HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-05-12, Page 9.d, TSIA&Country CLASSIFIED. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles -for sole 2. Yard sole 3. Garage sole 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sole 7. R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 11. Livestock for sole 12.. Real estate for sale CrODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12,1982 -PAGE 9 wU 13. Mobile homes 19. Rooms for rent 14. Recreational properties 20. Room & board 15. Out of town properties 21. Cottages fqr rent 16. For rent 22. Lots for rent 17. Apartments for rent 23. Commercial property 18. Houses for rent for rent 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wonted 27. Wonted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wonted 31, Service directory 32. Custom work . 33. Farm services 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Cord of thanks DtADLINES: Classified want. ods at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to classify ods will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m. some day. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.50 min. /23 words, 16' a word thereafter. In Memoriam '3.50 min. plus 30' per rhymed line of verse. Cards of Thanks '3.50 min./25 words, 5' a word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors '25 for 3 inserts.. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months, no copy change. Ask about our special discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 52408551 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no' tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zippers. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located of 106 The Square, 'Goderich, •524-8431. -1 tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-ltfar WATERBED: Doit yourself kit, $175. Includes mattress, heater, liner. Single, queen or king. Save money by making frame yourself. Complete instructions, free delivery. Call collect (416)637-6904.--19b.c. SULKY CART, like new, two new tires. Best offer. Phone 529-7701 after 6 p.m. --18,19 UPRIGHT HOOVER vacuum; canister Eureka vacuum. Best offer. In working condition. Phone 524-7933.-18;19x USED METAL Shelving, Racking and Showcases. Excellent for store, Tight industrial, warehouse, garage, home, form. Different sizes available. Phone (519)842-9091.--19b.c. SWIMMING POOLS. Manufac- turer's clearance'. on above groi nd pools. Completely fenc- ,,,,ed with patio deck, sand filter, .pump and skimmer. $1,595.00. Call collect for further informa- tion (416)945-4773.=19b.c. "MEAT KING" heavy rooster cockerels, day old to two weeks, available April, May and June. Also available mid- April day old Hubbard Golden Comet, a dual-purpose brown egg layer. Call McKinley Hat- chery 1-800-265-8536. Order to- day and put meat on your table this fall.-13-24ar 'Screened Top Soil For Lawns, Gardens, Flower Beds Call: LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 PHONE EVENINGS BOX PLANTS (9Inabox) 854 Large Hardy PERENNIAL MUMS 854 PERENNIAL ALYSSUM (Pot of Gold) 2/$1 Large TOMATO PLANTS (in blossom) A 5 HANGING BASKETS $40 • .5auP Ya. PEAT MOSS 4 cu. and 6 cu. ROBERT'S GREENHOUSE 2'/2 ml north of Layfield on Hwy. No. 21. Open 7 days a week 1. Articles for sale GUINEA FOWL. Phone 529- 7312.-19 FRIGIDAIRE STOVE, eye level oven, slide -out elements. Phone 524-46,87 after 5 p.m. --19,20 1980 HONDA HAWK Motorcy- cle, 400, low mileage. Phone 524-6235.- 19x ALL PINE Queen Waterbed, like new, $300.00 or best offer; also 8000 BTU Air Conditioner, like t new, $250.00 dr best offer. Phone 524-6737.- 19 INSULATED TOP for pickup truck. Phone 524-8856. --19 FOR SALE Wright upright piano, reconditioned and refinished. Call 524-7774.--19 GENDRON BABY buggy, blue, converts three ways. Excellent shape. Phone 524-6980.-19,20 1981 - 500 HONDA CX, low mileage. Phone 482-7834.-19 HOTPOINT WRINGER washing machine, with pump. Call after 6p.m., 524-9332.-19,20x POLAROID LAND CAMERA, automatic 320' with flash; X70 model 3, electronic flash and carrying case. Phone 524- 7467.-19,20 24- 7467.-19,20 20" ZENITH Color TV, used for six months, paid $620.00, will sell for $500.00, still under war- ranty. Phone524-7089.--19 48" BOX SPRINGS and mattress with frame and white head- board. Phone 524-2527., --19 GIRL'S 20" bike, $25.00. Phone 524-7408.-19 TOPSOIL for sole. Phone Lloyd Whytock after 6 p.m. 528- 2006.-15tf ASPARAGUS, fresh and tasty; new potatoes, tomatoes, Cucumbers, onions. Evans' Farm Market, 2 miles north of Bayfield. Phone 482-7562.-- 19tf 60 WATT Audiovox ' equalizer with power meter. Best offer. Call after p.m., 524-6331.-19 T WALLPAPER JUST ARRIVED Exclusive line wallcoverings. ° Exciting new patterns up to 65% off. Rog. to '22.50 per Single roll. STILL AVAILABLE Limited quantity at '3.°° per single roll. ANAL e gnoussea 13 HAMILTON ST.. GODERICH Phone 524.2448 THE BENMILLER PLANT FARM Wo offer gardeners the largest selection of top quality flower a vegetable. BOX PLANTS GERANIUMS PERENNIALS GARDEN NOVELTIES ETC., ETC. All of low grower to gardener prices. We are open: MON.-FRI. 12:30-8 p.m. SAT. & SUN. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Our greenhouse Is located 100 yards down. stream from the large B•nmlller bridge. Landscaping Trees Dig your choice from sod, lift with undisturbed roots. SPRUCE '100./foot BLUE SPRUCE'20o./foot 1'A miles oast of Wingham, Hwy. 86 east marsh, contra of throe houses east of school 357-2337 1. Articles for sale STEREO COMPONENT consists of eight track cassette stereo recorder, radio, record player. plus stand; 30" range, harvest gold; coffee table and two end -tables; pair man's roller skates, size nine, used twice. Phone 524-2374. -19x THREE-YEAR-OLD 7/8 Arabian more by Zubar. Broke to ride and drive in harness. Suitable for child or adult. Phone 524- 2286. -19,20 SPRUCE BLANKET storage box, 54 x 24.:x 30 inches, $25.00. Phone 524-7688,-19 • COMPLETE STEREO system, turntable, speakers, amp/receiver, tape recorder, $450.00; 14 cu. ft. refrigerator (gold), $275.00. 524-4175,-19x 12 SPEED drill press; 14" band saw; 4" planer/jointer; ad- justable cellar pipe jack post; two 25 ton screw type jacks. 482-3723.-1,9 HEAVY DUTY Gendron stroller with weatherizer kit, '$45.00; Kantwet car seat, $20.00. Phone 524-7704.-19 L! HAUL TYPE TRAILER, approx- imately 9'x5!/2'x4'/', interior plywood finished, exterior aluminum. Real locking doors. Can be pulled by compact car. Good clean condition. Ideal for carpenter, Flea Marketer or An- tique Dealers, etc. $850.00. Serious enquiries only please, •. Lawn roller, ballast type, 24" x 24" drum, $70.00. Phone 524 9412.-19tfar BLOND MAPLE high chair, $15.00; Vilas two seater settee with two matching choirs (one a rocker), needs recovering, $100.00. Phone 529.7735.-19 New and Used BICYCLES Parts & Accessories Wooden Bike Stands DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS 305 Ontario Street Clinton 482-9941 C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/a MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We even Take Trades THE BUTCHER SHOP i DELI THIS WEEK'S NO BULL - SPECIALS NIIC.6i- LATLAA CU*Ntrtt1\ LAST GUERNSEY 2°/O MILK ONLY $ 69 - MINI DELI'S BEERWURST SUMER SAUSAGE OR PEPPERONI WHILE THEY LAST $ 1• 99 • EA Schneiders BLUE RIBBON BOLOGNA OR BOLOGNA RING $1•89 l8 • Schneiders MILD CHEESE t 00 L1 • THE ®.,omm BUTCHER SH P S DELI • 43 MIST Sr., OOD,RICN $24.9672 COME, C+'-MPARE OUR FRESH, SLICED COLD MEAT PRICES! 1. Articles for sale FOR SALE - Two young men's suits, suitable for graduation, like new, reasonable price. Also one man's tuxedo jacket, seldon used, also reasonable price. ' 524-9049 after 5 p,m.-18,19 HUSQVARNA sewing machines and service, 25 years' ex- perience. Excellent selection of used machines of all types with one year free service. Phone 482-7809,-16-25x 1979 SUZUKI GS550L, 4 cylinder, windshield, tail trunk with backrest and crash bar. Only 4500 km and in excellent condi- tion. Best offer. 524- 9175.-16tfnx WATERBEDS complete with pedestal pine frame, heater, safety liner, mattress and fill kit. $319.00 at Vanastra Fur- niture 482-7922.-14tfar PERFORMANCE tested Simmen- tal Bulls. 42 Purebred- Percentage Bulls; avge. yearl- ing weights 1200 lbs., indexes 109-136. $1600-$2500. Guaranteed. Free. delivery 100 miles. J. L. Farms, R4, Shelburne. .519-925- 2158,-19b.c. 1977 KZ 650 Custom Kawasaki motorcycle with many extras. Must be seen to be appreciated, excellent shape, $2,200.00 as is or make an offer. Phone 524- 6980 after 6 p.m. weekdays. -18,19 MAN'S 5 SPEED bike; child's bike, age 3-5; kitchen table with all wooden motes' chairs. Phone 524-4132.-18,19 SUITS: Grey three piece, like new, waist 32", $65.00; brown tweed leisure, like new, waist 36-, $50.00; grey two-piece, waist 36", $15,00; boy's blue leisure, Toughskin;- waist 34", $15.00. Phone 524.8673. after 6 p.m. -18x,19 TOP QUALITY solar blanket, us- ed one summer. Will fit a 16' x 32' pool, Asking $100.00. Phone 524.2805 after 5 p.m. -18,19 ACORN FIREPLACE, suitable for family room. In good working condition. Must sell. Call even- ings 524-4478.-48tfnx RACKS FOR 1/2 ton GMC truck; 40 -piece socket set; garbage box; tarpaulin 10' x 12'. May be, seen at 93 Britannia Rood West, Goderich,-19nx BOX OF BOY'S clothes, 24 mon- ths, $25.00; baby carrier for bike, $10.00. Phone Lucknow 528-2737 after 6 p.m.-18tfnx QUILTS - one print quilt and one crimp quilt. May- be seen at 93 Britannia Road West, Goderich.-19nx 1977 XL' 350 HONDA motorcy- cle, excellent condition. Phone 524-8912. -18 ,19a r FIVE TON dump trailer for sole, with heavy duty two stage hydraulic cylinder. Has grain tailgate, possibility to hold 180 bushels corn. For further infor- mation phone Simon VanDriel, 524.8668.--18,19x SEVEN RAILWAY ties, $4.00 each. Phone 529-7949,-18,19 FIREWOOD - good hardwood, delivered.Phone 529- 791T-18,19 297917 18,119 SOD FARM SOO PICK-UP F,DELiVERY��i BLUEGRASS } WHOLESALE RETAIL E LORA 846-'9272 aFrr O(R' - 1A. Snowmobiles 3." Garage sale SATURDAY, MAY 15th, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Behind Jana Health Food Store, Hamilton St. Spon- sored by Women Today. Enquire at Jana regarding donating ar- ticles the sale. -19 FIVE FAMILY garage sole,, May 15 and ,.16; 1 mile west of Holmesville on CuIline. Anti- ques, bottles, clothing, etc. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. -19x GARAGE SALE - 359 Eldon St., Saturday, May 15, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Toys, books, wagon, washing machine, garden seeder, floor polisher, barbecue. -19x GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 22nd from 9 a.m. - ??? 160 Quebec Street, Goderich. Toys, games, bikes, bathroom and light fixtures, and many other household items: -19 5. Cars for sale 1974 PONTIAC Ventura, two door, six cylinder. Excellent running condition, needs body work. Best offer. Phone 524- 8096.-18 1974 LTD, four good tires, recently safetied. Clean in- terior. Reasonable offer. Phone 524-4610.--18,19x 1969 BUICK, as is, $700.00. Phone 529-7323.-18,19 1976 HONDA CIVIC, new paint and body job, four new tires, good mechanically, $1,800.00 or best offer. Phone 524-2273 between 6 and 7 p.m. -19 1964 FORD FALCON converti- ble. Call 524-7810 after 6 p.m. -19,20 1967 FORD GALAXIE converti- ble, needs some work. Phone Seaforth 527-1443 after 6 p.m. -19 1972 VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK, four cylinder, four speed, gas heater, selling as is. $350.00 or best offer. Call 524-8784 after 6 p.m. -19x 1978 AMC CONCORD D/L, four door car, 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering and brakes, reclining,velour seats, rear win- dow defroster, digital clock. One owner„ (lady). Asking $2,500.00. Phone Blyth 523- 9477.-19,20nx FIFTY POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, VANS AND 4 X 4's. 6 - 1981 Mer- cury Marquis' with overdrive; 17 - 1979 and 80 Fords, Chevs and Plymouths; 18 - 1976 and 77 half and three quarter ton pick-ups; 2 1977 Dodge crew cabs; 2 - one ton cab and chassis; 2 - 1977 Dodge 12 passenger window vans; 1 - 1978 Dodge Rom - charger 4 X 4; 1 - 1977 GMC 3i4 ton 4 X 4:1 - 1977 Plymouth: As low as 5595.00, licence 4 OEN 010. Ivlighton's Car Soles, six miles east of Hanover on 44 highway, phone Durham 369- 3136.-19 e,, 6. Trucks for sale 1979 SILVERADO pickup, 305, four new tires, will certify. 30,000 miles Best offer. Phone 529-7701 after 6 p.m. -18,19 1972 GMC ' ton pickup with racks. Phone 524-6475. -18,19 . 1977 G.M.C. ' ton Don McKen- zie, phone.524-7602.-19,20x 1978 DODGE Club Cab, 2 tone, used only as a private vehicle, mileage 27.000. Cap top, carpeted body, air conditioned, tinted glass. cruise control, transmission cooler, load leveller tow hitch, 3 spare wheels, AM FM radio, CB radio hook-up. .56,900.00 or offer. Phone Bayfield 565-2546.-19x 1973 DODGE 1/2 ton truck, slant 6, good On gas. Will certify. Phone 482-7520.-19x ASESSITISILISSITEA 7. R.V.'s for sale 1972 SSP SNO-JET snowmobile, mint condition, new track, tack and speedometer. Cheap, $35(1.00, must sell. Phone 1-526- 7238.-19 2. Yard Sale GIGANTIC YARD SALE, St. Mary's School, 70 Bennett St. E., Monday, May 24th as 10 a.m, Proceeds to P.T.A. playground fund. -19,20 SATURDAY, MAY 15, Bluewater Beach Road at Highway 21 South, mostly ladies' and kids' clothing. Starting at 9 a.m.-19 12' X 50' electrically heated Nor- thlander trailer on garage on lot in Blyth. Phone 523-9541 after 6 p.m. -17-20 --_ CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, Hwy. 8 west Stratford, 393-5938. Your headquarters for hardtop tent trailers, travel trailers from lightweights, right up tti pork models, truck campers 'and caps. Dealer for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Lionel. Soles, Rentals, Parts, Service, -18-27 HARDTOP TENT trailer, 1973 Lionel, sleeps four, table and cupboards, good 'condition, $700.00., Phone 524-2914 after 6 p.m. -18,19 7. R.V.'s for sale 1969 WINNEBAGO, 22 ft., for sale. Phone 524-8508.-18tfnx STARCRAFT Travel, Trailer, sleeps 6, stove, 3 -way fridge, canopy. CaII 524-4177 after 4 p.m. -18-20 GOLDEN FALCON - seventeen foot, 1966, sleeps 6, propane refrigerator and stove, toilet, good condition. Rhone 1.238- 2316.-19 3/4 TON CHEV truck, Al cer- tified; 12 ft. truck camper, fully equipped; 14 ft. fiberglas boat, 9.9 Johnson motor and trailer. $6,800.00.482-3723.-19 8. Marine SUNFISH, 14 ft. sailboat, ex- cellent condition, $1,100.00 or best offer. Grand Bend 238- 2820.-18,19 18' CRESTLINER BOAT with eze- loader• !railer, inboard/out- board, 165 h.p., 6 gel: motor, $8,700'.00. Phone 482-7066. May be seen at Morgan's Mobile Home Pork. -19,20 BOAT - FIBERGLAS, in- board/outboard, 4 cylirrder Volvo, trailer, fold -down seats, convertible top, a real fuel saver, excellent' condition, 53,200.00. Step bumper for Ford pick-up, 520.00. Large steel sw- ing set, new, 5250.00. Phone 524-6474.-19 SIXTEEN FOOT Cedar Strip Peterborough boat, 18 h.p. Evinrude motor, trailer, ex- cellent condition, selling as complete unit. May be seen at 120 Pork Street, Goderich. Phone 524-8798 after 5 p.m. -19,20 LORAN C ANYONE! Group buy- ing Si-tex equipment. Call Dave for info 1-893-1812 evenings. -19 9. Automotive Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 Now only 8 0 LLOPMESI 10. Pets for sale NINE -MONTH-OLD pony. Call 524.8784 after 6 p.m. -19x 1 1 , Livestock for sale HOLSTEIN DAIRY heifers bred and open, tested and checked. Contact Wm, Shetler, R.R.2, Lucknow, as St. Helens. -18,19 REGISTERED and grade Sod- dl-ehorses for show and pleasure. Also broodmares and trailers. Horses trained and fit- ted. Will •trade. Alan Mahon. 613-678-3010. VanKleek Hill.- 19b.c. 12. Real estate for sale COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL large Victorian house, 2.800 square feet, garage, 'three fireplaces, stained glass. Ideal for restaurant, office or retail with apartment upstairs. 80 Hamilton Street, corner of Vic- toria. Phone 524-7940. - 19tf 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - 12 ft. x 60 ft, two bedroom with appliances and sun deck. All bids considered. For more information call 524- 261,1, ask for Fronk.- 37tfar FOR SALE - 1976 Bendix mobile home, 12 x 68, three bedroom. applionces, all offers con- sidered. Phone Fronk at 524- 2611. - 45tfar FOR SALE - Three bedroom', 12 x 68, four applionces, four piece bath, new furnace and hot water heater, sun deck and tool shed, Phone 524-6325. 15tf 13. Mobile homes MOBILE HOME for sale: five- yeor-old Marlette mobile home with expando, patio doors, carpeted sun deck, and hand built tool shed. Fridge, stove and drapes could be included. In excellent condition and low priced. Phone 524-7072:-16tf FOR RENT • Huron Haven, three bedroom, no pets. First and last month's' rent. ` Phone 524- 4796.-18tf FOR SALE - 1974 Marlette mobile home, 12 x 60 feet, with an 8 x 20 extension, three bedrooms, covered sun deck, covered porch, Acorn fireplace, fridge, stove and drapes. Situated at 70 Cherokee, Meneset Park, Goderich. Ask- ing $15,300.00. Phone 1-519- 2450382 evenings, 1-519-245- 0840 days. -18,19 FOR SALE - 12 ft. x60 ft., two bedroom, appliances, set up in Meneset Park, reasonably pric- ed. Phone 524-8588.-18,19. FOR SALE: 44' x 12' mobile.home with large 30' x 10' add -a -room, situated on lot 31 in Morgan's Mobile Home Park, ready for occupancy after May 15, 610,500.00 Phone 482- 7066.-19,20 14. Recreational properties COUPLE WITH baby wish lakefront cottage for second week of August. Apply after 6 p.m. or on weekends. 348-9778. Mrs. Jack Lepelaars, R.R.5, Mitchell.-19nx 15. Out of town properties THREE BEDROOM bungalow, main floor 'family room with fireplace, '/t acre lot, low taxes. 7 miles south of Goderich on Hwy. 21. Asking $45,000.00. Phone 524-6440 evenings. -19- 26 16. for rent WORKABLE LAND for rent near Sheppardton. Call 524 2059.-19 FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. ADDRESS LABELS - gummed, 300 for $2.75; press -on, 200 .for 53.75. Phone The Goderich Signal-Stor at 524-8331. 17. Apartments for rent TWO - ONE BEDROOM apart- ments, no pets. Contact Ron Kay at Victoria and, Grey Trust between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Phone 524-7381,-17-19er SELF-CONTAINED bachelor apartment. Centrally located, Goderich. Private entrance, yard. Stove and fridge. ,Available immediately. Single adult. 5190.00 includes heat, Phone owner 1-433-6224 (Lopdon),-18,19 TWO BEDROOMS, kitchen, liv- ing room and 3 -piece bath, near Square. 5150.00 per month. Im- mediate possession. Phone 524- 8422, between 6 and 7 p.m. -18,19 SMALL • TWO bedroom apart- ment close to Square. available immediately. Phone 524- 7365,--19-22ar BEAUTIFUL, clean, two bedroom apartment near the Square, available June 1st. Fridge and stove included. Phone 524-9671 between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.-- 19or ., SINGLE APARTMENT, fully fur- nished, urnished, available June 1st. Call after 6 p.m. 524-9895. -- 14tf ASILIESID 18. Houses for rent - 04400041 FARM HOUSE, downstairs only. Available April. 1, 1982, within five miles of Goderich. Reply to • Drawer 4129, cio Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6.-13tfnx LARGE THREE - four bedroom farm house. 5250.00 a month plus utilities. Phone 529-7469 after 6 p.m. -17-20 FOR RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY - Two bedroom home, north of Goderich, close to beach. Phone 524-4226 after 6 p.m. -17x,18,19 TWO BEDROOM house in Saltford, available June 1st. Ap- ply to Drawer 4139, c/o Signal - Star Publishing Ltd., 'P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont, N7A 4B6.-18,19 TWO BEDROOM bungalow, electric heat, drilled well, five miles south of Goderich, near lake. Phone 524-6750.--19,20 RENT OR SELL„ - 109 Napier Street, 4 bedroom, full base- ment, gas heating, two car garage, workshop, large private lot. Interior -renova- tions. $300;00 per month, minus maintenance. Available June 15th. Why not own in 20 years for under $380.00 per month with small down payment, Phone 529-7835. after, 5 p.m. -19-21 20. Room & board AVAILABLE for Senior Citizens. Phone 529-7240.-18,19x 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office spaqce at 60 L1ghthouse' S1' PN'S IY ' 524- 2717.--35tf Offices To. Rent 524-8382 25. Wanted to buy A DEHUMIDIFIER; a used refrigerator with freezer, in good condition. Phone 529- 7735.-19 CHILD'S CAR seat in good condi- tion. Phone, 524-6627 after 5:30 p.m.-19nx ONE USED baby crib, with or without mattress. Call 524- 4628,-19 FOUR GOOD 15 inch radial. tires; good used rototiller. 'Phone 1-526-7238.-19 LARGE AREA RUGS. 524- 4175.-19x FROST FREE refrigerator; two small gates, wooden or metal, for fence. Phone 524-6508.-19 WILL BUY FOR CASH or SELL BY AUCTION call: Marie Salm. at the Auction Rooms -524-9064 26. Help wanted WANTED experienced adult to babysit, part time, Monday to Friday, your home, for' four- year-old boy. Phone 524- 6980.-19,20 WAITRESS OR WAITER with kit- chen duties required for small, but busy, dining room in Bayfield area, olio help wonted for fast food operation. Ex- perience in food preparation an -asset. Phone 565-2450 to ar- range interview.-19ar DRIVER FOR established courier company Goderich to Toronto nightly. Prefer mature and reliable person with previous experience. $250.00 a week after 2 weeks. Call 1-416-745- 4157,-19 is )J a BUSINESS \r�titi OPPORTUNITY' Store for rent with framing equipment on the square PHONE (� 524-2812 10 am -4 pm •'( e tx ► •*moi `Qa.Oo o o.za;o_` • 0 ce 24. Wanted to rent URGENT - Wanted to rent a 2-3 bedroom house or large flat in Goderich. Business executive with excellent references. Phone Harry 524-2323.-19-21 . THREE BEDROOM home in Goderich or area starting June 1, 1982. Phone evenings 519- 893-7274.-19x SMALL FURNISHED apartment wanted by female university student. Phone 524-2188 between 9 o.m. -4:30 p.m. -19 BEACH COTTAGE, references supplied. 524-4175.---19x 25. Wanted to buy WANTED TO BUY - china cabinet, bow front (oval), in good condition. Apply Drawer 136, c o Goderich Signal -Star. Box 220. G'oderrch. Ontario. ----18,19 MOPED (CADDY). need not be in running condition. Phone 524- 7452.- 19x BENNETT STREET APARTMENT Modern Bachelor & 2 Bedroom Apartments available. Fridge & Stove sy`pplied. All utilities paid. Cable TV. Carpet throughout. Controlled entrance. Laundry Facilities available. PHONE: 524-4124 26 Help wanted A SALESPERSON and a Service Writer are required for .a Ford Dealership in Central Alberta, The community is . an agricultural center and the ap- plicants must _have knowledge of both cars and all sizes of trucks. The town of Stettler hos quality recreational and educa- tional facilities. Experience in the automobile industry is a must. We offer excellent wages, working conditions and company benefits. Apply: Ronde! Ford -Mercury Sales Ltd., P.O. Box 1690, Stettler, Alberta, TOC 2L0. Phone: 403-742- 4477.-19b.c. RESPONSIBLE and mature stu- dent required for babysitting two school -aged children, Duties to begin the last week of June and continue for 5 weeks (early morning to mid- afternoon). Applicants with swimming training and cer- tification preferred. Apply with references to Drawer 4138, c o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., Box 220 Goderich Ont. N7A 486.• 18.19 MATURE ADULT preferably pensioner to live in and aid semi -invalid lody. Light housekeeping and cooking re- quired If interested please call 527-0653 after 9 p.m.- 18 19x 28 Business opportunity BEAT INFLATION Raise forge bait worms at home for extra income. Neat odorless opera tion, Low investment Terra Worrn Farms (strrce 19751 R R 1 Stratford Ontario NSA 652 15191625-8140 2tf 0