HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-05-26, Page 13Board approves plan by Stephanie Levesgpe DU$LIN — Huron -Perth Separate School Board approved its special education plan at a special meeting . The plan has to be approved bty the Ministry of Education and on hand for the meeting was Roger Miller, liaison officer with the Ministry's regional office in London. To be reviewed annually, the plan covers the years 1-9Wtss>l' ig d .:�«;ze t—alaz : ai education. In De --comber of 1980, the provincial government approved amendments to the Education Act, known as 1311 182. The amendments required each school board in the province toprovide an education for all students, whether or not they are exceptional. The board's plan, after date was collected and reviewed by its special education committee, recommends the hiring of two speech and language correction teachers for September of 1982, possibly two self-contained classroom teachers for September of 1983 and for the same year, a half-time teacher for gifted students and a half-time psychometrist. Accommodation is a major issue addressed by the plan. For 1982, It recommends one resource classroom for St. Patrick's School in Dublin, St. James School in Seaforth and Sacred Heart School in Wingham. In 1983; a self-contained classroom may be needed at either Precious Blood in Exeter or St. Boniface in Zurich and a resource classroom at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Mount Carmel. In further accommodation recommendations, the plan suggests the board's property committee con- sider possible alterations to schools to enable physically disabled students entrance. The board currently has three self-contained special education classes, with one teacher in each, serving a total of 19 students. By 1985, this is expected to reach 27 students served by five staff members. In its resource withdrawal' program, the board serves 250 students with 8.8 teaching positions pressatttss tad thisi . e etc te- Inereasts.tt " students with 11.8 teaching positions in 1985. Added to these teaching positions Is the equivalent of one full- time teacher for remedial and home -instruction programs. That figure is expected to remain at one to 1985. Since the inception of Bill 82, all school boards will „be required to educate its trainable mentally retarded pupils, The Huron -Perth board does not have a school presently operating and a'committee of surrounding boards will be established to work out a plan. Superintendent of education John McCauley pointed out the document is not iron clad and it could be changed when it is reviewed annually.' Chairman John O'Leary commended .ad- ministration and the special education committee for its work on the document. "I don't think when Bill 82 was introduced. boards realized what was involved. I am sure the pupils^ of Huron and Perth will benefit from this document," said Chairman O'Leary. Make boating a safe experience The first signs of summer are' all around us: youngsters in shorts, trees flourishing and bulbs bloom- ing. The boating enthusiast' is thinking in terms of the first trip or the first 'day's fishing and the Ontario Pro- vincial Police have several ideas to make boating safer. Police officers look at many things with a different viewpoint. Boating is no dif• - ferent- The start of the season means another crop - of -fatal; and usually pr -every --- table accidents on the water. Whether it's canoeing on raging white waters; sailing on the Great Lakes or water skiing, there is an ever- present element of danger or risk. A person in a boat feels secure, but if that person falls in the water, he or she is fighting an uncertain, uncon- trollable environment. Boaters are notoriously confident of their ability to stay in their craft. But acci- dent ccident statistics do not support that view. Wearing a life jacket or personal flotation device is an elementary precaution, but how many adults -automatically wear -a - life jacket unless they were in a life-threatening situa-, tion? It's like wearing seat belts in a car. Life jackets are plain and simple insurance to improve your chances of survival. Unless you are in the mid- dle of a blizzard or hur- ricane, weather does not make a lot of . difference when you are driving a car. With boating it's always im- portant to know what weather to expect. Most recreational boaters are fair weather sailors. Squalls can..spring up_ unexs pettedly and they are sud- denly faced with conditions which are totally unfamiliar Bankruptcies will increase in 1982 Ontario had the highest number of farm bankrupt- cies in Canada in 1981, and the outlook for 1982 isn't en- couraging. For these reasons, economic issues dominated the OFA's brief to the provincial cabinet. The brief said farmers are "disappointed" in the On- tario Farm Adjustment Assistance Program because they "feel the pro- gram's inadequacies outweigh any possible benefits." The brief said the program "is in desperate need of revamping," and said its structure was the major "hindrance". "The case committees are acting as judges, whereas they should be playing sup- portive roles. This was our understanding about the role of the ag. reps and the case committees." the OFA said in the brief. The brief said "it makes absolutely no sense to guarantee a new line of credit to a producer without making the new loan eligible for interest subsidy." It also suggested that the program allow consolidated debts to be eligible for interest assistance. The brief suggested that the Farm Productivity In- centive Program be replac- ed by a better program, since it "has become inade- quate in relation to present capital costs and ... is destin- ed to become less cost effi- cient. OFA suggested that it be replaced by a low interest loan program. Loans of up to $50,000 each could be made, at a fixed rate of eight per- cent, repayable over 10 years. The improvement would Owners advised vised to stop°using heaters Owners of Solary heating pads manufactured prior to 1976 are advised to stop using them immediately due to a potential fire hazard, says the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and the manufacturer. Studies have revealed that the insulating material used prior to 1976 can break down through regular use, resulting in a fire hazard. The insulating material was changed in 1976 and (SA has received no reports of similar failures with the new improved insulation. Older models were ink - stamped in English only, while the improved units are stamped in English and French. If you have one of the older type heating pads, discard it. COTTAGE FOR SALE New ,isdar cottage on Lake Huron. 12 miles north of Goderich on Lakeland Estates. Treed lot, sandy beach. On hill overlooking lake. APPLY AT COTTAGE PHONE 893-4`07 ANNOUNCEMENT Gary Rupert, president of Century 21, A11 Points Realty Inc., is pleased to announce that Les WUllams has suc- cessfully completed the Ceintlury 21 training course in Toronto. If you ars thinking of Buying or *edits? reel estate give Les a colt OFFICE S44-46Sb or „ RES. 5211-$4S1 have to better a farm's en- vironmental standard and makeit more competitive. ', • The brief also suggested the government "take inven- tory" of the many programs it administrates, since "some of them have likely outlived their original pur- pose." -The brief refers to them as "small change . programs, whose cost of administration might well exceed the funds it puts out." The OFA is willing to help the government review these programs, the brief said. a BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. Clinton IPhone: 4$2-0371 Residence: $23433$ 2 MILES FROM CLINTON - 50 acres - 40 workable - no buildings -10 acre woodlot with trout stream. HWY. NO. 4 - 7'/2 acres neat bungalow - attached garage - finished basement - insulated barn suitable for hogs or poultry. HOLMI,SVILLE 13 acre hobby farm -1 door bungalow - paved drive and small in- sulated barn. 20 ACRES - large ranch home - very modern - inground pool paved drive - new insulated barn - low interest mortgage can be assumed. NEAR CLINTON - 3,4 acre lot - farge frame home - 40' x 80' heated shop suitable for fabrication or storage pur- poses. 'r NEAR BRUCEFIELD - 6 acres - good frame home drive shed and barn. ALBERT STREET - close to uptown - 112 storey frame home - very well kept - owner will consider first mortgage. LONDESBORO - brick bungalow - electric heat - finished basement - carport - '-2 acre lot - inground pool. AUBURN - 11/4 acres - 1 floor bungalow - basement partly finished - garage and workshop. HWY. NO. 8 - 69 acres - new home - farrowing barn - several ponds stocked with fish commercial recreation potential. 1'2 ACRES - near Kippen - 1'� storey brick home - heated workshop - financing available. HOLMESVILLE - 100 acres - cpsh crop land - all workable. SEVERAL LOW PRICED Ht1MES WITH LOW DOWN PAY MEN T. to them. By finding out what the weather and water condi- tions are going to be, youcan change your plans and in- crease your chances of sur- vival. Often the police will learn of a missing boater, but have no idea where the person went. If you go fishing or take a weekend trip, let so- meone know your route and tell them when you get home safely. It's like an airline pilot filing a flight plan. If something does go wrong, search- parties know where to goy Boating is one of the most rewarding pastimes, but there is an element of danger which can be modified with good sense and awareness of what can go wrong. If you know your own abilities with a boat, you will be a sur- vivor. Barrie expresses concern "You have given us a truly miserable reflection off your much -touted concern for agriculture," Ralph Barrie, president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture tell _ ,n.e-zLtp members: o` parllarrlAnt and senators recently. They were attending a meeting organized by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture. The CFA delegation was made up of directors from the CFA board and senior officials from most of Canada's farm organizations and' co- operatives. Barrie said the only solu- tion to current farm finan- cial problems is "massive refinancing of the . farm debt." "That refinancing must take place at rates that are commensurate with returns in agriculture," he said. One way of refinancing which the OFA and CFA have sug- gested is giving the Farm Credit Corporation the right to sell agri-bonds. The FCC could borrow money from private sources, and give the lender agri-bonds in return. Farmer could borrow money at 10 percent, and lenders ' could get a substantial tax break. "It could have, and should have been done ages ago," Barrie said. He said it should have been done when the Farm Credit Act was being amended. "Damn it, it's about time they (government leaders) started doing -something sen- sible. We need help now. Even now is too late for many. Failure to get positive action is bound .to cause farmers in ugly moods to ral- ly into this city and let the „government know we mean business." Barrie concluded by sav- ing, "If you really stand by the platitudes we hear you utter all too often, do something right for a change, and do it now." APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or small, we'll fix them ell.. - Our repair experts will haveyour appliance in tip top shape fast. Call us today. PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" VARNA 482-7103 Hutton GODERICH - For those who appreciate the styli and workmanship of an older hone this Nelson Street home awalts your Imaginative modernization. Situated near the P rk cad being sold to close on Este. Features In- clude good living room, dining room, open staircase, full basement, real good oil furnace, 3 pc both up and 2 pc down. Wei ask for a very reasonable offer. SIX ACRES - on Highway 4 - Clinton area. Attractive aluminum sided family sized home with conveniences - Sarn of steel 16' x 49', workshop 24' x 43'. Must be sold. PRICE DRASTICALLY REDUCED MEL MATHERS WINGHAM PHONE: 357-3208 REPRESENTING LLOYD W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Broker, K incardine cliflord REAL ESTATE mom GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1982—PAGE 13 Town&Cou.ntry REAL ESTATE 52402177 ALEXANDER 81 CHAPMAI REALTY LIMITED 10 The Square - Goderich "OVER A QUARTER CENTURY IN REAL ESTATE" R.A. "GUS" CHISHOLM 524.8554 ROGER TURCOTTI 524.7298. BERT ALEXANDER 524-7836 - MARTHA ROBERTSON 482.7767 JOHN ALEXANDER - 524.7834 SUPERB EXECUTIVETIOME immaculate 4 -bedroom home with lakeviaw. Family room with patio door and large rec room In basement. Wood stove. Maintenance free. Call now to see. INCOME PROPERTY WITH CHARM Two great 2 -bedroom apartments. Separate, entrance. Separate wiring. Excellent condition Inside and out-, side. Beautiful large corner lot location. Must be seen. MODERATE PRICE Corner Britannia and Warren. Good older home In ex- cellent condition. 3 bedrooms. Gas, forted air heating. Extra large lot with garden. Owners leaving town. BLUEWATER BEACH Year-round Ilviltg In beautiful setting overlooking Lake Huron. Modern 2 -bedroom home. Electric heat. Wood stove. Patio door, Cedar deck. Very low taxes. Lots of other extras. NEW LISTING Prestigious brick 4 -level split on Catherine Street. New kitchen. 4 bedrooms. Brick fireplace. Wood stove In rec room. Central air conditioning. Close to schools. BLUEWATER BEACH Spacious cottage overlooking lake. Like new condition. Many extras. Must be seen. SMAL We have ACREAGE We farms up to 3e arras. See next week's ad for more details. N\ •ItesideiiIiaL•farnts_ *Commercial *Cottages *Florida Properties REALTY WORLD.. 524-7373 W.J. Hughes Realty Ltd. 131 THE SQUARE. GODERICH 74 ACRES & HOME Goderich twp., large barn, workshop & garage. Good well, trout stream. Attractively priced.- Call Rita Allen 524.1411. ST. GEORGE'S CRESCENT Red brkk charming home nestled in the trees, natural trim. Forr the: family requiring space. Cell Rita Allen 524- S411- YOU'VE HIT THE JACKPOT Prime location and income from 3 self contained apar- tments. 101/4% mtge. Why pay rent? Coll Ebb Ross 524- 8756.S-16. LAKEFRONT 4 season home, 2 mites north of Reynold, 3 bedrooms, sunroom, electric heat, low taxes. Coll Normo Taylor 482-9921. DELUXE SEMI '38,000. Immaculate condition, large rooms. finished' basement. 10'/.% mtge. Owner relocating. Call Barb Shewfolt 524-9561. NELSON ST. CHARM Red brick, central, excellent condition, solid built. Ex- ceptional buy In 40's. Call Rita Alien 324-8460. Accent o STARTvalue, low ER 3He9aMEaluminum siding, sun porch, carport, double detached garage. Call Ebb Ross 524-67116. LOT & MOBILE HOME. Own your lot with mobile home, 3 bedrooms plus ad- dition 8 deck. Taxes 5104. Lots of privacy 8 space. Coll Norma Taylor 482-9921. QUALITY HOME West end location, all the extra features to make this your dream home, fireplace, double garage, brick home. Owner relocating. Rita Allen Ebb Ross Norma Taylor Don McCauley 524-8480 324-8786 482-9921 524-4226 Gerry Poolin 529-7931 Helga Hasenberger 524-7373 Frank Gabler 348-8209 sorb Shewfelt 524-9381 \\`\\lis\\\\\\\\\ANA \\ , `Vl►\YAAN\\\V&A WItls V4t* LIST WITH THE LEADER 524®9097 BILL CLIFFORD REALTOR 524.8951 76 HAMILTON ST., GODERICH SMI.. ,:.. YOU'LL LOVE 1T HERE - Elevated 3 bedroom bungalow with loads of ex- tras: Fridge, stove, drapes, full baso rnent Includes garage, laundry. wot'lishop 8. wood burning stove. Listed to sell of !33,960.00 and terms available. BUY LAND NOW - They ain't makintranymore. Hwy. 21 south, 10 acres. Two ex- cellent building sites- MILL ROAD - 4.5 acres. Also building lot. COLBORNE TWP, - 72 acres, lake range. BENMILLER - 2 acres 8. 1.3 acres, treed lots- EIGHTY — THREE ACRES - Ashfield Twp., 972' lake frontage, 12% mortgage. LAKEFRONT LOTS ore very scarce. If you're thinking of buying, now is the time. Take your pick: HORiZON- VIEW BEACH • near'' Am - barley, WINDSOR SURD. - near Grand Bend, WELD - WOOD - south of Reyflold, BAYVIEW BEACH - neer St. Joseph's. Give us a call as we also have several choice second row lots available with A-1 terms - FAMILY BUSINESS - Hwy. 23 - Listowel. Restaurant - orlve-in - Ice Bream parlour and gift Shap. Showing ex- cellent return. Room for expansion- All equipment included in price. Complete Information at office. WE WORK AT ITFULL TIME - ming BUYING OR SELLING - CONTACT i -j JACK CUMMINGS ENID BELL BILL CLIFFORD .STEVE BUCHANAN 524-9624 524-8191 524-8018 :124-4478 Al\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\AMA COUNTRY PROPERTY BLUEWATER BEACH 3 bedroom cottage, price reduced to '24,060. 5 ACRES 4 bedroom house, 2 story barn, dose to Goderlch, price reduced to '51,101. A RARITY 20 acre lake front, wooded retreat, asking '53,006. LAKE FRONT COTTAGE 3 bedroom, '42,300. CALL TO -DAY FOR VIEWING PICTURE YOURSELF IN ONE OF THESE FINE HOMES 127 SUNSET DRIVE PRICE REDUCED PENTLAND DRIVE VLA 354 SUNCOAST DR. TRY YOUR OFFER 262 CATHERINE OPEN FOROFFERS PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY OF OUR INFORMATIVE BROCHURE "ALTERNATIVE FINANCING: HOW TO BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE IN 711119001" TO -DAY. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF SELLING YOUR NOME TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR PROFE111ONALISM - CALL TODAY. GARY RUPERT 524.6777 CHARLIE SRUINSMA 524.900 XK 0 00 0 0 0 t' 0 0 0 0 0 c0 0 3!; 0 0 0 0 i t9 0 0 til 0 0 K K K G K KG GK REALTY & insurance Inc. 53 wsO 1t,. Ooderlch 524.2118 CLARE SAGER • JOHN TALBOT Res. 5244“5 Res. 524-2520 UNDERr'33.N6 - 4 bedrooms, large kitchen, 2 and 4 pc. both. Detached garage. Close to downtown. Make us on offer. G21 BENMILLER AREA - Below '60,000. 2.5 acres, River- view, 2 bedrooms, Iivingroom, kitchen, sunroom. 3 pc. bath, 2 detached garages, guest cabin and born. Must be seen- G31 UNDER '21.000 - Country living in park setting, 3 bedrooms, 12' x 65' Marlette includes 8' x 23' expando, 12' x . 14' workshop, .fridge,stove, washer, dryer, freezer and drapes included. Terms available. 025 BLUEWATER BEACH COTTAGE UNDER '14,060 - 3 bedrooms, living room and kitchen. 50' x 125' treed lot. Make us an offer. 026 PRICED TO SELL -, 3 bedroom, 4 piece bath, new in- sulation, dose to downtown. Priced below '39,000. 02 MUST SELL - Price reduced, 5 unit apartment building; close to downtown, renovated 1977. 11% mortgage. G3 EXCELLENT VALUE - 2 storey, 3 bedroom home. new kitchen, new insulation, 1 car garage. Treed lot. Priced below '45,000. 011 13% MORTGAGE - 2100 square foot ranch, 104 by 171 f9. lot, 2 car garage, Iivingroone, diningroom, mein floor family room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, full basement, patio doors to deck, main floor laundry. Priced below '90.000.011 , NEW LISTING - 101/4.% mortgage. 3 bedrooms, Iivingroom. kitchen, family room. 2-3 piece baths, large lot, priced below '40.000. 022 LARGE LOT - Make us an offer. (72 ft. by 171 ft) 3 bedroom ranch, large kitchen, 1-4 piece and 1-3 piece bath, family room with bar„ detached garage. Main- tenance free exterior. 016 MOBILE AND EXTRA LOT - 20 by 60 Paramount. 2 bedrooms, fridge, stove. drapes and 30 ft. T.V. tower included. Asking below '15,600.020 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 1-5 acres. Must be seen. Approximately 3000 sq. ft. with Offices. Terms available. Make us an offer! 021 COUNTRY PROPERTY - 2 storey 4 bedroom frome. Kit- chen. Iivingroom, diningroom.. 'large lot. Low taxes. Detached garage. Priced below '45.000. 019 PRICE REDUCED WEST END View of Lake. 4 bedroom split, fivingroom, diningroom. kitchen. family room. 2 baths. paved drive. Priced to sell. 017 PRICE REDUCED - Make us on offer! 10'4 % mortgage. 2 storey. 3 bedroom brick, 66 by 200 ft. lot, recently renovated Iivingroom, diningroom, main floor family room, laundry room, 1-4 piece and 1-2 piece both. Large garage and workshop. Priced below '49.000. 010 PRICE REDUCED - 3 bedroom ranch. 84 by 264 ft. lot. Fireplace,. Iivingroom, diningroom, family room, paved drive, carport. 19 by 41 ft. in -ground pool. 06 COUNTRY RETREAT - 13% mortgage: 3'4 acres. 2 stocked trout ponds. Busch. 20 by 40 in -ground pool, garage. 3 bedrooms, Iivingroom, diningroom, kitchen family room, fireplace. Must be seen- 01 WE HAVE MANY - forms and hobby farms for sale in Huron County - for complete details contact John Talbot and Clore Sager LISTINGS WANTED H you are thinking of Buying or Selling your property, contact G.K. Realty. 324-2116 member Huron Real Estate Board and Multiple Listing Ser- vice. GR Gg cK GIC 0 7Qt 0 0 1R 0 7t 0 0 0 0 i< 0 0 0 pt 0 pt 0 7t 0 0 0 0 7t 0