HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-06-02, Page 13-r Baseball continued.... • from page IA The score remained tied until the ninth when Kirkey's scored twice. The Dukes came right back. Peters led off with a triple and one out later Dana Doherty singled, scoring Peters. Jim Crawford singled and Rob Plunkett reached base on an error scoring Doherty. One out later Crawford's bunt hancuffed Kirkey's as the winning run scored. Peters had three hits for Hotel Bedford, while Bill Black and dave MacDonald had two. Ken Daer had three for Kirkey's, while Steve Berry had two. BI11 Peter's -solo -home -run -proved to be the winning run as Canada Company hung on to defeat Kirkey's Kar 7-6. C.C. jumped , out to a second inning 4-0 lead but Kirkey's got two back in the third inning on Terry Powell's two run homer. Each team scored twice more until Peter's blast gave C.C. a 7-4 lead. Hits by Paul Kelly, Ron Klages, Ron Sowerby and Ken Daer left the score at 7-6 with one out and the winning run on second. Bill Tigert ' grabbed Powell's line drive and flipped to second for the game ending double play. Rob MacDonald led a 13 hit attack with four while Mike Donnelly and Peters had three each. Ken Daer had three hits for Kirkey's while Klages and Sowerby had two each. Bill Gallow and Greg Hansen combined for five of Lakeport Advertising's six hits while ,Simon Langlois threw a five hitter as Advertising defeated Lakeport Steel 3-2. With'the score tied 1-1 in the fifith Gallow doubled and scored on, Hansen's single. Hansen ended up at third on an error and scored on Langlois' sacrifice fly. The Steelers got back in the sixth when Brian MacKenzie singled and scored on Ron Miller's double. MacKenzie allowed just six hits in a losing cause and banged out two himself. Hayter's took advantage of pitcher Rob •Plunkett's wildness to score five runs on just. five hits to defeat Hotel Bedford 5-1. • Hayter's scored m the first when Jim Reehl scored in the thrid after being hit by a pitch. Myles Murdock opened, the third with a single and scored one out later on two wild pitches. Bedford scored their only run in the fifth when Ron Heinking scored on Jim Crawford's sacrifice flu. Hayter's pitcher Dave Scholl threw a four hitter while striking out sic. Ginn led Hayter's with two hits while Heinking led Bedford with two. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1982—PAGE 3A The seven top money raisers (money turned in), for the May4 roll-a-thon, received prizes for their efforts from the Recreation Department this week. Front row, left to right, are Larry Leppington, sixth, Ella May Mohring, second and George Sideris, seventh. Back row, left to right, are Jim Mohring, first, Chris Sider's, third, Deb Brown, fourth and Ron (Tag) Sowerby, fifth. The money raised at the roll-a- thon will be used for the purchase of a new sound system at the arena. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Goderich Bridge Club scores OMRA Lake Huron Zone The Goderich Bridge .Club held a seven table game o.n Tuesday, May 25. North-South winners were Verna Worthy and Helen Tench with 981/2 points; Marg and Bill Sutherland with 901/2 points; and Eleanor Erskine and Arlene Gibbons with 891/2 points. East-West winners were Betty and Ray Fisher with 9512 points; Barb Howe and Marian Lane with 941/2 points; and Dawna Sproule and Rick Somers with 891/2 points. • District Scout Camp which took place this weekend at the Falls Conservation Area attracted approximately 650 campers. The boys participated in a variety of events such as an obstacle course and. fire lighting. Pictured are two cubs trying to knock assistant leader Brian Rumig's hat off. ( Photo by T.Marr ) I` GODERICH ARENA MONDAY, JUNE 7 P30 M. PUNK ROCKER Whipper MS• elects new president The Lake Huron Zone of the Ontario Municipal Recreation Association (QMRA) Board of Directors met recently in Hanover. The election resulted in John Gates. of Kincardine being declared the president, succeeding W.R. "Bunny" Hare of Owen Sound. Clare Christie .of Owen Sound is the vice-president, Annie Dinniwell of Harriston is the secretary and Keith Angel of Derby Township is the treasurer. Ruth Wolfe of Clifford was re -appointed the executive -secretary. The Zone's representative to the parent body of OMRA is John Gates. Discussion centered around the functions of this organization and recom- mendations from the Zone Conference and the Lake Huron Zone Recreation Association to further its Lawn Bowling Club yard sale a success • Despite overcast skies and fog drifting in off the lake, the ladies' lawn bowling club was very pleased with their yard sale held on Saturday morning and deemed it a great success. Many thanks go to those who had tables and donated articles and money and helped m many other ways. A very special thanks go to people. of the community whocame; look- edand bought articles that were there for sale. All pro- ceeds go' towards helping with the expenses of the club: The greens are looking better every day and with the coming of • warm weather, everyone is anx- ious to be participating in the game of lawn bowls. An invitation' is• extended to anyone who has bowled or would like to try the game, to come to the greens and try it. There are members who will gladly give instruction. Bowls can be rented by the year for a small fee and a yearly membership is quite reasonable. Lawn bowling is compettitive, fun and healthy exercise for all ages. Ladies' slow pitch The Goderich Ladies' Slowpitch League standings to date are: Goderich Insulation -4;. Bluewater-0; Meneset-2; CRMCO.O; Sifto- 2: Nile -0 and Auburn. Winners of the draw last week are as . follows: first prize-Charlynn Brown, Seaforth; second. price -B. Charron, Goderich; and third prize -Fred Waltham, Personalized Office Services *GENERAL TY PIN; 14:1)01i TS, ESSA1- til'F:I:I:HES. HEN 111•:s *PERSON ALIZF;I)1.F:T'I'F:IiS *BOOKKEEPING *OFFICE OVERLOAD SFIO it :Fa IN 101 it 011-11(.1-.1M 1)1i t ►1 IL' lo I11F.,Qt %I{F. (,(H)F.Iilt 11 321-2332 NORTH HURON BIG BROTHERS' ASSOCIATION 1 would like to volunteer to be o BIG BROTHER 1 understand that I will contacted by a member of the Big Brothers' staff. 1 am a mother of a fatherless boy(s) and would tike to k now more about BIG BROTHERS NAME AGE OCCUPATION HOME ADDRESS PHONE (RES.) (BUS.) Signature (Please send to) BOX 382 DO" ERICH, ONT. Mike Cox Elaine Smith President Secretary 529-7$711 usefulness to the Recreation Committees in this area. June 15 was set as the next meeting for further discussion and consideration on "How can Lake Huron Zone of Ontario Municipal Recreation Association best serve the communities in its Zone?" Bicyclists cautioned With the return of good weather, the Ontario Safety League cautions bicyclists to stay in touch with the world of ' motor vehicle horns, sirens and train whistles. Biking and stereo headsets don't mix, the safety _group warns. Stereo headsets are a new wrinkle on the safety scene and the League is concerned especially for young bicyclists. The miniature - radios can have an extreme- ly high volume — some over 110. decibels, according to acoustics experts. In com- parison, a normal speaking voice registers about 50 decibels and street traffic about 60 to 70 decibels. Many products now offer a "talk line" or "hot line" as a safe- „ ty feature — a button Which. you push to let lathe outside noise. However, this doesn't " solve the problem. If there's a car behind you, you pro- bably won't know when to push the button. ° Even at moderate levels, states the League, it is hazardous to listen to the headsets while riding a bike, driving a vehicle DAVE HAYLOW ELECTRICAL Serving industrial, Commercial, Residential Needs 524-6038 ___________ NOTICE OF PUR.LUCMF.ETI-NG - TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH THURSDAY, JUNE 10TH, 1982 HOLMESVILLE COMMUNITY -CENTRE 8:30 P.M. This is a public meeting held under Sections 12 and 17 of The Planning Act, RSO 19110 to discuss a proposed amen- dment to the Official Pion for the County of Huron Planning Area permitting the establishment of a motel and guest cabins on Part of Lot 2, Bayfield Concession shown on the Key Mop. GODERICHI ' TOW. SHIP o v County 1 Hwy 13 4 i 79 C 78 77 76 .7$mimirmmi 4 p21 r V . i . „ if , o 7 Yi area of ,oposal A copy of the proposal is available for viewing at the municipal offices of the Township Clerk. HURON COUNTY PLANNING BOARD NOW New Universal Life Insurance Ask to see a.personalized computer proposal. *Annuities *income Replacement Plans •Group Insurance *Deferred Annuities - Excellent Rates *Non-smokers rotes on life insurance *START A MONTHLY -PAYMENT R.R.S.P. NOW! CONTACT BOB McKINLEY (Telephone Zurich 236-4265 Collect) DOminiontifQ THE DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY ZOSS SHOE 142 SHOPPERS SQUARE, 3II0p GODERICH "YOUR NATURALIZER SHOE SHOP" STOREWIDE SHOE CLEARANCE SALE.. SAVE 10 0/ OFF REG. PRICES STOREWIDE LADIES' - NATURALIZERS, WHITE CROSS, CLARKS, OOMPHIES, ALL CASUALS & LEATHER SANDALS. MEN'S ® DACKS, HARTTS, McHALE, CLARKS FLORSHEIM, JARMAN, ETC. • •• Ross• 3110E 31 -lop STORE HOURS e MON.-THURS: 9-6 FRI.'9-9 SAT. 9-6 • 'SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE END OF JUNE' SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION! 142 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY. 11®!1 IMINNII