HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-05-26, Page 22PAGE 8A —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1.982 SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 5e YEARS `Conviction is the stuff faith is made of' Godarich Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Rood Goderich 524-7345 Clinton-S.aforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Clinton 482-9441 BY PASTOR HARRY VRIEND, CHRLSTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Let's talk for a minute simply about faith in God's presence. The church cannot be anything if it is nota com- munity of people who have a NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH THURSDAY. JUNE 10TH. 1982 HOLNIESVILLE COMMUNITY CENTRE 8:30 P.M. This'ls a public mooting hold under Sections 12 and 17 of The Planning Act, RSO 1930 to discuss a proposed amen- dment to the Official Plan for the County of Huron Planning Area perntittfng the establishment of o motel and guest 'cabins on Part of Lot 2, Reyftold Concession shown oaths Key Map. . 0 0. -J area of oraoose! GOD ERICH TOWN SHIP 79 County 78 77 A copy of the, proposal 1s available for viewing at. the i municipal offices of the Township Chalk. • • HURON COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MINISTER'S STUDY warm relationship with their Father in Heaven. That sure- ly requires a strong convic- tion about God's existence. The Word says, "He that cometh to God must believe that He is..," Notice the MUST of believing. But we all know people who say m so many words: "I don't believeand I can't believe in God's existence, even if 100 Bibles tell me so. Prove to me that God exists." To be honest; neither I nor anyone else can prove God's existence with logical arguments. Man doesn't pro- ve God's existence, but God DOES make his existence known, and it depends on whether we listen to Him or turn a deaf ear when he speaks. and how does God communicate to us? That is a very important question. Nature is one area where God speaks about himself. Now in the spring we see a marvel of creativity and a panorama of design. In nature we meet God as the "Great Designer". We also meet Him in the _.experiences of everyday. In the course of a month or a year, there are all kinds of good days, bad days, misfor- tunes and surprises. If this were .blind chance dealing with us, then life would be too senseless for.Words In our experiences . we meet .God as the ."Great Life- Ruler" dealing with us on a day to day basis. But who is this Designer and Life -Ruler, this Great Someone? The people of Athens wondered about that when they put up their altar to the unknown God. Paul was able t tell- t if ezii because God made himself known to him and to the world at large through His Son, Jesus Christ. In the Son, Jesus Christ, dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Through Jesus, the "Great Someone" becomes personally knowable to us. In the work and teaching of Jesus, we meet the Father in person: more wise, more true, more concerned, more real than any person we know. In many ways, and especially through His Son, God has said, "People I am, I am the Living God with whom you all have to do." Now what do you suppose God says to people who say there is no God? No doubt God says something like "Yoµ fool...!" because the word says "The fool says in his' heart there is no God." To say there is no God when God has so often and, in so many ways made himself known, that is the height of folly. God has indicated that his harshest judgement is for those who deny his existence • when they have been sur- rounded with communica- tion from Him. One question to those who N • 35 HAMILTON ST. AK 524-71!1 DOG . CLIPPING AND GROOMING IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES fBVDGIES, CANARIES, TROPICAL . NSH, ALL PET SUPPLIES. BUS IN S DIRECTORY D.B. Palmer Doctor of Chiropractic 73 Montreal St. Queen St, Goderich Myth 524-4555 523-9321 Ronald McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST., 524-6253 Godorich, Ontario NEW y DAY .4, _ NUSl98o .,:E„'.'-�, r"► 7E PAO EARTH UNITED UM SOW( 'SALON SERVICES. SPECIALIZED SCIENTIFIC HAIR CARE -INDIVIDUAL PERMANENT•WAVIHG -NATURAL HAIR COLOR -DESIGNER STYLES ' ANALYSIS -SHAMPOO -CONDITIONER -MOISTURIZER ! .a -AND FACIAL MASK AVAILAILE FOR HOME USE. EXCLUSIVELY AT THE BEAUTY LOUNGE 81 EAST ST. GODERICH 524.8994 West Wawanash (A) Mutual IMF Fire Insurance. Company Dungannon, Ont. NOM 1R0 529-7961 FARMS RESIDENTIAL AUTO AGENTS: Frank Foran Donald MacKay Donald R. Simpson Mason Robinson Delmar Sproul Lyons & Mulh.rn R.R. 2 Lucknow\ R.R. 3 Ripley R.R. 3 God.rich 341 Catherine St. Wingham R.R. 3 Auburn 146 West St. Goderich 521-3124 315-5362 357-2475 521.7273 524-7571 FOR A QUOTATION ON YOUR FARM, HOME, COTTAGE OR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CONTACT THE AGENT IN YOUR AREA , DIRECTORS: Eldon Bradley Gerald Karr Austin Martin Kenneth B. MacLean Donald Mckenzie John Nixon Lucknow P.O. Boz 62 Blyth P.O. Box 304 Lucknow R.R. 2 Paisley 163 Elgin Ave., West Goderich R.R. 3 Brussels CLAIMS SHOULD BE REPORTED PROMPTLY TO THE DIRECTOR IN YOUR AREA. 5211-2214 523-1275 520-3601 3611-7537 524-7662 Ee7-1417 Durst, Vodden $ Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 Wast Street Goderich. Ont. 524-2011 1 R.W. BELL. OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7641 H.O. JERRY LTD. Complete linos et PAPER PRODUCTS PARTY SUPPLIES Prodsets for entry vsir. H.O. JERRY LTD. "The Paper People" 1115 Park St. GODERICH S24-2855 Cords For All Occasions *Gifts * Books *Stationery Supplies. *Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST STREET. GODERICH Quality work br McKENZIE UPHOLSTERY HWY. 4 S. CLINTON PHONE: 482-9359, are sure there is no God. Could it be that God has been speaking to you, but you have not been listening? One observation to all who claim to believe in God's ex- THIS • SPACE Reserved for YOUR Ad MacGillivray & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. RESIDENT PARTNER 40 THE SQUARE, GODEPICH, ONT. 524-2677 MopnRlAL 400430170 HAMPTON HAMMON ST.CAThIRINTS POSTCOLOOSN$ unsown wlNNtflO CAIOARY taMONTON VANCOuvIR 000imcn istence. Conviction is the stuff that faith is made of. Be sure then that God IS: Our prayer life and our in- terest in Christian living can only be half-hearted if we lack such conviction. Bethel Assembly sponsors play — here this weekend. Maillivrcy Associates (Godericb) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursement ledger. cash receipts lodger. accounts rec.lwbte. financial statements, time • chargers & specialized reports. 40 THE SQUARE 00051101 52+4-2677 This weekend promises to be an exciting experience for many when Bethel Assembly of Goderich sponors the Christian play, `Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames' on Sunday evening. With the expertise and pro- fessionalism provided by the ministry team of REALITY 11 of St. Catharines, headed by Rudy Krulik, and with a cast of 40, including both local and imported person- nel, it promises to be 'a dramatized real life presen- tation you'll never forget'. The presentation has been given in other areas of the province, and continually played before capacity crowds. Sound ands -lighting effects help to visualize the Christian message being received by the audience. Pastor Austin Gedcke of Bethel Assembly indicates his congregation is most en- thusiastic about this upcom- ing special event. Flyers are beipg distributed throughout the community by the youth and adults of his congrega- tion. He expects a packed auditorium and suggests people come early for a choice in seating. All seats are free, with a collection be- ing received during the pro- gram to help defray the costs . of this weekend production. Because of the dramatic impact of the presentation, a special junior church service will be conducted in the church's lower auditorium • for children ages three to seven, during the perfor- mance. The church has a supervised nursery for in- fants and toddlers, so welcome the entire family for the occasion. The play will be presented ONE NIGHT ONLY, Sunday at7p.m. School operetta well attended As scheduled the Clinton and District Christian School held their operetta, "Rip Van Winkle," on May 13 and 14. Many students were able to illustrate their talents through this play to an au- dience of about 700 persons. Many thanks and much ap- preciation goes out to the directors, organizers, costume designers, sewers, and all others who helped to make the play another suc- cess. If you have any questions concerning the school and Christian Education feel free to call or visit the school. r HEAVEN'S GATES AND HELL'S FLAMES ._ "t - "A dramatized real life presentation you'll never forget.". Played before capacity crowds* Cast of Forty* Sound and lighting effects. -,sr».n•.• RealityA-, SUNDAY, MAY 30 at 7 p.m. 411 BETHEL PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY FREE WILL OFFERING ALL SEATS FREE ' SUPERVISED NURSERY WITH JUNIOR CHURCH CHILDREN AGES 3-7. FOR Victoria Street United Church Women held their annual spring tea and bake sale last Wednesday afternoon. The home-made baked goods were all sold within about half an hour. Here, Verna Robertson serves refreshments to Greta Vanstone at one of the tea tables. ( Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Executive director to speak at MacKay Centre, June 4 on co-operative housing On June 1 a new com- munity in London will be ready to receive its mem- bers. This is the Westminster Housing Co-operative of 40 townhouses built for families and senior people under London Community Homes Inc., an organization which provides education and support to groups interested in forming co-ops. West- minster estminster is the only ,co- operative housing which has been built in London in the past decade. Construction on another 130 units is expected to begin this year. The purpose of the co- operative housing is to provide good, affordable housing for those who need it. It is especially suitable for persons who have com- munity spirit combined with a pride of ownership. There is no down ' payment, but each resident leases his unit at cost from the co-op. Increases in payments in subsequent years are geared to the increase in cost of ' maintenance. Any change. in housing ' charges must be discussed and voted on at a general members' meeting. Each resident over 18 has a vote. Co-operatives are operated on the un- derstanding that people can live better and achieve more through co-operation than through competition. Co- operative housing offers: 1. Monthly housing charges which cover only the cost of operating the units - non -profit. 2. Security in the fact that your building will not be sold out from under you.. You may live in the co-op as long as you' are a member in good standing. 3. A community spirt which grows from people working with each other to MONUMENTS. MARKERS -CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING & REPAIR PRYDE MEMORIALS GODERICH - CLINTON - EXETER Phone 524-6621 DON DENOMME - AREA REPRESENTATIVE .•..•.i ` ••••••e�•..••••..• ••••• reach common goals. On Friday, June 4, Jack Smugler, Executive Director of London Community Homes Inc., will speak at MacKay Centre in Goderich at 2 p.m. This meeting should be of interest to all age groups and everyone is invited. Come and learn about the concept of co- operative housing. May is Medic- Alert Month JAI Sheet qt Cited Chock 1832 SUNDAY, MAY 30, 1982 AT 11 A.M. 1982 Honouring our Heritage from the sj Congregational Church MINISTER: REV. ROBERT O. BALL, S.A.. M. DIV. iCalvary Baptist Chiarcla BAYFEF.LD ROAD AT BLARE STREET 1 REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor 1 , 10:00 A.M. - BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES AT 11:00 A.M. 87:00 P.M. THE HARVESTERS QUARTET j� SARNIA. ONT. ' C WED., 7:00 P.M. - PRAYER & SIDLE STUDY WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Knox Presbyterian Church j 1 Enter to Worship THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, M.A., M. DIV. MINISTER LORNE H. DOTTERER, Director of Praise Sunday, May. 30 1o:00o.m. Communicant's Class 11:00 0: m. Divine Worship 11.00a.m. Sundays School Sermon: "FROM CREATION TO REDEMPTION" (Nursery Facilities) (Sunday School retires Prom Service, Ride -to -C ch call 524-6762 PJ Schaefer) (Renovation Canvass • Sunday, June 6) Deport tq; Serve i i BEREA-BY-THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH Gibbons St- at Suncoast Drive 9:15 Sunday School and Bible Classes 10:30 - Worship Marvin L. Barz, Pastor 524-22:s3 "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" Act 10:36 f/b p®evO.vgam0.v®mm0a..�.m'®.. a'p,. v V Lna®M®ae.0es> esq. e-®.«q..0asaes� THE SALVATION ARMY l 18 WATERLOO ST. S. 524-9341 1 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP i 6:30 P.M. EVENING SERVICE j 6 All Are Cordially Invited to Join Our Fellowship e 1 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Anglican -Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector The Reverend Robert. J. Crocker Interim Organist: William M. Cameron 63 1 WHITSUNDAY 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, 11:00 a.m, Sunday School Closing Session . Parish Hell. 11:00 o,m. Morning Prayer - Sermon: "The Church is Born. 6:15 p.m. Maitland Manor Service. -You sopw atways welcome - May 30th Dear Editor, You are important for many reasons. You are loved. The Perth -Huron Life Underwriters care enough about you that we are sponsoring the month of May as Medic -Alert Month. Medic -Alert is a non-profit organization operating in 33 countries. Medic -Alert is there 24 hours a day to provide medical in- formation to the medical attendent or doctor in an emergency situation. The Medic -Alert is a bracelet or necklace that has pertinent medical in- formation on it that could save your life or prevent another problem. Medical problems that warrant laving , a Medic -Alert cel et are diabetes, pilepsy, allergies, multiple clerosis, contact lenses and 100 more with thousands of :ombinations. As chairman of the Medic- Alert edio-Alert, I urge you to contact your life insurance agent for further imformation. Do you not owe it to yourself and loved ones to join Ray Black, Chairman of Medic -Alert 148 Kenner Cres., Strafford.. C volt:* SI if you're NEW IN TOWN and don't know which way to turn call the Pton&fok hostess at 524-7165 You ll be glad you did