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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-06-09, Page 22
PAGE 6A —GODERICH SIGNA1 STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1982 Katimavik group WEDDING RECEPTION Saturday June 26, '82 9 P.M. For BETTY HULLEY PAUL POPP Saltford Volley Hall WHITE CARNATION 44Now Open Daily 'Luncheon Buffet Mon_ -Sat. $ /t 95 12 noon -2 pm � • Fre 5 Da Smorgasbord Sun. $5 ` us 5 pm -7:30 730 p Jy alter June 21 • i Prices include SALAD BAR -& HOT BUFFET RESERVATIONS REQUESTED Catering to Weddings Banquets, Private Parties 1- a ter hours: 44-41331112-9/228 •1 11 •, sM1 '. 7 LIC. UNDER L.L.B.O. THIS WEEK FRIDAY SATURDAY JUNE 11th & 12th "COUNTRY COMPANIONS" THE ICANDLELIGHT STAURAiY7' & TAVERN IVO nn c�n�sxpr� It.. FIELD RD GI �eD�.IfBt Fr -524-7711- Lending a helping hand Katimavik participants have played an . important role in the town of Goderich over the past couple of years and this year's first group is no exception. For the past three months the par- ticipants have helped to spruce up the Harbour Museum, Dunlop's Tomb and other landmarks for the upcoming tourist season. They , have also worked at Queen Elizabeth School with the mentally handicapped. The program which is designed to give participants a greater understanding , of other Canadian communities also helps the individual participants' personal development through group interaction. Both sponsors and participants are pleased with the exchange. Bonnie Graham, co- ordinator of Queen Elizabeth School is happy with the participants who have been working at the school. "They have helped us a lot at the school," Graham said. Councillor Elsa Haydon, chairman of the local Katimavik committee is equally pleased with .the program and its par- ticipants. According to Haydon the participants have played an important role in community- services around Goderich. In an interview with several participants after the farewell luncheon held on Friday, there was a general consensus that the e-- perience of being involved in the Katirnavik program has helped each of them in their personal development. The group was pleased with the response of local-residentsto their work in the community. "The program has lived'up to my expectation and the response from local residents has been better than what we experienced in other comnntinities in B.C. ..nd Quebec," explained John Fisher, a Katimavik participant. . Luce Laniel, a participant from Quebec was also pleased with the program and the response of local residents. Katimavik is open to Canadians from age 17 to 21. The participants are picked from various regions of Canada with approximately one third French speaking. There are two groups situated in Goderich with aprroximately eight par- ticipants in each group. According to Katimavik area co-ordinator, Heather round town Members of the Katimavik group prepare to leave Goderich after completing their three mouth term in the town. The federally funded group helped spruce up several tourist sites as well as working in various community services. Edgar the number of groups in the area will be increased by three additional homes bringing the total to six. They are at the present time interested in opening another facility in Goderich. The Valuable exchange the groups and sponsors have to offer to the town of Goderich should warrant the ex- pansion. The next Katirnavik group is scheduled to arrive in July to begin their three month term. Youth featured For the third consecutive year, Huron Country Playhouse presents the Young Players '82 in a whirl- wind season of musical cabarets, a children's show, drama workshop for `children and the mainstage production of OLIVER. The six young performers selected to make up the. Young Players are Sally Cahill and Brad Dalcourt, Toronto, Colleen Krueger, Waterloo, Larry Mannell, St. Catharines, Dori Elliott, Willowdale, and Rick Shiralli, Weston. Directing the Young Players is director, actor, writer John Heath, with Michael Vieira, musical director, Joy Lowry, choreographer, BenCekuta, technical director, Melissa Veal, stage manager and Bo Light as the children's workshop director. This season's children's show, ANDROCLES, THE LION AND FRIENDS writ- ten by director John Heath and Eric Stine Will open July 3 and continue through the summer on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Two cabaret productions will be presented. this sum- mer, NOEL AT SEA opening July 13, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday evenings, and LOVE . STORIES opening August 6 after which the two cabarets will run alternate- ly, three performances per week until the end of the season_ The cabarets Com- mence following the mainstage production and are free Of charge_ i'ne Children's Workshop in Creative Drama will he conducted July 19 through July 30 from 1 4:30 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, with an open house presenta- tion of their ac- complishments on Friday, July 30.. The student body of GDCI recently elected new student council representatives for 1982-83. Kate Doorl1.is the selwol's new social convenor, taking that position over from Teresa Donnelly, 'w"ho-:was elected president of the student council. Barb Conlon is the vlce- president.(Photo by Dave Sykes) This summer. dont kid yourself. Take your kids away for a day to an Ontario Provincial Park. Clean sandy beaches, clear water, and lots of room to roam are all closer than you think_ Pack a picnic for a memorable, economical day trip. Uncrowded and uncluttered, Ontario's. Parks offer more than you'd imagine. This summer, trip but to an Ontario Provincial Park, \Xe wouldn't kid you. For more information write: Ontario Travel - Parks. Box 33. Dept. D.T. Queen's Park, Toronto yl'A IN3. Or call_ in Toronto 965-4008. Ourside Toronto. -800-26873'35. ADDRESS POSTAL CODE ire It was eyes forward, quick march until this little majorette - spotted her family in the audience. She flashed them a smile and later gave them a wave during the. Dungannon Twirlettes' second annual majorette night held for parents HURON FISH AND GAME CLUB o® Is fitness Important? Ask any body. 41111110 PaanaPa[11017� Cari,kttsr G@rsnnar t4mess CLINTON REACK POWDER SHOOTING MATCH -PRIES-SHOOT FOR HAMS SUNDAY, JUNE 13 OPEN: 1:00 P.M- At the torn) 7' x mites west of Clinton and 7 miles nor Ff. sunkt i YOUR ROWS �' FAIR ARCHERY TARS and friends in the GDCI gym last Thursday evening_ Sylvia Harman is the leader ofthe group. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan 1 rntv5h June 9 to June 15 WEDNESDAY -TUESDAY DAYTIME MORNING 5:15 RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL (Wed.) 5:15 A BETTER WAY (Thurs.) 5:15 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP (Fri.) 5:15 THIS IS THE LIFE (Tues.) 5:45 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESENTS 6:15 FARM AND HOME SHOW (WecL)- 6:15 U.S. FARM REPORT (Thurs.). 6:15 WITH THIS RING (Fri.) . 6:15 YOUR COMMUNITY (Mon.) 6:15 HEALTH FIELD (Tues.) 6:30 SCOPE (Fri.) 6:45 NEWS 7:00 TODAY 9:00 LOVE BOAT 10:00 HAWAII FIVE -O 1 1:00 HOUR MAGAZINE AFTERNOON 12:00 NEWS 12:30 SEARCH FOR TOMORROW 1:00 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:00 ANOTHER WORLD 3:00 CHIPS 4:00 MOVIE 5:30 M.A.5.H. WEDNESDAY JUNE 9, 1982 DAYTIME MOVIES: 4:00 "'THE RHINEMANN EX- CHANGE"". (Port 1). Stephen Collins -Lauren Hutton EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 HAPPY. DAYS AGAIN 8:00 REAL PEOPLE 9:00 THE FACTS OF LIFE 9:30 TEACHERS ONLY 10:00 QUINCY 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN HAWK". Rhonda Fleming - Sterling Hoyden 3:30 MOVIE: "SANTA FE'. Ron. dolph Scott -Donis Carter 5:00 SHA NA NA 5.30 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN EVENING 6.00 NEWS 6:30 HEE HAW 7:30 PINK PANTHER 8:00 TIGERS PREGAME 8.30 BASEBALL 11 OO NEWS 11.30 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1:00 BENNY HILL SUNDAY JUNE 13, 1982 MORNING ' 6:45 DAVEY AND.GQLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA I 7:30 IT'S YOUR BUSINESS 8:00 DAY OF DISCOVERY 8:30 REX HUMBARD 9:00 ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 SUNDAY MASS 10:00 PETTICOAT JUNCTION 10:30 BEWITCHED 11:00 MOVIE--COMIN' ROUND THE MOUNTAIN' Abbott and Costello AFTERNOON 12:30 MEET THE PRESS 1:00 MOVIE: ' ROLL. Fblt'DDY, ROLL-. Tim Conway -Jan Murray 2:30 LPGA CHAMPIONSHIP 4:30 MOVIE: -THE . LIFE AND TIMES OF' GRIZZLY ADAMS-. EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS 7:00 FATHER' MURPHY- 8:00CHIPs 9:00 MOVIE: "ANOTHER MAN, ANOTHER CHANCE James Caan-Genevieve Buiold 11:00 NEWS 11:30 MOVIE: "THE NOTORIOUS LANDLADY". Kim Novak•Jack- Lemmon MONDAY JUNE•14, 1982 DAYTIME MOVIES: 4:00 GUNFIGHT AT COMAN- CHE CREEK". 'Audie Murphy - THURSDAY JUNE 10, 1982 DAYTIME MOVIES: 4:00 '"THE RHINEMANN EX- CHANGE"'. EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 8:00 FAME 9:00 DIFF'RENT STROKES 9:30 GIMME A BREAK 10:00 HILL STREET BLUES 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN FRIDAY JUNE 11, 1982 DAYTIME MOVIES: 4:00 THE RHINEMANN' EX- CHANGE""'. • (Port 3). COMING TO THE COURT LOUNGE THIS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SA IURDAY JUNE 10, 11 & 12 "NEXT WEEK" Dont be disappointed___c©me tarty! 92 THE SQUARE, GODERICH, 524-7337 COURT LOUNGE OPEN THURS. TO SAT. 4 P.M. TO 1 A.M. EVENING 6:00 NEWS' 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 PRINCESS 8:00 TIGERS PRE -GAME 8:30 BASEBALL 12:30 SCTV NETWORK . 2:00 MOVIE: ."THE GRISSOM GANG-. Kim Darby -Tony Musonte 4:30 MOVIE:. "`A GUIDE FOR THE MARRIED MAN". Wolter Motthau-Robert Morse SATURDAY JUNE 12, 1982 MORNING 6:00 VEGETABLE SOUP 6:30 NEW ZOO REVUE 7:00 VILLA ALEGRE . 7:30 BULLWINKLE 8:00 THE FLINTSTONES 8:30.SMURFS 9:30 KID SUPER POWER HOUR 10:30 SPIDER -MAN 11:00 DAFFY -SPEEDY 11:30 SOUL TRAIN AFTERNOON 12:30 PETTICOAT JUNCTION 1:00 OUTDOOR LIFE 1:30 11115 WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:00 MOVIE: THE GOLDEN EVENING . 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE • 7:30 HAPPY DAYS.AGAIN . 8:00 LITTLE HOUSE ON .THE PRAIRIE ^-00 MOVIE: "CHARLESTON". 11:00 NEWS 11:30 THE BEST OF CARSON 12:30 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID ,LETTERMAN . TUESDAY • JUNE 15, 1982 DAYTIME MOVIES: 4:00 -FORT WORTH" EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 BASEBALL 10:00 FLAMINGO ROAD 11:00 NEWS- ..ss" Dine With Us i t J. ur'Food' ' ericious! Our menu offers o wide variety of dishes...TRY OUR EVERY DAY SPECIALS. GODERICH RESTAURANT 8. STEAK NOUSE TAVERN :R WEST ST. c"A TOTH —TOLCH AR D Mr and Mrs. Arthur Tolchard, Goderich. and Mr and Mrs .kohr , Toth, London, are pleased ro announce the forthcoming marriage of their children. Pamela Rachel and Mark Shane at Saltation Army Carnp Gfenhuron. R' R ►. Bayfield on Saturday. Lune T9. F982. at three o: clock an