNIPPY PROCESS t6f43?94 ROYALE WHITE. YELLOW, PINK OR ALMOND BATHROOM TISSUE 8 ROLL PKG 2�SS OUP REG 350 / Atioge REGULAR-WINTERFRESH-GEL OUR REG. '1.89 COLLATE TOOTHPASTE NEILSONS ASSTED. FLAVOURS REG, 53.49 FAMOUSE s ICE CREAM 4 Varnetres 500 rrr( RICKS PICKLES Regullar, or Super or TAMPAX 40 4 IE�aplie Leaf r,• FLAKES OF HAM 129 Sal,acta Oram e Pekoe TEA BAGS PMS n,-• 1 17 Super PI]t .? r' . 7 447 MINI PUDDINGS ti I9 Hallo NN® all or ®oily SHAMPOO 5°, rrm 159 Bettye Cracker CAKE MIXES Super Moist 540 $1O9 4 Varretnes Ernttrrees MAGIC PANTRY atm.. $159 CPuutb, IFNc•Lise BLACK PEPPER i59 wnrk, frnzer SMALL PEAS r 2 ' 7 69' 'York 'Beef CkrFkerr or MEAT PIES 69' f$ na Turkey Winner Sean Jerry, who, turned one year old on May 22, is the May Birthday Club winner. Sean's parents can pick up his cheque for $7 at the Signal -Star office anytime from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Birthday Club Hi, Now that I've had a birth- day, may I please join your birthday club? My name is Gillian Hubiek and 1 was one year old on June 1. I live on Toronto Street with my - mom and dad, Cathi and Don and my pets, Poppy and Max. Please wish a happy birth- day to my friend Leslie, Aunt Shelley and Grandma \LIghtfoot, Their birthdays are in June too. Lave, Gillian xo Pleads guilty KINCARDINE - Former Kincardine funeral director William J. Wakefield pleaded guilty to 34 counto of theft over $269, totalling $55,135.42 in Kincardine provincial court on May21. Thirty-two names' of people from the surrounding area ranging in age from 48 to 94 were read in the court room. These pedple had prepaid Wakefield for their fietner al epee. Mr, Wakefield also pleaded guilty to taking $1,00.05 in charitable donations to the Ontario Heart Fond' and a total of $1,233 from W. other 9rgaApzatiocns, Wakefield was remanded for sentencing to June 14t1n, Harbor report BY gobs GRAHAM The ADgobay arrived Dight for :...1t ffror n '!; uffaao on May 31 and cleared harbor June 1 for ebee, The Agawa Canyon arrived light for salt from 11aration on June 3 and cleared , m rbor the same day for Thunder e•ay.. The ADgoaay1 arrived Dight for salt from Sank Ste, Marie on Jaw 6 and ddear:=d, luarlAsr Jane 7 for Parry Sated.. The Soodoc arrived from ni3ngwond with a part Dead of grain 'an Arne 6 and cleared H harbor D + + on Joie 7 for Thunder • fronts page . rD Mr. and Mrs. Murray • Shear of Godericb attended the christening ceremony for their grand- daughter. Lisa Marie in Kowa Presbyterian Clitm tli. Gait On the weekeridi. She was christenedin her grandfather's c, gown and represented the 'fifth generation to be christened in the same church Lisa tares parents. are are are Seal and Bert SEseardowrr. They held a rs;seat.acsd family Efa:thering for both Odes of the family at their home follow Lne- the o ltrn.4teuwsg. Eiecer.t csss.torc with r (5**c.kc and Tied: Jeffery of Goderrch were 4tra Csesch's stm blare and his wife t.:rsrta Desch of Rich- mond 1}X11. Mrs Oeschs mother E:the1 Houston and her .sunt , Beatrice ti oto of Efurorv;ew and her sister Beat r•m•e1:r,,,PGnderseh The Iasi (od rnch, Little Theatre reeaar rneeting :of Me 4eaenn :)p unday June :7 .ar - .In p m ` ,.w Ee•ac r” errrr ,:lection of ofP:cer v+;;; 7alte place At this sne'tsn a. rui1'er rneefsne ss Sarur tag, .Hine t9 at p rx: hr t..b'Maitland (-owl rr Club Treket.a are s1 and 'Ar. ;;• purePagert or 324`72