HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-05-05, Page 30.raised money in several wayslast year to. support research. The biggest fund- raiser was Carnation Day held ' in Wingham and Goderich through which almost $2,000 was earned. This year the Unit hopes to double its oilers and raise even more money. Carnation Day will be held in Wingham and Goderich on Saturday, May 8. Silk car- nations, plastic carnations, fresh long stemmed car- nations arnations and miniature bouquets will be sold by the CGIT group in Wingham and the GDCI drama club in Goderich. Carnation Day is a nation-wide .event and always falls the day before Mother's Day in order to give people a reason to buy flowers. Ninety-one per cent of money raised by the MS Society through such events as. Carnation Day goes toward research and patient services with seven per cent going toward professional staffing and two per cent toward auxiliary staffing. Volunteers play a very important role in the Society. The next meeting of the Huron County Unit will be held in Clinton sometime after Carnation Day. , Ads will appear in area newspapers concerning the exact date and the time. Bill Crump of Wingham and his wife Rita (who has MS) act as chairperson' and mem- bership chairman respec- tively. They would welcome calls. from, people wanting more information about the Unit. Their phone number is 357-2335, piano. A trio from Morningstar Lodge consisting of Duncan McKay, Douglas Feagan. and Clarence McCue, rendered several Irish numbers. George Cowan, minister of Dungannon and Nile "United Churches, was the guest speaker and was introduced by Wayne Snider. His topic was, 'Kindness in the Home'.' Jack Seaman thanked the speaker. Each of , the ladies, on entering the Legion Hall, was presented with a cor- sage by Lisa Morgan. Pianist for the evening was Howard Harris. Social News Blake Smith, village resi- dent, director of the Kincar- 1 7 • PAGE 12A—GODERICH SIGNALSTAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5,1982 Carlow and Goderich lodges hold ladies' night Morningstar Mas.on.ic Lodge, Carlow and Maitland Masonic Lodge, Goderich held their annual 4adies' Night at the Canadian Legtonin Goderich on Satur- day evening. Two hundred sat down to a roast beef din ner catered by the ladies from the Canadian Legion The Worshipful: Masters of the respective Lodges shared the duties. of chair- man for the. evening. Avard Miller is the Master of Morn- ingstar Lodge and Gerald Morgan is the Master of Maitland Lodge. The Reverend Robert Ball open- ed the program with prayer. Bert Such proposed a toast PORT ALBERT NEWS Tem Livingstone, IEEE©7846 to the guests, and was replied to by Beth Hazlitt, who in her reply quoted a poem about Masonry. Toast to Grand Lodge was propos- ed by Brother Alfred Crow and replied to by Past District Deputy Grand Master Jack Wenzel. Eighty-five members of the Colborne Township School • Choir, under the direction of Floyd Herman, accompanied at the piano by Cathie Richardson, enter- tained. They were followed by the Craigellen 'Singers. Shirley McMillan . accom- panied the Singers on the alto saxaphone. Ila Worsell, Director of the Choir, ac- companied them at the Ms Carnation.. Day planned BY JOANNE BUCHANAN The Huron Unit of the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) • Society held at meeting in Goderich. on. Thursday, April 29 in hopes of attracting new members from this area and to plan for their upcoming fund-raiser, Carnation Day. The . Unit, which was just formed last year, has about 40 members but is looking. for more.. The purpose of the Unit is to act as a support group to those people with MS and their families; to offer' .patient services;. to share knowledge about new advances in MS research; and to raise money for MS research. Liz Larson, coordinator of patient services for mid- western Ontario, spoke to the Unit last Thursday about services which are available. to MS victims ' in this .area. She works Out of Sarnia and is presently training two nurses from Wingham, Sheila Lancaster and Sherry Reavie, who' have volun- teered to coordinate patient services for the Huron Unit. Larson else spoke about new advances. in MS research. She said there has been a . rapid increase in knowledge about MSin the last five Years as ' studies become bigger and it is. hopedthat some major questions will be answered' • soon. • At present, the eadse of MS is unknown. However, it is the most common neurological.. disease in the world, usually striking people between the ages of 20.. and 40.•3t can cause people to stiffer'a number. of disorders from weakness and fatigue. to impaired •vision and movement. For most vic- tims, it represents a, very slow deterioration process.. In. Canada, one in every 650 people will get .MS. In Huron and surrounding counties several hundred people share the disease. The Huron County Unit Homeowners up in arms ST.MARYS- . Local ratepayers from' the Trifid subdivision are up in arms over an unpaved section of Huron Road running through the sub -division. Rick Wheal, a spokesman for the homeowners told council that the residents are fed up with the constant dust and that council should pave the 265 feet of road as soon as possible. Council told the homeowners that the developer, Trifid Realty Developments Inc. had defaulted on an agreement reached between council and Trifid. Discover yal rEc Living .......... 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The waters of rivers, streams and creeks belong to everyone. ;mproper use of the watercourses which carry these waters may result in the followings? - irrigation and drainage. problems for neighbours - destruction of aquatic and wildlife habitat - reduced recreational opportunities - erosion and flooding problems Whenever permanently flowing watercourses are to be altered in any way including damming, diverting, and channelization, Federal .and Provincial laws require that the approval of the Ministr'` of Natural Resources be obtained. As a first step in planning any work on a watercourse, contact us. Our staff will be glad to discuss possible design and layout alter- natives which will minimize future problems for you, your neigh- bour and public in general. Ministry o6 Natural easources- k District Manager, Ministry 0i Natural Resources, R. R. M 5 Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 dine high school band, and bandmaster of the Goderich Laketown band, participated in the concert at Knox Presbyterian Church on Sun- day afternoon where he played the saxaphone. He graduated front Ithaca Col- legeof Music in 1963 and is an outstanding musician. Mery and Myra Lahn of London spent the weekend at their cottage in the village. Ernest and Jutta Elissat of Kitchener and children, Deb- bie,and Dean spent the weeend at their cottage in the village. It is unusual to see the ice still hugging the Lake Huron shoreline in early May. Ear- ly Saturday night many fishermen were interested in smelt fishing, however, they were just not running. Then shortly after midnight, they started to run, and many good catches were reported. Roy Bellinger, conservation gfficer, reports he saw a 16 pound rainbow trout which had been caught on the weekend. The Reverend William Bennett, retired rector of the Anglican Church in Bayfield, conducted the service at Christ Anglican Church in Port Albert Sunday. His ser- mon was taken from Revela- tion Ch. 21, Verses 9 and 10. ' Ideal summer weather ad- ded greatly to the outdoor party held at the Daer residence to celebrate Nathan Daer's seventh bir- thday. Many area children took part in the celebration. Soccer, baseball and the game of 'Who Am I", were played. Nathan was the reci- pient of several gifts from his blends. Don Bauer, laical resident, has had an excellent week fishing in the Nine Mile River. Since last Sunday he has caught five rainbow trout ranging in weight from two andone-half pounds to nine pounds. Don is reluctant. to divulge what he has been using for bait. Sunday afternoon, the Port Albert Bull Dogs defeated the Goderich Tickers 10 - 5 in an exhibiton softball game. On Wednesday, May 12 Monkton Masonic Lodge will visit Morningstar Lodge, Carlow. On that occasion, the work of the evening will be performed by the Monkton Degree Team. The water in the Nine Mile River at the Port is extreme- ly low for this time of the year. Personalized Office Services *GENERAL TYPING It F.Pott'D,, F:sSA 1 4l'F:FA:HF:S, R't1F: i •PERSONALIZED LETTERS •B(0)KKEEPING *OFFICE OVERLOAD SER VICES IN )01. H OFFICE II :F:flits 111 I{b 111.1 THE 'QL AHF: (;I,I H R I I :I I 321-2332 • N �NAV �qs ♦ �'•. a s Fill� iHRC 12 RSIft i 3O(- 1 DON'T FORGET!. INSULATION HELPS COOL YOUR H.OMEYIN SUMMER... The proper insulation helps to keep Summer's stifling heat outside the home: WARMS IT IN. WINTER Proper insulation is a: real fuel saver. You're cosier ■ in Winter and fuel bills are under control! C:H.I.P. GRANT NOW COVERS HOME UP TO 1971, If you weren't eligible for a "C.H.I.P." grant before, you may be now. Homes built prior to January 1, 1971 now qualify. 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Poly Film Vapour Barrier 2MIL rJ.59 Our regular 6.59 per roll! 4 MIL 10.99 Our regular 12.99 per roll! Note: 1500 Sq. Ft. rolls also are available. Ask about our prices. dept. 265 's3/4" R FactorOf 2.7.. Our Reg. 4.99 R Factor Of 1-1/-2" 5.5. Our Reg. 8.99 "ZONOLITE" sheet Attic Insulation 5.5 KG BAG39 Hand -pouring type, non- bag irritating and odourless. GODERICH 155 ANGLESEA ST. PHONE 524-$3$2/$3$3 'ATWOOD MAIN ST. PHONE 350-3214 FREE DELIVERY AY YOUR OGLERIC OPEN WEEKDAYS 8 AM -6 PM FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. SATURDAYS 6:30-S P.M. .VA.D 71.123977.7777.7. ,.4