HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-06-09, Page 3• :1, ::; :;:l,.y. tlgxi ar • The student staff for the Huron Historic Jail haSb' ii hfreil' ' Teresa a Van Rooy and Ann Duncan (tour guides). (Photo by for this season. Left to right, they are John Van Den Broeck Joanne Buchanan) (maintenance) and Michelle Corbett, Lydia Schuurman, You and your health unit Health services offered in county schools GODERICH SIGNAL STAR WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1982 -PAGE 3 y1aw ehanges approve4 BY JOANNE BUCHANAN Several proposed changes to the administrative and medical staff by-laws were approved by' the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Board recently. While there were a few substantial changes, most of the exer- cise involved the cleaning up of wording. "We did a Tot of housecleaning and , we did make some changes but none of them radical," by-law review committee chair- man, Richard Ottewell told the board. The by-laws were reviewed in light of a new provincial prototype received by the board this year; recommendations from a recent accreditation report; and existing prac- tice. Although it had been suggested in the ac- creditation report that the number of board members be reduced, the by-law will keep_ the._ number at 20, in- cluding nine elected members, nine appointed and two provincial. Ashfield Township recently requested representation on the board but they will be asked to agree to a joint appointment with West Wawanosh Township. < "We just felt 20 was a good balance," explained Ottewell. There is now a by-law to prohibit any persons with any financial connections with the board, from being a member of the board without first declaring those con - BY MARLENE ROBERTON, PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE, HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT. The Health Unit offers you an opportunity to give your child a head start before beginning , school. At our regular child health clinics we offer a pre-school program of vision and hearing •` - t c; fluoride brushing of , tee' ,,, health counselling a 'II im- munization if desired. As a result, of these tests action may be taken immediately by the parent and family doctor- to correct any problems. During the school year our staff of health nurses, technicians (vision, hearing and dental) and health in- spectors are active in the county schools. The services listed below are offered in the schools each year to the age groups indicated. HEARING SCREENING: 1. Kindergarten children not previously tested. 2. Grade 1 and 3. VISION SCREENING: 1. Kindergarten children .not previously tested. 2. Grade 3 and 7. In addition to the above regular program, these •services are available when requested by teachers, parents or the public health nurse. Following vision and hearing screening, parents are only notified if a,problem exists. DENTAL PROGRAM: Fluoride brushing is done yearly on all grades in elementary schools. Flossing is taught in Grade 6. IMMUNIZATION: (Requires parental consent) 1. M.M.R. (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) is given in Kindergarten and Grade 1. Boosters are offered in Grade 7. 2. D.P.T. (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio) - a booster is offered yearly to students who have not had a booster in the past our years. This applies to both elementary and high school students. 3. T.B. HURON CONCRETE SUPPLY LTD. *Supplier of quality concrete for farm, residential and commercial needs •Crane rental available GODERICH 524-7361 1-800=265-4148 SEAFORTH 527-0811 Best Interest * 1714% 1 YEAR We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest Interest being of- fered on Ouarsinteed Investment Certificates. *Subject to change gicGaiser-Kneale Insurance Brokers Inc. EXETER CLINTON GRAND BEND GODERICH 235-2420 482-9747 238-8484 524-2118 Street people are feet people. They're neat people who meet people. . Why not join up? Take a walk. P3rm(IPPenon Tian Cen W1.n m ovmrtwnt for 114f1On41 fitness (Tuberculin) testing is done in Grade 1,5 and 9. The public health- nurse counsels children on health problems and forms liaison with the parents. Use of a provincial computer program allows the public heath nurse to record your: child's immunization and health history. Yearly recall from the computer indicates which children need im= munization. A consent form is sent home to be signed and returned to the school. Following immunization a notice stating the date and the immunization given is returned to the parent. When this notice is received we encourage parents to update their child's personalhealth record. All students in Grade 12 receive a' copy of their immunization history from the Health Unit computer ' records. In the schools your local health nurse acts as a resource person, shares health information with the teacher, provides sources of various health materials and helps prepare special programs for non-smoking week, nutrition week, etc. The health , purse may assist the teachers, by teaching health in the classroom. Subjects often covered are family life, communicable disease in the nutrition, drugs and alcohol. province. • nections. And no one person on the board shall hold more than one voting privilege. A new by-law has reduced the number of required meetings of the board from 10 to nine because of the difficulty in arranging December meetings. However, it still likely that the board will meet 10 times a year although they are not nawobligated-to_do-so._ Another new by-law states that 50 per cent of the elected members of the board must be present at meetings in order to form a quorum. , Board meetings will remain closed to the public and also to hospital per- sonnel. The press may at- tend at the invitation of the chair. If someone other than a member of the board wishes to attend a meeting, he or she may approach the administrator or the board and be invited. Some by-law changes resulted in a revised format for committee selections and functioning. A public relations and community health committee will be combined into one com- mittee. And •the by-law review and policy review committees will be joined. A by-law was deleted which stated that the hospital auxiliary should have the same auditor as the hospital. And a by-law allowing the director of nursing to give a report at the annual meeting was left unchanged despite the proposal that her report be covered ,in the ad - Weekly statistics on communicable diseases are collected from each school.: • This information is phoned directly to the Ministry of Health in Toronto giving them an overall view of Scholarship fund established A special scholarship fund, in memory of Stephen Palmer, killed :in a mine accident last November, has been initiated by Local 16 of the Energy and Chemical Workers Union. Union president, Guy Robinson, said the health and safety scholarship wilt' be awarded annually'- to- a deserving student at Goderich and District Collegiate Institute. ' The details of the scholarship have not been fully worked out but Robinson said the cash award will be presented to a student showing marked progress during the school year. The union has not officially contributed to the scholarship fund, but initiated the fund with a pocket collection at a recent labour convention. in Toronto. That collection, combined with a private donation, has boosted the fund substantially but Robinson said more donations are needed to keep the scholarship viable. Anyone interested in donating to the scholarship fund may make a donation at the Royal Bank. We supply ---- •BUSINESS FORMS •PHOTOCOPY SUPPLIES *COMPUTER PAPER *OFFICE SUPPLIES *OFFICE FURNITURE AYHURST BUSINESS SUPPLIES Cambria Road North. Goderich. NIA 2R1 If you're NEW IN TOWN and don't know which way to turn, cull the - ItehmAtioit, hostess at 524-7165 You'll be glod you did ministrator's report. The medical staff by-laws were brought up to provincial standards. Those by-laws involving obligatory consultation were brought up to date. Copies of the ad- ministrative and medical staff by-laws are available to the public on request. Terry Crowley FINANCIAL PLANNER 116 Angles.. St.,'God.rii6 524-9075 Representing REGAL it CAPITAL PLANNERS LTD. Waterloo (511) S7$-160 DUBLIN & DISTRICT ATILETIC ASSOCIATION BINGO NEW PRIZE STRUCTURE STARTING FRIDAY, JUNE 11 AT S P.M. IN DUBLIN COMMUNITY CENTRE •15 REGULAR GAMES AT '15.00 EACH* -3 SPECIALS WITH VARIATION IN GAMES- i.e.: Share -the -wealth - letter Z and Full Card - Inside or outside sc u' are and Full Card, etc. JACKPOT. STARTING AT $200. IN S; NUMBERS GOING UP ONE NUMBER EACH WEEK WITH '50 ADDED TO PRIZE IF NO WINNER IN SPECIFIED NUMBERS, A CONSOLATION PRIZE OF '50 WILL BE AWARDED. OPEN SUNDAYS 12-4 PM COMPARISON SHOPPING SAVES YOU MONEY AT... . BLUE' FREE DELIVERY ON WEDNESDAY WITH ORDERS S2 5.00 AND OVER TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SUPER SAVE SUPERMARKET 524 9411 PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING SAT.. JUNE 12. INN 'OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST OPEN SUNDAYS 124; EXCEPT FRESH MEAT COUNTER. SALADS i SOME'PREPACKAGED MEATS WILL /E MADE AVAILABLE ASSORTED FLAVOURS FRESHIE 6:894 BRUNSWICK '42G. IN OIL OR SARDINES $9 F ORADE,A N PRIME RIB ROAST IrRAR PROCESSED (SINOUS) CHEESE SLICES SNG.$ F LIVES 4.5 OZ. CAT FOOD 2 R 794 PURINA 2 KG. MEOW MIX $3.49 .$2." VAN CAMP 14 OZ. BEANS ...BEAORK 69' arta; PINE SCENTED DAINTY BOL ,20Z9 9 COOKED SALAMI STOKELY DAME RED 14 OZ KIDNEY BEANS 6 4 9 S.O.S. S 1. S sCOUING $1 19 • PAD 69 a, somuoirs SOFT 1le- MARGARINE 65 4 OLD SOUn1 FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 12.5 07.- 894 L 89° ].O. TutE HIGHLINEIR 14 9Z OZONOL FROZEN CHNTMENT $ 99 FILLETS_ $2 •09 • TOPPING.MUC,.S G. DREAM =5.9;99 4 MILL 454G. WESTON•SERRY 4•s 91)4 RASPB BUTTERHORNS MAPLE LEAF PASTRAMI $3.69 CANADA PACKERS N4. G. THRIFTY3 9 BACON $ SCCHNEIDER'S 275 G. HEAD CHEESE .OWL $169 MAPLEAF STORE SLICED SLAB BACON $2.19 MAPLE LEAF BAKED MEAT LOAF 3 VARIETIES U.S. NEW CARROTS 694 • $2.19 us. LETTUCE SOINEIDEWS S. G. CORN $ 69 BEEF 1 • MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA$ • 29 CHUNKS • VAC PAC , LB. CELLO RADISHES 5 94 754 SPONSORED BY THE GODERICH ROTARY CLUB TRIUMPHANT ANNUAL TOUR MARTIN&DOWNS SATURDAY, JUNE 1 2 '" PERFORMANCES AT 2:00 P.M. & 415 P.M. ' AT THE FOOT OF HARBOUR HILL IN GODERICH. GET YOUR ADVANCE SALE TICKETS NOW AND SAVE!!! AVAILABLE FROM ANY GODERICH ROTARIAN OR AT: CAMPBELL'S OF GODERICH, FIN- CHER'S NEWS. HOFFMEYER AP- PLIANCES. HURON SUNOCO & LEISURE WORLD IN THE MALL. ALSO AT: TENDER SPOT MEAT MARKET IN DAYFIELD. CLINTON NEWS RECORD & THE LUCK NOW SENTINEL. ADVANCE SALE TICKETS Adults & Children ONE LOW $Z• 7 5 PRICE ONLY • eat. AT THE DOOR Adults 63.50 Children '3.00