HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-12-21, Page 7a 10 ......
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The Molsons Bank
, , , , .
" �
Why theDinner
I lvicorp . I I
I ,00
)CAPITAL (paid up) .... .... .... .... $4003,09-0—
For Christmas
RESERVE FUND .... .... .... .. _ ._ $4,600,000"go
1 :
TOTAL ASSET5 OVER .... .... ...- $44toog,000100
Has 83 Branches !a Canada, and Agents mud Corresi;N—entsin all
Was Not Found
the principal Cities in tile World.
- -
—,V — __ -01, � .
Aleneral Bankinm Business Trasacted
t �4,
Savinzs Bank Department
lff� I
+ I
S Christrias eve. Everybody
� At all Branches. Interes allowed at Higb e Current Rates.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N D HURDON, Manager.
IM had gone to sle6p, stockings had
been hung up, and the house was
I I *
� ...................
. quite still when all at once
strange! sounds were heard from the
I —
the natlbns�l (ils. mal, 27, 28). �
— -------- — �
- .
"Oh dearl Oh dearl" some one was
-�CAPITAL� - $10,000,000 . REST, - -$8,000,000
Every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce is equipped to issue drafts on
� thelpfrricnacipal cities in the folio wing countries wiffiout del
Crete Greece New YeLnd Siber7a
Arabia Cuba Holland Norwal Saadan
Argentina Republic Denmark Iceland Pan 'Inia SbuthAfrica
Australia Egypt India 11 a .; S�
Austria-Hungary Faroe Islands Ireland M-22. sewemeats
Belgium Finland Italy FROPIne Islands Sweden
Brazil Formosa Japan I P i
UtgBulgaria France lava 2�a SWXtZCrlan
C - umelst.t.
. .Cglon Fech Cochin China Malta Russias
M Ge
rztatny Manchuria ServL% V -
China G ritaln. Mexico Siam Vfft ILI.. e.
The amount of these drafts is stated in -the money of ihe country where they are pay -
III ,,� � ! 1. A .. 1! IV_ ---I.- 1: U a _-
a .; a s L ey are rawn n ster ng, ancs, , re, ronen, o ns, yen,
. taels, roubles, etc., as the case may be. This ,ensures that the payee abroad V1511
receive the actual amount intended.
Exeter Branch—W. H, ,ColfinsManager '
'13ranch also
. -
,at rredijoti.
I . . .
. .
6211 0 0 L
I I � -
- _tI i .... � -
"W"M * 19 , 'tlieT fffni', of to klngd6 .4 k
,,when an ' ,nations shall bring theo ,
their to Xsra I
wealtU and gifts (I M!
"' "
I:r a
, i4y. The words �f G brlel
. .
. I
. I
tiarn "The Vord God shall'give uul�
, 11
IT, ilsson XIII. — Fourth Quarter,
Him the throno of his father David" "
Ign the 0i:
and Ile shall r,�- over house
"'; 1. j . For Dec. 24, 191 1.
- "
Zacob forever, and ok Ills kingdoul
there shall be no end (Luke 1, 82,'M i
I I .
must be literally fulfilled
I 'r-1
the ends of the world shall remembe
. -
and turn unto the Lord, and all ,
. .
kindreds of the nations shall w.orship
�' "I Rt of the Lesson, Matt. ii, 1.1Z
before thee, for'the kingdom Is th4
omory Verses, 11, 12 -Golden Tekt,
Lord's, and He Is the governor among
i. "'ke
N, 11-Com-rnentary PrepareO
the natlbns�l (ils. mal, 27, 28). �
. � .
l' y Rev. D. M. Stearns. .
The star that guided these wise meg
11 .1 S
... q choose the Christmas lesson for
must have been a supeina lIghl
as no ordinary star would t;1do to
� b__ and will take up the study. ja
house and remain over the housd'
�, achl next week instead of
(verse 9). We can only wonder why,l
-,�.- -� " , � " - I'. i
. .. ri , ew. Malachi tells or 8
" .
witli such guidance they should turli .
�-R�,to-llerisd--=d- thtia lbe- z1iw1tt;lh9:-
9, t
' !
? all nations, from the risin I �
fy the cause of the death of so many*
a unto the'going down of
little children (verses 16-18), but therd
� ,
overt of Him who - ls, Wn; of
was a fulfillment of prophecy in It.
and Lord of lords (Hal. i, 11-14;
Having found the,child, they opened
I .
14; xix, :16). The New Teg-
their treasures and offered unto Him
their gifts -gold and frankincense and
ens; witl;/His record Son
.. .
id Son of .kbrahaw, and �Ios9a,
myrrh. People are today 4',,,ing large-
� ..
- His title as the ,root and QM.
ly to so called good work/ . buildings,
, libraries and many schemes � for the
I g of David (Matt 1, 1; Re�r. xxll#.
, '
betterment of the world, not beli6ving
'Among all the kings mentionO
God conceriiing this world that It
-1 tt. 1, 1-11, David is tho.OWTO,
� a
Is called king, kedwe ti
lieth in the wicked one and Is awalt-
- . .,
I 1. ilant was made with him and big:
-, - ,
in& judgment and must pass through
the fire of Go,d's wrath before therd
�1 I . I .
-I...", Of his relation to 'the Mess ..
. � I Iiii. ,jv., �4,
_., _4m. vll;,.I Chron.'xvii; I . . -0.
� I 11 .
can be any real betternlent. Whitt Is .
ue�ded'ls that His own p'eople sho4ld
* Luke I 626 33 - 'Acts'xi -34)", '
I ll,'.'32 It
� 7" ? '1'$ f hid _Qn.a. ' " " "Vt
th '
, i ' - . . '.
,,o,�.en to -Him their treasures of Unto
. ,
0 CO 0 0 Ad"tai ��4p
" �- � I
0; next ypar with implicit c6ttfl-
and'titleii and money, to make known
I � .1 . . I
.. I in the record and all its statp- .
� ce .
everywhere the, glad, tidings of-
I have often been
great salvati �
nts-the supernatural birth, accord-
11 that. Joseph
g 10 1, 18-20; the fulfillment ot Isalik
- �
14, according to verses 22, 23, a d
- - - -, �Lig Pefore
and Ma ' ry were -sent 6 Egypt with i
else, believing also t ' hat not o;3t
the Child (verse 13) the money -was on I
hand to'go, with, and I have long be -
.Jesus does He deliver us from
I .. �.
Ileved that we have no right to begin
ath to come (I Thess. 1, 10), bu#
He is able to save Hisi beopio
I ny woric for the Lord or take any
L I their sins (1, %). Ile was fore-
journey for Him until,,'rTe provides for
it or makes It -very plain, for when
ined before the foundation'of the
Me putteth forth Ills sheep Ile goeth
rid, and when the fullness of the
before them. We need to'remember
e ,was come God sent forth His'
also that the money they� Journeyed
gon, made of a woman, mademnder
� I .
on was the Cbild'i money, -,
.11naw, to
� - I
ul nder the law (I Pet. 1, 20; Gal. 1v, 4, 5).
Dum'-Dums Not Used.
. The appearance of Gabriel to Mary,
Rome, Dec. 16. -The Italian Govern -
the wonderful announcement, tho
ment has issued anofficial denial that
wide decree which brought ao.
its troops in Tripoli are using dum-
nd Mary to'Bethlehem from
dum bullets, as has *be6n stated in
rkh at the appointed time, the
Constantinople. No military opera-,
age. of the anjel to the.shepherds
tions were reported ye I sterlay.
the a�companylag incidents and �
. Woman's Fall Fatal.
,t,he actual birth at Bethlehem are all
Peterboro, Dec. 16. -Mrs. Anuie
�ully told by Luke in his gospel. I Our
Campbell, an 'aged widow, fell down
Igsson today touches only the visit Of-
the stairs at her home yesterday after.
e wise men from the east while the
noon and died shortly aftenvards .
. abe and His Mother were still at
�- . .
,:Pethlehem. The title "wise men"
- . .. I - � I
k Dan. 4.
v, 8, The word "Bethleherd"
Deathly Cramps,
es; us back to the birth of. Benja-
and the death I of his mother, the
, .
y, of Naomi and Ruth, the shep-
days of David. I
. I
e question, "Where is He that Is
I Xin� of the Jews?" takes us,,back
; .
A Bad Case That Proves
he.,_pyediction of Afic. V, 2, as
Cramps and Stomach Dis-
in lesson verses 5, 6, ahLd spe-
. �
lly to tho saying, "Out of thee
orders are Cured Fast by -
all come a governor that shall rule
people Israel." All ,the children
j �
re taught that Ho was born at Beth-
, �
lehem, but -who ever hearskanything
about His ruling Israel or sitting on
I from critraps I
"The distress I suffema
last summer was so severe I thought it
the throne o avid?, Yet that Is
JW��do', but He hits .uev,-
meant dea,th," writes P. R, Emerson, i
of Guys 11til, P. 0.� "I was. doubled up i
_L 110 it. As truly as He was
I with pain &94-1 in such bad Shape I
a hundred feet. I re-
. At Bethlehem Ze Will yet reign
couldftlt walk
membered ha;Ving Ndrviline on- hand,
Israel, �� according to Zer. vdil,
and took half a teaspoonful In sweet-
'Ezek. x=vfl, 21; Gabriel's nies:,
ened water, In five minutes I was well �
in Luke 1, 32, 83; 91s own word
and MY st0tylach. derangements dliga,P-
... is disciples, Ili Luke xxil, 80, and
pe'ared entirely," .
the pr6hets everywhere. The Serip, ;
I . I so
R t,L- i N E!
tilro must be faltilled, and no other 11
. Ing can be honestly given to 1�
e plain words. The visit of these i
� I I 11 I 11
e men, from the east to *6rohip'i I
I �
Xing of the Jows and ,to bring I
poll &arnps, flatulence, dfarkhoeaand
ordach and bowels, �
th6ir--gifts r n
eminds us' ot tha I
XerVillne knows no equal-�-one million -
t of the queen of Sheba and k1i j
bottles used , ty year -fifty Years on t
kingo of the earth to Soio*ofildnil -,
the matketo Is roof ellough of Its
I . , (IrL.�(%jon. I
I 0 gifts , to film 11
'601ULct �,jLja.,
11 It 1. a , 1 50c�, trial m2e,
mpr � - j � I � turhowad
250. All d
. 6j.j, an� 0.�
. I Zilli., i I . . ,
� ,� I .1 1111�.,� , �
�,�_J_Awdwww" _.��
pomp 01 I
: .- -1-1,
� 9 0
' sobbing. "Oh, d4arl Oh, dearl Whitt
, shall I'doTl
( "It's the mince pie," growled ' the
icranbeiTies, "He!a got a nightmare
I agalmot I %
"Keep quiet," growled the -pumpkin
angrily. 14tou have wakened the tur-
And, sure enough, they heard the
gobble -gobble of the turkey coming
from the yard. .
"Listen, my vegetables," said the
turkey. "It; was only y�esterday the
children came to my coop and began
poking me with sticks. 11 am going
to have his leg,' said one. 'And I his
wing,* said another. 'And I his
breasV said a third. Now let us free
the pigand all run away."
"I should like to know where we are
going," said a sour pickle.
. - �
I Arnold Wainwright- -Ends Argul,
. ment in Hobert Ca$e.
He .Urf,es Before Judge Charbonneii4
That Marriage Law as lhterpreted
by Justices Jette and Lemieux Is
. Monstrosity In Which People Can
Feol No Security—Asks Ruling That
Willi Obviate All Deception.
Montreal, Deq. I6... "If th , ,tpi
ce is ,�
of law in this provi X%yi I
Ppresepted to be in tko j-qdgme I
ulstfcd Xette 4-hd Lemieux, 'tj'tq 0
Monstrosity and one design I
trap the unwary,, for under esduelcl'-Q
'O i
cumstances a person might go befor�
an officer who has beda given the povt.
or by the state to celebrate marriageo
An4 who accordingly assuines, sue,
r�ght fmd is protected by the state. "I
person', I say, might be married '
that off , icer, who acted in vjrtu0_ o �
110onso emanating froi� the Kin,
Authority. If that marriage is inva i
—not on account of any rostriotio
OxIBtIng in the onf7 law of whie
fhe, person can be assumed to hjiv
finy knowledge, but on account of th
ie law Is not a ti
as All lawl �f Tht
to bo, b L 4 4
Lte and 196 indi
refore, I W9'uld,
ruling Iti the u
rmind At o4ce ai
ie law in this I
"Why, to Turkey,, of course." said a onstilt us aad nreasonAble thing j
�sweet potito. t heldoto be, -iYnder a system wh
"Then we must lose no time," the tur- 0a � one set of ministers woult4l" et"
v I ,I
� key said. "Spring from your shelves n the exclusive right to offfincle,
and Tollow me."' . marriage -ceremonies there woul
The pumpkin, sweetpotatoes, lettuce, t any rat6, Po no danger 91 dece-U01
r innocent, parties, but, dlptee'rio
o, g,n
pkirlos, cabbage and ctanberries jump-, stern where the validify t e unto -
ed down from their shelvei. Only the aaid to depend ely and a i I �
, �? I'
mince 1ple was left behind, and he 't_�,q faith. of the ontracti a e 0,
could not move, for he had been al- ere is a oonstant danger to' 9.11 IdQtft
ready chopped up and cooked. " - I te C1 A� I
� Just then the pig began to, grunt out- Tne titese words did Arnold Wai
side. The tur- - � . wright terminate his argument In th
key had let Robert marriage annulment yesterdo I
�ftQrnoon-., Mr. Wainwright ondeavo '
) �
him out dby the historical arqument to sho ,
"Oh, dearl ' .
tl�� hat from the period intervening b,,l
Oh, dearl" the . .. , M ween the cession (17-60) at,4 the r '
I mince pie be- I U 6. ulgation of the present cod I I
. , 1.'� . . " .
gan again. "I � here ,Kas "nothing to wa t
shall be 14' 4rdeation put. forth in 'the 0
-ft I
behind. What Justices Lemieux and Te r, I
shall I do?" ��her words, there was nothin to au
. Ott the arguate . at that two atholid
His cries at- �-%Rfcsm . , � . . I
.)voul4 be validly �iarried c . _.
., � -their fait .
tiacted the at- THE PIG AND THE PIE, D)�rjesi of . :
tention, of .,the -�� A,9 tAe cgise in the interests of Dame
pig, who came In the Pantry and looked Olouatre 31s now closed, the rulinj qt
� ,
at him. 4 ' the court in the matter is looked 'of&
"Shall r take y 1-11 nie?" he asked ward to with expectancy.
. - . . .
.,Vomely, -�- !!! �O10 -CTAW'1LM-_-_-=�;. . . �
llbb,'ple'agd (1611-cn�e - - Thirty -Air d I Ij - _'. �
pro s. el vas- - - - -
Thereupon tile pig swallowed � him ,1 Moston, 1) Urty human
I Ives were lost in New England, an4
and trotted Off to lead the PI-ocession ur in. tho Piovince of New Brung�,
which war. waiting In the yar( Eck as ar direct result of the huntinj
. I .;
"Let us go to the old owl in the eason wWoh, so far as big game 2
wood," said the turkey. "He is very olae4:rned, came to au end Y( Y.
wise and will' tell us ,which Is the the �Atjrns .;avo were ahot ia 01
way to go." .11 tot e6r, 19 '%�ere. killed b� Liect I
"We want to go to Tarkey," Sim- tal djs&arge of their own guns, 1A,
pered the cranberries. � accidental firing of guns held b
pattions or by stray bul - t'
No sooner had the cranberries said e (frowned and one. died of expo4
this than, gobble -gobble, the turkey ftre. I .
swallowed theni. Meanwhile the pi., __Yj is estimated that about 10,000 deep
,had eaten the sweet potatoes and the an led, besides so -V*
young lettuce. When they reached the Oral score of bear and a great quantity,'
wood where the owl lived only the of small. game. A I
I .11. ".
I .
pumpkin and the cabbage head were U. S. Fears Russian Rep�lsials.
left, except the pickles, who were so - ,
sour that nobody would eat them. ' .�Washittgton, Dec. 16. -Opposition to
"Hoot, hootl" calle(I tile owl from a the Senai0"'&oVFarn7for immediate it�-
tree. tion on -the Sulzer House resolution
1� I looking to the termination of the Rut-
. L
"Oh, Mr. Owl," saldi the turke�, "Is $,ian treaty of 1832 is developing
that yourself?" I � I among some -Senators. It is based
"No; It is myself." said the owl. largely- on the th�ory that at -
During this talk the pig had swal- � estrangement between this coutilt.
lowed the pumpkin. As for the cab. ILnd Russia would have the effect ot
bage head, It had burst with rage at . bringing Russia into alliance witli
the rudeness of the owl. �apan with the result of injuring th4
Oriental trade of the United States.
AR at ' once steps were heard, and Xany telegrams advancing this ideiL
the pig and turkey started back In were received during the day.
fear as they saw something black com- .
Ing through the darkness. It was P To Educate U. S. Farmers.
colored man. . , Washington, -Dec. 16.-A plan to en-
"Um-unil" muttered the colored man able agricultural colleges throughout,
"Does I smell chicken?" d sion work by
The turkey, with a wild gobble, , taking to the farmers of their respec-
started to run, but the colored man �� tive communities the best methods of
grabbed him and put him In a'bag. , ifitensive. dgricultare, is contemplated
Eta started ,after the pig. 'The pig in a bill, which will be introduced
I in Congress after the holidays.
tried to escape, 'but be had eaten so The leading spirit in this movement
much that lie could not run, and, be Howard H. Gross of Chicago, presi-
sides, the mince pie had givein him in. Xnt of the National Soil Fertility
digestion. Ere felt himself seized by Leagne. -1
the tall, and the blood rushed to his I
. Boysl1ratal Fight. I
Fraserville, Que:, Dec. 16. -In. the
� trial of Jules Ploudre for the murder
: of Louis Dion, at- St. 11onore, Tem-
, � iscouata County, *some months ago, a
1, number of -witnesses have sworn that
I . : after a, fight between the two Dion
I ", I I brothers and the two Ploudre boyst
. .
. , � the 'accused deliberately fired five
- � � shots at the victim, killing him. Th� �
� I -prisoner is only 20 years of ag .
� ge
� .�
. . . Montreal a Spender.
. 11C I Montreal, Dec, 16.—According to the
I ,' civic estimates tabulated at the City
. . � Hall at noon yesterday by Mr. Pelld.
� .. : tier, the city comptroller, the city will
I � I ! spend more than'a million dollars in
. � excess of last year. Next year's total
.. a 'a
. expenditur6 oi revenue account i
�� � placed at $8,185,000, against $7,005,285
lll placed in the estimates last year.
majoAk l . . I
...... "I'll
� I "I'll i, .... . � . I 0 MillionwDollar Canniaj Co.
Ottilwa, Dec. 16.—Letters patent
"I DIDN'T DO NOTITIN', " 031301) THIM NnG1(0 have beet issued to a nev,r millioli.
head, All hope wgs 0� an end whel) I dollar 6anning concern to be Itnovra
suddenly "Floot, hootl" called tho owl, I as the British Canadian Canners, Ltd.,
"Oh, gollyll' cried the neggro. 1 . with headquarters in Montreal. Th�
.didn't no nothln,." Next moment ne ' company is au.thorized to deal in all
Was flying for Litz life* leaving fhe ' food products and to buy tip or other.
. wise acquire the interests of other
6ag in which were the pig and tile companies. .
turkLI. I I I I I .
Crawling out of the bag, they 8tliet. 1. Mother Deserts Baby. I
ed off and ran all night, hardly stop.� Brookville, J)". lo.—An infant o . f
pIng to talto breath, t1fitil when w, orn two months left in a basItat oil il�, door,
Ing dawned they. found thetnselvo,4 Ili step in Atheng, was handed ovet, ye
g wjjd,,toile& totg8t, There tile tnll� terday to the Children's Aid 81 olt6r,
key . vil ` and With the child was left a letter
hil � , �10%lved the motheri saying slid was unabl 26
1 provide, for hot oNpAng,
I , \ I !'L��'!, L,
I . ,
log't,"Alklm"l—I 1. .. -L_ - .ai& , —
. . � I I , "N" , I ,� I , - 1, "I , � I I . � , -,- � :. :.
I "
I I / I I . I : , ��
I I :, z� � ,. I 11, � I I ... " � �
I � 1, . , . L I I � I . � . I I . I I ... p � .. I
� . � I I ,. I . I I , , I I � , .
I I � . .
� I . L I . . I . I 1, 1. I � . : I,
I 11 I . . I � � I , I
. � I
. L I I I I I , .
� I �i -
I I � I � . I �'' I
I �
� I . I ,, � . : , ,,, , : 1 ,
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I I . .11 . I 11.1 . �
I . . I
I . i .
- LL �
111.1-1.11,11111, I 1- 1-1.11.1 I .1 . .. I 1.11 - 1, I 11 11 - 1 4
11 I.. 11 I - 11 I 1. -1 -1.1 .... .1 r , , , . I L�
_ '' �� . I .1 I
THE MARKETS, &������� , C=� , -, � �,:� , ''.� I . IV' I I I
� I . . I I � 1 I I , 11.
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures I � I �
� � ,. , 1.
Oloso Higher -Live $tock- . I I I .
LateFA Quotations. BOB'S PRESENT FROM THE.TREE". '., ..
I 1. i: , .
CHICAGO, Dec. 15. -Speculative buy� I By 115THEL SARRINGTON . � . ��
ing of futures here for both European . I . I . � I I . .
and for Argentine account, rnad I I I . I .
. q wheat. . �� I I I ^ I . .
�0-day advance with accelerating speed. I 111. . I 11, "I .. ,,, .. L 1. I.." I ,� 1, �
to to 13/go higher I � I
rhe close was firm, V/ Q==:=����� I , 11
than last night. Other leading staples, ,4 Bob would not I *givp her and 414 " . , , . I I � , � I
�oo, all scored a. net gain -corn %o to WRE olT agwrl cried Mrs. . � I 1. I � . .1 -S �
,Xc, oats Xo to %c, and hog products W Wentworth, joyously. flu�- Como? Perhaps lie ,Was aWay a � I ,
Would never get the, letter. It MIS , : . I., I I
. 23,'-c to 71Ac. T I tering Into the room. "Godd, , , � ,
t The Liverpool wal'ket closed to.4ay t�;Ad, be mislaid. She could never be I
() 7/sd higher than yesterday on wheat, by, dearl Of course yOW11 q,y b 0 , ", , '. , 1�
and unebanged on corn. Berlin closed ,/.e I � 'it be got it or not, Suppose ObP ' .." �
111,01er on wheat, hare a perfectly scrumptious Christmas t
Buda Pest I/Lo bigber, , . . 0 go on looking and hoping for h' '� 1. . I .
Antwerp le bigher, with Bob and his tolks.11 She vanIS110 and lie never came! She had he ', � I .
- I I I
N'V1i11,1,-,;�,, options. . In response to her husband's call� bu� of suoh cases, Nngro 14QW ,was I I �
. I . -I � .
.. - . - �
Close. Open, 111gli, Lmy. Close; thrust her head in at the last MOM �." 1 �4 �' ted Ii�. ,
I Wheat- . I A4 t� � I =I, 6. - I � �
I Dec . ..... 94% 94% 95% 94V,, 95� It ,t
, / I 'I. hate to leave you alone. When do should lie c ,
., I �
�� I ,
May (old) 98% 98% 991/2 98% 991/0 you expect Rob?" i_� mhowould PXO , � �
Afay(new) 981/a 98% 99 981/t 99" . . i �so anything I I
Oats- I "He was to come at 12.11 Sally's voke " I � . I I 1
7/8 1 aske . She W , . 1,
Dec. ...., 37fsls .... .... .... S7 was muffled perhaps by the cushions I ,
may ...- 40% .... .... .... 40%, I . ., pr - are io , � �
Toronto Grain Market. among )vhlch she was curled. I � . - #a fel , 1
Wheat, fall, busbel ........ $0 92 to f .... 'I'Twelve�-two hourol Scarcely time ., na;r I I
Wheat, goose, bushel .... 0 88 , A, it .. she Co .
, ,
, -I, "I
Rye, bushel ................ 0 70 .. 1. enough for primpthgIll And with a , , 9 no furthe.r., 0
Oats, bushel ...... *:,': teasing laugh her sist r ged from the � I I .. . "' �
......... 0 52 . I � ..j. � q lomehor
Barley, busbel ...... ".... 0 S) 000 room. . 1. ; , � hour dMgged A ' I .
BarleY, for feed -:.:.::::: i ,5 , I I I I , 11; , away. f . . I I
Peas. bushel ..... � 60 :. Sally sprang from the lounge and for ' "I . 11 i
Buokwheat, bljsl)el ........ 0 Go 0 6 - "I'll ,- - 1'� dred t I M' I
ant of some better outlet for her feel , , . ,� , ,,run
Toronto Dairy Mrikof., w . I s � he had goll I . .
Butter, store lots ............ 0 25 0 26 Ings began viciously to toss the cush. I � I _Z tile wind I � I
Butter, separator, dairy, lb,080 .... tons on to the I LIE � - i I I drawn �y I I
� Butter, crearnery, lb. rolls.. 0 32 0 U foor, stamping ; I :I* �
tcutter, creamery Eollds _030 4 L I � . Icling bell - .
. Cheese, hew ib . ............ o 15yz 6-j� on their harmless , ' I:- . I I i .4
1. I , I Whe
Honeycombs: doz' � � a at last ,
en ......... 260 3 00 satin covers as It � 1. i , , I
110ne i .. , �
13 Y, extracted lb ....... 012 *::: they were vipers. � a . I . , � gong sound I I
Egvs, case lots .............. 0 28 . - � there needed )
993, new -laid ............... 0 60 .... She stopped, a : I I $:_- . swond summon ! I
Liverpool Grain Prices. little ashamed, ' ?, I ! 0.1� ,
I - 1,17VEPPOOL Dec. 15-Closing-,Wbeat when she found I .. ..i . ... SEIZED OR EBB, iToln., befoie she coul I I 1.11
Spot, firm- Ro. 2 Manitoba, 7s Ildl- No. I hers ,
3 Manitoba,'Is 7%d; futures, Tlr the maid staring �J ' � i , I=OPENEE�. � *.
m; Dec*, ' . su Icle I .
7s 5%d; March, 7s 4%d; AlaY, 7s ild. Corn at her curiously I � I
� open the door. She d onl r
-Spot, flrni; Arnerlean, mixed, Gs 7d, fu- from between the � t I ,
. . �
tures, dull; Jan., 5s 9d; Feb., Us 7%d. portleres. , house boy and at ffrst co * notto 0 ..�
Flour-WInter patents, 279 6d. I -lops in what he said. "The gentle son,
London (Pac. COast), ;Ell 11s to i12 5d. "Ready to go, � swer,91
Montreal Grain and Produce. Atin?" ' . . . this bard. I'm towait for a �
1* MONTREAL, Dec. 15."There was a "Yes, miss, but . . I Recognizing Bob'st name, she drell.
brisk demand from foreign buyers for I'll wait so as to back to read alone his peaciled words4
I all grades of Manitoba spring wheat and ea the door." , I 'If you care to drjve,, ,will, you coml I . I
the prIces bid showed an advance of &d op
! to Od per quarter. There were orders In "I'm not go- . . 1 (lown? The horse woii!t stand, so ,
the market for over 1,000,000 busbels, but In&" said Sally I cannot come up." 1: I
. owing to the limited amount of ocean Of I wai .;
grain,room ava-4able to all ports, only a calmly-11at least .Lt once!" she cried. It 5 nq.
I fair amouut of business was. done. Thlo not till 12. IVs - r three minutes before she reached thf. I
11, demand for oats was .Llso good. A fair pl�. ..z�_ ,' �
trade continues to be done Jn all llnes a pity to spoll curb, and Bob handed her In. HewaR
of coarse grains on s 4 XLEADY T do, ANN?" i , .
pot at steady prices. your day just to , i beside her, and the slelghbella wer
There Is no change In flour, for which ringing a perfect To Deum of thank .
i the demand is fair, for local consumptlov. open a door, which really I'm quite :1 . -
. Demand for bran and shorts Is gdoo. able to do for myself. Put on your � and triumph, so that at first she dlif I
Cheese Is quiet but firm. The trade lit things and go," I not notice how quiet he was. I
; butter Is fairly good, 'Eggs are active. 'Bob, aren't you glad IVs Christmas �, ,., -- � -
Demand for provisions fair. The girl ,gratefully withdrew. In a I I
z Corn -American No. 2 yellow, 83c. few moments she reappeared. l a.nd we're together again-areret.You"'. .
I -
: Oats -Canadian western, No. 2. 47%Q: "I'm going now, miss, and I hope : Bob?" There were tears in her voic "I , 11�
do., No, 3, 46c to 46%_c; extra No. I feed, t, e1i
� 46%o; No. 2 local whlte, 46'Ac; No. 3 you'll have a merry Christmas." i The letter had cost her much, and sh7d I
local white, to -%a; No. 4 local white, 44JAc. Sally, left alone, drummed forlornly hungered for his acknowledgmenl� - .
I Barley-21anitoba feed, 64a; malting, 9Go Skimming down a side road In thd
to S1. on the frosted window. There bad been
: Buckwbeat-No. 2. 65c, to 66c. � a heavy snow, which the sunshine park, they -were alone and unobserve4l . "I ..
Flour -Manitoba spring 'wheat patent,,, BoV drew the horse down to a WAIX - �
I firsts, $5.60; seconds, $5.10; strong bakers, turned into myriads of crystals, a per- , - I
. $4.90: winter patents, choice $4 755 to $5- feet day for sleighing, while the jingle turning a .little sternly on her. I � .
! stralgbt rollers, $4.25 to, $4.�O, Zo., bagY. of distant bells made most tantalizing 1 "I'm glad to have you with me, 9 . �, ., 1
$1.95 to �29.05. i ly, God knows. But if the last wee `1
I � N' � ;�
Rolled oats-Barrcls�, 9_;_ bng.,Qg��P� lbs.. music. . ' ,�X
$2.137%. ... 1 EL sample of our getting along together
I "Sally. you are a fool:' She con- 1 1
Bran, $23; shorts, $25; middlings,, $27 id E doubt If we are wise. Certain thing* .
$28; moullie, $29 to $34. dcrrmed herself aloud. "May thinks ��
Hay -No. 2, per ton car lots, $15 to $15.50. you'rd going sleighing with Bob, then a man can!t stand for. But we wen!A
. .
.. - Cheese�Finest westerns, 14Y_�c to 14%c: to dine and* be -m--da xaticb. nt. -by.-his talk'about It now. You promissdllme� � I
'1116f'65sterns,., 13T�c to 141,ic. 1" .
, * 'Butter -Choicest crearneryl; 801,4-c to 31%c; family. She innocently believes. yourl. this day -gave up offi-e-r-jp-raas-iL
I �_ - -
seconds, 29c to 30C. solitaire is at the jeweler's to remedy coidid no.t.bqar to If -save you alone"-,
rj,ggs-F�resh, 690; selected, Me to 31c; 61 . '
No. I stock. 26c to 27c. 1 a defective setting� She couldn't sus- There ar�,plez4 of other places" -
Potatoes -Per bag, cat lots. $1.25 tO pect that -that you're such a fool_ began Saw hotly. ; I I
$1.271h. such an IS carat fool."' "F�iitf6u wouldWt go and ackuowV
Dressed ho. -s -Abattoir killed, $9.25 to
$9.50; country, $8.25 to $9.75 1 Sally collapi6d once more among the edge our broken eagagementl"
Porlr-I-Ieavy Cauada short mess, bar- cushions. She knew now that she I'Hov� do you know"-�- �
rels, 35 to 45 pleces, $22,50; Canada short
cut back, barrels, 45 to 55 pieces, $22. would give the world to recall the "Because of myself," admitted Bob
Lard-ComPound, tierces, 375 Ibs., SYje: (�plsodes of the past week. Two short, ' mefully. ".None of my people kno,*_
wood pails, 20 lbs. net, qc� pure. tierces,
875 lbs., 12c; pure, wood pails, 20 lbs. net, delirious months she had been enga-eff You come today just as if nothing had
12)A -c. -;u . 't
� t(, Bob, and he so worshipingi, pr d ' happened." �'
Beef -Plate, barrels, 200 . lbs., $14-50; and happy that an untimely eading to I -'And afterward�'- Sally c ''rd I
Plate, tierces, 300 lbs., $2L50. their romanec bad seemed impossible., � ould b�a -
Minneapolis Grain Market. ly articulate the word. She felt stifled
Sally had always been spoiled a d her .
MINNEAPOLIS, Dec, 15. -Close -Wheat . , a I �. " -and threw t46 L
willfa li 0 . �. I ' ,�
' I 0 , di . 11 r
-,Dec.._;1.02YV; May, $1.06%; Tuly $1.08 % fh�mor6d' sa when ,Bob . c_ I � ,., .. . .� robe off, Ali :
Cash - No. i liard, $1.04%; No. 1 n,ortbern:, t�iteief .&'�E�r,slle. ri'es'entod, it very bit- � .�(11` �� - ", .4, - !�,�, `
�. .." I I .. I though It' I dqrdr':�;'_*�� z,,`�
. I ... ... � - , - , � , .. ,
� !!! A, '. ,..:, , �
" "� : 4- ��.
$1.01:Y4,; No. 8, 98:Y�,c to 991/4c. ! ,, S Z f , ��6
si.oa% to im%; No. 2 northern, $1.01Y, to t6�1k."'I"'i, : , .. "; ed her
Corn -No. 43 yellow, 56C. Among Sally's acquaintances was a � . r�,^Vr,�,� I ( Ing. Replacing if,
Oats -No. 3 white 45c to 45Ygc. man of rather sporting proclivities, i .1 -Y,
Rye -No. 2, 851A,c �d 87%0. : t�-,��, '� Bob's hand ina4n
� "
I whose chief attraction was his entree' , n, I
BI -an -s,23 to $23-50. i " � vertently touche4o
Flour-mrst patents, K$0 to *5.20; sec- to ,premiers at the theaters. Sally's : .. ,�
' first clears, wledge � '';
ond patents, 44.50 to $4.80, - 1; hers and tighten,
$3.4o to $3. i5; second clears: $2.30 to $2.70. kno that Bob disapproved of � ed over. it d"
Buffalo Grain Market the man had not prevented herattend- : .. -
. . though he woull
15 -Spring wheat ing a particularly interesting opening . . I � , er g� I
BUFFALO, Dec �1( I , ,
No. I northern * carloads, store, $ .U,1h1*' under his escort without informing ' . i Sally sat ver
�. red, 99c; No. 3 red: Bob, who chanced to be passing the 7�
0. theiter as she I I I 1w still. She undeitj
- -
7 " tZr .918 3 yellow, 65%c; No. 4 � stood. Bob haq
9 i I
yellow, 63'/_.c, all on track, thru-billed. entered. He ar- ; . I .� . come back of hii",
oats-r,irmer; No. 2 white, 521/4,c; No. 3 rived next even. ;
white, BW4,c; No. 4 white, 50314A I own free wifil
Barley -Malting, good to choice, $1.13 to Ing to protest, I I I .not because sN
$1,25. . hot headed and � I
I I . I had sent for lil
. Duluth Grain Market. a little dicta- I T . tti.
� , * � I I - " He loved het ���
DULTJTII, Dec. 15 -Wheat on tradk : torfal, whereat , � I
. despite hek - I
No. I hard, $1.031A_; No. 1 nortliern, $1.02%; Sally defiantly ' I � T-�"2., ' I
No. 2 northern, 99%c; No. 3, 951hc; Dep., I faults. Could all&
$1.03, nominal; 'May, $1.06; Xuly, UK% broke the en- T,HEnE,S JUST ON.'a get her lettet . . .
nornInal. . gagement. But, � I ,, . . MORE." b a a k unopened
I though It was . I " I I
_L1 � she might save her pride. By gentll�
CATTLE MARKETS. four days ago, I '. ! ness she would win him wholly to .
she had not tak- ' .
East B,jffalo Cattle Market. en her sister ) 1 herself, yet be spared the humillatiotk, . .
. -Re- /I I of having sent for him. They drov4 I . ..
EAST BUFFALO, Dec. 15 -Cattle into her confi- , � " . I
ceipts, 200; market, dull, steady; prime dence. Now be- / � I pretty much In silence, each preoccul
steeks, 117,50 to $8.50; butcher grades, $3 Z= . I pled. Leaving her at Ills home, ho
to $7.25 I �
Calve; -Receipts, 700; market, active, ed a long, . . 11 I drove on to the stable. When tho
� Pirm; common to prime, $6 to $9.50. m j servant admitted her Sally's eager eye . . � I
Sheep vaid Lambs -Receipts, 13,000; ar- dreary, lonely
Icet, active; lambs, 150 to 200 stronger; holiday, 9. h e -;�_ I seized on her note unopened. it was L I I I
choice lambs, $6.50 to $6.70; cull to fair, $5 '_� deftly hidden in her muff before Bob's . I
to $G.25; yearlings, $4.60 to $5; sheep, �1.75 half wished she � , '�I=..W sister rushed In in a whirlwind of
to $4. h ad confessed I welcome and gossip. - �
Hogs-,116cell)ts, 12,760; ralarket, $law, her situation 811E PR D A TzoTT I 1
20c lowbr; Yorkers, $6.2'5 to $0.30; pigs, TO 130B. The tr6&s just loaded. You didn1 I
$590; mixed, $6.80 to $6.35; heavleS, $6.85 to and gone with t- I send your gift for Bob, go I suppose 1
$6:40; roughsi, $5.60 to's5.65; stags, $5 .to Alay and,,lier husband. But here shei I " 1
�ZG.25. ' - you brought it with you?
, ' was. stranded. Not only would she bo : I M Claire set4-
Chicago Live Stock.. desolate, but starved, for, the maid ' ed on Sally's fur, and the envelope
CI-IICAGO, Dec. 15. -Cattle -Receipts, making. holiday, too. thd 1cebox would fell from its concealment, "For Bob 10
2500t market Slow and stea�dY; beeves I she exclaimed. "Your present! Wit
$4.55 to ss.90; Texas steers, $4.10.to $5.7E be empty. . �
western steers, $4.50 to $6.60; stockers and Sally sulfNed In self comml can it,be, so small and flat?"
f�eders, $3.25 to 0,80; cows and hatfers, seratfonj 'Sally snatched at the note, and 4
$1.q0 to $6,75, calves, $5.50 to ;8. Perhaps starving vras not a hard deatb4
RogsA-Ree6iptS, 27,000; marRet slow and She had heard It made people drowl her grasp closed oil It the recollectlo
� s * mixed, $5.85 to sy, a point in Its favor, seeing she had, of all she had suffered swept over ffif6r
$��!ady; light, $5.60 io ". 5'
I ; heavy, $545 to o__!5;1 rough, $5.95 to
$%,�,; good to cholee hog$, $6.10 to $6,86; not slept for four nights. A conver4 afresh. She bad admitted she 1vould .
; p1gs, $9.25 to $5,70; bulk Of sales, " tO sation wherein Bob bad teased het give the world to recall Bob' * , ' ' , . . "I
$6,25. "Put thl,% on, the tree for I
. Sheep and tambs-RecelPts, 11,000; mttv- about her prlde-"falso pridell b4 Pob� H's , . -
Itet diAl and wealt� native,'$2.60 to $4,10, termed It-hkuoted her. "You'd dle not tile gift X had plan,lied, but boll' , � , 1,
western, $1�1.7;5 to $4.10; yearlings, $4.25 to understand."
45,60; itanbs, native, $4.25 to $6JO; Westetn, rather than own you were wrong,"I"hal .
$4.25 to $6.10. ha� accused her, half seriously. xo,s�l Vollowing a merryl.feast, the hotiso,o I I
. I the alternative faced her, !or, though hold gathered about a brilliantly lightil.". I . I
. I
. �
� . Bradburn Peterbora's Mayor. she might not die It. the body, therd edtret-i Endless seenled the berfbbbjled� �.
Peterboro, Dec� 16.-Ald, W H, seemed to be something Inside he� packages, Wly trembled, thinking, , , I ',
� I
Bradburn is the only mayoralty c,6di- breast that bad Sickotied. nd ' each move Bob's father made wouldt'. , , , ,
6.ate for 1911.), and the ind�icatjons are si,.iely d.viag-would d.*L should BQ ead him toward her noter but each" � . � �
that he will take the chair unopposed. fail to rpturn. time he overlooked it. At length tho I �, ,
AaYOr AIOITOW is rcsil,yDiDg after OL Half desperate, wholly repentalit', tree stood denuded and tile last jMy$. i I ,
two-year terrn� I she penned a �oto to Bobi "I wai terious bundle lind been, handoa tq It# . , ' � �
I .
� .
The Scottish outlet,,, ��ill be tendere( .
,ig teceptioll during their visit to wrong, and I'm sorry. It's, not Christ.. Vightful owaor. I I � I I I .
P, b mas without you." She sealed It and, ,1117herela J"Tst one motexor-40P 110%. , , �
I tho, local club In January. I -
. N 17
I uld
I ___ hulTylag to the telephone, call�d a me$-. I 011110, V0141pered Sally saftly, then� I I I I .
. . I
I ? I
I L QuartormagtOP's Term EXte-hildd. . senger. . While walting site sat witli in sheor frl.g,hl fled to file Inner tootdo � I , I
�, .-The tekni Brig- bandsellached painhilly, aftlitid of her It t�'aonnd hours Oefot`o Bob found � ,; � , � , � . �'
ttawn (V
i , Ni I I
- Her volee waw !wr an. Or to (110:1leart. U, I ,
ren boa, 16, ,)I courago'dest',edug tier, � ,. I), (% nvht b , 011 L . ... 1.
adinraG eral D. A. Ailtnedonald, stratig 0 In givitig tho dii-et.; [ ,)wn 1.411 Vd, Irtle k; %, oothoartl -out, 5� I I I ,
� .
; 01.NAA� X.S�O., A,l Quftrtar,tnaster� �� . . _ _ _k fte bj1d. JIL., Itlail jtj!;"Ch$jsfjnaa d 1wt � , ,,,
.L,1j',�_jqrqi ha$ bpell hirthoijiWnded to t . 1. I � I I I I An 10e I , ,
- , __ I., __ I hat: If Get�'I'.'!rLttflj�j" " I I I " "', � 1, :
%LAWAACM, , VV , . , �� I , , � ,
1, .. , , , , � :� I ! I I , , , � '' ,i,!, ,,"I , .
I L � , I !. , "
1111106,_,, AlMidek",'M I � :1 . I - . il , � �, I il 1, 1. "
. " � I 1.
I 1.